tv Hannity FOX News September 19, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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exactly. paula jones. makes me sad just thinking about what happened to you. thank you for that. great to see you. >> thanks. >> tucker: we'll be back tomorrow. the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and group thinking. >> sean: thank you. i have known pall ab for many year -- paula for many years. welcome to "hannity." this is america at a precipice. this is an important night. all elected officials in washington, d.c., have an opportunity for more importantly an obligation to protect your rights, uphold the value of the constitution on every important issue that we now face. we have people on the left in this country, democrats in this case. they are putting politics first. sadly the constitution and the constitution second. i'll explain in detail. running roughshod over the principle we hold dear. presumption of innocence. we have many on the left convicted judge kavanaugh
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tonight of one of the most serious crimes implying he doesn't have a right to be heard or believed. zero presumption of innocence. zero due process. a despicable rush to justice born out of pure politics. we'll prove our point. now the senate republicans attempt to investigate serious allegations. they are being stonewalled and blocked at every corner. even after every single right consideration is offered to professor ford tonight. all of this is to obstruct, disrupt, up-end justice in america. it's the let's playbook to destroy the trump agenda. on monday, the president ordered important fisa documents declassified. as is his constitutional right. again tonight, he is facing not only a wave of obstructionism. democrats seem to want to precipitate an absolute constitutional showdown.
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they are openly defying the president's constitutional powers. they don't want government transparency or government accountability. they don't want to see what they have been doing behind the back revealed. all right. stay tuned. we have a big announcement at the end of the show tonight. it's time for breaking news opening monologue. we are now on day seven of the controversy that is swirling around the confirmation of judge brett kavanaugh. a professor from northern california named professor chrstine blasey ford is accusing judge kavanaugh of sexual misconduct from when they were both in high school. 1982. i have said many, many times on this program these allegations must be taken seriously. senate republicans are doing just that tonight. they have delayed this week's confirmation vote. they have reopened the hearings and they invited professor ford to tell her story before the committee open or closed door session. they reached out by phone, by
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e-mail and more. for background. they are handling this with the utmost care and professionalism as they should. they have even offered to fly their staff anywhere in united states to meat with professor ford for a private interview. on monday ford's attorney told fake news cnn her client would testify under oath. that she wanted to tell her story publicly. we have the videotape. take a look. >> will your client be willing to testify in public to the judiciary committee? >> the answer is question. >> sean: but here we are two days later and professor ford is refusing an invitation to testify. she is now demanding through her lawyer, she wants a full f.b.i. investigation in claims first. of course the u.s.nate, they don't control the f.b.i. or what they choose to investigate. advise and consent. the constitutional role of
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united states state senate. not the f.b.i. we know the f.b.i. stated publicly the allegation does not involve any federal crime. now the senate can only perform their own probe. unfortunately, they are now tonight being stonewalled. politics is in play. as of tonight, dianne feinstein will not even shownate republicans on the committee the full unredacted leter that professor ford sent to democrats when she first made her allegations in july. now according to the judiciary committee chairman. charles chuck grassley. the letter to ford's attorneys the committee, they are having a hard time reaching ford. "committee staff has attempted to contact you directly by phone, e-mail several times to schedule a call at a convenient time for you and your client. we thus far have not heard back from you with regard to that request." grassley's letter reiterated the invitation to appear before congress.
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"you have stated repeatedly that dr. ford wants to tell her story. i sincerely hope that dr. ford will accept my enviation to the so either private -- invitation to do so privately or publicly on monday." despite every effort from republicans to accommodate professor ford, which i think is the right thing to do, her attorney is calling monday's hearing, "non-fair nowhere in good faith." earlier today, senator kennedy expressed his frustration. watch this. >> we have done everything we can to try to accommodate dr. ford. either her or her lawyers keep moving the goal post, which is a little frustrating. >> sean: senator susan collins of maine who i don't always agree with, is saying it's not fair for either professor ford to testify on monday. not fair to either side. take a listen. >> i think it's not fair to
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judge kavanaugh for her not to come forward and testify. both of them need to testify under oath next monday before the judiciary committee. >> sean: senator collins is right. it is so important to know that senator's time frame is identical to the time frame that joe biden set up when the left did this to clarence thomas. it's important that we hear from professor ford. but also judge kavanaugh deserves the presumption of innocence. by the way, considering it was 36 years ago, we have 36 years of his life and people should be able to testify about his treatment of women over nearly four decades. classmates, colleagues, ex-girlfriends, female law clerks. any of the 65 women who signed the letter supporting the outstanding character people who knew him in 1982. 's important that america get this right.
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this is something that the president rightly emphasized earlier today. take a listen. >> i really would want to see what she has to say but i want to give it all the time they need. they are already given it time. they have delayed a major hearing. there is no more -- look, when i first decided to run, even said the single most important thing you do is the supreme court justice. okay? we have all heard that many times about a president. i would say this. i think he is an extraordinary man. i think he is a man of great intellect as i have been telling you and he has an unblemished record. this is a very tough thing for him and his family. we want to get it over with. at the same time, we want to give tremendous amount of time. if she shows up, that would be wonderful. if she doesn't show up, that would be unfortunate. >> sean: like every american, judge kavanaugh deserves the presumption of innocence. it's his constitutional right.
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this is not a game. sadly, it's obvious tonight. the left is playing politics trying to derail kavanaugh nomination. even if it means unfairly impugning his character. forever rushing to judgment. watch this. >> well, it is definitely attempted rape. i don't see it any other way. >> i think it's appalling. i'm totally disappointed that all the people who have come forward to say we should hear from her and now that she is expecting a modicum of fairness so she is not victimized saying look, if she doesn't want to testify, we should go ahead. that is additional callousness from my colleagues that i am totally appalled by. >> when i see what the senate republicans are doing today. yesterday they seemed tentative and nervous. today insisting in a bullying manner that dr. ford proceed with the hearing on monday. i think they are trying to
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scare her. >> i think what the republicans are doing is outrageous. they are creating a false choice. they are trying to bully her into testifying on monday before a full f.b.i. background check is completed. >> i think that she is the one who is taking tremendous risk in coming forward. i think she is saying look, let me have a fair shot at this. don't put me in front of a bunch of men on the judiciary committee who already predetermined what the outcome should be. >> sean: that would be the left. people said from day one, chuck schumer said from day one he will stop him with whatever needs to happen. so the so-called least funny comedian on television. joyless behar took it a step further. this is dangerous. listen. >> i grew up that men are supposed to protect you from the predatory males. they are not doing that. on the contrary. we have to fix people in congress right now. that senate judiciary
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committee. these white men, old by the way, are not protecting women. they are protecting a man who is probably guilty. if you are not, judge kavanaugh, take the lie detector test. prove it the way she did and the wi anita hill did that they were not lying. let's see that from you. or are you a coward? >> sean: no presumption of innocence. this is sad. and democrats everywhere echo what you heard from joyless behar. take a listen. >> this woman is to be believed. you can believe dr. ford. this was attempted rape. this is a woman who exists dr. ford, courage, but the classic signs of post traumatic stress. >> i believe her. listen, first of all, anybody who comes forward at this point to be prepared to testify in the united states senate against someone who is no, ma'am mated to one of the most powerful positions in the
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united states government, that takes an extraordinary amount of courage. >> not only do women like dr. ford who bravely come forward need to be heard but they need to be believed. they need to be believed. >> let me say at outset, i believe dr. ford. i believe there is a survivor here. there is every reason to believe her. she has come forward courageously and bravely. >> sean: does anyone give the chance that maybe you can believe judge kavanaugh? the constitution be damned? we lock him up and throw away the key. in 1981, one person, the people say the opposite about kavanaugh. how about listening to both sides? this is what the democrats are willing to do sadly tonight if it means obstructing the nomination of judge kavanaugh. and his children are watching. if you're interested. and his wife.
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in fact, democrats don't even want a serious investigation in the allegations. you just heard what senator gillibrand just said. they just want kavanaugh blocked. whatever it takes. kirsten gillibrand herself, she is not even interested in a hearing from kavanaugh next week. doesn't want to hear what he has to say. take a listen. >> this is a sham hearing. i don't think she should participate in it. >> sean: so she and the rest of the democratic colleagues are starting to backfire. americans are catching onment they know that dianne feinstein sat on ford's accusations for weeks. this is back in july. she had this information. she never asked kavanaugh about it during the private meetings with him. written questions, 1,300 written questions. not one about this. but they knew about it. all of a sudden, according to dianne feinstein, senator gillibrand and the other democrats. this is so pressing.
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kavanaugh's confirmation must be derailed regardless of whether or not the accuser ever even comes forward and tells her story. in a letter to senator feinstein today, judiciary chairman chuck grassley summed up the situation best. he said sexual assault allegations should not be deployed strategically for the political again. he -- for political gain. he is right. this is just another sad chapter in what is sadly the democrats predictable play book. we see it every four years. republicans are racist, islamicphobic, xenophobic and they want dirty water and they want paul ryan look-alikes to throw granny over the cliff. you see it every election season and every confirmation hearing just like you are seeing now. smears. slander. lies. character assassination. no due process. no presumption of innocence.
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conviction by allegation. of course we have every reason to be skeptical tonight. this is the same party of keith ellison. see that guy there? he just got his party's nomination to run for the attorney general in the great state of minnesota. all while this is happening currently. his ex-girlfriend is accusing him of domestic, physical and emotional abuse. she tweeted this week that the democratic party did not believe her claims despite what is out there including a doctor's report that she had told in 2017 indicating abuse. instead she tweeted the d.n.h. smeared, threatened and isolated her. where are the same democratic senators demanding f.b.i. investigations into him? this is not 36 years ago. this is today. this is the same democratic party of senator brown. he walks the halls of congress despite domestic abuse
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accusations made by his ex-wife. for some reason she politically supports him but the record is the record. don't forget professor ford's attorney. we cannot ignore her record. debra katz has a long-time democratic activist. she has donated tens of thousands of dollars to democrats. more importantly, her track record in previous cases on issues of sexual misconduct allegations when they were made, well, show you what she said about paula jones. paula jones suit is very, very weak. she alleged an incident took place in a hotel room by her testimony lasted 10 to 12 minute. she suffered no repercussions in the workplace. the allegation was that bill clinton pulled down his pants and told her to perform a sex act. then she said, "clearly a within-timens don't that took place in 10 to 20 minutes. she was not forced to have sex. she left on her own volition.
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the courts increasingly are fining this is not enough to create a sexually hostile work environment." on top of that, katz defended creepy senator al franken. "context is relevant. he did not do this as a member of the senate. he did this in his capacity of someone who was still functioning as an entertainer." but he was a senator at the time he did it. this is highly, bitterly partisan. an attorney clearly, obviously has inconsistent views on this topic to advance a political agenda. it's sad. of course, no democrats ever demanded an f.b.i. investigation into paula jones. she won a settlement of $850,000. juanita broaddrick accused bill clinton of rape. kathleen willie accused bill clinton of groping, grabbing, fondling, touching against her will. yet many of the same senators that are there today all
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sanctimonious rushing to judgment, selective moral outrage tonight lived on all things clinton. women that were smeared, slandered by the clinton machine. selective moral outrage. obviously pure politics. as you can see, we have every reason to be skeptical about the democrats. otherwise, they would be saying the same things about keith ellison. otherwise they would be saying okay, where is the investigation in juanita broaddrick's charges? they are playing politics with the kavanaugh nomination. they are playing politics with the government accountability on top of that. in other news tonight we told you monday president trump ordered the department of justice to declassify and release unredacted important documents. pages 10 through 12, 17 through 24 of the final fisa renewal application on page reports on bruce ohr and
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carter page page. thousands of the strozk-page texts and comey, ohr, steele and other people involved in this. the president is the commander-in-chief. he is also the leader of the executive branch of government. coequal branches of government. separation of powers. he has the clear constitutional authority. in the constitution to declassify information. article 2, section 1 of our constitution reads, "the executive power shall be vested in a president of the united states of america." the d.o.j. and the f.b.i. are under the president's executive power. he is in charge of and constitutionally he alone can determine the, of classification. unredacting things. according to the supreme court, the authority to classify and control access to information bearing on national security and to determine flows primarily from
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this constitutional investment of the power of the president. both presidents barack obama, bill clinton used their authority to declassify information. obama declassified hundreds of c.i.a. records in 2015. former president clinton declassified thousands of confidential documents surrounding the military. but according to top democrats tonight, president trump has no authority to declassify these important fisa-related documents. we got shifty schiff calling it an abuse of power to put the country at risk. and he demanded other democrats to be debriefed before it's released to public. john brennan and others are calling on bureaucrats to defy the rule of law, the clear intent of the constitution and disobey a president's direct executive order on this. not release documents. that will precipitate a massive constitutional crisis. as they try to take power constitutionally away from
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your elected president. this is extraordinarily dangerous. watch this. >> it's a terrible precedent to have a president trying to make his own personal defense by playing with intelligence. >> this is quite lawless of the president to selectively declassify. he is only putting forward to the american people what he believes helps him completely and recklessly risking sources and methods who could be put at risk and have the lives at risk. >> i think christopher wray, the director of f.b.i., daniel coats, director of national intelligence and rosenstein who is overseeing the investigation should push back against any directive that will have a negative impact on our abilities as well as the investigation. so i think they should continue to push, push, push. if mr. trump and the white house does not relent, i think they have decisions to make. whether or not they are going to just not follow that direction and be fired. or to rescene. -- resign.
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if they believe it has serious impact on the law enforcement or judicial process they have an obligation because they took oath of office to constitution of the united states. not to mr. trump. >> sean: what you are witnessing here -- this is why it's so dangerous -- deep state operatives trying to precipitate constitutional crisis in the country because they don't want to be exposed. meanwhile, one former corrupt official is now facing a grand jury investigation. former deputy f.b.i. director andrew mccabe, he has a new book out in december. here is the title. "the threat: how the f.b.i. protects america in the age of terror and trump." that means to defy the will of the american people. abuse power. use the tools of the intelligence against the american people. we have long told you, your federal bureaucracy was biased and corrupt. only at highest level. not rank and file. former deputy f.b.i. director in this is the perfect
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embodiment of the fact. they literally will precipitate a constitutional crisis and try and deny the constitutional authority that is so clear for the president and the executive branch. look. if we want the deep state development to continue you have to focus on the election. 48 days from tonight. all we have until this crucial, the most important midterms in our life. there is a glimmer of hope. a new poll. only 4% ballot gap in the generic ballot. earlier in week in texas, special state senate election. republican beat a democrat in that district for the first time in 19 years. ted cruz is now up by nine points in latest polling. 139 years. look, i'm not confident tonight 48 days out that the republicans will keep the house. i'm not sure they will hold the senate. i don't have a crystal ball. we cannot be complacent. the only way that will turn if you take your responsibility to vote seriously. if you want the trump agenda to continue. do you like the extra money in
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your paycheck? is america's economy better off than it was two years ago? are we more secure tonight as a country? do you wan the president you elected to continue on the path of keeping his promises for a better economy, forgotten men and women left behind in the obama years? 13 million more people on food stamps an 8 million more in poverty. 48 days. you decide. you get to vote. you have the power. you get to stop the insanity of the left. i hope you are energized. the president is getting things done and not slowing down. we have to ache a break. when we come back, judge pirro. and tammy bruce. joe digenova will have an announcement.
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-of course, daniel. -fridge, weather. -clear skies and 75. -trash can, turn on the tv. -my pleasure. -ice dispenser, find me a dog sitter. -okay. -and make ice. -pizza delivered. -what's happened to my son? -i think that's just what people are like now. i mean, with progressive, you can quote your insurance on just about any device. even on social media. he'll be fine. -[ laughs ] -will he? -i don't know.
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hill. concerning judge kavanaugh. and his accuser, fox news chief national correspondent ed henry with us tonight. a lot of breaking news. >> that is right. breaking tonight, a new statement from an attorney for dr. ford saying she will not testify on monday. in part they say because there are only going to be two witnesses scheduled. from ford and judge brett kavanaugh. the problem with that approach, of course, is that the other potential witnesses who have come out, other schoolmates of both of them have said they do not have first knowledge that any such incident happened. what white house officials believe tonight is that dr. ford legal team and democrats on the hill trying to move the goal post. when she spoke to the "washington post" over the weekend she said she wanted to be heard. republican chuck grassley saying tonight he is trying to make sure dr. ford is heard on monday. that is they wacht her to testify. in -- want her to testify. instead they think the democrats pushed f.b.i.
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investigation that will never happen as a delaying tactic and push it past the midterms. tonight, the three key republicans who are the swing votes. you see them there. they are all saying that dr. ford should testify on monday. corker saying if she doesn't show up the senate should move forward to vote on kavanaugh. colins is saying it's my understanding that the committee offered to hold public private session, whichever makes from ford more comfortable. that contra tickets a claim that dr. ford is being pressured or forced to testimony. chairman grassley is saying he is doing everything to make this as easy as possible. watch. >> where i'm focused right now is doing everything that we can to make dr. ford comfortable with coming before the committee. either in an open session, closed session or a public or a private interview.
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>> it rings true. how she divulged it to over time and over many years. that is what happens when someone has that trauma. >> the senator from hawai'i yesterday said men should just shut up. she revealed the playbook saying since the republicans blocked merrick garland from the high court for a year, if kavanaugh fails the democrats may hold the seat open for two years beyond the 2020 election. republicans i spoke to today say that is such an overreach. they think it shows that democrats are getting desperate in this debate. for the first time, the republicans privately feel good about kavanaugh's chances in terms of weathering the storm but nobody is willing to predict that. there are so many twists and turns and more could be
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coming. >> sean: ed henry joining us. and now joining us is tommy bruce, author of the "new york times" best seller. judge pirro is with us. i understand that you remember this in a couples therapy session in 2012. i'm watching senator grassley. they are offering every accommodation. public or private. the attorney said she would be glad to speak publicly under oath. they are saying publicly or privately they will come to you. >> the amazing part of this, they are offering her more than your victim would have in a criminal courtroom. they are offering her privacy. they are almost offering her the ability to dictate who will speak with her and question her. she is no different than any other victim. what we want to know the who, how, when and where. we don't know when it was. we don't know where it was. >> sean: she doesn't know the year. >> we don't know how she got home or the year. we don't expect peripheral
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facts. we expect is the fundamental information of what happened and she can't give us that. what she wants is more rights than is given to people across the country. >> sean: and hasn't turned over the unredacted letter from july. >> yes. >> sean: all of a sudden, glad to speak publicly under oath. now there is a list of conditions and this is growing every day. it's interesting. the timeline is the same that bide boyd set up for clarence thomas. >> look -- biden set up for clarence thomas. >> we have heard this before. dr. ford and the democrats are in complete control of timing from the beginning. haven't they? starting when they decided to reach out to eshew and feinstein and the "washington post" hotline. they have been in control of the timeline. so the argument that she is bullied and in this rush of a hearing is absurd. i would posit she has been mislead and from ford is probably not in charge of any of this at all.
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i think she was likely promised something that she wouldn't have to testify. i think dianne feinstein thought the accusation alone would knock this nomination off of its seat. and that is what they expected. she is finding, the doctor is finding and they are all finding they were wrong. now they are infant -- revictimmingizing her saying she not prepared, she is bullied. she can't do it. she is afraid. repeated comment about attempt rape, assault. this woman now after dealing with this and creating a very strong life, top of her field, a family. a strong woman being revictimmized by the framework of rhetoric and we should be upset and offended at the least not. they'm worried guilt by accusation, i am worried about a rush to judgment. i am worried about no presumption of innocence. i am worried this will now
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follow judge kavanaugh, just the allegation, for the rest of his life. do we not give anybody a chance? i believe her. i will tell everybody i don't know. i wasn't there. neither was anyone else. >> every prosecutor understands when you investigate, prosecute, try and sentence the individuals that everything is at stake. the reputation, the character. what we have on the part of the left is saying that we want everyone to believe her from the get-go. but i ask you this. number one, what in brett kavanaugh's brackground suggests in any way shape or form he disrespects women? what in his background for the women that work for him, women that went to school with him, none of this has shown up. they want to accuse him of putting his hand over her mouth, of attempted rape as if they know what that is. we are not even close to that in terms of the facts alleged. >> in the end, what we have
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are accusations and we should believe them and not give him a right to speak. >> if i could add with your opening which is brilliant, what they are doing is saying only a certain kind of woman matters. only if you pay allegiance to liberal point of view and the liberal narrative will you be taken seriously. conservative women do not count. they are making this a partisan issue. if you are facing domestic violence, sexual violence, rape or harassment, that, of course, transscends politics. what they are doing is dismissing an entire category of american women. >> sean: keith ellison, the love of clinton. is there an f.b.i. investigation? >> of course not. >> sean:en in of these senators -- none of the senators -- >> that is a local crime. it depends whether the accused is republican or democrat. if it's bill:ton he can be a -- bill clinton can be accused of rape or sexual assault and they shouldn't be believed. >> sean: every accommodation
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is offered. >> done a good job. >> sean: but i also will say kavanaugh does deserve the presumption of innocence. >> absolutely. he is entitled to it. >> sean: everybody is. >> she can only really be taken seriously and in the system of the presumption of innocence works on behalf of even so we can believe everyone. >> sean: i got to thank you both. when we come back, gregg jarrett, joe digenova. later the house intel committee chair devin nunes and we have a big announcement at the end of show. you i'll want to hear it. straight ahead. get your groove on with one a day 50+.
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>> sean: all right. joining us now with more on the democrats' effort to derail the kavanaugh nomination. author of the number one best selling book "the russia hoax." fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. in studio a rare appearance, u.s. attorney for washington, d.c. joe digenova. you have done great work for me in the past. i have a lot of people that hate me. good see you, my friend.
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>> good to see you. >> sean: you and victoria are strong people and great lawyers. you watch this unfold. i believe in the process that people are innocent until proven guilty. fundamental right of ours. that is being tossed to the wind. >> of course. moo i agree that the republicans have taken it seriously and they are giving professor ford every accommodation. the right thing to do. >> have to in the circumstance. they have given her an opportunity to testify after the horrendous process which senator feinstein has hoisted on the senate and the american people. in a complete abrogation of senate responsibility. this is a shapeful moment of history of the senate and she should be ashamed of herself. so should every democrat on the committee. not just because of what they are doing to judge kavanaugh but what they are doing for the constitution. >> what abbork or clarence thomas? every two years, republicans
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are racist and sexist and throw granny over the cliff. >> democrats care about power. that is what this is about. they are trying to delay a vote so it does not occur. republicans must not let it happen. if they do not confirm judge kavanaugh they will lose the senate. >> sean: senator collins, i don't always agree with her. she said it's not fair to either side. she is right. >> right. >> sean: right. >> and the explanation we are getting from chrstine blasey ford doesn't make sense. citizens don't get to demand a federal investigation. there is nothing in the law or the senate rules that give a witness a right to insist on an f.b.i. investigation as a -- >> sean: it's not a federal crime. >> -- as a condition precedent to testify. it's baffling to me that ms. ford was willing to sit down to the "washington post" and tell a story without
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demanding they conduct an investigation but she won't sit down and talk to the senate judiciary committee unless there is an investigation. whatever the f.b.i. might or might not find should have no bearing on her ability to simply tell the truth. >> sean: let me ask you about another constitutional issue. i can't believe that article 2, section 1 of the constitution, the president is if charge of the executive branch. he has asked to declassify and asked for unredacted information. fisa warrants 302s. we have the former c.i.a. directors and the current member of the house and the senate saying defy the president's constitutional authority. they are doing that tonight. shredding the constitution. >> there is reason for it. they have much to fear. because mr. brennan, mr. clapper, mr. schiff is covering up for them. he is a cosponnor in an effort not only -- coconspirator to
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under mind the president and violate the constitution by subverting the election. he knows what was done prior to the election and after was criminal conspiracy with brennan, clapper, comey, strozk, page, baker, mccabe, everybody involved in it. what they are doing now is they don't want any of the information to come out because if it does, and as it comes out gradually, it will show categorically they engaged in a criminal conspiracy to frame a sitting president of the united states. >> sean: will the people be indicted? >> i expect that ultimately they will. all of them. >> what do we expect when we get this information if >> i'm told the information will come out next week. but in groups. slow drip, drip, drip. i'm told that dan coats the d.n.i. and christopher wray the f.b.i. director and rosenstein who has much to hide and cover up here. >> sean: signed the last fisa warrant.
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>> will still redetective some portion in defiance of the president's -- redact some portion in defiance of the president's order. if they in good conscience feel they can't do it, they should resign. in the alternative, the president should fire them for insubordination for refusing a direct order. >> sean: this is a very scary time because the constitution is clear on executive power. article 2, section 1. >> the first sentence. >> sean: defying the president of the united states is a scary time. you have been amazing. thank you both. congrats on the book. i don't want to ever be on the other side of you. thank you. when we come back we have the latest on the effort to declassify the fisa documents, the 302s. then we speak to the house committee chairman devin nunes. we have a big announcement that is about tomorrow. that is straight ahead. ♪ ooh, heaven is a place on earth ♪
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uhp. i didn't believe it. again. ♪ ooh, baby, do you know what that's worth? ♪ i want to believe it. [ claps hands ] ♪ ooh i'm not hearing the confidence. okay, hold the name your price tool. power of options based on your budget! and! ♪ we'll make heaven a place on earth ♪ yeah! oh, my angels! ♪ ooh, heaven is a place on earth ♪ [ sobs quietly ]
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>> sean: all right. with the latest on president trump's order to declassify fisa documents in the russia probe, fox news correspondent kristen fisher. i thought a week or so ago we had spartacus who believed in openness and transparentsy. where is he now? how are you? >> i'm great. excellent question. but president trump, he is continuing to defend his decision to declassify the documents. he is even putting it on par with what he considers to be the administration top accomplishment from tax cut to rolling back regulations. he said in an interview with "the hill" i hope to put this up as one of my crowning achievements i was able to expose something that is truly a cancer in your country. but democrats say the material
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which includes a fisa warrant and the text message from former f.b.i. officials is too secret to make public. they are accusing him of trying to discredit an investigation in which he himself is a sunt. -- subject. "president trump and the white house should not be given information to national security information related to a federal investigation examining conduct by the president, his campaign or associates." but the justice department said it already started to comply with the president order. it's still too soon to say exactly when the documents are might be released. >> i'm hearing it might be next week. by my sources. kristen fisher in the washington bureau tonight. thank you. joining us now exclusively is the chairman of the house intelligence committee. congressman nunes. on the issue of challenging the president's executive authority it's clear constitutionally. article 2, section 1, gives the president unput theered authority over executive branch matters.
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executive powers will be vested in the president of the united states. this isn't even a question, is it? >> it's quite clear, sean. thank you for having me on again as usual. this is quite clear. this is not complicated. we have seen most of this information. in terms of the feis it -- in terms of the fisa it's only 20 pages. they just make a copy and send it out and put it on the internet. so at this point i don't understand why it hasn't been declassified. the president said declassify it immediately without redaction. >> sean: is there any national security concerns? >> no. we have heard this same story over and over again. the same people that are out there that are running around saying oh, there are national security concerns with this. we are going to reveal some sources and methods happen to be the same people who are involved. they are covered up for the agency or involved. that is totally unacceptable.
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this is why we have to continue to get the message out to the american people that have been force fed the russian kool-aid. this is just russian kool-aid force fed on the american people for two years. two years, sean. >> sean: you said that declassification will explain the strozk-page insurance policy. explain that and what else will we learn that you can tell us from when we get unredacted information? >> we believe the insurance policy that many people know about that was around august that there were text messages on that. august 16. a lot of people believe that that was actually the fisa itself on carter page. we don't believe that. we believe they were concerned about the dossier. we believe they were trying to snooker the fisa court and fool the judges. they needed something else. so james comey called at it mosaic of facts. we need to see the rest of the
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facts. that is what we want released. >> sean: lisa page said for nine months they couldn't find mig and then we learned about immediate leak strategy that seems to now be coming together. do you believe people in the highest levels of the f.b.i. and the d.o.j. committed crimes against the united states? and tried to undo presidential election? >> i think many crimes could have been broken. i have said this numerous times that i don't know how d.o.j. and f.b.i. investigate themselves because they are all implicated in this. i would like to see them do that. but they are not taking action on it. as it relates, i want to make another point. the text messages between all of them and the next messages they were sending, you don't get to send out classified information on your cell phone. it's not classified. if it's classified, then right there and then they should be held accountable because they broke the law if they were sending classified information over cell phones.
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that should be declassified immediately. >> sean: right. >> look, i don't know that i believe some of the news stories that are out there. however, many news reporters have now said that they are stalling. that people within the d.o.j. and the f.b.i. are stalling on purpose. >> sean: you will release the key russia deposition before the election. i only have a second. >> that is correct. yep. >> sean: all right, mr. chairman. thank you for being transparent. we appreciate it. all right. huge announcement. don't go anywhere. with only a kite, a house key and a wet hemp string, benjamin franklin captured lightening in a bottle. over 260 years later, with a little resourcefulness, ingenuity, and grit, we're not only capturing energy from the sun and wind, we're storing it. as the nation's leader in energy storage, we're ensuring americans have the energy they need, whenever they need it. this is our era. this is america's energy era.
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the president will join us for an exclusive interview. tomorrow 9 eastern, all happening right here on "hannity." we are fair and balanced. let not your heart be troubled. news continue. laura ingraham in the swamp. >> laura: do me a favor in vegas. roulette wheel. i need you to bet on 19, red. >> sean: how many do you want me to bet? >> laura: just like $20. >> sean: i will videotape it so you can air it on your show. 19 red. >> laura: yes. i want to know this. how do you get to go to singapore for a week and your first big trip after that is vegas? >> sean: i went to great britain and went in the middle of an anti-trump rally and nearly
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