tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News September 4, 2018 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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that? there's no explanation and no excuse for that. that's all the time we have left this evening, we are not the destroy trump media. we are fair, balanced and different. we will remain so with your help. let not your heart be troubled. how was your holiday? >> laura: it was great. >> sean: i can't hear anything. >> laura: he can't hear anything i'm saying. >> sean: i can hear you now. >> laura: the worst thing is coming back after a long weekend and you enter the lion's den of what should be a sober process of a judiciary hearing and it's just a total, ridiculous theater that i'm going to address on my angle. >> sean: and look at those kids of soon to be justice kavanaugh. why do his kids have to be subject to that planned, or orchestrated b.s.? >> laura: imagine if that happened and that she was on the other foot?
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they would say it's mean, it's cool, mean-spirited. -- cruel, mean spirited. anyway, you had a great show tonight, great new details. good evening from washington, i'm laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle." we have a lot for you in the next hour. brett kavanaugh, the supreme court confirmation hearing is just one of the many stories we are watching tonight. also the white house hitting back very hard against the latest bob woodward book. ed henry will be here to break it all down for us. plus nike lost billions of dollars of value over its decision to use anthem kneeler colin kaepernick as the face of its latest ad campaign. so wasn't no one else available? i guess not. and with nbc embroiled in it a scandal, one of its top anchors is taking shots of course at fox. so we will set the record straight.
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but first the party of the stunts strikes again. supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh had not yet been introduced at his confirmation hearing when democrats employed a familiar protest tactic. >> good morning. i welcome everyone to this confirmation hearing on the nomination of judge brett kavanaugh to serve as associate justice -- >> mr. chairman, i would like to be recognized for questions before we proceed. >> laura: first went kamala harris. despite the fact that they were furnished more documents about kavanaugh than the last five supreme court nominees combined, and despite the fact like senators like richard blumenthal have already gone on record saying they are opposing kavanaugh's nomination, of course, they claim, it was all about needing more documents. >> mr. chairman, i moved to adjourn.
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[cheers and applause] mr. chairman, we have been denied real access to the documents we need to advise -- >> regular order is called for -- >> -- which turns into asha raid and mockery of our norms. >> laura: isn't it funny to hear and say that, turning it into a mockery? of course no episode of the trump resistance would be complete without some of those protesters that you've heard in the background. they were going off like timed fireworks in a tedious spectacle. >> justice hearing down now! i urge you! >> indeed! >> mr. chairman, i think we ought to have this loudmouth removed. we shouldn't have to put up with this kind of stuff. i hope she is not a law student.
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>> laura: there were 63 interruptions of the first part of the hearing today. it seemed like it was 263 to me watching it. and here's what you need to know. these were not random events, they were part of a coordinated campaign of stunts directed and staged beforehand by the democrats. >> i'm reviewing a tweet from nbc that said democrats plotted coordinated protest strategy over the holiday weekend and all agreed to protest the hearing. chuck schumer led a phone call and committee members are executing now. >> mr. chairman, there was a phone conference yesterday and at the time of the phone conference, many issues were raised. one of the issues is the fact that over 100,000 documents related to judge kavanaugh have been charactered by the committee as committee confidential. >> laura: it was good of durban to confirm what we all knew. there is a 90 minute bloviation session at the top of the kavanaugh hearing was just
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clunky choreography meant to flust herb republicans and more important -- fluster republicans and more importantly -- it's all about the mid-terms. they are not going to defeat kavanaugh. they know it and we know it. but the truth is this is all the democrats have. they're now just basically a party of wacky protests, sill side shows and goofy stunts. they have no governing agenda or cogent argument. they can't run against record unemployment or booming consumer confidence. so feigned outrage is all they are left with. one group of leftist women outside the hearing actually donned "handmade tales" costumes. as if it would turn women into slaves of the state. i looked closely and it looked more like a high school send-off, i don't know, of little house on the prairie. it was really stupid.
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got to get a new costume department. among the protesters scattered through the hearing room was a familiar face. leftist activist and pr you remember she gave that very understated talk at the women's march right after the inauguration. >> i will not respect an administration that won that election on the backs of muslims and black people, and undocumented people and of mexicans and people with disabilities, and on the backs of women. >> laura: my dogs at home just hid under the couch with that. i'm sorry. but not only is the cast of characters the same, but so is the general approach. the circus of today's hearing might have only involved three or four dozen people but it was just as well organized as the women's marches or any of those spontaneous pro-amnesty marches
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that we saw earlier this year. i called this governance by stunt. we don't have the votes to change policies so we are going to try intimidation. after all, we know that most of the media is just going to laugh it up so just let it rip. and this is the same play they used in chicago back in 2016 when trump was scheduled to attend a rally at the university of illinois and chicago. democratic congressman luis gutierrez,, black lives matter and other leftist groups organize thousands of protesters to swarm the venue. there were scuffles and violence. the security threat was so intense that the trump campaign decided to cancel the rally. if you can't beat them, intimidate them. today's kavanaugh spectacle was revealing. it shows the democrats' enduring rage over the election of 2016. they just cannot get over it. and although kavanaugh is supremely qualified, extremely
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well regarded as a selection for the high court, he must be opposed because of the man who nominated him. this absurd political jacking -- jockeying today but democratic 2020 hopefuls was as disruptive as it, frankly, was embarrassing. >> good morning. i welcome everyone to this confirmation hearing on the nomination of -- >> mr. chairman? >> -- brett kavanaugh. >> mr. chairman, i'd like to be recognized for a question before we proceed to. >> mr. chairman, if we could just respond to that. >> sir -- >> you can respond, but just a minute. >> that was cory booker's voice. you didn't see him there. he was quite chatty today. for all the chatter that trump has koorsened our kofconversati and trump has up ended protocol,
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what do you call that? that went on and on and on. i was thinking about it today though, and as they have done on college campuses and so many other places, and walks of life today, the left is destroying civility and sowing chaos. they are doing it throughout society, and i think the most of the rest of america is just working. they are too busy for protest. they have to put food on the table. if this is how the democrats conduct themselves at what should be a sober hearing for one of the most important posts in the land, imagine how they will govern. should they gain a majority in november? and that is the angle. joining me now for reaction, former chief nomination's counsel to the senate judiciary committee. mark penn, former adviser to bill and hillary clinton. and harmit dillon.
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great to see you all. mark, directed at your parties, what's happening here? >> i would say democrats won the day by losing it because they may be created a ruckus but i didn't see a single word even in your show from judge kavanaugh and neither did america. >> laura: so that's the goal here? because that's the goal on college campuses. >> neil gorsuch actually had a a lot more support and he got through the message but, kavanaugh didn't. >> laura: it's the first day of the hearing. he usually doesn't speak at all. so you think it's fine for when the chairman of the committee is speaking for multiple democrats, auditioning for 2020, and continue to jump in when they know that's not the deal. if the shoe were on the other foot democrats would be howling about this. >> you hit it on the head. these are 2020 democrats. they're playing to the base. it's what they're doing. it's the senate, it's political. that's 13% approval in this country for a reason, and its theater.
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everybody knows these nominations are going through and this is all for show. >> laura: i think it's also a chance to educate the american public on how important the court is. i think if you pointed out on my radio show how this demonstrates that to the left, the court is just another political instrument. >> that's absolutely right. clearly, they don't have the votes to stop kavanaugh and they don't have the arguments to do it either. i think what he speaking about is a vision of the court that the american people respect and understand. judges that apply the law as written and don't advance narrow ideological agendas. and that's contrary to what some of these democrats want. if they weren't obstructing they could talk about the key political issues. >> laura: so it's abortion, abortion, abortion. gun restriction, gun restriction. there was a moment when ben sasse who has been resisting trump for most of the trump presidency, but he in many ways i think today was the republican stand out in this committee.
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let's watch. >> the reason these hearings don't work is not because of donald trump or anything in the last 20 months. these confirmation hearings haven't worked for 31 years in america. the hysteria around supreme court confirmation hearings is coming from the fact that we have a fundamental misunderstanding of the role of the supreme court in american life. judge kavanaugh doesn't hate women and children, judge kavanaugh doesn't lust after dirty water and stinky error. -- air. no, looking at his record it seems to me that what he actually dislikes are legislators that are too lazy and too risk averse to do our actual jobs. >> laura: while presented and well done. i know you've been following this minute-by-minute, i knew it was going to be raucous, but i confess, i actually thought this was -- and i guess i am still naive in certain ways. i thought this was even below where someone like the
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theatrical booker would go, but that's exactly where he went. >> that's right, laura. it was a 2016 audience with a 2020 aspirational democratic leadership there. it was worse than the bork hearings. i thought it was outrageous, it really turns off the american voters and as much as you and disagree with ben sasse, i think he was a star and ted cruz was also a star today. they wouldn't have those losers in their handmade tail costumes out there protesting, they should be protesting not the confirmation hearing but they should be protesting the senate, protesting legislators who don't do their jobs. instead it's the default now and they treat the supreme court like a branch of the government that makes the laws and not interprets them. like you said, and kavanaugh will have a chance to talk tomorrow, and this is just laying out the clock as much as
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we can. >> laura: his two daughters are sitting there and the democrats' mark are all about the children. the children. you are separating parents from children. okay. there's some validity there. but he has two young girls sitting there. and brett kavanaugh who has excelled in law cool, who was qualified by the apa which used to be the gold standard. it's a nasty comment after nasty comments after nasty comments. and i keep thinking for those little girls, is this their introduction to american democracy and article three and the legislative branch of oversight? i know that's kind of anecdotal and maybe i shouldn't focus on. that but as the mother of children i did focus on that for a moment. >> where i agree is what was good politics for democrats isn't good policy for everybody
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because the matter is, they -- the court looks like another political branch. unless there is a bipartisan agreement on future nomination agreements, we are tearing down our institutions and they have to put policy and good institutions and supporting our country about politics that is not going to happen in this hearing. >> laura: you know what was trending? it wasn't kavanaugh's introduction to himself. it was the stunt, it was the costumes. it was a tweet like this that made the rounds. this amy -- this is some influencer on social media. political ranks as one of the top influencers out there. she says "what fresh hell is this? three exclamation points and three question marks, i love when they do this. giving the white power sign behind them during the hearing.
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this alone should be disqualify. grammatically challenged as well it is twitter so grammar is out the window. but that's where we are. >> as ugly as things got in that hearing room, it's uglier still on twitter and various precincts of the left. obviously the woman who i had an opportunity to work with here a bit in the senate, -- was sitting with her hand resting in a position -- >> laura: and she's a terrific person, too. >> she scanning the room for something they can interpret and turn into something obnoxious. it's absecurity -- absurd. >> reporter: harmeet there, is something very interesting, which unless something really bizarre happens, he will be the next associate justice on the supreme court. he will set for the argument in the first week of october and that happened unless something bizarre happens. but as we are talking about this in massachusetts tonight there was a big primary. in the seventh district of massachusetts, the incumbent michael capuano, who is endorsed by john lewis and maxine waters.
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not exactly moderate democrats endorsing him, was beaten by an alexandria ocasio-cortez endorsy ianna pressley. she is far left, and is an at-large member that came out of nowhere. the democrats are losing control of this party, even their gold standards of liberals like john lewis and maxine waters, they can't push someone through in massachusetts and capuano is a liberal's liberal. he is liberal but not liberal enough. >> yeah, yeah. it bodes poorly for nancy pelosi in case democrats take back the house. just like joe crowley. this guy was considered to be a shoe in.
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the party is going far left, so i say, you go girl. take the party further left and for the left. nobody is buying the socialism and nobody wants to see america turn into venezuela. >> laura: it doesn't work. it doesn't work. where has socialism worked. or democratic socialism -- it's not work. mark, weigh in on that. >> i think the party is saying they want a new generation. they realize that their leaders are in the '70s and '80s. and that's what you are seeing. but i think you underestimate the power of moderate democrats if the house is taken over by the democrats, they are is the swing votes, not the left. and you will be surprised. >> laura: and they will be out in the cold. >> you'll see. >> laura: throw me another crumb. >> they will have more power than you think. they have the power to stop the left. >> laura: give me a final prediction for what's going to happen tomorrow. >> i think we will finally hear more from judge kavanaugh, and his record is so exceptional and his approach to the law is respectful of the constitution and american people. i think more people hear from him the more they will like him and the more inevitable his confirmation will become. he will get confirmation from
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all the republicans and some democrats. >> laura: don't you miss being up there though? >> i don't know if today -- >> laura: gregg is like, thank god i'm not there now. it's a three-ring circus. thank you so much. the peacock network is involved in multiple scandals tonight, still one of nbc's top anchors taking shots at conservatives, including yours truly and others at this network. the full story, next. do you need the most trusted battery in your wireless mouse? maybe not. maybe you can trust that during your fantasy draft, the computer won't autodraft a kicker in the 7th round. or... you could just trust duracell.
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taken over the party. there is almost a disdain with some in trump world. they are like, okay so the college-educated crowd is in -- isn't for it. >> this doesn't look like an attempt to serve citizens. it looks like an attempt to serve propaganda. >> it's difficult to take it anymore. i have no doubt that they have a point of view but they are grounded in facts? >> laura: that was nbc's so-called neutral objective, always objective anchor chuck todd talking shots at trump over
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the supporters also over the last few years. and in a new piece in atlantic, mr. todd advocates for journalists to fight back against conservative claims of bias. bring it on, chuck. so let me get this straight. while nbc is embroiled in multiple scandals including completely blowing it on the weinstein sexual assault story, chuck todd is telling fox and others how to handle its business? nice try. joining me now with reaction is conservative radio talk show host, fox news contributor tammy bruce and chris hahn, a talk show host and former aide to senator chuck schumer. all right, tammy. take it away. i find this to be rich. it's nice to have a byline in the atlantic. i get that. and taking shots at fox is something of a cottage industry out there about how much credibility right at this moment does nbc have? >> not much at all and i think this is their breaking point but it's also not an accident that this is all just before the midterms.
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let's look at chuck todd. in the podesta emails that were leaked by wikileaks, we found that he had been inviting people to a party that chuck todd was having in his home for jennifer palmieri, a major aid for hillary clinton. and in their private lives how they all network together. but he is arguing going 24/7 against the president of the united states is not enough. now they want to go 24/7 against fox news. that's what he is advocating for. in the midst of wondering why no one trusts the legacy media. it's because they're on trustworthy. a gallup poll chuck tracks the trustworthiness that media in 1996, the trustworthy index went up for a number of years. but you can see when major events have occurred, that when the american trust mechanism,
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the quotient for the media starts to go down on major events, like after september 11, and other dynamics. so you can just see, they can fight back. chuck todd says in this piece he can fight back. if you would do his job instead of creating these campaigns against people end up blaming everyone other than himself. >> it's a classic blame shifting and we all know it's kind of easy to blame other people when you've made mistakes, we all do it. but this is now at the point where chris hahn, they see that fox, most nights, most of the time, is blowing the other networks out in the ratings. not always but we do pretty well. instead of having an actual debate on the issues, it's trump is bad, fox is bad, fox hosts are bad. meanwhile, ronan farrell releases a statement last night about what nbc had claimed chris about this weinstein coverage saying, it wasn't adequately sourced.
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that's why we didn't go with ronan's reporting. he said this last night, executives there have now produced a memo that contains numerous false and misleading statements. so i'll say briefly. their list of sources is incomplete, and it omits women who were either identified in the nbc story or offered to be. the suggestion to take the story to another outlet was first raised by nbc, not me and i took them up on it after it became clear i was being blocked. the story was twice cleared and deemed reportable by legal and standards only by being blocked by executives who refused to allow us to see comment from harvey weinstein. so covering up, it looks like for a pal of the network or pal of the executives and now lecturing fox? get out of town, your reaction? >> well, look, i mean, i think anyone who helps assist someone cover up the kind of behavior that harvey weinstein participated in needs to be dealt with.
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i don't know that that extends to chuck todd, he is allowed to have opinions on other things, and that separate from what the executive brass may have done to cover up bad behavior. it happens all over the place. it happened there. i will say this though about his article, i read every word of it and there are some things that i agree with it and some that i disagree with it. one thing is that there are rebuttals on fox. i rebut at least three times a week on this network and i think i do a pretty good job of it. but there are kernels of truth, especially where he says conservatives, they want to steal away from issues and go toward wedge issues and symbolic issues and it really did start a long time ago, long before fox existed. i think the conservative movement in this country has been very small. it has grown because it has been able to exploit the wedge issue better than the democrats have been -- >> laura: when you say wedge issues, they're issues that
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people care about. it's not a wedge unless people care about the issues. but kavanaugh it was all about abortion, abortion. so who is a wedge issues are we talking about here? i mean the left started this back -- >> i'm talking about -- i want to point out the part in the article that we pointed out that willie horton ad in 1988. that's a fine example of taking something -- >> laura: and that was first used by democrats. >> if my memory serves me correct, that was a democrat move first. >> and that's also presidential campaign, that's not the media. chuck todd's point was, it was a call for other media to attack this network and particularly individuals like yourself, sean hannity and tucker carlson. when in fact, the wedge issues for them are issues that we all care about that liberals don't want to have the talked about, like immigration issues. like the direction of health care.
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there is financial issues, the economy, those kinds of things are wedge issues. they are all issues and deserve to be discussed. >> laura: there was an paragraph in the article, someone sent it and circled the part where i was mentioned. i didn't read the whole thing but i read most of it. in these prime time hosts are among the conservative people who make a really good living or something like that selling their -- we are opinion hosts. i don't pretend to be -- i'm not a network anchor, i'm an opinion host. i've been doing this for 20 plus years, since 1996 i was on msnbc for the first 15 minutes of the network. this idea that people just popped up, there is one network out there like fox, and all of the cable television that it tends to beat the others and i love having people who disagree on. i love having chris on and
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guests from the left on because they offer a different perspective. and with that i will let chris sum up. >> i love giving a different perspective and i think it's very important to have both sides represented. i think it's also important for people to get their media, their news from a lot of different places with a lot of different opinions. i have always watched fox, i have always been progressive but i have always watched fox for a portion of my media diet because i think it's important for me to understand how the other side of the aisle thinks. you have to look at both sides of the aisle. >> laura: fair point. tammy, chris, thanks so much. coming up, nike willing to sacrifice it all for its new spokesman. we will tell you why the company is losing billions, next. its nw spokesman. spokesman. we will tell you why where are we taking him? i have no clue. we're just tv doctors. if this was a real emergency, i'd be freaking out. but thanks to cigna, we can do more than just look heroic. we can help save lives by getting you to a real doctor for a check-up. nurse, this thing's defective. please don't touch that.
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only remfresh uses keep 1 in ion-powered melatonin to deliver up to 7 hours of sleep support. number 1 sleep doctor recommended remfresh -- your nightly sleep companion. available in the natural sleep section at walmart. >> >> laura: nike's stock tanked earlier today after the company revealed colin kaepernick as a base of his latest marketing campaign. is he still playing football? yes, that colin kaepernick, the out of work nfl quarterback who
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refuses to stand for the anthem. some nike customers lit their shoes on fire in protest. i hope they weren't wearing them. president trump's remark said it sent a terrible message but they are free to do as they please. they have certain freedoms to do things that other people think you shouldn't do. but i personally am on a different side of it. interesting comment from him. joining me now for reaction is candace owens, kim vacations director for turning point usa. and anthony hall, sports agent and attorney. great to see both of you. candace, i was getting photos all day from people cutting out swoosh and putting it in the dumpster. people were painting it over. i mean, it's pretty dramatic stuff, but this rubs a lot of people the wrong way but i guess a lot of people will support it as well. >> it definitely rubs me the wrong way just because it's completely dishonest.
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his entire protesting from start to finish was a campaign that was dishonest with black america about issues that are facing our community. police brutality is not an issue that was facing the black community, it was not in 2016 at the height of all this emotion. and when he was kneeling, only 16 unarmed black men were shot and killed by police officers. that represents .0004% of the black community. this year, only 13 unarmed black men have been shot and killed by police officers representing .0003% of the black community. all of the issues that we could talk about and fix, and nike sent the wrong political issue for them to back. >> laura: anthony, this is what the nfl said today. they were pressed for a quote, given the outrage and the stock falling. the national football league believes in dialogue, understanding and unity. we embrace the role of everyone involved with this game to
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promote meaningful, positive change in our communities. the social issues that they raise deserve our attention and action. so what action is the nfl going to be taking, do you think? i mean, are they going to be lobbying congress for some more oversight of police departments? are they going to be setting up nfl training entrepreneurships in the inner city? >> it's my understanding that they have been in serious conversations with the players to invest money where owners have basically went in and plucked out talent and made billions of dollars off of and given these guys millions, which is really smart considering that the league is leaving the community behind and considering a lot of the people in that community are underprivileged.
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>> laura: i have to understand this before i move on because i will forget what you just said. so you're saying when someone is talented leaves the community the business has a responsibility and obligation to then put money back into the community? but is not an absolute legal obligation, a moral obligation? a spiritual obligation? what are you talking about here? >> i think it's a moral obligation and i think that's why the nfl is in talks with these players. this is a league built on 99.9% white ownership, and you have a black players at 85%. and this is a league that has almost the same amount of black general managers. so the ideal when you go into a community and to see that community is depleted of talent, depleted of goods and jobs and education and you take the talent out of there and that talent brings you billions, i
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think it's only morally right to want to bring that community forward and help that community come forward. the players want to help the community come forward and the owners are saying they want to help the community come forward, there's nothing wrong with that. >> it's ridiculous to think that somebody would have to give back money to the community. here's the facts, $22 trillion have been paid into the welfare system. and the black community is poorer today -- >> it's not welfare -- >> i'm not saying welfare. i am saying that it's salacious to believe that giving money is helping. these people have to get jobs and that is something that president trump has been working on. the last 60 years, it has been giving handouts and it has actually crippled us. and every major city where the blacks were flourishing -- >> you should argue -- as we saw the last -- as we saw the last
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ones -- >> laura: hold on, candace. >> athletes are the last ones who should argue about anything being not meritorious. their careers are based on merit and that's why they are role models in the community. they sacrifice and sweat. so the ideal that they are asking for some, they are asking for ownership in this business, this multi-billion-dollar business that they have cannot bring back ideas and jobs and schools to that community is unreasonable. >> you didn't respond to what i just said. they somehow have an understanding of economics and that's wrong. if black people are look for i dolls look at ben carson and condoleeza rice.
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>> why can they have more than one? >> we will have to learn to stop cutting me off and let me get out what i have to say. >> how are they crippling the community. dr. ben carson is talent. dr. ben carson is. >> laura: no one can hear. >> i have no idea why you are shouting. this is childish. i have no idea why you are shouting -- >> laura: god bless you, this is not good tv when you talk over each other. i want to hear from both of you but it's like -- i know everybody wants to get their point in. it's hard for me to referee this. i do want to point out, it's interesting who is supporting what the nfl is doing here. the former iranian president, he said the nfl season will start this week but unfortunately once again colin kaepernick is not on an nfl roster even though he was one of the best quarterbacks in the league. since when did he become a sports commentator?
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now you both have to laugh at this. this is just funny. anthony we have to end this on a laugh. what is that all about? anthony, you can wrap it. >> i just think there is a serious topic here that needs to be addressed with the idea. i think kaepernick and nike did a good thing. ali took a stand against the war? he was heated. -- he was hated. not too long ago he got an endorsement with adidas and adidas skyrocket. >> laura: i got it, but one of the greatest athletes that ever lived, if not the greatest athlete that ever lived, -- -- >> whom i knew by the way. >> laura: god bless you. but don't compare colin kaepernick who can't make an nfl team on merit to muhammad ali. >> i'm comparing the cause. >> laura: muhammed ali was the best of the best. colin kaepernick is not the best
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player in the league or even close. or the smartest. >> i wouldn't say that. >> i have a fun photo to share with everybody at the end of the show from my weekend in notre dame. >> by the way, tom brady liked the deal today. by the way. >> laura: great for tom. i'm glad he's happy. thanks so much to both of you. by the way, chicago hits another grim milestone, while the democratic mayor, get this, chickens out of the next election. a full report, next. get this,
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>> over 1,000 people were shot in chicago this summer and yet another reminder of the tragedy that unfolds daily in the windy city. now with the city into chaos, what is the democratic mayor rahm emanuel doing? today he announced he is not running for re-election. maybe they will find a mayor who can get a grip on the violence. but it's a heavy lift. joining me now, dan propp, and a democratic state rep from chicago. representative ford, are you surprised by this development today? >> i am surprised and i just want to thank you for being concerned about the violence in chicago. thank you so much for covering it and giving it the attention it needs. >> laura: thank you. we had mayor emmanuel, he was a star. i mean, dan, he was considered, like -- some people talked about
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him as a possible presidential candidate down the road. what was he not able to do? violence has been a problem for some time but it's been especially bad during his tenure. what was he not doing among many things? >> he didn't do anything right. he was a disgrace and a disaster. in the seven and a half years that he was mayor, we're talking about upwards of 4,000 people murdered on the streets of chicago, 20,000 shot, so catastrophic injuries, just in the last seven and a half years. you have a higher death per capita that detroit before it filed bankruptcy. you have a chicago public school system, one of the worst in the nation that is embroiled in a sex scandal. the tiny dancer as i have popularized him in these parts because he was very small, he was a ballerina in sarah lawrence. and what kind of guy goes to sarah lawrence.
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he was a guy who talked tough coming out of the clinton and obama years and was a coward. all of the tough decisions he said he was going to make when he came in in 2011, not one of them he made it. that's the story of chicago for the past 100 years. >> laura: representative ford, i want to go through some of the statistics on his leadership and then we will go to the future. 32% job approval and 18% said they would reelect him. 69% said trust in government was a major problem and that's from gary mccarthy who is running for mayor there. do you think gary mccarthy has a decent shot here at this race for mayor? i mean he thinks we should be much tougher on the hardened criminals, you have to have a better clearance rate, actually locking people up who commit violent crimes. he thinks this is a 9-1-1 situation in the west and inglewood and southside, it's
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bad. >> you know laura, i think it's a bad plan for the city of chicago. when you think about the way the current mayor handles the situation, it's with a heavy hand. and it's constantly talking about policing and there has been no real plan, no real compassion for the city of chicago. so we have to make sure that we have strong police and the city of chicago, police that can handle the crime. but we also have to make sure that we eliminate the crime and give people opportunities throughout the communities where the violence is happening. the violence costs people in streaterville, downtown chicago, millions of dollars because we have to hire more police. so we have to have a point in chicago where we are going to make sure that we say, after 30 years, mayor daley was the mayor for 22 years. he did a fine job of developing downtown and rahm picked up on the development. but that really hurt the city of
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chicago. we have to make sure that we spread the developments so that chicago can be the world class city we all know it could be. but you are never going to get rid of the violence. >> laura: while you can't have development without safe streets. we're almost out of time. but we'll let you close it out. >> the first responsibility of government at every level is to provide for the physical security of the constituents. chicago democrats have failed to do so time and time again. and absolutely you can remove the violence. the idea of this policy of containment, like there is a bunch of george kennan's running around in charge of chicago containing violence in these poor neighborhoods, most of the residents are law-abiding. they are more concerned about keeping chick-fil-a out. it is a failure of the chicago democrat model of governance. >> okay gentlemen, thank you very much. programming note, we will soon be airing a "the ingraham angle"
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special. saving chicago, a town hall from the windy city. be on the lookout for that. and when we return, the white house is pushing back hard against bob woodward's latest book. ed henry is here with the latest insider reaction. stay with us. it really- it rocked our world. i had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. we called usaa. and they greeted me as they always do. sergeant baker, how are you? they were on it. it was unbelievable. having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa- now that's a privilege. we're the baker's and we're usaa members for life. usaa. get your insurance quote today.
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>> laura: bob woodward has a new book about the trump administration which is sending shock waves through washington. >> did you expect anything different? more on how team trump is responding, let's go to ed henry here in washington. ed? >> the book doesn't even come out until september 11th and already, washington is abuzz and breaking tonight, the president is fighting back charging that bob has a credibility problem and that the accusations are false. one charging that the mr. trump told the defense secretary james mattis about bashar al-assad, "let's bleeping kill him, let's go in and kill the bleeping lot of them." mattis humored the president saying he would get right on it but was stunned that the president ordered an assassination. the retired general said tonight this is fiction and any claim he uttered contemptuous words about
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the commander in chief is a product of someone's rich imagination. john kelly also denying the claim that he told the president he was an idiot, we are in crazy town. i don't even know why any of us are here, this is the worst job i've ever had. kelly says "the idea that i called the president an idiot is untrue. i spend more time with the president than anyone and we have an incredibly candid and strong relationship. he always knows where i stand and we both know this story is b.s. i'm committed to the president, his agenda and our country. the book says there was a practice session to prep the president with a possible interview with bob mueller and it went badly. the president's personal attorney allegedly said don't testify. it's either that or an orange jumpsuit. while dowd is assisting, not true. he said there was "no so-called practice session or reenactment of a mock interview of the special counsel's office further. i did not refer to the president as a liar or say he was likely to end up in an orange jump suit. it's a great honor and privilege to serve president trump. so the president said tonight
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this is nasty stuff, and he would have refuted it all but he did not get the message that woodward wanted an interview. the "washington post" has obtained audio of a phone call between woodward and the president. listen. >> is a tough look at the world and your administration and you. >> right, i assume that will be a negative book but you know, i am 50% use to that, that's all right. some are good, some are bad. sounds like this is going to be a bad one. >> the book also claims that rob porter and gary cohn both took papers off of the president's desk to prevent him from taking radical actions. the president said that's simply fabricated. back in 2013, as a businessman he tweeted it was rich for the obama white house to try and attack woodward's credibility. but tonight it's the president taking his turn at that. >> laura: i think the folks at cnn are saying the book raises questions about the president's
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>> laura: finally tonight i had the great pleasure of attending the notre dame michigan game this past saturday. it was a great game and notre dame won by seven points. i was a guest of lou holtz, what an amazing man, aside from the fact that he was a phenomenal coach and met a lot of the national team members. they had a big charity event that was fantastic. lou's lad states called to called to come and support it. i was talking about the controversy swirling around and the anthem, it's nice to see
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images like this one that i snapped pregame of the michigan team. we know the notre dame mic notre dame team praise before and after the game, but this was nice to see from michigan as well. they played a great game and it was a great privilege. up next, of course, shannon bream and the "fox news at night" team did all the great coverage today for the network on the kavanaugh hearings, and up next of course shannon bream and the fox news at night team did all the great coverage today for the network on the brett kavanaugh hearing, can't wait to watch, this is full of fireworks. shannon: i wonder if notre dame could pray for my seminoles. thank you. we begin fox news alert, judge brett kavanaugh's first day of confirmation hearings descends into chaos. we are investigating allegations of coordination between democrats and far
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