tv Hannity FOX News August 13, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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you never know what could happen. >> tucker: you are a wise man. great to see you, thanks for sitting in. you were great. >> the guest host at the end of last week, you should have got michael avenatti, he would have done a much better job. >> tucker: i don't know who that is. that's about it for us. every night at 8:00 the show that is the sworn enemy of line pomposity and groupthink. sean hannity right now. ten seconds later. >> sean: you don't know how to hit the post. have you ever done radio in your life? 16 seconds over. >> tucker: six seconds later. >> sean: good thing we actually follow each other so it doesn't mess up the reruns. >> tucker: by the way, i've given you many, many seconds over the years. i'm just taking a few back. >> sean: good to see you, great show. welcome to "hannity." incredible breaking news night all over the place, the corrupt anti-trump fbi agent peter strzok has finally been fired, the damage is done. if politically motivated clinton
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exoneration, the partisan witch hunt against the president, the weaponization of the fisa court system against the term campaign and the incoming president and tonight we are still asking where are the criminal referrals? the president's attorney rudy giuliani will join us tonight and meanwhile, your corrupt mainstream media has a brand-new obsession and her name? omarosa. after secretly recording president trump and the chief of staff john kelly in the situation room and despite major obvious credibility issues, yes, your mainstream media is more than happy to push all the salacious over the top claims that are in her new book and coming up we are going to highlight the media's new preoccupation. we will also cover the protests that this weekend in washington, d.c., ignored by the media because four days fake news cnn and conspiracy tv msnbc and others, they have all been hyping, hyperventilating this rally as a major gathering of clan-supporting wackos. turns out about two dozen
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racist, apparently kkk sympathizing morons turned out and were completely dwarfed by scores of radical left-wing protesters, many even called for the president's assassination. violence against the president and the end of the united states of america. we have all that. we are warning you it will be disturbing. we have a very busy news night, tonight's breaking news opening monologue to start things off. ♪ i have seven works tonight for peter strzok, you have the right to remain silent. months after being outed as an anti-trump-pro-hillary operative operative strzok has been officially removed from the fbi. today president trump reacted on twitter. he wrote "agent peter strzok was just fired from the fbi. finally the list of bad players in the fbi, the doj gets longer and longer based on the fact that strzok was in charge of the witch hunt, will it be dropped." great question. a total hoax, no collusion or obstruction, i just fight back.
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strzok was fired by the fbi deputy director. the bureau's offers of professional responsibility only recommended a demotion and temporary suspension. that's the problem. at this point it is well-known peter strzok helped fix the 2016 investigation into hillary clinton despite what were obvious felonies we have chronicled on this program where she mishandled classified top secret information on a private server where she clearly obstructed justice. don't do this at home. if you have subpoenaed emails don't get to delete them, acid watch them with bleach bed. if you do i promise you you will likely be charged. it was peter strzok. he personally worked on all of this along with james comey to prevent her from being indicted. this case was open and shut from the get-go and it was strzok who helped draft the exoneration of clinton much months before shes interviewed along with 17 other people, softening the tone of
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comey's ill original letter, changing the language from the legal standard of gross negligence to extreme carelessness. and it was strzok who actually lead the interview of clinton himself before she was officially cleared only three days later. the president tweeted "just fired agent strzok, formerly of the fbi, was in charge of the crooked hillary clinton sham investigation. it was a total fraud on the american public and should be properly redone. of course peter strzok's corrupt actions didn't end with hillary clinton. he was also with the very center of the fbi's initial witch hunt into so-called trump-russia collusion. he's the one that texted his fbi mistress lisa page on his fbi phone that he would "stop it, stop trump from becoming president and it was strzok that texted that the investigation was like a "insurance policy. in the unlikely event that trump actually won the election." among hundreds of anti-trump tax it was peter strzok who called donald trump an idiot, abysmal among other things.
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he's the one that said that hillary should win 100 million-0. he's not biased? he also wrote he could smell those of us that supported trump at a walmart in southern virginia. probably bitterly clinging to our gods, gun, bible and religion but we are the irredeemable deplorable is that apparently smell. in june, the office of inspector general reported strzok's actions were "not only indicative of a biased state of mind that he had been even more seriously it implies a willingness to take official action to impact the presidential candidates electoral prospects." what we've been saying. despite all of this, a very smug peter strzok testified on capitol hill that he wasn't biased at all. that's a joke, but take a look yourself. >> let me be clear, unequivocally and under oath, not once in my 26 years of defending our nation did my personal opinions impact any official action i took.
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there is simply no evidence of bias in my professional actions. i am stating to you it is not my understanding that he kicked me off because of any bias, that it was done based on the appearance. if you want to represent what you said accurately i'm happy to answer that question but i don't appreciate what was originally said being changed. >> i don't give a damn what you appreciate mr. strzok. >> your text in this page "just went to a southern virginia at walmart. i could smell the trump support and smell is in capital letters, all capital letters. what does trump support smell like mr. strzok? >> that's an expression of speech. i clearly wasn't smelling one thing where the other. >> sean: only hours ago trey gowdy reacted to strzok getting hand and said that another deep state official would soon be called in for testimony. we are slowly but surely on peeling the onion and getting to the bottom of all of this. let's take a look.
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>> we are going to interview him on august 20th. i'm going to come back to washington. i will leave my beloved south carolina and i will go back and i'm sure others will too. we are going to be back and we are going to interview bruce or not in a public circus setting but any deposition with no time limits and we are going to get to the bottom of what he did, why he did it, who he did it in concert with, whether he had the permission of the supervisors at the department of justice. i used to work doing what bruce ohr does now. it is unbelievable that a prosecutor would insert himself into an ongoing investigation for which he had nothing to do. >> sean: this kind of corruption better not go unpunished from bruce ohr, strzok, mccabe, comey, anybody else who clearly abused their power. if we are going to be a functioning democratic republic our system of justice must be free of all political bias and political persecution and that's
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why tonight strzok, bruce ohr, mccabe, comey, others, they better be willing to face the legal consequences. by the way, hillary. rod rosenstein, are you watchin watching? jeff sessions, where are the criminal referrals? with happening? i know the trial of the century is paul manafort, but it's not. look at the list of doj fbi bad actors as it grows. what are you doing to hold these people accountable? what is taking so long in this country? and as mueller's anti-trump witch hunt turns on and on, where is justice against those that weaponize your government against the political campaign and then of course we had spying and unmasking and everything else associated with this. it's time they better ask or they need to step aside. by the way, as a side note, mr. mueller, i know somebody is your team is watching if not you. your buddy mr. strzok, he taints every single aspect of your witch hunt. we will have more on this in a moment. it is time to report the
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mainstream media's obsession of the week which is omarosa. she was fired from her position as a white house aide back in december but she is now hocking a new book with many salacious over-the-top claims about president trump. sean spicer, i spoke with him earlier tonight that her claim that he was paid to praise trump and other things she'd been saying are all totally bogus. katrina pierson, i also spoke to about an hour ago. called omarosa disloyal, unhinged and she claims that trump is racist and everything else she said and says that things that omarosa is now saying are also not true. in disputing things that she says in her interviews. frank luntz will join us in a moment. he called omarosa's claim that he heard trump use a racial slur flat out false. big question tonight, how does a publisher in this day and age of lawsuits, how do they not fact-check any of these claims? how does any self-respecting publisher allow this to go to
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print? why didn't they bring in the lawyers? even "the new york times." they did a profile, yours truly with that very handsome well thought out picture of me. i didn't agree with every angle or every point in the article or this hideous despicable picture of me even though they had a thousand other choices to choose from, but on things like this, even "the new york times" are not a fan of, they were fact-check twice, not necessarily the commentary. they did their job. where is the publisher here? remember it was only a few months ago before she was fired, nothing but praise for the president, watch this. >> donald trump is a very kind person. he has a really good heart. i spent time with him and his children and his family and you can look at his family and see how close-knit they are. he's not going anywhere, he has staying power. ask me if i would vote for him. i'm a journalist first and foremost but i'm also interested in watching the political process unfold. he's like that tiger woods.
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>> in my experience, which is why you haven't here, i've never seen donald trump acted appropriately with women. he's always been very respectful. i stand with donald trump because i know he has an incredible vision for this country and he will indeed make america great not just for this group or that group, but for everyone. >> sean: over over the weekend omarosa released secret recordings of chief of staff john kelly and the general inside the situation room. she also released a phone call between her and president trump that allegedly took place shortly after she was fired. the question i have tonight and the rest of the media won't even ask, how is it possible for someone to get a phone in the situation room? how is it legal to secretly record the president of the united states of america? frankly this shouldn't happen to a republican, democrat, obama, bush, trump, it's completely insane. not only does this exemplify poor character, but it should also be illegal. by the way, there should be consequences for those that do such things, but despite all of
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the very serious flaws and what is now all these claims in the book, the media is not turning and running wall-to-wall with any coverage, all coverage, all omarosa all the time. according to news busters, the network literally dedicated a whopping 93 minutes of coverage for this former trump eight. here's a small sampling of the coverage that just the past two days, take a look. >> the back and forth between omarosa and president trump seems to be getting heated. >> former white house staffer is out with another secret recording. >> omarosa making explosive claims against her former employer. >> she was hired by donald trump multiple times. wherever she goes, omarosa has a reality show following. >> some serious accusations. >> amoroso was brought in by donald trump's own words. >> fired a white house staffer omarosa manigault lumen. >> we've seen in the white house
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take steps to discredit omarosa. >> the omarosa tapes. >> sean: more evidence of trump derangement syndrome at its best. while the media is salivating at the mouth over the omarosa store they also made up time to hype up this weekend's rally that took place in washington, d.c. they said hordes and hordes and hordes of racist white nationalists were expected to attend. in reality, you have two dozen racists, disgusting ignorant racist morons that actually showed up. the counter protest was filled with antifa and other far left demonstrators. it was far larger. if the media called them anti-trump protesters. they celebrated their righteous presence at the rally but in reality we have found many were not anti-trump protesters or anti-hate protesters. they were anti-trump. some called for the end of borders, the end of the united states of america. i'm not making this up, take a look.
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no borders, no walls, no usa at all. by the way, other so-called anti-hit protesters even called for the assassination of the president. no i'm not making this up. take a look. >> what would you do if donald trump showed up? murder him? murder him for the people? >> if it came down to it and it was a group effort we would have to do him like qaddafi. >> if i get a chance to believe him up, i would. >> beat his sleep. >> what would you do if he showed up? >> i would throw up leap at him. >> sean: only a small sampling of the tape we have available. cnn fake news called anti-hate protesters. and they wonder why the american people don't trust them. i've told you, journalism in america is dead, it's buried. right here on hannity we always make an effort to be fair and balanced because we will not be the destroy-trump media. it makes us different. if joining is now the offer of "the new york times," number one
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"new york times" best seller, the case against the anti-trump conspiracy, judge jeanine pirro. if the host of lou dobbs tonight on our sister network, the fox business network, the number one show there, congratulations. number one, number one, here we go. i don't really even know where to start. >> i don't either. >> sean: we also have our own fox news investigative reporter sara carter. i didn't mean to forget you, you are number one too. >> sean: i will let you put it in your own words. >> i have a report out tonight. i spoke to a number of fbi agents, former fbi agents, one in particular that works for opr and we were talking and discussing about peter strzok and the fact that opr was only going to give him a 60 day suspension, basically a slap on the wrist and demotion and he was saying it was incredible that deputy director -- fbi deputy director did the right thing. remember, peter strzok was involved in the foreign intelligence surveillance court
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application that went before the secret court to spy on carter page and the biggest part of the story that everyone is missing. this isn't about anti-trump text messages. this is about the fact that they omitted and they withheld information from the court. that is a flagrant violation they said of the court and abuse of the court. and this is probably the real reason why peter strzok was dismissed. there's a lot of questions that are going to be coming out, particularly with bruce ohr and his deposition. if he chooses not to turn up for the deposition on august 28th with congress he will be subpoenaed, but there are a lot of questions they will have for bruce ohr about peter strzok and why so much information was withheld from the court. and i think that's where this is going. if that is going to be one of the biggest stories because withholding information is a violation that the discord can't withstand. >> sean: fisa court, fisa applications. >> the secret court.
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>> sean: let me go to the right legality of this judge and more importantly how this would impact. supposedly everything robert mueller is looking into. >> i talked about it in my open. if robert mueller's investigation is premised on peter strzok's information or lack thereof when he testified before congress and said i can't tell you this because the fbi wants me to keep it secret and then when the fbi says you can talk he says i don't remember. if the basis of the fbi investigation is the fake counterintelligence investigation started by peter strzok then mueller goes down and the actions of mueller goes down. and the whole investigation. >> sean: the legitimacy has been questioned in the manafort case and others and why the deep mandate was basically investigate 2,005 taxes that have nothing to do with russia or the election. >> they did allow for that. still i'm a believer. i still think that hope springs eternal. >> sean: you are a believer
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that investigations weren't fixed? >> i am a believer that in the end of justice will needed out. >> sean: if hillary clinton won with there would be no justice, we wouldn't even know this. >> you are right. >> we wouldn't know it, but what we do know right now is enough to make anyone's head spin. we know that the special counsel was conflicted from the very beginning. mueller should never have been appointed. the special counsel should never have been created. and it's easy to lose sight of what this is all about. it starts really with peter strzok. he made the decision not to prosecute hillary clinton. >> sean: with comey. >> he helped james comey write the letter that famously went from gross negligence, which was actionable on the part of the justice department guidelines to extreme carelessness, which gave them a way out. >> sean: that the legal standard to the nonlegal standard. >> but this is again strzok.
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it is also strzok leading the investigation when the fbi was in charge of the russian collusion charge and that narrative could have laid the foundation for the special counsel. >> sean: let me go to the start of where this all began, because we don't believe, sarah, that it began as the left and the media has been advancing a narrative about george papadopoulos and the australian guy and meeting over drinks and it just happen randomly. we believe it began way before, correct? >> yes, absolutely. i've spoken with george papadopoulos' wife simona and she testified before congress and she was emphatic before congress she told me through the questioning behind closed doors that there were so many players coming at her husband from great britain to the professor and all these people appeared to be giving information, trying to lure george papadopoulos in, trying to give information that
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would eventually be able to be used against him by the fbi. the special counsel went so far as to threaten him. they threatened that they were going to charge him with being an israeli spy. they kept threatening him over and over again until he pleaded guilty to one count of lying. if their lives have been ruined. but this is what the special counsel dies. it has great expanse of power and that was given to them by rod rosenstein, who actually signed the warrant on carter page to spy on him. >> sean: that's the one we all really want to see and need to see because at that point we knew hillary paid for it. we knew it was the bulk of the information to obtain the fisa warrants. it let me shift gears remotely here. let me go to this weekend. in a sense, with all the hype leading up to the protest yesterday, the fact that you have maybe 30 ignorant racist morons that show up at this rally shows that this narrative that republicans and conservatives support these idiots, that's not true even though it gets said every election.
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but more importantly, the media says they are anti-hate. but i have tapes that go on for minutes of people saying they want to punch the president, be violent against the president, assassinate the president. a lot of people. >> destroy america. >> sean: no border, no law, no usa at all. >> the media is going along with the theme that they are antifascist. they are not antifascist. they are the essence of fascism. if the right, the kkk, the white nationalist. 24 of them. at the end of the the day thatt what it was about and i detest everything they stand for. let me make that clear, but when you go out there dressed up in a ninja get up as antifa and tell people what they can read and not read it, then that is fascism in america. and they decry us and say they want to kill us. >> sean: a pattern of violent rhetoric. robert de niro, madonna. i can keep going. you know the list, you play it
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on your show. >> absolutely. and these guys dressed up with their masks and their pajamas and the ignorance they display. first of all, why isn't local law enforcement enforcing the law? there is no right to be violent on the streets anywhere in america and yet they are being permitted because of democratic administrations and jurisdictions whether they be city or county that are permitting this. they have bought into this violence. >> sean: the hate rhetoric, because it sounds -- hollywood, anyone, or they contribute into this atmosphere where we've never heard somebody say they want to assassinate the president? >> they are normalizing it. they are normalizing it by repeating it over and over agai again. >> it's extraordinarily dangerous. it's extraordinarily dangerous. >> sean: the last word. >> yes. >> very quickly. by calling this anti-hate demonstrations and protests as
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they spew rhetoric that is violent, assassinate the president, destroy america, where is the hate? >> sean: thank you all, catherine herridge lab report on all of this. rudy giuliani, also lara trump, a busy news night, stay with us. i can do more to lower my a1c. because my body can still make its own insulin. i take trulicity once a week to activate my body to release its own insulin, like it's supposed to. trulicity is not insulin. it works 24/7. it comes in an easy-to-use pen. and i may even lose a little weight. trulicity is an injection to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. don't use it as the first medicine to treat diabetes, or if you have type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don't take trulicity if you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, you're allergic to trulicity, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away
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when did brian move back in? brian's back? he doesn't get my room. he's only going to be here for like a week. like a month, tops. oh boy. wi-fi fast enough for the whole family is simple, easy, awesome. in many cultures, young men would stay with their families until their 40's. ♪ >> sean: the prosecution rests in the manafort phase and strzok expired with the very latest. chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge. busy day today. >> that's right, and good evening. the fbi is not commenting on strzok's termination tonight which frankly is standard because the bureau doesn't publicly discuss personnel matters. what's important is that strzok is now at least the sixth senior official to be fired, demoted or leave government service altogether since the scandal broke last year. in the link a statement's lawyer
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says the fbi deputy director overruled the bureau's disciplinary review. they recommended a 60 day suspension and emotion implying that the decision was political. strzok, who dodged fox's questions last month recently testified under oath that has politics never infected his wor work. >> like many people, i had an expressed personal political opinions during an extraordinary presidential election. the let me be clear, unequivocally and under oath, not once in my 26 years of defending our nation did my personal opinions impact any official action i took. >> the attorney also saying christopher wray alleging that strzok's termination was a departure from "typical bureau practice" and "contradicts his quotes to congress and recent public assurances." the director recently responded to questions about strzok and
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others. >> there is a pending personnel matter and as i said i want to make sure we're doing things following our process, doing things by the book. our inspector general report has referred a number of individuals through our disciplinary process and i think it's very, very important that we let that process without delay work itself through and get to a result as opposed to responding to hue and cry. >> in a separate development late today the prosecution rested its case in the trial of paul manafort, the president's former campaign chairman on bank and tax fraud charges. treasury department official was the last witness for the prosecution taking the stand for a second time to testify, the manafort's -- rick gates, the government's star witness never filed paperwork for its foreign bank accounts. the judge allowed this testimony but he was careful to remind the jury that the government had a chance to indict manafort's company and chose not to,
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emphasizing to the jury only mr. manafort is on trial and we will learn tomorrow morning if his defense team will call witnesses and present its own evidence. >> sean: 's going to be interesting. they may not. here with the reaction is president trump's personal attorney, former new york city mayor rudy giuliani. let me start with mueller. how is this case impacted because strzok is at the heart of all of it. >> he has played a much bigger role in this than a lot of the media wants to admit. first of all, he was there at the very beginning. he wrote all the initial documents justifying this investigation. he ran it for 11 months. he conducted the critical interview with flynn with a very strange situation where flynn pled guilty to a lie that the fbi said he wasn't guilty of, go figure that out. he's the one who was carrying the dossier and using the dossier to justify the fisa
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wires. that has to be unraveled. there is no doubt there are four false affidavits filed with the fisa. the guy responsible for those, he gathered the evidence, not evidence. the dossier is absurd. >> sean: political document bought and paid for. >> it's as provably false things. there were real estate deals with the russians. there were no real estate deals with the russians. >> they have evidence he was with hookers in a bed. he >> sean: debunked. >> completely debunked. it got the dates all wrong. it's a cut and paste job by an ex-spy, english spy who hated trump. and was paid by hillary clinton and the dnc! >> sean: they spread this
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information, mr. mayor. they lie to the american people. >> the justice department, the trump justice department is hiding those affidavits. on the grounds that the affidavits contained national security information. my goodness, here are the things we need to know about it. was the fact that hillary clinton and the dnc, the people who paid, was that pointed out to the judge? because if it wasn't you've got a glaring omission. was it pointed out that steel during the course of this was fired by the fbi? has problems in his background exposed to the judge? was he presented as a fully reliable informant or were the questions -- you have to do that in an affidavit. >> sean: he never told the court in this affidavits that hillary paid for it. >> that would have been a nonstarter. >> sean: they never verified any of the information. >> here's the point, strzok created a false document. it when we say is there any evidence that his bias led to
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action that he took? yeah. he perjured himself in order to start his insurance policy investigation. they were hoping they could do something with that before the election but they ran into the same problem mueller ran into. the president didn't do anything wrong. they couldn't find any evidence. they struck out. a couple of days before he was inaugurated they had to proclaim there was no evidence of collusion, which is not a crime anyway. >> sean: you responded to mueller in terms of any potential that there will be a discussion with the president? >> they think they have all the time in the world i guess. i think that we are running into a real big problem. if they try to drag this thing much into september, you've got a very clear violation of the justice department policy not to interfere with elections. it will just be another list of the irregularities, their unethical performance, there on the willingness to follow
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sensible rules. we could have concluded this interview thing two months ago and decided yes or no on it. their report is done by now. it looks like they are slowing down. they are running out the clock. >> sean: the media would look at the 2005 tax case that has nothing to do with russia, nothing to do with the campaign, nothing to do with the president. manafort tax case from 2005 is the trial of the century. that's really how they are portraying it. but more seriously, when we talk about strzok and comey and mccabe and page and all of these other people in the fbi and the doj at the highest levels, do you see crimes? >> absolutely. i just told you one. the perjury on the affidavit. i was telling about hillary crimes a year before comey outlined them all. >> sean: how did she get off scot-free and all of this? >> she got off because of that fixed investigation. a totally phony investigation run by peter strzok who then
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turns around, the dossier is obtained on the day that they dropped the case against trump -- against hillary. that case gets dropped so they had to even up the score. the reality is i'm going to tell you. don't have the time to go into it so we can do it later, i'm going to tell you who was the quarterback for all of this. strzok is a bit of a puppet. here's mueller, he's a puppet. the people working for him, some of them are -- >> sean: i have a funny feeling you are about to drop a bomb on me. >> should be in front of a grand jury. brennan. he took an affidavit, a dossier. in less he's the biggest idiot intelligence agent will ever exist although he never did much intelligence work. it's false. you can look at it and laugh at it. he peddled it to harry reid. that led to the request for the
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investigation. so he takes a false affidavits, a false dossier, he gets the senators involved, a couple of republican senators and they demand an investigation. a totally phony investigation. why can't we get an investigation when there are clear facts showing possible violations of the law? even in the order appointing mueller, which is completely illegitimate, they don't point out any crime. you have to point out a crime under the independent counsel regulations. they don't point it. we have lots of crimes and we can't get sessions to move and appoint an independent counsel. he's recused from it. and rosenstein, it's too much involvement and their possible witnesses. >> sean: rosenstein signed the last fisa morning. >> that's why he's possible witness. independent counsel to
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investigate the investigators. >> sean: when we come back frank luntz will respond to a claim made by omarosa. all coming up straight ahead. ♪ that's why there's otezla. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats moderate to severe plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla . it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with... increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts,... ...or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you.
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♪ >> sean: former trump eight omarosa is now making controversial claims in her new book. many of her claims are coming under huge fire including by pollster frank luntz. he tweeted "i am in her book page 149. she claims to have heard that i heard trump use the n-word. not only is this flat-out false, i never heard such a thing. omarosa didn't even make an effort to call or email me to verify shoddy work. frank luntz is with us. also with us the author of the geraldo show, geraldo rivera. pastor of the new spirit revival center, ceo of the coalition for the president darrell scott. frank, not only did you make those comments, i called sean spicer before the show tonight.
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i called catrina pearson before the show tonight. they both make the same claims as you do and i'm shocked that the publisher didn't fact-check anything apparently. >> as a writer, i hold the writer responsible. i've done three books and if i get something done, grown, even a spelling error, it's my job to fix it. there's no accountability and i'm going to acknowledge something here. i've never liked the term fakeness. i believe very often it's biased or one-sided. this book is made up. there's no reason -- after tonight we should not spend any time talking about it because quite frankly there's no value in it and this is one of the reasons why donald trump has the favorability rating that he does despite the criticisms of the media. it's because when people go at him, when they challenge them, they do so with things that have no credibility whatsoever. it's simply not believable and it allows trump to become even stronger and more effective. it's part of why the media has
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gotten it wrong and it's part of a wake-up call, stop lying, starts telling don't like telling the truth, give the american people what they deserve, the facts and nothing but the facts. >> sean: you've known donald trump for three decades or longer, your reaction to all this? >> four. >> sean: for decades. you are much older than i am. >> you and i were out thursday night. that's the kind of relationship i had with the president back in the day. there were plenty of times in public and in private where guys are guys and people are saying this and that. he never, ever uttered any word or phrase that could be remotely considered racist or racial. it is an absolute canard. it is a lie. and for her to tape, to secretly tape the white house chief of staff and other aids and the president of the united states, even in the secure situation room, it goes beyond what frank
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i think accurately describes as a shoddy piece, as a piece of fiction. it is something that imperils the national security. and it is to me interesting that omarosa, the most reviled public figure in reality tv history suddenly became the darling of so many in the media, why? because she was attacking the president of the united states. >> sean: i became fond of omarosa. i saw somebody beyond the reality tv show. i think the president saw. and then i talked -- i've known frank for decades. i've known sean spicer for such a long time. katrina pierson. i've known you and when they say there wasn't even fact-checked, i'm pretty shocked at the publisher to be honest, that they would allow it. >> i am too. i met omarosa through president trump and we became friends. i'm surprised she went scorched earth and all of the conversations her and i a have
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had as to african-americans on the campaign trail along with katrina pierson, diamond and silk and a few others. she never, ever even insinuated even remotely insinuated that the president was racist. in fact, she defended him very vigorously and she gave me talking points on episodes from her life where he was just a help to her and family members. i think her brother died and he helped then. she told me about how much he helped her before, during and after the apprentice, helped her get deals, kept her in his orbit, in his loop and even when she goes on to say that she was offered hush money, i don't see where somebody offering you a job, a landing space after you lose one job and they offer you another job paying similar or not the same amount of money. i don't see how that's hush money. i thought that was him being a friend and looking out for her as a friend would look out for another friend.
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>> sean: i've got to imagine that you would have a legal claim if you so desired. where do you stand on that? >> i don't believe in propagating things that aren't true. i believe in accountability and it's the number one value that americans want in washington. the number one value they want from the news media above everything else is the truth. so whatever we can do to bring accountability and the truth to your viewers and all viewers across america we are doing a good thing. suing someone like that, that doesn't prove anything. >> sean: last word. >> i just think that if the president can be faulted for anything it is hiring this person who he should have said you are fired. >> sean: okay, we will leave it there. i don't think he likes to fire people. interesting. when we come back the president's daughter-in-law at laura trump weighs in on this and much more straight ahead. ♪
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>> sean: joining us now is president trump's daughter-in-law, senior advisor to donald j. trump for president laura trump is with us. great to see you, congrats, the baby is walking at 11 months. >> he's almost a year old, it's crazy! >> sean: and walking? >> sean: step, step, boom. >> i try to catch them. they go really fast. >> sean: we had a playground at my house and i'm flinching every time my son is climbing like a maniac on it. finally one day it disappeared and i said we are getting a new one and i never kept that promise. i broke it on purpose. >> i'm not even going to make the first mistake with getting it. >> sean: let me start with omarosa. you know her well. >> i did, i did. i considered her a friend. i'm incredibly disappointed in
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her and more than anything i'm just so sad because what an incredible opportunity she wasted. the president gave her the chance to make a difference, to take care of people that she claimed to care about and here she has squandered it for this fictitious, ridiculous book and obviously she has show her true colors but the thing i'm so proud of is that the president gave her that chance. at this this is a man that has done this his whole life. throughout his business career donald trump trump is giving people the opportunity to better themselves. it doormen becoming executives in the company that are still there today and here she had this great opportunity squandered. it's sad. >> sean: i saw her at the white house. i saw her not that long ago and i felt that for whatever reason, you are right, the opportunity for her in my opinion was squandered and almost back to this reality tv thing, which is now a look at what it's become. >> i guess it's anything for an
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easy buck and you turn your back on people that are good to you and take care of you and stand up for you. katrina pierson, frank luntz, sean spicer, all contradicting in the book publisher never even fact-checked a single thing. that shocked me. >> all of it is so shocking but honestly it's unfortunately becoming day today all the time. we see this kind of thing happening left and right, nobody fact checks anymore. any of these articles, any of these news reports, nothing. >> sean: it scary when the president of the united states of america can legally be taped. i have a problem with anybody taping anything in the situation room. how those things are not illegal and we don't have the means to stop it bothers me. >> i wish omarosa good luck because i think she's going to need a lot of it. >> sean: you are working on the 2020 campaign. we have a 2018 campaign in 85 days from today. to me it's the most important midterm. nancy pelosi wants to impeach.
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get her crumbs back, open borders. if she wants the crumbs, and keep obamacare and stop the investigations into the biggest abuse of power. that's a problem for me. >> what i always say to people is if you are happy with what you have seen happy in this country since donald trump took office, if you're happy with the tax cut this country has received, which were a lot more than crumbs, as we all know. if you are happy with the fact that we are safer as a country, that gdp is at 4.1%, that people have the lowest unemployment in many respects that they've ever had in the history of this country, then the most important thing that people can do is get out and vote in the midterm elections. it's almost as important if not more important than electing donald trump president because we have to keep this going. >> sean: for the democrats i don't see a positive thing. it's about they hate this president. if you've dealt with it, your whole family has dealt with it. >> it's really sad, it's a shame. but what you see is that they have no platform, they have no meter, no message. now they have socialists that are championing their party.
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>> sean: most democrats believe in socialism. >> it's really scary and i think people in this country are going to pay attention. they are paying attention to people like maxine waters who is absolutely insane and really giving the democrats a bad name and i think they are going to vote republican come november. >> sean: great to see you, congrats the baby is walking at 11 months. you have a lot of those days ahead of you. good to see you. when we come back, a truly humbling famous actor, what he has to say that he loves god. hollywood? that's next. just one free hearing test at
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his local miracle ear helped andrew hear more of the joy in her voice. just one hearing test is all it took for him to hear more of her laugh... and less of the background noise around him. for helen, just one visit to her local miracle-ear is all it took to learn how she can share more moments with her daughter. just one free hearing test could help you hear more... call now for your free hearing test from an industry leader: miracle-ear.
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by the way, where to find someone in hollywood sharing their christian faith. it otherwise i will do what tucker does and that is steal my time. in this case i would be stealing laura's time. it's about actor chris pratt. let not your heart be troubled. anger him, i hit the post. tell tucker how to hit the post. it's a radio thing. >> sean: han-it you have to think of something new creative and original. >> laura: you are talking about me with any to come up with new jokes? you've been making that joke since 1997. >> sean: you are out of your mind. >> laura: 1997. if you've been making that joke, okay? i don't think you have any -- >> sean: to have to get in trouble every week and they are? look at my tie. could it be any more crooked than it is now? >> laura: exactly. if only a man that's really filled withit
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