tv Americas News HQ FOX News August 18, 2018 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT
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next week. >> the new york times reported white house counsel is cooperating extensively with the robert mueller investigation. the paper saying that mcgann answered robert mueller questions about whether president trump possibly obstructed justice. hello everyone welcome to a brand through our "america's news headquarters". i am mike emanuel. >> i am ebony williams. fox news has not independently confirm the information but the times is reporting that mcgann had voluntarily spoke with interviewers for 30 hours in the last nine months. investors have also reportedly questioned him about the firing of james comey and went to fire robert mueller.
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ellison barber is in new jersey in -- near the presidents golf club. >> we were aware that he cooperated with special counsel but to this extent laid out in this report from the new york times, new york times says mcgann was not just cooperating with special counsel robert mueller and his team but extensively cooperating with them over a dozen sources are telling the times that he sat down with robert mueller steam for at least three voluntary interviews and together they totaled more than 30 hours. they say he gave a clear view of the president's most intimate moments with his lawyer.the times reports that among those moments, mr. trump comments and actions during the
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fire of the fbi director, james kohler and his obsession with putting a loyalist in charge of the inquiry. including his repeated urging of attorney general, jeff sessions to claim oversight. this reportedly began because it is what the president's first legal team wanted. they reportedly sought full collaboration to bring it to a quick end.that according to the times and his lawyer thought it was odd that they would want him to be so open to having mcgann speak freely and concerned that donald trump might be sitting about to take the blame for an illegal act or any illegal acts of obstruction. here is one thing that the times says in a report. it is not clear that mr. trump appreciates the extent to which mr. mcgann has cooperated with the special counsel. adding later quote - they laid out how mr. trump tried to gang controlled trying to give them a mix of information given them both damaging and favorable to the present. he was clear he never saw mr. trump go beyond his legal
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authority of the limits of executive power are murky. as he said, they have not confirmed this. we have reached out to the white house on this as well the president's current outside legal team. so far we have not heard back and reach out to special counsel and as we traditionally say they declined. mike: the presentation to twitter as he threatened to strip away the security clearance for a senior justice department official. the president personally naming bruce ohr who was accused of being closely linked to the author of the controversial steele dossier. it also comes on the heels of his discussion this week to remove security clearance. this is an interview last night. >> i'm very concerned about the future generation, the current generation. there is a privilege every day of my life to be part of the
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community and this country and this wonderful country. and i do not want to ever allow a politician or someone in the oval office to so cavalierly toss around national security clearances. i will fight on behalf of those who still have their clearances. mike: jennifer griffin is live with the latest from washington. reporter: they are very clear says the president is prepared to strip the security clearances of eight more top former intelligence officials and one current justice department employee. for their role in the russia probe. an criticism of the president in recent months. in an interview last night with rachel maddow, john brennan spoke at length after having his security clearance revoked. >> the fact that he is using a security clearance of a former cia director as a pawn in his public relations strategy, i think is so reflective of someone who quite frankly, i don't want to use the term but
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drunk on power.he really is. i think he is abusing the powers of the office. reporter: among those in the president side, for the fbi, james comey. james klapper among others. they reported last night the white house has drafted orders from the president for more security clearances to be revoked. of particular note is a justice department prosecutor who works in the organized crime division most people have not heard of it until recently. bruce ohr. he was demoted by deputy attorney general rod rosenstein early on in the mueller probe. after it was revealed he had contact with christopher steele, the former british spy who compiled and unverified dusted include allegations that russia had dirt on president trump. his wife, nelly worked for a firm hired by the clinton campaign to investigate any ties that donald trump had to
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russia. the president hinted at what is likely to be his next move while leaving the white house friday. >> is a disgrace. i suspect i will be taking away very quickly. i think bruce ohr is a disgrace with his wife nelly. for him to be the justice department and to be doing what he did, that is a disgrace. reporter: bruce ohr is slated to testify to the house oversight committee behind closed doors on capitol hill on august 28. mike: jennifer griffin live in washington, thank you. eboni: senate minority leader, chuck schumer, say now that he will meet with supreme court nominee, judge brett kavanaugh next week. the near democrat had previously declined the meeting until the nominee gave record from the time at the white house and wanted to see those relays. today the committee is releasing more documents from his time as a white house lawyer for president george w. bush. but earlier this week, chuck
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schumer said that they are prepared to fight for his records. >> we give them all of kiggins documents we give them all of sotomayor. they are not giving us that for judge kavanaugh. today we are not and we stand ready to sue the national archives for judge kavanaugh 's full records if necessary. eboni: for much more in this we go to washington we will bring in chief counsel as well as policy director for judicial crisis network and former clerk to justice clarence thomas. let's start with i guess this proclamation from chuck schumer that they are prepared to sue. your response to that? >> his numbers are so artificially inflated. he said literally millions more pages of documents were requested from judge kavanaugh then judge kagan. we have seen it from all of them, all of the white house documents they had were
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released. for kagan they did not ask for the general time even though they were very relevant to her time as a judge. eboni: why were those not requested? >> because it is very sensitive, a lot of it has to do with the demonstration. and they're asking for -- they're not just asking, give me your email, give us every email he was even mentioned in. even if he never saw it. they're trying to make the numbers look big by artificially inflating them. it is absurd, it is apples and oranges. sure, go ahead and try to sue if they are not complying with their request. they are trying to distract from the record which is outstanding. he served for a dozen years on the second most important court in the country. he is widely respected across the aisle. chuck schumer is trying to
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distract from the real merits of the case. eboni: you mentioned numbers. i want to pull up a couple numbers for you in a recent cnn poll, is saying 37 percent of those polls vote in favor seeing judge kavanaugh confirmed. 40 percent not in favor. and 22 percent not sure. and really, doing a little research we have not seen an approval number that lower, the 37 percent since 1987. when president reagan was trying to appoint robert bork to the court per your reaction to that number, is it truly partisan or is there merit there? >> i think it is partisanship and particularly with the bork nomination. the partisanship has amped up plus kavanaugh has been a victim of this really bizarre smear campaign was not even about things he said or done. but it is part of the fishing
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expedition. they are suggesting there must be frightening stuff here. even your people at pro public liberal group saying if you been to a national scam recently, sent his picture see if you can find judge kavanaugh, something must be going on. this is ludicrous. it is fishing expedition, they are trying to sensationalize someone who is frankly, not very sensational in terms of these scandals.he is really just an outstanding judge. i think it is pure politics in the numbers.what really counts is what is the vote in the senate? i think will have more than a majority of senators recognize he is the nomination and we look particularly at red state democrats, the polls in those states are 20 to 40 point spreads in favor of voting for judge kavanaugh. i think we will see people like senator manchin, senator heitkamp, senator donnelly, those kind of people, they really want to see judge kavanaugh confirmed. eboni: speaking of that, it is incredibly close, razor close. for the republicans that are in a position to vote.
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of course a center not being able to take place in that vote.he still undergoing treatment for the brain cancer. we all praying for him. let's talk about two republicans that they are saying might still have outstanding questions about whether or not they'll be able to vote for judge kavanaugh and that is republican lisa murkowski in alaska and susan collins of maine. both stated that they have the judge's positions on pro-choice, pro-life. what is your reaction to their potential hesitation and ultimately, would you think they will fall and other political consequences to those two senators expressing hesitation? >> they have certainly got vicious attacks in the last -- i think they're hoping to use them maybe they can peel off but if you look at both of them, the most important thing is is it someone will be faithful, constitution? someone that will interpret the law faithfully? that is exactly the right
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question. when you look at judge kavanaugh it is a question that we very easy to answer for them. when they had the opportunity to sit down with him i know there are lots of back and forth talking about some of the concerns that he is so articulate, he is so intelligent and clearly thoughtful that i think they will both like to do with justice gorsuch, realize this is a nominee the ultimately can wholeheartedly support. i think given the space to do their due diligence but the parties have set our faithfulness, the law and the constitution. judge kavanaugh has that. eboni: carrie severino, thank you for joining us. mike? mike: a father in colorado charged with murder. suspected of killing his pregnant wife and two young daughters. what police are saying where the bodies were found. plus, a disturbing report from the pentagon were defense officials say about china's strategic intentions as they rapidly ramp up military.
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tensions between both countries over trade. now the director of the margaret thatcher center for freedom at the heritage foundation, wait to see you, let's get to it. what to make of this latest report on china's military focus? >> well, i would say this really is a wake-up call, actually. this is a very detailed assessment of the overall military threat that china poses and without a doubt, china is emerging as a major threat to the united states and its allies. they are ramping up the military, basically practicing for long-range military strikes in the pacific we are dealing here with a rising superpower. it has ambitions to match the united states. in terms of overall military capability by the middle of the century. it is already investing hundred $90 billion a year in defense spending. that will increase the next decade or so to about 250
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billion. but the ultimate goal of course, for china is to be able to challenge the united states as a global superpower. and this report i think, is crystal clear its assessment of the scale of threat, the long-term threat and immediate threat that the a state and its allies face from china today. mike: these typical actions have a reaction. what should the united states do in response to signs of increased aggression from beijing? >> i think a number of things. first of course, the united states has increased defense spending. we are seeing that coming in from the trump administration which is being very robust in terms of reverse in some of the disastrous defense cuts of the obama era. so we do now have a further defense but further needs to be done to deal with both the russian and chinese military threat. also of course i think it is
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imperative that the united states stands with its allies in the region. in particular with taiwan, japan and south korea. for example there is a very clear message that has to be sent to beijing. that any kind of aggression against u.s. allies will be certainly met in a very robust fashion by the united states. and so i think on a whole, the united states has to be extremely proactive in dealing with the rising chinese threat but also i think that we have two remember that china is a nation that has tremendous superpower ambitions. and while the most pressing and knee-jerk that i think u.s. interest posed by russia, the chinese potentially have a greater long-term strategic threat to the united states interest. i think we have to take a long-term view. the chinese are playing a
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long-term game over the course of many, many decades. we have to view both russia and china as major strategic adversaries for the nice days. >> i remember the administration said they wanted to pivot the strategic focus to asia.has united states been to distracted by iran, north korea and syria rather than beijing? >> i think the nicest of the trumpet menstruation has been increasing focus on asia. especially in terms of increasing u.s. military capacity, firepower in the region.also enhances strategic alliances that you have in the region. particularly with a taiwan and japan. but also south korea as well. i think there is a real sort of complacency in the obama it ministration for that complacency i think has been effectively thrown out the window by the trump administration. i do think you have a more aggressive posture being taken by the united states in the pacific region. and of course that is the right approach to take at this time.
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mike: we of course less than three months for midterm elections. there's a lot of buzz about cybersecurity. what about the cyber threat from china? >> while a number of reports in the past few days have indicated that the chinese have a sophisticated hacking campaign. focusing upon the government of alaska. and alaska has important trading ties with china, china is actually the biggest source for market for alaskan exports. the chinese have been targeting the alaskan government in recent months. this should be a cause for real concern. we have a cybersecurity threat not only from russia but also from iran, north korea and increasingly from china as well. we have to deal with the chinese threat in the same way we have to deal with the rising threat posed from russia as well. we have to be on our guard
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against these sophisticated chinese operation, really from china's equivalent of mit inside of beijing. mike: very briefly, this is what we know from the unclassified version of the report. are we safe to assume the classified version that will be delivered to relevant committees will be more alarming? >> it could well be. i think the unclassified version is alarming enough and i think the report we already have in the public domain should be a very clear wake-up call, a cry for the united states to be vigilant and on guard against potential chinese aggression but certainly i think the classified report would have more sensitive information. and perhaps even far more reason for concern about china's aggressive activities. mike: nile gardiner, it is great to have your expertise. thank you very much. >> my pleasure.
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eboni: tomorrow chris wallace speaks exclusively with admiral mike mullen at tpm and 7 pm eastern right here on the fox news channel. be sure to check local listings for when it airs on your local fox station. eboni: president trump on the offensive when it comes to justice department official bruce ohr. he is linked to being linked to christopher steele. our panel takes that up next. >> bruce ohr is a disgrace with his wife, nelly. for him to be in the justice department and to be doing what he did, that is a disgrace. or snack a day with glucerna made with carbsteady to help minimize blood sugar spikes you can really feel it. glucerna. everyday progress. you wouldn't accept from any one else. why accept it from an allergy pill? flonase relieves sneezing, itchy, watery eyes and a runny nose, plus nasal congestion, which most pills don't.
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respect. mike: president trump essay claiming to be giving john brennan more of a platform after revoking security clearance. this is a former senior intelligence officials say the president made the move to try and suppresses freedom of speech. drama now is fox news contributor, jessica and john, the founder and president of -- great to have you. john brennan claims what he's doing is not political. take a listen to this and we will discuss. >> mr. trump at the time i think has really just disappointed millions of americans. which i'm trying to give voice to.i know a lot of people think the former intelligence official should be doing this. i don't consider what i'm doing political at all. i've never registered as a republican or democrat. to my entire life. but i feel such a commitment to this country for security and its reputation. and i'm the son of an father taught me and my siblings early on just how important it is that we take very special the privilege
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of being born an american citizen. and so when i see what mr. trump is doing, he is trashing reputation of this country. and the way he has treated americans, tell americans how he refers to them. the divisiveness, the incitement, the fueling of hatred and polarization. this is not what this country is about. mike: not political, what do you make of that, john? [laughter] >> is laughable. he says is never been a republican or democrat pete is true. i think you voted for the communist party years ago. here is a guy who called the commander-in-chief, treasonous! the punishment for treason is death. he has become part of -- a partisan after pretty -- the moment they become partisan actors speaking not just to get the ministership of the
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government, they do not have the right to have security clearance.i'm sorry. >> less bring jess again. your thoughts and what do you make of the president going after john brennan's security clearance? >> is petty and childless but that is how the president likes to behave. you want to distract him was going on with omarosa. you went for this. this is something he has found threatening. there are 10, 11 or 12 people on the list. all people that have been critical of the president. all people that are concerned about connection between his administration and the russians. he actually admitted it to the wall street journal. that it was politically motivated. john brennan was part of the russia witchhunt. that is why he took away his clearance. i totally agree with what's been said that this is not a right to have a security clearance. but i think what john brennan is doing here, and have disagreed with him as far as you know this is treasonous,
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what happened in helsinki. it is obviously a very serious accusation. i think he is correct to point out the divisiveness and damage the president is doing to the country. i believe any of us if we were insulted though he has insulted the intelligence community and comparing them to nazis, remember those? you would have a problem with him also. >> concerning issues out there. as a present wise to elevate brennan and perhaps others and make them villains in effect, jessica? >> i do not think it matters quite frankly. john brennan was a cable news pundit. before this happened, he will continue to do that. he continues to strip security clearances you'll hear more about this, i think there are 12 x officials calling the president out on this and how dangerous the a precedents it is setting. i think the president is only hurting himself by saying this and making this more of a
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spectacle. mike: your thoughts, john? >> is interesting brennan others in the media have inflated the security clearance with stifling their first amendment rights. it couldn't be further from the truth. the present you said, he is elevating his status if nothing else. no one is saying, including the president that brennan does not have an ability to speak his mind. speak until your hearts content. what we are saying is that you do not have a right to the security clearance. there is no relevancy to it. and quite frankly, given at times he said about this white house, i do not want him knowing anything of the classified nature. because i'm worried who he would leak it to. mike: glad to have both of you, new york times the reporting that the white house counsel, don mcgahn is cooperating excessively with the robert
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mueller probe. they say he answer the questions about whether president trump possibly obstructed justice. fox news has not depend on the confirm some of the information but the times is reporting that don mcgahn has voluntarily spoke with interviews for 30 hours during the last nine months. this is also reportedly questioned don mcgahn about the firing of james comey and attempts to fire robert mueller. jessica, your thoughts? >> enter the president is sweating this one. maybe he will revoke someone else's clearance at that. as soon as possible to change the plot line! it's deftly not good for him. the new york times report, i realize we've not confirmed yet at this point but it makes it clear that don mcgahn initially did not want to do this but then start to fear who become the president 's scapegoat and that is why he cooperated for 30 some odd hours. again, after the president is very upset by it. i think it is good when anyone cooperates with the probe. so we can get to the truth. but it is no good for the administration to say the least. mike: the new york times notes it is unusual for a lawyer to share so much with
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investigators. scrutinizing his client and the president. john? >> it is unusual but i think it place the president's initial strategy to end the probe as quickly as they could. which is full transparency. letting him sweat, letting robert mueller sweat his attorney for 30 hours. by comparison, you may remember that the fbi sweated hillary clinton for a while. three and half hours. this is more than 10 times the level sweat. and you are seeing this that the white house counsel is saying that he doesn't believe that the president obstructed justice at all. i hope this achieves the end and speed this up to a conclusion. but i think you understand that if it does not lead to a quick and swift conclusion, the president can start to think maybe this is a witchhunt. i've literally led robert mueller into talk to my own counsel. and if he is not found something that he never will. >> what i understand actually
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wasn't something the president asked for or even know about that don mcgahn had been meeting with robert mueller and their team. and as far as holly clinton she has sweat planted throughout her years and i do not think has been uncooperative figure in public life. three and half hours, let's talk a little bit about benghazi -- 11 i was sitting there. i'm not really sure we are going with that but it is not something president trump wants. he likes to claim he is the most transparent president in history. but he fires anyone that he can who he feels is getting in the way. of this probe and the conclusion it was a witchhunt. and whatever else and robert mueller is going to do it meticulously and will take as long as he needs to get this right. >> should not that special counsel has declined to comment. not surprising there. john dowd, formerly outside counsel for the president says he thinks that don mcgahn was probably a very effective witness. we will wait and see how this
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all plays out but let me get a chance for a final thought, let's start with you, john. >> actually do not think this is a bad thing at all. i think the president has nothing to hide here. other than the only concern honestly, the perjury trap. like rudy giuliani has said. i think it is good, full transparency is good. as you are seen time and time again, robert mueller is coming up dry with george papadopoulos. >> he did not come up dry! >> there's nothing with papadopoulos. but there was no collusion, jessica. >> so all of the lying is fine. >> no, jessica, robert mueller is going to the madam network with roger stone in interviewing her. this is what you do when you are desperate. i just hope that we get to a conclusion sooner rather than later. honestly mike, i do not think this is a big deal. mike: refresh reaction from the white house let's get to it. the press secretary, sarah sanders saying quote - the
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president and don mcgahn have a great relationship you he appreciates all the work he is done. particularly his help and expertise with the judge's and supreme court. jessica, your thoughts? >> he has to say that. they are going to be many pushing back i am sure as the brett kavanaugh confirmation. every scene that popping up on twitter and is only about 45 were in our old. we will hear more about that. i wholeheartedly disagree with this being about the present. bob mueller has over 20 indictments at this point. lying still does matter and when republicans continually say that president trump should not sit down with bob mueller because it's a perjury trap, why doesn't he try not lying? it should be very simple. if he did not collude -- >> the federal government can nail you if they want to get you into a perjury trap. that's why it's called a perjury trap.
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>> you can tell the truth. they are looking at obstruction of justice and financial crimes. it is not all about collusion and conspiracy. we will wait it out as i'm sure you'd be happy to into the end of time if it was a democrat. that is my final thought. mike: panel, thank you for your time. fascinating discussion. we will see where it goes. eboni: new york university announcing both its current and future medical students will receive full tuition scholarships. the school says the goal is to fight the shortage of doctors and lower paying fields. bryan llenas is in the new york newsroom. >> the announcement was made in a sermon he were 93 first-year new york university medical students were given their white lab coats for the very first time.this was their reaction. [video] [applause] reporter: pretty incredible! to sit and where you will not have to pay the $55,000 tuition. they graduate with $192,000 in
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debt on average. they say not charging tuition is a moral imperative that will diversify the pool of doctors and encourage more people to practice medicine. >> i would call people to give them full tuition scholarships, today, take that, multiply it by over 100. this is about keeping people on the path to medicine. once they get into medicine, these levels of debt can adversely impact position decision-making. mike: nyu is the first medical program to offer tuition free education. the university said that too many medical students were choosing medical fields based on high pay because of the staggering debt that they had incurred. the medical school holds that more students will now go into less lucrative fields like primary care and pediatrics. the school says that they raise more than $450 million of the $600 million needed to fund the tuition free initiative.
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students will stop the pay room and board the which runs about $27,000 a year. still a good deal considering how much money is spent in this country on tuition. nyu is a private school. but the state of new york by the way, is already offering free tuition for some 940,000 middle-class families and city and state public colleges if they make $125,000 a year or less. eboni: celtic lodge of educational opportunities opening up for students across the state. thank you! mike: new development and the president's plan to end u.s. involvement in war-torn syria. the state department and in class help fund stabilization efforts there. as allies step of their pledge to help syria rebuild in the wake of the civil war. what are the risks and what are the rewards of the move? your mornings were made for
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syria as others attempt to step up, while saudi arabia also announced that they contributed $100 million in areas once held by isis that are not controlled by u.s. back forces. the move comes as the president looks to cut back on foreign aid. >> judith miller is an adjunct fellow at the manhattan institute for policy research. a pulitzer prize-winning investigative reporter. author and fox news contributor. judy, always good to be with you. we will get into the nitty-gritty of the consequences and benefits of this redistribution here. but first i want to talk about the high-level politics of it all. one of the things that president trump ran on and some would argue was elected on, was his mantra that america will come first in his administration. he will require international allies and contributors to do their fair share.
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is this redistribution here as it relates to what is going on, in syria, part of the campaign promise and policy? >> that is exactly what is going on. i could not have put it better. in fact, i think if you look at what he has done with nato where he has demanded that our nato allies pay more for the military heavy risk which united states provides, this is a repetition of that action in the middle east. it's one that's long overdue. allies understand that which address saudi arabia among others have now pledged $100 million in stabilization money. that the united states would would have to have spent if they had not stepped up to the plate.yes, you are right. it is entirely consistent with
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the foreign-policy theme and pledges. and i think it makes a lot of sense. what i'm worried about is the presidents statement twice that he intends to withdraw troops from syria. that would worry me a great deal. but if someone has often criticized in policies, i would have to tell you that this latest move strikes me as perfectly fair and balanced and consistent with american foreign policy and national security interest. eboni: to that point, some of the concerns, i'll ask the question that john hopkins repressor had asked. that is, it seems to be a financial benefit, certainly to have international allies, saudi arabia being one of them, russian, germany, france and others chipping in to carry this 230, sometimes up to $300 million burden to help stabilize syria. but financially judy, do we give up some of the consistency
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in the ways that we would envision the stabilization process to look like? >> no, i don't think so. because part of what the administration has said, and administration officials have reprieved reported on this, yes, our allies are going to provide stabilization funds. but the united states is going to administer those funds in syria. and that reassures people like me who are worried about this kind of stabilization money turning into a honeypot that people can use for various projects and parties in this conflict. i think the united states administering the money actually assures that it will be spent fairly effectively and without the kind of normal political pressures that one would see. i think the administration drove a hard bargain. and they got control over the money which was really important. this by the way is very consistent with what we have done in iraq now. where we are providing roughly
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$190 million in stabilization funds and our allies are providing the rest. $806 million.this is consistent with what president trump has been doing in the middle east. it is burden sharing and it is at its best because we will control how the money is spent. eboni: mike pompeo called it something like that. some type of redistribution and burden sharing. let me also ask you, speaking of the region, what types of impact do you think this will have on iran as we start talking about ways, including reestablishing some sanctions there and other ways to curb their bad behavior? what message you think this redistribution sends them? >> i think what it tells them is that the united states is going to share the burden financially. but there are continued -- our
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continued presence will not give iran a free ride. my concern is that the russians and iranians will run -- last month, the russians actually violated a pledge that they gave to us that they were going to abide by conflict of interest avoidance rules. they paid no price for that and our allies were really put in danger. in fact, the israelis had to airlift some of them out of the country. i think that an american presence in syria, 2000 troops are absolutely essential for ensuring the iran and russia do not control events on the ground. we do not need money now. what we need is boots on the ground and pilots in the air. that is what we are not certain that president trump is really committed to. john bolton, his national security advisor said recently, we were staying. he said twice, we're leaving. so we don't know.
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eboni: we have to wrap otherwise i wanted to get your thoughts but we will talk about this more. thank you. mike: a small community is heartbroken after a pregnant woman and her two daughters are murdered. now police have a suspect in custody. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪ i never count the wrinkles. and i don't add up the years. but what i do count on... is staying happy and healthy. so, i add protein, vitamins and minerals to my diet with boost®. new boost® high protein nutritional drink now has 33% more high-quality protein, along with 26 essential
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a denver man being charged with murdering his pregnant wife and their two little girls. those who knew the family said trying to grapple with the devastating tragedy. jeff paul is live in los angeles with the latest. reporter: this case not only involves the death of a pregnant mother and two young daughters but just the data they vanished the father spoke with reporters pleading for their return. here's how he responded when asked if they had been arguing with his wife. >> it wasn't like an argument. we had a conversation but i will leave it out. i just want them back. reporter: their bodies would later be discovered and court documents revealed the doors had been submerged in crude oil for four days.they were found at the site of a petroleum company where he worked. the company says he is no longer an employee but does not specify when he stopped working there. we also learning more for dna
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swabs as well as samples from the hands and nails of the mother.this all happening the same day the hundreds gathered outside of the family home for an emotional candlelight vigil. >> heart wrenching. not real. it is too close to home. it is painful. we all have kids. reporter: what we do not know is emotive and how the girls and mother died. mike: jeff paul, thank you very much. that does it for us. eboni: great saturday to you. news continues at the top of the hour with arthel neville and eric shawn. takes, wherever i have to go...i'm beating this. my main focus was to find a team of doctors that work together. when a patient comes to ctca, they're meeting a team of physicians that specialize in the management of cancer. breast cancer treatment is continuing to evolve. and i would say that ctca
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alert. the new york times reporting white house don mcgahn has been cooperating extensively with the second counsel. he voluntarily participated 30 hours of interviews for giving investigators an inside look at the firing of james comey and other issues related to potential obstruction of justice. hello everyone, i am arthel neville. welcome to a brand-new hour and set a "americas news headquarters". eric: hello everyone, i'm eric shawn. we have not independently confirmed this report with the former attorney for president trump is pushing back on it.
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