tv Outnumbered FOX News August 16, 2018 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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passing. >> bill: the best of the family and the thoughts that are left behind. good to have you back. >> sandra: good to be back. we will see you tomorrow morning. "outnumbered" starts right now. >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert, president from holding a cabinet meeting at the white house right now, awaiting possible remarks from that on camera as it is closed-door for the moment, but we are getting notes from the meeting and we will share them contemporaneously with you. following the decision to revoke the security clearance of john brennan. that set off critics, some who accuse the president of an abuse of power. right now the white house is reviewing the status of other former and current top intelligence and justice department officials. we are all over the story. this is to be 25, i am harris faulkner. fox news contributor lisa boothe. a town hall editor katie pavlich.
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former deputy spokesperson for the state department fox news analyst and host marie harf. and in the center seat, former white house press secretary for president trump sean spicer is "outnumbered" today with your fancy socks on. a lot for you to weigh in on, this new cycle is fierce. >> sean: i don't know if there are too many that have not been fierce. this is pretty normal. >> harris: let's get to normal, shall we. as we await the remarks on the president, more reaction to the decision is coming into revoke john brennan security clearance, white house press secretary sarah sanders says that the president is upholding his duty to safeguard the nation's secrets. watch this. speak of the president has constitutional responsibility to protect classified information and who has access to it. and that is what he is doing paid for filling that responsibility. this is actually specific to
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mr. brennan and the others are under review. >> harris: brennan responding in a "new york times" op-ed accusing the president of using his power to the ongoing investigation "mr. trump clearly has become more desperate to protect himself in those close to him which is why he made the politically motivated decision to revoke my security clearance and to stare into science others who might dare to challenge him. the top democrat on the senate intel committee also went after the president's decision. >> this had an eerie memory of an enemies list. these people were being singled out. to either have their clearance is revoked or the process of being revoked, it smacks a nixonian practice of trying to
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silence anyone who is able to criticize this president. putting us in uncharted territory. >> harris: republican senator john kennedy says that brennan had it coming. >> well, i made my feelings known about mr. brennan, i think that most americans look at our national intelligence experts as being above politics. mr. brennan has demonstrated that if that is not the case. he has been very political. i think that i called him a butthead, and i meant it. he has given the national intelligence committee a bad name. >> harris: you know that that is going to hashtag. and now the white house is reviewing the security clearance of former doj and fbi officials. some have lost their clearance, may not have to have it reinstated. sean spicer, how different is
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this from anything we have seen in the past in terms of security clearances? >> sean: it is different in a lot of ways, but it is different that you do not have the heads of these organizations going out and being overtly political. you do not have generally speaking cia director that goes out and attacks the current commander-in-chief. using treason's, high crimes, misdemeanors. it is on both sides. you have these individuals that are going out and using positions of trust and ones that have been nonpolitical. and engaging in a political way. in other words you are seeing a political response. >> harris: marie, you are the only one on the couch, probably, what i was going to say, probably who in distance would have worked with the people that were working with the security clearance. so i'm curious as to your thoughts, because you know some of these people. >> marie: i know john brennan. and i think that there are a few things to keep in mind. first the rule for a while get security clearances revoked, and
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john brennan did not break any of them. the ability for former officials to maintain their clearances is not a gift to the former officials paid it so that their successors can call on their predecessors to get guidance and support. >> harris: can't they be reinstated at a high level? >> sean: not all. >> marie: i don't know if there is a way to overrule the president. the point is that it is not a gift to these former officials. i will also say that the idea that because former officials are speaking out publicly, that somehow they got on a list and now they are being punished by taking their clearance away is not going to change anything that john brennan does. i do agree that it smacks some sort of going against his ability to speak freely. he has done nothing to abuse is classified access. >> lisa: what does it do to the intelligence community to have someone like john brennan
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accuse president trump of unfounded things like treason? >> marie: i talked to a lot of my former colleagues at the cia, they were upset because they still really like john brennan. some of them don't. i worked there under george w. bush and barack obama. and mike hayden, who i love and i worked for was critical of the obama administration's policies after he left office. so the question is, what is the line? and donald trump is taking this -- >> sean: there is a difference between being critical of the policies and talking about things that he would have had direct knowledge of and still question whether he -- if you have a clearance and you are talking about an investigation, an active investigation, it clouds the idea for the viewer to know whether or not you are speaking based on experience or your access to information. so it's one thing to be critical of overall policies. if brennan was talking about our foreign policy, that would be one thing could we would be having a completely different discussion. but the fact is he is talking
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about an active investigation about intelligence that he has had access to. he is not making it clear, he is not saying, i have not looked at anything new paid i have no new information. he is not allowing the viewer to discern what he knows is based on active intelligence that he has access to. >> marie: he has said that. i have not gone in, this is not based on anything that i know now. it feels heavy like "the wall street journal." >> harris: they are not hiring him based on the fact that they like him. they are paying him and hiring him, because -- >> sean: i will give director comey some credit, because my understanding is that he proactively went out and said i do not want to clearance, because i do not want their -- >> harris: was that before or after the book? >> sean: it was after the book when they asked him to review. but at some point at least making it clear that i do not have access, i cannot be blamed or no one can view what i think of as an opinion based on any kind of active intelligence.
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>> katie: this is not just president trump making this argument that it should be revoked, but put away after the officials leave their office, senator rand paul made the point that you just did about the fact when john brennan was going out on cable television and he still had access to classified information, we don't know who he is talking to. you run a serious risk of accidentally unprovoked exposing classified information in a unclassified setting. when it comes to what the requirements are, getting a sick clear at security clearance, there are many why they get to revoked. you look at the situation and the requirements, character, trustworthiness, and sound judgment are all requirements to obtain a security clearance. so based on how john brennan has behaved over the course of the last year, over the course of the trump presidency, the white house is saying, he is doing the country a disservice by going out with the security clearance and acting in this
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fashion. they have argued that this is an attack on their free speech. no, it is not. they still have the ability to go and criticize the president. talk about their experiences. you are not entitled under the first amendment to a security clearance. >> harris: i want to get into this, we have a shot of the white house, because the president right now is holding a cabinet meeting inside the white house. contemporaneously we are getting some notes coming out of there. but there is a camera that is not going to show it live. so we will show it in its entirety when we gain access. but meanwhile, the president opening his remarks in that cabinet meeting. i want to begin by expressing my condolences of a person i knew well, aretha franklin. she was given a great gift of her voice, my warmest and best wishes and sympathies. then he went on to talk about the economy. he called on larry kudlow, economic adviser and is touting that right now. as we get more notes out. and certainly if in that pool
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there is a reporter who would ask a question about the situation with john brennan who will bring that information as quickly as possible. >> lisa: all i was going to say is that i find it a little bit rich for the guy, john brennan while he was at the home of the cia had to apologize to senate intel committee members and then lying to them, so i find it a little bit rich that he is bemoaning abuse of power when clearly he is at the helm of the cia, abusing his power. or looking back, i do not think it is quite as addictive as using the irs for political opponents either. >> marie: mike flynn obtained his when he left the cia, when on the campaign trail, stood on stage and called for hillary clinton to be locked up. his clearance was not revoked. donald trump did not call on him to have his clearance revoked. so it looks like donald trump wants to revoked clearances of people who politically criticize him. i do not like that. it is politicizing the security
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clearance process. people should stop focusing on john brennan's clearance and what he is saying. he is raising some interesting things. >> lisa: look at peter strzok, he just got fired. >> marie: but how do you respond to mike flynn. >> katie: i agree with you, the idea that mike flynn, it's not the idea that just democrats who are in the intelligence agencies that go out. >> marie: i'm not sure that john brennan's democrat. >> katie: he is anti-the current administration. there are republicans who serve in the administration of democrats and they go out and benefit from their experience, but when it comes to the time now where we are in a different time than we were two years ago paid hillary clinton is not the president of the united states trying to take care the country's business and keep the country safe. john brennan and his commentary again, there is a line there. he still has access to classified information as he has done in the past. he has exposed cia operatives on the ground and importantly there is a case to be made that you should not have access whether he is using it or not to prevent
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that from coming out. >> harris: one of the questions are we to generous with their terms inadvertent and accidentally, should there be a bright line on cutting people off when administrations change? >> sean: look, as someone who has had one for 20 years, i think that to maria's for bright want to call people back into government and what the cost tht their funds for people to get them, you want them to maintain. >> harris: can you reinstate? >> sean: it is active, secret clearance is active for a ten, top secret is active for five. if they do not get renewed, they go away. but the idea that you want to maintain them allows people who come in and out, or maybe they are contractors that gets pulled onto a classified project. you cannot wait. >> harris: we want to be able to take this when it comes up. i apologize, i am being told by our producers, one of the things that might be asked about what the president inside the cabinet
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meeting. we are just getting drips and drops, as it happens we will take you there might be about the john brennan thing. which is exactly what sean spicer is talking about. i would ask the question could the president have gone through on one of the other venues of the fbi just to have them review the process before doing this? that is my question to ask. to the president now responding after hundreds of newspapers ran for donated editorials today going after what they are calling the president's assault on the free press. sean spicer faced many of those reporters daily. what? we will get your reaction. >> lisa: and the reaction per paul manafort could come today. on the verdict watch of the former trump campaign chairman, what the jury's decision will mean for the mueller investigation if anything at all. stay close. ♪ alright, i brought in new max protein
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>> harris: we are awaiting an opportunity to show you the president's remarks as they are being gathered right now by a pool of reporters. to the president has mentioned as he meets with the cabinet today that to the park when shooting was the anniversary was yesterday. he is talking about school shootings and mentions some reforms in the administration that today have taken a response. also talking about strengthening mental health laws and procedures, just giving you some
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notes that are coming out of there. and of course we saw upwards of 300 editorial boards gathering with newspapers across the country today to write pro-journalism editorials and the president just told reporters "if you like you can stay, if you like you can leave. freedom of the press." the color in the room. hitting these topics i might be talking at some point about the security clearance revocation of cia director john brennan. lee said. >> lisa: another fox news alert, could comment any moment, the jury trying to -- prosecutors told the jurors said that the evidence is overwhelming, but the defense slamming robert mueller's team, paul manafort's right-hand man rick gates saying that he is a liar. peter doocy's life in alexandria, virginia, with all of the latest, peter.
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>> lee cell, the jury this morning asked the judge for a sort of change of venue, they tt that the jury room was too small to deliberate, they asked if they could do it in the rec room instead, the judge said that they could, that is where they are right now. this is the first day of deliberation. and the judge wanted to make sure that the six men and six women from northern virginia are focus more on the evidence then the sometimes salty comments he made to the mueller team about the approach, their witnesses and their evidence. the judge told the jury since you are the sole judgment of this case, do not take any court to question, asked witnesses as expressing an opinion on the evidence. the molar team conceded in their closing arguments that the business partner rick gates might have some credibility problems. greg andres told jurors that they do not need to trust every word that gates said, but they should put it into context with
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the rest of the evidence. and from the mueller team said "ladies and gentlemen, the star witness in this case is the documents." ." the manafort defense team thinks they have wedged enough doubt into the case that jurors cannot convict. richard wessling from the manafort team says "the constitution guarantees each and every american charge within a fence to put the government to its burden. it is your job to ensure that burden has been met." there was a funny moment in the court this morning that had paul manafort laughing after the jury was impaneled and they left the courtroom, the judge asked from the bench if mr. trump was there, and people gasped and as it turns out, there is a prosecutor named mr. trump who was there for the next case. back to you in new york. >> lisa: thank you for that color. >> harris: you are hilarious.
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>> lisa: thank you, peter, we appreciate it. that was so funny. as the jury deliberates, what is the conviction mean for the president? >> sean: nothing. look at the charges. bank fraud, failure to pay your taxes. failure to register with the government properly. i think that if he signed a violation, that is something that he has clearly done wrong. injustice is being served. it has nothing to do with the president. at all. judge ellis has made it very clear that any collusion to the president is out-of-bounds, because none of the charges have anything to do with him. it gets back to the underlying point which is that clearly he is going after all of these outside of the area charges against manafort because he wants him to flip or give him information exchange for some conviction or sentencing to get the bigger fish, what he believes is the president. >> lisa: marie, i will ask you the flip side, if he is
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acquitted, what does that mean for the mueller investigation? >> marie: i'm not sure we can grab a lot of lessons. >> lisa: is it a blow to his ability to bring charges? >> marie: know, already dozens of charges on americans and russians as a whole host of issues, we will see what rick gates gave them as well. probably just beyond manafort. i think that paul manafort's teams took an interesting tact to not bring any witnesses of their own. they did not get a plea agreement. manafort thinks that he can beat this, but he is facing hundreds of years in jail time if he is convicted. and i will say to sean, the president says that he hires the best people, we have all known manafort plays a little fast and loose, he brought them into run the campaign. to this is not a surprising outcome for a lot of people who know paul manafort. >> sean: i wrote all about this in my book, that manafort at the time, heading to a
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convention in cleveland where there was this never-trump effort afoot, to put a new candidate on the ballot, all of this stuff. manafort back to the florida administration the last broker convention. he was brought in for a specific reason on a very specific task to be a delicate counter at the convention of what could be potentially an effort to undo the delegates, change the rules, he had done dole's, ford, reagan. you can claim all of the other business issues about him or tax issues, but when it came to understanding the delegate to mass and convention system, this was the right guy. >> harris: i have been asking this question, why did the fbi give the campaign a heads up if they were looking at paul manafort? they gave hillary clinton a heads up when looking at things with what was going on behind the scenes with her. but they did not do the same. lindsey graham, senator lindsey graham is saying, he is writing a letter to christopher wray's
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this week, the current fbi director, why was there a difference? would it have helped to know? >> sean: i'm not familiar what standard fbi procedure is in a criminal investigation. maybe they did not know. >> katie: i have a theory. it is pure speculation and just a theory, but before the convention, we were not hearing a lot about russia and the collusion or russian influence. but if you look at what paul manafort is up against with the jury, they have nothing to do with russians from a political perspective or being used for espionage resources, he is up against charges that have him operating on a business level and not recording taxes, and corruption in that fashion. maybe the fbi saw it as irrelevant to the campaign, because it had nothing to do with a campaign. and everything to do with paul manafort. >> harris: and it still does not, that's why the judge would not let it enter into the courtroom. it is an interesting look at how things are going on back then.
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because you are talking about paul manafort's resume coming in. he would be the guy that you would want. necessarily for a broken convention. >> marie: he also had a history of representing dictators around the world. he was also fired. >> sean: with all due respect, there were numbers of various people, what about with the work that podesta had done? the thing that is so fascinating, katie talks about this, but back then there was this idea that we were not colluding with ourselves. suddenly we win and everybody wants to investigate every single person and manufacture this whole idea of collusion. but at the time it was hillary clinton that it taken money from the russians, bill clinton who had done deals. >> marie: podesta is under investigation from the special counsel. >> sean: one of the things that is missing in all of the context is that we still have not figured out to the other side of this. what was going on with the
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clintons. >> marie: wait for mueller, sean. a >> sean: but not once have we heard about some of the gnomic somebody from the democratic side, except for anybody to be or questions. >> lisa: we have to get going, even though this conversation could go for a while. a house majority leader nancy pelosi's home state saying that it is time for her to give up her clutch to be speaker the house again. the paper calling it a distraction and damaging to her party, whether she will listen or not. plus the potential showdown between the president and robert mueller, the big line in the sand being drawn by one of the presidents lead lawyers and how this may end up before the supreme court. stay tuned for it all. ♪ ♪ flintstones! meet the flintstones. ♪
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preparing to fight the potential subpoena from mueller, the former mayor and prosecutor "we will move to squash the subpoena and we are pretty much finished with the memoranda of posting subpoena." adding that to the attorneys are ready to argue at the supreme court if i've ever got there. and reportedly expecting emmet flood to play a big role in the legal fight. joining a man, and serving as bill clinton's impeachment lawyer, has cautioned the president that a subpoena fight could be decided that the nation's highest court. that would be unprecedented. during the clinton administration independent counsel serving book planted with a subpoena, but it was withdrawn after clinton agreed to testify. so, sean spicer. where are we with the subpoena fights? going to do an interview, not going to do an interview. when is it going to happen? >> sean: i am not a lawyer, just to be clear. this is the posturing that you do ahead of time. want to make it clear what you
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will, what you won't do. and you lay that groundwork out there. that is clearly what rudy giuliani is doing on behalf of the president's legal case, making sure that he is publicly communicating to mueller, we are willing to do this if you give us this. but this happens behind the scenes. there's a reason that publicly they are doing it the way they are to make sure that people understand that they are willing to do it, but there are terms to do that. and it is being in a way that protects the president. as any client would want. you would never allow a client to walk into something and just let it free for all. part of this is to make sure that people who even on both sides understand why he is doing what he is doing or why he is not. >> katie: lisa, based on your background, what can you pick up on terms team, whether it is a personal lawyers are the white house counsel has been out front, in terms of turning public opinion against the mueller probe.
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>> lisa: depending what happens with the manafort case, that could impact at as well. if they are unsuccessful, people might sit back and say, this is a big waste of time. i think that there is an increasing frustration with the time and the length of this going on, the impact that it has had on the presidents ability for him to do his job. the president why there were changes in the legal team, he was getting sick and tired of the p.r. battle and feeling like they were not out there fighting it out enough. all of this really could be rudy giuliani and his team trying to get a favorable concession with president trump potentially sitting down. we do not know what doug trevino is behind it. >> sean: marie brought up a moment ago how paul manafort is taking a big legal risk. i agree with that. by sort of resting your case without showing any witnesses, you are willing to, that is a pretty big gamble. that being said, if he wins, if paul manafort is successful. from a purely p.r. and political
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standpoint, that is a huge blow to mueller. nothing to do with the president either way, but from a public standpoint you say you went after this guy, guns a blazing. everything in the kitchen sink at him, everybody flipped and you have nothing. if manafort is successful by getting off on these charges, that is publicly a big blow to mueller and his team. >> marie: i do not think that mueller cares about the public relation, head down, doing the legal work. a subpoena fight, i do not know how that would turn out in the court. >> sean: i do not know how you get a warrant. >> katie: war of words between andrew comeau and president trump after the top democrats donned an audience when he unleashed on president trump, make america great again slogan. reaction from the couch ahead. >> we are not going to make america great again. we were never that great.
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>> harris: today we celebrate the life and legacy of the queen of soul, aretha franklin. she died earlier today. age 76 after a battle of pancreatic cancer. reaction pouring in. we have shared with you some of what the president has said, president trump inside the cabinet meeting right now. and michelle obama issuing a statement, reading in part "through her compositions and unmatched musicianship, aretha helped define the american experience. and her voice, we could feel our history. all of it and in every shade our power, our pain, our darkness and are light. our quest for redemption and are hard work respect. she made us feel more human, and sometimes forget about everything else and dance. and of course, president trump tweeted this earlier "the queen of soul, aretha franklin
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is dead. she was a great woman with a wonderful gift from god, her voice. she will be missed." he also spoke about her. and i read those words, because they were coming out of the cabinet meeting where he started and he praised aretha franklin and offered his condolences to her loved ones and of course he said he knew her well. we'll bring you more reaction today to the passing of aretha franklin. president trump jumping into a heated back-and-forth with new york governor andrew cuomo, after the potential 2020 democratic candidate appeared to stun an audience with the comment rebuking president trump's make america great again slogan paid watch list. speak of the simple point is all of this comes down to this. we are not going to make america great again. it was never that great. we have not reached greatness we will reach greatness when every
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american is fully engaged. >> harris: wow. president trump respondent on twitter. can you believe this is the governor of the highest tax state in the united states, having a total meltdown. he appeared to double down, tweeting back to the president, what you say would be great again, would not be great at all. we will not go back to discrimination, segregation, sexism, isolation, racism, or the kkk. the governor is in a reelection fight against actress cynthia nixon who is also an open socialist. she told new york one, he is "trying to figure out what a progressive sounds like missing by a mile." wow. there is a lot to unpack, sean spicer. >> sean: first is that i agree with cynthia nixon. but that is not breaking news.
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that is a deplorable comment. the idea that he says america is not great is undermining so much of the american spirit, the american military, so many people who serve this country. of course, we all know that america can always be better and greater. but we are a great country. we are the envy of the world. we have great amazing people. and i'm sure that that quote is going to hang around for quite some time. >> harris: so i immediately took this at the point of greatness, when i know our military has really led us. and i very seldom weigh in in this way, but i tweeted out with my book, it is based on growing up military brat, and sean, you and i were talking about having that conversation on social media. sometimes you will get a lot of feedback. and i did on this. tell that to every single active-duty american service member, every military veteran of every war we have fought, every loving family member of every soldier, marine,
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guard, sailor, airman who has died serving this nation, then tell them how sorry you are #andrewcuomo i just weighed in on that point because i felt so strongly about it. i see you nodding. >> marie: i do not think that andrew cuomo does not believe that the country is great, i think that he was trying to turn the president slogan around on him. and flubbed it. i think that he should -- >> harris: so in 2010 when he used the slogan make new york great again, what was that about? >> marie: i'm not a follower of his career, i do not think that andrew cuomo does not believe that it is a great country, he is trying to use a political tactic and turn it around and it did not come out right. my fellow democrats believe that this is an exceptional country. we disagree with the president's policies, and in terms of the country, a lot of politicians talk about problems. donald trump's inauguration
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address was all about carnage. we are working towards a more perfect union. and katie, i don't know, what you think president trump is referring to when he says make america great again? >> katie: the economy and how bad it was under barack obama for nearly a decade of my life. but i want to respond, i can give andrew cuomo that in a fit of the doubt if democrats did not have a track record of being unpatriotic. putting up with nfl players kneeling for the national anthe national anthem. >> marie: that is not unpatriotic. >> katie: hillary clinton, praising a child for not standing for the national anthem. you have the dnc embracing groups like occupy wall street that are burning the american flag in the street. and then you have barack obama himself saying, yes, america is exceptional, but they are exceptional. andrew flubbed anything. this is the pattern of they
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have, they are not out there saying how great america actually is. they are not talking about all of the aid that americans are giving all over the world. >> harris: you are not aspiring to be the commander in chief. >> katie: i have a question for you. >> lisa: what you make of the gallup poll, finding that only three in ten democrats are extremely proud of america. where you have seven in ten american nomadic republicans that are proud of america. even under president obama, it was not as high as republicans. i making sure that you are aware of the context of my question. >> marie: i'm listening to your question, lisa. it is an indication of how divided the country is. they do not like the directional policies taking under the president. >> lisa: i mentioned that it was still not as high as republicans under president obama. >> marie: the accusation that
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democrats are unpatriotic and putting barack obama in that list, you and i are friends. i am so offended by what you just said, we can say this country has more work -- >> lisa: is standing for the national anthem a patriotic act or not. >> marie: katie, let me finish. the highest form of patriotism is protest. >> katie: or serving in the military, which andrew cuomo did not -- 's before i would love you to serve in the government too. if you like. >> harris: sean, i want you to weigh in about the military component, because we sometimes look at what presidents do and their policies and whatnot, and it matters the words that they use, particularly, the same way that the nda defines it. and not that he was targeting andrew cuomo in the military, but he is lapsing in that memory perhaps or judgment about our greatest moments. >> sean: the thing that i find fascinating is this, andrew comeau may have flubbed this, maybe he meant it, whatever.
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the thing that is fascinating is that president trump made a similar statement, it would be the talk of every news channel. they would be asked to apologize. andrew cuomo gets out there and what i've seen so far on other stations when i read the transcript, everybody says what marie said, which may be valid, this is not what he meant. they immediately rushed to the fence on everybody on the left who made that statement, if president trump or any republican made a similar statement, there will be calls for him to resign. he needs to apologize. the way that all of these things are perceived, the left when they say something, this was not what he meant. let's move on. when a conservative makes a similar statement, it becomes national news and everybody goes on it and states their opinion. >> harris: we will move on, joining calls from "the boston globe" in "the new york times," hundreds of newspapers publishing editorials, calling out the president for his attack on the press. and the president heading right back. of the battle reaching new heights. stay put. ♪
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aretha franklin who passed away today. i was kind of giving you notes as they were coming out of the cabinet meeting with the president. he did mention the media. he said that you are free to stay, afraid to go. swiping when so many editorials have been written across newspapers pro-coverage, pro-journalism. a separate comic several cabinet members spoke. the president interviewing them so that he could get on the record about the economy and strong things that are happening without right now. cia director john brennan and the revocation of his security clearance did not come up as a topic. secretary of state pompeo read a prayer. just giving you a little bit of the flavor, now that we are finally moments ago as you see on the screen, starting to get the video of that cabinet meeting. lisa. >> lisa: hundreds of newspapers across the country
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running editorials today. announcing what they say is president trump's ongoing attack on the media. "the boston globe" writing "model of inciting his supporters in disregard. and how 21st century authoritarians like vladimir putin and the leader of turkey operate. you do not need formal censorship to strangle a supply of information." they feebly insist that he is referring to buy his coverage rather than the entire state. by the president's own words and long track record show again and again how deeply cynical and dishonest this argument is. president trump tweeting earlier today "the boston globe which was sold to the failing "new york times" for $1.3 billion plus $800 billion has lost its investment for $2.1 billion was then sold by "the new york times" for $1. now the globe is in collusion with other papers on free press." so sean.
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>> sean: can we look at katie. >> lisa: president trump made them meet argument that the media is collectively against them, and you have the editorias against them. does this help prove his point? >> sean: in some ways it does, a division between the editorial in the new side, but the reality is the media research center did a study that shows 92% of the coverage gets the president and negative, and they do a similar one, and to the pew research center did another one. at some point i would encourage people in the press to instead of double down, they have every right to do it, that's what makes a country great. but how can you have an economy that is doing as well as it has? how can you have so many people, personal job safety getting increased and their well-being? so many things that he is doing, all of the coverage continues to be negative. at some point the press continues to make it about them. that does not help them in the
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long run either. the more that it is focused on them, the more people, and you look at the trust that people have in the institutions that continue to go down. the thing that i find fascinating is a correlation, the harder they come at him, the higher his approval rating goes. because the american people, they get it. they see what is happening in the results of the administration and the policy and they go, you know what, we do not believe it. >> lisa: the flip side and the editorials are arguing that president trump calling the media and the people, i know that he has clarified before that it is fake news, but there was a poll showing that 51% of republicans agree with that statement. if so, katie, what has the impact under all of this pain? >> katie: i think that sean would probably agree with this point. president trump has said some pretty mean things about the press. some deserved, some not deserved. it is not the rule of the press to be positive only towards a government. we just wish that it would be more evenly applied. barack obama actually went up to the press by spying on them. we are not talking about
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fox news, we are talking about ap reporters, executives, and i did not see a 300 plus editorials denying -- >> sean: that's because they agreed with him. >> katie: talking about how the white house was going after free speech prior to that is more of an issue. >> sean: clearly the cabinet meeting shows. you can do what you want. the media outlet, this is a free country, do you what you want. >> lisa: more "outnumbered" in just a moment.
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>> lisa: thanks to sean spicer, author of "the briefing." we are back tomorrow at noon eastern. here is harris. >> harris: fox news alert, the escalating war of words between the white house and john brennan, revoking the cia chief's security clearance. let's go "outnumbered overtime." i am harris faulkner. minutes ago the president refused to answer questions as he was wrapping up and leaving the meeting with his cabinet at the white house. this has happened in the last commercial break. this is a day after he revoked the security credentials from obama cia chief. and vows that he may be not complete. the republican chair of the security committee backing the president's decision. watch it. >> no problem with it, i'm amazed that he did not pull sooner. a security clearance is a privilege, john brennan was abusing that privilege. ta
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