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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  September 9, 2018 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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stay tuned to the station. that's it for today. have a great week and we will see you next "fox news sunday". . see you on monday. >> welcome to the ingraham angle. we have a special show for you tonight. the first ever ingraham angle town hall. last week i went to chicago to discover the reason for the staggering levels of violence. violence destroying the south and west sides of the windy city. i wanted to expose the city's impotent political response to it. so we spoke to victims, politicians, religious leaders, all of them who were on the ground. what they have to say is going to shock you. but these voices need to be heard. now, we learned this week that chicago's democratic mayor, rom emanuel, will not be seeking a third term.
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now, one can only hope that a new mayor will bring peace and some healing to a city in desperate need of both. here's our town hall from chicago. good evening everyone, i'm laura ingraham. welcome to the first ever ingraham angle town hall. first i'd like to thank the city of chicago and our add again for hosting us for an incredibly important discussion. chicago is one of the truly great american cities, spectacularry beautiful in the summer and winter. but in recent years, its gang violence problem has reached epidemic pro-portions. level of violence that's unacceptable for anywhere in america. the city is on pace for more than 2,000 shootings this year, which will mark the fifth straight year it's topped that
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mark. just so you get perspective, since 2011, the year that rom emanuel took office as mayor, there have been over 4,000 murders in this city. that's more than the 3,481 soldiers who were killed in action in operation iraqi freedom from 2003 to 2010, if you can believe it. it's not just the level of violence in the city that's the problem. it's the lack of justice. according to an afternoon nall seus conducted by the washington post, chicago police have made an arrest in only about 27% of homicides since 2010. that's the lowest rate of any city the post examined. for nonfatal shootings, it's even worse. university oven chicago crime lab tells us, just 10% of shootings resulted in arrests in 2015. by 2016, the latest year available, that number had dropped to just 5%.
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the unsolved crimes undoubtedly fuel a vicious cycle of distrust between law enforcement and community. and no one is immune from this violence. throughout the hour, we're going to talk to members of law enforcement, community act sreufts, religious and political leaders, as well as members of the audience, to try to figure out why this tragedy is unfolding in chicago and how to stop it. let's get started tonight with a former police officer and the sole republican in chicago's 50 seat city council. martin priest, a member of chicago's fraternal order of police, and kevin graham, president of the fraternal order of police chicago lodge 7. anthony, let's start with you. this is so both heartbreaking and infuriating. we have a world of violence across the globe. heart breaking stories every
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day. but as americans, i can't imagine we find this level of violence in a city as spectacular as chicago, with its rich history, acceptable. what do we do? >> the biggest problem i think right now in chicago is they're not breaking it down into three different groups of what's plaguing our city. got incredible amount of narcotics that come through the city of chicago. got an enormous amount of guns on the street, almost 5200 guns have been recovered. we have a sale of stolen merchandise out of the criminal element on the street, it's a multimillion dollar industry. so you don't just have gang bangers running around shooting each other. this is a fight over territory. this is a fight over who's making money on the street. in you can't get to the streets and say, hey, you got to stop the narcotics that are coming in by the boat loads and we have to get more guns off the streets, we have to realize the criminal element is using the streets to sell stolen merchandise, we'll
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never get ahead of this. your number was wrong. we had over 2,000 people shot in chicago. we have 375 homicides. we surpassed the number of people shot. >> laura: the police have had their hands full. you see the number of murders solved, suspects arrested and it's a pretty small percentage compared to other cities, as you saw in that analysis. why? >> well, there's a couple reasons. the first reason is, first of all, we had had 2025 shootings in the city up to date as of today. first of all it didn't start yesterday. it started several years ago when they decided to under fund and under man the police department. we are still over 1,000 police
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men short where we need to be. >> laura: you're 1,000 police officers short in the city of chicago today? >> we only have half of the detectives that we need. we used to have 2,000 detectives. >> laura: how many do you have now? >> just about 1,000. >> laura: what's the reason for that? what are the politicians saying? >> you have to ask the mayor, rom emanuel, for that. he's the one that calls the detectives. we have aulsz at the fop tried to interject our solutions to the problem both when it requires money, we are shut out. our opinion doesn't count. that's part of the problem. that's what has to change. we certainly want to go out there and do the job we were hired to do, but because they have decided to have more police oversight, they've accepted the aclu and their long stop carts because they have decided that we're gonna work 12 hour days,
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we're not gonna allow people time off. that all wears on police officers. that's what's contributed to the problems in this city. >> laura: let's go to melanie brown, who prefers not to reveal her political party. melanie, welcome. >> thank you for having me. all right. so we know that all police aren't bad. you know? but when some of the police officers hurt our community, then we feel like some of the other police officers should come together and try to help the community because they should care about what the community this about the police department. i just wonder, whatever happened to the good cop/bad cop, where there's one group of police officers you might be afraid of, but then there's the good cop where they can share, you know, who was murdered, what's the crime, and we can get more crime solved for our community and help everyone. laura: going back to the issue of trust. trust between the community and law enforcement.
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law enforcement is supposed to keep people safe. when you call the police, you want to have that level of trust. the police want you to trust them, otherwise they're not able to do their job either. >> as a writer in the group, i would answer that by pointing to one statistic. the city of chicago has paid over $700 million in police misconduct cases. many, many of these cases, these claims against the police are bogus. and they're used to push this narrative of police corruption that is quite often fraudulent. and the city pays out on these and creates this industry of suing police officers that, in turn, lend itself to more police oversight. and even good police officers and i believe the overwhelming majority of them are good, i think when officers do something wrong, generally it's a mistake. all officers now in chicago face
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an absolutely ludicrous level of oversight and potential lawsuits and criminal charges by a prosecutor that is clearly anti-police. and so this is one of the reasons police are unable to do the kind of effective police work they want to do. policing is an art. the city has now set up -- >> laura: give us some examples. when you brandish your firearm for any particular reason, do you have to write a report? >> that's what they're trying. let me go back to one of our officers, they were trying to find that he had done something wrong. it was the fop that dug our heels in and found out that what was going on was, they were trying to hold secret investigations and not divulge the outcome of those to the officer which cleared him. they wanted to make sure officers were found guilty.
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that's unacceptable. i don't care fit's a citizen, if there's a secret investigation going on or a police officer. people need to be treated fairly. and, unfortunately, police officers are not treated fairly. >> laura: you think accusation against the police officer, they're presumed guilty by the community? so there's distrust between the community and police. police don't trust the accusations. or no? >> it is the investigative body. all cases that involve shootings are sent to the federal, the fbi and to the state's attorneys office for prosecution. >> laura: i think what we're getting at, it's painfully obvious, when you have 1,000 detective deficit on a police force, could be lot of things. is it money is not allocated? pay is not enough? is it demoralized police?
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is it too dangerous and people think, for the risk i'm taking, i'm not getting that big a benefit? why am i going to do this job? policing is a noble profession. but anthony, you hear two police officers that feel like oftentimes they feel like they can do no right. but we have concerned citizens who say we need more of a collaboration here. got to be able to fix this. >> i was a police officer myself. i worked the street. i worked the 15th district. i was a gang enforcement officer. to answer this young lady's question, i have done this job. i have built relationships with people in the streets. what's happened is the culture through america is the police are becoming the enemy. neighborhoods are closing their doors. >> laura: don't be a snitch. >> snitches get stitches. >> laura: i have seen that t-shirt. >> there's a thin blue line of officers who don't talk and the
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talking. the bigger line that is in the neighborhoods when nobody wants to talk about what they saw. they don't want to get stitches. it's part of a big element in a neighborhood throughout the whole city where there's a lot of money being made on the street. you're hurting an enterprise on the street. >> laura: let's go to reed willis, a republican. >> so my question for the panelists is whether or not they support president trump's previous calls for the national guard to be sent here to chicago? and if so, what would the national guard be able to do that local police cannot? >> laura: president trump mentioned the national guard in chicago. it's been thrown around before. >> certainly i believe any time we have federal law enforcement agents, they're welcome. certainly, i have nothing against federal troops. i'm sure that the president meant that trying to help the
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city. i think what we need to do is make sure that politicians realize that they have to spend the money to hire police officers, hire the right police officers, make sure they're trained. have a facility in which to train them. and then also be out there in the community. we've removed our foot officers throughout most of the city. >> laura: are they shutting down detective offices in these difficult neighborhoods, anglewood and so forth? i read that was another concern by the police. >> they have closed some districts and whatnot. that has been the case. i really couldn't say about the national guard. >> laura: to me, this is a local problem and for the most part it has a local solution. >> i think it's a bit of a myth to think there's complete distrust in communities between the police. there's still a lot of people, they call us, they rely on us, they want us to help them.
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a lot of it is gangs. most of the violence is gang violence. >> laura: 59 major gangs with 2400 off shoots of these gangs. among the most vicious in the country and the world. guy, all of you, thank you very much. chicago's political leadership has is actively failing its residents. one of the men running to turn that around will join us next. where are we taking him? i have no clue. we're just tv doctors. if this was a real emergency, i'd be freaking out. but thanks to cigna, we can do more than just look heroic. we can help save lives by getting you to a real doctor for a check-up. nurse, this thing's defective. please don't touch that. we are the tv doctors of america. together with cigna reminding you... to go, know, and take control of your health. doctor poses! cigna. together, all the way.
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♪there's a me no one knows ♪waiting to be set free so, what's the empty suitcase for? the grand prize trophy ♪i was born to be somebody
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>> chicago democrat mayor rom emanuel announced this week that he will not be seeking re-election. he made the announcement after we taped this last segment, but we thought it was really important to bring out our full discussion about the political failures in the windy city, which perhaps revealed why emanuel decided not to pursue a third term. the failure of political leadership in chicago is simply profound.
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democrats have controlled this city for more than eight decades. and the disastrous results are impacting residents every day. chicago is about six months out from its mayoral election, but we invited mayor rahm emanuel to attend this town hall. not only did he turn us down, his office used some fairly ugly language in their response to us. well, we think this issue is of critical importance, even if mayor emanuel's office doesn't and does not want to participate. but for more, let's bring in jamel green who is running for mayor, lashawn ford, a democrat and member of the illinois state house of representatives and depaul university professor jason hill. great to see all of you. professor hill, i know you study these issues, seemingly entractable issues of referring cycle of violence. today, as you see things now, is there hope for this city?
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>> i think there is hope. but i think hope lies in strong leadership. i think the hope lies in a change in governance. i think we have an incompetent mayor. i think corruption and violence are part of the beautiful dna of this season. >> laura: what does that mean, part of the dna? >> chicago is one of the most corrupted cities. it has been for a long time. we have a mayor who used the mayorship and did nothing about it except looked the other way when bribes were being undertaken. i think that a change of governors is really necessary. i think there are a couple of things that would make this city very very difficult to attract businesses. high crime rate is the number
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one issue. >> laura: businesses don't want to move to the west side because too much of a risk? whole foods opened in anglewood. i ran into a whole foods executive coming here. we opened up a store. it's not easy. it's not easy being in business there, but we did it. >> we have a high crime rate in the city. >> laura: but it's overwhelmingly democrats. representative ford, i think it's 83% of the city voted for hillary clinton in the last presidential election. about 12% voted for president trump. they keep voting in the same people. take the parties out of it. say it was republican for 70 years and they were failing. if you have a bad basketball coach who doesn't win, you kick him out and get a new one. why do we keep returning year after year after year to overwhelming liberal leadership in the city of chicago when it
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seems like it's obviously not working for the people who need the most help? >> that's a good question. i'm one vote. my people need help in chicago. black people need help if we really want america to be the greatest it can be. we need stronger black leaders. we need a black mayor in chicago. there's no way we will be able to deal with the issues in chicago unless you have a mayor that really understands the critical issues that are impacting the people of chicago. the black issue is the number one issue in the city of chicago. until we have a mayor in this city that understands how to remedy those problems and understands fairness and equity and attacks those problems, we're going to continue to see problems like it. >> laura: you are basically saying it has to be a black mayor. that's a wild thing to say. it could be an asian mayor that comes in and is able to heal wounds and get police together with the community. or black or white.
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>> i'm just saying right now we need a black mayor. i can't back down from that. the last time we had a black mayor, things were improving. white people are good. i will work with white people. >> laura: i'm here trying to figure it out. i'm trying my best. >> i have nothing against white people, but what i do know, we need to work alongside white people, blacks and whites. no one can really solve black people's problems better than blacks. >> laura: it could be you. you're 26? >> 23. yes, ma'am. >> laura: you've had your own issue, run-in with the police. it involved you and getting into a dust up with a police officer. you plead down to a misdemeanor. but tell us, you are the next generation. if you guys are going to have to solve this problem, what to do? >> you're exactly right. i'm from the community.
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i understand it. i saw people being shot in front of me as a young kid, hiding behind bushes, hoping the gun man didn't shoot me. i have seen and experienced these problems first hand. from poverty, to having to light candles because my mom couldn't pay the light bill. and we need someone who has experienced these problems because we understand and have the passion to actually change them when we get into these positions. these are the types of people that care, right, for all issues in the city of chicago. that's why i'm running for mayor. >> laura: so many young people leave their house in the morning. not in fancy areas of chicago. not in the rich suburbs so much. but in the neighborhoods that are hurting the most. they don't know if they're coming home. i grew up in a town outside hartford, connecticut, very middle class, but i never worried about getting shot when i left the house in the morning. didn't have a lot of money, but we didn't worry about getting shot. i don't think most people across
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the country can understand how that feels. i got to tell you, i think you're right. until you live that -- >> there you go. >> laura: until you live that fear. >> you'll never understand it. >> laura: i can't put myself in your place. look, we might not agree on a lot of political issues, but i like the fact that you're getting involved here. we have a question from may jackson, political independent. may? >> so my question is, with violence off -- with violence out of control, with black unemployment the highest in the country, and with blacks coming last in the 16 economic indicators, will the black community vote for rahm emanuel again stkph. >> well, that's a good question. we saw that in the last election, where overwhelmingly blacks voted for rahm emanuel and put him back in power. i think now, with the cover-up
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and how he covered up the murder of a 17-year-old who was shot 16 times. that has exposed so many different things going on in the city. >> laura: the case is on going. >> the case is on going. lot of different police reforms and people like attorneys stepping up, the cps, sexual abuse scandal that has been uncovered. >> laura: police feel bad, too. think about if you had half the number of people trying to teach 2,000 kids in public schools or tried to be a detective on the street. you're outnumbered and sometimes you're outgunned. so rahm emanuel campaigns in the city, right? he goes to these areas? do you see him down there? is he? >> no. >> laura: he wouldn't come here tonight. instead he sent us a nasty note. >> instead he comes and dances at cha festivals.
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chicago housing authority. he comes and dances and takes pictures. >> laura: dances? he was a ballet dancer. >> he's trying to win back this election by dancing. we don't need another dancer. we need solutions on how to solve these problems. >> i have written a book called "we have overcome." i list some solutions for some of the problems in this city. i think part of the city needs military receivership. >> laura: you want uniformed military? >> national guard, the navy. >> laura: won't that make people feel like they're more under siege? >> it will make them feel safer. >> laura: when we return, re religious and civic leaders will join us with their
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>> laura: welcome back to our town hall from chicago. as we discussed in our previous segment, this city's political class has utterly failed its citizens while crime threatens their future. so what are the religious and civic groups doing that politicians apparently can't? joining us are corey brooks and ira kraoe, who are both pastors. and also a professor. it's great to see all of you. thank for being here tonight. wonderful city. love coming here. always do. tough problems. reverend akre, tell us what your thoughts are. you heard the conversations both from the police perspective and the political perspective. again, we invited rahm emanuel to come. we really wanted him to come. no other primetime show is doing this show, by the way. your reaction. >> i always say if a house is on
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fire, it's my responsibility to get out of the house. but it's the police, rather the fire department's responsibility to put the fire out, not to come on the scene and lecture. was somebody playing with matchs? whose fault is it? nope. there's a responsibility that the fire department must do, and that's put out the fire. that's what we really need. all institutions must put all hands on deck. we certainly need the mayor to lead the way. in chicago we have a tale of two cities. we have economic disinvestment on the south side and west side. on the north side you have economic growth. you have first class schools. on the south side and west side you got 50 schools that are closed. this anger is fueled from the poverty and the disinvestment, which ultimately leads to the violence. >> laura: it's a cycle, is it not? this is a cycle. when a community becomes dangerous, business doesn't want
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to go in. and if business doesn't go in, you don't have the opportunity, you don't have the stores. so with that cycle, which is very depressing to a lot of people, how does the faith community step in and say, guys and gals, there's another way? >> well, we have to do our part. we are constantly playing the blame game. blaming everybody for our situation. i do believe we have to step up to the plate and take responsibility and stop waiting for people to come in an save the day for us. we have to start developing businesses. we have to start training individuals. we have to start making sure we have schools that are properly educating our neighborhoods. someone has to say, look, we have to take responsibility for our children. we cannot allow our children to run wild and not discipline them. we have to do a better job in our community.
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we have to start doing better for ourselves. [ applause ] >> laura: personal responsibility. professor, the level of this crosses all economic spectrums, crosses all racial backgrounds. it especially is difficult in chicago and especially in the poorest neighborhoods. young men without role models, mothers doing their very best, working hard. they seek role models in all the wrong places. gangs are there to fulfill their roles. what about that, the family part of this equation? >> 70% of african-american house holds had both parents. 2017 they do not. every time you have a high level of homicide, police have to do overtime. got all these community groups.
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as a matter of fact, with $130 million i can hire every black man in chicago for the next 30 years, okay? [ applause ] they have not been trained to stop killing. police get involved after the crime has been committed. that's a big elephant in the room nobody wants to talk about. i would like to propose training them in areas of conflict resolution. i can train the police. i am the president a corporation. >> laura: across the globe. you've had incredible success with your program. early intervention, police are involved. families have to be involved, too, though. a police officer can't come in and fix a family situation. can maybe help on the murders though. >> you will not need a program. black people unify, there will be no need for programs. it's incumbent upon us as black men and women to help save our city. we have a mass exodus of african-american people moving
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out of chicago because of the violen violence. everybody is making money off the crimes in our community. we have to stop it today. >> here's the thing. when you look at our community, when you see a community struggling like our community is. we have some failure in multiple institutions. although we have to have personal responsibility, we still have a taxpayer base. we have to have taxpayers that pay taxes, get the responsibility. we must also get the services that the government is supposed to give. we must have that. when you look at the homicide rate. it's 17% for 2017. i'm convinced that it's not an urgency for this administration. when 83% of the people who are murdered, people still running the streets, that's a problem. we need to get these murderers off the streets. that means increasing the capacity of the detectives unit. there's only 1100 detectives. in 1990 when we had 2000 deteb
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teufrbs. looks like the major has a plan gentrification. as long as 87% of the people that are free, you're still going to have black people from the south side and west side. people downtown will still be safe. people north side will be safe. seems like a strategic plan by this administration. >> laura: wow. that's quite a charge. i wish the mayor were here to respond to that. he's obviously not here. hold on one second. nicole vaughn who identifies herself as a democrat, has a question. nicole? >> so, the violence of chicago, why isn't economic development a priority, particularly in under served communities? >> well, part of it is, we keep doing the same thing over and
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over in our community. everybody is voting democrat. you would think these same individuals are not creating economic development in the city, you would think we would start looking in other places. until we start to diversify how we are viewed politically, we'll continue to get the same thing. >> laura: it's not working. i think the question about economic development is a great one. again, going back to the primary problem that we came here to discuss tonight. if the streets are unsafe, if people are afraid to walk out on the street, you're not gonna get big businesses moving in to have those good paying jobs to keep young men and women feeling like there's another way except to join a gang. it's a cycle of a nightmarish cycle without safety. all of you, thank you very much. incredible conversation. up next, fox news political analyst and chicago native caldwell investigates some of the worst affected areas in a
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ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. where are we taking him? i have no clue. we're just tv doctors. if this was a real emergency, i'd be freaking out. but thanks to cigna, we can do more than just look heroic. we can help save lives by getting you to a real doctor for a check-up. nurse, this thing's defective. please don't touch that. we are the tv doctors of america. together with cigna reminding you... to go, know, and take control of your health. doctor poses! cigna. together, all the way. >> laura: welcome back to this ingraham town hall. violence is hitting close to home for political analyst jana caldwell who has watched as violence plagued his native city. this week he went to some of the worst impacted neighborhoods to
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ask residents how the mayhem is affecting their daily lives. here's a sample. >> right here. like, what? it go down. >> you've been shot? how many times have you been shot? >>ive shot two times bro. >> laura: we're all joined by vick maggio who is a citizen journalist who chronicles how violence is affecting these communities. this is obviously near an dear to your heart. you're from here. you're infuriated. i'm not even from here and i'm getting more angry as we've gone on in this town hall. we have to channel this. tell us what you -- if there's one thing that could change in the worst affected neighborhoods to make a real difference, what would it be? >> first two things. i want to thank you and coming and bringing the show to chicago, doing the town hall.
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[ applause ] this is something you really care about. this isn't political, so i thank you for that. the second thing, because we're having conversations about solutions. we need to have an open dialogue. the first block they said there is a myth about distrust between police and community. that's a false narrative. in terms of this, your question, if there's one thing that can change, it's always going to end up with jobs and community. as i interviewed a number of residents, that was one thing they yelled. there were so many that were married to the life because they had no exposure to anything else. outside of saying i want jobs and opportunities, there no path to get there. that's honestly something that needs to be worked on sincerely. >> when i real aoeued how bad the problem was, when i started going into the streets. i have a squad car that i drive. there was a young boy 5 years old with his mother sitting
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under one of the bus enclosures. i waved to the young man. started playing with the radio. i looked over. he went like this to me. he was 5 years old. i realized how deep this problem really was. >> laura: talk about distrust. >> the next question i had was, who taught him that? >> laura: that's powerful. it's that narrative and that needs -- the whole relationship. that consumes everything else in what can be really positive necessary relationship between a community and law enforcement. >> there has to be honesty when we're having these particular dialogues. there's so much we can do. i know you've been advocating for president trump to do a town hall. we're having it. he does haven't to come here to have a town hall. he can just bring the solution. that's what we're looking for. we need mental health services.
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there's so much needed. the unemployment rate for african-americans in the state of illinois is the highest in the country. that's been the case. if you are an african-american man in the city of chicago between 18-24, 47% of you are unemployed and out of school. >> laura: in a booming economy. >> that survey was done a couple years ago. but the numbers -- >> laura: lowest african-american unemployment on record. >> correct, nationally. but for the state of illinois and the city of chicago. >> laura: you found out more in your reporting on the street. what did you find? >> absolutely. we went into englewood, all across the city of chicago where the violence is at its height. we heard some interesting things from some of the gang members that were perpetrating the violence. let's watch. >> supposed to be out here doing all this. shows up. i was like, you know, run up,
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get this, get that. i can't keep them. >> people are gonna do what they need to do to survive. they'll run, sell their drugs, do whatever to survive. this is life. you got people who want to change and people who want to stay in the streets. people who want to change, they ain't used to an legit life. like me, i'm trying to change pip ain't used to an legit life. this is what i'm used to, selling drugs. >> if somebody would give you a job, would you get out of hraoeuft? >> i got jobs and opportunities. if i got you a job, you would get out of the life? >> 100%. >> on live national television, you are saying you would get out of the gangs if you had that opportunity? >> i would. >> all right. we're gonna make it happen. >> laura: to see those young
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men. the hope is there. everyone here tonight could be anywhere. they decided to come and watch this show and chew over some ideas. frustration, solutions. but there's a desire for a better way. >> he just demonstrated that in the live clip. if i help you get a job, i'll leave the life. i talked to a dear friend in the audience. he said, listen, i'll hire him. he spoke to him. he's already hired. this guy that you just saw on that last piece. that speaks to, if you bring the resources to the door step, a lot of people will take them. but those resources have to be there. >> laura: but you have to show up with a sense of yourself. put yourself together. you have to have skills. basic skills that you learn in school or from your parents. that's part of it. can't just show up and say -- you have to show up and want a job and get the proper training
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to do that. that's a great sense of fulfillment. get your first pay check. even if it's not as much as you want. but to get your first pay check and it's legitimate. that's a great feeling. who wants to be in a gang? not a good life. you'll end up dead, most likely. >> we know who built the neighborhoods in chicago. were major corporations. >> laura: well, industry. >> when you go into these neighborhoods you see vast swaths of land empty. why this mayor is not incentivizing businesses to come back here so that they can rebuild. give them the proper tools to rebuild these communities and then everything else will fall around these industries that come into these communities. property values will go up. what's happened is the industries left and the complete opposite effect -- >> laura: the tax base is gone. >> it is a huge thing, the economy in these things, they're desolate. >> it's not just a government
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solution. there's a deficit of person responsibility. i met a man yesterday, tyrone muhammad,who has a group, 300 ex-cons that we brings in to stop the violence. we need to take advantage of the opportunities that exist in our community and exercise what we have to stop the violence. >> laura: a strong righteous man can do a lot to inspire young dejected, disoriented young men. one righteous man. >> with courage. >> laura: i bet you go in there, gianno, he looks cool. you came and you succeeded because you worked hard. your nose to the grind stone. >> my grandfather exposed me to different things. my father exposed me. your individual choice. that's what it comes down to. >> laura: thank you, gianno. great to meet you. love your pieces. coming up, one of the most horrific acts of violence.
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>> laura: we talked a lot tonight about the causes and potential solutions to chicago's violence. but we also want to hear directly from a family member who has been deeply impacted by
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the mayhem. even by chicago standards the death of 15-year-old dmitrius griffin jr. is almost beyond comprehensi comprehension. he was murdered in 2016 in a gang that had tried recruiting him. he was burned alive. his remains discovered in a 55 gallon drum in an alley. that's the kind of evil that society has had to deal with. his aunt joins us now. rochelle, thank you for being here. i know this is so hard. i know some of dmitrius friends are here tonight. how is poly, his mom, doing? >> basically, she's distraught. she's basically not functioning. that was her only son. that was my only nephew. he was only 15. there was nothing he could have ever done to anyone that would
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warrant someone to do that to him. he was about 4' 7" in height, about 97 pounds. they burned him alive in a garbage can. he wasn't in a gang. he didn't do drugs. what is it that he could have done so bad that a monster would take his life like that? and then two blocks from his home? we have to pass that lot every time we visit my mom. i can't go into the house without hearing him saying, titi, i did this, titi, i did that. he was looking so forward to high school. he wanted to be on the swim team. he loved dogs. he loved animals. why would you do that? why would you burn someone alive? and then why is there such a code of silence that you did not hear him hollering for help? and did nothing.
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>> laura: no one saw anything? no one said they saw anything. >> yeah. >> laura: no leads in this case at all? >> no leads. >> laura: he's another statistic in the outrageous clearance rate in this city. meaning people not apprehended, not prosecuted, not jailed. >> no suspects, nothing. >> laura: my heart breaks for you, for polly, for all his friends, school mates. again, until -- you can put yourself in a mother's place who has to go through this in america. >> we did fund-raising. we're still doing fund-raising. we raised $10,000. $10,000. two years, $10,000. nothing.
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thank you so much. thank you so much. >> laura: i'm sorry. >> we have to protect our children. and if we have people that are leading our city not concerned with the protection of our children, then where do we stand as people? >> laura: need some new leadership in the city. it's not about democrats or republicans. it's someone who knows how to run this city. >> we call ate miracle. for 30 days straight, we called 311. we called the mayor's office to get some acknowledgement, superintendents. we reached out. >> laura: did mayor emanuel call you? >> we have not heard from either one of them yet. >> laura: is that acceptable to any of you? a boy is burned alive and left in a 55-gallon drum and no one
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from city hall picks up the phone and says, we're gonna find who did this. until we turn over every stone, we're gonna fine who did this. >> we got a resolution 16 months later. >> laura: yeah, that's helpful. >> nothing. not anything. we did not receive nothing. >> laura: your story, as horrific as it is, it's sadly repeated thousands of times. this has got to stop. thank you for being here tonight. thank you for sharing your story. final thoughts when we come back. metastatic breast cancer is relentless,
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>>before we go, we owe a huge thank you to the participants in this town hall and the chicago community for welcoming us. and we certainly hope that we did something to get us closer to some resolution. discussions like this are just a start. we need more of them. and we certainly need a lot more trust, a lot more cooperation, and we have to do some self-reflecting along the way. this is not a story that ends for us here. you can be sure that we will continue to highlight the violence a ravaging one of america's great cities. on behalf of the entire "the
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ingraham angle" crew, i'm laura ingraham. good night from chicago. [appla >> spee-1i'm steve hilton. this is the home of positive populism. a special show tonight with big ideas of how to beat the big state, drain the swamp, and even have every child in america with maximum opportunity. plus the swamp watch series, how swampy is your candidate? two giant names in the spotlight. such a big show, we needed a big studio. we are live from new york with an amazing lineup tonight. founder of turning point usa,


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