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tv   Justice With Judge Jeanine  FOX News  October 14, 2018 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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with everybody down there. that's all for us tonight. be sure to follow me on facebook, instagram and twitter. "justice with judge jeanine" is next. remember, i'm watters and this is my place, the xfinity xfi gateway.
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and it's strengthened by xfi pods, which plug in to extend the wifi even farther, past anything that stands in its way. ...well almost anything. leave no room behind with xfi pods. simple. easy. awesome. click or visit a retail store today. president trump: in the wake of hurricane michael our thoughts are with our fellow certain
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seasons in florida, georgia, alabama, north carolina, south carolina and virginia. they got hit hard. they got hit hard. especially when you look at florida. did you ever see anything like that? judge jeanine: president trump discussing the serious situation in parts of florida and beyond. joining me with reaction, the man who wants to be the governor of florida. former republican congressman ron desantis. good evening, congressman. we'll still call you congressman. i understand that obviously florida is your state and you have been involved in some of the rescue and clean-up there. how bad is it? >> i was born and raids in florida. this is the worst i have seen. i was youngs when andrew hit so
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i don't remember that as well. but if you look at panama city and mexico beach, this is significant damage. we converted my campaign rallies that were scheduled into supply drops. we were able to fill up two u-hauls. judge jeanine: these are photos and videos of the congressman assisting in florida. go ahead, congressman. >> so we brought a lot to a shelter, and that's going to be distributed from there. there were people in the low-income neighborhoods. they couldn't make to it a shelter. so we delivered some stuff direct to them. those are some of the pictures you are seeing. they were appreciative that we were able to do that. i thank my supporters that we were able to dig in and help our floridians in need.
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>> 1,500 people in florida are still missing. how does that happen? >> hopefully a lot of those people did get out. the storm kind of snuck up on people. we weren't thinking about it, then it was there. but it went from a category 1 to a category 4 in six hours. there were some people who thought they could ride out a category 1, you ain't going to ride out a category 4 unless you have serious structures. judge jeanine: i remember with the last hurricane there were warnings for 45 days -- for four or five days, get out, get out. i want to move on. you heard the president, big day for him. the pastor who was incarcerated or taken hostage is released
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after being convicted from turkey. how does the president do this? >> i'll tell you. i think he's up to 19 or 20 americans that have been held unjustly overseas and he brought them back. i don't think any president has done anything close to that in less than two years. i think it's another success for the president. i think he really believe that he has to look out for all americans. if they are being held in places like north korea or venezuela or turkey, i think he thinks it's his responsibility to get them and he succeeded beyond anyone's wildest expectations. judge jeanine: starting with the otto warmbier, and others, it's stunning. there is now momentum. we are wing. but i want to move on to the "washington post" columnist who
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went mission at the saudi consulate in turkey when he went there, then was told to come back in five days. reports he has been murder and dismembered. the president saying the $110 billion arms deal, we'll still go through with it. how do you feel about it. >> i want to know what happened. it's obviously suspicious. saudi arabia, they have a lot of problems for sure. but i think the president has figured out a way to have a constructive relationship with them. if they did this, it will impact our relationship. so let's get the facts on that and see. but it will be a big deal if they murdered this guy. judge jeanine: the prince, mohammad bin salman seems like a paranoid guy. as soon as he was made prince he started locking up his relatives at the ritz carlton.
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and now if indeed's pair noird and responsible shall be -- indeed he's paranoid, and we don't yet know what the facts are, is this the kind of moa --f monarch dictator we can work with? >> we have been working with him. he has been working behind the scenes with the israelis, which is unprecedented for that country. there are things he was doing that were promising and encouraging. but when you talk about taking a journalist and murdering them, that's not something we can turn a blind eye to. judge jeanine: until we know for sure we can't even speculate. saudi arabia is one of the top 10 trading partners for the united states. also i don't think it's $110
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billion when you put in all the other contracts to support the arms deal. it's even bigger. it's about jobs, et cetera. ron desantis, thanks so much and all our prayers for those in until. and our best to you. charlie kirk with exclusive photos of his meeting in the white house with kanye west. on three weeks until the most of anticipated mid-term elections. what do harvard graduates
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mainland in half a century. i'm robert gray. now back to the judge. president trump: the fact is democrats have become the party of crime. they have. republicans are the party of
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safety, and we are the party of jobs, jobs, jobs. judge jeanine: the president wrapping up a make america great again rally in kentucky and the crowd in the blue grass state was loving every minute of it. the author of spy gate, the attempted sabotage of donald trump. the president kicked off a rally tonight by saying we celebrated. >> the tremendous victory when he welcomed home freed american pastor andrew brunson who visited the oval office earlier today. chris hahn, wouldn't you say it's a pretty spectacular event? >> yeah, i give hip credit for getting this guy out. like the pastor, i too have
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prayed for the president to gain wisdom. i hope the president has better luck than i have and he'll stop attacking his political opponents in the wake of a tragedy like we have seen since the hurricane in florida and not be at rallies. judge jeanine: you want the president in the situation room while they are conducting an operation? >> the president was giving a rally as the hurricane hit thursday. that to me is very disappointing. it's probably the most of unpresidential thing this president has done. this president criticizes president obama for going back on the campaign trail a week after hurricane sandy. for him to be giving a campaign speech during the actual event. judge jeanine: got it.
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dan bongino, your response. >> this was a big day. it's so frustrating debating this guy. he tries to give the president credit, then goes immediately into an attack speech. you can never win with chris and his liberal buddies. donald trump goes over to puerto rico and starts handing out emergency supplies and they don't like the way he throws a paper towel at people. he says i'm going to visit until and georgia, i'm on top of the situation, i'm having an oval office briefing. and chris is still taking cheap shots. you can never please them. >> if barack obama gave a campaign rally as hurricane sandy was ravaging new york, you would have went ballistic. then the next day if barack obama brought a rap star into the white house? judge jeanine: there is too much
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news. today khashoggi, there is talk he might have been murdered in the saudi consulate. dan, what do you think should happen given we have a $110 billion arms deal pending with saudi arabia. >> there is a p.c. answer and a non-p.c. one. if this happened and he was cut up with a bone saw like some people alleged, then this is a serious crime that should be taken seriously. but there is a global picture here. we are on a razor's edge with iran, and to throw out completely over what would be a horrible, dozen gusting death could bring the deaths of thousands more. but this does have to be dealt with. this is an inhumane savage thing to do.
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judge jeanine: chris, before i let you respond, i want to ask you a question. you took the side of barack obama as it related to president trump in the release. why is it that obama couldn't get three people otto warmbier, the pastor, and he was just convicted friday, and josh holt from venezuela. was it because obama was always apologizing for being pane american? why couldn't obama do what trump did? >> i don't want to relive the past. judge jeanine: i want you to answer the question. >> i think he could have done more to get these people freed. i am sorry he didn't and i'm glad the pastor is free and i give president trump credit for this. god bless him, i hope he lives a long life. as for what's going on with
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saudi arabia. if they did what they are being accused of, the united states must go to at united nations and lead a coalition to put severe sanctions on saudi arabia. judge jeanine: that's what the president said, he said i will put severe sanctions on. >> we have to get the whole global community there to do it with us. judge jeanine: go ahead, dan. >> i get it, point step upped. we all understand this happened. it's a human horror show. but we have to remember we need the saudis. we need them in our deal weather israelis and we need them in their deal weather iranians. this is not something -- we are not going to solve this -- >> how many times are we going to let the saudis get away with 9/11, we let them get away with far too much for far too long. we need to represent american
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values around the world. and if the saudi empire falls as a result, so be it. judge jeanine: are we going to have a war? >> chris wants world war iii tomorrow with the iranians who are developing a nuclear program. this is insane. >> i think the saudis have been a bad actor and we looked the other way for far too long. we should be offended by it. and here they go again. we thought this guy would be reformer. he's clearly not a reformer. >> are you crazy? are you nuts? you cannot start world war iii over this. judge jeanine: talk about dismemberment and murder, i did that as a prosecutor. it's amazing how americans get
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so outraged with something shopping where else is it's consistent with their ideology. jimmy kimmel stoops to new lows on tv once again. so i can buy from
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[♪] judge jeanine: president trump's meeting with kanye west this week causing a freak-out among the liberals. listen to what jimmy kimmel had to say. >> not only was this a crazy conversation for this white house. this is the kind of conversation that would typically be held between people wearing hospital bracelets.
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he was sitting across from his own twitter account come to life. judge jeanine: here to join me, charlie kirk. what say you? >> first of all with kimmel's comments in particular, not only is that re present hencible. it all -- that's reprehensible. the left is very scared. jimmy kimmel would not dedicate this kind of time on his show if they didn't think this demonstrated a threat to their control over the black population. you will never find a population more underserved by the democratic party. kanye west challenged that orthodoxy and they challenge his mental health. judge jeanine: you met him the
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day he was at the white house. there you are with candace owens and kanye. >> that's right. we spent the afternoon with him after his meeting in the white house. what i love most of about kanye west, he's a free thinker. he didn't oppose democrats. he says i love hillary. he says why aren't we having an honest conversation about how our communities has been damaged the last 50 years. they went after him in such a pernicious and awful way. you saw don lemon. judge, if you said that you would be pulled off air. judge jeanine: they accused him of being mentally unfit. he's a billionaire businessman, but what do i know. i want to move on to a tweet from alec walled win.
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wino -- alec baldwin. he says every since i played trump black people love me. i think it's because they are most of afraid of trump. what does that mean? >> i find no evidence of that whatsoever. black america today is doing the best it has common in the modern era under this president. the lowest ever unemployment rate ever in the history of modern statistics under this president. we saw a 400% uncrease in black-owned business start-ups under this president because of low regulation and less tax agenda. i don't know what alec baldwin is talking about. he has had a mixed history in the past. the left is scared and they should be. their monolith over black america is being put into question and there is something new happening.
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judge jeanine: it's stung. rumor and mob mentality not supported by the facts seems to be the call for the day. and third, let's talk about mika from morning joe on friday. >> i'm glad you said that because i do think he's using them as pawns and i feel terrible for what he is doing to these people who are so excited to come to his rallies to see the president of the united states, then he uses them like that and makes them look stupid. judge jeanine: people come to the rallies and support trump are both side and pawns. >> i guess we are successful pawns then. there are 60 million pawns out there. this is what the left tries to do. they try to trivialize the success of this administration. anyone who comes out in support of the president, they don't know what they are talking
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about, their mental health is brought into question. the dark space between malibu and manhattan the democratic party has forgotten about, they are with his president. they see isis destroyed, and the economy coming back. mika, stay in manhattan. judge jeanine: president trump brings a winning message to kentucky. the highlights of tonight's huge the highlights of tonight's huge rally that you haven't seen
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[♪] judge jeanine: president trump gets mid-term voters in kentucky very excited in the town of richmond tonight. take a look at some of the best of tonight's huge rally. president trump: the democrats have become totally consumed by their chilling lust for power. what the crazy radical democrats did to justice kavanaugh is a national disgrace. he stared down the angry left-wing mob, he never blinked and he never looked back. and he got up, a man who will be one of our great, great supreme
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court justices. [cheers and applause] senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. the new platform of the democrat party is radical socialism. and its open borders. democrats want to abolish i.c.e. and turn america into a giant sanctuary for criminal aliens and ms-13 thugs. republicans believe our country should be a sanctuary for law-biding americans, not criminal al -- aliens. if you elect republicans this move we'll pass legislation to end catch and release. have you heard the other one? lottery. i don't want a chain. i want people to come into our
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country on a merit-based system. this election is about safety and about prosperity. since the last election -- and these are numbers the fakers back there, the fake news would never have allowed me to say -- they in a million years -- have you ever said this during the campaign? they would have had headlines. we created over 4.2 million new jobs. we added nearly 600,000 manufacturing jobs. remember manufacturing is never going to come back, never going to come back. hispanic american and asian-american unemployment has reached its lowest level in history. african-american unemployment has reached its lowest level ever recorded in history.
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they were all saying he'll not do well with women. wow, did we do well with women. did we do well. we will. fake news. we also passed veterans choice. giving our veterans the right to see a private doctor instead of waiting on lines for 12 days, 38 days. and together we'll make america wealthy again. we'll make america strong again. we'll make america safe again. and we'll make america great again. judge jeanine: we'll be right back. what happened to the real men of america?
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the keyword on the screen we're gonna replace candy with some healthy halloween treats today. these are called veggie fruit chews mine tasted like poopoo! mine tastes like broccoli, yuck! i want candy! judge jeanine: finally tonight i am off to florida tomorrow to continue with the book to her. i'll be at the villages tonight and i continue through miami jacksonville orlando pocono and palm beach. do you have your copy of the book? try to get one before you miss it and remember, you never have to miss justice.
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if you can't watch set your dvr. thank you for watching, i'm jeanine. advocating for truth, justice and the american way. the greg gutfeld show is coming up next and i will see you again next saturday night. ♪ [cheering and applause] greg: the news seems pretty good if you ask me. booming economy, unlimited dropping a new supreme court judge who can stay awake. pieces breaking out in the careers and american pastors release from turkey and i just saw michael downtown selling pencils. he is so adorable in cardboard shorts. yet, in two years trump salt more headaches than a boatload of [inaudible].


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