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tv   Fox and Friends First  FOX News  October 3, 2018 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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heather: is wednesday, october 3rd and this is "fox and friends first," a fox news alert, deadly delivery, the search identifying for who mailed poison to donald trump and the pentagon. the fbi probe could end today. what this means for the quest for the supreme court. c-span -- he has been sexist and islam a phobic, he talks about america. heather: how hillary clinton is reaching into the basket of
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deplorable's taking cheap shots at the president and his supporters. "fox and friends first" starts now. ♪ ♪ so wake me up ♪ when i am wiser and i'm older ♪ all this time ♪ heather: we don't want you to wake when it is over but right now when it is just beginning. good morning, you are watching "fox and friends first" on wednesday morning, halfway through the week. thank you for starting the day with us. fox news alert, this intense search or whoever send packages
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filled with deadly ricin to the president and the pentagon. the secret service intercepting a suspicious envelope the tested positive for the poison. screeners at the pentagon discovering contaminated envelopes addressed to james mattis an a top navy chief, hours after a scare at senator ted cruz's office building in houston. two people had to be rushed to the hospital after coming into contact with a white powdery substance. it was determined not to be hazardous. no staff members were impacted. and urgent manhunt for a man suspected in one of the largest gun theft in atm history. ronald jackson loaded up a u-haul with hundreds of guns from the ups distribution center in memphis and planned to sell them. jackson got away from police and is on the run.
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364 firearms were found in that u-haul. a volcano we're opting overnight in an indonesian island devastated by the earthquake and tsunami, 1400 people killed in the region since friday. witnesses capture the smoke and volcanic ash spewing into the air. experts say it is possible the eruption was triggered by last week at 7.5 magnitude quake. no reports of injuries or deaths from the irruption so far. severe weather ripping through the northeast causing flash flooding in hartford, connecticut. some streets are overtaken by water, stalled cars come many problems reported in new york and new jersey in the cleanup beginning in pennsylvania after a tornado tears through a nursing home. no one was seriously injured.
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150 people had to be evacuated. the fbi investigation into brett kavanaugh could wrap up as early as today. setting the stage for a potential vote this week. garrett tenney live in washington as bombshell revelations about doctor christine blasey-ford's worn testimony is coming to light. >> reporter: good morning. and ex-boyfriend of doctor ford raising new questions about her testimony to the senate last week. in a letter to the judiciary committee the man said in the 6 years they dated ford never voiced any fear of flying and had no problem with a small apartment with one door. both which contradicts what she told the committee last week but what has chuck grassley most concern is the allegation that ford was not honest about her past experiences with polygraph tests. he stated eyewitness doctor ford
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help pretend -- prepare for potential polygraph exam explaining in detail what to expect, how polygraphs work and how to become familiar endless nervous about the exam. you might remember this is what doctor ford said when asked about this very thing last week. >> have you ever had discussions with anyone besides your attorneys on how to take a polygraph? >> never. >> last night at a rally in mississippi donald trump took a different tone on doctor ford's testimony and pointed out the gaps in her testimony while laughing at democrats for instruction. >> how did you get home? i don't remember. how did you get there? i don't remember. where is the place? i don't remember. how many years ago? i don't know. i don't know. >> reporter: a source says the fbi could wrap up its investigation as soon as today. doctor ford's attorneys complain
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they haven't been contacted by the bureau, saying in a letter it is inconceivable the fbi could conduct a thorough investigation of doctor ford's allegations without interviewing her, brett cavanagh or the witnesses identified in our letters to you. if the fbi concludes the investigation by today, we will vote on brett kavanaugh this weekend. shannon: you would think they can use hours of sworn testimony by brett kavanaugh but we will see what happens. thank you so much. democrats in the meantime refusing to allow brett kavanaugh on the court from the start. a lot of people say that was the problem. why? former us attorney says it is because they lost the 2016 election and with it their power. >> performance by democrats in the committee during the hearing and in public discourse has been rather shameful but it doesn't
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matter because it is all about power. i thought brett kavanaugh conducted himself brilliantly during the hearings and in the statement he gave him us and democratic senators objected to where he became angry and i think legitimately so after being accused of being a serial rapist, to protect his own name and that of his wife and children, perfectly justifiable. i give him an a plus for his performance and senate democrats on the committee a disgraceful f. elections have consequences. we won, you lost, get over it. >> 0 democrats have given any indication they plan to vote yes for brett kavanaugh. also at last night's rally, donald trump urging voters to head to the polls in november while warning dangers ahead of democrats take over congress. >> the only reason to vote democrat is if you are tired of winning.
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democrat takeover of congress would plunge our country into gridlock and chaos. heather: todd pyro joins us with more on the america first agenda in his multistate blitz, he does have some good 1-liners. >> might be the king of the 1-liners no matter what you think of him but 5 weeks until the midterms donald trump rallying a roaring crowd in mississippi telling voters to make their voices heard at the polls. >> you got to go out and vote. we have the right ideas. we are making our country great again, we are doing the right thing, we need more republican votes. >> reporter: the president reminding america, standing up for their values. >> for years you watch as your leaders apologized for america. now you have a president who is standing up for america.
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we are standing up for your values. we are standing up for mississippi. we are standing proudly. we are standing up for your national anthem. >> reporter: the president discussing his achievement since taking office and top priorities including taking care of our nation's veterans. >> the economy is booming, wages are rising. we are defending our second amendment, protecting religious liberty, taking care of our great veterans and rebuilding america's military like it hasn't been rebuilt ever. >> reporter: the core reason for his visit campaign for senator cindy smith, the republican joining donald trump on stage to thank him for his support, began with multiple opponents this
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november after being tapped by thad cochran's seat when he retired. the president continues heading to minnesota tomorrow, kansas and saturday to stump for republican candidates. these are the ones you know about. there will be a lot more. heather: he loves to get into it with the crowd. the little kid with the boat toy. >> we got to interview people. they were in the audience, they were glowing hours afterward. heather: thank you so much. the us and north korea, this news coming in yesterday getting back together for denuclearization talks, mike pompeo heads to pyongyang as the
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united nations pressures kim jong un to give up his nuclear weapons. >> that shows the president's commitment to the agreement he and chairman kim came to at the singapore summit. conversations continue. we look forward to the next step in the conversation. heather: it will be mike pompeo's third trip to the rogue nation and comes at a critical time. south korea has announced new diplomatic relations, but still have as many as 60 nukes. first lady milania trump hitting the ground running on her first solo trip overseas, making fast friends with this particular little baby a hospital in ghana. and the be best logo squinted on them. and focusing on child welfare. it is day 3 of the supreme
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court's new term. what other cases need a tiebreaker? one could have a major impact on the mueller probe. >> january 3rd, january 4th. heather: that is not exactly how it works, new gaffes from alexandria ocasio-cortez. stay with us. - in a crossfit gym, we're really engaged
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you'll earn unlimited double camiles on every purchase,. every day... not just "airline purchases." (loud) holy moley that's a lot of miles!!! shhhhh! what's in your wallet? - shhhhh! - >> the investigation to brett kavanaugh could end today unless the republicans razor thin majority in the senate is far from shore. what happens next? joining me to weigh in.
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what is the next step in this? the vote will happen by friday. >> the next step would be once the fbi concludes the investigation they will submit their report and senators would review it and have their vote. that is a point of contention. we have senators saying how much time do you need to review the report as others say i need plenty of time to make sure review this thoroughly. that remains to be seen. heather: they need more time for the supplement a report for the fbi as well. >> what you are hearing from doctor ford's attorneys is she hasn't been contacted brett cavanagh hasn't been interviewed again but a supplemental investigation to corroborate any credible allegation, it wasn't about conducting a full field investigation. there is no power to subpoena or compel. this was always going to be
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short. heather: what would compel them to need to ask additional information after they think the sworn testimony for hours already. >> the other people i talked to -- about contradicting anything they said. the fbi would go back to one of those two and say tell me about xyz, let them say the report, there isn't additional information. >> the reports are this could wrap up today, in terms of a timeframe out soon. happen? >> it depends on capitulation, how much they review the report.
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it take a week to review it, depend on the length of the report, if there isn't additional information it changes things materially. heather: logistically they could have it friday or saturday. it is needed because right now the supreme court if he were confirmed is tied. they are having issues two days into the new session, what can you tell us? >> the cases before the supreme court tied 8-8. essentially it is not a precedent setting decision but the lower court issues a decision, they say we couldn't come to an agreement. before the supreme court the fear would be the decision isn't rendered. we can discuss them in some cases before the court that are crucial to what is going to happen.
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heather: the first that you would suspect. >> how far can the government go to tell residential property owners their land will be relocated to save an endangered species. the conservative justices alito and robert saying how far would rehabilitation go? >> a greenhouse on an alaskan homestead, to landowner they need to turn over their property? >> maybe a little rehab is necessary. what is necessary as she said we should demand this. that is important because it keeps it in the system. it doesn't say we haven't come to an agreement so keeps it alive. heather: it could impact the mueller probe. >> this is about double jeopardy and it is whether senator orrin hatch submitted a security brief.
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and it would preclude states that the federal government already has. why would this impact the probe, and a federal conviction, states cannot subsequently prosecute for the same crime. it has huge implications for the mueller probe. as it stands it is settled law that you can prosecute quickly which means with that tie nothing would change. heather: that is why people are specifically interested in what brett kavanaugh was doing. thank you so much for joining us. a lot to get through. the time is 20 minutes after the top of the hour. leftist protesters harassing another conservative on capitol hill, the billionaire democratic donor tied to the protest when carly shimkus joins us live up next. good morning. - i think the best company's succeed as a team
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and our shirts from custom ink help bring us together. we order custom ink to welcome new employees, personalize team shirts, and even for company events. the design lab is so easy to use. we just upload out logo and if we have any questions, customer service is there to help. seeing our team together in custom ink gear is an amazing reminder of how far we've come as a business. - [narrator] custom ink has hundreds of products to help you look and feel like a team. upload your logo or start your design today at
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heather: first it was ted cruz, then mitch mcconnell and now you can add senator bill cassidy to the list of republicans harassed by anti-kavanaugh protesters. >> are you okay as a person to go ahead and accept an uncorroborated charge -- >> carly shimkus with serious xm 115 has reaction to the new revelation that the democratic billionaire may be funding these attacks.
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>> senator bill cassidy may not have gone in her favor. some protesters were effective, jeff flake asked for a 1-week extension and called for an fbi investigation after he had a run-in with protesters in an elevator. mitch mcconnell faced a similar confrontation at the airport and in both instances the women involved were part of an organization, nonprofit organization that received funding from liberal billionaire george soros. one such organization responded to fox news's request for comment saying the foundation supports the right of all citizens to make their voices heard by elected representatives within bedrock principles of our democracy that surely fox news believes in as well. some folks on social media responding to this revelation. jimmy says why is anyone allowed to verbally assault these people talking about politicians?
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another twitter users chiming in saying this doesn't come as a surprise to many people including myself. these protesters flooding capitol hill putting big time pressure on republican lawmakers. heather: is crossing the line. imagine being in that situation and having someone -- >> especially when they are off the clock and restaurants. heather: twitter taking action about the georgetown professor. >> the georgetown professor who faced backlash for saying she posted this tweet saying republican lawmakers deserve miserable death and to be castrated. she is in her tweet was not a call to violence. she posted another tweet saying i do not and never have condoned violence. my tweet was an attempt to make you as uncomfortable as i using
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the language of the abuse i received by the hundreds. as she is tweeting that a former georgetown professor who knew her is speaking out against her on fox news. watch. >> she was part of this extremist left, what she is tweeting is not just a simple troubling remark but part of a larger dynamic, time to topple this government. >> her twitter account was suspended and is back up and running but speaking of twitter so many people sounding off on this, the twitter user said she should be fired from the university. her tweet transgressed into incitement of violence that is never protected by the first amendment. heather: a lot of graduate the georgetown not happy about her.
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the time is almost half past the top of the hour the fbi refusing to release dozens of documents about the uranium one deal, remember that? with russia and the clintons. what are they trying to hide? former congressman jason chaffetz sounds the alarm on national security implications. >> he was racist, sexist, islamohphobic. he talks to that america. >> a very clinton taking game at donald trump supporters again. jackie ibanez here with reaction.
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heather: half past the top of the hour on "fox and friends first," deplorable's 2.0. hillary clinton slamming donald trump supporters and laughing
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about brett kavanaugh's hearing. jackie ibanez joins us now. a lot of people seemed taken aback by clinton's comments. >> reporter: the former presidential candidate sat down for a wide-ranging discussion of the atlantic festival in washington dc. the brett kavanaugh confirmation battle took center stage, clinton asked about the assertion the allegations against him were part of the democratic hit job in revenge for clinton's loss. [laughter] >> i thought it was just part of the whole of his very defensive and unconvincing presentation. >> reporter: clinton resorting to name-calling taking shots at the president's supporters in the process. listen to this.
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>> he has been racist. he has been sexist. he has been islamohphobic, he has been anti-lgbt queue. there is a long list. he talks to that america. he talks to them all the time. it is a very hard-core who are responding to him and supporting him. >> reporter: he wasn't done. clinton was asked about russian meddling in the 2016 election which she says played a role in her loss that she went a step further comparing it to 9/11. >> it would be, i can't even imagine after 9/11 george w. bush said i don't have time to meet, we feel sorry and we will rebuild but we are not going to worry about it. at a certain point that is what this is turning into. >> reporter: all of this is clinton promotes the newest addition of her book what happened. >> you would think they would have learned this didn't work last time, it completely
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backfired but using the same type of rhetoric here is what tucker carlson had to say about the comments from hillary clinton. >> is not affecting the president as much as she is attacking his voters and trump won a bad country, they are bigots so they supported trump. that is fantasy like the russia split nation. the republican leadership, why did this happen? it happened because the people in charge on election day 2016 made bad decisions that voters were mad about it. they have not learned from this experience of the country becomes more divided, it becomes more volatile, more primed for the next thing which could be scarier. heather: a lot of people have things to say. >> comments pouring in. many in opposition to clinton's comments, sandy right still taking comments about the deplorables. when twitter user writing i
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thought we were done with seeing and hearing this woman. i'm so glad she is not potus. randy tweets breaking news, she is still alive. what happened? that's what happened. let's talk about this. the doj investigation into the uranium one deal pushback from the fbi. the agency refusing to release 37 pages of new documents related to the controversial deal. what are they hiding? here to weigh in his house oversight committee chairman and author of the deep state, jason chaffetz. thank you for joining us this morning. bring our viewers up to speed on this. what are the national security implications of this? clearly new documents people haven't seen. >> the united states has
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uranium, the russians want it to build their nuclear weapons is why is it when hillary clinton was secretary of state and her husband, none other than president bill clinton was over and russia, giving $500,000 each, suddenly they get this approval to sell part of our uranium supplies to russia. it makes no sense on the surface. congressional investigators, freedom of information act requests, get these documents. the pages are out there but fully redacted, you can't tell what is going on with them and yet again, again, the part of justice is holding back from congress and holding back from allowing the public to see what happens. they say it was up and up. if it was, release the documents. the permit of justice is not allowing the public -- bill: when you say selling part of our uranium to russia it was no small part. this was a significant amount.
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how did that happen? it wasn't just hillary clinton that had to approve it. >> a number of department and agencies that on the surface it makes no sense to release it. why would you allow the russians to have this material they need for their nuclear supplies? why are we allowing them to get this material? if it passed these rigorous tests, they won't let congress or the public see the documents. seems like there is something wrong. you have to see the documents. heather: you mentioned paides with bill clinton and russia, $500,000 for one of them and significant contributions made by people behind the scenes related to this deal to the
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clinton foundation. correct? >> literally millions of dollars changing hands. some of the biggest clinton donors, also involved in transferring money to other organizations, nonprofit organizations, this tempestuous web, congress is trying to appeal back and the public trying to look at but they keep hiding these documents and makes you scratch your head and say what are they hiding? it is literally millions of dollars changing hands, the most precious materials this country has. heather: this particular dealing with russia between the clintons and russia, you don't hear so much in terms of the outrage we hear from the mainstream media involving donald trump and russia. >> the mainstream media is nowhere on this.
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why is it bill clinton who gets $200,000 a speech suddenly goes to russia and get half $1 million for one speech? makes no sense on the surface. hillary clinton will say as secretary of state she didn't sign documents, show us the documents. let's see who was in those rooms signing those documents. that is why congress needs these documents. heather: let's see them not so rejected. have a great day. the time is 20 minutes until the top of the hour and democratic socialist alexandria ocasio-cortez just proved she had no idea what congress actually does. >> january 3rd, january 4th, healthcare. heather: the her extreme lack of knowledge of the basic role of our government and that only gets worse.
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heather:. wave democrats hoping for losing momentum before the midterms. they are not hoping for that but does appear to be happening. the new quinnipiac university poll shows 49% of voters will back a democrat in a local house race, that is down from 52% in the same poll last month. support for republicans is up from 38-42%. alexandria ocasio-cortez making another mistake in the public eye, the democratic socialist showing she has no idea what congress actually does. >> inaugurated january 3rd,
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january 4th, healthcare. really, we have a duty to always fight and maintain the strength of our values. >> reporter: ocasio-cortez completely unaware that members of congress are sworn into office and it is the president's role to sign bills into law. many poking fun at her. jackie says she is literally living in lala land, rob says the lights are on but nobody is home. she was just endorsed by obama. toys "r quote us making a comeback? this would be a great thing. tracy carrasco here with possible revival of the iconic toy store. >> reporter: it could be making a comeback.
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wall street journal reports lenders who own toys "r quote us and babies r us have canceled an option that had plans to sell off the company. the option was searched is a lot of intellectual properties like the brand-name, and jeffrey giraffe, the mascot, but proposed reorganization plan that could allow the company to relaunch as another retail business. twitter is may be making a comeback. in july toys "r quote us shut down its nearly 800 stores. shannon: from giraffe to a llama to a bagel and frisbee. >> apple launching 70 new emojis, that is available to beta testers, available to the rest of us later this month but as you said, a llama raccoon, frisbee, bagel, mosquito and bald and redheaded emoji characters.
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heather: how to make shoes, takes months for them to come up with these new emoji's. these were announced a while back and a whole group decides. heather: he that is somebody's job. heather: the left losing its cool confronting gop lawmakers but one protester just had the tables turned on her. >> are you okay as a person to go ahead and accuse an uncorroborated charge? heather: george soros is the one slipping anti-cavanagh protesters cash to harass. when will the left stop these tactics? our political panel on deck to debate it next. . with such a long history, it's easy to trust geico!
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heather: louisiana senator bill cassidy refusing to be pushed around by anti-judge cavanagh protester on capitol hill. >> you are okay as a doctor? >> are you okay as a person to go ahead, an uncorroborated charge -- bill: are learning liberal billionaire george soros has deep financial ties to protesters like this. when will the left stop these tactics? here to debate is and one right and republican strategist jen kearns. appreciate it. i will start with you.
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when will the stop? when they start getting paid? >> it is interesting, they will not stop these tactics if they continue to work. that is why the midterm elections are so critically important to republicans. last week, we said there was a george soros connection that turned out to be true. we know the group demand justice was set up for the explicit purpose influencing the court systems and turning the more progressive, demand justice tied to the 1630 funds which receive $2.2 million from the open society policy center which is tied to george soros. these protests are as organic as a bucket of polyurethane. there's nothing -- no other way to put it. when will republican stop falling for this? it is like lucy and charlie brown with a football. heather: the hard to not when
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you have people being cornered in elevators. let's take a look at the numbers on screen, you can't deny the donations, the record so far from 2016-17, 1.25 million for the center of popular democracy from george soros, or i should say george soros and the most important what we are speaking about, 730,000, to the 16 first fund behind funding for the anti-cavanagh ads that jen was talking about. and to protest and harass people who support brett cavanagh when this investigation is ongoing. >> we don't know if these people are paid to harass anyone because giving money to the organization does not translate to these people being paid and
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republicans want to frame this as harassment, i-frame it is participating in our democracy. our democracy dies in darkness and the bottom line is these people were given the opportunity to shed light on dark places in our democracy like we see going on with the supreme court battle and many other situations in our country. here's what i know. everyone can participate in our democracy. some uneducated, some will agitate, some will legislate but everyone will participate and i feel these people are exercising their rights -- bill: in people's faces. no one is hearing what you are saying when you do something like that. >> i have a proposal here. >> you and i both know this is nothing new to our democracy. this is the foundation of our democracy is all about, people finding a way to express their
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viewpoint. in the form of doing this in person or on twitter or email or showing up at the capital this is the beauty of the american experience. it allows the things to happen. >> that is true. you get the final word. we didn't get a chance to get to this. the coverage of it alone has not been fair. the past 12 days, just speaking of doctor ford's politics which is important of all this, only 12 seconds in 12 days from the mainstream media on that. >> it is the same bias we saw in the 2016 presidential race. i believe the american people at past it as they did in the 2016 presidential election when they elected donald trump. i agree with you we are allowed to agitate. i came up the tea party movement and been an agitator myself but there's a difference between being an active citizen and being a paid shill.
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>> you do not know that. >> if they are pay i propose this. you have to wear it on your t-shirt you are sponsored by one of these soros think tanks, full disclosure. and also be educated. have some facts behind what you say, not just screaming. we have to go. >> you will say i am paid by george soros. >> you both make good points, thank you for joining us this morning and we will be right back. stay with us. - in a crossfit gym, we're really engaged
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with who we are as people and making everybody feel welcome.
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heather: enough time for the good, the bad and the ugly. police departments and fire department around the country going pink for breast cancer awareness month. in cortland county, new york, sheriff deputies wearing bright pink badges and firefighters in new jersey wearing pink helmets and holding fundraisers. now the bad. a close encounter gets a little too slow for comfort at the cincinnati zoo. >> a person with a rhinoceros bite. heather: never thought he would say that. the rhino biting a man's finger during a behind-the-scenes tour. kinde means the loved one in swahili, not feeling love for that guy but he will be okay. the ugly. a taser takedown tasering a man after pulling him over on a stolen tractor, he tried to run
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and hit the deputy, when he tried to run again the deputy used his taser. that wraps up this hour of "fox and friends first". thank you for joining us, "fox and friends first" continues right now, have a great day, goodbye. jillian: wednesday, october 3rd. ready to close the case. the fbi may wrap up its investigation into brett kavanaugh today. rob: has the damage been done by the democrats? [chanting] jillian: live in washington, the supreme court clash is filled out of the capital on to college campuses. rob: also this morning vladimir putin is back with another shirtless photo shoot. jillian: the only thing you hear about is meddling with the motions, "fox and friends first"


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