tv Hannity FOX News September 17, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink. we hope you will tune in tomorrow and the next night and as long as you are on. sean hannity, live from new york city, the city to the north. >> explosive news from the white house and all over the place, the president has in fact now ordered the doj to immediately declassify the redacted sections of the carter page fisa documents. and this is huge news. all russia related texts, and messages from comey, strzok, bruce ohr, they all might be released unredacted. it is truly a deep state house of cards collapsing as i have been predicting, right before
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our very eyes. carter page, sarah jarrett, carter sullivan with breaking news and reaction. also tonight, you were mourned right here on this program numerous times how democrats will try to work judge kavanaugh. democrats don't seem to be interested in getting to the truth, all they wanted from the beginning is to delay and ultimately derail kavanaugh's confirmation. the president is fully standing by the nominee at this hour. coming up, we will expose the shameful dirty tactics from the left in america and we also have a bombshell develop it as it relates to peter strzok and lisa page. new transcripts from her congressional testimony just released tonight and page admitting they saw no proof at all of russian collusion. it's been a witch hunt and remains a witch hunt, buckle up. we have a lot of news to cover in two nights breaking news
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opening monologue. ♪ >> hannity: for months, we have been asking for the unredacted fisa documents to be released. pages ten through 12, 17 through 34, all russia related interviews with bruce ohr, and that's all of the carter page phis applications have been released. like a spartacus moment. we are talking about possible exculpatory information and things they have hidden and wise it will be revealed. we have new revelations on christopher steele and his dirty dossier that hillary paid for and new information on the deep states attempted to take down the president both before and destroy him after the election. now this is huge news and we are expecting these documents any time. we will update you as of course they become available. also tonight catherine herridge will join us with a full report right out of our monologue.
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but first we must addressed and we begin tonight with the democrats blatant attempt to derail the cavanaugh confirmation. the first scheduled both in the senate have now been delayed. one week from tonight -- or today i've actually come at the senate judiciary committee will hold an open question and judge kavanaugh will be there in order to address what is a 36-year-old sexual misconduct allegations from his teenage years. his accuser has also been asked to testify. no word of confirmation if she will be at the lack of hearing. this comes after dianne feinstein out of the blue released a cryptic statement last week about an anonymous individual who is now accusing brett kavanaugh of sexual misconduct. when they were both in high school, and like 1982 but they don't know the exact year. keep in mind, dianne feinstein, and all her fellow democrats, they have had this information since july. but she didn't ask judge
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kavanaugh about the allegations during any of the private meetings she had with him. she didn't ask the judge about it during any of the public testimony that they had, 91. not once. she didn't inform any of her republican colleagues, she didn't report the event to authorities until just last week. we are asking the question, why. now as it appears to be unfair to all parties involved here, and more unfairly to you, the american people. this was mentioned earlier today by senator susan collins of lie lien. is it political? we will let you decide. >> last week staff informs me of this letter. i read the letter and at that point i had no idea who had sent it. and i noticed the date of the letter and wondered why the information had not been
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released long ago. >> it's a great question and she is correct. president also waiting on this earlier today. let's listen to what he had to say. >> president trump: judge kavanaugh is one of the finest people that i have ever known. he's an outstanding intellect and outstanding judge, respected by everybody. never had even a little blemish on his record. at the fbi has, i think, gone through the process six times with him over the years where he went to a higher and higher position. he is somebody very special. as i understand it, judge kavanaugh spent quite a bit of time with senator feinstein and it wasn't even brought up at that meeting. and she had this information. so you would have thought certainly that she would have brought that up at the meeting, not wait until everything is finished and then have to start the process all over again. but with all of that being said we want to go through the full process. i have great confidence in the u.s. senate and of their procedures and what they are
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doing, and i think that's probably what they are going to do. it will go through the process and hear everybody out. i would like to see a complete process and i would like everybody to be very happy. most important land want the american people to be happy because they are getting somebody that is great. i want him to going at the absolute highest level. i think to do that you have to go through this. if it takes a little delay, it takes a little delay but it's shouldn't certainly be very much. >> he's talking about transparency. if it takes a player takes a delay but they had it back in july. we've known from day one that their goal has been to derail and we saw it on display in the hearings, it was a disaster for the democrats. you shouldn't be surprised, senate democrats have been up and using the same tactics and same playbook for a long, long time. we will go back. i reminded you at the time of the announcement that judge kavanaugh was picked to replace
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anthony kennedy on the supreme court. i reminded you of the democratic senator from massachusetts, he's a guy responsible for literally wrecking the confirmation of judge robert bork and that's years after he drunkenly wrecked his car, dries it into the river and has a female passenger in the car. he gets up out of the water and he goes home and doesn't tell a soul. mary jo kopechne died. still this guy computing the character of some somebody else. >> robert bork 'america is a land where women would be forced into a back alley abortion, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, row police could break down citizen stores in the night grades in school children could not be taught about evolution. writers and artists would be centered at the whim of government. >> a disgusting and gross
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injustice. and don't forget once i out their former colleague, and she made a late allegation of sexual harassment against him. this character assassination was so vicious and horrible and nasty and unjust, clarence thomas spoke for himself and he called it a high-tech lynching. >> this is a circus, a national disgrace. and from my point is a black american as far as i'm concerned, it's a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves. to do for themselves. to have different ideas. and it is a message that unless you kowtow to an old order, this is what will happen to you. you will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured, by a committee of the u.s. senate rather than hung
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from a tree. >> hannity: he became and has been one of our greatest justices. flash forward to today, more allegations pushed by democrats, this time nearly 40 years old. and now the ones anonymous kavanaugh accuser has come forward. she told "the washington post" that in the early 80s, kavanaugh trapped her in a room as they were teenagers and groped her. that allegedly occurred at a high school party as they were both teenagers and she was in a swimsuit. both kavanaugh and ford will likely have their opportunity to speak under oath, something judge kavanaugh has been pushing for as today he released a statement. "this is a completely false allegation and i've never done anything like what the accuser describes to her or to anyone. because this never happened. i had no idea who is making this
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accusation until she identified herself yesterday. i'm willing to talk to the senate judiciary committee in any way the committee deems appropriate to refute this false allegation from 36 years ago and defend my integrity. there's also a group of 65 women who knew kavanaugh at the time back in high school and they are releasing a letter and backing him up. there letter priestess friendship, character and integrity and now some of those women are also speaking out. watch this. >> there are plenty of people testified with him who were on both sides of the fence. whether they were other law firms are attorneys that appeared before judge kavanaugh. either side, male or female have been tested to his integrity and how honorable he is in treating everyone. >> it's just so polar office ope
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of the brett kavanaugh i've known for the last 35 years. i was confused, surprised and shocked. >> i never saw him out of control drunk. he always retained his comic composure. he was a responsible guy and he was someone who would have a beer but he was never out of control and he never became so indifferent after drinking. >> hannity: those are two women that dated judge kavanaugh back at that time. tonight, many are rushing to his defense and new development's are casting serious doubt on the accusations against judge kavanaugh according to senator orrin hatch. kavanaugh is even denying his presence at the party described by his accuser. professor ford herself is foggy on the important facts of the allegations and told "the washington post" that "she doesn't remember some of the key details in the incident. she's also not only unclear about the exact date but the exact year. a man who ford was listed as a witness to the alleged assault
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named mark judge also flatly rejects her claims. he told the weekly standard that is absolutely nuts. meanwhile professor poured carrot at a high-profile attorney. that attorney's name is deborah katz who has donated tens of thousands of dollars to barack obama and hillary clinton. according to a piece, she trashed trump and his advisors on social media. she once stood up and defended senator al franken when he was facing misconduct allegations. she repeatedly cast out on the credibility of the paula jones accusations and, that is what i would say is not exactly a consistent record of supporting victims of sexual misconduct. what i'm telling america tonight, we are a nation of laws and we believe in the presumption of innocence in the country. and we also look at facts.
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i think the american people should have an opportunity to hear from the 65 women, judge kavanaugh, be able to hear from the professor, attorney, hear from people who clerked for judge kavanaugh, people that went to law school and high school with him and then let the american people decide. i believe the american people are fair-minded people. sadly it's a serious matter and we welcome testimony from everybody involved. professor ford, judge kavanaugh, any of the women who have known judge kavanaugh during his 36 plus years since. and that would include the others from the girls he coached on his daughter's team. i'm sure his daughters are paying close attention. any of the women working with him in the white house on the bush administration. today he participated in a conference call with senators and responded to the charges and democrats did not participate. why not? have they prejudged of this case, do they not believe in the
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presumption of innocence, or do they just care about politics? is this just some of their opportunity? we saw what happened to robert bork and we saw what happened in the case of clarence thomas. now let me be very clear, i don't know, i wasn't there. but i do believe in the presumption of innocence. all americans should have an open mind and all side should be heard but, this is a preview of what democrats will do if they take control of congress and 51 days. we have midterm elections and we know the left has no plan to make this country better for the forgotten men and women in this country. we have seen their actions in the past and we know their agenda. not only obstructing and smearing and slandering the president on a minute-by-minute basis, preventing him if they could from doing anything. we also know they want open borders and we also know that they want to keep obamacare and they want their crumbs back and they don't want constitutionalists qualifying judges with a track record like judge kavanaugh on any court, never mind the supreme court.
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we know the democrat who test, listen to what crazy uncle joe biden said over the weekend. this should shock you. this is beyond irredeemable deplorable's, beyond clinging to god, guns, religion and bibles. this is beyond the smelly people that support trump that i can smell in walmart. listen to crazy uncle joe and what he had to say. >> despite losing in the courts and in the court of public opinion, these forces have of intelligence remained to undermine and roll back the progress that you will have made. this time, they, not you, i have an ally in the white house. this time they have an ally. there are small percentages of american people, virulent people. some of them, the dregs of society. >> hannity: let me get that, if you support trump, think you are the dregs of society.
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democrats will also an important and victim-like investigations into the deep state, we are on the verge of breaking it wide open including the ongoing inquiry into peter strzok and lisa page. we learned today that lisa page testified under oath that the fbi had no evidence linking trump to russian collusion before robert mueller was ever appointed. in july, she told lawmakers and close doors that months and months of series investigations termed, it turned up empty. she said it "it's a reflection of us and still not knowing" and it still existed in the scope of possibility is that there would be literally nothing. remember, one day after mueller was appointed, peter strzok texted page and said, you and i know the odds are nothing. if i thought it was likely i would be there. no question. i hesitated in part because of my gut sense and my concern that there is no big they are there. but they are appointed, and this is why mueller's investigation
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into so-called collusion has been and remains a total witch hunt. there never was any russian collusion. everyone in the doj and fbi knew it and lisa page testified to that fact and that's why all the leaking took place. they were leaking in the hopes they would get an investigation just to get trump the insurance policy. this is why strzok texted paige, sitting with bill watching cnn, a ton worn out. let me know when you can talk. now we use it as a pretext to go interview people. pretext? to use the power of your office to go after people in the fbi? no evidence, they want a special prosecutor so they leak to get it? we will have lots of deep state coverage throughout the show but first we have new information on the president's decision to classify a series of important documents. our own catherine herridge has that report tonight. >> there is no official timeline but a source involved says they expect the warrant for carter
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page first as well as fbi interviews with justice department official bruce ohr. the source as the justice department is a compressed timeline and records could come in days and not weeks. bruce ohr matters because of his connection to the trump dossier. after the former british spy was fired by the fbi november 2016, documents show that the british spy, christopher steele, maintained contact with the fbi and other government officials by using bruce ohr as a back channel. the release also called for the unprecedented, publicly available records. text messages related to russia, clean copies without sections blacked out. former fbi director james comey, andrew mccabe and peter strzok, and former fbi lawyer lisa page. the source of that process may take longer because of the sheer volume of messages. this comes as fox news confirms new details about the russia probes the findings. during her july closed for testimony, a transcript reviewed by fox news shows that paige said the fbi investigation had
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not yielded hard evidence of russian collusion nine months into the case. special counsel or robert mueller was appointed in may 2017. tonight a justice department spokesperson told fox they are already working on the president's request. the office for the director of national intelligence that oversees the 15 agencies used the word expeditiously. in the meantime the house intelligence committee's ranking democrat adam schiff called the president's "an abuse of power, not about transparency." sean. >> hannity: not joining us now in south carolina graham. senator, why if the democratic party had this in july, why did they hold it? i agree with senator collins, i thought she was very smart in her comments, it's not fair to anybody here. >> here's what i would say. if i believe the person in front of me had committed a serious offense that would disqualify them from being on the supreme court, i would bring it
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up to them, i would not let that go unchallenged. so here's what i'm going to do, and it's not that complicated. it's a 36-year-old allegation, serious allegation and everyone needs to be heard but also people need to defend themselves. i'm going to look at what she said about brett kavanaugh in high school and compare that to everything else i know about brett brett kavanaugh including his denial and i will make the decision. and here's what i want your audience to know. if ms. ford never intended to come forward or never planned to come forward, why did she pay for a polygraph in august and why did she hire a lawyer in august if she never intended to do what she is doing? >> hannity: that's a poignant point in an interesting question. >> and who paid for it? >> as she agreed to be interviewed? >> she's welcome to come. we are having a hearing monday, she can come if she likes but if she doesn't want to she doesn't have to.
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kavanaugh can come and i think he will. we will vote on wednesday. all i can say is that i've been a prosecutor, judge and defense counsel all of my life until i got into politics. this case could not go before a criminal court because it's too old and no lawyer would bring it as a civil suit because it's too hard to prove. the question for the senate, is there really enough evidence here given the nature of the allegation, how old it is in the uncertain nature of it, to deny this man who has lived an incredible life of a promotion to the supreme court. and if it was this bad why did not the democrats challenged judge kavanaugh when he was sitting right there in front of them. >> hannity: why don't you answer that, why didn't they bring it forward? >> i think it's part of a pattern. they can't beat him on the law so they are trying to destroy his life. if the conservative had added a tape of a liberal nominee to the court where that they take the words and turn them upside down,
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they try to suggest that judge kavanaugh used the term abortion inducing drugs when it was the plaintiff, the priests for life. remember what kamala harris did to judge kavanaugh, try to put words in his mouth? they tried to say he had some stolen documents when he did not. so there has been a pattern of democrats in this committee to take the words out of context and try to accuse him of things he had nothing to do with. the last straw is this allegation that came about last thursday, and again. why did they do that before. >> the president made a decision tonight on redacting informatio information. if isaiah, three oh twos and other information. but we also learned about the fbi and doj and other intelligence officials at the highest level leaking information to the media and lisa page saying they didn't have any exit, evidence. did they like to get it like
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comey said he did? >> all i can say is this is the most corrupt thing i've ever in my life. it would be front page news everywhere. i'm glad the president let this information out to the public to show how corrupt it was. as for a kavanaugh, he will get his day in court as well as ms. ford and i will look at everything in judge kavanaugh ' 'life, not just this accusation. and i feel good about it. >> let everyone testify. when we come back, sara carter, gregg jarrett, john solomon. important breaking news on the deep state, next. ♪
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>> hannity: back here and now his reaction to tonight's explosive breaking news, the author of the number one best seller "the russia hoax," fox news it legal analyst gregg jarrett. fox news investigative reporter sarah carty and it, "the hill's john sullivan. how revealing, especially now that we look at the media leak strategy and the timeline of all of this, what she sent to congress? >> what you're really end up seeing with these text messages and the rest of the body of evidence that has now come forward is that these fbi agents and the justice department has allowed themselves to become part of a political attack machine and instead of it being neutral and following the evidence, they opposed the presumption of guilt. and it's supposed to be a neutral counterintelligence process. they knew when mueller was being appointed there was no evidence yet and instead the department embarked on a licking strategy to try to create the presumption that there was guilt and a reason to continue with this
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investigation. i think it's shameful. >> hannity: no evidence for nine long months and, just like comey, they have a leak strategy and the purpose was to set up so that a special counsel will be put in place, so they can maybe get trumped. is that the insurance policy, because it's all the same players. >> it's all the same players and it's also a pretext. think about this, they leak information to the media out of an unverified dossier and other information that had not been verified, and then they use that information to then expand their own investigation without ever saying anything to the courts. i think what we will find in these declassified documents, and i don't think it will take long for the president to get his hands on these for congress to get their hands on the is, i think what we will find is extraordinary exculpatory evidence that should have been
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handed over to the intelligence surveillance court. >> hannity: in other words, in the three oh twos we will find this? >> right. not just in the three oh twos but in the other evidence and documents, remember, not justify his application, we will see the truth there. we will find out what bruce ohr told the fbi and will also get all the notes that were part of the gang of eight documents. these are all important and they will all reveal that this exculpatory evidence that should have been turned over to the courts. according to the sources that i've spoken with that know what's in there with say, once that goes public, you are going to see that the courts were lied to. that this was the biggest abuse of power in modern political history and the biggest abuse of power against a foreign surveillance intelligence court. >> hannity: the elicits scheme to clear hillary clinton entering donald trump, that's the book that is number one on "the new york times" and you
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wrote it. is this it? >> every day seems to be new evidence that proves the thesis of my book, that this was an elicits scheme and the fbi and department of justice knew there was no evidence of collusion. they violated the law when they launched their investigation in july of 2016, and now we find out today to the text message that when the special counsel was appointed, they didn't have any evidence of collusion. and that is why they leaked in the lead up, they leak purposely to get the impression that there was all this and evidence to damage trump and as a pretext to begin questioning people. they thought it would snowball and that this would undo the trump presidency. so many crimes have been committed here, not only deceiving the fisa court judges by concealing evidence but now we find out through text messages that they are looking highly classified information. that is a violation of the law,
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several different statutes. >> hannity: what do your sources say, john, that we will see when this declassification takes place, which is beastly taking place now? >> i suspect that we will find out that the fbi is monitoring and intrusion on the campaign in the political process and the transition, and the early president was more intrusive than has been acknowledged publicly. maybe not wiretapping but other surveillance at techniques and i think we will be surprised, like sarah said, my sources are saying exactly the same thing. lots of exculpatory information, derogatory information about the credibility of the witnesses ever using that the court did not know about. and it's fraud on the court. >> and it's a fraud to spy on a campaign any election or postelection. it seems like all the leaking before and looking after, it was designed to destroy the president. is that your belief, the
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american people see of clearly? >> the american people see it clearly and, this was a fraud on the american citizen. on carter page. imagine if this happen to other american citizens? now, we don't know how far the abuse has gone. with just -- is this just about carter page or will there be other cases that we don't know about where they went beyond and violated the law? this is ten years for the king classified information, it is what people could serve in prison time if they are charged. >> who are the people that you think, if there is equal justice under the law and equal application of our laws, who gets indicted in this? >> anyone who signed on the phis application because they didn't have the evidence and they never verified it. and every renewal it's supposed to have a new evidence and they didn't have it. and at the leaking of this information classified to the media, ten years. so this is, the arrogance of
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power becomes addictive and intoxicating. trump was a threat to their power, so they sought to bring him down. >> hannity: scary that this can happen in the united states of america. sarah, you used my words earlier and they came out of your mouth. the biggest abuse of power scandal in american history and its unfolding. all three of you played a big part in it. truth matters, thank you all. when we come back, president trump's attorney, jay sekulow, will be back with reaction to the breaking news and henry, a lab report from the nation's capital. using his night, glad you were with us. ♪
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>> breaking tonight, judge cavanaugh as well as professor ford have both been invaded to testify in public next monday by the senate judiciary committee. what's interesting is that the white house will say that test kavanaugh is going to testify tomorrow. his accuser has said that he pinned her to the bed, groped her through her clothes and when she tried to scream he put his hand on her mouth, and then the friend jumped on the bed and they all three tumbled. the friend says that story is nuts and he has no recollection of that ever happening. and republican orrin hatch's office said that he told senator hatch that he was not a party like the one she describes and the doctor ford who acknowledged to the "the washington post" over the weekend that she did not remember key details about the incident may be mistaking him for someone else. that's kavanaugh's version as
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told to orrin hatch. dianne feinstein has known about an anonymous allegation along these lines since july and had not said anything until late last week which is something president trump jumped on today. >> he's an outstanding intellect, outstanding judge respected by everybody, never had even a little blemish on his record. the fbi has i think gone through the process six times with him over the years where he went to higher and higher positions. judge kavanaugh spent quite a bit of time with senator feinstein and it wasn't even brought up at that meeting and she had this information. >> a key republican swing vote on all of this, susan collins also said she's wondering why the original anonymous letter from dr. ford was not dealt with sooner. but she end of the republicans like jeff flake and bob corker say they want a thorough investigation of facts before they will move forward on this. >> hannity: ed henry in washington and now with reaction, jay sekulow. full disclosure he has done legal work for me in the past.
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i think lindsey graham actually has the right approach. and i think the president had the right approach. if there will be a slight delay, i want everyone to be certain. the main american people have the right to understand. the person that professor ford describes in the room has denied it. then we have law clerks, then we have 65 people that knew him at the time. then we have other students in high school and college and in law school and law clerks and people that won't work with him in the bush administration and all the time he has been a judge, there's not one other person that only says glowing things about him in including his former girlfriends at the time. >> look, sean, judge kavanaugh has stated that he will testify. ford has been offered the opportunity to testify as well. lindsey graham said it all come up you the situation and, no one can question whether judge
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kavanaugh has the intellect to serve on the supreme court of the united states. and if you are looking at the judicial philosophy is over 300 published opinions. from that standpoint -- in this day and a time, and i understand this. allegation has been made, judge kavanaugh is going to respond and that's the appropriate way. the accuser will have her time as well and that should be an orderly and appropriate process. and i think what senator graham said is correct. >> and if you look at the history of robert bork and clarence thomas, i think it gives people more reason to pause. and i don't think -- nobody was there. nobody knows. what if it's only resolved that this woman makes the allegation, the person that was supposedly in the room says no and the judge says no, there's nothing else in his career that marks a blemish on his character, and he
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is the perfect gentleman by the words that so many used. even women who dated them. >> the constitution has this process. the president nominates and it is with the advice and consent of the senate that the nominee is confirmed or not confirmed to the position. what they have said is they are going through a process pursuant to the constitution and that's the appropriate way to respond. and someone said that might be a long process and others have said it could be done fairly expeditiously. thoughts? >> the president issued an order and the president has that authority under article two and he exercised it. he has the authority and to exercise the authority. now the question is, you are asking the length of time for the process which will come out unredacted, that is intergovernmental. the government works on that. i would assume it's going to move expeditiously. i think what's most important is
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the american people will have a look finally at what actually was the beginning. what was it that started this inquiry in the first place. and if john solomon and sara carter are correct in their reporting, and the information will show some type of potential surveillance inside the trump campaign, this would be an eye-opener. this would be shocking, this would create a situation where you have to look at the legitimacy of the beginning of the inquiry. we all focus on the fact that the inquiry, it looks like started with the christopher steele dossier. >> but we know now also there was a media league strategy in the lead up to the appointment of the special counsel. >> right. in the media league strategy and that of itself can be a violation of the law. so there is a host of problems from the top to bottom on this and we have said that for a year
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and a half on this broadcast. you have to point out that this has started and lisa page testified under oath that there was no evidence of collusion and, let me take it a step further. peter strzok and those messages back and forth said there was no there, there. >> bob woodward said he looked hard and found nothing. mr. burroughs said they found nothing in the senate committee and none of that ever gets reported. it has been a non -- >> the thing speaks for itself, that's what we say in the law. the evidence is clear. >> hannity: jay sekulow, thanks for being with us. when we come back, carter page ways and on the president to classifying the fisa documents and sending them out unredacted. a lot of that has to do with hi him. that's coming up next. ♪
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>> hannity: more reaction on tonight's breaking news. civil rights and criminal defense attorney david schall and former trump associate carter page. carter, apparently a lot of this has to do with you and how perhaps exculpatory evidence was withheld. but really, advise applications were all told by the grassley grant memo and the nunez memo. the bulk of information came from heloise bought and paid for phony debunked russian dossier. you are at the center of this because they were spying on you. by the way, why have you never been indicted if you were such a horrible person that needed surveillance? >> not only have i never been indicted that i was never asked
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any credible question to anything i had possibly done wrong. it was so incredibly stupid to begin with, where do you even begin to start unraveling this? we are starting to see this come out a little bit. >> hannity: and this gets to the nature of what you plan to do. i know ray donovan said famously once, where do i go to get my good name back? so what do you do and what are your plans? >> the biggest question to me is fixing the disaster that this created for a democratic processes in the united states. you know, i've done it in washington for a couple of days, talking to a number of people about potential legal strategies to work on that. my biggest concern is all the damage that the stated to the u.s. government, and the mockery had made out of the constitution. and all of the wrongdoing that was done by various officials
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within the department of justice and the fbi and a dnc. pounded a hillary clinton david, bought and paid for russian dossier become the foundational materials or bulk of information to get a fisa warrant? how did they withhold that information to the judge? does that mean they committed fraud on the judge and on the fisa court? never mind that it was overwhelming in the beginning, and they tried to go after that guy in the middle of the screen? >> absolutely. any material omission or withholding of information from the fisa court violated those constitutional rules. i think now we are headed toward the first step in writing these wrongs to the american people. declassification is key, and let's be very clear because it's shameful that we are hearing protest station for members of congress about the declassification. every american should demand full transparency and that is what the president is providing
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and this is his spartacus moment, to use another reference. the president has full authority under article two, section two, more than that. president obama in 20092010 signed executive order 13526 that confirmed the president has full authority as the final arbiter of what's classified and are declassified. more than that, the fisa court itself has rule 62 and the fisa court presiding judge specifically wrote to two members of congress earlier this year is saying the court has no objection to disclosure of these documents and it's for the executive branch to decide because the executive branch has an interest in that the court recognizes and maintain the integrity of ongoing law enforcement investigations and that is the court's words. >> i would like to hear from the judges in this case. carter page, since it's about you i assume you would want to hear from them? >> i actually sent a letter to the chief judge of the fisa
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court and i never -- i got a response. what's even worse is that when the fbi declassified things, they sent it to "the new york times" first which is in violation of the privacy act. they are supposed to -- documents are about yourself, they should be the individual that it's about which should see it before they publish the entire world. >> last word. >> declassification is the absolutely the right move. the president is serving the american people in the role for which he was elected. when he was elected, the american people gave him this power to declassify and determine what should declassified. he's operating in the interest of full transparency and that's what every american should demand. >> hannity: it's interesting that the only people freaking out tonight are people like adam schiff. you know why? because he will be proven a liar and that is my prediction tonight. thanks for being with us. carter, we will have this when u
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back when this is released. an all new thoughts on people who kneel for the anthem, next. ♪ -computer, order pizza. -of course, daniel. -fridge, weather. -clear skies and 75. -trash can, turn on the tv. -my pleasure. -ice dispenser, find me a dog sitter. -okay. -and make ice. -pizza delivered. -what's happened to my son? -i think that's just what people are like now. i mean, with progressive, you can quote your insurance on just about any device. even on social media. he'll be fine. -[ laughs ] -will he? -i don't know.
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>> sean: time for the video of the game. you'll love this. col.oliver north, fellow americans who decide to kneel during the national anthem. take a look. >> when you take a knee during the national anthem, you disrespect the men and women who lost their limbs so you could spend your sunday playing games. when you dishonor our flag, you turn your back on the family of heroes serving on the front lines, whose sacrifices make it possible for cameras to focus on your disgraceful protests. we teach children that police are the enemy, you've turned your back on the very law enforcement that keeps your stadium safe. we fight for the first amendment as much as the second, but while you use it disgracefully, we use it to tell the truth.
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>> sean: powerful ad. we'll have more on that later in the week. that is all the time we have left. we are not the destroy the trump media, never will be. let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham standing by at the nation's capitol. laura. >> laura: sean, does it feel like 1991 all over again? i was here during the confirmation hearing for just thomas. >> sean: one of the nation's finest supreme court justices, i'll never forget his testimony, how powerful it was, powerful moment for him. >> laura: yeah, he's a national treasure and sean, fantastic show, huge news. thanks. i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" on important night in washington. in moments, my thoughts on brett kavanaugh, a man i've known for nearly three decades and we'll hear from other women who have known him even longer. plus, why do some accusations matter, while others are ignored.
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