tv Watters World FOX News October 6, 2018 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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thank you, mr. president. thank you for all that you do for america and all of this world. we are so glad you are here. thank you, sir. [cheers and applause] [♪] judge jeanine: i'm push *. you are -- i'm jeanine pirro. you are watching president trump's rally live from topeka, kansas. president trump: a vote for his opponent, his name is paul davis. he's no good. it's a vote for the radical agenda of nancy pelosi and chuck schumer, and the legendary maxine waters.
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here in kansas, his opponent paul davis voted time after time to raise your taxes and fees, and he voted to give public benefits to illegal aliens. if you want to stop nancy pelosi from becoming speaker of the house? nancy? nancy pelosi? whoa! you better get out and vote for steve watkins, please. a majority of house democrats have already sponsored a socialist takeover of healthcare. the democrats' plan would eviscerate medicare and eliminate medicare advantage for 20 million seniors. we want to protect medicare. we'll as republicans protect medicare for our great seniors who have earned it and pay for
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it. and we'll always protect americans with preexisting conditions. we'll take care of our great americans with preexisting conditions. today's democrats have embraced radical socialism and open borders. if you don't have borders, you don't have a country, folks. you don't have a country. every single democrat in the u.s. senate signed up for the open borders. and it's a bill. it's called the open borders bill and it's written by guess who? dianne feinstein. [crowd booing] president trump: remember the leaking. the leaking dianne feinstein. did you leak?
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dianne, did you leak? no, i didn't, i don't think. did we leak? know said no, we didn't leak. was that the worst body language you have ever seen? no, i didn't leak. no, she didn't leak. that's what you are dealing with. if the democrats' bill ever becomes law, a tidal wave of drugs and crime would pour into our nation like never ever before. democrats also support deadly sanctuary cities that resleels violent predators and bloodthirsty predators like ms-13 into our communities.
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republicans believe stays should be a sanctuary for law abiding americans, not criminal aliens. americans stand proudly with the brave men and women of ice, border patrol and law enforcement. they wanted to fund i.c.e. -- when ms-13 sees i.c.e. coming, they say let's get out of here. but they can't. they get caught and they get thrown the hell out of the country. they don't like it. the democrats want to get rid of i.c.e. and these are great americans. i.c.e., great americans. we need some people. they are tough. ms-13 doesn't like i.c.e.
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that's why i like i.c.e. but they are great americans and they love our country and they are not treated properly. i have seen it in long island. they go into a community, long island. i group in that community. they go into these communities, and these are rough, rough people. ms-13. how they even come in. we stop them at the border. but there are so many here from before us. they come in and long island. we send i.c.e., and they get in there and they get them out, and it's like we are liberating a town. in this day and age. it's like a foreign invader finally is being taken out. they are liberating a country, liberating a city or a town. these people are liberating these towns.
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and you know the story. they cut people up because they don't want to use bullets, because it's too fast and not painful enough. i said animals. nancy pelosi said how fair you say that. this woman just said it to me, how dare you call them. they are human beings. these are animals, folks, they are animals. we need law enforcement and i.c.e. and border patrol. these are great people. and if your community has a problem, don't worry about it. give us a call and we'll take care of it. democrats are fighting to give welfare and free healthcare to
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illegal aliens. republicans believe the public benefits must be protected for the truly needed americans. americans that need help, not illegal aliens. if you want a state, if you want a border, if you want america to remain a sovereign, great country, then i must organize, mobilize, register, and vote republican. we need more republican votes. this election is about safety and it's also about prosperity. since the election, we have created over 4.2 million new jobs and lifted almost 4 million americans off of food stamps. and we added nearly one-half
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million manufacturing jobs. think of that. if i ever said that -- you are getting more and more people back there. look how many reporters. [crowd booing] president trump: that's a lot. you know what i call it? i call it the academy awards. we are doing great. our new polls just came out. i had a poll, rasmussen 51 or 52. and theyer in report that. and it's much higher than that. they say when they don't want to talk about it, that means they are voting for trump. am i supposed to be thrilled? but we'll take it. that's what happened in 2016. a lot of people didn't want to
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talk about it, and the pollster puts it down. now they learned their lesson. when they don't talk, they are trump voters. unemployment has reached the lowest level in recorded history. african-american poverty has reached its lowest rate ever recorded. by the way. by the way, can you imagine during the debate if i had those statistics. the best unemployment number ever for african-americans. best in terms of poverty in history for africa. it's only habit.
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because for 100 years, african-americans have gone with democrats. but now they are change and changing fast. thank you con yes west, thank you, jim brown. thank you iron mike. i could go through, we have so many people. big jim brown. we could use him right now with the nfl. great people. hispanic american and asian-american, likewise their unemployment rates also reached all-time historic lows. the lowest. [cheers and applause] and women's unemployment just fell to 3.6%. the lowest rate in 65 years. and we are as of right now the
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world's number one producer of crude oil and natural gas, energy. number one. and since i took office, the value of americans' mutual funds and pension funds has increased by $2.7 trillion. that's your money. and your 401ks, you all look like a bunch of jean yulss, thank you donald have much. -- a bunch of geniuses. thank you, donald. you are all great investors. we picked up now 11.7. larry kudlow said it to me the other day. he said, sir, you are a little
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bit low. it's $11.7 trillion in worth. do you know what that is? and china was catching us rapidly before i became president and right now we are going so fast. we are the fastest developing country in the world. can you believe it? fastest in the world. [crowd chants usa!] president trump: we have a mid-term coming up. historically the way it works,
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people become complacent, then we always win in the next one which of course is the presidential election. so far i'm dreaming of those candidates. i see those candidates before my eyes. every night before i go to sleep. sometimes while i'm sleeping i love them so much. cory booker. pocahontas. i have got more indian blood in me than pocahontas, and i have none. sadly, i have none. but i have more than she does. they said to her, why do you say you are of indian heritage? well, my mother told me i have high cheek bones. do you have documentation?
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no, i don't. but i have high cheek bones. well, i have high cheekbones. maybe i will do very well. i want to be careful. i'm take out so many of these people, i am hitting them so hard they are disappearing. i may get somebody who is good to run against me. that will not be good. i'll take out all the easy ones and maybe i will get stuck with somebody who is actually good. but i don't see anybody on that side. shifty joe biden ran for president two or three times. i think i remember a third time in there. but he had 1% with an arrow pointing less. and then obama took him off the trash heap. he's one of the people.
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remember he challenged me to a fight. i would love that. that wouldn't last long. that would not last long. [cheers and here is a non-candidate. that's' blumenthal. he talked about when i was in vietnam and i was fighting up the hill and men from going left and right of me, they are dying. the hill and men from going left truck by bullets. by went back to their rescue. i went back and got them.
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then i made a second attempt. bullets from being left and right and over my shoulders. and they are hitting my men . then i figured he's a fraud. he was never in vietnam. there was no way he could win. because it's connecticut where only a democrat, can you believe this? that's why connecticut is such a mess. general electric just moved out, that doesn't help. but i see him yesterday talking about a man who is number one in yale who has the most of incredible record. one of the reasons i picked him, he's like a perfect person.
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and danang dick said he was a great war hero and he never saw the country. this is a guy that said he was charge up danang province taking bullets left and right. and he never saw the place. but he was in the reserves. he said i demand honesty. i demand honesty, integrity, and i demand that there is no lying going on. wait a minute, that's the guy who lied about in the history our country, he lied. how bad. then you have feinstein and you have the others. you don't want those people in office, folks.
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you have got to have great republicans. and compare that with what you have seen with john cornyn who asked that great question to diane and got her off base. and lindsey graham who did such a great job. [cheers and applause] he did a great job. how good was lindsey. how good was lindsey. you know what? he was speak from the heart. he was speak from the heart. by the way, that extra week was a great thing. it showed no corroboration. no nothing. by the way, no nothing. how good was senator susan collins yesterday? really? [cheers and applause]
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and chuck grassley. i will tell you what, chuck was great. he's got to be very happy with what we did on trade. chuck from iowa, great state. and mitch mcconnell. how good. how good. he was tough but smart. he was great. he worked hard. and we got ourselves the finest legal minds, one of the finest human beings. and what his family took, the horror they had to endure by these people like blumenthal and cory booker who was a disaster as the mayor of newark, new jersey. what they had to take was a disgrace. the only reason to vote democrat is if you are tired of winning, right?
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we want to win, win, win. never get tired of winning. after years of rebuilding other nations, we are finally rebuilding our nation. you see what's happened. [cheers and applause] and i just left the united nations last week, and i can til and everybody else can tell you, and even the fake news can tell you america is respected again. [cheers and applause] to create more jobs and rising wages. republicans passed the biggest package of tax reforms by far. we also passed veterans choice, 44 years, giving our veterans
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the right to see a private doctor, and we pay for it so they don't have to wait in line for 25 days, 38 days, 14 days, 6 days. they go out and see a private doctor. they get themselves a good doctor, we pay the bill. it's so simple, but it took 44 years to get it done. i'm going to get it done. and we also passed 45 years the va accountability law to insure anyone who mistreats our veterans will be held accountable. you are fired, get out. [cheers and applause] and we secured a record $700 billion and the next year $716 billion to rebuild our military
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and to give pour brave warrior -- give our brave warriors their largest pay raise in almost a decade. [crowd chants usa! ] president trump: at my direction, the pentagon is now working to create the 6th branch of the american armed forces, the space force. very serious stuff. and it's happening quickly. it's very serious. it's where it's at. doesn't sound right but it's right. that's where it's at, defense and offense. that's where it's at.
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-- i withdrew the united states from the horrible one-sided iran nuclear deal. you know, before i became president i looked at what was happening iran. they were taking over the middle east, they were taking syria, yemen, they were taking everything. now they just want to make it. they have riots in every city. since i took over that horrible, horrible deal, think of it, the previous administration gave iran $150 billion, and even crazier, they gave up $1.8 billion in cash. airplanes full of cash. i said does the president of the
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united states have the power to give away $1.8 billion in cash? you know what the answer is? it's actually no. they don't. what they did there is a disgrace. they gave them $1.8 billion until order to have a horrible deal. they paid $1.8 billion for hostages. we got our hostages back from north korea. and we have a good relationship. who knows what happens, but i think good things happen. no more missile testing. no more rocket testing, no more nuke car testing. we got the remains of our great, great heroes from 75 years ago back and they keep coming back, and we got our hostages back. and good things are happening
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over there. you know just before we signed the deal with canada and mexico, i said who nodes, who knows. i like it. it takes all the pressure off. with north korea who knows. but i think we are doing very well. okay? the fake news says why aren't you going faster. i said i just got back three months ago. i was there with kim jong-un. chairman kim. they spay why aren't you going -- they say why aren't you going faster? i say what have people done for 75 years? this is three months. one of the anchors says why has the president given away so much? i say what have i given. i haven't given away anything.
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we got our hostages back for nothing, out of respect. we got the testing all topped including the nuclear -- all stopped, including the nuclear testing. i said what are we giving? they said, you agreed to meet. that doesn't cost me very much. i like to meet. what the hell do we lose by meeting? i asked the previous administration, that's one i gave away, i agreed to meet. can you imagine how well we would do if we actually had fair press? can you imagine? can you imagine? i agreed to meet. i'm sorry i agreed to meet. then they said, right -- the rhetoric was extremely tough the
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first couple months. president obama said at my meeting with him, the biggest problem we have by far is north korea. they would have gone to war and millions of people would have been killed. i said to somebody in their administration, have you ever talked or agreed to meet? they said well we hadn't thought about it. what? we are not going to talk? what we have coming in, the greatest power we have very had. you know why i have that? because i don't want to use it. when you have it, nobody is going to mess with us. nobody. i don't want to use it. greatest power in the world. $716 billion. greatest power in the world. we recognized the capital of israel and opened the american embassy in jerusalem.
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that's the other story. that's the other story we tell. that's a big one. that's a big, big story. you know why? other presidents said we are going to do it, we are going to do it. and i see why. i don't blame them. he leader said please don't do it. you know the story, i refused to take their phone calls. tell them i will call them back on thursday next week. and i am signing on wednesday. tell them i am calling them back on thursday. then i call them back, hi, what's up? we wanted to talk to you about israel. but it's too late. and the embassy which was going to cost over a billion dollars we built it for $400,000.
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and the billion would have taken probably 20 years before you got to build it. we took a piece of land that we already owned and it had a building on it. we fixed the building up a little bit. we used even jerusalem stone which is beautiful. how nice is that? jerusalem stone in jerusalem sounds about right. we got it for the right price. and we built it for less than $500,000. it's open now. we have our embassy. we saved a billion dollars and 20 years and we have our embassy. we can do that with hundreds of them. for years you watched as your leaders apologized for america. now you have a president who is standing up for america. [cheers and applause]
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we are standing up for america, we are standing up for kansas. and we are standing proudly for our great national anthem. right? [cheers and applause] and i just hope canada and the nfl make a deal they have been trying to make for year. canada was taking advantage of the nfl. the nfl couldn't get it done. it took me two seconds. it's a lot of money, but compared to corn and crops and dairy and milk and cars and steel. i said you have got to take care of it. it's not right. it took me two minutes. i will get it done. i got a call from the commissioner of the nfl and i
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thought he was calling me to ask me to stop taunting them about standing for the american flag. and he didn't. he called me to thank me. he said the preef previous administration could not get it done, and we got it done, and we didn't even know you were trying to do it. so now they will have a lot more money to give to their players, and their players will still hear it me, but that's okay. stand for our anthem. just as long as they stand for our flag and our anthem, i don't care how they feel about me. but to continue our incredible momentum, you have to get your friends, your family, your neighbors, your co-workers, and get out and vote republican. we need more people.
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we don't have enough. vote to send kris kobach to the governor's mansion and vote to send steve watkins to congress. he'll always vote for trump. a vote for republicans is a vote for lower taxes, less regulation and more products made right here in the usa finally. we want it made here. it's a vote to respect our borders. respect our constitution, and respect the heroes of law enforcement. that's what they are. they are our heroes. and a vote for republicans is a vote to reject the democrat politics of anger and division and disruption and reclaim america's true heritage and righteous destiny.
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we are losing that with these crazy loco people. to everyone in this room tonight, that's a lot of people. to he citizen watching across our land. this is your time to choose. it's a time to choose whether to turn backward to the failure and frustration of the past, or whether we continue forward into a future of american greatness. [cheers and applause] it's not up to the media. it's not up to the pundits. it's up to you to decide your fate. and remember this, what happened in 2016 and what's happening even more so now, i believe, because i produced, and people see i produced. one of them said he made a lot
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of promises and he actually produced more than he made promises. think about it. i did it. [cheers and applause] you have the power with your vote to defend your family, your community, your country, and everything we hold sacred and righteous and true. loyal citizens like you helped build this country and together we are taking back our country, returning power to everyday great american patriots. the state of kansas was settled by pioneer men and congress women who defied danger and braved the wilderness to build a beautiful life on the plains. beautiful. beautiful.
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beautiful. strong women, strong women. i'm sorry, fellas. stronger than the men, i'm sorry, fellas. strong. they didn't have a lot of money. they didn't have a lot of luxuries. but they all had one thing in common. they loved their families. they loved their country, and they loved their god. [cheers and applause] these courageous patriots did not shed their blood, sweat and tears so we could sit at home while others tried to erase their legacy and destroy our you proud and great american
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heritage. for the sake of our freedom, and for the sake of our children, we are going to work, we are going to fight, and we are going to win, win, win. [cheers and applause] we'll not bend, we'll not break, we'll never give in, we'll never give up, we'll never back down, we'll never surrender, and we'll always fight on to victory! [cheers and applause] because we are american and our hearts bleed, red, white and blue. we are one people. one family. and one glorious nation under god. and together we'll make america
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wealthy again. we'll make america strong again. we'll make america safe again. and we'll make america great again. thank you kansas, thank you. thank you. [cheers and applause] [♪] judge jeanine: that is president trump just wrapping up a rally in topeka, kansas. a really very, very positive speech. on an incredible day where we witnessed history with an associate justice being confirmed and sworn into the united states supreme court. it's the culmination of one of the most of contentious supreme court hearings that we have ever seen in american history.
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and this president of course in topeka, kansas talking about all the great things that have been done. a huge day for him, a huge day for the republic canning party as he continues to march through the country to get people to support the candidate and their states just prior to the mid-term. a fired up president trump clearly doing what he does best. just wrapping up that rally speech in topeka, kansas. we have a political panel here. cpac chairman matt schlapp, former secret service agent dan bongino to break it all down. i want to get your take on the huge day the president had. you can sense the excitement of the crowd. >> we had one of the biggest votes we'll ever seen in the united states senate with brett kavanaugh, now justice kavanaugh. you can see how intertwined it
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is in politics. the president is at the rally. what's the number one thing they wanted to hear about? the great victory at the supreme court. the victory with kavanaugh is going to make republicans' jobs easier in november. judge jeanine: dan, you had a panel discussion with chris hahn talking about how justice kavanaugh was treated. this week just an incredible week turnaround of the president in mississippi and how he chairchg -- how hechanged the co christine ford. what would you say to chris hahn who isn't here tonight? >> chris hahn did something last week that disgusted me. he attacked and jumped on this liberal train to destroy this
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good man. i was deeply offended by that. days you a vindication. chris, now do you like them apples. that's what i have got to say. it's like "goodwil"good will hu" you like apples? it was a vindication of trumpism. for too long we have been in a political boxing match with the left wearing brass knuckles and we have appealed to the media please take the knuckles off. trump took the gloves off. judge jeanine: it's unbelievable. all my viewers, the president is going to be calling in the next few minutes i'm sure after he gets out of the arena in topeka, kansas. we'll be able to talk to him on one of the most of exciting days of his presidency. who could have predicted this
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would actually happen? brett kavanaugh went from a great circuit court judge the a guy involved in gang rapes, a sexual predator. some of the darkest days they had to be of brett kavanaugh's life. now he's back up and just sworn in. an associate justice of the supreme court. >> the only ron that happened is brett kavanaugh went to that hearing in the senate and connected with the american people and honestly and aggressively pushed back on those scurrilous charges. it was that moment that sealed his fate that he would be confirmed to the supreme court. people were so enthralled by the sheer honesty and emotion of all this. every american felt the pain of it. they know what it's like when someone gets railroad. it was a great injustice.
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judge jeanine: it wasn't just being railroad, matt. it was about eliminating the resumption of innocence. it was about a mob rule dictating that all women should be believed and men should just shut up. my fear was that lady justice was not only having the bandage ripped off and told which way to go, but she was being thrown out of the game totally. and that was frightening to a lot of americans who believe in the system and the presumption of innocence. it may have brought out a lot of people who wouldn't have cared about a supreme court nomination. >> what you just said is absolutely accurate. the left has done this before. they lob a grenade on a political battlefield. in this case it was racist. which was disgusting. in the past a lesser president
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would have backed away immediately and said for the better of the country, step aside. trump said no, not today. when brett kavanaugh got up there and said not today, not on my watch. i may not sit on the supreme court but you are not going to crap on my reputation and decade of good work for this country and my family. trump was there for him, he knew he was there for him and the corner turned. judge jeanine: we have the president calling in. and i understand that joining me now by phone is the president of the united states. donald trump. mr. president? president trump: dan sounded very good. very good. we appreciate dan. judge jeanine: dan is very good. but i must tell you this is one of the most of significant days of your presidency. it was a whirlwind week. i want to know, how do you feel
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tonight? president trump: -- okay, we are going to keep going to the panel. matt, i will ask you, just a follow-up on what dan was saying. other presidents would have bailed. i don't think there is any question. i will ask the president about this when we get the connection back. >> this was history. when a nominee hits the rocks like brett kavanaugh. as unfair as it was. when people heard dr. ford speak, my phone blew up. this sound creditable, he's got to drop kavanaugh. i said you have got to listen to the full day. the president broke the back of the left on this idea they can throw out charges, put a lot of dust in our eyes and presidents will bark off. they are dealing with somebody who is not a politician.
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he's not going to back off. they don't know what to do. they tried everything in their bag of tricks. judge jeanine: i think what matt and you are both saying, dan, we have a president who is a counter-puncher, and a president who is in a pittsburg -- who cae rules. and i think that brought us to this kavanaugh confirmation today. do you think the left learned the more ridiculous they get less credible they will be to the american people? >> no, they haven't learned a damn thing. they played along while the whole government was weaponized to take down donald trump. there is a reason we are where we are with donald trump. he didn't spend his whole life
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running for office learning how to sell out. he built stuff. he had a deal with union bosses, new york city, government people trying to shake him down sometimes. he had a deal with the worst of the worst and he had to build a damn building. politicians learn to sell out. that's why he is where he is and brett kavanaugh is sitting on the supreme court. judge jeanine: we were on with the president a few minutes ago and we are trying to get the connection back. he is trying to get back to us as i understand it. matt, you know brett kavanaugh. >> i do. judge jeanine: how do you go through the emotional rollercoaster he went through, and when he gets to today sworn in, i had chills. i'm a lawyer and also a judge. is it bitter sweet for him? >> i served with him through
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9/11, the heady issues around wars. we had amazing days. he's a very unflappable person. the person people saw in the senate pushing back aggressively, that was honest emotion to these charges. but the brett kavanaugh at work every day is steady eddie. the person who is also amazing is his wife, ashley. they are people of faith, they believe god has a plan for their lives. i am sure he believes the skills got gave him are nobody the law. i think we'll see that as the justice, he'll not use his personal opinions, not his faith. he'll read the word of the constitution, and consequences be damned. if people want to criticize him, he'll be a lot like clarence thomas. he'll do his job. judge jeanine: he clearly has
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been raked over the coals. this is a justice as senator susan collins made clear yesterday in her brilliant remarks in the senate who relies on precedent and understands under griswold versus connecticut and roe versus wade, there are rules that have to be followed. do you think that's something that will affect the mid-terms as we go forward? >> you know what i think will affect the mid-terms? the really visceral disgusting attacks on kavanaugh who was a brill want pick strategically. president trump had to understand that he was -- even though gorsuch was not the most of pleasant confirmation, this would be uglier. they knew kavanaugh was a
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conservative, and they knew he was a bush guy as well. judge, what did it do? it galvanized factions of the republican party that have been at each other's throats. trump always gets sold short on his strategy. judge jeanine: the truth, dan, that you articulated so well. the republican party going into the mid terms is now more unified than it's been in decade. it was brilliant on so many levels. >> all the republican surge and energy. you actually see the democrats have screwed up their double-digit advantage with women. women are moms and sisters and wife. they saw this as an unfair treatment of any man in their life. the democrats screwed it up even with women.
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judge jeanine: we are til waiting on president trump to call in live. let's talk more. very exciting times in topeka, kansas. especially if you are a president trump supporter. reporter: i think you said it right, this is arguably the high point of the trump presidency. he solidified his legacy for potentially decade to come with the appointment of two conservative justices on the high court who will demonstrate in the years going, and if that is the case, it moved the court in a rightward tilt that has not been reflected in decade. the crowd in this arena recognized that. this place hold 10,000 people. there was not a single seat to
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be had here tonight. every seat filled here. the enthusiasm level was reflected in that as well. they knew what was happening here. i was here when the vote reached the threshold 52-48. the president was in the air at the time. people were getting that news on their phones. and there was an uproarious applause. then there was thunderous applause. apparently we do not have that. but it again also demonstrates how donald trump completely upended conventional political thinking. his style of counter punching reflected in the defense of judge kavanaugh himself.
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don mccann pulled him aside -- judge jeanine: joining me by phone the president of the united states, donald trump. thanks for getting back to us. president trump: how is your reception? they had a secure reception situation. is it okay? judge jeanine: it's okay and you are on air. president trump: good, i like that. with you i like being on air with your beautiful ratings. judge jeanine: aside from some of the protesters, in washington there is an excitement. we have a supreme court justice. it's one of the highlights of your administration so far. you have to be very, very excited about what you accomplish. and you accomplished it. president trump: i am excited. the protesters are a very small group.
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i just left tens of thousands of people in kansas. it's amazing what's going in the country. we have a great new supreme court justice, jeanine, as you know very well. judge jeanine: i do. mr. president, a lot of other presidents might have pulled the plug. we were talking about this when we were trying to reconnect with you. there are a lot of conservative justices where you could have said okay let's try somebody else. and it wouldn't have been the first time a president did that. but you stood with kavanaugh during his darkest moments. president trump: it wouldn't have been fair to him. he's a highly respected man. what the democrats did was disgraceful. things happened that came out of the wind. there was no corroboration. this is a high quality brilliant man who will and phenomenal supreme court justice. it was my honor -- a lot of people said you will never get
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anybody like this. this is a very, very outstanding person and individual with an incredible family and it would have been very unfair. what they did to him was disgraceful. you saw that group, with blumenthal who falsified his service in vietnam, the terrible mayor of newark, knowledge where, dianne feinstein who in my opinion leaked the papers. it was terrible what was happening. very unfair. so i did stick with him and i am very happy i did. judge jeanine: you have an uncanny instinct. you have a gut sense of things. and you were very disciplined after christine ford came out and the left was going wacky. but there was one point where you i have on the in a rally in mississippi just a few days ago. you went off script and many people said you were extremely
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unkind to christine ford. what was it that gout to pivot from your restraint about her, and to fight for kavanaugh at that point? county rspoint? -- president trump: there were a lot of things happening that weren't true and a lot of things left unsaid. i thought i had to even the playing field. it was unfair to the judge, and now i can say justice kavanaugh. it was an unfair situation. once i did that it started to sail through. he was treated very, very unfairly, jeanine. judge jeanine: even "the washington post," even "the washington post" top of the fold today talks about the fact that when you went off script and you went after christine ford, saying nothing that wasn't already true, talking about her memory failures regarding the
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fundamentals of her assault. they said it was a turning point to victory. when you did that you turbo charged the victory when his fate was most of in doubt. there is no question what you did was instinctive, guttural^, you did it, and you won. president trump: it was a turning point as "the washington post" was actually shockingly said something that was very positive. i'm proud of it. we have a very -- we are going to have a great, great justice of the supreme court for many years. i fought hard to make sure he got on. you will see what happens. you will see how great he'll be and how he'll become. i have no doubt by the at all. judge jeanine: should there be consequences to those people who
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promoted falsehoods. when you look at the lawyer avenatti, the allegations he was promoting when he brings out this alleged victim were so preposterous that they dissipated on their own. should this person be held for the falsehoods, not just in terms of grievances with the bar association, but even beyond that. president trump: he made false accusations about me. it's a disgrace they are able to do it. i would love to see our libel laws get toughened up. but he made false statement. i think they should be held libel. you can't go around and whether it's making up stories or making false statements about such an important position, you can't do that. you destroy somebody's life.
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there were many, many false things that were said about a very fine man that would have destroyed his family. it all came together in the end, and people realize it was false accusations, false statements. it was something very interesting, and actually very nice to see. he suffered, jeanine. i watched that very closely. he suffered from false statements made about him, things that never happened. judge jeanine: did the democrats make a tactical mistake that worked to the republicans' advantage, especially with brett kavanaugh as a sacrificial lamb who i believe the turnaround was you in mississippi. but did they make a tactical mistake and is their anger going to carry them to the mid-terms in a positive way. president trump: i think they
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overplayed their hand. they were dishonest with the leak and other things they did. look at the lawyers representing certain people. they are right out of the democrat playbook. they represented others who are democrats. how did they end up with all these lawyers who are always the same ones? i won't even go into names. i think they overplayed their hand. i can tell you the enthusiasm and love and the feeling in the republican party is higher than i have ever seen it. you see polls going up like rocket ships. races that will be won on margins where the republicans wouldn't have won. we need more votes to cut taxes and do things they will never do. they are going to open borders and crime will pour in. we want borders where you come
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into the country legally. and so many things. the enthusiasm for the republican party is the strongest i have ever seen it and it happened the last two to three weeks. judge jeanine: if you are joining us, i'm judge jeanine pirro. we are having a conversation with the president of the united states. i'm going to continue that conversation. continuing with the discussion, you said that murkowski will never we cover from voting no on kavanaugh. then she kind of neutralized it by saying she was knew montrealized with the senator whose -- she was neutralized with the nor whose daughter was getting married. president trump: i don't know what's going to happen. i thought it was a sad vote and disgraceful. i appreciate that a democrat,
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