tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News September 22, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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"justice with judge janine" is next. remember, this i'm watters and this is my world. ♪ ♪ judge jeanine: breaking tonight, a tentative agreement for christine blasey ford to testify before a senate committee on thursday. hello, well can come to justice. i'm jeanine pirro. thanks for being with us and thanks for making justice number one last weekend and for keeping "liars, leakers and liberals" on the "the new york times" best selling list. we'll be talking about the breaking news on christine blasey ford. a tentative agreement for the woman accusing supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh of an attempted sexual assault to testify before the committee this thursday. but this the is tentative and both parties are still talking and hammering out the details.
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we'll talk about that more tonight with guests, including counselor to the president, kellyanne conway as well as sebastian gor gorka and katrina pierson. but first to my open. i've spent my career in the trenches where crimes occur, where innocents are victimized, even slaughtered. i have actually fought on that battlefield for more than three decades where justice is sought for victims. and i have long fought for a level playing field, particularly for women. the often silent and forgotten victim os f crime. i'm advocating changing the name of the criminal justice system to the victims' justice system, the victim who never chose to be a part of the criminal justice system in the first place. i started the first domestic violence unit in the prosecutor's aifs i office in te
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nation in the late 1970s. as district attorney i created a sex crimes bureau. my crew said fo crusade for womd children existed long before the #metoo movement. i respect facts, i know the law and i understand what's at stake. our criminal justice system is the most revered in the world. the constitutional rights of all americans are etched in stone. and it is in this context that i analyze the situation we're in now. number one, due process requires equal protection under the law for the victim as well as the accused. number two, in all criminal prosecutions the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy trial. number three, no warrant shall issue or criminal charge filed without probable cause.
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number four, the accused has the right to a trial by an impartial jury. the right to remain silent. the right to not only confront his accuser but to cross-examine as well. number five, the burden of proof in every criminal case is beyond a reasonable doubt and the burden of proof is own the prosecutor. number six, as for the accused, there is absolutely no burden to speak or even present a case. now over the years we've learned certain facts. number one, sex crimes are underreported because of the victim's fierc fears of not beig believed or her fear of the perpetrator. number two, the recidivism rate of sex offenders is estimated to be as high as 70%. let us apply these foundational truth to the christine ford and
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brett kavanaugh situation. what motivation might someone have to come forward 36 years after an event and how credible could such an accusation be. some members of congress don't care about any of this. the woman has to be believed and he is guilty. forget a trial, due process or even hearing from the victim, the constitution be damned. >> i believe dr. blasey ford because she's telling the truth. >> not only do women like dr. ford who bravely come forward need to be heard but they need to be believed. they need to be believed. >> i believe dr. ford. i believe the survivor here. there's every reason to believe here. >> i believe professor ford. i think she's credible and i think when the investigation is finished and when she testifies
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and judge kavanaugh testifies, i think a majority of senators will find her credible. judge jeanine: the dismissal of the fundamental rules of our justice system by congressmen, senators, congresswomen is stunning. anyone who has prosecuted sex crimes cases knows that. criminals rarely commit crimes in public or while a videotape is running. so in addition to the he said/she said, he look for corroborating evidence after we hear the core accusation of who, when, where and how. now we don't expect minuscule details when a victim is being traumatized. but here the alleged victim does not know the address, the date, the owner of the house, how she got home that night. why? what was her appearance when she got home. she was 15. did her mother see her? did he suffer a behavioral
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change? did her grades go down? to whom did he complain and when? in sex crime cases in particular, recent outcry is compelling and reliable. when the memory is fresh is when you would most expect the complaint. when is the first time she even used the name kavanaugh? here there is no indication of any of that physical evidence such as torn clothes, injuries, visits to a doctor, a hospital, photographs. there is none. corroborating witnesses, not are there none but one who just reported that she heard about this at school retracted her story saying, i didn't think i would actually have to defend that. a man's reputation, family, career and civil liberties are at stake and you make a claim and you didn't think you had to be honest?
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and finally, does the complaint ring true. and a complaint does not gain credibility based on the name of the accused. if that were the case, bill clinton's accusers would certainly have gotten their day in court. and what of the credibility and background of the accused. 65 women who have gone to school with him, dated him, worked with him and know him and come forward to say that his whole life has been about respecting women. why, if there is such a high recidivism rate, a repeat of these crimes in violent sex crimes cases have we never heard anything like this after six fbi investigations. and motivation. whenever a complaint is old any prosecutor would ask why now. dr. ford said she was outed. well it was she who contacted
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two democrat congress women six weeks before he came forward and 36 years after it allegedly happened. and why take a lie detecter test if she believed what she was saying, why would she need an outsider to affirm whether what she's saying is true. might it be part of a long hatched plan to reveal. investigators ask for lie detecter tests. and by the way, they're no unreliable that i fought for a law in new york that wouldn't require police to require women to take lie detecter tests because they're unreliable. now while ford is highly political, one incidence is even more compelling. do you remember when a president nominated brett kavanaugh, we heard that kavanaugh's mother was a judge. ford's parents -- follow me.
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ford's parents had a foreclosure claim against them and their home in 1996 in maryland. ford's parents lost their home. the judge ruled against them. the judge was a woman. the judge was brett kavanaugh's mother. many time victims are teed up by attorneys who want to become famous or rich. sometimes they're even used by politicians. take a look. >> she's not prepared to talk with them at a hearing on monday. this just came out 48 hours ago. judge jeanine: no, not 48 hours ago. 36 years ago. delay becomes more absurd when she needs to drive across the country to washington because she won't or can't fly. she was an intern in hawaii a few years ago. how did she make that trip?
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did she drive or surf across the ocean from california to hawaii. and what's with this, we need the fbi. there's no federal crime here. they keep saying we need to fbi. but they don't ask for it because they know it can't happen. if you want an investigation, call the local police or 911. my friends, truth and justice and law and order don't change depending on the political parties. women are to be believed not because a political party thinks they should be but when they sound credible and present a believable scenario. and believability does not depend on the party of the complainant. and all men who are accused have a right to be cloaked in the presumption of innocence unless and until proof beyond a reasonable doubt shatters that
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presumption. and it matters not what your politics are, that lady justice is blind, has been the truth in our system from time in memorial. i have honored that lady. i've admired her and be in awe of her as long as i can remember. but now i fear for her. i fear for lady justice. but not just lady justice. our institutions and our be bedk constitutional rules that have made america what ronald reagan referred to as the shining city on the hill. we can never allow that to happen. and that's my open. don't forget my new book, "liars, leakers and liberals, the case against the anti-trump conspiracy" is in bookstores near. and if you're fan of the show or you like my open, you might want
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to get a copy. more on tonight's breaking news, tentative agreement for christine blasey ford to testify in front of the senate judiciary committee on thursday. joining me now, counselor to the president, kellyanne conway. good evening. thank you for being with us on this saturday night. >> nice to be with you. thank you. judge jeanine: we have just found out, in addition to this possible thursday hearing, we find out that andrew mccabe's lawyer, okay, is now on christine blasey ford's team. if that isn't about political footprints, don' i don't know wt is. >> those who are searching for the truth and transparency and accountability, ought to file that one away, along with the fact that we know earlier this week that her two female lawyers were headlines an event for
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senator tammy baldwin. the news flash is of course not that they're democrats. we knew that. they're headlines a fun raising for one of the 100 senators who is going to vote on judge kavanaugh becoming a supreme court justice. lots of different conflicts. and guess who is leading that charge in one judge brett kavanaugh. you know, jeanine, last sunday was the first time judge kavanaugh heard the name of the -- got the identity of his accuser, dr. ford. and less than 24 hours later he gave his statement, his sworn statements to the senate judiciary committee and that's under rules of penalty you lie to congress, it's definitely punishable. he did it in less than 24 hours of knowing her identity.
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he's been willing to raise his right hand and testify to clear his name and say under oath for all to see and hear which is that he denying this. he went -- it goes beyond that. you got to read the whole thing. he said i've never done what is alleged i've to have done to anyone including this person. he said he wasn't there. it doesn't seem to matter to anyone. i'm glad he's going and she's going and they'll be testifying. he's given no conditions, no demands whatsoever. all he wants to do is show up. he would have done it tomorrow. judge jeanine: no conditions, no demands. you and i are both lawyers. we get it. okay. i tried cases for 30 years. i've sat in a courtroom as a judge oversees cases. you never ever say to the defendant you go fist when he doesn't have a. >> and there's a reason for that. to what are you responding? a "washington post" report? the nonsense of the senators?
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judge kavanaugh spent 30 hours under oath but not a single senator did, did they. judge jeanine: why? why did they have this and they didn't ask him even without using her name. you know, judge, have you ever had a problem or been accused or been at a party, anything. why? >> anything. and anything. well senator hirono who told america's men this week to quote, just shut up, that was really nice. take note of that. she asked him a similar question, since you've been a legal adult. but she's doing that because that's what she does. pull the transcripts. but more importantly, there were private conversations between senator fine sign who sat on this letter and chairman grassley and judge kavanaugh. that's the kind of form through wh which you touch upon sensitive matters. one would this would qualify as
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a sensitive matter. it is completely at the seat of senator feinstein and the democrats that dr. ford's anonymity was breached and her identity ever disclosed. the whole chain of custody rested with the democrats. number two, you can argue that the whole reason she's getting a hearing is because of the republicans. not the democrats. the senate judiciary committee led by chairman grassley is honoring her request to testify. the white house has said let her speak. everybody has said let her speak. but that means she's coming to speak. and not using cheap words like bullying. nobody is bullying here. nobody want her to be unsafe. it's not bullying to say -- judge jeanine: does the white house know about the tentative deal and are they concerned about the concessions that are being made for this woman? >> the white house respects the process. this is still part of the senate confirmation hearing of judge
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kavanaugh as a nominee to the supreme court. this is not a criminal proceeding. this is not a civil proceeding. this is another part -- of course it was all done until they came up with this in the 11 1/2 hour. this is part of the senate confirmation hearing. what's important to notice is judge kavanaugh, this man of integrity, intellect and character, said he never done this to anyone including her. that's definitive and unequivocal. and he's said he wasn't at the party. these allegations are serious. we take them seriously. judge jeanine: we all do, kelly anne. >> but quickly, it is not a reasonable demand. it is uprooting hundreds of years of juris prudence for the accuse tore go second. you have to put your claim out there. the complainant, plaintiff goes first anyou respond t and you r. e went a hearing and we want a vote. thank you. judge jeanine: katrina pierson and dr. sebastian gorka are on
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tonight, rod risen stein rogue in the doj? according to a bombshell report from the "the new york times" back in the spring of 2017 the deputy attorney general suggested secretly recording his conversations with the president. and floated the idea to invoke the 25th amendment. rosenstein denies it all. fox news contributor and she's more than a fox news contributor. she's been working for two years as a national security investigative reporter on this mueller issue and she comes to us with decades of investigatinn investigative reporter. i could go on, sara, but i'm not. let's talk about it. you are a source of so much that has been exposed in the last two years. and i salute you for that. i really do.
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now, do you believe the story that rosenstein suggested taping the president and using the 25th amendment to get him out of office? >> according to the sources that i've spoken with, yes, i do believe this story, particularly because the "the new york times" spent several months on this. that means they were in communication with the department of justice during those two months. they were trying to verify all of this information in their story. they had other sources. we know that based on andrew mccabe's memoirs as well as lisa pages. i know that people are concerned. mccabe lied in the past. that's why the inspector general is looking into him. he has nothing to lose. hiets a rat on a sinking ship with a bunch of other rats and he is going to take people down with him. he doesn't want to be the only guy to go down. he had these memos. he had these memos for over a year and other people have had too at the phish. judge jeanine: now look,
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mccabe is a liar. we know he's a liar. he's going to be indicted for being a liar. comey is a liar. he lied to congress. i haven't heard about him being indicted or his case in front of a grand jury. i don't like rod rosenstein either. let me tell you this. i don't like him for a lot of reasons, not the least of which that he slow-walked the doj and fbi subpoenaed stuff to congress and redacted just about everything. i don't trust him. he brought mueller to be interviewed and appointed him the next day to investigate trump. i don't like any of these players. it's not about like. they disrespect our system of justice which seems to be going on all over. but rod rosenstein, what is coming now when the president declassifies -- and i don't know how much he's agreed to declassify and i want to know from you.
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is rod rosenstein going to be indicted and is he looking to be fired. is he setting this up? >> well, i think he definitely would appreciate being the martyr. and if the president fired him, i'm sure he'd play the card. let me put it to you this way. the president needs to declassify the documents. the sources i've spoken to who has seen the documents has said there's nothing in there that is anyway damage to sources and methods and national security. what is going to be damaging is to rod rosenstein, john brennon and others going to be implicated once the information goes public. the important thing for president trump to understand is that rod rosenstein and these other people are playing him. the most important thing he can do is declassify the information so that the american people -- judge jeanine: when you say that rosenstein is playing the president, are you saying he's looking to be fired? did he plant the story? >> look, the president under
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article 2 has every right to get rid of rod rosenstein jnl we judge jeanine: we know that. >> and it's important that the president doesn't have somebody many the department of justice that was willing to invoke the 25th amendment. judge jeanine: here's the problem. if it's going to bring on a saturday night massacre and give the dems a leg up, i don't blame the president. >> i don't either. judge jeanine: we'll hopefully have you on again. >> thank. judge jeanine: carley kirk is ahead with this week's most yous ray yous statement disbloos next, she's busy trying to make sure president trump is reelected but katrina pierson takes time out here to be here.o my political panel talk les tacs kavanaugh next. it works with the water in your body unblocking your system naturally.
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florence caused as much as $44 billion in damage putting the storm among the top ten costliest hurricanes every. and another round of flooding is just beginning as more inland flood waters flow into the carolinas. north carolina governor roy cooper says some parts of the state could remain under water for another week or more. a deadly attack on a military parade in iran on saturday. militants disguised as soldiers opened fire during the event. at least 25 people are dead and more than 60 are wounded in the deadliest teary attack to hit the nation in nearly a decade. iran's supreme leader accused the u.s.-backed gulf nations of carrying out the attack. now back to "justice with judge jeanine." ♪ judge jeanine: welcome back to "justice." a lot to talk about with the panel tonight. let's go to it. seniore adviser to trump's 2020
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election campaign katrina pier son, along with radio show host chris hann. not a good night tonight. how do you feel? are you liking the constitution? >> i feel like -- judge jeanine: okay. >> i love the constitution. judge jeanine: don't we all. >> you know that. judge jeanine: i haven't asked you a question. it was yes or no. that's it. you answered it. now, the democrats are being disgraceful. they are saying she needs to be believed. they haven't heard from her. they haven't spoken to her. but because she's a democrat and a democrat political activist criticizing a republican she needs to be believed. but anita broderick who had a bloody lip and complained after rape, because she complained against a democrat, she doesn't deserve to be believed. how do you justify the contradictions? >> well that was 1992. >> the law is the law in 1992.
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>> i was in college when that was happening. let me put it to you this way. president clinton was confirmed before the voters. this man is seeking a lifetime tenure and will only be confirmed by congress and the senate. you need to pay higher attention and put more scrutiny on a supreme court judge than anyone else in our government. judge jeanine: nobody disagrees with tharchlts because of their lifetime tenure. judge jeanine: let her talk. >> she will. judge jeanine: but if it's a he said/she said, there's in way to decide this. it will be political. >> there is another witness that could be called, his name is mark judge. judge jeanine: he said it never happened and he doesn't want to get involved in the nonsense. >> you know what? she doesn't want to purger himself. judge jeanine: kkatrina go. >> the accuser apparently agreed to come in to tell her story
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next week, although this is in the hopes they can agree to terms. that doesn't put it on the docket which means we're right back to where we started and exactly why the vote should have never been delayed in the first place. look, the process is right. you're right. there's a process to go through congress and guess what, it's done. the interviews have been had, the hearings are completed. now it's time the vote. as a mother, as a woman, i believe this woman should tell her story to the maryland police department. she is alleging a crime and that should be reported to the authorities. but as for congress, this process is complete and they need to vote on monday. judge jeanine: all right. chris, let me ask you this. chris, chris, chris, wait. wait. there is no way you're going to be able to prove this case beyond a reasonable doubt. none. so what you're doing is setting this man up for his own lynching. what you're saying is the
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accusation is enough if she comes in and she says and then he says no, no, no, i didn't, we're going to smear many man ta family man with two little girls for the rest of his life for political reasons. you know it and i know it. >> judge, the only reason we're not voting on monday is because they don't have the votes to confirm brett kavanaugh right now. if they did, they would vote. you know that. judge jeanine: we do? >> i agree with you. there should not be unfounded accusations just thrown out there, which is why i agree what the accuse thary the fbi should reopen his background checks. judge jeanine: the fbi does not investigate sex crimes. i did this for 35 years. >> hold on a minute. judge jeanine: don't go there and mislead my audience. give you another reason why the fbi can't investigate it. because they do not investigate incidents that occur before the
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18th birthday. so cut the crap. >> it is a background check. judge jeanine: they did six of them. what do you think is going to change. >> they have reopened background checks in judiciary hearings. it is not uncommon for them to reopen a background checks at this point in the campaign. >> everybody knows what's going on here. this is just political delay tactics. democrats didn't think this was important when they had the information six weeks ago. they still didn't think it was important because they didn't report it. it was actually leaked. here's the thing, judge. it's not congress' role to determine the validity of repressed childhood memories pipt's nai.everyone in that bods what's going on here. therefore they need to vote on monday. >> yes. judge jeanine: you know, chris. >> again, you know who why why e not voting on monday? they don't have the votes to
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confirm on monday. judge jeanine: i think they should take tight the full senate. have mitch mcconnell. >> they wouldn't have the votes there either. they don't have the votes! judge jeanine: what are they going to do, change their mind if the woman says something no one can confirm, no one can corroborate. >> judge. judge jeanine: what. >> you're right. there's never going to be proof beyond a reasonable doubt. the republicans in the senate do not have the votes to confirm kavanaugh right now. judge jeanine: iwhen i was a judge. if you think some victim was going to come in my courtroom -- i spent my life fighting for victims. i have a reputation for that. if you think a victim was going to come in and tell me how justice should be dispensed and congress can hear, you can't ask me 36 years later, you're out of your mind. katrina i have you on again because i took your side. >> it's not a court of law. judge jeanine: it's bigger than a court of law.
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it's congress. >> much bigger. judge jeanine: they're the citadel of the constitution of the laws of the united states. bye. >> thank you, judge. judge jeanine: next, insider weighs in on the rod rosenstein "the new york times" story. dr. sebastian gorka who was working at the white house at the time this all unfolded joins me live. you don't want to hi miss this. what do you mean it's not working out, craig? i just introduced you to my parents. psst! craig and sheila broke up. what, really?
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but there's a lingering stench and we're going to get rid of that too. judge jeanine: that's president trump last night saying he'll clear out the lingering stench at the fbi and the doj. joining me now with reaction to what the president said, the rosenstein report, former deputy assistant to the president so bas can gorka. good evening, dr. gorka. i want to get right to it. rod rosenstein, do you believe that he suggested taping the president and do you think that it was in jest or sarcasm or that he intentionally did? >> i've met rod rosenstein when i worked in the white house. i've been following him closely. i've analyzed his career trajectory and his nondenial in the last 24 hours is a slam dunk. this man wanted to subvert the dually elected president of the united states without consulting
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his boss, the ag, and wanted to wear a wiretap. judge jeanine: let me me tell yu something. i always agree with you, but you said that he wanted to surpass his boss, the ag. he thinks he's the ag. what are we talking about here. but that's an aside. >> yes. judge jeanine: could he have said it in jest. as some credible people suggested to me, what do you want me to do, you want me to tape record the guy? is mccabe from the fbi setting up rosenstein? because you know mccabe is the one guy who's got to be furious. everybody else has been lying like hell and he's the one who is going to be indicted. >> i just came from an event with mark and he think is it's mueller's team that leaked it. if it was a jest, number one, first thing, judge, if you're
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the deputy attorney general, you don't even joke about stuff like this. would you? of course you wouldn't. and this parsimonious nondenial denial, this was a serious comment made by somebody who is the quintessential swamp dwelling survivor. that's what rosenstein -- judge jeanine: i have an idea. i'm joking, though. maybe rod rosenstein and omarosa were working together. >> if you look at the moral substance and moral turpitude of people like mccape and omarosa, the idea that this person is telling us, he's calling the senate an inquis tore in his statements, rod rosenstein, he's passed his sell by date. he needs to resign after this scandal or he needs to be fired, judge. judge jeanine: well, you know, one of the things about rosenstein is he apparently has a temper. because remember when he said to
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those staffers with, i'm going to come get your stuff, don't you talk to me like this, i'm the department of justice. you get the sense they all did that. let's talk about declassification. now the president was going to declassify. now we've got the inspector general deciding sources and methods. who the hell needs him? >> let's be very clear here, judge. the whole classification structure of the federal government belongs to one person. the incumbent president. he could declassify anything he wanted to right now. judge jeanine: do you think the white house counsel is trying to coconvince the president not too it, not to declassify when he said he was going to declassify? >> you have some very good sources, judge jeanine. that's all i'm going to say. and yes, there are certain individuals who have beenc been stymieing the president's righteous decision to
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declassify. the white house could make the redactions necessary in a matter of days. you just remove the currently sensitive methods and sources and release. the president must release all of them and it shouldn't go back to the ig. we have seen backside covering out of the doj and fbi for two years now. it has to stop. the corruption has to be disinfected with sunlight. judge jeanine: yes, i couldn't agree with you more. thanks for being with us tonight. joy behar, joe biden and the relatives of a certain house candidate all make this week's most outrageous taiment stateme. charlie kirk and i unveil the winners next. bln liberty mutual won't raise their rates because of their first accident. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪
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judge jeanine: another week, another outrageous statement by joyless joy behar. >> these people in congress right now, the senate judiciary committee, these white men old by the way, are not protecting women. they're protecting a man who is probably guilty. judge jeanine: probably guilty. joining me now with reaction to that and a whole lot of other
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ridiculous things, charlie. i've been angry for the last hour. i have to tell you. >> me too. judge jeanine: he's probably guilty. you haven't spoken to the woman, know nothing about her, have only seen her with sunglasses. 36 years later. the guy has a rep daition, a dna that doesn't reflect anything like that and he's guilty and it's a whole bunch of white men. joy, you might not know this when i first started prokeughting rape cases it was white men passing the laws. talk to me, charlie. >> was it white men that held on to this accusation for section x weeks? was it white men that actually leaked this to the press that made dr. ford no longer be anonymous or not be known as her original wishes were? this is so disgusting. i'll say to dianne feinstein and joy behar, they have selective outrage saying he's probably
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guilty. in this country you're innocent until proven guilty. that's unique about western civilization and our judicial system. now the democrats believe the accusation means you're immediately guilty only if you're a conservative. if you're keith ellison or bill clinton -- judge jeanine: the problem with that is they have actual evidence. keith ellison's girlfriend, police report, photographs, tapes, doctor's report. bill clinton, anita broderick, she had the lip, reported it immediately. the democrats are turning the constitution upside down. it's an outrage and i fear for this nation. anyway. all right. >> zero evidence whatsoever. 35 years later from high school. and that's going to prevent a man from a sterling repetition. if there are any republican senators listening to this, better not capitulate and let
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the left-wing mob win on this. judge jeanine: let's go on. i think i've got the second outrageous comment. >> my name is tim g gosar. >> jennifer. >> paul is my brother. >> my brother. >> and i endorse dr. brill. >> dr. brill. >> i endorse dr. david brill for congress. >> i'm dr. david brill and i approve this message. judge jeanine: all right. here you've got this guy's brothers and sisters this and that doing an ad for the opponent. apparently paul gosar who is a candidate saying you can't pick your family -- okay. you can't pick your family. we all have crazy aunts and relatives and my family is no different. i hope they find peace in their hearts and let go of all of the hate to the six angry democrats
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gosars see you -- what does it say, see you at mom and dad's house. go ahead, charlie. >> that's going to be a fun thanksgiving dinner. , i have to say. quite eventful. it's disappointing. you would think this would be one thing where politics should be removed, which would be your family ties. nevenevertheless these six angry siblings are finding it. their identif identity is their ideology. judge jeanine: thank you for being with us tonight. >> thank you. judge jeanine: we'll be right back. ...
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judge jeanine: finally tonight, i want to share a few pictures for my trip to las vegas and no, it was not vacation. we are out there to see the president and i went out to do the hannity show. those are fresh flowers. there i am with alyssa one of the producers on hannity and having a green drink that i'm with tiffany who is the big boss on hannity and then there is lunch. you can see a big sandwich and french fries and salad and egg white omelette to make up for the price but that's me and greg jarrett getting wired up in front of an audience of 20000 in las vegas and there is the
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president and i chatting and that is sarah huckabee sanders, sean hannity and myself and there is the beast, the president car. don't forget to buy my book. this is jeanine signing off. >> you remember the tears from the fake news media when it was obvious that we were going to win? and you know what? they are still crying. look at them. they are still crying. let them cry. the five let them cry. there's no crying on gutfeld. [cheering and applause] greg: all right. earlier this week "the new york times" published a help wanted ad, a staffer actually tweeted this --
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