tv Hannity FOX News July 25, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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conditions as otherer shows. his response, tucker isn't unethical journalist and a hack. well, our feelings are not hurt. that invitation is still open. creepy porn lawyer can join us any time he has time. we will have a lot of sign, we suspect. we will bring it all to you. articles of impeachment have now been filed against the deputy ag rob rosenstein. the days of his obstruction may soon be coming to an end. we'll have full coverage throughout the hour.on and first, another day, another scandal, the sky is falling. the earth is shattered. days and days of breathless
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pedaling of lies by the mainstream media. we've got the best montage we've ever put together. b this time, america's professional trump haters are spinning in circles over a totally insignificant audio recording between michael cohenn and donald trump.nn it's clearly the media's anti-trump meltdown du jour, but in moments we will show you how this tape is much to do about nothing. we'll take you on a frightening journey tonight. buckle up, warn the kids. some of the worst examples of destroy trump media moving daily from crisis to crisis to crisis. we've got the tape, it's amazing. we will do something you will not see in the mainstream media. we have amazing, great news tonight on the economy and other news on the foreign policy front with the trump administration. by the way, strong new poll numbers. so much for all the media beat downs. and of course, we are expecting friday the second quarter gdp numbers -- it should make america proud.
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we're hoping for a major breakthrough. we had one today on one of the biggest economic partners we have. there's no trade war. they said the sky was falling there, too. free and fair trade on the horizon, huge concessions the president got as it relates to the european union, and aai significant diplomatic progress under the leadership of the secretary of state mike pompeo. what a beat down he gave senators today and we will show you how he helped educate democrats on the president's strong, sound, tough on russia policy.'s we have a lot of real news to get you in tonight's breaking news full hour opening monologue. we'll start with the one secret audio recording heard round the newsrooms all around the country. conspiracy tv, msnbc and cnn and all the likes of them. private conversation recorded m between michael cohen and his client donald trump.
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last night it was released and despite all the breathlessness in the reporting, the tape is ambiguous, kind of hard to hear it -- it reveals no groundbreaking new information. let's just play it for you ourselves. >> i need to open up a company for the transfer of all of thatv info regarding our friend david. i'm going to do that right away. i have spoken to alan weiss about how to set the whole thing up. all the stuff, you never know what that company is going to be. i'm all over that and i spoke to him about it, when it comes time for the financing. >> what financing? >> sean: what you just heard
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amounts to nothing. it never happened. the contents of that tape provide literally no new information. zero. zero significance here. no criminal law in question. what you just witnessed is something that occurs everyo single day at every major company in the country. crisis management to protect a brand's image and reputation. in this case, it's the trump organization. over on the destroy trump media, this was once again a daily earth shattering scandal. it's going to bring down the president. except it's not. take a look. >> we now have a secret audio recording that shows donald trump discussing payments about an alleged affair with a "playboy" playmate. the timing is everything. the payments were discussed just before he won the election. >> there may be bank fraud, tax fraud, money laundering issues. those issues could be more
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dangerous and damaging than the campaign finance issues. >> it's a very humiliating tape for the president and ironically, rudy giuliani says i can understand what's on this tape. it's similar to a mob tape. >> if you listen to this, it sounds like it's the weekly or monthly "michael is here to figure out what we have to cover up" >> sean: these are the same people who literally pedaled day after day, crisis after crisis -- it's 24/7. the same people pushing impeachment even before the president took office. the same people who were predicting the end of days or at least the end of trump ever since he descended from that escalator in trump tower in 2015 and announced his candidacy to beve president. the same people have literallyly gone through three major crises this week alone. in order to show you how the
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mainstream corrupt media has literally turned into a realin life version of chicken little, we put together a mega montage of some of the worst moments. get ready because the sky is falling every second of the day. watch. >> better be ready, he may be leaving the republican ticket. >> i know you don't believe thae but i want to go on. >> i understand why so many people voted for him, i understand where you're coming from, i understand why they liked him but this man is lying to you.. >> donald trump is a president for whom there is grave questions about his fitness and ability to conduct the office. >> it builds, and every time it builds and expands you have to wonder if trump himself isn't worried about what's under the covers. >> the entire worlds is watching and of course, most importantly, vladimir putin is watching. it seems like yesterday was his
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love note to vladimir putin. >> it is certainly an unusual speech, a weird speech insulting kim jong un. >> i have thought an awful lot about blowing up the white house. >> of course i want to punch him in the face. >> 16 tweets today to start the new year.e some of them deeply disturbing. these are messages from a person who is not well. >> he came out, not so sure about excellent health. >> president trump is goading kim jong un to test a nuclear missile again. to prove its >> the stormy saga is taking a dramatic turn as the porn star speaks out with her alleged affair. >> we haven't heard from him about the stormy daniels affair. >> i want to read the definition
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of treason, this is nothing short of treason. >> the idea that the president would be revokings security clearance not based on wrongdoing, just based on words, is shameful. >> with any previous o presiden, if you woke up to this all caps tweet, you would think you woke up in a padded cell. with trump this is kind ofof business as normal. >> sean: this is a tiny sample. literally every minute, every hour of every day, the media, their friends on the three years running, obsessing over the crisis of the second, totally ignoring the biggest issues that we the people are facing inhe this country and ignoring the massive success of the trump administration. if they can't weaponize the story against president trump, they don't really seem interested at all in covering it. news is nonexistent in this country on the so-called news channels. right here on this show we have been sounding the alarm about the serious corruption, real
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corruption, real abuse of power. a real russia scandal at the highest levels of the doj and the fbi. over at the destroy trump media, crickets. naturally, the media goes to great lengths to avoid talking about all the positiveri developments surrounding the country and the trump administration. they don't want you to knowro about the huge successes out of the white house. for the first time in years, we will find out friday, america's gdp is seeing healthy, real growth. remember, it was just a short time ago the obama administration wanted americans to accept our so-called "new normal," like jimmy carter saying "wear a sweater."at a pathetic growth rate of 1 or 2%. according to projections our second quarter growth should be about 4%, maybe higher. add to that, we now have historical job growth, 2 million fewer people on food stamps. there are more jobsis available than there are people onmi
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unemployment in the country and the greatest labor participation rate in history. good news for the forgotten men and women, the ones who voted i for president trump even though the fix was in for hillary, and they covered up her crimes and they turned their sights on trump and lied to fisa court judges. a massive accomplishment that you never hear about. yesterday the president tweeted out "our country is doing great, best financial numbers on the planet, great to have the usa winning again." on friday, we expect that full gdp report for the second quarter. we will bring you those numbers as they become available. tonight, we have even more positive developments on the economic front, after months of negotiations and fearmongering by the media, he's starting alo trade war, the president put fears of that war with europe to rest as he signed off on a significantly improved trade deal for american businesses free of tariffs, barriers, and subsidies.
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here is the president explaining all of this earlier today, let's take a look. >> president trump: we agreed to work toward zero tariffs, and a zero subsidies on nonauto industrial goods. thank you. we will work to reduce barriers and increase trade in services, yochemicals, pharmaceuticals, medical products as well as soybeans -- soybeans is a big deal. this will open markets for farmers and workers, increase investment and lead to greater prosperity in both the united states and the european union. it will also make trade fairer and more reciprocal. my favorite word, reciprocal. >> sean: if he didn't negotiate, that wouldn't have happened. the president pointed out this deal will open markets for farmers in america, workers, increased investment, lead to greater prosperity in both the
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u.s. and the european union. win-win. it will make trade fairer and more reciprocal, his favorite word. great news for goods, services right here in the united states, good for the american worker that was unemployed in the obama years. despite the constant negativity coming from so much of the media and democrats, you think they want the economy to grow and be prosperous? no, they want their power back. more and more americans are seeing the truth, they've got a new poll out today. in spite of all the media hysteria, look at the hills poll. the president's approval rating is now higher than ever, nearly 50%. by the way, same with gallup, same with nbc "wall street journal". and on the world stage, the president is also seeing progress, which is good for our kids and grandkids. s secretary of state mike pompeo hit the ground running. he is overseeing steady, significant progress out of north korea, china, and yeah, we
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are being tougher on russia than obama ever dreamed of because he was sending messages. "tell vladimir we will have more security after the election." today secretary of state pompeo testified on the hill and he explained to some of these senators about the president's peace through strength strategy to counter the hostile actions of vladimir putin and the hostile regime of russia. what we are doing about it, taki a look. >> the united states call on russia to respect the principles and end the occupation of crimea. we will not recognize the kremlin's annexation of crimea. we stand with allies, partners, and the international community with our commitment to ukraine and its territorial integrity. there will be no relief of crimea-related sanctions until russia returns control of thein crimean peninsula to ukraine. this declaration formalizes united states policy of
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nonrecognition. >> sean: formalizes it. i think someone on nbc suggested that the president was an agent of russia. this is how insane so-called news has gotten. the secretary of state also helped democratic senators who aren't really too bright understand how the leadership of the president, the u.s. is leading from the front all over the world. not from behind. and we aren't going on apology tours and we aren't dropping $150 billion on the tarmac in cash and other currency to the mullahs of iran that chant death to israel and death to america. take a look. >> did he tell putin that i will relax sanctions? >> what you need to conduct your appropriate role i will provide you today. that is the united states policy with respect to the issues you request. you asked me about policy with
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respect to sanctions, and i can confirm to you that no commitment has been made to change those policies in any way. just so the facts are clear, the previous administration is the one that enabled russia to have the capacity they have in syria today. >> i'm not defending the previous administration, i want this administration to continue to do what's working. >> it's policy. you are advocating for the continuation of this administration's policy, i thin> that's important for everyone to understand. >> north korea still has chemical and biological weapons and brutalizes its own people. there is no verifiable evidence that north korea is denuclearizing. i am afraid that at this point the united states, the trump administration, is being taken for a ride. >> fear not. >> there is no evidence. >> senator, fear not. i guess you didn't ask a >> that's all right, please
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answer. >> fear not. this administration has taken enormously constructive actions that have put us in a place that is far better than either of the two previous administrations, one republican, one democrat. we have put sanctions in place that is unequaled. we have continued to enforce that sanctions regime. >> sean: no missiles fired over japan. dismantled nuclear testue site. hostages returned home.o we will have the bodies of americans killed in that war sent back, and we are talking about denuclearization of the korean peninsula. and no bribery. last, but definitely not least, tonight, some major breaking news out of the deep state. this is important. moments ago a group of 11 house republicans have introduced articles of impeachment against deputy attorney general rob rosenstein, the guy who signed the last fisa warrant after months of obstructing congressional subpoenas and inhibiting the important investigation of the fisa abuse,
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the russia witch hunt, and so much more. he must now be held accountable. it's called checks and balances, coequal branches of government and yes, the united states constitution. it's time for rob rosenstein to be held accountable. we have a lot to get to tonight. a lot of reaction. rudy giuliani in a minute joining us with first reaction, former u.s. attorney for the district of columbia joe digenova and fox news contributor sara carter. i think joe has a lot to say. >> he does have a lot to say. one of the things that happened today, it was the straw that broke the camel's back. the fact that when meadows and jordan went to meet with the doj, they refused to comply. they weren't in compliance with giving the documents over to congress. there was a lot of arguing back and forth, jordan and meadows said they weren't in compliance -- they still didn't know how many documents they
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need to turn over to them. the fbi did agree with congressman jordan that strzok didn't answer 90% of the questions that he could've answered. he took a very broad interpretation. this is peter strzok when he provided testimony..t the fbi agent. they are going to be calling peter strzok back to testify before congress, and hopefully he will be answering a c lot of the questions that congressman jordan had asked him that he refused to answer. >> sean: let me go to you, joe. he was under oath, i don't think i would be under oath but more importantly let's go to rob rosenstein. he signed the fourth warrant which was the bulk of information, the phony dossier paid for by clinton. they didn't tell the fisa court judges, they didn't verify the information, they didn't follow fbi protocol and rod rosenstein
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signed the last one, the third renewal, the fourth altogether. your reaction. >> there is no doubt he deserves everything that he's getting, whether or not impeachment is the right way to go doesn't even matter anymore. he didn't even read the final application, he had people explain to him what was in it. rosenstein is the one responsible for the crisis that the president has. faced in the mueller without rosenstein, there is no probe.t he did it personally, he should be ashamed of itself. he's getting precisely what he deserved. what's more important than that, you are watching the president of the united statesed who is astride the globe and he is being assisted ably by a secretary of state in full. we no longer have a namby-pamby foreign policy. we have a secretary of state who
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today performed beyondpa any expectation any americans could expect of a secretary of state. i was amazed at his performance. the president is really pleased especially because of the outrageous performance of the director of national intelligence dan coats in aspen when he kissed at the feet andrea mitchell and criticized the president of theee united states. shame on dan coats. >> sean: i watched mike pompeo today and i literally felt fabulous. no apologies. finally, strength. he laid out all the things that the president -- nbc reported that he is an agent of russia, that he's doing to russia. the irony is that we cannot ignore, we've got to get this take on this fisa warrant. if i lied to a fisa judge, or i lied to any judge, you couldn't get me out of jail, as great an attorney as you are.
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>> this case is over. the fbi under obama and the department of justice under obama with giancarlo and the assistant attorney general for national security lied to the fisa court, hid material information from the fisa court. it is an outrageous abuse of power, and if jeff sessions andt rob rosenstein have not begun a grand jury to investigate all the people involved in the phony dossier and everything involved on it, ultimately when mueller is done, rosenstein and sessions should be fired. this is a clear case of criminal law violation in the fisa d application, it is clearly a fraud and it is beyond belief that nothing publicly known has been done to hold accountable everybody involved in the signing of those applications to the fisa court.
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>> sean: we've got to run but you've been amazing on all of this. >> i couldn't agree more, i wanw to say really quick remember what they did leave out. the doj said christopher steele would do anything to keep donald trump from being president and i think that's all we need to say. >> sean: and hillary paid for it, and these are unverified russian lies. robert mueller, there's your russia story. go find it. we laid it on a platter for you, thank you all. when we come back, the president's attorney rudy giuliani. we have a live report from catherine herridge on these articles of impeachment that have been introduced. a ton of breaking news. stay right there. check out bass pro shops and cabela's for great deals on great gear. like savings of up to 40% or more on select men's and ladies' shoes and sandals. and save 25% or more on select camping gear. bass pro shops and cabela's- your adventure starts here.
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and jim jordan along with nine cosponsors have introduced articles of impeachment>> againt the deputy attorney general rob here with a new update on this is catherine herridge inti washington.. >> the articles of impeachment call out the deputy attorney general and allege a conflict of interest. these heavily redacted efforts show he signed off on the last surveillance warrant in june 2017 for trump campaign aide carter page. these lawmakers say that's a big deal because their committees are investigating government surveillance abuse. deputy attorney general rob rosenstein's failure to recuse himself in light of this conflict of interest and failure to appoint a second special counsel constitute a dereliction of duty. lawmakers met with fbi officials, reporters were told fbi agent and peter strzok avoided too many questions during his recent testimony andl he will likely be they closed the door depositions from strzok and lawyer lisa page identified records previously
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unknown to lawmakers about a file documenting efforts to verify the controversial dossier. lawmakers question whether verification happened before the dossier was used by the fbi isfy evidence to secure the surveillance warrant. [reporter questioning]ce >> i think when you look at that, that's the key question that we are looking at these documents, when did it start? and i think those start dates could be problematic for some of the narratives that are out there right now. >> justice department officials indicated they believe they have complied with the majority of congressional subpoenas on the article of impeachment tonight, there was no immediate response and in the last hour democratic senator dianne feinstein and congressman adam schiff called the republicans move deeply
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partisan. >> sean: catherine herridge in washington. now with us is the president's attorney, former new york city mayor rudy giuliani. let's get your reaction to congressman meadows, more importantly the third renewal -- the fourth fisa warrant. rob rosenstein signed off on. >> he's one of the people in charge in this case so i'm not going to get involved in critiquing his conduct. i hope he makes the right decision. i see the case falling apart. i see in front of my eyes what happened yesterday, the first of his tape, that one they have been saying all along did the president know about it? he didn't know about it. he said he paid for it. he said it was personal, over and over again, it's 82 hour tape.
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and he sticks with his story. with regard to that particular situation, once again, totally legitimate conduct. >> sean: let's go back to last night for just a second. you have listened to that tape how many times and you say that the president said check. >> the president said i have it right here. i had to five people go over and another five -- i talked about mafia tapes -- i said i'm an expert on tapes, i did 4,000 hours of men on tape, what are we going to do today? >> sean: we will put you in the next movie. >> donald trump says don't pay with cash. interruption. no, no, no, i got it. check, and then very suspiciously he cuts the tape off because it's a very
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innocent, very solid explanation. here's another explanation. before they talk about doing it through a corporation. you might as well sign up for jail. >> sean: let's look at the big picture. the status, this has gone on. the country is so divided. i have been very harsh in terms of -- i believe a presidential election, he was guilty of obstruction and i see what we learned about the fisa warrants. if they purposely withheld from the judges on four separate occasions that this was hillary clinton bought and paid for what turned out to be russian lies. there's a russia conspiracy here.hi >> one of the things they were concerned about, to the president obstruct justice when
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he fired comey? he made it clear to lester holt he did it knowing the investigation was continuing so he couldn't obstruct it. on the other hand, how does hillary not get prosecuted for destroying tapes, lying at least three or four times, having people felt totally phony stories, false exculpatory statements, destruction of evidence. he reads that all the way. >> sean: you told laura ingraham last night that there are no more tapes on donald trump. >> michael avenatti was running around all weekend saying he said it on abc. he cross-examined him and there were numerous tapes with president trump.
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the government must be hiding them if that is the case, and i assure you the southern district in new york is not hiding evidence. >> sean: some of the best prosecutors came out of there. >> i can't imagine they are shocked by this unbelievable assault on the attorney-client privilege, my god. >> sean: america has beencl following this and i -- everything we reported has come true. i still say the heroes are going to be fbi and cia guys. is this now coming to an end? i watch dershowitz after, iss there going to be a subpoena fight? is there going to be any discussion about collusion and why would you ever allow him to talk to this group of people which i have very strongly criticized? >> there's no reason to talk
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about obstruction because article two precludes obstruction. including, what i told you, saying the investigation would go on to lester holt. they can leave that off whenever they play that tape. amazing what they do with tapes. however, there is a narrow area which we might think about it and we are in discussion with a special counsel about it, it all has to do with collusion so there is no perjury trap. >> sean: i don't believe they could do it without setting a perjury trap. >> they will give up on the obstruction point, they're trying to set up the president against comey and the fact that he is one of the most incredible guys around. i think mueller wants to get it over with before the election. >> sean: for the good of the country. do you think is a good man? >> i think he's okay, i think
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♪ >> sean: the white house announced this week it is looking into stripping the security clearance from several obama era officials. one of the people who may be losing his privileges is the only guy who voted for a communist for president. how he became cia director is a mystery, director john brennan. he is one of the biggest trump haters out there, now a political hack for conspiracy theory tv. the cia protocol says if you want to keep your clearance, you've got to act like a modern-day cia employee, you
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can't be doing stuff like this. >> i think he's afraid of the president of russia. anyone can speculate as to why,, the russians may have something on him personally. they could always roll out and make his life more difficult. >> he continues to have ignorance of facts, just to follow through on these campaign promises that really were very flawed. >> so many other national security officials are speaking out because of the abnormal behavior of mr. trump. >> this is a very large and painful kidney stone. t the relief we feel afterward will be exhilarating. >> sean: here with reaction, fox news national security strategist dr. sebastian gorka,a retired cia intelligence officer daniel hoffman.
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you know john brennan. the cia, we put it up on the screen last night, if you want your clearance, you've got to act as the same way a current cia employee would react. >> for the rank-and-file retired intelligence officers who retain security clearance because they have a job to do as a contractor back in the intelligence committee which requires the clearance -- secondly there's no evidence that john brennan and jim klapper has revealed classified information. they have willfully spoken untruths not based on intelligence. jim klapper claims russians tilted the election to donald trump, not true andul contradicts the intelligence that was produced which he presided. brennan claims that putin could blackmail trump, there is no evidence to support that claim.
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they aren't exactly revealing classified >> sean: i know you have a thing or two to say on this. >> i have three things to say, number one since the cia was created in 1947, no cia director has behaved as disgracefully as john brennan. the idea that within months of leaving office he's attacking the sitting president, calling him treasonous and accusing him of committing high crimes and misdemeanors is absolutely outrageous. secondly, you mention it in your introduction -- how is it that john brennan even got a job at the cia when he admitted to voting for the communist partyty at the height of the cold war when the soviet union had 25,000 nuclear warheads aimed at this country and one it was committed to our destruction. i would like to find an investigation as to why he was
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employed by the cia let alone become its director. lastly, let me expand upon what daniel said. there are only two reasons after you retire for government service at his level that you should maintain a security clearance. number one, you are actively involved in a current government project as a contractor, john brennan isn't. secondly, your advice is requested by your successors so that the new cia director can listen to you. this administration does not want john brennan's advice, therefore the president should strip him of his security clearance right now. >> sean: how do you get to call yourself nbc news and have people under that banner suggesting that without any evidence, the president may be an agent of russia, an agent and
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he is compromised when the president has been ten times stronger against russia then mr. apologize for america and bribe the mullahs of iran with american dollars in cash. >> john brennan later walk that back. >> sean: the damage was done. >> because a lot of our allies who share intelligence with us heard him, same with our sources in russia who might worry about their safety because he's claiming the president could be blackmailed by vladimir putin. he needed to be taking the hippocratic oath of do no harm to our national security when he exercised his right to free speech. >> every time john brennan spins these insinuations, he is doing vladimir putin's dirty work. that's who he is today.
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he is undermining america. >> sean: well said, thank you both. when we come back, they are back. jesse watters, jessica tarlov we will find out who's world it is on meghan mccain takedown of joy behar in her defense of socialism, powerful moment. don't miss it next. ♪ n at gear. like savings of 25 to 40% on select men's and ladies' clothing. and save 30% on select towables. bass pro shops and cabela's- your adventure starts here.
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medicare, social security, the post office, the library -- >> i hope they do run, a democratic socialist. because i think you will lose spectacularly, and the words of margaret thatcher, you run out of spending other people's money. every democratic socialist is going on tv saying that it's good it needs to start payingon 90% in taxes on your tax forms -- i think you should start paying the amount of taxes that every socialist in this country needs -- if you think the government is so good at spending money. it's dangerous.'s >> sean: meghan mccain. the only thing missing was jeanine pirro being thrown off the show. it's his world and we live in it, he's got two shows, the calls was the reigningn champion
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and lost this is the democrat agenda for 2018. they want to impeach donald trump but they don't want to say it, they want their crumbs back. they want open borders and to get rid of ice, they want to keep obamacare it's been a great success. on top of all of that we've got a party that wants to stop investigations into corruption. why do you explain to americans, explain why they should give their crumbs to nancy pelosi and elizabeth warren and joy behar? >> donation money? why they should take that thousand dollars and give it to the democrats? there are new reports that wages haven't been increasing but i guess the tax cuts were a big bonus for the republican side. they should give it to the democrats because the agenda will benefit middle and lower class americans. >> sean: you want every
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american who has a tax cut to be taxed again, you want it back. >> the mega rich you two are getting taxed. >> sean: you have no idea how much jesse gets paid. y >> whatever it is it's not enough. you want to bring venezuela to america, i think that's terrible. in venezuela, human beings are taking doc medicine, it's the murder capital of the world. if you want to bring socialism to america you hate america because it's going to destroy america and politically it's suicide to become socialists. in 1994, you went away left and he went way left in 2010. both times republicans swept through the house, massive gains. if you guys want to kill yourselves i'm going to sit back and watch. >> in 2010, you guys went way right, we only need 23 to take control. the democratic socialistri movement there only 42 of these candidates in the contention nationwide.
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this is in the mainstream. they talk about it all the time. >> sean: meghan mccain had a really good idea, i like it. >> 90%? >> sean: will collect the joy behar, jessica tarlov box. pay as much as you think you should pay but leave the rest ot americans alone, families thatat are struggling to pay for their cars on their mortgages and send their kids to a private school, because public school sucks. >> they can't afford any off these policies, they aren't very good at. math. you know how much free health care costs? $30 trillion and they want to edit free housing at free college on top of that. you can raise everybody's taxes to 90%, it isn't going to make a dent in the cost of those programs. >> this is what i'm saying, this is in the democrat mainstream. when you look at what bernie is advocating for, you sound like
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hillary clinton. he said how are we going to pay for that? how did you take my awesome mind and make it even better? jesse watters, you sound like hillary clinton, i live for that. >> sean: the comeback beat the line. >> the validity of my argument, democratic socialists are not the majority. >> sean: is there a positive agenda item for the democrats? >> our tax plan is a lot better >> sean: don't change. ready? when we come back from a rush limbaugh a really great words about the president's critics in the media constantly breathlessly trying to take him down every second, every minute of every day. chicken?! chicken.
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>> sean: the great rush limbaugh has a great take on the failure of the media to destroy and delegitimize the president you voted for. take a look. >> one of these things these clowns at cnn, every phony blockbuster story about trump, every one of these things that doesn't go anywhere. every one of these things that doesn't get rid of donald trump inoculates him from the next one. and every inoculation and lessens the credibility of the media and all this i think ends up helping trump. they haven't figured this out. they still think they can get rid of republican presidents, they are not going to give up. >> sean: such a good point. every second, every minute, every hour of every day, they can't help themselves. rush is right.
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they're inoculating trump. we'll always be fair and balanced. we're not the destroy-trump media. we thank you for being with us and we hope you'll tune in tomorrow night along with the breaking news, roseanne barr will join us. you don't want to miss it. let not your heart be troubled. "the ingraham angle." you have some of my best friends on the show. you have jordan meadows and gregg jarrett who has the number one book in the country. >> laura: gregg's book is awesome. giuliani came on my show last night. i loaned him to you tonight. >> sean: is everything is everything tit for tat? >> laura: basically. you started it. you have my guests, so there. we are like brother and sister. we do this -- how long have we been fighting like this? we have been fighting like this for at least 18 years. >> sean: i'm going to tell the whole story one day, on top of the trouble he got into. like tucker in college. >> laura: watch what you ask for, hannity.
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