tv Hannity FOX News August 2, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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end every night for the show that is a sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink by dvr it if you can. i can't. good luck to you. more than anything, have a great night tonight. sean hannity coming up >> sean: hey, tucker. great show. >> tucker: think you. >> sean: they are yelling at me, fix your button. if you need a button, i will give you one. great show. welcome to "hannity." with zero evidence of cropping up in russia collusion, 442 days mueller partisan return, your mainstream corrupt media is literally in this country desperately searching for a new crisis every second of every day. this time they are trying to focus their attention on their favorite topic, oh, themselves. they are narcissistic. one particularly devout anti-trump pig journalist over at fake new cnn is so openly concerned the president's rhetoric could endanger members of the media but we'll show you
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how the white house press secretary, sarah sanders, absolutely decimated this person. we'll tell you about it in a minute. during today's very tense briefing. we'll help remind the anti-trump fake news at cnn at network why so many americans chant at you that you suck. americans don't trust you abusively biased coverage. despite the constant stream of negative, negative coverage from the media, the president's poll numbers are growing higher and higher. by the way, this comes as the administration is now combating "russia election meddling" in a big way, something that obama failed to actually do! obama said this couldn't happen in this country. trump means to focus on getting voters. stop whining. okay. moments ago, the president wrapped up a massive rally in pennsylvania. we'll show you the best moments. we have the very latest details, day three of the paul manafort trial of the century. 2005 tax case. sit tight, buckle up, it's
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almost friday. time for tonight's breaking news opening monologue. we are glad you are with us. ♪ postcrisis paddlers are at it again. your mainstream, destroy-trump-media, has constantly tried and constantly failed to sink the trump presidency. night after night, they are pushing scandal after scandal,he and day after day, it has come full circle. tonight, the outrage of the day is centered around members of the media talking about themselves and their own little bubble. how some believe that they president's rhetoric and conservative rhetoric, people chanting att them, any criticism against them actually is putting them in danger. let's be very clear, get it off the table, as i said last night. any member ofst the press, frankly anybody, it's reprehensible. no one that i don't know, no real conservative, whatever call for or support any violence against the media. but i also saidd last night i would be the first person to jump in and personally defend
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any journalist who was attacked anywhere in the country. by the way, i trained five days, hard, mma. frankly i think i would be an asset. pretty confident i could be effective. let's also be clear. the fact that the people of this country are so fed up by their bias, theyyi are lying, it's noa call for violence at all. as a matter of fact, it's actually freedom of speech, and our duty to call out blatant lies, fake news, for what it is. it's no surprise that you, the american people, no longer trust the so-called mainstream media. here's just one recent example. today the truncated "new york times," the so-called paper of record, they actually defended the hiring of a person who wants to eat it " # "#cancelwhitepeople. "i was equating trump to hitler
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before it was cool." that is "the new york times." why would- with the american people trust any organization that proudly hires that person? today, the president tweeted, "they asked my daughter ivanka whether or not the media is the enemy of the people. she quickly said no. it is the fake news, which is a largeth percentage of the media, that is the enemy of the people. the press is absolutely a vital part of any democracy, they are right to guaranteed under the constitution but so are the rights of freedom of speech, and the president calling about for the lies they tell. the american people also have a right and when they know the network is feeding them lies, propaganda, misinformation, every single second of every single minute of every single day, week after week, month after month, year after year, they are right to call them out. in fact, once so-called news network is so blinded by the anti-trump derangement rage they have, they don't even remember how destructive, how aggressive,
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how insane, how pathological their own rhetoric was even before day one of the drum presidency. but we've got the videotape to remind you. take a look afraid to speak of what he's done is create a lot of hatred and hostility between groups in this country. after a half-century of us trying to bring people together. >> are the talking heads missing something when they put it all on the economy? what about racial anxiety is a factor? is an example of how overheated the rhetoric is. another example out of north carolina today, the firebombing of a local g.o.p. office. i that kind of action is unacceptable. we need to have the temperature come down on all sides right now. unfortunately donald trump is raising the temperature at this moment in time. >> i think that if there's one thing that donald trump could do now that might calm some people, we are on track for a tragedy.
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>> sean: no, we are on the track for the best economic recovery we've had in 15 years. as you can see, fake new cnn, quick to lower the level of discourse in thiske country by e same guy that said "this is a whitelash." thatot did not stop the king of lies, the king of fake news, jim acosta come from trying to seize the moral high ground at today's press briefing. by the way, he didn't win this round. take a look. >> i think it would be a good thing if you were to say right here at this briefing that the press, the people who are gathered in this room right now, are doing their jobs every day,s asking questions of officials like the ones you brought forward earlier, are not the enemy of the people. i think we deserve a. >> i think the president has made his position known. i also think it's ironic -- i'm trying to answer your question. i politely waited and called on you despite the fact that you interrupted me while i was
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calling on your colleague. >> if you would not mind letting me having a follow-up, that would be fine.e. >> is ironic, jim, that not only you and the media attacked the president for his rhetoric when they frequently lower the level of conversation in this country, repeatedly, repeatedly the media resorts to personal attacks without any content other than to incite, i can cite anger. >> sean: boom, checkmate. sarah sanders help remind fake news jim acosta about the real enablers of violence during this powerful beat down. take a look. afraid to speak of the media has attacked me. personally and on a number of occasions including your own network, said i should be harassed as a sentence, should be choked. i i.c.e. officials are not welcome in their places of worship. when i was posted by the correspondents association, of which all of you are members of, you brought a comedian up to attack my appearance anden calle a traitor to my own gender. in fact, as i know, as far as i
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know, i'm the first press secretary and history of united states that that is required to secret service productions. ic ratchetcontinues to up their verbal assaults against the president and everyone in this administration and certainly we have a role to play withth the media has a role to play for the discourse in this countryla as well. >> sean: checkmate, sarah sanders. as you can see, there are real acts of violence, harassment, aggression, it happens every day. there are a lot of nuts out there. i knowow personally. like so many in the public eye, i've had numerous death threatsl over the year, white powder mailed to my office and none of that is fun. i'll be the first to stand up and say everyone has a right to freedom of speech but seeing that you are a liar and calling out fake news is only words. nobody is supporting any violence. so don't make accusations that are untrue. many in the media are all too happy to play down violence that have been perpetrated against conservatives, for example just
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the day, a man arrested after leaving majority whip steve scalise a threatening voice mail. 2017, steve scalise, republican, was shot by a deranged bernie sanders reporter. the biased price press can't he psycho accountable and attributed some of the person. during the obama administration, no member of the mainstream media feared for their lives are blamed obama for random acts of violence against o conservatives because he said things like thi this. >> i might have to put mr. burgess on fox news. you know, i'll bet -- i'll put mr. burgess up against sean hannity. he'll tear them up. i need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. i wanted to talk to them whether they are independent, or whether
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they are republican. i want you to argue with them and get in their face. >> sean: sean hannity goes high. bigelow. tear me up. oh, get in their face. as you can see, although the end moral outrage coming from many in the media is just one more fake crisis that is being concocted and posed by the fake news media, people that are hell-bent, waking up every day, maligningo the president, every minute, every second, every day, every week. despite all this, the president is pulling better than any before. rasmussen poll, the president's approval rating now stands at a solid 50%, which incidentally is five points higher than obama during the same time frame. this is huge news with the midterms just around the corner, and earlier tonight, during his rally in pennsylvania, the president, well, and the abusively biased press, he took them on and so much more. let's take a look. >> we are doing better in all of
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these estates then we did on election night. much better. [cheers and applause] despite only negative publicity, only negative stories from the fakers back there.e whatever happened to fair price? whatever happened to honest reporters? [boos] i was asked to have tea with the queen, who was incredible, by the way. so i was about 15 minutes early and i am waiting with my wife and that's fine. hey,ng it's the queen, right? we can wait. we then go up and we have tea, and i didn't know this. it was supposed to last for 15 minutes but it lasted for, like, an hour because we got along! we got along! so here was the story by the fake news: the president was 15 minutes late for the queen. wrong. [boos] andd then -- here's the rest of the story -- no, here's the
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rest. here's the rest of the story. they said i was late when i was actually early. number one. number two, i guess the meeting was scheduled for 15 minutes, and it lasted for almost an hou hour. the president overstated overs. but they can make anything bad because they are the fake, fake, disgusting news. >> sean: the president also addressed immigration. by the way, a shout out to rush limbaugh and yours truly. i was shocked. take a look. >> welo are fighting a war. we are fighting a war on drugs. they are bringing in drugs. they are bringing in lots of bad people. wewe are getting -- we are stopping it. so we are going to be taking some very tough actions. i don't know if it's before the election after the election. you know, a lot of the republicans essay -- and they are good. we need more republicans, they are friends of mine, they say,
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president, you know --nt some of tough guys.lly they said, sir, we are better off if we wait until after. it's better before, let's do it before. sir --re you know who thinks it should be before? rush limbaugh thinks it should be before. before the election. you know who else? sean hannity. a lot of them. a lot of them. great people. >> sean: 96 days away. this is -- and this is not hyperbole -- this is real. the single most important midterm election in our lifetime.lo look at your screen. that is their agenda. take a look. what do they want to do? impeach this president, but don't say it. what else? they want their crimes back. they want to get rid of i.c.e. and open borders and what else? oh, they want to block the supreme court now many, and the investigations into the corrupt deep state. it's only been 18 months.
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obama gave us 13 million more americans on food stamps. 8 million more in property. lowest labor participation rate since the '70s. worst recovery since the '40s. 54 year low and homeownership rate. he accumulated more debt then every president combined. he tried to bribe the mullahs in iran that say "death to america, death to israel? with $150 in cash and other currency. he let us out across his bony redline in the sand. well, it was totally untracked. no one can influence our elections, devin nunes learned about in 2014. president trump needs to stop whining. no one can do it, no serious person believes that. and many on the left and the media today are constantly, constantly just obsessing about russia, russia, russia. the trump administration has been ten times stronger than anything obama did and after eight years of ignoring the hostile regime of russia, the fat actor, pollutant, this president is actually taking
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potential election meddling seriously. look at the press from earlier today. >> e since january 2017, the president has taken decisive action to defend our election systems from meddling in interference. this includes measures to heighten the security and resilience of election systems and processes. to confront russian and other foreign alliant influence of the unit states. >> the progress we have made israel and the nation's are more resilient today because of the work we are all doing. but we must continue to ensure that our democracy is protected. >> what we see is the russians are looking for every opportunity, regardless of party, regardless of whether or not it applies to the election, to continue their pervasive onefforts to undermine our fundamental values. >> any moment is just a moment before,nt you know, that aisle n be turned up one, much as we saw in 2016. not in terms of affecting the vote count but in terms of potential penetration of voter
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registration databases or something like that. >> sean: the president is countering russia but your corrupt media is more focused on covering the trial of the century. paul manafort. because of a tax issue from 2005. a case not about russia, not about the 2016 campaign, not about president trump. he didn't know him then. it's not about collusion. robert mueller, what the hell is this? sadly,ha like every federal cas, chances are high they will try again, they can indict a ham sandwich and get a ham sandwich guilty. so far mueller's legal team is facing stuff, asked if push back from judge ellis after speculation that the t prosecutn wouldn't call their star witness, and that is former manafort business partner rick gates. ellis told team mueller that they can prove collusion without him. they are criminalizing the fact that the guy is wealthy. it's not a crime to be rich or spend money. we'll monitor the trial.
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remember it was ellis who said they are putting the screws to manafort, so that he'll sing or compose so they can either -- o -- prosecute or impeach donald trump. this has a zero impact on the president coming out about him. mueller tried and failed to turn the screws on manafort, and guess what? nothing. anyway, joining us now from the trump organization, the son of the president, eric trump. how are you? >> incredible monologue. >> sean: thank you. i'm sorry for making you sit through this. you dealt with this in my campaign, you deal with this every day, you see they liey about your father come with a tp and clean all this moral outrage. i would think, as a son, it's hard but you also know they are lying. >> the hypocrisy is unlike anything you can imagine. you have them attacking baron, you have them attacking tiffan, you have them attacking our entire family, you have them spewing garbage everything with a on cnn and all these other networks about my father. covering nonsense while forgetting about the fact that
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our economye grew 4.1%, the lowest unemployment in history, jobs areng coming back to the country, the stock market is at a record high. they forget about that. >> sean: defeat isis, got out of iran, jerusalem is the capital of israel and little rocket man is not firing rockets. >> little jim acosta gets belittled on a rally and all of a sudden, -- i mean, it's really incredible. >> sean: has your family been threatened? >> i've been threatened, we've all had white powder show up at our house. >> sean: by the way, i've insisted that they quarried -- because of that. >> there is no moral outrage about that. when ben shapiro goes to berkeley to give a speech, and there's protests in the street, there is no moral outrage about that. let the men have freedom of speech. let him go out there and speak to people who want to listen. but when it happens to them, when they are offended by a method, all of a sudden, -- >> sean: did you see what they
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said about melania? s this week? with a said about both your sisters? >> that comment about melania, one ofel the truly most disgusting -- you know they said about that? nothing. the only person who actually really cameno to melania's defense? laura ingraham. she came out and she was punching -- and you. >> sean: hello, i'm here. >> no one else in the media. >> sean: she is the loveliest woman. your little brother is a great kid. why does he have to turn on the television set with a decapitated, blood he w severed head of your father? by the way that person was employed by cnn of the time. >> no one said anything about it. a couple people chanted "cnn sucks" because of the biased coverage and everything else, everyone starts crying. it's really incredible, sean. >> sean: cnn sucks. the problem with them -- i tryhe to give them advice, they are not going to listen -- into a sort of like i was watching peter strzok that day and he
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seems like he believes he's a super patriot, he knew better than the american people. we are going to stop them, insurance policy, we need to go to the bottom of that, and of course we will come eventually. it is sort of like the media, they never thought he could win, they mock that he was running, he beat 16 other people, he beat the hill are clinton machine, and even with the fixed income and an investigation into her, and one against him, -- >> now they downplay it. during the campaign, my father said, my biggest goal, 3% gdp growth. now he's at 4.1% gdp growth. they are not doubting that. they were mocking him when he said he could achieve three. you'll never achieve three. "the new york times" said he will never achieve 3% gdp growth. economists think he is lying about that. then he achieves 4.1% growth and they don't even complement him. >> sean: if he cured cancer
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cancer, -- >> they wouldn't give himim credit. of course not. is, it: the question seems likely people are now aware of what the media's agenda is. to me, this midterm is about the six items i just mentioned. you were even working on "20/20" already. we got an election in 96 days. what do you say to those people that may d be only go out for presidential elections and there is a lower turnout and midterm election years? >> will do very, very well. thisrm country, by every quantifiable measure, is doing better today than it's ever done before. people are seeing that. you started the opening monologue with the fact that he's above 50 percent in the polls. his highest ever. i think you are right, there is extra factors in there. our economy is doing incredible. our stock markets are of the charts. he's actually defending this country from nato, from getting ripped off, unemployment, trade deals, everything.
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the deal he struck with the e.u. >> sean: imagine you are a deposition, things are getting better, and what america does well, the democrats in the left-wing media, they are mad. they are proven wrong. >> they should be mad because right now they have nothing to run on. they have no leadership. they have no message. they don't stand for anything. he is doing well by every quantifiable measures so the only thing they can do is, "he's a racist, sexist," the same sound bite they've used for three years that hasn't worked at all. >> sean: they've used it for 30 years. >> they stand for high taxes? they stand for -- >> sean: the crumbs. open borders. >> getting rid of i.c.e., great men and women fighting for the safety of our families, our children every single day, is that what they are going for? ic lose safdr out all day long, sean. all day long. >> sean: great to see you. i saw a picture of your baby. very cute. looks like mom. >> go to. >> sean: yeah.
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>> ♪ >> republicans just passed the ♪ >> republicans just passed the tax cuts in the history of our country. and the democrats want to lift them way up. remember that. when you go to vote, they want to end your tax cuts and they want to lift it up so they can waste your money on a lot of nonsense. >> sean: that was president trump earlier tonight it has pennsylvania rally. joining us know, the author of "the new york times" best seller, "trump's america," former speaker of the house,
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newt gingrich. you know districts as well, if not better, than anyone i know. i reminded his audience that iie was the mc the night you became speaker. the first time that republicans took the house in 40 years. off year elections, mid year elections, the party in power of the white house loses on average 15 seats. some years it is more, some years it's was. they are 100 competitive races. 8613 republican defendant districts. a lot of defending. they got a win 61 and three of the 14 democratic seats that are in play. >> i think we have two futures this fall. back in october of 2016 when you and i were among the very few people who thought donald trump could ring and all the same exp, everyone who is talking about a blue wave, conference trailer he was going to win,
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pull up the cliffs. the quotes. what happened? trump the goods to fight it out. had the guts to go nose to nose with hillary, had the guts to take on the elite media, the guts,, no matter what the poll site coming to campaign five or six or seven rallies a day. where the house republicans? it's not complicated. i've done this my whole life. joe gaylord and i, we designed the '94 campaign, writing a paper to republicans, suck it up. if you are prepared to go nose to nose of the left and prepared to tell the truth, willing to wage a national campaign, you want open borders or do you want to control who comes in the u.s.,, including ms-13 gangster? do you want really great economy, really great growth? or do you want to go back to food stamps, dependency, big government, et cetera? go down the list. we have a chance for historicc
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election, to give the american people, an honest choice betwen a radical extremist democratic party in which the progressive wing is gradually being destroyed by the radical extremists or they can try to appease the elites. i will tell you, if they run a district by district campaign, they will lose the house. it is impossible in the modern era. you are proof of it. rush limbaugh is proof of it. 435 districts every day. so republicans have got to decide, they will win the fight, they will win the argument, they got all the issues on their side, but the question is, do they have the courage? >> sean: let me ask you this. the president tweets out about robert mueller, tweets out about jeff sessions, about the witch hunt, he was very clear in saying that no, it is fake news, most media isno not the enemy if the people but the fake news
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ones are because they don't tell the american people the truth. what does the president do? how should he be dealing with this club that has been hovering over his head with no evidence whatsoever, like for example, paul manafort. there's nothing about pressure, the president, the campaign, nog about collusion.r 2005 tax case, but hillary clinton has never been indicted. how does he navigate what he believes and what i also agree with is unfair and witch hunt leading into this midterm? >> look, i think he can do three things that will be very decisive and will change the whole picture. the first is, let me point out to everyone the audience, 98 or 99% of what mueller is doing is not covered by sessions' recusal up with the russian campaign incidents. 98 or 99%. the sessions, if he did his job, could intervene tonight or
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tomorrow, totally within his authority.y. he showed. number two, the president ought to take every single example we are talking about and simply declassify it. i want to see every decision memo about benghazi where the obama team consciously decided to lie to the american people. i want to see all the decision memos about hillary clinton. the president can order them released.he he has the ability by executive order to say, i want them on for next thursday. don't give me the baloney about taking 22 years. get them out. third, i think we have to look very carefully at what this case is all about. mueller has hired a bunch of eerie left-wing clearly a hunting party. i think the president should challenge mueller head on. mueller should -- thele presidet should say to mueller, i dare you to hold a press conference until the american people any evidence you have that you think is relevant to why you were hired. give us any evidence you have because i don't think mueller has any evidence and i think it
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will be embarrassing at how little he knows. >> sean: i think that's embarrassing. 2005 tax case, the judge said, put the screws to him so we can sing composes to either prosecute or impeach trump. let's not kid ourselves. the judge said that to mueller's team. mr. speaker, thank you for being with us. when we come back, the great one, mark levin, he wants to weigh in on all things to mueller, manafort, and much more. straight ahead. ♪
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diplomats. i was the one that complained about the fact that germany is paying billions of dollars for r ridiculous pipeline coming into germany. they are paying billions and billions of dollars a year to russia. i was the one that complained about it! >> sean: that was the president a short time ago. his rally in pennsylvania, ripping the russian hoax. moments ago, president trump arrived at morristown airport in new jersey, as i believe he is headed for bedminster. joining us now with reaction ons this and so much more, the host of the number one rated cable show, 10:00 on sunday evenings, "life, liberty, and levin," and the host of crt views "levin tv." how are you, my friend? >> i'm doing great, how are you? for five seconds, i want to join you in celebrating rushec
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limbaugh's 30 years who made it possible for all of us to do what we do. the man has taken more spears and arrows and it is w such a great honor to call him my friend and what he's done for this country is really incalculable. anyway, go right ahead. >> sean: i got to tell you. i mean this. without talk radio for 30 years, bleeding that way, forging the path, without fox, i honestly come on let's talk about jim acosta, how corrupt this news media income of crybabies, calling us fake news. it's not violence. it's called freedom of speech. i guess they have freedom of the press to lie like they do. >>ay i would say this, a lot has been said about the president calling fake to fake news the enemy of the people. i have a different take on this. why do theis press hate the american people? over 65 million people, give or take, voted for donald trump. i wrote this down. there is press outlets,
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reporters, hosts, guests, have called millions of americans nazis deranged, deplorable, even worse. how do the press can justify calling tens of millions of people such outrageous names? week conservatives have watched as the press have destroyed, palin, clarence thomas, ronald reagan, the list goes on and on and on. the d.c. press corps today is the least professional press corps in my lifetime. they think that their job is to make an impossible for the president of function. to sabotage him, and to advance the cause of the ideologues, to advance the cause of a rogue prosecutor by the name of mueller. so the press reallyos needs to e circumspect, take a look at itself.ok it won't. as long as they keep putting clowns like jim acosta out there, who is a drama queen of sorts, and who like to report on
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themselves and talk about themselves, as long as it's impossible to tell a late night comedian from jake tapper and jake tapper fromom the porn star and all the rest of it, this is the reaction of the american people. >> sean: [laughs] if it wasn't so important -- this is where thank god the american people have choices. we are a part of it. it's an honor. i feel blessed to do this, as i know you do. let me ask you this. i'll let you put on your attorney sat for a minute. for those that don't know, you were the chief of staff, one of the greatest attorney general's ever, why would they ever allow an illegitimate investigation run by mueller and his merry band of democratic donors to interview president trump when there's no evidence? collusion is not a crime? no evidence whatsoever. it's been a witch hunt. look at a what they are doing wh manafort. >> i think attorney general would have stepped in.
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i honestly do. newt gingrich was onto something there. much of the power being exercised by the deputy attorney general in lieu of the attorney general has nothing to do with jeff sessions' recusal. jeff sessions will not be attacked by the media as long as he is quiet with the minute he the minute he speaks a part of something, he'll be attacked. theor manafort trial, here's wht i don't get. most of the issues they are raising, he did all these things, bank fraud, embezzlement, tax fraud, all the rest, he did it during the obama administration. who was the fbi director? mueller. he did nothing about it! apparently when he was the fbi director,ap apparently they didt know anything? now manafort is a campaign manager for donald trump and a thorough 17 left-wing democrat prosecutors out the guy who worked for the special counsel! a matter for the u.s. attorney's office in the eastern directory ofic virginia! that is number one. o now mueller is pushing the other case into the southern district of new york!k! then they set up
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lieutenant general michael flynn! and they have a few lesser guys they get for false statements or something like that. what the hell do we have the special counsel for? you want to know why? because he wants trump! he wants to interview trump! he wants to get him one obstruction of justice. >> sean: perjury trip. >> what he's going to do, you see, is issue a subpoena to pull the president in front of a grand jury. let me tell you something, mr. mueller, you are not the king of the universe and i hope the president's lawyers are listening to me and the president right now! here is what you should tell mr. mueller, have ae meeting wih him and tell him, you are unconstitutional, under the appointments clause, what you're doing is unconstitutional, as far as we're concerned, we are not going to bow to you. this is the office of the president of united states. you are a rogue prosecutor. now get the hill out of my office and make sure the door doesn't hit you in the ass! i'll see you in court. that's the beginning and the end of it ast far as i'm concerned!
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>> sean: i'm watching this thing on manafort. i don't know what paul manafort did in 2005. we know judge ellis -- >> apparently mueller did. >> sean: i don't think anybody knew. but they pulled this out of mothballs, dressed up with the screws to him, so they could get him to sing or compose as judge ellis said, so they could prosecute or impeach trump. in this whole tax case from '05, talk of russia, there's going to be no talk about the campaign. there will be no talk about his work for donald trump. there will be no talk of collusion. this is just a cheap attempt to literally go after a guy they never would have gone after because they are trying at all costs to get the president. >> the question is, rod rosenstein, who gives the rubber-stamp to all of this, appointing his dear friend, the man he first worked for at the
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justice department, mr. mueller, who was best friends with mr. comey. what a colossal disaster. you have jeff sessions, a man i have known for 30 years, who is sitting this out. he shouldn't be sitting it out. these are constitutional issues. quite frankly, mr. mueller can keep hiding behind his 17 left-wing democrat owner prosecutors. where the hill is i congress? i want to know! what mr. mueller thinks he can do under the constitution, i want to know what he thinks he can do with the department of justice memos as well. >> sean: something big is coming that will blow this all out of the water. thank you for being with us. the grade one, marco van. when they come back, pastor darrell scott will join us, saying the president is probably the most pro-african-american president he had seen in his lifetime. he'll be here with daryl parks. we've got the numbers next. ♪
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♪ >> i will say this over and over because i'm really proud of it. remember, i said, what you have to lose? what do you have to lose? african-americans, so many others, i said, what you have to lose? you have high crime rates, horrible education, i went through a list of ten. that's what happened. african-american, hispanic, asian, you have the lowest level of unemployment in the history of our country. how does somebody fight that?s o how to somebody fight it? be when the president earlier tonight talkinggh about how unemployment numbers for minorities, african-americans, hispanic americans, asian-americans, our best in 14 states, all record lows.
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yesterday, our front of the show, pastor darrell scott, serves as a ceo of the national diversity coalition for trump had this to say it with the president a white house meeting with inner-city pastors. take a look. >> to be honest, this is probably going to be -- i will say this is the most pro-black president in our lifetime. i try to analyze the people that i encounter. this president actually wants to prove something to our community. our faith-based community and our ethnic community.. the last president didn't feel like he hadad to. he feel like you got a pass. this president, this administration is probably going to be more proactive with reform than any president in a lifetime. >> sean: pastor darrell scott joins is now along with attorney daryl parks. the numbers are in. simple question. the african-american community, hispanic community, women in the
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workforce, asian-americans, vets, are they doing better under president trump or did they do better under eight years of obama? >> we don't know which one you are talking to. [laughter] >> sean: all right, i'm s sorry. [laughs] i ask you -- no diversion. it is the african-american community and all these minority communities, are they doing better under trump or obama? >> sean, historically black colleges are not doing better. students -- >> sean: how about unemployment in the economy? trump or obama? >> here's the challenge -- >> sean: pastor, you don't want to answer a question, that means i put him in a corner, checkmate. i play chess. he can't answer this question because he knows the answer is
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trump. it's not obama. pastor scott? >> listen, unemployment is at an all-time low. i have lived through 12 different presidents. contemplating that fact, this president is the only one that i am aware of -- and i'm aware of the prisonn initiative, the urbn revitalization initiative, he is concentrating on making a concerted effort to improve the quality of living for black americans. it's easy for me to say what i said yesterday because i lived through a lot of different presidents. i haven't seen any of them take a proactive stance toward black america like this president is doing. >> sean: deer daryl parks? >> on the pro-black issue, this president is not appointing black judges.
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>> sean: disproportionately, and the obama years, when you look at the millions more in property on food stamps, out of labor force, not buying homes, the black and hispanic communities are disproportionately impacted! now the opposite is happened and you can't even say, good job, president trump! is good for everybody! speak of your job, president trump. we have other issues. i want to see him put more black faces in the administration. >> sean: pastor? >> when people askon me why i wt more w blacks in the administration, i asked my mother were there blacks in the campaign? they were vilified, ostracized, called uncle tom, everything else. now all of a sudden you have black people that were told to stay away from trump during the campaign, you are saying, wears all the black people? for dominic where were the atrovent? >> pastor scott, he can still
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appoint black people. it's only right. >> sean: >> he has been currente cabinets. >> sean: pastor scott let me preach from the pulpit and his church. it was the worst moment. i m did terrible. when we come come back for morf the president's speech from his rally in pennsylvania. ♪ ♪ (electronic dance music)♪ ♪
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♪ >> sean: during tonight's rally, president trump talked about the new face of the democratic party. let's find out who it is. >> you know is the new star? you know is that new leader? maxine waters.s. [boos] very low iq. low iq. no, no, maxine waters is like -- she's, like, their new star. >> sean: not saying impeach 45 -- i i think they had a meeting and said -- if anyone is saying
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that -- don't s say that, but we'll do it any way. let's not be honest with the american people. we want open borders. and obamacare. that is all the time we have left. always fair and balanced. never the destroy-trump-media. let not your heart be troubled. ingraham standing by. >> laura: hey, i'm just writing eric trump a thank-you note for mentioning me during your show tonight. [laughter] sean: i'm sitting here, and he goes, you know who is great at defending melania? laura ingraham. i'm like, what am i, chopped liver? >> laura: listen, this is why you and i i have been friends for 18 years. you're number one in cable, you are number -- close to rush in radio. a little mention of someone else, you are like, "what about me"? typical man. >> sean: [ laughter ] you know why? let's be honest everyone in this business, you know this is true -- is overpaid, lazy, and narcissistic. and most of them are all agenda. we are honest. we are talk show hosts. we
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