tv Hannity FOX News October 9, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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8:00 p.m. we are the sworn enemy of mine, pomposity, smugness, groupthink. dvr if you can figure it out. good luck. good night from washington. guess who's next. the president, he just wrapped up a raucous rally in iowa. 28 days to go until the most important midterm election in our lifetime. that is four weeks from tonight. the president is pounding the campaign trail across the country. the senate, the house are very much up for grabs. it will be up to you in 28 days. you have the power to decide the future. the immediate future of this country. coming up with a breakdown tonight, the most critical districts, with the successful confirmation of justice
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kavanaugh, republicans are picking upka steam, as we head towards the finish line, and meanwhile, sore loser hillary clinton is now inserting herself into the political fray. she is calling literally for instability.we we also have the latest examples of the left mob action. an angry mob in action, including some traffic blocking in portland, oregon, . we have all of this major breaking deep state news tonight. we will put all the pieces together. rob rosenstein is in hot water, as are others. and we can officially connect all of these dogs between the clinton campaign and all of the corruption before and after the election. sit tight, buckle up, we have a lot to get to. breaking news, openingng monolo monologue. all right, so the democrats may turn the confirmation process into a circus. we watch this for three weeks. they k try to ruin his life. they turned an angry mob against
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him. they fought through all of this, that the president might give up. but the president stood by his nominee. in doing so, he stood up for the principles of our justice. the constitution, the presumption of innocence, eagle application ofes our laws and frankly, simple common sense. and it's huge rally in iowa, the president congratulated the newest member of the supreme court. let's take a look.. >> yesterday at the white house, we proudly swore in the newest member of the united states supreme court. justice brett kavanaugh. [cheers and applause] and today, just as kavanaugh took a seat alongside of justice gorsuch to defend your right, your constitution, and your
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god-given freedom, and i want to thank our incredible republican senators for refusing to back down into the face of the democrats shameful campaign of political and personal destruction. of [boos] >> sean: i don't think the crowd is sick of winning. on the first official day, brett kavanaugh hit the ground running, despite being described as an enemy of all women, justice kavanaugh became the single first member of the supreme court to hire an all-female staff of the law clerks. at the left has been completely exposed. the double standard, the hypocrisy, and by the way, the mainstream media, not exactly taking it well. it actually reminds me a little bit of election night two years ago. the collective state of shock. by the way, you can shock the world and 28 days again. take a look. >> the idea of holding victory
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rally like this for justice kavanaugh to say this court should not be a partisan institution, but then stand there and i think mainly. joe manchin got a shout out for his vote. it is just not something that is supposed to happen. >> remember his divisive language tonight at the swearing in. that this president is our divider and she. >> time and again, the president gets a chance to heal the country, he does just that. > my question to you is how u would sum up what you saw yesterday happening in the east room at the white house? >> it was graceless. >> >> sean: we are going to show you how he is impacting the elections. the news around the outgoing u.s. ambassador, nikki haley. she announced her resignation earlier today. and the national security advisor, danna powell, may replace haley. first, we do have some major
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breaking news. of course, the bought and paid for dirty russian dossier. let's go through this slowly. by now, you know, this infamous delsea, bought and paid for by the clinton campaign and the dn dnc. that money wasey then used and sent to an op research firm. they then hired a foreign national, a spy, by the name of christopher steele. he dug up russian dirt. never corroborated. he even said that the contents of the dossier were unverified atat best, and while in great britain under threat of perjury, he refused to stand by the validity of his own dossier, competence rating of only 50/50. lost in the chaos of the kavanaugh confirmation, we first learned that a lawyer working for the clinton campaign and the
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dnc was actually funneling some of this anti-unverified a russian lies and propaganda to the top lawyer at the fbi. james baker in 2016. this all came out "as federal investigators prepared a surveillance warrant for the trump campaign. remember, that was all based on the phone he dossier. baker, who you see they are first revealed his identity during a closed-door deposition with congressional investigators just last wednesday. of course, this is exactly what we have been telling you on this program and all along. we now have confirmation. so you have a top lawyer for the clinton campaign actively working with the top lawyer at the fbi to use her veil trump campaign associates based on the hillary's and paid for dossier. early on, it is the biggest abuse of power corruptionto scandal in american history. tonight it gets even worse.
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according to separate reports, sara carter, john solomon, rod rosenstein was completely serious when he talked about surveilling president trump, hoping that he might get information that they can then invoke the 25th amendment to remove him from office. rosenstein's remarks were not just said in just as he is now saying, or even sarcastically. this reportedly was revealed in last week's deposition of james baker before congress. in other words, the top lawyer at the fbi. that seemingly confirms the september report from "the new york times." with a reveals that rob rosenstein had an alleged plot to surveilled his boss. in early 2017. by the way, before we everon haa herd of a special counsel or robert miller. remember, he is now under criminal investigation. his attorney, lisa page, they
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are saying they both witnessed and chronicled rod rosenstein talkinga about wearing a wire against the president. of course, we know all of rod rosenstein's other conflicts. bring he recommended firing comey, he signed the final -- wu have one more piece to what is a very disturbing puzzle. it is now clear that members of our bureaucracies were trying to destroy both candidates and then later president trump and what was a coordinated effort with opposing political campaigns and what they called it -- remember, we reported it a few months ago, there media leak strategy. all of this means hillary is bought and paid for. phony russian dossier that was never verified, never corroborated, used it to get ga fisa warrants. all of these lies basically to influence you before the 2016
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election, and use it to commit fraud, to get a warrant on trump campaign associates, and after all of that field, donald trump wins. and then the contents of the unverified phony dossier that hillary paid for. they leaked it to the media outlets. why? so all of the phony news, that would create an atmosphere whereby people could begin to call for special counsel to be appointed, just like james comey was leaking to his professor friend at columbia. this is plain, simple, fundamental, basic abuse of power.we corruption at the highest levels of the doj and the fbi. it shreds our constitution when they use fraud. now we have a lot to get to regarding this. all here on this developing story. but our real top story tonight, four weeks from tonight, and 20
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days, you, the american people, we, 2 the people, will decide te fate of our government. now, america's biggest sore loser, hillary clinton, now throwing herself back into the political fray. apparently she's going to make a lot of money doing so. once again demonizing conservatives. we are all irredeemable smelly walmart people. we cling to god, our guns, our bible, b or religion. here's what she said. this is the latest. >> you cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what about.e that's why i believe if we are fortunate enough to win back the house or the senate, that is when civility can start again. >> sean:n but in the meantime, no stability. we have angry mobs of left-wing protesters in oregon, recently blocking traffic, attacking commuters. the liberal mayor did zero two's
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office. take apo look. >> because i told you to. >> get out of here you white little [bleep]. you are a whitey. >> just please turn around. >> please, your blocking traffi traffic. >> you can turn. [bleep] [yelling] >> hey, hey! >> sean: pretty despicable. what you are seeing here, nothing new. wene saw similar responses fromt
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far left anti-kavanaugh protesters. we saw a republican politicians confronted all over the country. run out of restaurants. sarah sanders, ted cruz, mitch mcconnell. literally, they are being told it to get in people's faces and grocery stores and gas stations. and it's happening over and over again. now this, when you look at it, accompanied by a systematic effort from elected democrats to destroy the life and character of judge brett kavanaugh, based on zero corroboration from nearly four decades ago, no due process, no presumption of innocence, no common sense. this is why in 20 days, you will have a chance of electing the party of smears and slander and lies, character assassination, besmirch mode, the party off bludgeoning people. as we speak it, they are deploying this playbook all over the country.
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i have warned you, we see it every two years and every four years, and in every election. every republican running for s office is sexist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, once through the air, wants to throw granny over thehr cliff. sadly, all voices of reason in the democratic party, they ran out of their party joe lieberman, one of the nicest guys in the world. all moderation has gone, all moderates are gone. this is now a hard-core, far left, radical, extreme leftist political party. but don't take my word for it. it just listen to the dnc chair. his name is tom perez. by the way, read below him, a guy by the name of keith ellison. have a look. speak out when you see the union movement attacked by republicans day in and day out, when we seet there are no guardrails in washington, we know that for sure. there are no moderate democrats,
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basically, left. no moderate republicans left in the united states. >> sean: you are perfectly right. no moderate democrats. i can't predict what news you will hear for weeks from tonigh tonight. frankly, i'm concerned for the sake of the country. i don't want the great progress we have been chronicling here on this program to end. i like the security. america on the world stage once again, leading the way. not leading from behind. i like that. we do not want to bribe dictators who chant "death to america." i am grateful that little rocket man is not firing rockets over japan every other day. i am not confident tonight, i can't tell you that republicans will hold the house or the senator pick up seats. recently, our friend, fox news contributor, talking about a pretty horrible nightmare scenario for the country. now, imagine waking up one week from tomorrow on november 7, the day after election day, and seeing the soon to be speaker of
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the house, nancy pelosi, measuring drapes or her brand-new office. imagine chairwoman maxine waters, head of the judiciary committee. imagine the liar in chief, the chairman, taking control of the intel committee. a guy who got scammed by our russian prankster. imagine the never ending investigations into trump, cavanagh, the quest, the thursday have for impeachment. all of the progress that weh hae had and the successful agenda. by the way, kiss the wall funding good-bye. be prepared to f fork over your hard-earned money because they want their crumbs backer, and they are coming for them. by the way, you like skyrocketing health care costs and premium?he obamacare, they want to keep it. keep your doctor, keep your plan, save money. is this what you want? that is what you will be deciding for weeks from tonight. we are going to preview each key
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house race that is going to decide the fate of our government going forward. we will highlight the races tonight. starting on the west coast, multiple house races are up for grabs. the tenth congressional district, listen up. we are talking to you. he is in a tight reelection bid where water accesses a top issue on the ballot. california's 21st district, republican incumbent. while he is doing well in a race against the democrats, in a district where hispanic americans make up 74% of that district. california, 25, another incumbent in a very tough key race against the democratic challenger, katie hill. in california's 39th district, t republican and his opponents are facing off in a battle for an open seat that was vacated. it the democrat is currently suffering in the polls, due to
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an allegation of, believe it or not, sexual misconduct. the republican incumbent, mimi waters, running. in california, a friend of mine end of this program, incumbent, stay in a war facing a democratic challenger. and california's 49th district. that is a hotly contestedly race between republican diane harkey. republican incumbent, he is up in an all-important race in the san diego area. next up, you go to arizona, first congressional district, a democrat named tom o'halloran is up against a republican challenger. that would be wendy rogers. a district or that trump only carried by one point. finallyy tonight, we have a her son too, vacated by martha mcsally who is running for senate in a very tight race therefore the senate. the republican in that case.
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and kirkpatrick. so we will point out ten key races per night so you know if it is your district that matters. these districts will decide the balance of power, four weeks from tonight. u.s. senate, that is up for grabs. maybe another supreme court nomination or two in the future. you get money from big time democratic billionaires piling and all over the country. let's start in indiana. incumbent democrat joe donnelly in a tough race. that's the state president trump won. he is running a great campaign. donnelly as you know voted against kavanaugh. he is no schumer democrat. and another, claire. she is now losing ground. running a great race after she opposed judge kavanaugh. north dakota, another schumer suck up. heidi heitkamp, way down in the
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polls. he is running a great campaign. in texas, ted cruz, a constitutional conservative. frankly he is consistently pulling ahead. in tennessee, republican, friend of this program, marsha blackburn, also picking up after the president visits. momentum in the polls there. in montana, democratic incumben incumbent, it's a tight race against matt rosen. a real chance for a pickup in montana this year. arizona, very tight race. martha mcsally. i hope the people of arizona will put her in the u.s. senate. that brings us to west virginia. at joe manchin. the only democrat to vote to confirm justice kavanaugh. i have an idea, maybe he should switch parties. caucus with the republicans. he would definitely won reelection. otherwise, that race may be in
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doubt. joe, just saying.n we will bring you an update on what is the single most importantt midterm elections. 28 days. at the end of the day, we the people, you the american people have the power to decide, are we going to reward the despicable smear campaign of the left? will you decide? youu will decide whether or not nancy pelosi is the next speaker of the house. security at home and abroad. the choice tonight could not be any more clear. four weeks from tonight. we will tune into the news. you have the ability and the power to shock the world again. when we come back at, we have reactions. all of the other breaking news. as we continue, we are glad that you're always with us. tonight on the "hannity" ."
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- [voiceover] this is an urgent message from the international fellowship of christians and jews. there is an emergency food crisis for elderly holocaust survivors in the former soviet union. - this is a fight against time. what we're dealing with is coming out, meeting someone who's 85, 90 years old, can't get around, has no food, has no water, and just wants to give up and die.
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and that's where we come in. we are called to comfort these people, to be a blessing to their lives. - [voiceover] for just $25, we'll rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate elderly person for a month. call right now. - [eckstein] call the number on your screen. - in ukraine, there's no supper network. they don't have food cards or neighbors that come in to help. they're turning to us because they have nowhere else to turn. - [voiceover] your gift is a life line to help these elderly jewish holocaust survivors, help them to live out their final years with dignity and love. call right now. - [eckstein] call the number on your screen. - what i pray is that you won't turn your eyes, but you will look at their suffering
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show me decorating shows. this is staying connected with xfinity to make moving... simple. easy. awesome. stay connected while you move with the best wifi experience and two-hour appointment windows. click, call or visit a store today. >> ♪ >> sean: with reaction to our opening monologue, you see this book right here? this is an important book. four weeks from tonight. "why we fight." foreign policy, but also representing domestic policy. defeating america's enemies, no apologies. dr. sebastian gorka. the author of the new book. also was soon to be a best seller. our friend, former secret service agent, both books out, by the way. there is no competing like this. both must reads. ii read both of them, they are phenomenal books.
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28 days. what are the things that you're talking about in this book, the need to fight. i made this case in a book i wrote in 2014. what i meant by that, and i took a lot of heat at the time, if you don't have the political power, y you can't impact a change. four weeks matters. >> right. and you can't protect the things that you love. the left has a plan to destroy all the institutions we love. whether it is the media, education. they have been doing it for 40 years now. look at the colleges. i will give you a metric. the victims of communism foundation, 42% of millennials, 40% wish that america were a socialist country. >> sean: that's frightening. >> 25% can't tell you why auschwitz is important. >> sean: i've got to give a little credence to winston churchill.
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if you are a liberal, you don't have heart -- everything that we have witnessed over the last two years, culminating in the last three weeks with judge kavanaugh has been smear, slander, attack. belittle, delegitimize. it donald trump. this election is about keeping what is now chronicling a hugely successful agenda, moving forward. >> i don't have a crystal ball. i can't tell people tonight that nancy pelosi is not going to win my. all these people talking about the blue, i don't trust them. the american people can shock the world again, but i don't know. what do you think it? >> i don't think it is hyperbole to say that the kavanaugh victory may have changed everything. let me just give you a quick example. it trump and the kavanaugh victory finally broke the iron triangle. what is that? the media, activist groups, and
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swallow broth, right? democrat liberal swamped groups. they have owned the republican party forever. what were the old rules, right? they would lob a grenade on the battlefield, in this case, calling the guy of rapist, horrible thing. >> again rapist. >> sean: lined up and in the hall to gang rape women. >> this didn't happen. trumpp refused to back down, kavanaugh refused to back down. they called mcconnell up there on the hill, and shockingly, we won. a there is a new sheriff in town. >> sean: there are opportunities in north dakota, in indiana, and missouri, in florida, and other places. important races. nevada, arizona. they can pick up seats here.
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there is hope of. >> they can, but only if they understand what changed. that is absolutely right. the political landscape has changed. remember that press conference on friday with the leading republican senators. i have never seen senior citizens that angry in my lifetime. they weree fed up. the g.o.p. has woken up. now the question is can they connect them to the president? this is about about the president of the last two years. >> sean: you have all of these retirements to contend with. i talked about darrell out in california. these are new names on the ballot for people. we are trying to highlight them on the program so that the american people will be informed. >> and everybody has to understand. every single vote counts. the idea that i am somewhere where it doesn't count. places that we thought trump had no chance of winning, and he
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won. so don't be complacent. >> sean: the attempted sabotage of trump, as i read your book, it really has been. this has been an effort before and during the transition comes the entire time he has been president, to undermine, delegitimize, stop him. in spite of all of that, we have record unemployment in 14 states, record low on employment for african-americans, hispanic americans, asian-americans, women in the workforce. youth unemployment, we have mor regulations destroyed. he is already building the border wall with the three and a half billion dollars he does not. he seems to be the president that believes in keeping promises as quickly as he can. >> yeah, i'm smiling because winning feels good, doesn't it? yeah, i'm not sick of it either. that is what we cover in the book. sean, we break this whole thing
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down very simply, and what we do is we used leftist footnotes from like cnn and "the washington post" to show howw it was a spying operation, and it was set up the whole time. you cannot come to any other conclusion when you are done with it. >> sean: so when you buy this book it, you can buy them both. they both made number one on the "new york times" list. that is a tall order to duplicate. thank you both. all right, speaking of the deepg state news, speaking of undermining the president, what we have now discovered today will blow your mind. catherine herridge, sara carter, john solomon. we will break it all down and make it understandable. it's news you won't get anywhere else. we are glad you are with us. u cy car in the aisle, even if it's a better car class than the one you reserved. so no matter what, you're guaranteed to have a perfect drive.
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rosenstein saga, a lot of news has been drinking in the lastew 24 hours. our own catherine herridge has been all over it today. catherine. sean, baker's testimony matters because he had a pivotal role as the top fbi lawyer. james comey and his testimony is at odds with rosenstein's denials. he couldn't get into it. >> mr. baker, did you handle the dossier? did you warn deputy attorney general that there was exculpatory information before he joined the final surveillance want?or mr. baker, will you take her questions? describe his testimony as forthcoming, delivered, and sober. telling in investigators that he believes andrew mccabe and stan lisa page when they said rosenstein talked about recordig the president and removing him from office, it was "serious."
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he said page and mccabe came to him immediately after, and he said he believed that rosenstein was working with two people inside the administration after president trump fired an investigator stomach hymns coming. they stood by their denials, including this one from rosenstein. they never pursued or authorized it, according to the president, and any suggestion that i have ever advocated for the removal of the president is absolutely false. he is expected on capitol hill thursday, but our sources report that there is a lot of internal tension about the format. and other satisfied by a briefing, but they can often be the subject of misinterpretation. >> sean: unbelievable reporting. thank you from washington. joining us now with more reaction, author of the number one "new york times" best seller, gregg jarrett.
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also fox news investigative reporter and contributor, sara carter, and john solomon. sarah and john, i will start with both of you. greg has a column coming out tomorrow that he has shared with me. what you have all reported to you day is have mccabe and you have lisa page, all saying that -- sarah, we will start with you, he said that he surreptitiously reports the president of the united states, this would be revenge plot, if you will, against the firing of james comey, which he recommended, which is ironic. they arere saying it is real. rosenstein is saying it is not real. i was only saying it sarcastically. we have two against one, but two people who are in the deep state. who do you believe? >> this is why we have to come to the truth. somebody is lying here. sean, we have the former general counsel, james baker.
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this is so important because james baker delivers this testimony deliberately, without any emotion. he absolutely 100% believed andrew mccabe and lisa page. i think even more shocking is that there are two other people within the administration, apparently, who were onboard with rod rosenstein, and are trying to invoke the 25th amendment. saying that the president was off histh rocker. there's something happening within the administration, and rod rosenstein has those answers. thursday is going to be very telling. will he show up? will he answer all of these questions, and he was actuallyhi investigating the investigators? i keep saying this over and over again. if rod rosenstein is in charge of the special counsel, that meal or investigation, who is in charge of rod rosenstein? he signed the sba to warrant on carter page. he actually wrote the letter to give to the present, so that james comey would be fired.
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he laid it all out. this guy is in the middle of everything, and somebody needs to learn the truth because he is still the deputy attorney general of the united states. >> sean: by the way, to answer serious question, who is investigating the investigators, all of us have been from the beginning. starting with both of you, to be honest. lead to the number one "new york times" best seller, but this sounds like a soft coup. revengeof taken out on the president. you have two people that both reported the very same thing here, john, about what rod rosenstein instead at the time. that is mccabe. he is under criminal investigation. thinks that hillary should win 100000000-0. >> as i was coming over to the show, i bumped into an old fbi friend of mine. he said i am starting to think that if you need to rebrand itself.
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maybe we should call ourselves the federaled bureau of politic. there was a lot more politics going on then investigating. think about this. >> sean: i really need to say this. this is really only the top echelon. this is not that guy you ran into. >> that's right here they are embarrassed by this. they do their job every day. you have one guy doing the investigation, professional intelligence worker, and noncollusion. a total disaster. let's think about james baker. he used of the democratic party lawyer as a source. the fbi tried to hide that by rejecting it and claiming it was national security information. he used as a as a source to get the dossier. and he was present for a conversation where at least the fbi people were serious about reporting him under the 25th amendment. none of them revolve legitimate investigations. >> every piece of this goes back
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to hillary, who they exonerated without investigating and saved because it was a slam-dunk obstruction of justice case. it all comes back to her. phony, russian paid for dossier. after the election, they used it to bludgeon donald trump, and the strategy to help set off an atmosphere where special counsel could be appointed. still, even lisa page said nine months, zero evidence by the time we got there, to may of 2017. gregg, you have a column coming out yesterday tomorrow. how is it possible rod rosenstein is still in charge of the special counsel and and a trump-russia collusion? then you say trump may have given them a pass. but americans should not, and neither should the attorney general, jeff sessions, who seems perpetually missing in
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action and clueless, which i sadly can't disagree with, and i always liked him. >> rosenstein is hopelessly compromised. he not only has qualifying conflicts of interest, he witnessed in the case over which he presides. he can't be judge an end as i witness and the prosecutor all rolled into one. it's a violation of federal regulations and demands his removal and recusal. but on top of it, now there is this new evidencee and three witnesses that in an active vengeance for the firing of james comey, he is trying to secretly record the president of the united states and its he pose him. the equivalent of a powerless coup. i mean, this is an egregious misconduct. it requires his at the very least, that the removal from the special counsel.
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>> sean: the declassification. he is suppressing wrongdoing by the fbi, the department of justice, and suppressing his own wrongdoing and sign off on the fisa warrant. do you agree with that characterization? i agree with gregg. i believe this was an attempt to literally set up president up. >> 100%, sean. there is overwhelming evidence, not just circumstantial anymore. we have seen it in writing, we have seen it with testimony. this was a white coup, silent coup. up bloodless coup. i think what is so concerning to me, how dangerous this has been to america, how dangerous it still is to the administration, and it needs to be investigated. it has to be a special counsel or someone else. >> the biggest threat that rod
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rosenstein faces is not this plot. it is the fisa. catherinee herridge is asking te right questions. >> sean: do you believe mccabe and page, or do you believe rod rosenstein? >> i will never believe rod rosenstein. he has a long and distinguished track record of deception. sean. >> listen, i think we have to wait until all of the facts come out. it is one thing for a spokesperson to come out, he has to put his word on it. >> sean: and sarah? >> i don't believe any of them, and i think it needs to be investigated. >> sean: wow. sad. there used to be some good history. when we get back, you won't believe about what hillary clinton said about bill clinton's infidelities. in washington tonight with some breaking news. stay with us.
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>> ♪ >> ♪ >> sean: the latest update o >> sean: now the very latest update. sheila jackson, the former staffer who put personal information online. kristin fisher. >>n hey, sean. yeah, things are not looking good for this former staffer to a democratic congress womanor today, denied bail. the judge that prosecutor showed that no condition could insure the community safety if the suspect was released. his name is jackson. 27 years old, accused of committing several felonies. accused of releasing a personal information online during the judiciary committee about sexual assault allegations against it then nominate brett kavanaugh. he is also accused of
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threatening awareness, burglary of a senatorials office, and he is accused of doing all of this while working as a staffer for she leo jackson. he was arrested after a staffer caught him working on a computer where he was not authorized to be. according to the affidavit, threatened the staffer and then threatened to leak information about the health of senators children and theiren social security numbers. so he is facing some very serious accusations, but today, he pleaded not guilty on all counts. >> sean: all right, christian fischer in washington. also tonight, hillary clinton sat down with fake new cnn and called for incivility towards republicans. see the brand-new bucket, by the way. just out. it is literally do not disturb how i ghosted my cell phone. thank god you are back. >> i'm back.
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also senior fellow for research. what doesar that mean you ghostd your cell phone? >> you love personal responsibility, this is the book for you. i had a tech addiction. i was someone who was buried in my phone all day. the technology and our addiction to it, it is running relationships. kids don't know how to communicate with each other anymore. there are so many skill sets they are losing. and a lot of people say sean, regulate the problem this was my way of saying no, on your own life. this is a personal responsibility book of how you can take technology and make it your own. >> sean: i am so proud of you. i gave up twitter. my phone does not have twitter. >> you ghosted your phone. >> sean: ghosted? there are so many people trying to hack into me every day.
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that's actually -- would you ever do that? >> completely give it up? >> well, not completely give it up. >> i agree that it is really, it's an addiction, it's like heroin or sugar. you cannot -- it is like pavlov's response. it is rewiring your brain. >> sean: let me ask you this, you have been saying that you think republicans have the house, pick up seats in the senate. i hope you are right. i think anything is possible right now. and the energy level is high. >> the whole kavanaugh scenario really scrambled the political calculus. the complacency problem that the republicans had is now solved, thanks to the democrats, and their despicable treatment of brett kavanaugh. we have a new supreme court justice, but it has scrambled like calculus here. i have been saying for months that i have been totally against conventional wisdom. but i think that the republicans will old the house, and we will
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pick up seats in the senate. >> sean: i hope you are right. just to see joe scarborough's face. just for that reason alone. [laughs] i don't know what's going to happen, but the democrats should not be rewarded for how they act every 2-4 years, and what they just did. >>av write, i have talked to so many people who aren't even the political who were so outraged by the behavior that the democrats exhibited towards him. they said what happened to the presumption of innocence, our justice system, that these people are willing to throw him under the bus, before there is any evidence. i think that is the key. those people who are not typically inspired to get out, i it could happen. i don't know. i truthfully don't know. >> sean: i don't know either. >> it depends on how many people at home are fired up at how democrats are behaving. it's called for violence
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sometimes. >> we are still centered right country. outrage, especially in the middle of the country. will help out. >> sean: by the way, ghost your cell phone. all right, more highlights from the presidents rally in iowa. that is straight ahead. when you rent from national... it's kind of like playing your own version of best ball. because here, you can choose any car in the aisle, even if it's a better car class than the one you reserved. so no matter what, you're guaranteed to have a perfect drive. [laughter] (vo) go national. go like a pro.
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>> sean: the president reminded the americans that were there why they must vote for republicans three weeks from tonight.hi >> president trump: vote for republicans. you are doing the right thing. because a vote for us is a vote for lower taxes, less regulation, and more productsax that are made right here in the usa. that's what we are doing. [cheers and applause]
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it's a vote to respect our borders, respect ourti constitution, and respect the heroes of law enforcement. >> sean: that's unfortunately all the time we have left. s we will be fair and balanced four weeks fromro tonight. let not your heart be troubled. laura ingram is next in washington. hi, laura. >> laura: i feel it feeling good. >> sean: four weeks from tonight, laura, i hope they vote. >> laura: they have the big guns pushing their voter registration and i will talk about that tonight. they have the hollywood crowd tonight at the american music awards -- >> sean: they have two hours in some states. >> laura: you tweeted it, people can still register in all 50 states. now i'm promoting your twitter feed for a good cause. >> sean: i don't tweet that much anymore. this is a full-time job. who has the time to fight with humpty dumpty? >> laura: they are all basement dwellers.
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