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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  July 24, 2018 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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already see turtles with straws in their nose, we will see if they are actually accurate, because we might have to revisit, but this is the straw cleaner that comes with a portable straw, so if you like that kind or this kind, you can email us at "the story." and we will share. ♪ >> tucker: good evening, welcome to "tucker carlson tonight," we know that it is a little bit strange, a little bit odd that john brennan still has a high level security clearance. he does not work for the government anymore. he is a cable news gap or who spends his life yelling at people on twitter. he is also a political extremist who if you listen carefully seems unbalanced. john brennan gets a security clearance, why not the homeless guy talking to himself on the bus? it seems like a fair question. apparently the white house agreed. the administration announced that it is seeking to remove clearances for john brennan, jim clapper, and other former officials who do not work for
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the government, because why would they have security clearances? that would not be a very big story, but things are not normal right now, here's how the geniuses on cable news reacted, watch. >> this is an abuse of executive power. this is to juan's turkey. >> that is exactly what you see in regimes. it is childish, it is petty. >> this is so extraordinary, the last thing that you want in intelligence is partisanship. >> that you would turn against them in a way that disrespects repressed is an autocratic kind of move. something that you would see the banana republic. >> tucker: autocratic, first they came for john brennan security clearance and i said nothing. barf. next time you hear some blowhard on television warning about creeping authoritarianism, ask yourself, am i for unfettered free speeds? of course you are, you are in a
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an american. then ask yourself a second question, how about the guy on television and lecturing us about authoritarianism, is he for unfettered free speech? no chance, he considers your opinion hate speech, a made up category gutting the first amendment and shutting you up. supporting big tech firms, and your company's hr department and then punishing you for saying what you think is true. creeping authoritarianism? it is already here. and that guy is the face of it. lou dobbs by contrast hopes to figure something out on fox business. and he joins us tonight, what do you think of the controversy? i was not aware that john brennan had a moral right to a security clearance in perpetuit perpetuity? >> his ascendancy to the moral high ground caught me to surprise. this man who is cia, and spied on the senate intelligence committee, and lied about spying on the senate intelligence
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committee. he has insulted and degraded the presidency through the past year, and now would object to having a security clearance lifted. i cannot imagine why any of those people retained a security clearance. they are absolutely no use to any of them unless they are monetizing it as senator rand paul has said. and i thought, frankly, your discussion with rand paul hit exactly the right to note in questioning the existence of security clearance for former officials period for any reason. >> he is a cable news gabbert, he is an a consultant -- consultant cable news. so is jim clapper. and it raises the question, why don't i have one, why don't you have one? what could be the justification for that? >> i am holding out for subpoena
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power, i would much prefer subpoena power. we will have lunch and go from there. i think this is just an absurdity that it exists at all. think about jim clapper and the quality of people that were in e obama intelligence leading the intelligence community under president obama. clapper, i believe michael rogers, the head of the nsa out of this, he is a sterling quality individual. but clapper and brennan and comey, are you kidding? why in the world what they have clearance? >> tucker: you see these formal liberals in good standing defending this and it makes you realize whatever trump is for, they are against. and vice versa. so it's easy to beat them. now there are for ms-13, and for acting in porn movies as a noble
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oppression and profession. how easy would it be to get them to take totally insane positions by telling them that trump is against it? >> i do not think it would be difficult as you point out at all. think about the positions that clapper has taken. the lies that he has told. comey misrepresented at the very least, so much. he talked about president trump as a man who is nefarious, but this is the man, he was perfectly willing to serve as his fbi director. and the list goes on. the madness and the intrigue is overwhelming. i expect to most americans. because first they did not know that these people had security clearances, still. they did not understand why they got them in the first place. and ascended to the top of the agencies. and the fact is, whether it is the fbi, the cia, the dni, what
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were their great accomplishments in achievements in leading the intelligence community? >> tucker: exactly, yeah. >> the history of the intelligence community over the past 20 years is a sad and sorry tale. >> tucker: if i weren't in the white house, i would convene a month-long symposium against human trafficking to watch moaning door -- morning joe. >> i will endorse that idea. that is a lovely idea. >> tucker: great to see you. a former cia analyst, he worked with he and why pd, you worked in this world, you have a better sense of this, does this apply across all government agencies? if i am a rifleman, do i get to keep my rifle, or do i get to keep my howitzer when i leave, is this a way that it works? >> there are specific laws in clearances and also customs, when you're talking about former agency heads, they tend to keep
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them in a way that run-of-the-mill employees like me, don't. and also as a courtesy, the ability to go back in and still have real-time access to classified information if they were called in for that. that is the justification for this, but i know the whole debate just highlights a bigger problem in a much more nefarious issue. with all of these people lecturing us about institutions being undermined, and look what is happening to us, the hacking of our democracy. we have the former intel chiefs of the biggest agencies in the government, and the biggest apparatus on the planet that are trying to undermine the sitting president of the united states and they were the intel chief ten or 20 years ago, but the most recent one, that means every time you have clapper, brennan, others, talking about the russia collusion case, there is at least some perception, and some of them have tried to enhance this with what they have said, they dance around that they are drawing upon their
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classified knowledge to make some of these assumptions. they have extra gravitas. they should be paying attention no more. that is insidious. this is deeply destructive to the fate that any future president could have in the previous administration appointee at that level. that is something that does not get talked about enough at all here. >> tucker: no, that is a very wise point. remind us again the point of having all of these agencies, the intel apparatus, existing only to serve the executive and to help him or her or make wise foreign policy decisions, correct? is there some other reason to have a cia? >> there are a lot of agencies, 17 and intel community that some of the will correct me on that one, because it has grown since i was in it. but they exist to get national security purposes, they tell yoc instances, but they are branch agencies, and that brings us to they should be serving the
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executive branch, the same way that they do not really accept that president trump is the president and code fire comey for any reason or no reason, he. all of this freak out that you are seeing from people is a form of trump derangement syndrome on display. most of these journalists have no idea what they are talking about. they have never held a clearance, they do not wiggle goats -- know what goes into this. >> tucker: also they are dumb, if trump is -- he is in an efficient one. if brennan and clapper still have clearances, it is not much of a police state. great to see you. >> good to see you, thanks. >> tucker: inflamed over on the left, tempers are not cooling over this weekend, the denver post posting an letter to the editor that trump and other members of the administration deserve to be executed for treason. as we do so very often, we bring
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in some perspective, fox news senior political analyst greg hume has seen everything, and he can put that in the appropriate context and calm us down. >> nice to see you, tucker. >> tucker: what do you make of this? >> i read the letter and it references trump as some kind of trader and notes that the rosenbergs were found guilty of that, and were executed. i did not quite see this as a suggestion that trump be executed, but it was close to the line. and he might have thought the editors at "the denver post" would've been more careful publishing it. but if we were not talking about it tonight, i do not think that the world will look longer than a few minutes to note that it would happen. >> tucker: but it raises the larger question, which is, and correctly that treason is a death penalty offense, and the
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rosenbergs were indeed executed for it at sing sing. and if you accuse to someone of that, particularly an elected official, you are making a big charge. >> you are. this is the thing about this, it came up in your previous segment when you were talking about john brennan, who openly accused the president of treason. we now inhabit an age of exaggeration. everybody goes to battle stations and two devcon one over everything. so it is not to say that president trump unwisely sided with putin. no, it is treason and he is a traitor. and on the other side, of course, everybody is said to be corrupt and there is no reason of discussion going on right no now. everybody on all sides that goes completely berserk, hair on fire over everything. and on and on it goes. right now there is a battle royale race in washington over the interpretation of the
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materials that the phis application materials that were released at the end of last wee week. as to their interpretation. some journalists are writing after reviewing them that they support the conclusions reached by the house intelligence committee. others are saying that that is all a lie. that they do not support that at all, i have never seen such diametrically opposed interpretations. and it is all at the highest possible decimal level. like nothing i've ever seen before. >> tucker: what would happen if there was an actual crisis? if there was an attack, a physical attack, not a metaphorical one, and we found ourselves at war? how would they prosecute? >> it would be entirely up to the government itself. because i'm sure that the president could interpret anything as a whack the dog scenario i believe that it was false, and the intelligence will report that it was false and so on. nobody trusts anybody. and that extends to the
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congress, to the media, to the competition among media outlets that is more intense than i've ever seen. and all media outlets criticize all other media outlets, professional courtesy is all but gone, and we inhabit an age where everybody is at the ramparts over everything all day, every day. >> tucker: i have noticed that. brit hume, the calm despite all of it. thank you very much. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: bernie sanders loss the 2016 democratic primary, not entirely legitimate reasons paid by democratic socialism which is what he ran on appears to be taking over his party, irony of ironies, what is it? we will talk to one of the architects of the bernie sanders 2016 presidential campaign, coming up. ♪ ♪
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it's the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. ♪ "tucker carlson tonight" democratic socialism has over the last 100 years been a fringe belief on the left. now socialists are running for office across the united states and they are winning democratic primaries, on "w" joy behar started arguing with her ideology. here's part of it. >> on your platform you should pay the amount of taxes that every socialist things that you need to. >> they have just given this enormous tax break to the enormously wealthy in this country. it does not have to be so generous to really rich people, does it? because if you do not give that money to them, what happens to that money? better schools, better post office.
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better deposits. >> you think it is so good at running things, then the post office, the va, some of us do not want socialism to be the norm. >> we will be right back. >> tucker: she did not release her tax return so that we could see how many deductions she took. meanwhile jeff weaver managing bernie sanders campaign, "how bernie won, the revolution taken back our country and where we go from here." jeff weaver joins us. thank you for coming on. >> think of for having me, i really appreciate it. >> tucker: you just did an interview, and aspects of what is the creed and socialism, here is what you said, people want economic security, health care, dignity and old age, and they want to know that they are not going to die with nothing. all pretty reasonable sounding ideas, when i listen to -- and how we pay for them as a point, but we can debate that.
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we hear modern democrats talking, it is never about economics, it is about abortion, it is overwhelmingly about immigration and why we need to let people stay here whether they are legal or not. it is nothing about an agenda of empowering the middle class economically, why is that? >> let me tell you, democrats have to start walking and chewing gum at the same time. we have to talk about the plight of marginalized communities that have been targeted by the president during his administration, but we also have to talk about the economic needs of every buddy in the zip code of every place in this country. people are anxious about their futures, their kids futures. taking care of their aging parents. we have to talk about all of these issues, frankly. i agree with you. >> tucker: writes, but there is only so much time in the day, so much attention. there's really only so much that our system can digest. if your fixed station is with the like transgender bathrooms.
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>> how many shows on plastic straws are you going to have on fox? >> tucker: okay, we did one. we do a lot of segments on economics, because i think it is really important. >> i would not call that an economic issue. >> tucker: i'm not claiming that it was, we do a lot of segments on or economic issues like this one. your elites never say anything about how inviting millions of poor people into the country every year might depress wages for the working class. >> we are not talking about inviting and millions of people, the truth of the matter is that we do have millions of people in this country living in a shadow working hard, many are paying taxes. their kids are in schools. they are contributing to our country. and we have to recognize that reality, that is for sure. let's talk about the core economic issues. you want to talk about "democratic socialism." people on fox love scary labels, let's talk about what that
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means. >> tucker: for one, i am giving you the fairest possible shake that you will get in any channel ever. i'm taking your idea seriously. i'm not mocking you, i'm just wondering if your ideas are not on a collision course with the agenda set by the elites in your party. you know as well as i do, that it is, yes. they are incompatible. what you are saying is not compatible with what they are saying. >> we need a democratic party in this country in a government that represents the needs of ordinary people and that includes an agenda that guarantees health care to all people and pays people a living wage and pays equally whether you are a man or woman that protects our environment, that gives people an opportunity to go to college and have a good life. that's what i'm talking about. people not retiring in poverty and destroying social security. these are the things that people are talking about and the person and movement. and if you look at the calling, it is wildly popular. >> tucker: i agree with a lot of what you just said. what you said that it is not true at all is that that is what they are talking about, they are not.
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they are talking about race,, identity politics, they are attacking people because of their skin color, i do this for a living. >> don't go to this skin color, because we go to the white house where that starts, frankly, my friend. >> tucker: honestly, every time i talk to progressives, it's like white man this. what does that have to do with empowering the average person app economically? >> we have to empower people of all races in this country, and you cannot ignore race and gender and other things. if you are a smart guy, i am not on a "hannity" here, this is a real show. >> tucker: oh, please. i am not ignoring the issues, but the people who are clearly in charge, do you personally, as if -- as a serious guy get a little bit tired of having to follow inflamed upper middle-class college students who are yelping about identity politics?
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don't you think that it is a distraction from the adult issues or no? >> i think that you are creating a false dichotomy. they are issues of economics, we have to speak to both, and people who advocate one or the other, i am in conflict of those people that think that we only have to talk about one side of this two sided coin. we have to talk about the important issues that affect marginalized communities and laying out an economic agenda that is going to uplift people of all races in every zip code in this country. that is a mission in front of us. if you look at bernie sanders historic campaign in 2016 he won overall independent voters in the democratic primary of a process. including places that were very, very red. because folks understood that he was standing with their families and their everyday struggles. that's what we as democrats and progressives have to do. >> tucker: i am kind of aware of that. i just think that this is where i have to disagree, i think that the identity politics people are beating you. and i hope that i am wrong.
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>> i think that people like alexander cortes and other people are winning. >> tucker: she is on the identity politics side. but come back. sorry, we are out of time, jeff weaver, thank you. not getting a ton of attention, but we seem to be moving incrementally towards war with iran. maybe we should talk about it first. is it a good idea. we will take an in-depth look at that next. ♪ deal. that's why there's otezla. otezla is not an injection or a cream. it's a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, 75% clearer skin is achievable with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. and for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. tell your doctor if these occur.
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>> tucker: with all the screeching recently about vladimir putin and russia! and trees and! it has been easy to miss the real news. we have some real newsprint of the united states is inching closer to some kind of conflict with iran. this sunday the president tweeted this "two iranian president never, ever threaten the united states again or you will suffer the consequences, the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before. we are no longer a country that will stand for your demented words of violence and depth. be cautious!" the press is usually quick to jump on the tweets, but cnn has an entire team of progressive teenagers devoted to them and demoted to his feed. but there was not much comment from the media, why? is if there is one thing more than -- it is pointless for his half world away, feeling
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powerful, nancy pelosi agree on one thing, war is good as long as the war does not help the united states. john bolton finds himself in that camp. repeatedly has called for toppling the iranian government again and again. but never suggested what might replace the iranian government once it is toppled. the national security advisor, changing our policy is, the u.s. has begun promoting protest within iran to overthrow the regime they are. secretary of state mike pompeo appears to be on board with this. nikki haley definitely is. here's a recent sampling of her saber rattling on iran. >> our government has a long history of murdering its own people who dare to speak the truth. the iranian regime is now on notice. the world will be watching what you do. >> if you want to come to the table and work on a new deal, we will talk to you, but you're not going to threaten us to do it. >> iran messed with the wrong president. >> they absolutely did.
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>> some of that is bluster, but some of it is exactly what it looks like. to the groundwork for conflict, we are moving towards however slowly, some type of confrontation with iran, and that's a worry everybody, but especially be of concern to anybody who supported the president. if president trump goes to war with iran, he will destroy his presidency just as the iraq war from the presidency of his predecessor george w. bush, not like libya or syria or invading iraq. far greater risk and much higher cost. geographically, it is about three times the size of iraq, three times the people, and iraq was a divided country along religious lines. it is a much richer country with a military that i spent many years preparing for a u.s. invasion. it is a formidable force. in 2,002 carrying out a war game that was widely regarded as a simulation of an invasion of iran. it went badly. america suffered more than
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20,000 casualties in a single day and officials halted the game. it is not if america could beat iran, yes, it could. the question is is it ready to try? less ready than ever, actually, compared to 2003, the country is deeper in debt and formerly politically divided. the military is overstretched, ask anybody in it. and china is much stronger than it was 15 years ago. you can bet the chinese military will be more assertive than ever when we are tied down in another quagmire. does anybody outside of washington actually supports a new war in iran? the saudi royal family does. so do the leaders of other gulf states, they see iran as their greatest rival and they would loved to have america fight a war against iran for them. president trump supporters know better, you remember back in 2016 during the republican primary debate in south carolina, donald trump was the only person on that stage to call the iraq war a mistake. he vowed never to repeat anything like that and promised
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that if elected he would act only in america's interest. they said that he would lose, it was over a period of thing that had sealed his fate. and of course they were wrong and he won. republican voters agreed with him, it turned out. they had a better sense of the truth. a lot of their kids were serving in the military. two and a half years later, amazingly, the president's advisors are telling him that he must abandon that promise, iran is too important, they say. it is the greatest threat this country faces despite the fact that virtually every terror attack in america has been inspired not by iran, but by iran sunni enemies, the mullahs are months away from building a nuke. these people have been saying the same thing, word for word for more than a decade. you can look it up on google. if they have no idea what they are talking about. their track records are embarrassing. disaster after disaster. it would be selling time-shares in maui or doing something
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useful. instead they have more political power than they have ever had, almost to a person in the same group, bitterly opposed to the president that they now work for. repeatedly attacked him in public and attacked him savagely in private. they consider his ideas absurd to this day. regard the notion of putting america first as morally slim and morally offensive. fully on bill kristol's team. he was encouraging nikki haley to challenge her boss, bonnell only max donald trump in a way t makes sense, if there was a slun washington, you're looking at it. they are working overtime to ensnare the president in a mass in iran, let's hope that he understands what is going on. douglas mcgregor is a retired army colonel, author of the book "margin of victory." a frequent guest on this show, he joins us tonight. thank you for coming on. >> i appreciated. >> and i cannot help since i have been in washington for three years notice that the very
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people who are pushing this new entanglement, this new enterprise are the trump administration's greatest enemies on every subject, and they are also the same people who predicted outcomes that never came to pass. and in other words they have been wrong again and again and again, how do they have power? >> i think that president trump lost control of the whole appointment process, stabbing the government shortly after the election. i do not know the details, but he ended up appointing large numbers of paper gloom and people who brought and their fr, almost all of whom were opposedo donald trump and his agenda. it is important to say something about the president's comments, because he is right, if you look at the iran -- irani military establishment. if there were a war, it would be a one-sided affair, but the problem is that wars do not work that way. they tend to move in directions
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that no one anticipated. suddenly people that you would think otherwise would avoid conflict might decide that it is not in their interest to see iran destroyed. and i'm thinking of russia, and i am thinking of china as perfect examples. why would they stand by and watch us pulverize iran? it seems very unlikely. i think that president trump understands that. impact this afternoon afternoon when he talked to vfw he made tt of the deal with iran but is open to a another deal, he is open to talking and negotiating trade he has talked to the russians and he has talked to the north koreans, that seems to have had a positive impact on north east asia. we do not know what will happen in the future, but i think that is a good sign. so donald trump understands that anybody who threatens the united states should seek psychiatric care, because donald trump means what he says. he will fight to defend the united states. on the other hand, i do not see any defense that he is
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interested in precipitating a conflict. >> tucker: do you think that to the advisors around him who is comments that we just played, nikki haley or john bolton -- take, this with pre-existing negotiations. >> yes, but he has not to listen to his advisors. we would have never made any progress on the united states permit the left. we were not to be working with the chinese, we would have never met with vladimir putin. so god bless the president, he does not listen to these people. the thing that worries me given some of the comments that are being made, the red meat on the table for the war lobby. we know that there are a lot of people who would welcome conflict with iran. the president needs to watch carefully for the potential for something like the gulf of tonga incident. many of your viewers may not remember that, and never happen. and we could very well be treated as something like that in the gulf. you should watch for that. and this is an example of
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president trump's comments on fake newsprint he should not be sabotaged by fake news. >> tucker: we have seen it happen twice in syria, colonel, thank you very much. great to see you. >> thank you, tucker. >> tucker: activist says that conservatives only want planned parenthood to be defunded in order to force the nation's women to get pregnant. it is a confusing argument, we will allow her to explain it next. ♪ she's saying a whole lotta people want to buy this house. but you got this! rocket mortgage by quicken loans makes the complex simple. understand the details and get approved in as few as eight minutes. by america's largest mortgage lender. so let's promote our summer travel deal on like this. surfs up. earn a $50 gift card when you stay just twice this summer. or, badda book. badda boom. book now at
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national organization for women says that the real goal of defunding planned parenthood is not to prevent tax payers for paying for something they are poor, abortion, it is forcing women to get pregnant. it is great to see you, thank you for coming on. >> thank you. well, tucker, if you take away the access to abortion and to take away birth control, which is a really big issue that we have to discuss here tonight, you are indeed forcing women to have children. let's get to the point. >> tucker: i wonder how many people, i think that most of our viewers know that what you're seeing is pure lunacy and dishonest. and you do too. but just for fun, it reverse engineer. who is taking away the right to have an abortion? i think the law, i read it, the proposed regulation change would make it less likely that taxpayers have to pay for abortion. it is at the same as banning ants? >> that's be really clear, this is the reason that i wanted to
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come on your show, because i need to dispel the myth. i went all of the viewers to understand, you're taxpayers do not pay for abortions in this country. taxpayers do not pay for abortions. >> tucker: oh, they don't, but they do give half a billion dollars to the largest abortion provider. >> in the case of rape and if a woman is dying, those are the two situations since 1977. >> tucker: this is propaganda here. we pay, taxpayers at gunpoint, half a billion to planned parenthood that commits more abortion than anybody else in the country. >> i do not think that you should joke at gunpoint. >> tucker: i'm not joking. it is at gunpoint, if you do not pay her taxes, they come and arrest you, the cops arrest you. if you do not pay it voluntarily, you do because they back it up with a threat of force.
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>> if you give me a moment to speak, what everybody should understand is that planned parenthood works just like any other medical provider. they get reimbursed for the procedures that they performed that are approved by the government, so they get reimbursement for std testing, they get reimbursed for all of those other services that they do, but not for abortions. i want to take a moment to talk about what is happening -- >> tucker: you have taken a lot of moments to talk, so -- >> we have 4 minutes down to two. >> tucker: you think that abortion is a constitutional right, i think the right to bear arms is because i have read the bill of rights. why should taxpayers not be forced to subsidize the nra or buy my guns? >> now talking lunacy and who is being dishonest? >> tucker: you want me to pay for an abortion. >> you're giving me the moral excerpt, just answer the question. >> i went viewers to know that one in four women are in this
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country have an abortion. i'm not answering question, no. >> tucker: it is a real interesting question. because it hurts. >> i'm trying to speak to your viewers, one in four women have an abortion in this country. that could be cut down to one in three. the reason why it has gone down is because we have teamed pregnancy prevention programs that have been successful. >> tucker: let me ask you a question. this is why i never like to talk to the abortion people, because they just shout. don't make me cut you off, please. >> they want to revert that to abstinence only education. >> tucker: all right, so now, i tried. it was a good faith effort. i hate cutting people off, but you are too obnoxious. i'm sorry. right here on the show, we warn you that the fda was putting the country at risk in the way that they were hiring air traffic controllers, now they have claimed that they have changed.
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we have an update to our investigation. that is next. ♪ your mornings were made for better things than rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist move to another treatment, ask if xeljanz xr is right for you. xeljanz xr is a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well enough it can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections,
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♪ >> tucker: in an exclusive investigation by this program, we warned you about the war on standards underway at the faa, and the name of diversity, federal officials to evaluate skills-based test for hiring, oh, no big deal, air traffic controllers. a biographical questionnaire, whose purpose was not hiring the skilled controllers, in fact the more skills you had, the fewer points you gods, perversely, but instead, the point was insuring the hiring of people who were of the right race. it was insane, of course, dangerous, he asked. and sparked a major reaction.
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the department of transportation says that they policies in the name of safety. mr. bradberry, thank you for coming on. >> thank you for having me on, tucker. >> tucker: it was a pretty simple story, and i think that the fix is pretty simple, can you assure our viewers that air traffic controllers will be hired solely on the basis of relevant criteria, other words, how good they are at air traffic controlling. not on the basis of irrelevant criteria like their appearance. >> that's right, we are making a change to no longer use that biographical assessment that the faa has used since 2014. and that you featured on your show. i will point out that the version that you focused on with the questions that you highlighted, which i agree are counterintuitive at best was used for one year in 2014. changes were made, and a new
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assessment was used after 2014 with different questions, and it did not have those questions that you had focused on, nevertheless, in 2016, congress prohibited the faa from using the biographical assessment to screen applicants more than half of the applicants for entry-level positions as trainees for the air traffic control. >> hang on, wait, you are getting in the weeds, and i think it is a red herring, the question is not whether or not it is used, the question is solely, is the hiring done exclusively on the basis of skills-based criteria, relevant criteria? does a person's appearance, orientation, parents background, does that play any role in hiring at all? >> no. >> tucker: because if it does, that is dangerous. >> it does not, and we agree with you, for hiring of trainees for the academy to be trained as air traffic controllers, you
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really should focus exclusively on aptitude, competence for being an excellent air traffic controller. so we are making, we are clearing the decks and what we are doing, and i am announcing on your show tonight is that the faa is no longer going to use a biographical assessment in any form and instead is going to give all applicants for these entry-level positions the aptitude test which is the air traffic skills assessment test, which just tests for aptitude for the characteristics of being an excellent air traffic controller. and that test is validated and has been standardized. it is proctored tests or do the same test that applicants take who are graduates of the collegiate training initiative schools. and who apply for the academy to be air traffic control trainees. and i think that it is important, tucker, to point out that what we are talking about is the incoming candidates for the academy. where they get trained, like a boot camp for air traffic
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control duties, these are not people who are hired and put on the job in control towers to be air traffic controllers. they have to go through very rigorous training at the academy. many of them wash out, sometimes more than half washout. >> tucker: for our purposes -- >> 2-3 years of on-the-job training as well before they can be certified as professional air traffic control. >> tucker: the bottom line is, i'm sorry, before we did the segment, this was still going on. so before you take too much credit, i'm glad that you made that change, but this is still going on. we shined a light on it. >> well, listen, i give you an assist for helping us focus on the issue. >> tucker: helping you focus on it, i am glad that you did, but i want to be clear about that, i think that you needed to shine a light on it. we appreciate it, thank you. unfortunately, we are out of time, democratic candidate of
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chicago, trying to muster up votes old fashion way, by handing out money in church. we will talk about that ahead. ♪ advil is relief that's fast strength that lasts you'll ask... what pain? with advil liqui-gels ♪ it's so hard to believe ♪ but it's all coming back me. ♪ baby, baby, baby. all you can eat is back, baby. applebee's.
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>> tucker: and most of america the political machines are dead and buried, but in the state of illinois, though old machines live on. america's second-most dysfunctional state, the most dysfunctional is the biggest. democratic candidate willie wilson appeared in a chicago church on sunday handing out bundles of cash to parishioners. to help them pay their bills, overall he gave over more than $200,000. here's the amazing thing, he said it is totally unrelated to the fact that he is running for mayor. amazing! just a generous man. the state election board says that no laws have been broken. of course not, they are never broken in illinois. we would not want to impugn the integrity of the politician. why is the goya veg rotting in prison until he is old, when you have a city like that, is rod blagojevich really the most
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dangerous person? i hope that he gets a pardon. tune in every night at 8:00 p.m. said that show that is a sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, groupthink. not an easy thing to pull off when everybody is crazy. have a great evening. sean hannity is next. >> sean: and more world leaders deserts, i'm not giving it up. >> tucker: i hope that you will not. >> sean: i will tell the whole story, all right, tucker, good to see you. welcome to "hannity," the biggest political scandal in modern america history. this ph warning is out, and yes we on this program were right, the trump campaign was spied on by obama's justice department using russian lies, bought and paid forward by the dnc, and hillary clinton to get a fisa warrant against carter page, all in an attempt , whatever agitator you want a presidential election. carter page will join us in just a moment.


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