tv Outnumbered FOX News October 8, 2018 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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it turns out it was worth $1 million! he claim to the prize 23 days before it was due to expire. >> sandra: can imagine if it already expired customer accounts that you would be with yourself? that was his lucky day. thank you. "outnumbered" starts right now. >> harris: let's pick up at the news. fox news alert, new reactions from president trump to a bitter political battle which is refusing to go away even as the president get such a attendees are ♪ ♪ swearingen for the new supreme court justice brett kavanaugh. you are watching "outnumbered," i'm harris faulkner. here today, the host of "kennedy" on the fox business network, kennedy. fox news contributor lisa boothe, fox news contributor is a guitar love, and in the center seat, steve hilton. maybe he will have a revolution here. author of "positive populism." he is outnumbered. >> i don't know what we are doing, but we will do it.
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>> steve: one of the revolutionaries last night on the show. >> harris: that's great. we have some colors of the fall season. >> steve: very nice. >> harris: some linen, some plum. i digress. moving on. liberal groups are not backing down from their opposition to brett kavanaugh. some are even floating the idea of a possible impeachment movement of the new justice. raking house judiciary committee democrat jerry nadler, vowing that if his party takes back power in the midterm election, the plan to launch a new investigation on the works. how minority leader nancy pelosi is saying she wants more information on the fbi probe of kavanaugh, including any communications between the white house and the fbi. president trump spoke to reporters. let's bring it back for this. >> president trump: i have been here and now they thinking about impeaching a jurist, a man who does nothing wrong. a man who was caught up in a
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hoax that was set up by the democrats using the democrat's lawyers. and now they want to impeach him. i've heard this for many people. i think it is an insult to the american public. >> harris: peter doocy is live on capitol hill. peter? >> harris, democratic leaders don't want their rank and file members to be discouraged by the kavanaugh confirmation, so nancy pelosi just wrote them all a letter. all of her colleagues a letter, where she explains this -- "to preserve the record of this dark chapter, i am filing a request of the republic can see the fbi report, transcripts of interviews, and any can indication to the fbi from senate republicans regarding the scope of the investigation. this is important to set the record straight. we must not agonize. we must organize. people must vote." her democratic colleagues on the senate side are now saying that they don't think kavanaugh will ever shake of a controversy from this confirmation. >> he is going to be on the
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supreme court with a huge asterisk after his name. the partisanship that he showed was astounding. the conspiracy theory that he accused us of behaving in was bizarre. >> talk like that already has a public and leaders accusing democrats of not acting in good faith. >> democrats are running on "resist, obstruct." they aren't being shy about it. they want to bring more dysfunction, they are already talking about more hearings they want to take place before they get the house. >> one thing democrats seem to be pumping the brakes on, impeaching kavanaugh. >> we are less than a month away from an election. the folks who feel very strongly one way or the other about the issue in front of us should get out and vote and participate. there has only ever been one justice that has been impeached, and i think talking about at this point isn't necessarily
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healing us and moving us forwar forward. >> now the white house is doing their best to reset the public perception of the newest associate justice on the court. >> justice kavanaugh should not be seen as tainted. he should be seen as somebody who went through seven fbi investigations, including just in this last week. >> if house democrats get their way, that latest fbi investigation will be made public soon trade they see it as a very important part of being a check on the executive branch and the judicial branch. harris? >> harris: peter doocy, thank you very much. as he bring it out to the outnumbered couch now. first, it's a movement to impeach the president of the united states, not sure how that narrative went. but now there is a movement to impeach the new incoming justice kavanaugh. >> steve: the democrat base, the activists who are really driving everything at the party does, they are driven by rage and hate and vengeance. it's just so primal.
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that's why all talk of anything constructive, or any kind of policy, it's all gone. it's all "we've got to get trumped, we've got to get everything to do with trumpet." this kavanaugh fight is not over. as it looks likely, they will take back the house. they have been very clear. they are going to do these investigations, and they've been specific about what they are going to do. it's going to be the sexual assault investigation reopened. they said that, specifically. the guy who will be the incoming chairman. it's going to be all over again. plus, perjury. perjured himself in his testimony. even if they don't go as far as impeachment, they have already absolutely, concretely committed to investigation being reopened. >> harris: the justice is going to sit on the high court. he's being seated, he's been confirmed. the question is, can to keep them from doing his job? i would think not. i would think that if there are things that can come up, the
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supreme court will look at them as they always have. jessica, my question for you is, how is this helpful for the cause of the democrats in the midterm elections? not to solve health care, would you and i have talked about is the number one thing. i feel almost frustrated on your behalf. >> jessica: i am taking all frustration donations at this moment. after the weekend we had. jerry nadler has been out there in front saying he will be the chairman of the committee, if the democrats take it back. he is out there talking about it. i would say to everyone, listen to chris as well, who was on the forefront of their with jeff flake. back and forth. who saying "i don't know about this. it fires up a very specific subsection of the base. the most angry resistor. >> harris: how big is that? >> that's a great question for both parties. >> jessica: i think they are big.
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not the biggest. it's kind of like how i felt like the burning movement was overblown, there was this narrative that that was the entire party. the one he had 25 billion -- >> it was completely overblown. >> jessica: he lost his primary by 4 million votes. >> kennedy: he was cornered out of a legitimate run by the dnc, which was actively running against him. it >> jessica: disagree about that. >> poor bernie. >> it made a part of the left-wing base, but it also does is turn off the independents, it turns off proper. what he hasn't asked for is pushing people into unmasking themselves. i think we have seen from the left is pure dysfunction, pure chaos, a party that is willing to do absolutely anything, even destroy an innocent man for political power. that's exactly what we saw. >> harris: we lets here for a drug from the present pride will come back back. >> lisa: okay, that makes
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sense. >> president trump: you don't hand matches to an arsonist, and you don't give power to an angry left-wing mob. that's what they've become. [cheers and applause] >> harris: there is the president saying exactly how he sees the other political side. >> the confirmation handed even more kerosene to the loudest on the french to throw into the campfire. which is already a conflagratio conflagration. to lisa 'his point -- and this is where democrats get it wrong -- they're fighting president trump as president trump. that's not why voters voted for him. they didn't vote for him because of the bombast. that is almost a secondary attribute. what they voted for was supreme court picks, for a lot of people. a lot of people voted against hillary, but it was also this unorthodox style of thinking, and being able to tackle problems and expecting their lives practically. if democrats, instead of doing a bad impression of president trump -- which is only
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further tearing the country apart because they are doing it right -- if they come up with actual ideas, and actual strategies, and do a reset and say to themselves "where do we go from here" instead of "let's relitigate these issues," they will have a much better shot. >> harris: i want to go to you, steve. before you were part of the fox family, you worked for david cameron across the pond in england. you saw some of what kennedy is talking about. that sort of misreading the electorate. >> steve: totally. the resistance base may not be 100% of the party. it's certainly 100% of the strategy right now. they have 100% control of their leadership. that's where they are going. the loony left, as it were, are taking over. it's a real danger for the party, just as you were saying, kennedy. this can spiral out of control. may be a few voices for moderation within the democratic party, but they aren't being heard.
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they're being drowned out. >> jessica: i do think that's true. when i look at who is technically in charge, chuck schumer, he doesn't seem like -- >> steve: yes, but he is behaving like the loony left. >> wait -- >> jessica: but there are a number of democrats -- on that basis, he was not supporting it with him because of his -- >> harris: dr. ford -- before any of us eat even knew exactly what she -- >> jessica: he opposed them even before dr. ford was on the scene. >> kennedy: you are trying to say this left-wing resistance is not part of mainstream democratic party but you haven' haven't -- >> lisa: you have two potential hopefuls on the senate judiciary committee, willingly taking part of this disgusting chapter in american history, of literally weaponizing -- >> jessica: about the brett kavanaugh stuff, his life has
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been destroyed -- >> lisa: furnace, due process, justice. the democrats demonstrated they don't care about those things. >> kennedy: let's talk about someone who's not on that committee, elizabeth warren. here somebody who is happy not only to exacerbate the gender war, but really blow it up and potentially alienate a lot of male voters, saying that she needs to go to washington -- >> jessica: a woman has to be a top, which is a wonderful thing. i hope my daughter see the point in their lifetime, while they are still children, where there's a woman present. not because there is a woman, because she is the best candidate with the most energy who can bring people together and offer a vision and offer freedom. >> harris: >> jessica: i am lity being yelled at by everybody but harris right now. >> i wasn't yelling -- >> elizabeth warren is a nut job when it comes to -- >> jessica: i don't think she was arguing that she should be voted for.
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i don't think she was arguing that people should be elected just on the basis of their gender. amy klobuchar handled herself built don't act brilliantly through the whole dr. ford and judge kavanaugh situation. she might be gone by november, but a heidi heitkamp, for instance. people whose names americans didn't know until the supreme court hearings. they didn't really know what they stood for. >> kennedy: she would love a shot -- >> jessica: but she's not -- >> voices like that are drowned out -- >> cory booker -- >> because you have seen this before, and on your show every sunday night, and i'm giving you a shameless plug -- [laughter] >> harris: you talk all about this idea of compartmentalization, and people getting things based on the boxes that they check. i just want to make sure that we sit for a minute on how that hurts everybody. they've got to have the most qualified people for whatever the position is, and let all of
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those box checking things come along with it. that's a fabulous thing, to have women and people of color or whatever. but, merit-bases where we need to be right now. >> steve: of course that's right. the real serious goal would be to eliminate any barriers to people moving up. >> harris: there you go. >> steve: wherever they come from, whatever the background. whether it's gender, race, everyone on the right should support that. that's what opportunity is all about. but all of that is out the window because the definition, these days, of the democratic party is the hate and anger. the women's march. none of these people are disavowed, literally put out as the most disgusting -- susan collins, who has fought for 28 builds on sexual violence, the women's march called her a rape apologist. >> jessica: i don't think there are millions of women who said -- in this country and around the world. >> steve: cory booker, kirsten gillibrand, they show up to these women's marches and they probably go on about the women's
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march. they haven't disavowed -- >> harris: says you should attack what you don't agree with -- >> kennedy: or cory booker saying the same thing. how does that not represent the left-wing mob? there is a basis of it. >> harris: it's going to be a spirited hour. i can tell. glad you're with us. [laughter] after secretary of state mike pompeo met with kim jong un over the weekend -- boy, it was a busy weekend -- the trump administration says that north korea is not ready to let inspectors into its missile sites. will we see another trump-kim summit? plus, deputy attorney general rod rosenstein is on air force one, people. right now, with president trump. they are going to florida. their first meeting since those reports that rosenstein discussed secretly recording the president and removing him from office. how much turbulence? it [laughter] is there on that flight? >> i see what you did there. ♪ >> we will be talking on the plane. i have a good relationship,
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air force one, deputy attorney general rod rosenstein. oh, this is going to get interesting breed this comes after last month's "new york times" report that rosenstein had discussed secretly recording the president and possibly removing him from office under the 25th amendment. rosenstein denies that report. here is the president this morning. >> president trump: on the plane -- i actually have a good relationship, other than there has been no collusion, folks. no collusion. no, i don't. i didn't know rod before. but i have gotten to know him, and i get along very well with him. b5 rosenstein expected meet with white house republicans on thursday. here's house committee devin nunes with his questions. >> i think it all comes down to whether or not he was willing to wear a wire or not. if he was willing to wear a wire and secretly record the president, maria, someplace of this country has never been before, i don't know if any time
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in the history of this country where you had people at the top levels of government conspiring to secretly record a president so that you can trap the president into doing -- into being able to go after the 25th amendment to remove the president. >> kennedy: 's meeting also comes after former tough fbi official davis baker told investigators last week that a dnc-link to a lawyer was to the agency prior to its launch of an investigation into the 2016 trump campaign. congressman knew this has this to say about that -- >> and i have one of the top lawyers for the democrats in the clinton cas feeding information directly the top lawyer at the fbi. before even fisa warrant. so now you have absolute proof that that wasn't told to the fisa courts. you want your evidence of fisa abuse? there it is, right there. >> kennedy: nancy pelosi says that she wants the 302s.
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devin nunes once all this information regarding fusion gps and any sort of interface they had with the department of justice or fbi officials. are we going to get to see any of this? >> steve: i don't know, but i'm sort of reminded -- with all of the kavanaugh controversy in the past few weeks, that whole russia conversation still hasn't gone away. all these names making history now. peter strzok and lisa page, how long is that since we talked about them? >> i enjoyed the break. >> steve: me too, frank lee. devin nunes -- on your question, yes, we should get the information. it's quite clear to me. i think everyone watching this, there are certainly grounds for suspicion. the permanent bureaucracy, the obama holdover, both before the election and after, up to no good. how about, how serious we are. we need the information. the something to investigate. to his point on rosenstein, i don't quite understand what he's talking about. it's not whether he actually
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went through the process of wearing a wire or not. the fact that he was even thinking about it, talking about it, discussing it, shows that he's totally disloyal and has no place being in the administration. however, it seems to me that president trump, it's quite interesting what he's doing. it feels as if, prior to this revelation and this report in "the new york times," rosenstein was in quite a strong position with respect to the president because he was basically there unfireable because it would be an outrage if you do that. now his position is much, much weaker because this has been revealed. >> and look at the people who have been removed. >> steve: and the president is probably saying "actually, i've got a sky where i want him now. he is much more vulnerable than he was before." that's probably why, it seems likely, he's not going to -- >> steve brings up a good point. in that context, when you're in a private text to change with your paramore or your friend, i think you are more likely to say whatever you want. you can say "hey, this was a
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personal joke between two people. i don't have to describe any of this." but when you are in a work contest and you're talking about things like removing the president via the 25th amendment, or secretly either wearing a wire or having someone else wearing a wire, that is not necessarily funny. you are in a work setting. maybe the president is off-loading some of that heavy lifting to congress. they can have those tough questions. >> harris: that's a possibility. i do think that it's interesting, as steve points out, that now the leverage is gone for rosenstein. he is in a position of capitulation, really. and now he's on air force one. you talk about what you would say front of your boss and we wouldn't say. you've heard all sorts of things. you brought up that it's not funny because it's been suggested that perhaps it was a joke, and i don't know how you joke about that. that is the same sort of narrative that we have between strzok and page. get rid of the president before he's in the white house. is it a question of bias? i am certain that would come up,
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at least with congress. does it come up on air force on air force one? >> what happens chris markey is obviously in a place were rod rosenstein can't just slam the door and walk out of an uncomfortable meeting. >> exactly. >> he's going to need a parachute. >> i think it'll actually be far more cordial and friendly -- >> what you think the point of it as? >> harris: what leverage goes back and forth? >> i think the president has also enjoyed a few weeks break from the russian investigation. he already said, "i think you have a good relationship. his a good man." he needs to make it through the midterms. i think his team has made it clear to him, you can't have any upheavals on the mueller side of things. going into the midterms, especially since the g.o.p. has gotten a boost out of the kavanaugh hearing. if he goes and he fire someone like sessions or rod rosenstein, when you look at public opinion polls on this, you will inflame a part of the country, the independence that might have been on your side --
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>> harris: but you don't have to invite him on air force one. that's -- >> jessica: i think it's to say "i'm in charge. he works for me, he comes into my fancy car the scribe. and we do things on my terms." but i think it will be very like "you like diet coke? i like to cook." >> lisa: or chocolate cake, or maybe ice cream. those are all delicious things and i agree with president trum president trump. i think he should wait until after the midterms and fire him. i don't trust the guy. he lays of the case for firing james comey, and then he appoints a special counsel to look into the firing of james comey. that makes no sense to me, it's super sketchy. another thing that is super sketchy is information about james baker, who was his top fbi attorney at the heart of the surveillance. now we know he met with the democrat party attorney. a meeting that he described as atypical. weeks before they launched the surveillance into carter page and the investigation into the trim campaign.
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remember, also, we know that the dossier was used to obtain a fisa warrant, which is an opposition piece of research still unverified and even christopher steele has admitted in a london court that parts of it are false and fictitious. >> mind you, we are still at a point where carter page is not been charged with anything and not a single person on the trump side has been tied to any sort of collusion. we are here and looking at all the sketchy things coming together. >> steve: very quickly, i totally agree with you but you have to be fired. you cannot have a situation where somebody so senior and so clearly disloyal, plotting against the head of the -- >> i think with the president does, here, if he keeps him until after the midterms. he's only got a month. >> he keeps them close. >> than he allows congress to ask those questions, lay the case out, get some answers from him, show blatant hypocrisy, and then he will have grounds to fire him. >> harris: lesson learned from james comey? >> kennedy: we have learned so many lessons from him.
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he wrote this great book -- >> harris: hillary clinton would have fired comey right out the gate. >> i would not have been mad about it at all. >> i don't think anyone on this couch would be. [laughs] >> speaking of, tropical storm michael is no hurricane michael and it is strengthening as it closes in on the florida gulf coast. when and where will it hit? how bad will it be? we are tracking the path of the storm and a lighter live repor. plus, both democrats and the public and say battle over supreme court justice kavanaugh has fired up their bases. which side is right? we will debate that, next. >> i want to set this straight -- i think it was going to really show you something, come november. ♪ your insurance rates skyrocket after a scratch so small
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sometthat's when he needs the way ovicks vaporub.'s sleep. potato pay them to. proven cough medicine. with 8 hours of vapors. so he can sleep. vicks vaporub. goodnight coughs. >> harris: fox news alert on hurricane michael, growing rapidly and taking aim at the florida gulf coast. governor rick scott has declared a state of emergency, and the national hurricane center is saying that michael will
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continue to strengthen, expected to make landfall midweek. adam fox is back live from the fox weather center. adam, hurricane season is not over yet and this is a stern reminder. >> it is, and we are still kind of at a time where it is typical to see hurricanes like this, at least the next couple of weeks. now we have one that could be a big one. here we are looking at the center of circulation off the coast of cuba, intensifying over the course of today from a tropical storm now up to hurricane. as a result, we got there can advisories in place. this is a lot, stretching from pensacola all the way to the florida big bend. any spot along here, eventually it could be making landfall. the timing for this, it runs over the warm gulf waters from a category one up to a category two. a category three storm currently projected to be off the coast of the florida panhandle by early wednesday morning. at that point, a category three. that means winds up to 120 miles per hour. this would be a large storm of the time it makes its way to the landfall of the united states. still several tropical model runs, there's some indecision about whether or not this could make landfall.
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perhaps the eye while making anywhere from pensacola stretching over to apalachicola. you want to be paying very close attention to this system as it gets closer and closer. the wind with it will cover a large area. it puts it into motion for you, and again, this allows the timing there to get into early wednesday morning. some of these tropical force winds and hurricane force winds making their way there. the good news with this one, if there is any good news, it seems to be moving quickly, harris. this will be a florence, it won't stall in crete 48 inches of rain. this is one movie we will be paying attention to it. you want to be paying attention to it. thank you very much. >> the american public has seen this charade, this dishonesty by the democrat. it is all made up, it was fabricated. i think it's going to really show you something come november. i think a lot of democrats are going to be voting republican.
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>> harris: the president and the last hour on how he sees the kavanaugh confirmation battle playing out in the midterm elections. democrats and republicans have different predictions, of cours course. they say they believe this process that is energized the voters. democrats in the fight as motivating women who may already be dissatisfied with the president and republicans. yesterday there was a stark contrast between to cope prominent women at the center of the confirmation. senators maisie hirano and susan collins. democrat serrano boasted against confirming kavanaugh kavanaughs voted for him. here's how that played out. >> i don't believe that brett kavanaugh was -- i do believe that she was assaulted. i don't know by whom. i'm not certain when. she said she thinks that she was
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assaulted, even more insulting. i'd certainly believed dr. ford. >> harris: a steve, the back and forth on this list on the side a long time ago. the one thing that susan collins -- i put this in the fact box -- said "we need to see who we information." seems like it might've come from their team. that's important to know. >> steve: misses that a terrible impact on her and her family. why? entirely because of the actions of someone on the democrat side. it's only democrats who had the letter, who had the information. we can argue, but we know one thing for sure -- it was a democrat. the other thing i say is that susan collins' speech on friday when she was announced at -- >> harris: on the senate floor? >> steve: it was one of the most impressive things i've ever seen. i found it very moving, she took
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her rule so seriously, and from the other senator to dismiss her -- i think it's so ridiculous. that speech was a model of how a senator should behave on such an important question of confirming a justice. all the senator should follow it. >> can i add something to that very quickly customer key front of mine boil this down as facts versus feelings. what i thought when we heard on friday, when we were on the couch, senator collins was going to give the speech. i assumed that she was going to be a "no" vote and she was going to make a rationalization for why that was to be. instead, she made a very logical case for why she was in fact voting in the affirmative. she weather his records, she went through the allegations, she went through her reasoning process. you are right, that's incredibly rare for a senator to do something like that, particularly one who is not up for reelection. in a month. in doing that, it did something that we didn't expect.
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she also saved her confirmation until her declaration until the very last sentence. so we were all sort of at the edge of our seats, wondering exactly what she was going to do. we were all on this couch, friday at noon eastern, we had no idea how the vote was going to go after watching that roll call. >> harris: the one thing we knew -- i know because we had sarah sanders on "outnumbered overtime," that was at the white house being confident that they had the vote. at that point, perhaps, because the president had been talking up the senators, the white house may have known more than we did. let's hear from senator susan collins now on "60 minutes." watch this. >> i did not try to weigh a political calculus to this decision. it's too important for that. i just had to do what i think is right. >> harris: let's shift to the politics, shall we? senate majority leader and mitch mcconnell talking about whether or not joe manchin
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voting with the republicans was all that important. we will hear from him in a moment. i just want to get your thoughts on the losing democrats on this process. >> just one. joe manchin voted to confirm neil gorsuch, heidi hand camp and joe doll end up voting against judge kavanaugh. but that doesn't surprise me. that's who joe manchin is prayed i would rather have him than a republican. that whole argument, with democrat single because we are going to come for joe manchin," he represents his voters. >> harris: i do think some of them are democrats? >> jessica: i think a lot of them are. west virginia voted for trump like 42 points or something insane like that. he was doing what he thought was right. i think she was telling the truth when she said there was no political calculus. it's not a wow movement. when she says she doesn't believe dr. ford was attacked by judge kavanaugh, she really reinforces the narrative about women that they don't remember things. they are hysterical.
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lisa murkowski -- >> i think the fact that your members things, i don't think that's because her character. i think that speaks to her memory. >> she was very clear, doctor said she was 100% certain it was judge kavanaugh. she cannot remember anything else. >> let's not relitigate the hearing, here. >> harris: what kenzie said is really important. the memory part is really -- that is not about gender. i understood senator collins on the senate floor, lisa, to have been saying last friday that here are the things she looked at long before dr. ford even came along. all of the hours and the pages that she had read, the hours that she spent with the judge -- it would take, what she said, a lot to turn it around. same for senator jeff flake. i want to hear now, though, for mitch mcconnell and then we will come back. >> joe manchin is still a democrat, and we are trying to hold the majority. we appreciate his vote for judge kavanaugh. i think it was the right thing to do. but we are trying to win seats.
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>> harris: and lisa as is the comp located thing for democrats now? they lose one potentially many, whomever manchin might have heard from among his electorate. but the bigger issue is, this is still a fight for the midterm elections. no republicans, at least statistically, seem to be in a better position. >> lisa: they are. and i would say that susan collins stood up for the rule of law, fairness, due process, i think that americans fundamentally believe in. i think why so many republicans were so outraged by this entire process, and watching the left basically take away the rights of presumption of innocence from brett kavanaugh. i think that's what you have a republican so fired up. i think it's actually bigger than even a policy item like obamacare. i think republicans felt this on a visceral, deep level. i think that's why have so many republicans motivated. it will hurt democrats, because looking at states like montana, his first television ad that he run was touting his work with
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president trump. he had a full-page newspaper ad before president trump today rally. we can be really hard for them to try to do that now. >> heidi heitkamp -- >> this is one of the president's biggest promises on the campaign trail. do they think those people are genuinely supporters of the president? regardless of how some of them have voted. >> on social media, people were saying that susan collins hates women. she has a band adult women. that kind of rhetoric is not -- >> of course it is, but it's a board to consider the case that lisa murkowski made to go against kavanaugh, which had nothing to do with the allegations. it had to do with his intemperate and who she hopes to be. >> i hope she gets primary. >> she won a ride in already. >> the state permits as north korea is ready to let people into its missile sites. does this up -- does the set up, rather, in other trump-kim summits? stay with us. ♪ ng care of the family.
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>> harris: breaking news, a play-by-play now as the president has landed on air force one in orlando. they have just pulled up the stairs. we are waiting with anticipation to see president trump come off of air force one. it is interesting, because of course on board, has he been telling you today, is the deputy attorney general, rod rosenstei rosenstein. their relationship has been stretched and strained in recent weeks, in fact there was talk that may be rosenstein would lose his job over reported comments that he made about the president. he denies them, but it has been reported that rosenstein has said that the president should go, and was thinking about a way to enact the 25th amendment to make that happen, including wearing a wire. so, what does that conversation sound like? i can tell you with white house press team hogan gidley hogan gidley on board saying that the president and rosenstein spoke for more than 30 minutes. i have got notes from the
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character on board there. we don't have specific video yet. we may get more. i don't know exactly who was in the room with them. hogan gidley said he will tell them as they can. ask of this means that rosenstein still has a job? we were told, yes. hogan gidley said he would work on getting more information about this confirmation, saying he was there. at least as they get off the plane right now, the president and rod rosenstein, rosenstein still has a job. kennedy, you and i were talking earlier about the timing of this. it is a strong optics to see the president with you, in any accord. eddie are keeping your job after all that has gone between these two in the last few weeks. but the midterms are in the view. they are in the close view. >> kennedy: this is the latest dramatic amuse bouche that is being served up at chez trump.
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we are getting past the kavanaugh tracker that the associate justice has in fact been confirmed and sworn in. the president is moving on to make peace with rod rosenstein. congress can go on after his remains. [laughs] >> steve: rod rosenstein, he is effectively declined for the whole mueller investigation. that is going to loom large the minute the midterms are out of the way. we can be backed all of that. asking, when is the report going to be published? what is it going to mean for the president? >> what is mean if the president is exonerated in the molar report >> steve: i think he will become of the charge of collusion. i think it will just provoke even more rage on the left, where one after another of these arguments they have made to try and bring down president trump have just sort of disappeared. they will deserve to think of something else. i think that's the main thing. they will think "oh, my god,
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what we go after now? ">> harris: i want to bring your attention back to the screen. this orlando, florida. we know the president is on board since deputy ag, rod rosenstein. we are talking about the politics in recent weeks between these two men. it is even greater than that. as steve has pointed out, this has to do with with the other side will make of the calculations. the democrat said today before he boarded marine one that there is no collusion. he brought it up himself. just got? >> jessica: that has come up. >> he said yes. [laughs] >> jessica: he does talk about it and rallies when he is free styling about the witch hunt thing. and now he is expanded witch hunt to the brett kavanaugh his ration in the hopes that using the same language -- i think his bases very receptive to those kind of trigger words that bring you back to chants of "lock her up!" and all that. when we first discussed this, the president is pumping out now. >> harris: the president of the united states, out first here on air force one. this is orlando, florida.
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we expect to see, also, and this will be quite the visual if we do indeed see it. the deputy ag, rod rosenstein, to be a fly on the wall during those 30 minutes that we are told that the two men talked. we are getting a little bit of color and play-by-play. the president getting right away in the motorcade. sometimes he will call and talk to people who are gathered there, if there are crowds. but let's look at the stairs. kennedy? can you imagine "there was no collusion," is what the president said getting on board marine one. 30 minutes of conversation with these two men coming to the president there next to governor rick scott. >> is he smiling? >> kennedy: hugh pierce a very positive body language. he appears to be smiling, he is certainly dodging this round. at harris? >> harris: hogan gidley from the white house press team has
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told us that when asked the question "does routers and sense of a job customer" the answer is yes as i said, sometimes the president will call an audible. he goes to the motorcade, now he is out with the governor of florida, rick scott, meeting with people. the attorney general for the state, pam bondi, over the president's left shoulder. >> a big support of the president. >> harris: absolutely. we are watching. we will learn soon hopefully with the conversation is like with the deputy ag, rod rosenstein, hopefully. for right now, the president greeting people on the tarmac as he always does. sometime you see will hear some audio. we will have our team ride the audio and see if we can hear the president. >> i appreciate the fact, i believe president trump will be speaking to the florida police chief. loosing the ambush of the police officers, they felt in this country that the obama administration have turned their
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backs on them. president trump made law enforcement, law & order, a big campaign issue during the election. i think he kept his promise to law enforcement. i'm glad that he is there today, letting them know that they have the support of the trump administration and americans. >> steve: or member, this is a really -- midterms loom over everything, this is been an important race as far as the florida senate race. rick scott there, a serious challenge to bill nelson. i have always had from the beginning, this one could be the one. >> what swings it? >> >> steve: well, it's very close. rick scott was just ahead. i think bill nelson has got a bit -- >> a couple points. >> steve: the surprise winner of the grosvenor primary. >> and then -- >> harris: our team is listening closely, our control room can hear better than we can. the president was just asked how the conversation went with ag
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rosenstein, and he said "great." you are on the with the police chief brady got the attorney general with you. you've got somebody who is facing a tough battle, as we are pointing out, rick scott. this is more than your typical sort of "let's set down and have a rally." there are a lot of pieces to this. >> steve: exactly. i think the political ramifications of this -- of the rosenstein thing won't last that long, because it feels to me as if -- in terms of midterms -- i don't think that will be a big factor. i think we will be off that conversation pretty soon. >> it also allows the president to show off a little bit of political diplomacy with rosenstein, because democrats have loved nothing more than for rosenstein to be unfairly fired. so they could have another campaign wedge issue. here, the president is reaching out to him.
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he has extended the story line a couple of weeks, here, with all of the -- >> steve: i suspect one of them, mean to the conversation will be the timing of a different kind. you can imagine the president saying "what the hell is going on with this probe that you are supervising customer" "when are we going to get something close to mark with the planned? "i think that's so central to the beyond the midterms. >> what satisfactory answers could the present receive? first of all, "what onyx do you say talking about the 25th amendment? >> i imagine rod rosenstein will say what he did when he pushed back against "the new york times," which was "i categorically denied anything about the 25th amendment. i was being sarcastic when i joked about wearing a wire." is it appropriate for someone in his position to even make a joke like that? that something for discussion. i think you're right to raise the difference between what you are texting your paramore or
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your friend, what you are sending in mccabe's office. i think from mccabe, that's not one of the most professional environment other. i imagine he probably said to the president "i didn't say 20 for the moment, i was joking there." >> harris: or "i was joking, the two can be the same." >> "i take my job seriously. i will be rushing bob mueller. take it for me, i have worked here a long time. i'm taking it as seriously as possible. >> harris: we are going to have to go to a break, and the president is the backdrop right now. let's bring him back into the foreground as he gets into the motorcade. he has ascended the stairs with a wave, we saw them today. you hear the crowds cheering. he's with governor rick scott, attorney general pam bondi, general kelly, his chief of staff, and of course rosenstein. at the center of the politics that we are talking about, but steve hilton has pointed out -- probably correctly -- that if the president is going to make a move on him and sort of take
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away his job, this will get off of this conversation pretty quickly. he is going to talk with police chiefs in florida today. we will cover the news as it happens with the president of the united states just touching down in orlando. stay close. cold medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. coricidin hbp is the #1 brand that gives powerful cold symptom relief without raising your blood pressure. coricidin hbp. endless shrimp is back at with all the shrimp you want, any way you want them. there's new sesame-ginger grilled shrimp with savory soy-ginger sauce and sprinkled with asian seasoning. and favorites like garlic shrimp scampi! but endless shrimp won't last endlessly, so hurry in. >> tech: don't wait for a chip like this to crack your whole windshield. with safelite's exclusive resin, you get a strong repair that you can trust. plus, with most insurance a safelite repair is no cost to you. >> customer: really?! >> singers: safelite repair, safelite replace.
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10:00 am
>> is always a pleasure, great to see you. >> what a glorious day we have started for you this afternoon, we are back tomorrow at noon eastern, nine in the west, now here for harris faulkner. >> harris: fox news alert, president trump is set to make remarks that a police chief conference in orlando, florida, this hour. he just landed, we show do this live on "outnumbered" after traveling on air force one with deputy attorney general rod rosenstein amid questions about his job security. the white house as they spoke for about 30 minutes. we are covering that story and will bring you the president's live remarks when they happen. another fox news alert now, president from going after what he calls the democrat charade and trying to take down supreme court justice brett kavanaugh. we go "outnumbered" over time now, i'm harris faulkner. if the president is set to hold a ceremonial swearing-in for kavanaugh at the white house tonight. after he was officially sworn in on saturday following the senate's close confirmation vote. the bat
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