tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News September 20, 2018 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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we've seen it happen with clarence thomas. now it's happening again. just like every two or four years. republicans are xenophobic, islamophobic, homophobic. so it's out of their play book. >> why did dianne feinstein sit on this information? i think she sat on it because she wants to take advantage and push it back beyond the election, so she waited until the last minute. if you are a united states senator and you get a letter like the one that she got you have a constitutional obligation to go to judge kavanaugh and say, this is what i've been told, is this true? she has failed to take any of those constitutional actions. we smell politics here. that might not be the case for professor ford, but it certainly is the case for the democrats. >> sean: it would be fair to take it seriously. laura ingraham gave us an extra
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minute of time, but the president is walking in, coming right up to the set. as we speak. if we can get a camera on him. president trump has just walked in and is coming over to our network. we want to thank laura ingraham very publicly for giving us extra time to interview the president, who is walking right up to the set as we speak. there he is, the commander in chief, and here comes the music and here comes the flag. obviously, a lot of -- the crowd in this arena is huge as we come to you from the vegas convention center. mr. president, how are you sir? it is an honor to see you. [cheers and applause] wave to the fake news media. >> president trump: hello, folks. >> sean: great to see you, how are you? do want to sit, stand? what do you want to do? >> stand. where is your camera, tell me. >> sean: first, you can thank laura ingraham who has given us extra "hannity" time.
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>> she's very special and she's doing well. >> sean: she's doing well and is a big supporter of yours. what do you make of where the kavanaugh demands are now? a new set of demands have come out. >> i think it's a very sad situation. he's an outstanding person. frankly, sean, to see what is going on is very, very sad. you say, why didn't somebody call the fbi 36 years ago? you could also say, when did this all happen? what's going on? to take a man like this and besmirch -- with all that being said, let her have her say and let's see how it all works out. i don't think you can delay any longer. they delayed a week already. >> sean: you have been very accommodating. >> president trump: i have been very accommodating, let her say what she has to say and see how it all comes out. they had delayed it a week, and have to get on with it. >> sean: mr. president, you are dealing with a lot of good
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economic news today. and there's a lot of media people, it seems like all they ever talk about and john solomon and sarah carter broke a big story tonight. >> great people. >> sean: and what they're saying is that the intelligence community and the fbi didn't want to give the intel to the obama administration because there were conflicts and they would weaponize it against you. that's our new information. >> president trump: i am not surprised to hear it. if you look at what has been going on over the last couple of years, i'm not just talking about the time i won the presidency, this took place when i was winning in the primaries. you look at what is going on, i'm not surprised to hear anything. >> sean: before the election, after the election, even the media leak strategy, lisa page testified for nine months they had no evidence whatsoever, but it seems to be coming to an end. >> president trump: it has to come to an end. it's so bad for our country. i call it the witch hunt. it is so bad for our country, and when you see strzok and page and mccabe with his lies, they
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get fired for lying, you see all of the things, comey for lying and leaking, you see what went on. it's got to come to an end. so bad for our country. >> sean: the irony in all of this as i have been uncovering all of this, when you think about it -- clinton bought and paid for, used funneled money, a dossier, foreign national put it together. >> a lot of money. >> sean: they never verified. they never corroborated. and it was never corroborated and it was the bulk of information that you now have said, declassify and unredact it. how soon will not be coming? >> president trump: we are moving along, we are also dealing with foreign countries that do have a problem. i got called today from two very good allies saying "please, can we talk." it is not as simple as all of that. we do have to respect their wishes. but it will all come out. >> sean: elections are about peace and prosperity. your economic record, i talked about it earlier in the show tonight, record low unemployment, 14 state,
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african-americans, hispanic-americans, women, youth, we have great news on the economy. better news with kim jong un. he is not firing rockets over japan. >> president trump: honestly, korea, north korea, south korea, things are working out very nicely. >> sean: tough sanctions against russia and the iranian economy and the chinese economy are going down as you have taken a tough stand. >> president trump: it is time to take a stand on china. it has been a long time, they have been hurting us. our farmers are great and starting to do very well again. it is very interesting, but we are putting very, very heavy sanctions and other things on various countries. and we are getting along with some countries. but we've been ripped off, sean, by the world. all of these countries, for years and years, we can't do it anymore. >> sean: we're getting better deals with mexico. >> president trump: good for mexico, good for us, everybody is happy. nafta was a disaster. we lost thousands of plants. we lost millions of jobs.
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nafta was a disaster. we've renegotiated it. we are in the process with canada. we will see what happens, canada has been tough. they charge 300% tariffs on dairy products, farmers, no good, you can't do that. so we'll probably be able to -- we'll see what happens. >> sean: i'll ask one last question. there are a lot of people in this arena waiting for you, as you can see. i'll ask one final question. >> amazing people. >> sean: 47 days from now is the midterm elections. 47 days. we know what the agenda the democrats are. they want to go after you, they want endless investigations, they want to keep obamacare, they want to eliminate i.c.e. they want open borders. they want the crumbs back, your tax cuts. my question is, the question that every american ought to ask, are we better off than we were two years ago? what do you say to those people
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that love you, but maybe aren't so hot on the republican house or senate member? >> president trump: you have to go out and vote. we need more republicans. we'll get everything we want. we need more republicans. you want to protect your second amendment, everything, protect all of the great success that you've had over the last little more now than year and a half. think of it, we are coming up, can you believe it, on two years. >> sean: three when you came down the escalator. >> if you talk about the campaign, itself. but i'll say this, you've got to protect. look at what's going on with the supreme court. if we're not there because we're all together as a group, if we're not there to protect, it's going to be some really bad day for this country. so we're protecting. but we made tremendous -- you know, the stock market today, it's a good day to do an interview because the stock market today hit the highest level in its history. today. did you work this interview out
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specifically for that? but it was the highest -- all of the markets -- hit the highest level. 401(k)s are up 57% in a short period of time. if the democrats get in, those numbers will be cut in half. you will see bad things. >> sean: obama never made -- the only president in history that never made 3% gdp growth in a year. all right, the budget negotiations, are you going to demand? you challenge republicans, fund the wall completely. will you insist on it? >> president trump: we are getting $1.6 billion, we are getting -- we spent $3.2 billion, i would like to do it quickly and in one piece. the democrats are holding us back. i am told by republican leadership, and i hope they do it because a lot of people are counting -- see the people with the wall, i want the wall to. -- too. >> sean: they've got it down. >> they will do it immediately
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after the election. >> sean: $3 billion you spent. >> president trump: we have $1.6 being but we have to do much better than that because we can do it very quickly. the bottom line, we need it. the democrats, they want open boarders. they want people coming in. that means crime. we want the opposite. you have to have a border. you don't have a border, you don't have a country. you know that. >> sean: security. it's about -- and you want a door in your wall? >> president trump: it is going to have lots of doors. people are going to come in, but they are going to come in through merit. and they have to come in. we have companies from all over the world moving in from all over the world, they're coming back to the united states. the biggest companies, foxconn, the biggest companies are coming back. we need people, but they have to come in through merit. >> sean: mr. president, thank you. and can you thank laura again? she's going to be mad at me. >> president trump: laura, i love your show, i watch it all the time. and you know what, you are special. you really are. it is a good combination. >> sean: i know this crowd, are
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you ready to hear the president? thank you, sir. we appreciate you. thank you so much. all right, that is all the time we have left this evening. we are always fair and balanced, not the destroy-trump media. laura ingraham, i really owe you, don't i? >> laura: sean, thanks a lot, i appreciate it. i am laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle." with a big show for you from washington. as you can see, president trump about to hold a rally in las vegas, nevada in support of dean heller's election campaign. we'll bring you his remarks live when he takes the stage. his speech comes as 2,000 miles east, the fight over brett kavanaugh's nomination is really intensifying. it has devolved into a partisan game at its worst. >> it is a sham hearing. i don't think she should participate in it. >> what is happening with the judiciary committee, i would call it a railroad job. >> what is being proposed is simply a sham and a mockery of a
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full senate hearing. >> shameful attempt to jam this through without giving anyone the time they need to investigate. >> laura: you wouldn't know the attorneys for kavanaugh's accuser resurfaced today, of course. saying their client was willing to appear some time next week but not monday. and only if they offer the following, quote, terms that are fair and ensure her safety. i guess the capitol police are not enough. they want her to testify before kavanaugh, and they only want committee members to question, and no outside female council, for instance. brett kavanaugh, for his part, said he is willing to appear, saying, quote, since the moment i have first heard the allegation, i have categorically and unequivocally denied it. i remain committed to defending
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my integrity." just a reminder as to how we got here, remember since christine blasey ford's name was revealed this last sunday, senator grassley and the republicans in the judiciary committee have bent over backwards to accommodate democrats and her. they delay the vote, they offer ms. ford a hearing in private, heck, they were willing to fly out to california to accommodate her. and what do they get for those efforts? >> it is so obvious that the committee is not treating her fairly. >> that's going to end up being a real stain on the united states senate's reputation. >> women across this nation should be outraged at what these white men senators are doing to this woman. >> what is the damn rush by senate republicans? to try and force this through. >> laura: now it seems to me that those claiming to seek justice are doing everything in their power to avoid arriving at it. as i and many others have said throughout, this process should be delayed no longer. it shouldn't have been delayed
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in the first place, if you ask me. that is what ken starr that on monday, and i agree wholeheartedly. if ms. ford wants to tell her story, let her. in any environment she feels comfortable. but make her agree to what kavanaugh did, monday, and then schedule a committee vote. for more, let's bring in our panel, former u.s. attorney joe digenova. kerry severino, attorney scott bolden and byron york, fox contributor, joe? >> this is an affront to the senate. the entire process is a disgrace. to have a witness dictate the terms of their appearance to the united states senate is an embarrassment to the senate. i hope they don't capitulate, but they very well might because senator flake has made it very clear that because he is the deciding vote to get it out of committee, he wants certain things done and apparently, they are going to let him rule the roost. i can only tell you this, there is more news coming out every
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day about dr. ford, "the washington post" is doing a biography on her right now, and in the course of doing so, they contacted, at her request, members of the pga tour, one of whom told "the post" i don't think you really want to talk to me. >> what does that mean? i don't think she is negotiating the terms to the senate. >> laura: if you were representing kavanaugh, would you allow the accuser to a testify after him? >> not my call, i'm not chairman of that senate judiciary committee. >> laura: you know that is ridiculous, she does not want to testify. >> are you going to let me respond or dictate my answer? the bottom line is you can negotiate with the senate. i have represented many people in the senate and the house. you negotiate, they have not agreed to her terms, but right now, the republican lawyers are on the phone with her counsel right now trying to negotiate terms. you know why? because the -- i'm sorry, the gop needs her testimony.
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they do not want to go into the midterms looking like they railroaded this testimony or not. by the way, what is the rush, this is someone who has been accused of being -- attempted rape by someone you're going to give a lifetime appointment too. what is the rush? no matter what happens, republicans will be in control until january 3rd. >> laura: see you think that the witness should be allowed to dictate the terms of the committee's procedures? >> i didn't say that. you can negotiate when you appear -- >> laura: she's not negotiating. she's demanding. >> she has no control to demand. >> what's the rush? senator feinstein has had the allegations for six weeks. she sat on it that whole time. senate democrats had it for over a week, they did not do anything with it until they leaked it. they leaked it and started this whole further circus. if 24 hours, senator grassley
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treated her with more respect than senate democrats had in the entire six weeks and they used her as a political football and tried to time the effort for maximum political benefit. he has been so accommodating so far. he said you can do this in public, private, confidential -- >> laura: telephone at one point -- >> doing everything, in undisclosed locations, been very accommodating. >> laura: i want to get to byron on this. byron, all week long we've been hearing complaints that she's going to be questioned by a bunch of old, white, male senators, republicans. now it appears that they want to bring in and outside counsel, which i recommended from the beginning. it very well might be beth wilkinson, who is the attorney represented brett kavanaugh. she doesn't want the visual of a female attorney questioning a female accuser. byron, that is what i think, i think any fair-minded person watching this, after all of these complaints about the white men interrogating a woman, now
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they have a woman and they say, we don't want a woman. what is that, byron? >> some of these demands aren't going the sit well with the committee. i think as far as the demand that kavanaugh go first, i think the committees answer will be "no can do, not going to happen." and on what you mentioned, only members can request her, no outside lawyers can question her. i think the response of all of the members, certainly all of the republicans, will be "wait a minute, who's committee is this"? on the other hand, on her flat refusal to appear on monday, i think that could put a lot of pressure on the committee because, for chairman grassley to stick firm to monday, i think he would need all 11 of his members, republican members on the committee to be with him. and as joe mentioned, that's where senator flake comes in. we'll just have to see which side he comes down on that one. >> laura: joe, what is the real reason that democrats want this to drag out? is it dramatic effect, searching
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for justice, or are they searching for another witness? i don't think they are doing their own investigation, which they have the -- >> no, this is obviously a fraudulent exercise in delay. we are talking with the constitutional confirmation process, which has been disgraced by two -- scott, let me finish! let me finish! don't interrupt me! senator feinstein and the senator from hawaii should be ashamed of themselves for their performances. they have produced and besmirched the united states senate. this is being done for pure political purposes, for delay, to prevent a vote, to put it off until after the election. the democrats are entitled to do whatever they want, and they are in fact doing exactly that, with no concern whatsoever for the constitution or the senate. shame on them all. >> laura: tammy baldwin is already sending out a
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fund-raiser today, she's going to do this fund-raiser at the lawyers office for the accuser. this is taking place in early october, october 1st. oh, now it is canceled because they got so much bad publicity. >> it's good to be a democrat. >> laura: but they were already fundraising off it. if it is not politics, protecting a woman, standing up for justice, then why are they fund-raising on it? >> i tell you why -- let me tell you why -- >> laura: staptammy baldwin? >> that is every g.o.p. commentator, anyone else, presupposes that this is all rooted in politics. but what is disappointing and shameful is no one on the senate judiciary committee has commented has talked about getting to the truth or the accuracy or the justice for this individual, if it is true. it would seem to me that the
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gop are making arguments that they should -- there should be an investigation, we should find out. why would you, as a g.o.p. member, not want to know with a lifetime appointee, that you of the votes to get through, why wouldn't you want to know whether he committed this bad act? why would you not want to get to the truth? >> laura: you want keith ellison? >> i want to know whether it's true. you can go vote for him after that, if you want. but republicans don't want that. now they have to vote for somebody if they find out it's true. >> laura: if somebody accused one of us from 36 years ago where we have no memory of anyone there, we didn't know the date, even the year, i guess, is confusing. and we don't know the location, how would you -- >> if i was up for a lifetime appointment and that happened to me -- >> laura: how would you investigate it? >> the fbi investigates old cases all the time. i'm not saying if it is viable -- you may not come to a conclusion. i would want the investigation. >> laura: he had an investigation. he's had six fbi background checks and dianne feinstein kept
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the ace in the hole -- the hole. >> she did not want her identity public. what is she supposed to do, publish it anyway? >> laura: i don't buy it for one second. it was all orchestrated. all orchestrated. >> the way to do this confidentially is handed over to the fbi to look over while it was confidential. once it was leaked they did the same thing they did in 1991. they are investigating it themselves. while the democrats have been out showboating, republican gop senators have been investigating. they have interviewed judge kavanaugh, they have interviewed the men who have been identified by her as having been at the party. they contacted the woman that claims she has information on social media, later recanted. they have gotten statements under penalty of felony from all of those witnesses. >> she wants an end to this investigation -- >> the democrats boycotted those. the proper procedure, this should be a bipartisan investigation. they would rather showboating about it. >> here's what's interesting. remember how the democrats have claimed that she was outed by the republicans and outed?
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30 days before anything was written about her, doctor approached "the washington post" on her own and asked to be interviewed as long as they maintain her confidentiality. she outed herself to "the washington post" 30 days before the first story. >> laura: senator sheldon whitehouse said this today on the fbi investigating ford. let's watch. >> even if they were to ram this guy through, as soon as democrats get gavels, we're going to want to get to the bottom of this. you cannot ignore a victim's claim that something happened, refuse to investigate, throw her up into the stand without the least bit of support for her, without the least bit of effort to corroborate what she says and then walk away from that as if you behaved at all properly. >> laura: byron. >> that is a real threat.
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i think the reason so many people have concluded that this is motivated by politics is that christine ford has offered so little evidence to support her story. since it was 36 years ago, she has not offered anyone that she told about it, contemporaneously. which is one of the big things we look for when someone says something happened a long time ago. in the anita hill case in 1991, four people testified that she told them about clarence thomas around the same time. so far, christine ford has come up with no one on that. and i think that's something that raises a lot of suspicions on the republican side and won't look very good if she still has no other contemporaneous witnesses to talk about when she testifies. >> laura: have we heard anything -- the president is about to speak -- have we heard about why monday is such a problem? do we have a dental appointment? what is so important? quite a few days after this came out, she is not going to get any support, she has a legion of
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legal advisors. apparently there are public relations people involved. she has lots of activists supporting her. she has pretty much all the hollywood elite supporting her. she gets no support. i'm not following that. but what is monday, what is the big deal about monday? >> an arbitrary date that senator chuck grassley picked. there's nothing special about monday. >> he gave notice one week ago, it is not arbitrary. required by the senate rules. the democrats think it's arbitrary if it's a rule. >> laura: monday, her attorney said, multiple appearances, that she would testify, happy to testify to get the story forth. she did not say, "i will only testify on certain days with certain conditions." none of that was specifics fidel castro. i was excited to hear from her, and i thought it was going to happen, maybe on thursday, because the high holidays. but that it was monday, okay, monday. now monday if, mother may i, spin around twice. >> the most important thing is
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she's willing to testify. what's really important is that grassley will not let any other witnesses for either side testify. i think that is really important. >> laura: we had a confirmation hearing, you might've seen it, it was three days long. >> the background check didn't come up with this individual -- >> laura: because they wanted to drop it at the 11th hour. everyone stay there, the president has come up to the podium and is about to address the crowd in nevada. let's listen in. [chanting "usa"] >> president trump: hello, las vegas, how are you? how is everybody? we love las vegas, thank you. thank you. and i'm thrilled to be back in nevada. [cheers and applause] you always have to say that name just right. with thousands of proud,
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hardworking american patriots. the people of nevada love our country, honor our values, and always respect our great american flag. [applause] and, except for a lot of the fake news that you see from these people back here. [boos] this is an incredible time for our country. america is winning again. [cheers and applause] america is being respected again. [cheers and applause]
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because we are finally putting america first again. [cheers and applause] [applause] we have the best economy in our history. [cheers and applause] and i have to tell you this, if our opponent got into office -- which would have been a very sad, sad period of time. [chanting "lock her up"] it is a pretty sad day, isn't it?
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don't worry, it is going to all get better. it's all going to get better. [cheers and applause] but if our opponent got into office, your 401(k)s, instead of being up 52% in a short period of time, would have been down 52%. that's what was going to happen. that's what was going to happen. that's where it was going. wages right now are rising, and poverty is -- you see it -- poverty is plummeting. jobless claims just hit a 50-year low. 50. 5-0. and the stock market, today, just hit another all-time high. [cheers and applause] we are fighting every day for
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our factories, our ranchers, our great miners, our farmers, and we are now the largest producer of energy in the entire world. [cheers and applause] and it's not by luck. we are rebuilding our military. we're crushing the terrorists. and we're taking care of our great veterans. we're taking care of our veterans. [cheers and applause] first time in a long time. we've also just identified the first remains of our fallen warriors from north korea, these incredible heroes can now lay at rest in american soil.
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a lot of progress being made on north korea. a lot of progress. do you remember, before i came in, it looked like we're going to war with north korea? now we have made a lot of progress. relationships are getting better and better. and we have our hostages back. there is no more nuclear testing, and there is no testing of missiles and rockets over japan. we're doing well. and we're getting our remains back. very important. we believe no american should be left behind. [cheers and applause] so, we have midterms coming up. and you remember when we had that great, great election, almost two years ago, can you believe it? [cheers and applause] and you remember the tears from the fake news media when it was obvious that we were going to
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win? [boos ] and you know what, they are still crying. look at them, they are still crying. they're still crying. and let them cry. they don't know what the hell happened, but it happened, and that is why we are setting all-time records, that is why we are doing so well, but we have to get out for the midterms. promise me, you have to get out for the midterms. don't be complacent. you've got to get out for the midterms. you've got to vote. you gotta vote, we need more republicans. you know, when they say we have a majority, it's like this -- it's like this -- if somebody has a cold, we don't have a majority that day. it's like, we have to have more republicans in office. we'll get everything we want, so fast.
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we've got to have them. so tonight, we are joined by some really terrific friends of mine, and republican leaders from the great state of nevada, including two great candidates for congress. cresten hardy. where east cresten? and somebody that's been supporting me a long time, and he has shown such incredible stamina and loyalty and friendship, and we got to get him to win this race. danny tarkanian. danny? thanks, danny, what a great guy. thank you, danny.
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and danny, thank you for everything. you really are -- you have done a great job, thank you, man. they're going to get you in. vote for tarkanian! also, your next governor, a very popular guy in these parts, with a great family, adam laxalt. adam? and another friend of mine who really was it's outstanding, to use an interesting word, i have a bias for this area. i love this area. you know the word bias? they have been talking about bias, their bias, there was a lot of bias, you know that. but i have bias for this area. and also for our great gop chairman, michael mcdonald.
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[cheers and applause] finally, i want you to please welcome the person that we are all here for tonight. now, i have to say this. we started out -- we weren't friends. i didn't like him. he didn't like me. and as we fought and fought and fought, believe it or not, we started to respect each other. then we started to like each other. then we started to love each other. and the fact is -- and the fact is, he has been a tremendous supporter ever since i won the election. he's always been there. we can count on his vote. i mean, wacky jackie will never vote for us, folks. never. she is wacky. she is never going to vote for us. you can count on his vote for
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second amendments, for tax reductions, for regulation cuts, for judges oh, look at our judges. oh, what's going on? [cheers and applause] [chanting] you know, one of the reasons i was elected was because you believed that i was going to pick great supreme court justices. [cheers and applause] and brett kavanaugh. [cheers and applause] and i'm not saying anything
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about anybody else, but i want to tell you that brett kavanaugh is one of the finest human beings you will ever have the privilege of knowing or meeting. a great intellect, a great gentleman, an impeccable reputation. went to yale, top student, went to yale law school, top student, so we got to let it play out. but i want to tell you, he is a fine, fine person. [cheers and applause] so -- and he's got tremendous support, i can tell you that, tremendous. just like neil gorsuch, who is now on the supreme court, has tremendous support.
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so we'll let it play out and i think everything's going to be just fine. this is a high-quality person. and a man that agrees with that, and right now his vote is more important than mine because he has to help brett get in, and i tell you what, he respects him just like i respect him. but with dean, we can count on him. with jackie, she's never going to vote for us. she may talk it, she even says you know, a lot of the states where they like trump, these candidates on the other side, they get up and they talk nicely about me. but they're never going to vote. they say trump's wonderful, we like him a lot. i won the state by, like, 34 points. they get up and say we like him
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a lot. he's great. he is wonderful. but they're never going to vote, it doesn't matter. i'd rather have them say bad things about me and vote. but they're voting for nancy pelosi. [boos] they are voting for the new de facto leader of the democratic party, maxine waters. [boos] and they are voting for crying chuck schumer. crying chuck. whereas, your incredible senator, dean heller is going to be with us all the time. [cheers and applause] come on up here, dean. come on up here, dean. >> laura: and we're going to get back to the rally in just a
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moment as senator heller takes the stage. but first, new york senator kristen gillibrand seemingly revealing the game that it is not so much about justice, but more of a political equation for the democrats. >> she told a friend a year ago, she told a reporter before dr. kavanaugh was ever named. these are the hallmarks of truth. these are the almarks of someone who wants to be believed because she fears that if this person is confirmed he will do terrible things for american women. >> laura: but as i have often noted, women are not stupid. they are not politically monolithic, they have brains of their own and they're also mothers to sons, wives to husbands and sisters to brothers. check out this new poll. it speaks to that. according to a "huffington post" survey, men are more likely than women to believe ford's allegation. well, the panel is back with us. your reaction to those results? women more likely than men to believe ford's allegation --
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your reaction? it's not? okay. the panel is back with us. your reaction? >> the poll has a very limited number of folks who responded. and it's early. we don't know all the facts. we haven't even had the hearing yet. but i will tell you this -- having prosecuted as well as defending many of these cases when picking a jury, i like to pick men because they are typically more sympathetic to the complaining witness who, nine times out of ten are women. no women, if you will. i'm not surprised for the early poll, i would like to see it after both testify. >> when you look at the number of things, it is his credibility. all of the women who knew him at the time, who dated him at the time, nothing like the guy we know. he has all of the people -- everyone who has been named, and they've tried to search for people on both sides. they all say her story doesn't make any sense.
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it's not surprising. maybe women do know women. >> laura: let's go to you, joe. barbara boxer brought up the woman thing today. remember, she was elected -- we'll get to it in just a moment. loading that in. but, joe, when you look at how this has unfolded from the beginning, it was a rush to say, oh, we just want to get our truth out, which i understand. let's say politics is not part of it and someone did want to remain anonymous -- i don't believe that story, but let's say that is the fact. it's okay. let her testify. i think the president played it really smart. let's let her -- let's hear from her, let's hear from brett kavanaugh. he said take as much time as you need. said that, and i thought, is grassley really going to take as much time as we need to determine whatever truth we can arrive at? may be in the president is not where the senate is, he wants more time, is not possible? >> well, i think that is all show. none of that is for real.
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they have to do with they have to do in order to keep senator flake and senator collins on board. so they're going to get it more time. they're not going to allow her to testify after brett kavanaugh, that is lunacy. and the demand that they do so is of course an obstructionist move in order to delay the proceedings. the bottom line is this, the longer this drags on, the worst it is not for brett kavanaugh but for dr. ford. >> laura: democrats are betting the other way. >> i know they are. >> laura: i'm concerned about the longer -- i never liked these delays. >> i don't want it to go long. i wanted to end. there needs to be a vote. >> laura: donald trump walking back to the podium. we'll come back at a proper pause. let's rejoin. >> president trump: dean really is a champion -- i can tell you, i work with him, he is a champion for our workers, our families, and for our veterans. and we have to keep him. he led the charge in congress to
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pass the most significant veterans reforms in half a century, including the v.a. accountability act. you know what that is. that means people that work in the v.a. are accountable if they don't treat our veterans well, if they don't do a good job, if they're say didists and you hav that. if they steal and you have that. we say sorry, but you are fired. before, you couldn't do that. you couldn't dot. but now you can do it. 45 years they have been trying to get it. it does not sound like much, it is everything. so much. and most importantly, 46 years, v.a. choice. this is where a veteran has to wait long periods to see a doctor.
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no longer. they now go and see a private doctor if there's a line. they don't have to wait for 12 days, for 20 days, for 40 days. they go see a doctor. we pay for the doctor and they get taken care of. they get taken care of. and dean has led the effort in congress to fully fund veterans affairs. it is a big deal. and he's been really great. he really has. i just want to say, there has been no better friend. we started off slow, but we ended up strong. i've had no better friend in congress than dean heller. so thank you. thank you, dean. we've got to elect republicans. that means our great congressmen, potential congressmen, and we have to get dean to fight for nevada, to fight for our heroes, and to
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help us make things honest around here. you know what's going on. so we are going to drain the swamp. drain the swamp. [chanting "drain the swamp"] early voting, so important. early voting starts in exactly one month, october 20th. so you can vote early, but you got to get out and vote. and remember this, dean's democrat opponent, whacky jackie. jackie rosen -- she doesn't get it.
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jackie rosen is bought and paid for by her donors, 100%. she doesn't even want to go to a debate with dean. i said, hey, dean, when's the debate? and he said, she won't debate me. that not good. that's not good. rosen doesn't represent nevada's values. she represents the extreme liberal values of her out-of-state donors, funding almost 90% of her campaign. [boos] but even that, just so you understand that, she is going to do whatever pelosi and schumer tell her to do, okay? it doesn't matter. [boos] every one of them, they come in, and they say, oh, we want to be bipartisan. they never vote for us.
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jackie rosen voted no on tax cuts. you know that. she voted for the disaster which is really being changed rapidly. you know, we got rid of the individual mandate, the most unpopular thing -- the disaster known as obamacare. jackie rosen voted against kate's law. and she voted in favor of deadly sanctuary cities, which nobody wants. and jacky rosen voted against the v.a. accountability act. how do you do that? how do you do that? so she really, if you think
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about it, she voted for criminal aliens against veterans. for criminal aliens against citizens of our country, that's where she is. you don't want it. you don't want it. a vote for wacky jacky is a vote for the extreme agenda of those people. that's pelosi/schumer. it's a vote for more taxes. seriously. it's a vote for more taxes, more crime, and more onerous regulation, which stops everything from happening. you know, we cut regulations more than any administration in the history of our country, and i did it in less than two years. [cheers and applause] and it's one of the reasons that you have all of those jobs. it's one of the reasons you can
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go out and look for another job if you're not happy because everybody wants to hire you and you're getting higher wages for the first time in 21 years. the new platform of the democrat party is radical socialism and open borders. [boos] and i won't allow the united states of america to become the next venezuela. that's what they want to do. [chanting "build that wall"]
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so we started the wall a year ago. we've done a lot. we've rebuilt a lot of sections of wall at san diego and a lot of areas. we're starting a big, brand-new section. we spent $1.6 billion and then another $1.6 billion. unfortunately, sadly, because of the democrats' obstruction, only $1.6 billion -- it sounds like a lot, but it is not when you're talking about what we are talking about. $1.6 million was just approved. i'm not thrilled, but after the election, they're all telling me we're getting our wall the way we want it. so let's see what happens. let's see if they produce. in this election, and by the way, we want that wall. we want that wall. you know where i am.
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i could knock it out, because i do that well. that is what i do well. i build. we could knock that wall out in one year if they gave us the funds. i'll tell you what, though, if you look at schumer and these people, even though they know you need the wall, they all voted for the wall in 2006. they voted for border security. and then they found out, oh, gee, maybe from their standpoint they can't do that, but they all voted for it. hillary clinton voted for it, right? remember her? [boos] but i'll tell you this, i'll tell you this.] everybody knows. [chanting "lock her up"] how is our justice department doing? [boos]
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so, they all wanted the wall. we're going to get the wall. but it would be a lot easier if you get republicans in there to vote, please, okay? a lot easier. because the whole agenda -- on bigger things, we can get. you see what we've gotten. we have things. we have a $700 billion to rebuild our military. we then got $716 billion to rebuild it the second year, $716 billion. but their whole agenda, they know we want the wall. they want to oppose it. they want to obstruct it. they want to resist. you know that campaign, it is called "resist." honestly, they're lousy politicians, their policy is terrible. but they're good at sticking together and resisting. that's all they can do.
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and you are witnessing it right now. but we're going to be victorious. you watch. [cheers and applause] that is all they are good at, resist. they see the signs "resist, resist." we're for building great economies. they're for resisting. that's what it's all about. but this election, you have to vote for candidates who really know what your heart says, what your values are. you have some great, great republican candidates, and a lot of people think that i am always angry at congress. i'm angry at democrats. because of what they're doing to our country. i'm angry at democrats because of what they do to our country. today's democrat party is held
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hostage by left-wing haters, angry mobs, socialist fanatics, deep state bureaucrats, and their fake news allies. this is the big -- that's their best partner. that's their best partner. [boos] >> laura: all right, everybody, let's get final thoughts from the panel on the kavanaugh confirmation battle. joe, i want to go to you, then byron. the judiciary committee was supposed to get her statement by tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. kavanaugh apparently has turned in his documents but they're still debates about whether they're going to have these hearing on tomorrow or monday.
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>> she will not turn in a statement because she cannot turn in a statement, because her story is indefensible, which is why she wants kavanaugh to testify first, which is why she wants the fbi to conduct an investigation, so they can tell her what she is supposed to say. this is a joke. she is absolutely unreliable as a witness, and tonight, all over the country, pga golf tour members are talking about her. >> laura: we will learn more about that. scott, tomorrow is the day we will find out whether she will testify for sure on monday. they said no, oh, yes, but with these conditions. what is your best guess on what is going to happen? >> now that she has agreed to testify under certain conditions, they'll continue to negotiate. the senate committee is going to have to push that date back. this is all about independence and women and how they're look, whether you like it or not and they're going to be on the spot to do that. who goes first? i think kavanaugh goes first, probably. but in the end, this is about timing out the truth.
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and the senate, gaap and determines are going to be hard-pressed to determine the truth. witnesses going to be brought into corroborate or do the opposite. >> laura: when they in any way allow the accusations to go after kavanaugh? >> that would turn 800 years of legal precedent on its head. that is not -- you have to make the allegations before you can possibly refute them. they've been trying to accommodate her every way they can. this is just another -- it is delay, delay, delay. moving the goalpost so far that it does not resemble due process. so this is about smearing a good judge's -- >> laura: can we play barbara boxer, do we have that? yeah? just one second we're going to play it. okay. i think that if they do, that they'll allow him to rebut. okay? they will allow kavanaugh to rebut. he would be a great rebuttal witness. it is risky, i think it is
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risky. this is what barbara boxer said, i saved it for you. it's been a long hour. >> there is a hostility towards women when you have lindsey graham saying that dr. ford was involved in a drive-by shooting when she is speaking from her heart, through her post-traumatic stress to talk about an incident that she can't get out of her mind. when dean heller says it is a hiccup, when we have a supreme court nominee on the line, and someone accused him of having tried to rape her? where are the republicans? they're hostile. >> laura: a hostile work environment for the accuser to testify, meaning, bring in outside counsel. then you don't have to look at these horrible republicans up there. and you can have just probably a woman ask the questions. it seems like they keep shifting the argument. bad male, white male senators, then an accuser i'm a bring in a woman to do the questioning.
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i think, i don't know, to me, that's actually a pretty good compromise. but maybe not. >> well, i think senator boxer represents a kind of thinking that is really a disgrace to the democratic party. the inflammatory language, the nonsensical statements about senator lindsey graham, one of the most reasonable, nice, polite, gentlemanly members of the senate, to hear senator boxer refer to him in that way is really quite embarrassing. by the way, i'm calling outside witnesses, i want all of the pga golfers who have anything to say about her brought into testify. >> laura: so go to her character. >> bring in the pga golfers to testify. >> laura: you think going to the character of the accuser is a winning position? >> she has put her character at issue. >> laura: you think any republicans will go down that road? >> absolutely not. bring in those golfers. bring in those golfers. >> laura: we are going to learn more about that. everyone is wondering, everyone
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googling. >> this is what they said -- i think she finds that highly offensive. i do too as a democrat. i think the search for truth should be a priority over politics. >> couldn't agree more. >> laura: let's say republicans woke up, grassley was like "let's hold an investigation." how long will that last? >> it's 40 years and memories fade and witnesses die. i tell you, it shouldn't take more than three to seven days, if that. they have the information they've done a background check already. the u.s. attorney's office had a sex crimes unit that are really, really good. >> laura: we have to get that dna evidence. we got no blue dress. no blue dress. >> the golfers first. >> if they were interested in the truth they have it six weeks, a lot to look at. this is a politicized smearing
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of a candidate. >> laura: confirmed, yes or no, in the end, is he confirmed? >> it depends on how the hearing turns out. he has a good a shot because if they can hold the g.o.p. >> yes, or they lose the senate. >> laura: great panel, love the panel. live coverage of president ive coverage of president >> great panel, love the panel. live coverage of donald trump's rally continues with shannon bream and i'm taking 9 seconds of her time. shannon: thank you very much. welcome to fox news at night, this is a fox news alert. the attorney for brett kavanaugh's accuser negotiating with the senate judiciary committee around-the-clock, exclusive information about the demand they are making and we will monitor the president's campaign event in vegas but with new developments in the battle over allegations of attempted
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