tv Outnumbered FOX News August 2, 2018 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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the next hour. >> bill: try to get the tip line out there. there could be increase of money. if you have clues call it in. >> sandra: that is it for us. "outnumbered" starts right now. >> harris: we begin with this fox news alert. the family of missing university of iowa student mollie tibbetts is about to hold a news conference. this as we have learned police investigated a possible sighting of tibbetts last week at a kansas city area truck stop. the 20-year-old sophomore had been missing for more than two weeks. she disappeared after going for an evening jog in her hometown of brooklyn, iowa. tibbetts' father as well as her boyfriend both appearing on america news room a shorttime ago when bill hemmer asked them what they think really happened. >> i have no theories. i'm just kind of letting the authorities figure that out. putting our faith in them. >> the investigation is large and aggressive.
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and sophisticated. the authorities have been nothing but sensitive to the familied on -- family and our needs. we trust them to do what they do. they are the best in the world. what we can do to help them is drive information to the tip line. >> harris: can you imagine staying calm and just letting them do their jobs? matt finn reporting live. matt? >> reporter: at any point we expect a joint news conference to begin with the tibbetts family and crime stoppers of iowa. we expect them to announce an increase to the reward money that hovered around $2,000 for several days and now could be upward of $150,000. her father thinks it could incentivize anyone to come forward. let's watch the press conference.
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>> my name is greg. i'm the vice president of public relations for crime stoppers of central iowa. mollie's mother was going to read a statement. after that, i will explain a little bit about crime stoppers. we'll field a few questions after that. the questions, we don't have anything relevant to the investigation. it will be all pretty much about the fundraising, what our purpose is with that. and any questions about crime stoppers. >> first of all, i want to thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules to be with here today on mollie's behalf. second, i want to thank the, from the collective souls of all of mollie's family and friends. the efforts that have been put in from the people in this town, in this county, in the state, the country and across the world.
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we appreciate every act bestowed upon us. i would like to thank steve rhodes of jasper construction who showed up on my doorstep a couple of mondays ago with his voice cracking and tearing in his eyes saying, "laura, we have to do something now to get a reward fund established." and steve knows it didn't happen now. there was a lot of work. there were a lot of swear words. especially on my part. but as of believe 9:00 yesterday morning the reward fund, the bring mollie tibbetts home safe reward fund was established and was being funded. so with that being said, the family and friends of our daughter and our sister mollie tibbetts would like to announce we have set up a bring mollie tibbetts safe reward fund. at first state bank in brooklyn, iowa.
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we believe that mollie is still alive. if someone abducted her, we are pleading with you to please release her. we are partnering with crime stoppers of central iowa to facilitate the process of receiving information anonymously. that we can use to pay for her release or information that would lead to her location. as of 10:00 this morning, we have raised $172,000 that will be paid to you as soon as mollie is safely home. you can contract crime stoppers of central iowa. 1-800-452-1111. or e-mail your tip online. www.crimestoppersofcentraliowa .com. once again, that is anonymous. if anybody has seen anything that you feel is related to
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mollie's disappearance also contract crime stoppers. that information will be forwarded to enforcement with your identity being protected. if you would like to also donate to the bring mollie tibbetts home safe reward fund, you can go to crime stoppers of central iowa website for further information to make that donation. we are very thankful for all the efforts of law enforcement and our friends in searching for mollie. it's our greatest hope that if someone has her that they would just release her. and claim that money we have raised for her freedom. thank you so much for being here. and i'm turning it over to greg wily with the crime stoppers of central iowa. greg? >> thanks. what i wanted to do and in
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support of the family is get information about mollie. we are expecting her to be alive. this is a unique thing we have done with the crime stoppers. we want the individual or individuals that may have her to come forward and the biggest thing i guess is that the reward fund will continue to grow. what we do at crime stoppers we are basically a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. we are run by volunteers in iowa. we have full-time jobs. we love to do this. this helps the community. one thing we have to understand if we are going to get her back is we have to get it beyond if she is abducted and taken somewhere else. they have to understand if they contact us, we can protect your identity. it's one thing to say if you call us we'll protect your identity and we won't tell
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anybody. we won't know who you are. our system is set up, called p3 software. purchased through anderson software company. the information comes in, it's encrypt and scrubbed. the only thing identified to the information is an i.d. number. that tipster then will have to pay attention to you guys and contact us back if a crime has been solved. we have no way of contacting them back. if we do get the opportunity to have an interaction with whatever the individual is. law enforcement gets information immediately. we are not privy to it. we are great partners. for whatever reason, we would not communicate it to the
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police. that being said, we can take a few questions but they have to be pretty much tilted to the reward fund and questions about crime stoppers. >> do you believe she was abducted? >> at this time, you know, that is one of the possibilities. >> how can people donate? i know there is a crime stoppers website. how does it work? >> if you go to crime stoppers, it will be -- we have a tab with mollie's name on it. if you click on that, there is a way to wire the money in and a way to receive that and fill out to mail that money in. we are a non-profit 501(c)(3). a lot of times the donations are tax deductible. >> questions for rob. rob, can you tell us this is your daughter, she has been missing since july 18. can you tell us how the family
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is holding up? >> the family is holding up just fine. we are setting our personal feelings aside. this is a fight for our daughter. we have all the tools that we can use. and i want to thank the media for coming here and helping us to share this story. we are told very little by the authorities for very good reason. they are incredible partners. they have put together incredible investigation. it's large. it's sophisticated. it's aggressive. and they have been nothing but sensitive to our family. to suggest otherwise is wrong. but they are not sharing information with us because they don't need to share information with someone who might be implicated in this. the other part is you, the media. you have been wonderful. you have taken us, the story national and international. and to keep this story and the public conscience is essential. this will be solved by someone
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coming forward with information, information they think is trivial and not worth sharing or information they think is going to implicate a loved one or a friend and they are afraid of doing that. i have been telling all of you, if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. so come forward. share that information with the authorities. and let's bring mollie home. this is another tool in our arsenal. we are providing this fund to provide financial incentive for someone who is otherwise reluctant to come forward. if you can get the story out, maybe we can bring mollie home and we'll all have a happy ending to this. >> what do you make of the fact that more than $2,000? >> it's a testament to the media and your ability to get the story out. it's been incredible the partnership with the media. the national media and the local media to get mollie's
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story out and humanize her so people will identify her. she is not that different from your daughters or your sister or your girlfriend. she is just a wonderful, normal, terrific person. and we all can identify with that. so let's bring her home. anything you can do to keep this story in the public conscience is, it's essential. >> is there a way to determine the further donation you got? is it overseas? how far are the donations coming from? >> i don't know the details of all of that. i don't know that the amount is essential as much as the incentive is another tool we can use. across the street from here, the community live now is creating collateral, t-shirts and buttons and pins and yard signs and magnets that go on cars with the tip number on. we can only fight that way.
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that is what we're doing. laura put together this fund. we have been on a separate track trying to work with you to help you get the story out. so we wake up every day at 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning to fight. laura's fighting. the boys are fighting. dalton is fighting. everybody in the community is fighting to get her back. you are really helpful. >> rob, the new sighting, the possible sighting of mollie announced -- confirmed by the police yesterday. what does that do? >> i don't know what you are talking about. >> so there was a sighting. there was a tighting -- sighting in missouri that could have been someone matching her description. now we are learning it's not her. >> you raise a good point. people are reluctant to come forward with information because they think it's irrelevant or trivial. nothing is irrelevant and
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trivial. the authorities told us as much. they have the resources to sort out what is right or what is wrong. so if you have something trivial or something that either could potentially implicate someone you know or love, come forward with the information. the authorities can sort it out and do it quickly. >> have you ever had a reward this large? >> the last one we participated in was oakland murder in 2011. fortunately, in the communities that we live in, we don't get this opportunity and we'd rather not have it. the key thing in all of this. they were saying that the money can be an incentive for somebody to step up. especially if they have abducted her and possibly doing other things monetarily. but the key part is that we can guarantee their identity. what i explained before, we couldn't tell you who they were even if we wanted to tell you who they were. that is crucial from what rob says as far as the individuals
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out there who don't want to be involved feel like boy, if i say something now they will come after me and want to talk to me or cases in the past we have had mothers turn in sons or family members turn in other family members because they are out of control. they wouldn't have done that unless they were sure that their identity would be protected. that is a crucial part of what crime stoppers does. we are a safety net. law enforcement does a great job. most of the community public is not afraid to get involved. we exist for that small majority of the public that would never participate until they guaranteed anonymity. >> how often have you seen a case turn into a success, recovery, because of that? >> locally we haven't had a lot. i served on the board nationally several years ago. there are stories all over the place where the money did get somebody's attention.
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and they did come forward because they were confident they could come forward and be protected and nobody would know who they are. there will be dynamics. we are trying to shake the tree. we want somebody to come forward. even if it's not real. at least it started a conversation with somebody. somebody might know that she is being held by somebody but would never say anything. >> harris: the effort now to appeal to people who are watching both national and local television in brooklyn, iowa. they need the public's help. a huge thank you particularly to all the media for the platform of putting mollie tibbetts' image and now story out for the world to see. they had said this family of hers, that they believe she is still alive and they are operating that way. this news conference certainly had a feel of an appeal for someone who might be watching or those around and the individual who might be watching. she is 20 years old. she was out for a run.
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and she hasn't been seen since. they want the details out there. even if you don't live in iowa. south grand view near randell place. when she -- i believe that is the location. nevertheless, they want people to call in to this number. we will put it on the screen. 641-623-5679. on the screen right now for mollie tibbetts. her family is saying this is a fight for our daughter. we are trying to humanize her to get people to call in. we will continue to cover the story as it unfolds. >> melissa: another fox news alert we are learning special counsel robert mueller responded to a et letter from president trump's legal team about a possible interview as the white house is defending the president's calls to end the investigation. this is "outnumbered." i'm melissa francis. here today, harris faulkner, of course. fox news network anchor dagen mcdowell. host of "kennedy" on the fox
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business network, kennedy. and host of "the five" and "the greg gutfeld show," greg gutfeld. he is outnumbered. also author of "the gutfeld monologues." you bring something new and interesting to say every time that we've never heard no pressure. >> greg: thank you. what would you like me to say? >> harris: all of that is familiar. >> melissa: there you go. >> harris: we'll get to it. >> melissa: sources telling fox news that mueller agreed to reduce the number of the questions from the initial list and the potential interview with president trump. and is willing to take some in writing but wants oral answers to others. in addition, sources say mueller still wants to ask question about obstruction of justice which the legal team opposed. they are still said to be leaning against an interview. greg, when they say they are going to cut it from the initial list of 49 it makes he wonder is he going to know the
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questions in advance? >> greg: there is like, there is like a new angle to the story every day. the world's worst mini series that america is not watching. if you look at the poll numbers they are interested in belly button lint than this topic. it's frustrating. this probe is now longer than a cross country bus ride to see your dad in prison. it's tedious. the thing is, here is the big question. why is it that a politician purchasing information from the russians through a british spy is somehow less important than your staff taking a meeting in the building? you know, everybody takes meetings in buildings. i have done that when i was in magazines. i had meetings with people i didn't know and they always turned out to be skeevy but you didn't know until afterwards. i don't understand taking a meeting is worse than what hillary clinton did. i think americans are tired of this. and it would be good for the country as a whole if we just button this up and kicked it out the door.
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>> melissa: kennedy? >> kennedy: i hope we learn something from this going into the next presidential election season. they don't repeat the mistakes. people are not going to wash up british spies and pay for opposition research. as we learn from the exercise opposition and resistance is not enough. it's not enough to get people to the polls. they want ideas. they want solutions. the good thing about people being so politically engaged and having a president love him or hate him people pay attention to every single thing. that means the voters are more educate and they are not going to listen to the propaganda nonsense about how horable opponent is. there has to be more than that. >> dagen: president trump and the attorneys need to tell bob mueller we are not talking to you, period. you are not getting an interview. if he calls this a rigged witch hunt this is one of the best messaging campaigns ever. a better slogan than finger
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licking good. this guy bob mueller is modern day van helsing. i know witches and vampires, i get them mixed up. don't talk to them. the f.b.i., the investigators will lie to him but he can't lie to them. he doesn't know what 1.5 million pages of documents in this case. if he wants to talk to someone, call up your friend, kim kardashian or tom brady. zen it out. if you pant to yell at somebody call jeff sessions. don't say a word to bob mueller. >> melissa: it does seem like maybe that is what they are setting up for. we want to talk, we want to talk. but in the end it's not going to happen. never forgotten the emotional ceremony marking the return of dozens of presumed u.s. war dead killed in the korean war. so many decades ago. where it could mark a key turning point in the relations and whether it shows the president's unconventional style gets results.
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vice president mike pence formally receiving the remains at the ceremony in hawaii after arriving from south korea. weeks after that trump got north korean leader kim jong un. here is vincent brooks. >> for the warriors, a commitment made to one another before going into battle. and pass on from one generation of warriors to the next. and for all, solemn reminder.
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no matter how long it takes. i'm not -- president trump says look forward to seeing you soon. it seems that he is employing the same unpredictability that the president have. they have hostages release and back home and he will return remains of the fallen fighters. it appears to be tinkering with the long distance missiles. >> greg: i said a couple of
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days ago, negotiations are going on. don't stop what you are doing. north korea is waiting for the grand gesture. if this were a relationship the part you put the ring on the finger and the grand gesture might be declaration of peace or something bigger than that. you have to compare last night a moving experience that should have been covered by the networks and wasn't. compare it to january 13. which was everyone in hawaii thought they were going to die because of a malfunction and missile system. that was driven in part by the psychological fears over north korea. how has it changed dramatically? compare last night to january 23. -- january 13. that is monumental. you have to give credit, the weird thing about donald trump, when you are a salesman all things are possible. you look at the past, let me take a shot at that and see what happens. this is the product of the mantra. we'll see what happens. i think what we are seeing.
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something is happening. trust the government, you're a hypocrite. you didn't care about the iran-obama change why care about this? if you look at this staff, you have bolton, pompeo, mattis, kelly, trump. murder's row of adults. i trust that group of people in dealing with foreign powers more so than the previous administration. that is why it's different than iran. >> harris: it must be complicated, too, for some of the president's critics at this point. those who said you gave away legitimacy and you gave away the world stage and you gave away the white house and you gave away this. what did we get back? every network should have covered the homecoming last night. >> greg: but they couldn't. >> harris: i think they could have. >> greg: they felt -- >> harris: so when you see the flags over the caskets, over the remaining and they
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are working hard to identify, dr. byrd and his team and forensics with the military working hard to match remains with the families and so on and so forth. while the process goes on, you are starting to see what we are getting. you mentioned it. so did you, kennedy. north korea is trying to figure out where is the line in which we get something? so, while the president some of the critics may say we gave too much away, north korea certainly doesn't field that. they are trying to figure out what it takes. >> kennedy: for people to say the gesture is trivial is incentive to the families. there is a process. there was only one dog tag. >> harris: absolutely. he has his hand full. >> dagen: i'm often the first in line to be negative about something. this is nothing but positive. and sets in motion -- >> harris: and nonpartisan. should be.
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>> dagen: sets in motion an effort to bring home -- there are 7,700 soldiers still missing. 5,300 of them, the remains are still believed to be in north korea. watching vice president pence whose father served in the korean war and awarded the bronze star, what it meant to him and every single family. it sends a message to every family and every person who served this country. we will treat you with dignity and respect and make sure that you get home. it's a reminder to everybody, freedom is not free. >> melissa: i'm worried about the trump deniers in the situation and the people who deny any positive outcome related to president trump. they look at this, this is a difficult science to go through the remains. they are going to find some without question that aren't americans or aren't what we thought. those people will stand up and declare victory. and they won't respect number one how hard this is.
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how hurtful it would be for the families. i think it will happen. i'm worried. here you go. >> kennedy: new e-mails obtained by the conservative group judicial watch showing peter strozk was allowing to keep his power to declassify documents. when he moved to the mueller probe. so did this give mueller's team special capabilities to target the president? we'll debate next. no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. call one today. are you in good hands? your digestive system has billions of bacteria but life can throw them off balance. re-align yourself with align probiotic. and try new align gummies with prebiotics and probiotics to help support digestive health.
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powers allowed mueller special access to target president trump. watch this. >> it sure did. strozk wouldn't have asked for it if he didn't think it would be useful in the new job. he wanted the authority to issue national security letters which are secret request for information that fall short of needing court approval. he also wanted and he said this was essential, which was unusual. he wanted the ability to declassify information. >> dagen: strozk was pulled from the probe with text messages with the f.b.i. lawyer and his girlfriend at the time lisa page came to light. greg, this is starting to make more and more sense of what was he up to and why did he position himself on the mueller team? >> this drives me crazy. everything he does is suspect suspect -- subject to
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interpretation. i believe he is out for trump and biased but the text could be interpreted differently. you see this and his interpretation is i need clearance for my job. you could interpret it as no, you are out to destroy trump. but they cancel each other out an its a waste of energy. you won't get anything on him when it's an interpretation. >> harris: senator rand paul, which is how i imagine him. ♪ i told you remember when he was trying to press the point that security clearances were in place for people. he had written to the f.b.i. and they wouldn't talk with the specificity of the clearances but senator paul was on to something saying the access they retain even after they move around and not fired is complicated and something we should be aware of and dig deeper on. >> kennedy: not just peter strozk. >> harris: or his paramour.
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>> kennedy: they use this vague and a broad umbrella to read information from the other intelligence agencies thanks to president obama is shared essentially across the board. they don't need warrants to partake in what is spying. the f.b.i. has the capability because the powers are so broad and so vague. and they are even more emboldened now. so even under 702, if a bunch of operatives on the trump campaign had talked about someone from russia, using this national security guide, peter strozk can now read all the e-mails and the texts. broad surveillance powers unchecked because they can be abused by people like this who have a personal and political axe to ground. >> melissa: makes me wonder how many are out there. we hear about peter strozk. every day is a new thing, a deeper level and something he brought from the past. people say a few bad apples but you wonder how many people
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there are or the investigators out there doing the same thing. given that it appears to have been so easy to do. >> greg: i have a security clearance but it's for arbees. you wouldn't believe what i know. >> you get to go in the kitchen. >> greg: anytime i want. curly fries, know how they make it curly. >> harris: are they preseasonned or put on after? >> greg: if i divulge that, they'd probably kill me. >> harris: this is something i can't get past. >> dagen: you interviewed congressman gates about this. bob mueller when he kicked peter strozk off the team. when he found text messages were revealed by the inspector general, robert mueller never asked strozk about the bias. he never asked what do the text messages mean? i don't want to speculate too much but he didn't want to know if it's obtainable -- >> harris: plausible deniability.
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>> do they ask everyone else if they are biased? >> melissa: what was the insurance policy? >> dagen: we'll stop it? the american people? that was a great answer. >> kennedy: stinking ones at walmart? >> dagen: hogwash. new questions over the direction of the democratic party after former president obama puts out an initial list of endorsements and leaves off a rising left wing star. more on that ahead. if you feel like you spend too much time in the bathroom
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>> harris: former president barack obama jumped in the midterm fray announcing endorsement for a group of the 81 democrat candidates running on federal and the state levels but there are some notable omissions. like progressive darling and self-proclaimed democratic socialist alexandria ocasio-cortez. who has been making the rounds with bernie sanders, stumping
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for progressive candidates. d.n.c. chief tom perez hailed the 28-year-old startup and upstart as the future of the party. we should note that obama's press office says this is his first wave of endorsements with more to come. does that manes she is on the next list? we don't know. republicans are fundraising off of it and the candidate vying to take darrell issa's seat when he retires sent an e-mail saying obama endorses my opponent to flip the seat to take back the house and stop conservatives like me to fix the mess he made of our country. i need your help to stop obama coming in to california and stealing the seat. exclamation point. >> greg: i don't blame obama for returning. he is yesterday's lesson on the chalk board. and trump is the new teacher.
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that is like slowly fading. and he didn't endorse ocasio-cortez. >> harris: or dianne feinstein. >> greg: ocasio-cortez is not liberal enough. that is why. >> melissa: he didn't endorse claire mccaskill. >> harris: i'm being corrected. it happened previously. this was not on the list. >> greg: trying to trick us. >> harris: no. i was just wrong. >> melissa: previously endorsed. i see what you are saying. not on this list but i don't know if it means this time around and this round. i read that the same way. that dianne feinstein wasn't on this list. i don't know if she will make the list. >> dagen: remind people who he did endorse and campaign for. hillary clinton. she lost. so again, what does his endorsement do for these people? >> melissa: it was lukewarm. he said america needed a new car smell. >> kennedy: didn't he say do it for me? talking about hillary clinton
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vote for her for me. guess what? they didn't. >> harris: that is an excellent question. >> kennedy: she didn't excite his coalition. the sleight against alexandria ocasio-cortez is important. because they are still very much fighting for the soul of the democratic party and there isn't a leader of the democrat party. and president obama -- >> harris: it's not chuck schumer? >> kennedy: president obama doesn't want to do it. he comes out to give speeches. >> melissa: he likes to be a king. >> kennedy: he likes being king-maker but he doesn't like the political side and grunt work. he will have to hit the trail come november. but she represents the chasm in the party. he is on one side. and bernie sanders on the other. >> dagen: she brags about her economic degree. >> harris: i have question
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for you. when it comes to exacting the payback for the endorsements what do you for barack obama? what is he looking for at this point? >> greg: you mean exact revenge on trump? >> harris: what does he get from the candidates? >> dagen: pete souza. was the white house photographer in the obama administration and released a book of the photographs from the presidency and he has a new book coming out. it's called "shade." based on his instagram account where he posted awesome photo of president obama and throwing shade at president trump. >> greg: we are only endorsing my book today. what is the problem with you people? >> harris: we are awaiting the start of a white house press briefing. we got news today that the special counsel robert mueller's team sent a letter to the legal team with a
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potential sit down interview. will they do it? when it begins we take you there live. the guy in the center seat a book out. "the gutfeld monologues" the classic rant from "the five" published tuesday. we have rants. can you slide us in on the back cover? >> greg: absolutely. >> harris: all right. we like this. i'll never find a safe used car. start at the new show me minivans with no reported accidents. boom. love it. [struggles] show me the carfax. start your used car search at the all-new when you barely clip a tpassing car. minor accident - no big deal, right?
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>> melissa: greg gutfeld out with a new book "the gutfeld monologues." classic rants from "the five." came out on tuesday and the collection of the memorable moments on the show covering everything from politics to pop culture. i am a giant fan. so i brought my favorite quote. the country is no longer a melting pot. we are just a giant wallet waiting to be picked. >> greg: that is good. >> melissa: i brought one of my own. going on facebook is like walking around outside naked. there is no upside to the exposure unless you're kardashian. >> greg: i like that. >> i'm thinking of the book where you are completely wrong. i know you go back and score predictions. >> greg: this has 200 monologues.
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hay go by fast so i put them together to read them and enjoy them slowly. i read them and there is a lot of stuff i got wrong. i was wrong on bernie sanders in the sense i mocked him a lot and i realize that that is -- that is equivalent of mocking trump. you are overlooking the appeal, the specific appeal to an audience. i sat there he is an old socialist from vermont which is accurate but i realize i'm not giving him credit he deserves. there are other clichés. the most mistakes were because of emotional decisions. when you write and think about a topic you have to think about it with the persuasion in mind and not emotion. that is what i have learned. the stuff i get wrong is when you inject too much emotion into something. that is my feeling. >> dagen: that is why people love you, because you inject emotion in what you do.
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with the monologues i have to stop and rewind. they are brilliantly written. >> greg: thank you. >> dagen: you have to stop and rewind. wait. >> melissa: it's true. i love these things together. i love how hard you work. some people say the same thing about one day to the next of a topic be you always think of original point of view and bring something new to it so to have it in one place is fun. >> greg: that is the goal. by 5:00, everybody has said everything. i have to find a way to say it that nobody said it before. i pretend i'm drunk. >> every segment you do you take notes in sharpie. >> greg: i have 60 pages of notes for "the five." ridiculous. probably weird and obsessive. >> dagen: i type mine and now i feel normal. if i tweet a lot would you book me? >> greg: i would love to.
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you don't have to do that. >> melissa: do you annoy people do analogies? >> greg: only if they're bad. if they are good i'm impressed. >> melissa: buy the book. more "outnumbered" in a number. >> greg: thanks guys -- girls! , what matters to you? you got a1c, heart, diet, and exercise. slide 'em up or slide 'em down. so let's see. for most of you, it's lower a1c. but only a few of you are thinking about your heart. fact is, even though it helps to manage a1c, type 2 diabetes still increases your risk of a fatal heart attack or stroke. jardiance is the only type 2 diabetes pill with a lifesaving cardiovascular benefit for adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease, significantly reducing the risk of dying from a cardiovascular event and lowering a1c, along with diet and exercise. this really changes things. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration.
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>> melissa: almost like the studio you are in later. almost the position. >> dagen: i'm on "the five" first time tomorrow. look out. >> i'm jealous. harris? >> harris: we will begin with the fox news alert awaiting the start of the white house press briefing amid questions looming about robert mueller's russia investigation and whether we are closer to a potential sit down between the special counsel and president trump. it's being talked about. we are covering it as we go "outnumbered overtime." i'm harris faulkner. moments from now, press secretary sarah sanders will step up to the lectern to the left of the screen inside the white house briefing room. the mueller probe expected to be a hot topic. sources telling fox news that they responded to a letter from the legal team about the scope of a potential interview. are they pulling
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