tv Fox and Friends First FOX News September 29, 2018 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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think. good night from washington. sean hannity is next. >> sean: judge kavanaugh's nomination did just pass its first hurdle today. it cleared the senate judiciary committee on a party line vote. but tonight everything is literally hanging in the balance. i'm going to explain in detail what is really going on here. there's a lot more than meets the guy. we'll break it all down in the course of this hour. but first judge kavanaugh's nomination will remain in limbo for the next few days as republican senator jeff flake caved to pressure from the left and called for an fbi investigation at the last minute to check professor ford's accusations. lisa murkowski and senator susan collins, they all supported this
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measure. so here we are. one week delay so that the fbi can perform a background check on an allegation without a date, time, location or any corroborating evidence of any kind. this is yet another political stall tactic from the democrats and the left, and the coming week is going to be, i predict, absolute hell. as judge kavanaugh said, the democrats are on a mission to search, destroy and check more of these unfounded allegations to imaginically surface between now and the time we get that fbi report. republicans fell right into the trap. i'll explain why this fbi investigation is absolutely meaningless anyway. expect more delays. expect more demands, more investigations, more delays. they wanted to stop judge kavanaugh from day one. we've got the evidence. now they're willing to abandon key foundational core human rights that we all believe in, or at least we should. due process, the presumption of
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innocence, burden of proof, to gain a political advantage. if they succeed, welcome to the all new u.s. of a. guilt by accusation, a new constitution, you're guilty until you prove yourself innocent. this is a very scary precedent. wake up, america. 39 days from tonight a lot is at stake. all right. time for our friday breaking news opening monologue. all right. yesterday judge brett kavanaugh defended his good name, reputation in the strongest terms possible. now, he brought a level of seriousness, commonsense, clarity that has been absolutely missing from his confirmation process since the very beginning. let's remind you. take a watch. >> this confirmation process has become a national disgrace. the constitution gives the senate an important role in the confirmation process. but you have replaced advice and
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consent with search and destroy. this has destroyed my family and my good name. a good name built up from decades of very hard work and public service at the highest levels of the american government. this is a circus. the consequences will extend long past my nomination. the consequences will be with us for decades. i will not be intimidated into withdrawing from this process. you've tried hard. you've given it your all. no one can question your effort. but your coordinated and well funded effort to destroy my good name and destroy my family will not drive me out. i am innocent of this charge. i intend no ill will to dr. ford and her family. the other night ashley and my daughter liza said their
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prayers. eliza, all 10 years old, said to ashley, we should pray for the woman. lot of wisdom from a 10-year-old. >> sean: lot of wisdom from a 10-year-old. the president has no question about the man he chose. >> what did you think of dr. ford's testimony when you heard that? >> i thought her testimony was very compelling, and she looks like a very fine woman to me. very fine woman. and i thought that brett's testimony, like wise, was really something that i haven't seen before. it was incredible. it was an incredible moment i think in the history of our country. i just want to it work out well for the country. if that happens, i'm happy. >> have you thought about a
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replacement for judge kavanaugh? >> not even a little bit. >> sean: today senator jeff flake cast the deciding vote to push judge kavanaugh's nomination out of the judiciary committee but it came with his drama and a condition. a week long delay so that the fbi could look into the allegations made by professor ford against judge kavanaugh. course, republicans predictably caved and flake flaked in a big way and just bought the democrats more time to seek, search, destroy and bludgeon getting a delay under the guise of an fbi investigation. it was their number one goal, their number one talking point. weren't they paying attention? there's a reason they said it again and again and again and again yesterday and today. >> each of these allegations should be investigated by the fbi. >> you want to reach the truth? the easy way to do that, ask the fbi to investigate. >> judge kavanaugh, if he truly
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believes there's no evidence, no witnesses that can prove their case, should be joining us in demanding a thorough fbi investigation. >> what i have struggled with, judge kavanaugh, is the absence of a fair federal law enforcement driven nonpartisan process. >> why don't you just ask the preside president. dr. ford can't do this. we clearly haven't been able to do this. just ask the president to reopen the fbi investigation. are you willing to ask the white house to authorize the fbi to investigate the claims that have been made against you? >> all the democrats on this committee are requesting an fbi investigation because you did say all we have to do is ask. the implication being if we ask an investigation will happen and it has not happened. >> never in the history of background investigations has an investigation not been pursued
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when new credible derogatory information was brought forward about the nominee for the candidate. >> it's up to the president of the united states and his failure to ask for an fbi investigation in my view is tanamount to a cover-up. >> sean: that is a difference between a committee investigation and fbi agent interviewing people, chasing after facts, pulling on the loose threads that have been evidenced in judge kavanaugh's record. >> the fbi investigation. turn over the facts to the federal bureau of investigation. >> fbi background investigation. >> sean: sounds like a talking point. the seventh investigation into judge kavanaugh. the president tweeted out, has already begun tonight. we begin with the question for senators jeff flake, susan collins, lisa murkowski, joe manchin. do you think the democrat that have been against judge kavanaugh, do you think they're going to call for an fbi
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investigation into their dnc deputy chair, the number two guy at the dnc, keith ellison? while he's been accused of literally, physically abusing his ex-girlfriend repeatedly and dragging her violently through the house and battering her emotionally, psychologically, repeatedly. now, if the senate democrats on the judiciary committee, if you' you're serious, where the the calls for an fbi investigation into that man? this is a case we actually have real evidence now. doctors reports, text messages and an actual tape of one incident happening. there's bill clinton. have any of you people on the senate judiciary committee demanding an investigation, where's the fbi investigation into juanita broaddrick's serious allegations? she told somebody 30 minutes after the rape happened, she
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says. did they ever call any of these people for an investigation for juanita or for that matter, paula jones? no. they stood by the clintons. did their allegations not matter? senator diane feinstein, did it matter? because these are women coming out against the democrat. or is this politics to you? how many democrats on the senate judiciary committee will, tonight, demand fbi investigations into these people? keith ellison was last month? juanita broaddrick, about the same time difference. all politics. now, you would think the topic as serious as this -- and it is serious. and it is a problem across the country in many places. you think a topic this serious would transcend politics. but this wouldn't be republican, democrat, conservative or liberal. you think one time we could just do what's right collectively?
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nope. this is selective moral outrage, as usual, politics as usual. except this time it's sad. this time it's even dangerous. plus, you know, i want you to take a step back tonight. remember what we're talking about in this specific case. here is what this is really all about. the left, they've been asking for two days and running, all the democrats on the senate judiciary committee want an fbi investigate eight dating back 36 years from when professor ford and judge kavanaugh were in high school. ford doesn't remember a date, day of the week, location, how she got to or from the party where the alleged crime took place. she has no corroborating evidence. now, think about this. really think deeply about this. they want an fbi investigation. they can't investigate anything forensically. think about this. i watch cold cases. the fbi cold case division. one of the best in the world.
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they're amazing. especially with new technology and techniques. we know that all four witnesses that ford listed to corroborate her claims. they have denied what she is saying. all four under penalty of felony, including professor ford's long time friend leland kaiser. simply put, miss kaiser does not know mr. kavanaugh, does not have any recollection of being at a party or gathering where he was present with or without dr. ford. now, the fbi, performing a criminal investigation, they told us they will reach no conclusion in this. no charges will be filed. no recommendations will be made. that is the process. the fbi will simply interview the same witnesses like the sate judiciary committee interviewed. look into the same claims. write a report. the only possibility in this
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case is that one of the four people would reverse himself or herself. and if they did, they would be admitting they committed a felony. many times judge kavanaugh, he's happy to comply. he leased statement. it reads, quote, throughout this process i have been interviewed by the fbi. i have done a number of background calls directly with the senate. yesterday i answered questions under oath about every topic the senators and their counsel asked me. i have done everything they have requested and will continue to cooperate. now, marge judge is the alleged only first hand witness. professor ford said he was in the room at the time. he also plans to fully cooperate with an investigation and he is denying professor ford's accusations as the one person that would be an eyewitness to this. let's not forget the democrats beloved joe biden, remember back in 1991 during the clarence thomas confirmation, he said that fbi background checks are actually worthless.
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you don't even want one. but, of course, that was then. this is now. take a look. >> the next person who refers to an fbi report as being worth anything obviously doesn't understand anything. fbi explicitly does not in this or any other case reach a conclusion. period. period. the reason we cannot rely on the fbi report. you wouldn't like it if we did. because it is inconclusive. they say he said, she said and they said. period. so when people wave an fbi report before you, understand, they do not, they do not, they do not reach conclusions. they do not make, as my friend
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points out, they do not make recommendations. period. they do not. they do not. they do not reach conclusions or make recommendations. >> sean: none of this matters to the democrats now. same system is in place. they obviously are not seeking the truth. equal justice, equal application of our laws. from day one, no matter what, remember, just hours after judge kavanaugh's nomination was announced in july, watch the democrats. they had already made up their mind. it was just a matter of how they bludgeoned him. >> for every american who cares about women's health, about protections for people with preexisting conditions, about civil rights, labor rights, lgbtq rights, environmental rights, now is the time to fight. now. >> i'm gonna with hold my
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consent for this nominee or any other nominee. >> president trump could have nominated someone last night not off their list of the precleared preapproved by far right organizations like the heritage foundation. we could be here today discussing a nominee who was potentially someone with a wide open record. someone who might command a bipartisan majority. >> we are going to look into what went on and what assurances were made that brought this name to the top of the list. >> judge kavanaugh does not, should not, get the benefit of the doubt. he bears the burden of proof to convince all of us and the american people that he can indeed be a fair and objective justice. >> i'm here with sadness to say judge kavanaugh, you don't belong in this building as a justice. judge kavanaugh, you should not be serving in this building as a
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supreme court justice. judge kavanaugh is your worst nightmare. >> sean: should any of us be surprised for what has been unfolding here? remember, three weeks ago kavanaugh's nomination looked pretty certain, despite so many embarrassing theatrics by democrats while kavanaugh sailed through his hearings, unscathed. at the 11th hour, what did diane feinstein do? she drops a bomb. anonymous sexual assault allegation. this hadn't happened in 40 years in this man's adult life until, what, 12 days ago. she made no mention of this allegation during her lengthy private meetings with kavanaugh. she made no mention during his public hearing. she had the information back in july. now, remember. professor ford said she didn't want to go public. her confidentiality privacy could have been protected.
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but that's not how it went down. now, there were no calls for an fbi investigation then. no inquiries made back in july. in fact, these claims were not sent to any law enforcement body for weeks. they sat on it. and come to find out at the very same time, yes, the ranking member, diane feinstein, was actually leading and interviewing judge kavanaugh alone, her office was secretly advising professor ford on what attorneys to hire. she ended up hiring a pretty radical left attorney who said many terrible things about paula jones. diane feinstein should be ashamed of herself. what we have witnessed is not only disgusting and repulsive, has beneath the office she serve. every good person in california should be appalled by the
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actions of this unethical senator after pronouncing the anonymous allegation against kavanaugh, professor ford's name and story quickly leaked to the press. she felt like she was going to tell a story herself. up to that point there were only two parties who knew about professor ford's allegation. you do the math. it's pretty obvious, it was clearly kwroeu have an alleged survivor of second wall assault, despite what she said were her wishes to remain private. democratic senator sheldon white house, he's blaming professor ford tonight for the leak. take a look. >> the best i can tell, dr. ford had told sufficient people in her circle who might have told others that press in california began to ask her questions and follow her around. and the story then came through "the washington post" where she had originally -- dr. ford had originally, as she testified
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yesterday, left a tip on the hot line and the reporter followed up with her ultimately. as best i can tell, that's how it all became public, through those two avenues. >> sean: this is so sad for a democratic party. there's no room for moderates in this party. no scoop jacksons. no joe liebermans. their behavior is a national embarrassment. but they're not even embarrassed. first they use a serious claim of sexual misconduct as a political pawn. then they proceed to smear, slander the good name, reputation, character of judge kavanaugh without any corroborating evidence. without any due process. they accuse a good person with a 36-year amazing track record of pretty much being a monster. some call him evil. some compare him to bill cosby. they push wild unsubstantiated claims about gang rape, fights on boats in rhode island where he's never been, insane accusations from colorado.
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they tell american voters that kavanaugh will lead to the deaths of millions of people. today, without missing a beat, after being dressed down by kavanaugh's strong testimony, they're right back to the same tactics today. as per usual, your mainstream media, they're all there every step of the way, backing them up. folks at fake news cnn, conspiracy tv msnbc, they don't believe in due process or the presumption of innocence. they're really living in their alternative reality. truth, commonsense, common decency, replaced with just their feelings, anger, emotion and hatred of all things donald trump. watch. >> all afternoon the little lies, lying over and over about his yearbook page make absolutely no sense. >> i do know if he gets to the supreme court, a good chunk of this country's going to think somebody who got away with sexual assault is sitting on the supreme court. >> what we saw yesterday was, in many ways, the victory of
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tribalism. >> as much of his personal integrity has been called into question in this process, the integrity of the court will be called into question if he is confirmed. >> i thought it was a temper tantrum. he was angry. it was kind of scary. >> they're worried white people are gonna lose their power. they don't care if she's lying or he's lying. they just want to hold on to this. pretty soon we'll be like south africa, apartheid, where 10% of white people are running the country. >> sean: i suspect this coming week as the fbi performs yet their 7th background check on judge kavanaugh, democrats, their friends on the left, they will do anything and everything to once again destroy the life of brett kavanaugh. they have some plan. they will be orchestrating it. my warning, don't be shocked. this is sadly who they now are. the party of guilt by accusation, no presumption of innocence, no benefit of the doubt. by the way, you're guilty until
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you prove your innocence. if you need to make up unsubstantiated lies 39 days outs of an election, if you got to, you gotta do what you gotta do. this is the status quo. this is what i warn you about every time a supreme court nominee is appointed by a republican president. last week we saw a preview of coming attractions. they pushed unsubstantiated claims by one who thinks kavanaugh may have exposed himself. at a drunking college party. wasn't even sure kavanaugh was the perpetrator. remember she called around, according to "the new york times" to friends that went to yale, asking them, do you remember the incident? i'm not sure. she even acknowledges she had memory gaps from the evening. "new york times" refused to public that story. it still got out there with "the new yorker." they were saying there was a lack of evidence. we all saw an accusation. the now new face of the democratic party with maxine
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waters and nancy pelosi. he wants to run for president. of course about the scheme to literally drug and gang rape women all over washington, d.c. now, believe it or not, this week is about to get worse and even more absurd. but, of course, you got to persevere. this is a fight for the heart and soul of the country. judge kavanaugh deserves to be confirmed. here's what's at stake. if this behavior, if this -- if these tactics, and we get the republicans racist, sexism, dirty air water, kill grandma, hate kids. if this works in this case, guess what? that will mean the united states senate will be rewarding this behavior and rights will be shattered. they will repeat these tactics, these smear campaigns, again and again and again. smear, slander, lies, character assassination, bludgeoning of
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families, the destruction of fundamental core values just for pure political power and gain. we will never get the presumption of innocence back once you give it up. it will be the end of due process in america. guilt by accusation will rule the day. i'm warning you, nobody is going to be safe. what you're seeing here now with judge kavanaugh is only the tip of the iceberg if they're successful. if republicans don't send the democrats in this instance a message. and by the way, if you, the voting public, if you don't show up in 39 days for what i have been telling you is the single most important midterm in your life, you'll get the government you deserve. you'll get the impeachment. you'll get obamacare, elimination of ice. their crumbs will be back in politicians pockets. think about it for a second. if judge kavanaugh is not confirmed, there will literally
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be a fundamental shift now in america. we might not get it back. maybe liberals are happy with this particular victory. but maybe next time it will be somebody on their side of the aisle. maybe someone in their family. maybe one of their loved ones. are we going to become a country of guilty until proven innocent? that's a pretty scary and horrible place. no presumption of innocence. with reaction fox news contributor radio host -- sara carter, former chairman of the house oversight committee jason chavis. tammy, what's amazing about you -- and i have known you many years. used to be the president of a national organization for women. >> yeah. >> sean: you have been the single most, one of the most outspoken people on this. passionate. >> look, i spent most of my adult life fighting on these
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issues for the welfare of women an children. we've spent certainly generations as women, as a country, to have women be heard, to elevate our lives, to make sure what happens to us matters. >> sean: i agree with that. >> that's why we're friends. now we're in the 21st century and women and young people elected to office, a generation that comes after and benefitted from all the work that we've done are now burning it to the ground. and they're using that power to destroy people's lives. your monologue was fabulous. they're doing all the things you said. the other thing that's happening, they are using all of us as collateral damage. they want votes. they want fund-raisers. they want campaign aides. and the american people that are relying on all senators now simply are going to be ashes on the side of the road. as long as they get what they want. and this is what we have to realize. whether you're in california or any other state in this country. we've got a group of people, 100
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people, in the most reveered stphaoug in the history of mankind have now decided that the sovereign, the citizen, is worth nothing. they are to be used, whether it's a woman who experienced a sexual assault, man who has committed his life to public service as a judge, his family, that wife, those two little girls. all of our little girls. all of our lives. i'm not going to enter into the last third of my life, after all the work and none of us who worked through the '80s and '90s to change this should sit by and watch this happen without calling it out and stopping it in november and afterwards to make sure that when justice kavanaugh is sitting there, he knows we've got his back and they will not define him or us in this process. >> sean: you know, sarah, you're an investigative reporter. okay. the fbi is going to do their seventh check. it's going on now by the president, who tweeted that out. seventh check. the fbi, there's no forensics they can check. i hate to admit i watch
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"forensic files" a lot. it's amazing 35 years later they find people because of new technology we have that we can catch killers. there's no place to go look. the only thing the fbi can do is interview the same four people that -- >> dr. ford, sean, hasn't even filed charges in maryland where this took place. >> sean: is that gonna happen this weekend? >> we don't know, do we? now we're asking the fbi to come in. >> sean: is that part of the plan? >> i wonder if that's going to be part of the plan. if the dems are going to push. the american people are not going to be fooled by this political theater. tammy said it best. i was thinking of the exact same term, tammy. collateral damage. the collateral damage is our justice system, our foundation of our country. it's the american people themselves. >> our sons and daughters. >> judge kavanaugh and his family. then dr. ford. it's every single one of us.
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the fbi, sean, is gonna go, interview these five people who have already, by penalty of perjury, turned in their statements. and then they're gonna turn them over to the senate. all of these interviews. that's that. they are fooling us. the dems are lying to the american people. there is no investigation. >> sean: congressman -- congratulations on the success of your book. under penalty of perjury, the four people gave their statements. so the only thing that can happen when the fbi, they're gonna go back and ask a lot of questions. they're gonna find out one of two things. that the people stand by their statement or they committed a felony. that's where we are in this process. what else could they do investigatively? >> look, the democrats lost the moral high ground when they hid this material. when the republicans finally had this information, they invited the democrats to join in the investigation. they didn't even show up at the
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meeting. do you know what? the united states senated, they need a civics lesson. it's not the role of the fbi to do this investigation. it's the role of the united states senate. how many senators had ford and kavanaugh sitting before them and they had a chance to ask questions. they didn't even ask a question. i am very good friends with jeff flake. on a personal level, i really like the guy. but how can you go -- how can you look at this person and say, we need more time to investigate? at the same time he asked zero questions of ford and zero questions of kavanaugh. that's the job of the senate, not the fbi doing its seventh background check. >> what it does, gains them five days. what we've seen, of course, in the tail end of the last few days, an accusation that had to be retracted. completely anonymous accusation was treated as though it was national news. no name, no address, nothing.
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you're going to see more of that. equally outrageous dynamics like with the gang rape. maybe real actual people come up and step up with things that will be eventually proven to not be the case. but it will be a pile on to try to affect what will happen. >> sean: they want to delay. >> that's all they want. >> sean: because they want to get to the midterms and stop the president from fulfilling his constitutional duty. >> they want to tell their base that they're doing something because they're not doing anything for the country. so what are they doing now? they're becoming a group of people who are effectively. it's like a riot. you wake up every day -- >> sean: there's no more moderation in the party. >> yeah, absolutely. i thought you were gonna ask me a question, sean. no, absolutely. tammy is right on the button with this one. you're innocent until proven
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guilty. that is the law. that is how we approach things in this country fairly. that's lady liberty. we don't go out and throw out accusations. look, i feel terrible for dr. ford. she obviously believes and maybe something did happen to her. it's not place to judge her. but there is absolutely no evidence. there is no proof. and they will find nothing unless somebody comes forward out of nowhere. even then, this was 35 years ago. sean, there has to be a system that we follow. we can't just throw caution to the wind and allow this to go forward. >> sean: congressman? >> sean, it's the politics of personal destruction. a playbook that the democrats continue to use. scorched earth. resistance movement. they wanted to destroy kavanaugh. they want to defeat him and drag this country into the doldrums. it is absolutely fundamentally totally wrong and republicans have got to step up like lindsay graham and call it out for what
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it is and make sure this person is now sitting on the supreme court. >> sean: senator graham had his finest moment in congress. he gave a great speech today. >> i can't believe we're saying that, but bravo, lindsay graham. >> reporter: amazing. we've got a lot more. i will remind you that 39 days, there's so much at stake. really, this is the party you want in power, after what we're witnessing? we come back ed henry in washington with a live report. the latest on kavanaugh's nomination. also, matt schlapp and much more to report on this busy breaking news friday night.
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these folks, they don't have time to go to the post office they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to they use print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the amazing services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again! >> sean: welcome back to hannity. joining us with the latest on what lawmakers are saying regarding the status of judge kavanaugh's confirmation to the u.s. supreme court, fox news chief national correspondent. hates to admit publicly that he's a friend of mine or even likes me. ed henry, how are you? >> good to see you, sean.
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president trump ordering this new fbi probe. he just tweeted a few moments ago, this is now the 7th background check for judge kavanaugh in recent years. it does carry some risk because kavanaugh himself testified yesterday every day is an eternity, so this could open the door to more unverified allegations being lodged. on the plus side for the president, this could all lock in yes votes from key moderates from both parties and get kavanaugh confirmed. as long as the fbi does not find evidence to corroborate dr. ford's allegations. at the urging of republicans jeff flake and the judiciary panel asked the white house to direct the fbi to conduct that investigation. it will be limited to current credible allegations. mostly just the dr. ford matter. it must be completed one week from today. except that does not seem good enough for dr. ford's attorney who quickly put out a statement and that statement praised the senate for agreeing to the fbi probe but added, quote, no artificial limit as to time or
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scope should be imposed on this investigation. that's raising eyebrows among conservatives who says that just shows they want to keep moving the goal post. dr. ford's team does not run the senate. this fbi probe could be done quickly. mark judge is saying he will cooperate. he already told the judiciary committee multiple times he has no recollection of any incident in the early '80s. five key moderates say they back this one week investigation. so if the fbi finds nothing but, kavanaugh would get the backing of some moderate republicans and democrats like flake, susan collins and joe manchin who all said they want this fbi investigation. remember, republican chairman chuck grassley yesterday said that democrat diane feinstein wasted two months by sitting on that original letter from dr. ford. remember that tape from 1991 when joe biden said fbi investigations ultimately do not usually come to a conclusion. that it will likely be he said versus she said. people at the white house
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telling me tonight that's what they're hoping for. if there's nothing new, sean, they think kavanaugh's likely to be confirmed. >> sean: no conclusions, no recommendations. that's what the democrats have planned that has me curious tonight. joining us with reaction chairman of the conservative union all a friend of judge kavanaugh. and florida attorney general pam bondi. pam r let me start with the law and the investigation. no conclusions, no recommendation. joe biden was right in 1991. here the question. we don't have a place. we don't have a location. we have professor ford naming four people that were at this alleged event. all four people under the penalty of perjury given sworn statements. now, beyond asking them the same questions that the senate judiciary committee investigative team asked, help me out. is there any other possible thing that the fbi can do except
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ask those four people? there's no place to go. what can they do? >> like you said, they've already given statements under the penalty of perjury. i would deploy countless fbi agents tomorrow morning and getted this thing done. get them locked in on fbi statements. bring them back to the senate judiciary committee. sean, i have never in my career as a prosecutor seen anything like this. my job is also to protect the rights of the accused as a prosecutor. a criminal murder defendant in a courtroom charged with murder would be treated more fairly and with more respect than brett kavanaugh was treated by the senate judiciary committee. that committee is one of the oldest committees and was formed to handle constitutional issues. those people need to go back and read the preamble to the constitution. the rights of the accused. they need to go talk to the
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aclu. everything about judge kavanaugh. he had to come in there as a guilty person and prove his innocence. i have never seen anything like it in my career. >> sean: let me start with something. i have been very critical of republicans when they don't keep their promises and they don't live up to their word and they do stupid things. to their credit for the most part, because i think today was really dumb on the part of a few. but for the most part, they have handled this with the proper seriousness it deserves. professor ford needed to be herd. i like the president for two weeks he said, i'm gonna let the senate handle this. he made his comments. he said nice things by professor ford. very credible in ways. which i thought was -- they're treating this with the respect it deserves. but the democrats, if the fbi can't make conclusions and they
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can't make recommendations and there's no evidence to look at, it's just the four witnesses again that have sworn statements under the threat of perjury, felony, what else is there to do for the fbi? and how long should that take? why couldn't that be done tomorrow? >> immediately, the attorney general is exactly right. send the agents out from one of the california offices and sit down with mrs. ford. all this is is political cover. i'm not minimizing the fact that these are serious allegations. all i'm saying is when they opened up the fbi investigation on clarence thomas, it was just about cover. the democrats know it. they thought they had the republicans by just chiming and ringing this bell. we need to have an opening of the fbi. look, we're here. they're gonna do it. it will be excruciating for judge kavanaugh. i'm sure the democrats will come out with more information about more ridiculousness this week.
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in the end, leader mcconnell is gonna have to force the vote. these republicans are going to have to choose. >> sean: mitch mcconnell already opened up the debate on the confirmation. >> that's right. >> sean: called the vote to order. nobody objected. it's only one person was there. so that will move forward. >> that's right. >> sean: what about, when you have the attorney, the one attorney for professor ford, pam, that didn't believe paula jones or think that was that bad. it was only ten or 12 minutes, she said. that's not really hostile and hostile work environment. wow. then defended al franken. that's the one diane feinstein recommended. they're saying they want artificial deadlines here. the fbi should be able to do this, i would imagine, say they spend eight hours with every person, send one agent to each person. could be done tomorrow. >> that's right. >> that's what i said. you should deploy all of the fbi agents.
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tape these interviews tomorrow morning. i think all these folks want to get it over with. talk to her friend leland who i think will be the strongest witness for brett kavanaugh. and i think the diaries are critically important because they were taken in 1982. miracle he had them, in real-time. it corroborates what he said. >> sean: if they have something else planned. somebody admits, i got it wrong and committed a felony. their hope is one of the four committed a felony. >> this whole party, remember, it never happened. they're not even saying what she said is wrong. they don't have a recollection of any of it. >> sean: are they going to call for an fbi investigation into keith ellison and bill clinton? >> they better, especially keith ellison. >> sean: diane feinstein, where's your call for an fbi investigation into them? it's not gonna happen? >> not gonna happen.
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we run to remember we run to honor and we run because we will never forget >> wonderful guy. he's trying to be fair. the three senators who have had concerns are being listened to. it's called democracy. i hope one or two democrats will come forward and say this process, while i may not vote for kavanaugh, is better moving in the right direction. time will tell. >> are senators mad at jeff flake? >> if you're mad at him, that's unreasonable. no. nobody that i know of. >> sean: that was greater graham today speaking to reporters about the delay of the senate
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vote to confirm brett kavanaugh to the supreme court. here with reaction is former assistant u.s. attorney victoria toensing, author of "the russia hoax." gregg jarrett. i read the headline on your article on this. are the attorneys for ford representing her or the democrats? i said, all right, greg's gonna be in trouble for the next 48 hours. but then i read the article. you make some amazing points that nobody knew before. >> people can read it on fox but the point is this. it appears increasingly that christine ford, who never wanted to go public, may have been manipulated, exploited, betrayed and victimized by her own attorney. she was shocked yesterday when she learned that all of this could have been avoided. that it could have been a private testimony, in her own
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home. she was shocked when that happened. it turns out that grassley sent three letters. i provided the letters in a link to my column, in which he offered to fly out staff, do it confidentially, privately, take her testimony. this national disgrace, as kavanaugh called it, could have been avoided. but i'm wondering whether these lawyers who were recommended by diane feinstein -- >> sean: there's a conflict of interest. >> whether they never told her about it. and that would be a violation. >> sean: bingo. >> of the code of professional responsibility. i cite the code sections in my column. >> sean: she was like, oh, you offered that? thank you. she said thank you to senator grassley. >> lindsay graham called for an investigate eight of these lawyers. were they acting on behalf of democrats and not in the best interest of their client? >> sean: great find. victoria brings up another topic here. that is, if you're going to look
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into the lawyer feinstein recommended, of all people, look at the things we've told our audience she said about paula jones, defended al franken. that person's not consistent on this issue. she's as inconsistent -- this is political for her. we have a tape of her resisting. victoria? >> i was waiting for the tape, sean. listen, there's another scenario that gregg and i talked ab this issue. here is the scenario that i think maybe she was lying. maybe dr. ford was saying, i'm so surprised. i didn't know. i cannot imagine either one of these lawyers violating the rules so drastically that they didn't show her two letters and one e-mail and say that the grassley people would come out to california? so we need to find out. one of the questions i want the fbi to ask is whether anyone
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told her that the committee was willing to come out and interview her in california. because -- what? >> sean: yesterday was very clear. >> she pretended that she was surprised. but maybe she's just really good at hiding the facts. >> sean: that seems sincere. all right. great column. fox victoria, great to see you. victoria represents me, if i don't say it, she comes to my radio christmas party every year. we come back, we have some breaking news. kristen fisher frororororo
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i was stunned. they're wonderful people. i enjoyed meeting your dad. >> my dad loved meeting you. thanks for letting him sit in the studio. you made his night. >> we have news. >> yeah. and he's been talking about this all day, watching the hearings all day long. just keep in mind, president trump has opposed reopening judge kavanaugh's investigation from day one. but after that bomb of a reversal, he didn't have much of a choice. he put out a statement saying, quote, i left the hearing yesterday with as much doubt as certainty. what i do know is that our system of justice -- but then just minutes after he put out that statement, something happened while he was on his way to cast that vote. he was confronted in an elevator by two protesters that were survivors of sexual assault. and then after that, a few hours
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later, sean, he changed his mind. >> unbelievable. my best to your >> tucker: good evening. welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." this is the tenth day in a row that we have devoted a large portion of the show to brett kavanaugh's supreme court nomination. we have done that because the story matters. not simply because the supreme court itself matters. the way kavanaugh has been treated by the democrats in the senate as well as by the media and the left wing interest groups who do their bidding in concert gets the most basic questions about what kind of country we want to live in. does every american deserve due process? are the accused presumed innocent rather than guilty? does fairness still matter in this country? well, to all of those we
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