tv Americas News HQ FOX News September 22, 2018 11:00am-12:00pm PDT
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baseball hat. leland: we will see you tomorrow with the dogs and without any beer, although beer later, there you go. kristin: beer later and dogs, thanks for watching. arthel: will she or won't she testify, that's the decision the senate judiciary committee is waiting for from dr. christine blasey ford the woman who accused supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh of sexual assault at a high school party when they were both in their teens in early 12980's, hello, everyone, welcome to america's news headquarters, i'm arthel neville. eric: hello, arthel, i'm eric sean, the committee's chairman senator chuck grassley granting extension for the deadline. for dr. ford to make that decision until later on today. this is as drama unfolds and story continues to take twist and turns, here is mike pence speaking about the confirmation
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earlier in washington. >> the president and i are confident that senate republicans will manage this confirmation properly with the upmost respect for all concern and i believe that judge brett kavanaugh will soon be justice brett kavanaugh. eric: meanwhile the nation's capitol buzzing after deputy attorney general rod rosenstein reportedly according to new york times discussed wearing a wire on president trump recording conversations and also potentially seek invoke the 25th amendment against the president saying that during meetings with other department of justice officials in the spring of 2017, claims rosenstein strongly denies and others say he was just joking, team fox news coverage on both to have developing stories this afternoon. ellison barber is in berkeley heights new jersey near the president's golf club in bedminster where he's spending the weekend. first garrett tenney with
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high-stake negotiations involving dr. ford. >> sources tell fox news that negotiations about dr. ford potentially testifying went late into the night last night and shortly before deadline dr. ford's attorney requested another day to make a decision. judiciary chairman grassley extended the deadline sometime today, that was done at urging of several gop senators but grassley's patience is wearing thin, late last night he tweeted this, five times we granted if she wants to pursue her desire stated one week ago that she wants to tell senate her story, dr. ford, if you change your mind, say so so we can move on. i want to hear your testimony, come to us or we to you. now, the offer senate republicans made to dr. ford's attorneys was to have wednesday hearing with female attorney asking questions with ford testifying first and judge kavanaugh, but ford's team says
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she can't make it to dc until thursday at the earliest and they don't want any outside attorneys doing the questioning and they want judge kavanaugh to go first. now, today democratic senator patrick took aim at republicans for rushing towards testimony saying in a statement, it's all so clear that nomination hangs by a thread and republicans will do everything they can including bullying and silencing a credible victim of sexual assault and rush to place him on the bench, now despite the bitter divide over ford's testimony and judge kavanaugh's confirmation on friday senate majority leader mitch mcconnell said that he did not have any concerns that kavanaugh will ultimately will be confirmed. >> you've watched the fight, you've watched the tactics, but here is what i want to tell you, in the very near future, judge kavanaugh will be on the united states supreme court. [cheers and applause]
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>> so my friends keep the faith, don't get rattled by all of this, we are going to plow right through it and do our job. >> despite several gop senators urging chairman grassley to extend deadline we are told that even those senators who want to hear from dr. ford don't want to push the hearing beyond wednesday or thursday this week at the latest, eric. eric: thank you so much, as we continue to await what comes from the negotiations and whether or not dr. ford will testify, all eyes, of course, in the final outcome also what they mean not just for the supreme court but for the midterms as well, we discuss more of this surrounding the very very convoluted forecast, arthel. arthel: new fallout from another big story we are following, the new york times reporting that deputy attorney general rod rosenstein discussed secretly recording president trump around the time he fired former fbi director james comey.
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the report also saying rosenstein talked about possibly invoking the 25th amendment to remove the president from office. rod rosenstein is firmly denying the story. with more ellison barber live in new jersey near president's golf course where he's spending the weekend, ellison. >> hi, arthel, the president's son has tweeted about the story, the president so far has not but last night at a rally in missouri he did talk generally about the fbi and the department of justice. >> just look at what is now being exposed in our department of justice and the fbi, look at what's going on, look at what's going on. and i want to tell you, we have great people in the department of justice, we have great people, these are people i really believe you take a poll, i have to be at 95% but you have some real bad ones, you've seen
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what's happened at the fbi. >> the president has long criticized the fbi and the special counsel's russia investigation, rosenstein oversees the special counsel investigation, there are questions about what this report in "the new york times" means moving forward and if the president will use it to try and justify firing rosenstein, critics say that would be a mistake, some republicans are already talking about the possibility of it. >> if these allegations are true, they're very serious allegations and i would say yes that mr. rosenstein would be well advise today step aside and the president and the attorney general would be would be well within their rights to terminate employment. >> as for the deputy attorney general, he says the reporting in "the new york times" is factually inaccurate and based on anonymous source who is are bias against the department of justice, a source in the room and initial comments were made told fox news that they were made sarcastically, senior doj
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member says the meeting took place on may 16th, the official who has direct knowledge of the meeting from rosenstein and others, they told fox news that mccabe and rosenstein were having a heated conversation going back and forth, mccabe saying rosenstein was getting in the way of aggressively investigating the administration and rosenstein was saying that mccabe was shooting from the hip and that moment the source claims rosenstein said what do you want me to do, andy, wear a wire. another source familiar with memos of this meeting drafted by former fbi director andy mccabe says the times reporting was accurate and mccabe's sinking that the comments were not made in jest and fox news were told in all in the meeting 7 people were in attendance, arthel. arthel: ellison barber thank you very much for the report. eric. eric: with more and all of this and legal implications, criminal defense attorney alex. alex, one theory that this was leaked to the new york times to
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an ter president and prompt him to fire rosenstein and spark a crisis, does that sound like a possible motive for this going public? >> it would explain the timing. these are conversations that took place a long time ago. there were 7 people on that room and rosenstein made that statement. so i think the most likely scenario that it's being brought about now to motivate the president to do something today. this has been a week, manafort former campaign chairman has decide today cooperate with special counsel and certainly movements behind the scenes and seems to be most likely explanation. eric: what would that mean if it indeed happened? >> complete turmoil, call to question whether special counsel will be able to stay in job, another person at the department of justice overseeing investigation and all of this would be thrown into complete chaos. eric: what would you like to see, the question is what did rosenstein do that would have sort of justified a firing, doesn't seem that he did anything, he was taking part in a meeting where 7 other justice
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officials were, not the coup of the president and he joked about wearing a wire and the other statement that was brought out in the press that he talked about issue of 25th amendment, this was discussed at link in bob woodworth's book, concerned about the president's behavior, nothing that's been reported here is really different than what we know. the question is what the president is now going to do about it. eric: conflicting reports that whether or not he was serious, "the new york times" saying that he was serious and most others say no, he was not, he was being ironic and sarcastic thanked is his nature to bring that out. >> that makes sentence given the context. eric: yeah, one would think but at the same time the 25th amendment, i mean, that is a long process, advise president to be on board and goes to congress and it's not one person says well let's evoke the 25th amendment. >> yeah, he doesn't have the power to do that himself, what it stughts and tells us confirmation of what we already know that there's a great deal
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of concern, the highest levels of government about this president's behavior, if you look at the anonymous op-ed that was printed in washington post, i guess it's only been 120 days or two weeks ago, feels like a lifetime, there's a top official we don't feel what he's doing is correct and we are trying to tamp down his worst behavior. the fact that it's discussed is incredible on one level but at the same time consistent from what we have seen in the administration. eric: as prosecutor, where does this go if anywhere? >> sure, you know, there's so much behind the scenes movement trying to position the president to prepare for what's coming in the mueller investigation. i think everybody on his defense knowsle that there's going to be at least be a that's going to point ster use accusations at the president if not more ster use referrals to congress for impeachment. they are trying to prepare themselves now for that, dirtying up everybody who can safe i will say anything bad about the president, they are done that with former fbi
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director, special counsel and obviously they are doing that here with deputy attorney general, so this is all setting stage for the battle that's to come when those reports of special counsels come up. eric: would you expect reaction from the president and as a legal matter what does he do? >> what's fascinating is -- investigations change every day. you know, two weeks ago paul manafort wasn't cooperating with special counsel and the president was in one position, now he is. president trump knows a lot more what information paul manafort had that could hurt him, how it comes out and how to prepare for it. it's a completely fluid situation and you have to take it day by day. eric: what's your prediction on rosenstein, does he say or go? >> anybody making predictions is crazy. i think he probably stays, this doesn't seem accusation that would shoot him down and the president could use to remove him but he would have done it on friday night massacre.
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i don't see that happening. eric: there are conflicting reports about it, he is still as of this hour. tomorrow mike pompeo and will be discussing the report about mr. rosenstein. >> chris, i'm not going to comment on that in any way other than to stay this, i've been pretty clear since my beginning of service here in this administration. if you can't be on the team, if you are not sphorting this mission, then maybe you ought to find somebody else to do. aye told that to stenory colleagues, junior folks at the cia and state department, we need everybody who is engaged and achieving the president's mission and i hope that everybody in every agency is on that mission and if you're not you should take this time to go do something more productive. chris: and i ii assume wiring
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the president and 25 amendment is not being on the team? >> not remotely. eric: you will want to see that, secretary of state talks about rosenstein as well as north korea and, of course, iran leading up to the general assembly at the un this coming week, fox news stunned airs at 2:00 and 7:00 p.m. eastern time right here on fox news channel, arthel. arthel: and we have a news alert, north carolina's governor says many treacherous flood waters are threatening the state more than a week after hurricane florence made landfall, many rivers have reached major flood stage making any recovery that much harder. jonathan is live in limberton, north carolina with more, jonathan. >> arthel, this is one example of what recovery crews are going to be dealing with, we are in downtown lumberton, downstream from a culvert, you could see the flood waters moving at brisk pace surrounding some of the modest homes here near the
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downtown area and these high waters are expected to remain through the weekend, all this comes just two years after hurricane matthew left much of lumberton and surrounding robinson county under water tugger what many thought at the time was a flood so big it would only happen once in 500 years and just two years later residents still recovering from matthew are now looking at something potentially even bigger, prolong rains from hurricane florence center created flood conditions, not only in this town but throughout many parts of southern north carolina, statewide floating still affecting 150 roads including sections of interstates, interstates 95 and 40 are affected, we followed caravan of relief supplies into the state even with a police escort these supply trucks had to stop and reroute several times to avoid flooded road. usual gps app that is normally work well in rush hour traffic not enough people on the road to
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crowd source and they are unreliable. meanwhile on cape fear, shut down gas plant in wilmington, flood waters reached dam surrounding cooling lake, north carolina's department of environmental quality is monitoring the situation because the flood waters are near some coal-ash containing hazardous products from retired coal fire plant at the state. duke energy released statement, aerial and surveillance of the coal basinz suggests they are stable but again the situation being very closely monitored, arthel. arthel: thank you very much, eric. eric: sparks are flying deep in the heart of texas, senator ted cruz and his democratic challenger beto o'rourke, man oman they went head to head in first debate last night as polls show that race is extremely close. coming up, we will bring the highlights to you of the stlug fest in the lone star state.
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but president trump administration taking shackles off of threats in cyberspace giving the pentagon more freedom of action to counter our enemies, we will have the details and what they plan to do straight ahead for this stated afternoon. >> these foreign hackers, those that are stoashted with government, they are like burglars who are knocking on windows and doors, they are out knocking on a lot of them right now just looking for an opportunity to get through. so why not bundle them with esurance and save up to 10%? which you can spend on things you really want to buy, like... well, i don't know what you'd wanna buy
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>> national security adviser john bolton warning the u.s. will get more aggressive in its response to potential hackers, now this is coming after the white house relaxed the obama-era rules of engagement against cyber-attacks with new guidance giving the pentagon more flexibility. mr. bolton saying in part for any nation that's taking cyber activity against the united states, they should expect we will respond offensively as well as defensively. frank is here, he's the founder and president of the center for zuirt policy, he worked closely with ambassador bolton in the reagan administration and good to have you here this afternoon,
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thank you. >> thank you, arthel, good to be with you. arthel: thank you, what kind of range does the defense department now center to deploy cyber weaponry and is this a good move? >> the president is confronting the fact that every adversary of this country understands our tremendous vulnerability to cyber-attack, the russians, chinese even north korea and iran have actually exploited the strul narcotic and when you look at the office of personal management attack by china, 22 million personal records including very sensitive ones that u.s. government employees, espionage agents and the like, that's a huge problem. the extent to which they've actually been inside private
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companies as well as, you know, the defense industry is very troubling and the challenge for the president has been we have to defend against these starts of attacks especially with respect to the one that worries me most i must tell you is that's our electorate grid. we found that we are not able to dissuade these attacks by simply trying to protect against especially in circumstances that the grid our utilities and regulators have been averse of making improvements that would maybe cyber defense more effective. the president has looked at what do we do include in the mixdeterrence as we have done with our strategic nuclear forces for decades and add that sphwo the calculation of our add stressor arrest, i think it makes sense and i think he's indicated in executive order and the new decision document all
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will be bear for purposes. arthel: first of all, why are we so vulnerable and also can we catch up even though the trump administration is saying, listen, defense department, we will take off some of the handcuffs that you might have had before and you can work defensively and offensively but how equipped are we to protect again ourselves against cyber attacks and also why are we so behind on this? >> yeah, that's a great question and arthel it's not for want of warning or as i say hard experience. part of it and it depends sector by sector, i think the defense has tried to make itself and its critical industrial base more resilient. even the joint chief of staff has been successfully attacked in unclassified testimonies. i think in other places and notably the electric grid, there
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simply has been a tendency to stay, well, it can't be that bad -- arthel: it is that bad and you're pointing it out. >> it is that bad. arthel: he was here with us every stunned and we pointed out that it's really bad and we need to be able to defend ourselves better and before we leave, frank, i'm wining down on time here and we don't know exactly what the administration has, you know, what start of guidelines there are in particular to the defense department now, to i can't ask you to give me those particulars but do i ask you again, can we play catch-up? seems like we have catching up to do, can we get there to properly defend ourselves against future cyber-attacks? >> look, we must do more to defend ourselves that is to stay make our systems for resilient against the start of attack especially the grid but we need to add sphwo the calculation of our adversaries that vastly harm will be done by capabilities,
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i'm confident are the best in the world. you enter into their thinking, the possibility that this would not benefit them, in fact, may cost them dearly you can dissuade them from attacks against us that to far we have not dissuaded them from being. arthel: plainly put, you think this is a good move? >> i think it's a necessary move. the obama administration refused to do it and that's encouraged and emboldened our adversaries, we need to stop that. arthel: thank you for disjoining us and we hope to see you stoon. all right, frank, and tomorrow on sunday morning futures john bolton will sit down for an exclusive interview with maria bartiromo for more news on this new policy as well as the preview of president trump's address next week at the united nations general assembly including the administration's message to north korea and to iran. eric: and we will have a lot
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more on that on newscast too. meanwhile heard of administrator brock came under hot water for use of government vehicles, the job is safe the reasoning coming up. we will have more on the decision of dr. christine blasey ford on whether she will or not testify in front of judiciary committee. if she says yes, how would her testimony impact the confirmation of the supreme court, the panel will join us next. >> you've watched the fight and the tactics, but here is what i want to tell you in the very near future, judge kavanaugh will be on the united states supreme court. [cheers and applause]
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arthel: fox news alert, anticipation is building as we await the decision any minute now of dr. christine blasey ford on whether or not she will testify before the senate judiciary committee, dr. ford accusing supreme court nominee judge brett kavanaugh of sexual assault back in the early, early 1980's when they were in high school committee chairman has extended deadline for the decision today, let's bring in panel michael who is conservative activist, financial expert and small business owner and joel ruben, secretary of state under president obama, now the president of the washington strategy group and michael, i will start with you, so what do you think will happen, will dr. ford testify next week and
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will it be wednesday as offered by senator grassley? >> hi, thanks so much for having me. i don't know if she's going to testify. i honestly don't, but i think that this whole situation, there are only going to be losers, no winners in this. i feel so sorry for dr. ford because i believe that she is being used as a political pond -- pawn as democratic opposition and the only reason they are doing to tarnic brett kavanaugh's name. arthel: that mean that you believe that the allegations are completely false? >> i don't center enough facts to determine whether they are true or false, i only know two facts, one that zrruj kavanaugh has categorically denied the accusation and that he has been a little vague on the facts.
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but she hasn't testified so i can't make a judgment as to whether she's telling the truth or not. arthel: i will get to you in a second, michael, would that be a reason for dr. ford to testify? >> yes, i think it would be a tremendous reason for her to testify but i also think that the fact that sthees been so reluctant -- she's been so reluctant to testify and making demands to testify means to me that she knows she's being used and she's trying to protect herself. arthel: joel, dr. ford was saying that the arbitrary deadlines, she did, the demands that michael just referred to, one of the things that her attorney, dr. ford's attorney is asking that she testify if she's going to agree to do it, that she testify afterjudge kavanaugh
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given more time moved to wednesday, what's your take on this situation and what michael just said. >> thanks, arthel, i agree that it's very tragic situation and there are facts out there and the thing that is founding is why are the senate republicans not wanting to get to the facts. i served in the senate as a staffer years ago and fbi investigations are normal for appointees certainly for supreme court justice lifetime appointment when a serious -- arthel: joel, i want to jump in right now, excuse me for a second. i will let you answer again, i'm getting word that fox news can confirm that dr. ford will testify before the senate judiciary committee. i don't know exactly which day it's going to be but she will testify. >> great, and thank you arthel for sharing that and hopefully she will feel secure and safe enough to do so. this is a woman who has
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voluntarily chosen to share information, we do need the facts and legitimate investigation. arthel: what testimony will she provide now that you know dr. long will testify, what do you think it will do to nomination process. >> when she testifies she can tell testimony. we need more witnesses, we need witnesses who may have direct information and knowledge about what took place. we need witnesses and experts who understand sexual assault and violence, we need a real hearing, it can't be he said, she said, nobody in america will be served including judge kavanaugh by just that. arthel: joel. >> yes. arthel: michael, beg your pardon. >> yes, sure.
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arthel: your response. >> i agree with many of the things that joel said because i don't want this to become a political circus. i want to get to the truth and i just don't think that an fbi investigation is warranted, he's being investigated over six times, i just want to hear the story and get to the truth, but i will tell you this -- arthel: michael, hold onto that thought for me because what i want to you is read to you, we have a copy of the letter from debra, the attorney for dr. ford says, dr. ford accepts the committee's request to provide her firsthand knowledge of brett kavanaugh's sexual misconduct next week although many aspects of the proposal you proceeded via e-mail on september 21st, 2018 at are fundamentally inconsistent with the
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committee's promise with fair and impartial investigation into her allegations, we are disappointed with the leaks and the bullying that have tainted the process. we are hopeful to reach agreement and later this afternoon to continue negotiations, sincerely debra, joel, your reaction? >> my reaction is they are concerned that this is going to end up being sort of a kangaroo-type hearing where there's no real facts, the fbi investigation which is standard for a nominee should be reopened to ensure that the facts are given and clearly she feels like she's been bullied, she's been pushed to testify without having background work done as is always the case with nominees. arthel: by the fbi. >> which is normal. fbi investigations for background of nominees is a normal process, there's no reason to not open this up, it was for clarence thomas, it's a standard form, to she's asking
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that standard regular order process be followed in this case. arthel: and michael, now, again that you know that dr. ford will testify, is there anything that concerns you in terms of what dr. ford might stay, not only which she will say because, again, we don't know what happens, this is going to be, you know, her word versus judge kavanaugh's word and recollection of what happened 30 plus years ago, however, this is now quite frankly a spectacle and now you have a lot of women paying attention to how everyone behaves from this point forward. >> i agree and i think in the end that judge kavanaugh will be approved and i think that all of the democratic congressman and senators that are saying moral outrage at the allegation should look to their own party first
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because if they truly believe in what they were saying they would have the same moral outrage against the allegations to keith ellison, that's been kept very quiet, this is just to tarnish kavanaugh's name and i'm really sorry for it. i really hope that what happens is the seeking for the truth and not making everybody look terrible. arthel: i understand -- >> it's not good for the american people. arthel: i understand your point michael if you're saying that you want to seek the truth then how is it that you can say right now at 2:39 p.m. eastern time on this saturday even before dr. ford testifies that in fact, judge kavanaugh will, indeed, be confirmed, we don't know yet what dr. ford will say? >> no, we do not know what she'll say, however, the way that this was presented if it was to seek the truth and not
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political theater, this would have been brought out in july when the letter was received. >> no. >> this is just been done to tarnish him. arthel: and joel i hear you groaning, i'm going to ask you to respond but i want to let you know that we can -- fox news is being told that debra, attorney on behalf of ford, dr. ford is requesting a thursday hearing. so again, further details on when dr. ford will testify before the senate judiciary committee if the senate agrees. >> thanks, arthel, i would like to respond to do idea that this is being plit stiezed, that senator dianne feinstein had the letter for months and did not politicized and respected what dr. ford had asked which is to keep it private and it leaked and now we are in this situation that we are in.
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this is not the democrats running to expose something. in fact, many democrats got frustrated that they didn't care about this allegation earlier largely because of the potential for it to increase the descrut any of judge kavanaugh but that's not what happened and so right now here we are, a woman is accusing judge kavanaugh of sexual misconduct and we need to get to the bottom of it, we need regular order, we need a full investigation, we need witnesses that can be corroborating whether or not it took place and the american people desterve -- deserve this. arthel: what witnesses are you talking about? >> there have been names, individuals in the room present. arthel: mark judge, ms. dr. ford's attorney asked senate judiciary committee asked to subpoena to testify before them publicly. senator grassley said we are not doing that. >> well, one has to ask why not, why not have the fbi z everybody
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who may have knowledge of this incident so that as part of their normal investigation we would really have facts, facts are out but seems like senate republicans right now aren't seeking them and that's what's very difficult. this is a lifetime appointment for several decades judge kavanaugh could be on the bench affecting all of our lives, wouldn't we want to know everything we need to know about this nominee? arthel: joel, what is it that you're concerned about, do you not feel that dr. ford can handle herself and answer any questions that come her way come thursday, do you feel that sthe is -- she is not going to be -- listen, sthees up -- she's up to a lot of pressure and asking for enough time to gather herself and compose herself. what is it that dr. ford could say joel or not say that can
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convince you that judge kavanaugh is actually innocent? >> well, it's a great question. testifying to congress is not simple. i helped prepare witnesses to go to congress and testify. you're under bright lights and for private citizen like dr. ford this would be a difficult spectacle and would be clear from her testimony whether or not she's telling the truth. but the he said-he said dynamic doesn't sterve the american people. arthel: we are going round to round here. hold on. whatever investigating is being
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done it is done now and stet for thursday. i heard something in your answer, joel, correct me if i'm wrong that judge kavanaugh is experience with these types of proceedings and going before the senate committees and the like that he is more prepared to better defend himself so no matter what it is that dr. ford is saying, judge kavanaugh is so experienced and poise that he can flip the switch and turn her words around to his strange, is that what you're saying, no matter what judge kavanaugh says, you're saying that you believe dr. ford? >> no i'm not staying that. she's a private citizen and he is not. complicated business to be in front of congress. stentors -- stentors have a chance.
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why doesn't one want to be investigated. why is it that we are not having investigation, stentor grassley doesn't want it but that doesn't explain why not and i think it hurts the actual hearing itself as a matter of due process and matter of regular order to not center independent background information available to members before they put these witnesses on the stand. arthel: michael, to joel's point, lots of critics defending dr. ford who now has to go to public hearing before the senate judiciary committee, something she's not used to doing and some say she's being bullied by death threats and can take her off her axis and you have some of the senators who have gone on record public i will saying, don't worry, folks, wink, wink, the
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nomination will continue. judge kavanaugh will become justice kavanaugh. is that fair too to astuim -- astuim assume says it's hogwash and almost -- >> i don't think it's hogwash at all. i think that regardless of the fact that she's not used to testifying and being under bright lights, i think that she will give her story and judge kavanaugh will respond and people will be able to make intelligent decision. i don't think that being moved on the witness stand or however you want to call it in this circumstances, it's to confusing will really make a difference. her story will either be credible or it will not. arthel: joel, in the end a decision is going to be made one
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way or another depending on what the decision is, what's going to happen? the debate will continue if judge kavanaugh does ultimately become justice kavanaugh, will people like you always see his confirmation as shady? >> well, i think first of all when we talked about testimony, anything can happen so as you said, arthel, there's no real guaranty yet, we don't really know what will come out and how it will be said. if the hearing goes forward, it's done, completed, the committee passes him out to senate floor and gets confirmed by one or two votes, i think that this is a disservice to judge kavanaugh to not have this cleared up ahead of time and so if there's some kind of independent body looking that would be helpful. i have to stay also from a judicial perspective, there are
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many conservative judges who are available to go to supreme court, it's not a question of the right of the president to nominate stwun and have -- a person and we have he or her, ensuring that we have people in the court that will respect the law and look at process issues fairly for all the american people for decades to come. that's what we want sitting in the supreme court and i'm worried that after next week we may not center that clarity because we are not following the regular order right now. arthel: michael, what's the rush? >> the rush is because the process was carried out and all of this came out -- arthel: it did come out. >> if you are concerned with the rule of law -- >> we are concerned with getting
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to the truth. >> an allegation isn't a conviction. arthel: you're absolutely correct. >> we just have to hear it out. arthel: that's what we are doing. i will give you same chance right now and i want to ask you no matter what happens will he -- will he always see judge kavanaugh, justice kavanaugh, are we always going to have a tainted view on that confirmation, now i ask you if it turns out that dr. ford, she comes and makes public plea for everyone to hear her story as you said that she's being used as political pawn but i don't think a woman would want to put herself, expose something very personal, hurtful, very private like this for the sake of politics, so i'd like to know do
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you have, michael, words of sympathy for dr. ford regardless of what happens? >> i have a lot of sympathy and respect for dr. ford and i pray that when she does testify before the committee she is given the respect that she deserves, but if it's credible or not that's to be decided but i'm listening and i have no prejudgment. arthel: well, we will leave it there, michael, joel ruben, thank you for joining us, fox news can confirm that dr. ford will testify on thursday before the senate judiciary committee, we will have all the coverage wall to wall here on fox news channel as well as on and don't forget about fox as well, thank you, zrre, we will take a sthort break and continue in a
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monday without committing to appear wednesday, let's bring in pulitzer prize winner judy miller, judy, your reaction to this acceptance but full of caveats? >> it's full of caveats, we are not there yet but it's pretty clear at least to me at this point that dr. ford wanted her story to be told if she can possibly satisfy or lay her concerns about the process itself, i mean, clearly appearing before that panel with everything the republicans have said has got to be daunting for everyone. i think the devil is in the details. this thing could still be derailed, what she's signaling is desire to go forth and one thing is for sure, eric, the story will continue now because of this statement. eric: that's true, is it fair to brett kavanaugh? >> i think it's fair. look, this is a judge who has
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testified himself and because of what dr. ford has alleged is now the subject of doubts and questions that have to be addressed to the satisfaction of the senate and the american people. if he's to get this lifetime appointment to the supreme court, i think that even though it's -- it's difficult for republicans to wait because they don't want to take the chance of this nomination being pushed beyond the midterm election -- eric: judy, hold that thought. we have to break because of the computer and we will continue our live coverage at the top of the hour in just a minute to be their best, kids need good nutrition. and practice... lots of practice.
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12:00 pm
>> fox news alert, the woman accusing brett kavanaugh of sexual assault 36 years ago is agreeing to testify before the senate judiciary committee next week. welcome to a brand-new hour inside america's news headquarters. >> breaking continuing coverage of this controversial story. christine ford is accusing brett kavanaugh of sexual assault at that high school party when they were teenagers in maryland in 1982 or so.
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