tv Life Liberty Levin FOX News September 30, 2018 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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if it leads to venezuela and were told it hasn't yet been tried. it's been a pleasure to be here with you tonight. we with you back here for the ne stayton, steve helton is up next. >> breaking tonight, another new allegation about brett kavanaugh's past as his college friend tells th wants to tell the fbi about what he describes as brett kavanaugh's violent, drunken behavior at yell. all this as the fbi is already talking to some of the players and the political establishment argues over the investigations into president trump's supreme court nominee. good evening. welcome to the next revolution. i'm steve helton. this is the home of positive populism. so much going on and so much at stake. ed henry, josie jennifer, all with me tonight. they want to help break it down. later on, you will hear what i
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think about the deeply divisive. [inaudible] we will hear about that development and much more but first let's catch up with the latest from washington d.c., national correspondent ed henry who is hoping aliv -- hosting a live special right after this but he is able to join us right now. what's going on. tell us about this new allegation and catch us up on the fbi investigation. >> the washington post is now saying there is a male, a yellow classmate of brett kavanaugh who wants to come forward and tell the fbi what that he witnessed violent drunken behavior, that he threw up here at someone, got in a fight, someone got arrested and all kinds of shenanigans. the problem of courses we have no way of verifying, we have no evidence to support this.
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we have no corroboration. it's just being thrown out there. it is on the record and the washington post is talking about an hour talking about it. it's grossly unfair to brett kavanaugh. it's what the white house feared when they cut the steel. the republicans got nothing, just a delay and the democrats got a somewhat open-ended fbi investigation when it's supposed to be, in terms of scope is current, credible allegations and that the fbi has to report back within a week which would be this coming friday. would you define this alleged drunken behavior as current? no, we didn't know about it when they cut the deal. would you define it as credible? you and i simply don't know. >> they've delayed the investigation and your one have new allegation coming out of the woodwork. the other thing that was said was that it wouldn't be enough and there'd be an argument
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about it's not a proper investigation and will try to limit that and that's coming true as well. that production. >> yes, because the president said yesterday this could be a blessing in disguise. if there is a, wrong in a transcript or if there is a thrown beer somewhere, fairly or unfairly, this could bring this confirmation battle to the needs, it could bring the confirmation down. look there's him saying going around the internet saying why doesn't the president nominate hillary clinton to the supreme court because the fbi will finally do a real investigation. it's a joke of course, but there's a serious point. how can we point where hillary clinton's behavior as secretary of state led to the
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fbi saying the intent wasn't to break the law but now brett kavanaugh is having his high school and college face ripped through. >> and to really help things along, james comey has written an article about all of this. what you make about. >> i'm stunned. i'm shocked. he has his new york times op-ed saying here's the proper way to do it. he does that on twitter all the time. there's some serious points about how the fbi is full of professionals, men and women who can get this job done in just a few days, and that's all well and good but do we really want take advice from james comey, the man who by the democrats account screwed up the fbi investigation by the republican account was grossly unfair to president trump. peter struck, lisa page, how can we trust the fbi. it's ironic that the president is saying let's have the fbi
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give the good housekeeping seal of approval when he's been attacking them for so long but we want to take advice from james comey about how to do investigations not good question. you have more of those and lots of answers at the top of the hour. 55 minutes from now, we will see you then. let's go to capitol hill senior producer chad pilgrim on what we can expect in the coming days. >> be honest, this will be interesting to see how it's timed out in the senate. it's a four day process once they start on the nomination. fred mitch mcconnell, the senate majority leader got on the nomination of brett kavanaugh about what he put in the queue before that, they can't really touch this until next wednesday at the earliest. here's the process, you moved to end debate. that something mcconnell will do. once you do that on day one has to lay over for a day. that's a two. then you can actually move to have a vote to end debate and
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break the filibuster on day three. that takes 51 votes. then if they invoke to end debate then the opponents get another 30 hours, the kind of on a bypass to get to the nomination at that stage and that will put us to the end of the day on day four. let's just say this process starts next wednesday or thursday, where does that get us, next sunday night. keep in mind the majority leader mitch mcconnell does not have to wait until the fbi report is in his hands before he starts us process. he got an agreement with democrats to get on with the nomination friday because he wasn't going to move to end debate right away. >> that's fascinating. even if the report itself, everyone's talking seven days, it could be sooner but that seems to be the consensus that will take seven days and no longer, the president and others said well they've already started so the seven days and next friday but you're saying we don't have to
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count another four days from then, actually they can stop the process before they seen the conclusion. >> conceivably. that will be a political question. if mitch mcconnell jumped the gun, do the people like jeff flake and the senators like he's trying to get lisa murkowski, susan collins, heidi heitkamp, do they say no this isn't what we agreed to, you broke the deal, we won't vote yes? right now they are at 49 yes. the republican from wyoming has unofficially weighed in but they need to have the senators on board. had they not cut this deal with jeff flake they would not have video for confirmation. i talked about the map is a math is the math. it's paramount. if they get a good report from the fbi, you might have as many as 5 53 yes votes. clarence thomas only got 52. this is a good gamble if he wants to love this nomination of brett kavanaugh across the
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finish line. >> last question. summary people are concerned about this delay in that it's gonna slip and another delay and another delay. is there a dropdead date? you mention it takes four days from initiating the process to the vote. is there dropdead date? is literally four days before the midterm election or is there some technical reason it has to be sooner than that. >> the four days i'm talking about, those are running the procedural counts. that's what it takes once mitch mcconnell initiates this. if you don't have this fbi report and democrats say wait a minute we have questions or other questions have been raised, time is the enemy for brett kavanaugh because you never know what else might be found, democrats might protest the more, some people think that might be a downside for
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democrats overplaying their hand but because we haven't had a vote yet that the danger for kavanaugh. >> thank you so much. time's up. we will see you next sunday. joining me now is lisa booth and former u.s. attorney for washington d.c., joe. joe, that's great thing to have you with us because this fbi angle, i think it's so important here. ed touched on earlier, how can we trust that the fbi, after everything we've seen, how can we trust that this is gonna be a fair process for. >> i don't think the problem is with the agents who are doing this particular background investigation, the trouble with the fbi has been with james comey and mccabe and all the people at the top. i think we can have confidence, even with christopher wray at the head of the fbi that this will be done correctly and swiftly.
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fred what i think is truly fascinating is that the new york times thanks that a dirty cop like james comey can write an op-ed opinion when he is about to be indicted by the department of justice. >> it's really clear that he is basically taking a stand. he's pretending this is all gonna be neutral. if you just read what he's written, he's not being neutral, he's assuming that kavanaugh is guilty of this charges. he's just the same as the democrats. >> as joe pointed out, james, is a hack. i think it's laughable that the people who are praising him or thinking he's anything of substance of the same people that have been attacking him attacked him throughout the hillary clinton investigation. he's basically irrelevant here. with new development, what they need to do is take a step back and realize the fact that all this, what are the underlying facts of the issue.
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the facts remain none of these three stories have any corroborating witnesses or anyone stepping forward saying these events actually happened. all the stories that will ultimately pop which was the desire of the democrats wanting to have the fbi investigation to further delay things can we have to look at the underlying fact in the fact remains there's nothing to corroborate the story from christine ford, deborah ramirez or julie swetnick. >> you agree with that. >> i do and quite frankly, her testimony the other day was far from credible. she's a very, very disturbed woman with clear emotional and psychological problems. this is a 55-year-old adult who testified like an adolescent. not a single corroborating detail. she lied to the committee, she said she didn't know that the committee had offered three times to come visit her in california. now we know that her lawyers knew that offer had been made
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because they told the committee they knew it. that means she's either dumb as opposed or she lied to the committee under oath, and according to richard blumenthal, if you've lied once, then everything you've lied about should not be believed. i think christine ford is a very sad woman and not a thing that she said should be believed and none of it has been corroborate corroborated. >> okay, well that's a strong view. i have to say, i don't agree with that. she's disturbed for the reason that something bad happened to her, but i don't think the way it's been handled -- >> there's no evidence that brett kavanaugh had anything to do with what happened to her. she may very well believe that something happened to her, but none of it relates to brett kavanaugh and she presented no evidence other than her stark
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raving testimony that it was he. >> that's the thing i think a lot of people are wrestling with. they believe both of them and how can both be true. also joe, really good point about the lawyers mobile get to that after the break. i really want to get your take about this lisa. >> joe is right. the only thing consistent about christine ford story is the fact that it has been inconsistent. she has previously said this event happened early and now she thing it happened in 1982 when she would about 15 years old, she doesn't know how she got there or how she got home, she doesn't know the people she has named as being there and every witness denied this event has taken place. we've seen different variations of the story from christine for ford, the only
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detail she can remember other ones damaging to brett kavanaugh and nothing else she seems to remember, and there's also been, for instance, her husband said in the washington post christine ford had mentioned brett kavanaugh's name in that therapy session. she testified under oath that the therapist notes don't have brett kavanaugh's name in it. fred and then the story that she's afraid to fly when she's alone to close costa rica and the east coast, the shifting stories, they don't add up. we're talking about comedies like, someone's future with brett kavanaugh. he has two little girls at home and we need to make sure this information is credible and right. >> i really agree with that and joe and lisa, my take on that, if anything, she is being exploited by the democrats and the next thing i want to talk about is about the litter size asian and what democrats have done because it goes beyond this case and i think it's incredibly damaging to our whole society. anyway, stick around for
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that. coming up, more on the kavanaugh confirmation plus they take aim at the stunning hypocrisy of democrats. don't go away. yes, we are twins. when i went on to ancestry, i just put in the name of my parents and my grandparents. i was getting all these leaves and i was going back generation after generation. you start to see documents and you see signatures of people that you've never met. i mean, you don't know these people, but you feel like you do. you get connected to them. i wish that i could get into a time machine and go back 100 years, 200 years and just meet these people. being on ancestry just made me feel like i belonged somewhere. discover your story. start searching for free now at
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we are in a cultural moment, we are in a vital political moment. just as we are moving in the right direction in gender equality, we are moving in the wrong direction when it comes to policy. one party is overwhelmingly to blame. we discovered that last thursday. christine ford is a good person caught up in an ugly war. it was a small detail that gave the game away. the revelation that even as the democrats were holding the sexual assault allegation, from the fbi and from brett kavanaugh himself, they knew they were going to make her name public, they knew they were going to do it after the strength so now we know the democrats were not protecting a victim of sexual assault, they were preparing her for use as applicable weapon. when i watch that hearing, something changed for me.
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i woke up to the truth about the democratic party establishment. this whole thing, it's not about women's rights. if it was they would be equally outraged about their own abuser keith ellison. it's not about over to overturning the patriarchy is about overturning the election. they see it that if they let the president fill the seat their power is loss for generation or more. they will take any price to take that power. throw her to the wolves, judge kavanaugh, who cares, the supreme court, through that as long as we wit. the fabric of our society, rip it to pieces as long as we keep the biggest one. you know me, i try to be reasonable, open-minded, i hate partisanship. i want help build the populace movement beyond party, one that is pro- worker, profamily, pro- america, but i can't take these establishment democrats anymore. these identity politics idiot for recklessly dividing this country, black against white, young against old, a against
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straight and men against women. whatever happened with the brett kavanaugh situation, whether he's confirmed or brought down by new allegations. the way that the democrats have fought his nomination will have a lasting, corrosive effect on this country. before thursday i just disagreed with them. now i'm frightened of them. because the mask was ripped off. underneath all that pompous sanctimonious preening about social justice and being on the right side of history, they remind us of the darkest days of history, the snarling authoritarianism 20th century europe. it is a frightening future if they're allowed to prevail. future to borrow from george orwell of the boot stomping on america's face forever. these divisive dangerous democrats must be defeated or before they destroy america. fred tell me what you think.
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joining joe and lisa, richard fowler. richard, i'm just gonna say it out loud, they threw doctor ford to the wolves, they have totally politicized this process, they have overturned the innocent until proven guilty notion. do you want to distance yourself from that or defendant. >> that monologue was quite something. >> i want to ask you, do you defend it or you feel uncomfortable with that? >> i disagree with the premise of it. let's just go back to where we are. i will give people over and over again that diane feinstein didn't handle this well. fred there should have been an fbi investigation here's where we are to today. those who believe he is a martyr and another group of
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people -- >> i'm talking specifically about how the democrats have handled it and the impact on our country for the long-term back no matter what, i'm not saying diane feinstein was great. >> they didn't slightly screwed up, it was a choice in the consequence of the choice -- >> are you saying ford isn't credible. >> she's not. look at the evidence. >> i don't want to talk about that. i want to talk about the role of the democrats. >> chuck schumer said he would oppose brett kavanaugh with everything he had. the democrats have proven they will stop at nothing to do that. they were hell-bent to destroy him. they said women would die if he was confirmed. the democrats were against brett kavanaugh before he was even nominated simply because he was president trump's choice. the democrats have already demonstrated and set out right
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that they would absolutely do anything to try to stop brett kavanaugh. now what they are doing is weapon rising baseless allegations that have zero corroborating evidence, not a single witness has stepped forward. you look at debra rimer's allegation, the new york times interviewed several dozen people in confined to single people to corroborate her story. she says she doesn't remember. [inaudible] >> i want to get joe in part we would love to hear your thoughts. >> i don't think there's any doubt that the democrats have purposely designed this process to be an affront of dignity in the senate and its proceedings. senator feinstein has been a senator for a very long time. she didn't accidentally mess this up. this was a purposeful plan. she designed it this way. when she said her staff didn't leak, it doesn't matter what she said, a democrat leaked the information to the media. that's all that mattered and where we are headed is toward
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a showdown. there will be about and judge kavanaugh may be confirmed, he may not. we have three complex republican who don't know what they're going to do, led by jeff flake, and the bottom line is this, the democrats created the problem, they are happy about it, this is the kind of politics they love and they want. the accidental leaking of her name by democrats is just part of a system they have designed. they want power, they will do anything to get it, and they don't care face sacrifice a fine man, his wife and their two lovely daughters. i say to them, i hope you all rot in hell. >> oh god, this is absurd. this is ridiculous. the whole party should rot in hell, that's ridiculous. >> i did not interrupt you and i will not be interrupted.
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i did not interrupt you. >> what's absurd about what i said. >> i will tell you what's absurd. i will tell you. >> joe, you've had your say coming out richard. >> are you done? so listen, this is very simple. when some people heard the testimony of brett kavanaugh this week and they thought his delivery nullified the message, there's others who don't believe that. others believe his delivery was on spot imperfect. today we sit here. we have very smart law-enforcement, very smart investigators looking into all sides of this case. at the end of this week they will release a report and based on that report senators will have a chance to vote. this comes down to two senators in particular, lisa murkowski from alaska were hutu governors have already said they are against the nomination of brett kavanaugh and susan collins who, let me
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remind you had allegations of groping made against al franken and she said he should be removed from the united states senate. that's what this is about, point blank, period. >> were to leave it there. were to say goodbye but i appreciate your contribution tonight. i don't think you've dealt with the fundamental point. [inaudible] will still be here after the break. we have more on that kavanaugh nomination and the impact on society and those midterm elections ahead. don't go away. today is the day you're going to get motivated...
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welcome back. the battle over brett kavanaugh confirmation has divided the u.s. i should never say political opponents should rot in hell or whatever the phrase was but it is hard to maintain stability in the way that the democratic party has behaved in this. joining us now, he has a brilliant book out later which we will be talking about, but i would love your take on all this because you're such an interesting commentator. where you think this leaves us, this whole last few weeks two i think it leaves us broad, angry and more divided than ever. one of the irony of the story, something we haven't heard much talk about is that brett kavanaugh is a conservative who flourished in liberal institutions at yale, at yell law school, he is someone who had numerous democrats come out and defend him early on this process. he routinely hired liberal
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students who praise him and worked to support his nomination to the supreme court. he is very much an establishment conservative, someone who is always working across the aisle, trying to build bridges. his philosophy is based on the idea that we must allow democratic legislators to take the lead. fred what did he get? he was trying to build bridges and doing so much. he was literally hired as a lecturer by elena kagan, another supreme court justice. she hired him and went out of her way because she so respected him as a journalist and a thinker. then suddenly someone who devoted so much of his life to building these bridges, this
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is where we find ourselves. it's an extraordinary testament. when you look to brett kavanaugh testimony, in a way you see someone who said enough is enough. i thought that i was someone who built genuine friendship. i thought i was someone who built and cultivated this trust with folks on the liberal left. instead you have this experience that for him must've been so fearing you see this happening too so many conservatives right now. people who felt they hand bridge these divides and now feeling perhaps that's not the case. >> i had that feeling this week. i had that feeling this week. >> look. steve, obviously, i am mad. i've been honest about this all week and the only thing i agree with what richard said is this is about merrick garland and political retribution for democrats and what disturbs me is they are willing to drive someone's name and his family through the mud without zero evidence of or any corroborating evidence and that doesn't matter to them.
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democrats were already against him before he was named fred what about due process? what about his family? i find it disturbing and despicable the my clients are willing to do this. don't try to say they have politics, the term boardgame comes from the democratic party. i've seen this in my own time working on campaigns and the lengths they are willing to go to try to hurt someone clinically. we are talking about someone's life with two young girls at home and a wife whose he had to explain this to end the stories that were brought to the surface, the zero corroborating evidence. there's not a single witness that will step forward and say is true. >> doctor ford also has a family. >> why was she in the spotlight. that's a ridiculous point. the reason doctor ford and her family has to suffer was the choice of the democrats.
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>> steve, wait a minute. >> they could've made it, they could've handled all this privacy. >> you have every reason to be angry two doctor ford has every reason to be angry at your party. >> can i finish. both of you have reason to be angry. >> am i going to be able to make a point quest mark. >> with your party. >> you have every reason to be angry because you guys are. [inaudible] we have had hundred 13 different supreme court justices go through this process and make it and not one, not even clarence thomas invoked politics as much as brett kavanaugh did in this. >> in response to what happened to him from your party. >> clarence thomas didn't even invoked politics. the supreme court should be above political approach no matter whose in charge of the senate or the house. >> how can you say that. it's not even worth having a discussion. that's ridiculous.
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>> that's where the middle of america is spread. this is america. that's the reason why two that's ridiculous. >> the problem isn't with democrats. >> in response to martha's interview, he seemed he was guilty and now because he's angry because the democrats party has dragged his name through the mud without any evidence. [inaudible] >> i'm sorry. we are out of time. [inaudible] i'm sorry richard. we'll have you back. now we have to go. coming up, i can't miss while watch take on numbers of the senate judiciary comomomomom i get it all the time.
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difficult topics to address. we need a revolution but democrats undermined it last week with pomp and grandstand and cheap moralizing. more democrat hypocrisy this week on swamp watch. >> let's start with senator cory booker. >> there are dark elements that allow unconscionable levels of on acceptable levels of assault and harassment. you are opening up to open air, hurt and pain that goes on across this country. if you are speaking truth that this country needs to understand. >> i agree and i can think of one person in particular who needs to understand, cory booker himself. he wrote an article examining his own misdeeds including
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groping a woman without consent while she was drunk. to his credit, back then, he used the incident to highlight his own issues but in 2013 he was caught exchanging salacious messages with a stripper. lindsay we was reportedly working and touted itself as the world's first vegan strip club. she told cory booker the west coast and she loved him and that if your potus, i called dibs on first lady. booker replied the east coast love you and by the east coast, i mean me. she responded now i'm blushing. in thursday's hearing he railed against the culture although flirting with a stripper is fine, see how that goes down at your next meeting meeting. that's not even the end of it. over the years cory booker has been a frequent visitor to my part of the world, silicon valley. he's created quite the impression from everything a person you had the exact same
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thing, wow, what is going on with cory booker. he's a real mess. i take a pretty libertarian attitude on this. churchill was a heavy drinker and one of the greatest leaders in history. i couldn't care less if your personal life is a mess, but i'm not the one moralizing on that committee. here's another massive hypocrite. diane finds down, check this out. >> sexual violence is a serious problem and one that largely goes unseen. while young women are standing up and saying no more, our institutions have not progressed and how they treat women who come forward. >> that soapbox starts to look pretty flimsy when you consider how close that was to ted kennedy. here's what she said when he died. he was a colleague and inspiration and a friend. i have seen him give fairness and equal rights to all, except the woman he exploited.
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it included a 1990 report of having sex in public on the floor of the washington d.c. restaurant with a lobbyist. how perfectly swampy. at least she lived to tell the tale unlike mary jo kennedy left the ground. how can diane feinstein be taken seriously of sexual violence when she called ted kennedy and inspiration? there are plenty more democrats, let's not forget patrick lahey. he had this question on thursday. >> the yearbook, you talked about drinking and sexual exploit, did you not. >> and did you not senator lahey, deliver a speech on the senate floor while drunk yourself. and then there's kamala harris, crusader for justice and righteousness. she had this question two you agree it's possible for men to both be friends to be women
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and treat other women badly? >> she would know all about that. she has been accused of abusive behavior against her staff. she stays at top hotels like the ritz carlton refuses the eat food with anything but metal silverware. that's not the worst of it. she's been described as prone to hostile outbursts. she was witness operating an aide inside an elevator. they've told me how badly she treats people, an open secret in democratic party circles. no one said anything because they're frightened about her powerful political machine. senator harris before you lecture anyone else about that temperament, and quite honestly before you run for president yourself, you might want to work on your own abusive behavior. of course we need to fight for gender equality, but it's hard
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to imagine a worse bone jim bunch of people to do it than these hats and hypocrites on the senate judiciary committee. up next, another heated debate. they tell us why open borders could l l l l l hi.i just wanted to tell you that chevy won a j.d.power dependability award for its midsize car-the chevy malibu. i forgot. chevy also won a j.d. power dependability award for its light-duty truck the chevy silverado. oh, and since the chevy equinox and traverse also won chevy is the only brand to earn the j.d. power dependability award across cars, trucks and suvs-three years in a row. phew. third time's the charm...
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traffic and roads... a mess, honestlyrents going up,le. friends and family moving out of state, millions of californians live near or below the poverty line. politicians like gavin newsom talk about change, but they've done nothing. sky-high gas and food prices. homelessness. gavin newsom, it happened on your watch. so, yeah. it is time for a change. time for someone new.
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all right. as if we don't have enough to argue about, the debate over immigration continues to rage. the question of the borders is in the spotlight. the author of melting pot for civil war, the son of immigrant makes the case against open borders. tell us quickly the argument you are setting out in this book. >> the basic argument is that we have abandoned the ideal of the melting pot. we've abandon the ideal that what we need is the unifying nationalism that can create a common culture. instead we have immigration policies that are exacerbating our divide. the idea that we might find yourself in a civil war feels more real than ever. this week in particular. what i'm trying to do is offer a positive populist program of the kind that your viewers would appreciate that's about how we can overcome those divides and build a new america that is richer,
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stronger, fair and that really works for all americans regardless of class or ethnic background. >> sotelo some of the specifics in terms of a potential plan to deliver that promise. >> the heart of the idea is that right now our immigration system does not really serve our national interest. that's one reason why there's so much resentment. it's not controlled. people don't feel like it's speaking to their interests. the heart of the idea is that we should have an immigration policy in which we select immigrants on how they can help us overcome all the obstacles we face toward building a better, fairer society. that's why we need to have a more selective approach but we might also need some kind of amnesty or path to legal status provided we have true control over who comes in and who leaves this country. >> some of that, people will
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cheer and say yes, proper merit-based immigration. the other part of it, the legalization, people will say fine but it never happens and you never get the border security component. what is your response to that criticism? >> when you have seen bipartisan immigration deals in the past, they haven't been truly bipartisan. they have been fake bipartisan. they've been an alliance between people who want cheap labor and guestworkers and people who want amnesty, rather than those who want to deal with folks who have been in the country for a long time unlawfully with those who want control and want to national interest immigration policy. that's why i offer a specific proposal saying you are not going to have any kind of pathway unless it's done in concert with a true national interest immigration policy that allows us to actually have the kind of intermarriage and intermingling that created the melting pot majority that made this country great in the
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decades following the second world war. it was so essential to make us the greatest country in the world. >> i'm sorry, i need to make sure richard can get in. can you see democrats getting behind the. >> i think democrats can get behind the idea that we have to find a pathway to citizenship for the 11 million undocumented that are here and we have to deal with those who have been part of our economy. whether we like it or not, they take care of our kids and clean our home, they work on construction sites mr largo, over and over again they want nothing but the american dream. with that being said we do have to find a way to make sure there is some level of security on the border. i'm not saying a wall is the answer but we saw president obama double the spending on the border and double the border patrol. >> just a quick question. , the point is, dealing with the individuals that are here, the point is we want to ensure
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that this problem doesn't get further exacerbat exasperated. this is something president trump brought forward for simply just wanting to have. [inaudible] >> i want to have a reasonable conversation, i'm so sorry were out of tow time but you will be back and we will talk about it then. we have to get some progress somehow. a special with 2x more geographic detail... ...ancestrydna can pinpoint where your ancestors are from... ...and the paths they took, to a new home. could their journey inspire yours? order your kit at of great savings and service. with such a long history, it's easy to trust geico! thank you todd. it's not just easy. it's-being-a-master-of-hypnotism easy. hey, i got your text- sleep! doug, when i snap my fingers you're going to clean my gutters.
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. steve: all right, here's something positive for >> here is something positive for you. i have the privilege let's like to join the young americans foundation at reagan watch. i had a great time meeting everyone there, thanks for coming and speaking to more intimate groups about my book and signing copies. those of you who were unable to attend, you can pick up your own signed copy. that is all for tonight.
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thank you to all our guests. you can learn more by calling us, and henry is up next when the next revolution will be televised. some of your best wor. >> thank you very much. log on and help the dogs. see you tomorrow.>>chris: i am chris wallace. president trump orders the fbi to reopen the investigation >> donald trump orders the fbi to reopen the investigation into supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh. after a republican senator wavers on support for the judge. >> i will move it out of committee, but i will not move for sure until the fbi has done more investigation and they have. >> reporter: the shocking develop and after a day of dramatic testimony from both sides. >> what degree of certainty do you
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