tv Hannity FOX News October 15, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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and because of president trump, our issues are being brought before universities like this. >> tucker: you would think that liberals would be on your side because supposedly they were against it, too. thank you very much for coming on. it was great to see you. we are done for the night and we will be back tomorrow. the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. good night from washington, sean hannity live from new york city right now. >> sean: tucker, thank you. welcome to "hannity." buckle up. a busy night tonight. the party of identity politics, lies, smears, slander, no due process, and a presumption of innocence, disparagement, they are at it again. tonight, the violence intercut american cities. we have the videotape. we'll show you have democrats, their friends on the left, are demonizing all political differences, how they have no vision for the country, fanning flames of violent protesting and lying tos you, the american people, purposefully. alec baldwin wants to overthrow the u.s. government and robert de niro calling the president the devil. bernie sanders refusing to condemn violent protesters.
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meanwhile in massachusetts, far left senator elizabeth warren, who was identified as a minority native american professor, she released the results of her dna test. she's not. we'll explain. and a brand-new undercover video from project veritas exposing missouri senator claire mccaskill that we will show you exclusively, and her far left views on from everything from the second amendment to impeaching the president and how she's trying to hide it all. also hillary clinton busy defending her husband from allegations of sexual misconduct. all of this and news breaking from saudi arabia pastor brunson, and a major setback for stormy daniels and michael avenatti. it's time for tonight's jam-packed opening news breaking monologue.kigu ♪ at this hour, we have breaking news on multiple fronts. the defamation lawsuit against president trump by stormy story
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daniels has been thrown out. she has been ordered by a california judge to pay donald trump's legal fees. by the way, expect crickets from the stormy stormy stormymy networks. meanwhile, michael brunson, the former american pastor who was detained in turkey for years, thankfully, he is back home in the united states. he met with the president of the white house earlier this weekend and he will join us on the show tomorrow. also, our last piece of breaking news surrounding saudi arabia, the mysterious disappearance of a journalist last seen walking into the saudi consulate in istanbul in turkey. if saudi arabia was knowingly responsible for this man's death that means that president trump was lied to and that means strong,ns punitive action is coming against the kingdom. now as we speak, the secretary of state mike pompeo is headed to saudi arabia in search of those answers. we'll have more on those important stories throughout the show. we start tonight, 22 days, three
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weeks from tomorrow until the midterm elections. we have to cover what has now become, and we've been warning people, an extraordinarilyer dangerous political climate all across america. earlier today, the nypd tweeted out this picture of the suspects who were wanted for vandalizing and starting a fight in a new york city republican club, breaking windows, painting anarchist symbols on the front. let me be clear. violent mob rule, it has to be unacceptable in the united states of america. those responsible, i don't care what your views, need to beof sent to jail regardless of political affiliation. over the weekend we saw several brutal clashes, near-riots between groups in cities like new york city and portland, oregon. c look at this on your screen. listen, this stuff has to stop, somebody's going to get hurt and somebody's going to end up getting killed. at the end of the day, we allbo need to be safe. this is what rand paul was
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warning about. everyone's entitled to their opinions, we believe in free speech, the right to protest, regardless of your views. you don't have the right to throw punches. like we saw in portland with auntie for last weekend, they are blocking traffic, assaulting pedestrians, and intimidating commuters. settle your political disputes, you have your shot in 22 days from now. whether this type of violence occurs on the left or the right, we know it should be the duty of elected officials and leaders to strongly confirm these actions. sadly we can also report tonight, instead of calling out, these mobs for what they are doing and this violence, they are being spurred on by a demonizing political differences, vilifying people who have different points of view. it's happening from the left. this sounds like a call to arms or marching orders on behalf of some people, and it's extraordinarily dangerous. take a look. >> you cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what
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you care about. that's why i believe if we are fortunate enough to win back the house and/or the senate, that's when civility can start again. >> if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. and you push back on them. and you tell them, they are not welcome anymore, anywhere. >> please don't just come here today and then go home, go to the hill today. get up and get up in the face of some congresspeople. >> michelle says, when they go low, we go high. no. when they go low, we kick them. [laughter] >> sean: get up in their
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faces, get a crowd and confront them and follow them into grocery stores, department stores and gas stations. kick them if they are down, is that how we handle disagreement? you can't be civil? only if we win political elections? bernie sanders, the so-called socialist, refused to evenf call out this kind of mob rule and violence that we've been showing you weeks and at night after night. take a look. >> should people who areen republican officials be disrupted when they are eating a meal at a restaurant? is it appropriate for protesters to be banging on the doors of the supreme court? that's really what the debate is about. >> well, i am very strongly in favor of mobilizing the american people to stand up and fight for economic justice and social justice and racial and environmental justice. i think we have to mobilize people. i am not a great fan of being rude or disrupting activities. >> sean: so bernie refuses to take a stand. the so-called peace-loving people of hollywood are ramping
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up their rhetoric tonight even more. during an appearance at a democratic fund-raiser this weekend, alec baldwin called for an overthrow of president trump. oh, is this really true? is alec baldwin an anarchist now? >> the way we implement change in america is through elections. we change governments here atle home in an orderly and formal way. and in that orderly and formal way and lawful way, we need to overthrow the government of the united states. under donald trump. >> sean: overthrow the government. great words. naturally the mainstream media awarded that professional trump hater, they gave him a brand-new talk show on abc broadcasting. well, unsurprisingly, baldwin's new gig is a spectacular failure. it set a record. his show garnered the single lowest ratings of any sunday night network show. even the cw beat him. cable tv beat him.
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and while appearing on that extremely unsuccessful new show, trump-hating actor robert de niro compared trump and his allies to the devil. i guess we're the irredeemable, deplorable, walmart smelling, bible hugging, and loving, clinging to god, guns, and religion people. now the devil. take a look. >> if there's a point that many of these people that are now with trump are going to be tainted for the rest of their lives. they are not going to be -- people are not going to be -- want to be around. they think they want to be him. they are paying such a price. making a deal with the devil, it's scary. >> sean: another peaceful liberal, same guy that compares the president to g hitler, wanting to punch the president of the united statess in the face and launching into a vulgar tirade at the tony awards, and that rhetoric from
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michael moore, that's not much better. in his hyperpartisan, anti-trump documentary, another flop at the box office. and guess what, to the disappointment of many detached coastal hollywood elites. meanwhile when they are not ramping up, and lying to you, the american people, nowhere is this more obvious than with massachusetts senator, pocahontas, as the president calls her, elizabeth warren. over the course of her career, she has repeatedly, and for long periods of time has identified themselves as a minority, teaching at the university of pennsylvania. she actually changed her ethnicity from white to native american. at harvard law school, she was h once described as the first woman of color. she published her own cookbook entitled "powwow chow." she frequently touted her native american ancestry. today she published the results of the dna study and it turns out she's roughly 1/64-1/1024
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native american. even the cherokee nation slammed the test results and said they were useless. by the way, president trump had thisis to say about her extremey distant possible connection to native americans. take a look. >> senator warren released some or her dna results showing that there is a strong likelihood that she has native american roots. >> how much, 1/1000? n she owes the country an apology. what is her percentage? >> i don't have the exact number. >> when you have the percentage, tell me. >> what about the money that you told her you would -- >> you mean, if she gets the nomination in the debate where i o was going to have her tested? i will only do that if i can test her personally and that will not be something that i would enjoy doing. >> sean: and the president's right, this is not a good look for warren. i
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the president says bring it on. senator warren is not the only prominent democrat, by the way, embarrassing herself tonight. hillary clinton once again forcing her way back into the national spotlight, this time with the defense of her husband's sexual misconduct with a 22-year-old. she was old enough, apparently. take a look.k.pp >> in retrospect, do you think bill should have resigned in the wake of the monica lewinsky scandal? >> absolutely not. >> is it not an abuse of power? >> no, no. >> there are people that look at the incidents of the '90s and say the president of the united states cannot have a consensual relationship with an intern.he the power imbalance is too great. speaker she was an adult. >> sean: where is bonita broderick? paula jones? kathleen really? what we saw from clinton and what we are seeing from elizabeth warren, what we are seeing from the radical left, typical of the democrats strategy. the double standard is so
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transparent. this is especially true in red states. democrats literally now being instructed by party leaders, don't talk about immigration. open borders, eliminating ice. don't talk about what we really want to do. don't ever mention impeachment,c even though, by the way, those are the pillars to the democratic agenda, should youu give them power back in 22re da. open borders, no more i.c.e., they want to take the crumbs back and illuminate the tax cuts. endless investigation, it will never stop. the list is 30 items deep at this point. no more deep state investigations, no more judicial appointments, and of course, they want to preserve obamacare and impeach the president. in missouri, where democrat senator claire mccaskill is in a tight race to would make an election. this two faced political pandering. mccaskill is trying to bill herself as a moderate, which he is not. and project veritas is exposing
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herself as anything but. we got this tape exclusively and as always wees report and you decide to, and it features mccaskill and some of her campaign staffersen talking about the centrist policies on guns and impeachment and more. that's not exactly what she's campaigning on. take aot look. >> if we have the kind of year i think we might have, i think we could actually be in a position that we could get votes on the stuff on the floor. if we could get 60, mcconnell knows that, it goes to the house, and it's awkward with all those house members are total nra folks. >> so you would be on board? >> of course.f >> i voted for most of those things before. >> for a band? >> oh, yeah. >> she doesn't go out and openly support, and like her ability to get elected. >> sean: we saw this last week in tennessee with former governor phil bredesen. now we see it with senator mccaskill. we reached out to her office for
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comment. guess what, they are not responding. a brand-newt political ad is gasping even more doubt on her "moderate image." the people of missouri really knew where claire mccaskill stands.ea i don't think she would be boarding for her. she is basically a vote for chuck schumer. take a look. >> claire mccaskill, caught on tape. >> if we do our job in st. louis county, i could give up a few votes in the bootnd he. >> listen again. >> i could give up a few votes in the boot heel boot heel. >> no wonder claire mccaskill votes against your gun rights, against agriculture, and against conservative judges like brettth kavanaugh like brett kavanaugh. >> i can give up a few votes in the boot heel. >> claire mccaskill is giving up on you. >> i'm josh hawley and i approve this message. >> sean: and give up a few votes, okay. and more shocking news out of arizona, remember last week and we first showed you democratic senate hopeful christians are
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kyrsten sinema once called the people of her state the meth lab of democracy. in 2011 she's in texas and speaking and calling her federal arizonans that she wants to vote for her, calling them crazy. she also promoted an event and it arizona state university including a lawyer who represented the blind sheikh, convicted of the 1995 bombing, masterminded the terror and terrorist plots against the united states. we are learning a new bizarre story about an antiwar rally organized by her where she was not making this up -- which is. yet, which is, directly in the tradition of feminist witchcraft against the iraq war. her opponent, martha mcsally, was defending her countrymi and despite her unusual and frankly seedy past, this raises very much up for grabs. war hero martha mcsally has now jumped out to a thin lead but it's a close race. meanwhile in missouri, claire
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mccaskill, who just saw featured in the latest project veritas video, also in a very important race. all winnable. i this case, against josh hawley. it's important to remember, ms. castillo enthusiastically voted against kavanaugh come against due process, against the presumption of innocence. in nevada, republican dean heller has opened up a significant lead, seven points. that is an important race, getting him reelected in nevada. we are also focusing on ten more critical house races. this will determine if radical nancy pelosi once again gets her shot at being speaker. we start in georgia tonight. they are six districts were republican and incumbent karen handel is being challenged, and georgia 7, g.o.p. incumbent, robert woodall is in a dead heat with democrat carolyn bardo. in illinois, there are six g.o.p. incumbent, peter ross cap. he has a razor-thin edge over democrat. in illinois, 12 republican district incumbent mike bosse
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has a slim lead over democrat brendann kelly. and in illinois 13th g.o.p. district, incumbent rodney davis has a significant edge over democrat in illinois 14, we have a republican randy who is locked in a close race with lauren underwood. mein 2, an important district, donald trump won this, republican incumbent, his seat is now being threatened by democrat jared golden. in michigan 7, republican tim wahlberg squares off against democrat gretchen driscoll. in michigan's eighth district, g.o.p. incumbent mike bishop in a tight race, taking even more, with democrat. and finally come michigan 11, pro trump g.o.p. nominee lena epstein is in an battle against democrat haley stevens. we are trying to do days away from the vaguest midterm election of our lifetime. these races are extraordinarily tight, everything is at stake and anyone who tells you that they know what's going to happen is lying to you. now if you choose tooi stay hom,
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that's essentially casting at least a half a vote for nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. by the way, if you vote for the democrat, you are voting for nancy pelosi because in most cases, 99%, they will vote with her. if you are voting in a senate race, however the democrat is, be it tester, heidi heitkamp, joe donnelly, bill nelson in florida, claire mccaskill, kyrsten sinema and arizona company you don't vote for dean heller in nevada, you basically are voting for chuck schumer. the trump agenda would come to a halt, endless witch-hunt against the president will pop up every day. impeachment would be pursued. every single democrat on the hill, they are salivating over that but they are not telling you. in other words, they are hiding their agenda. but if you like the booming economy, if you are in love with our constitution, presumption of innocence, inalienable rights, due processof under the law, the choice is clear. in 22 days, ask yourself if you are better off than you were two years ago. is your paycheck bigger?rs are your taxes lower?
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is the country safer, is thehe world safer? according to a memo obstained by "the new york times,"s from the center for american progress, john podesta's group, democrats have been advised to spend no time at all talking about immigration.ll they are out of touch. keep it quiet, like i have been saying all along.ri it's a party applies. they are hiding what they will do in the hopes they can trick you into voting for them and 22 days. you have the power and you have the power to stop the world again. joining us now, fox news contributor is a sara carter and andy mccarthy are with us. what's particularly disturbing about kyrsten sinema, not only she thinks arizonans are crazy, she thinks her state as the meth capital of the world, she is trying to invite witches, the more important issue is a lawyer
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she invited arizona state university. you prosecuted the blind shake. who is lynn stewart? >> he was my chief adversary in that case. the defense lawyer for the blind sheik. after he was indicted for conspiracy, basically was a formative figure of a new york, which bombed the world trade center in 1993, which plotted to blow up new york city landmarks right after that, after he was convicted, after all phase process was run through, after e was no longer an accused, lynn stewart continued to function commit out as his lawyer, but as his confederate for purposes of getting messages out of him, his confinement, he was sentenced to life in prison, for terrorism convictions.
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>> sean: why would she invite that radical? she was also -- >> the same reason she said she -- for the same reason that she said she would have no problem with people joining the taliban. let's remember that at the time that she was saying was sort of stuff, the taliban was the organization that gave safe haven to al qaeda without which there wouldth not have been 9/11 attacks. >> sean: let me go to sara here's the thing that's amazing to me, whether you look at the center for american progress or even maxine waters saying, they keep telling me not to say it but we are going to do it. and pete 45. so what -- to win, democrats have to hide who they are, and lied to the american people to win and election. that is the big story and we cah to be civil, kick them when they are down, confronting pam bondi, secretary nielsen, sarah sanders, ted cruz, what is going
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on with this party? >> i think what we are seeing is desperation in this party, sean. desperation at this party wants to ensure that they actually wi win. by writing this very low road, is what i call it, especially when we think of eric holder, we will take them one way are low, we'll go after them, the witch's curse on president trump. >> sean: put it up on the screen. do you think it's connected to these people that are saying, go confront them? create crowds, go after them? >> absolutely. they are antagonizing the public with this rancor. we see this, they use the media to construct a narrative that is extraordinarily dangerous to our country. that is why we have to stick to the facts. the american people are not dumb. of course there are peoplepl all the way to the left that no say, no matter what facts you bring out to them, they will automatically
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agree with that side. by the american people understand what's going on here, and if they are smart they will go to the voting polls and they willhe vote. otherwise we are going to lose a very significant investigation. >> sean: that's all true, too. a lot of hard work will stop. they will go after impeachment. we'll have more on the rise over the weekend. a lot more breaking news. sean spicer, dan bongino, and a big announcement tonight, straight ahead. ♪ i think we can do better. change is hard. try to keep an open mind. come on, dad. this is for me, son? principal. we can help you plan for that. jushis local miracle ear t at helped andrew hear more of the joy in her voice.
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mercy secret service agent, nra tv contributor dan bongino.. sean, i know you went through a lot when you were the pressed secretary. and words are one thing, but when you have leaders -- the former candidate for the democratic party saying, we can't be civil with them. we have the former attorney general of the usa saying, kick them? if they go low, we kick them? then you got maxine watersk saying, you see these cabinet people, you get a crowd and you follow them into gas stations and grocery stores.yo we saw that to your successor sarah sanders, palm pam bondi, secretary nielsen, ted cruz. somebody is going to get killed here. but they don't seem to care. >> you are absolutely right. somebody did get steve scalise, the deranged person on the left, went out and shot a group of house republican members playing baseball. it has taken a violent turn. the concern to me is that it all seems to be coming in one direction. instead of denouncing it, which you know the maid he would be
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asking the right tokn do that if it was going in that direction, instead you see the left doubling down, hillary clinton, maxine waters, eric holder, these people are doubling down, inciting it. if this was the right to doing it to w the left, shawn, if thee were donald trump supporters, there would be outrage and every one of those left-wing cable shows that we see time and agai again. outrage when donald trump -- >> sean: go ahead, finish. >> it's amazing, i have never seen such a double standard. they justify the actions on the left, you saw the commentators and hosts on cnn saying, please don't call it a mob, which clearly is. if that had been on the -- >> sean: dan, let me bring you in. "the new york post" actually said these are " the people that are wanted. not only portland last weekend and this weekend, but new york
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this weekend, and a bunch of anarchists went to the new york g.o.p. club, republican club, whatever it happens to be, they are writing -- committing vandalism, anarchists signs they are putting up and so on, then there's a confrontation on the streets there. that is not with the media says. they don't tell the whole story. they get it wrong at the beginning, kind of mad that i even for a second believe half of what they wrote. and this is coming from the left. the radical left. but look at alec baldwin. the lowest ratings in the history basically have any network television. it's never been that flow or michael moore's movie feeling. is this going to translate to the ballot box in 22 days? >> we are already seeing some of the results of that. you covered it in the beginning of your show. missouri, north dakota, we are seeing a raise closing in michigan. john james, unbelievable -- >> sean: john james is a rock star. i love him.
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>> he's a stud. i love him. his videos areck terrific. two quick points on this. number one, the left's religion is fake power. that is their religion. when they loseta fake power, thy have nothing to fall back on. i'm not talking about all democrats. the radical left. they are socialists, their religion, the state power. when they lose it, this is what happens. >> sean: you know how they lied and they disseminated the false information, dan, remember, alll the phony dossiers, like before the election, then it was used to set up the whole investigation. but then maxine waters, they keep saying, don't say it, now center for american progress, john podesta's group, they are out therehn saying don't talk about immigration. don't tell people what you really want to do. for them to enact, they got to lie and hide who they really are. that is a pretty revealing instance. then we have a tape of phil
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bredesen. >> sean, i will tell you, you look at a candidate like kyrsten sinema and arizona that have called the people of arizona crazy. shee talked about -- she is all of these tapes unraveling about her talking about it being okay to join the taliban. calling her own constituents nuts. >> sean: look at what andy mccarthy did in blind sheik case. >> there's b a double standard d how they cover the right and left. the reality is, all they want to do is talk about the style and substance of donald trump. they can talk about the agenda and the results because economic policy or foreign policy, the president is getting things done and they know they can't read what he is getting done. >> sean: i see things moving in the right direction in the senate, sean spicer, but the house is too hard to tell. i've been identifying ten races -- >> people have to get out and vote. >> it's getting close. >> sean: do you think -- i
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mean -- do you think it's closer, or are you confident that the house remains in republican hands? >> no! i'm not. until people get out there and realize what a big difference nancy pelosi, maxine waters, adam schiff, the whole lot of them are going to be, they stop the trump agendato dead in their tracks. people need to understand, november, this agenda is on the ballot, you need to get out and vote. >> sean: if you vote, anybody that votes for a democrat, you are voting for nancy. if you vote in the senate, voting for a democrat, you are voting for chuck. you are voting for their lives and hundred and agenda. there is a lot at stake. thank you. kristin fisher in washington, the latest on the missing saudi journalist and elizabeth warren's big dna test. later, a big announcement. i mean, a great announcement. you're going to love it. straight ahead.
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>> sean: joining us now the very latest on the growing backlash from senator warren's so-called dna test as well as the continuing developments regarding the disappearance of the journalist, fox news washington correspondent kristin fisher. watching both of these stories, this is getting very strange. i wonder if the president was lied to by the saudis and it's hard to believe that in fact this journalist, khashoggi, was, int fact, killed and nobody knew at the top. it's hard to believe. >> sean, there are so many questions. that>> is one of the main reasos that the secretary of state, mike pompeo, is on his way to saudi arabia to try and figure out firsthand what exactly happened. one story we are watchingth tonight. the other one is of course senator elizabeth warren, receiving a lot of pushback for these releasing the dna test results, providing at least some evidence of her native american lineage,
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anywhere from 164the to 11,024th native american, to be exact. tonight the cherokee nation is accused accusing her of making a mockery of dna tests and its legitimate use while also dishonoring legitimate tribal government. president obama's former campaign advisor, "why did senator warren had to do her announcement now? "the other story we are monitoring, these are reports that saudi arabia is preparing to admit that they accidentally kill the saudi journalist jamaal khashoggi, it was an unauthorized interrogation gone wrong. fox cannot confirm these reports by the president has been briefed about them. secretary of state mike pompeo is onre his way to saudi arabiao meet the king and hopefully find out firsthand what happened,
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sean. a lot of moving parts on both of those stories tonight. >> sean: very scary. he went into the consulate in istanbul, never came out. very frightening. thank you, kristin. joining us now the reaction is national security global affairs analysis morgan ortagus, also with us as jessica tarlov, fox news contributor. morgan, you lived almost two years yourself in saudi arabia. you know it very well. they denied it vigorously. but in fact, khashoggi never came out of this consulate when he went income i did not make sense, it's hard to believe that the stories that are emerging, again, not confirmed by fox, he might have been an interrogation gone bad. i'm not buying it. i'm not buying that the saudi leadership, the crown prince didn't know, either. >> sean, i i think you hit the nail on the head by the saudis in some form have been lying to the president and his team for the past two weeks. that is crucial, where we need
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an answer, from the king and the crown prince, mohammed bin salman, who called jared kushner and others in the administration, just to deny any sort of saudi involvement. the big thing i'll be looking for, tomorrow, what it does secretary pompeo get out of this? when he flew on moment's notice to saudi arabia, halfway across the world coming to deal with the story, knew that it meant that the president meant business. he wanted to get down to the an incredibly serious story. there are many fronts in which the saudis are very good partners with the united states. i worked with them very closely while i was in saudi arabia to curb the illicit flows of funding to al qaeda and other terrorist organizations. they clearly work with us on oil. various ways in which it relates to terrorism, countering around, that the relationship with the saudis is important but there needs to be a lot of answers, specifically why they chose to lie to the president publicly for the past two weeks two weeks. >> sean: let me go to a different issue, jessica. mike pompeo is the guy -- one of
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thebest appointments president has made, and amazing secretary of state. strong and tough and firm, getting a lot of good things done. jessica, let me ask you a question. she literally purposely -- senator warren -- changes to say she's a native american. then the first female minority at harvard. 1,164th --dash one out of 1,024? that is alive. she allowed a lie to go forward for a long period of crime and somehow she is acting as if she is vindicated in all of this. the cherokee nation leaders say that we don't buy it either. >> she never said she was part of the cherokee nation. there are a number of law professors who she's worked with and others that she hasn't all over the country vouching for her, saying that she was
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definitely not -- didn't fly. i think it was a mistake. i am fully on board with jim messina, what he was saying, stay focused. >> sean: she's been on this for years. she's done this -- she portrayed herself as a native american and she's not! that is a bottom line. >> there is a percentage and i know that you are about to say it is less than the average american. i have seen all the headlines. i am well prepared for this evening segment. i think it is unfortunate, we have 22 days to go. >> sean: it's unfortunate? more than unfortunate. this lie has been going on in massachusetts for year. speak out today, this was unfortunate, having a conversation -- >> sean: because doesn't benefit your side politically? >>mp when they call her pocahontas, she does have that as part of her lineage. >> sean: the president was right again. morgan, when you lived in saudi arabia, we know how oppressive life has been for women in saudi arabia under sharia law.
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we know up until recently, can't vote, can't drive, we know that gays and lesbians are beaten or killed. you cannot practice christianity or judaism and the entire country. what was it like for you? when you left a consulate where you work, i assume you had to dress and cover and all of those things? what was it like? >> i wasn't wearing the snakeskin dress, for sure, when i was in saudi arabia. my working relationship, sean, with the saudi government was incredible. we got a lot of work while i was in saudi and 2011, when the u.s. government was able to kill usama bin laden, a lot of things i was proud of. we did have to wear in dress -- can i just say one quick thing about elizabeth warren? i'm just as much the little mermaid as she is in an american >> thanks for getting that income a morgan. we appreciate that. >> sean: why are you laughing? >> we will cook up some powwow child when the segment is over. >> come on, you guys.
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>> sean: jessica, you want to respond? >> i did, i said, "thanks a lot." i said senator warren should not have done this today.en >> sean: how about she should not have lied for years? >> because she didn't live. >> sean: we gave you a shot. if jesse was here, i would say -- >> jesse isn't here. he's hiding from me. feel better, jesse. >> sean: thank you, both. we have breaking news, breaking about fusion gps cofounder glenn simpson, catherine herridge has a full report. also john solomon with breaking news and carter page responding to breaking news and what he will do to clear his name, straight ahead. ♪ - this is a fight against time. what we're dealing with is coming out, meeting someone who's 85, 90 years old,
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can't get around, has no food, has no water, and just wants to give up and die. and that's where we come in. we are called to comfort these people, to be a blessing to their lives. - [voiceover] for just $25, we'll rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate elderly person for a month. call right now. - [eckstein] call the number on your screen. - in ukraine, there's no supper network. they don't have food cards or neighbors that come in to help. they're turning to us because they have nowhere else to turn. - [voiceover] your gift is a life line to help these elderly jewish holocaust survivors, help them to live out their final years with dignity and love. call right now. - [eckstein] call the number on your screen.
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fox news chiefal intelligence correspondent, catherine herridge denied prayed a lot happening. rod rosenstein, glenn simpson, and of course we are still waiting to subpoena. >> a short time ago, fox news obtaining the statement from glenn simpson's attorney confirming thatt he will not dey congress, he will comply with the subpoena and appear in capitol hill. he won't answer questions about the anti-drum dossier and he plans to take the fifth. the statement reads, "compelling glenn simpson to appear for the deposition after he stated his intention to not to testify, reflects the worst practices of congressional investigations and reinforces it as a political exercise, not a serious inquiry. inquiry." lawmakers with answers from simpson about the dnc-clinton campaign funded anti-trump dossier that was used by the fbi and justice department at 2050 and to secure a surveillance warrant for campaign aide carter page.
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depositions are also scheduled with the fbi's former top lawyer james a baker, who revealed this month that the fbi god russia and information from a lawyer who's firm handled the drum dossier. a deposition is on deck for russia researcher nellie ohr her works for simpson. in addition, her official, bruce ohr, became the unofficial back channel for the dossier to the fbi and significantly, sean, simpson's earlier testimony conflicts with it the emails abt their contacts. in the meantime, the house committee's republican chairman ispu considering a subpoena for the deputy attorney general rod rosenstein to secure his testimony under oath about whether he seriously discussed reportingte the president in may 2017 and removing him from office. also late today, carter page, the subject of the surveillance warrant, he was the target of that after,, filing a lawsuit against the dnc and the law firm
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perkins coie. >> sean: catherine herridge, important information. joining us now, former tram campaign aide carter page himself. also "the hill"'s john solomon. one l little piece in the fbi, andrew mccabe is under criminal investigation. he's also being investigated for leaks as itt relates to general flynn and by the way, those leaks, we knew from the get-go, were illegal because that was emma we all know, surveillance, unmasking, that never should have happened or leak in the first place. >> new documents are denied, the fbist released them on the publc information site, and they reveal for the first time that there was an investigation of comments allegedly made by the deputy director andrew mccabe about president trump and flynn. we don't know anything more than that. we know that they list mccabe as a witness of the investigation, not a subject. but it'sss the first time we hae heardd anything about this. that is an important thing. also the senate intelligence
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security chief pled guilty to lying about his contacts with the media. this week-fest going on -- >> sean: unbelievable. >> it's being exposed little by little. >> sean: the entire puzzle framed in and we are filling it with pieces and it's pretty clear what happened. carter, you are in the center of all of this. we know that four fisa judges, fraud was committed on them. the bulk of information was the phony dossier that even christopher steele wouldn't stand by. now you have rod rosenstein, he's refusing to testify under oath. we can't get going simpson to testify under oath. we can't get the 302s, the gang of eight information, or the fisa applications that where all subpoenaed, supposed to be coming out. you are suing the dnc and who else? >> perkins coie. >> sean: the law firm. i got to imagine here, you are going to be a really wealthy guy because what they did to you -- all your fourth amendment
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protections were stopped on.n. this is not political even in any way, carter. >> it's also -- he goes beyond any damages or any financial aspects. there is just -- there has been so many lies, as you were alluding to. you look at the damage it did to our democratic systems and our institutions of government. back in 2016. i'm just trying to get some justice in terms of getting some disclosure. if you look at some of the prior dodgy dossier cases, he is the one that got some of the biggest information out there, that senate judiciary committee and house intelligence committee have been facing a lot of things on. >> sean: you also help your government. you would debrief after traveling abroad. the fbi, cia, and they never
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indicted you. real quick, the last few seconds.nd john, what is next year and where are these d classifications and where are the unredacted materials? whenar are they coming? >> i think they are being slow locked again, sean. it's frustrating for all of us who really want the truth. you won't see them. stay tuned. i will have a story that will bring a whole new character into the russia tail. >> sean: i would trust you, you have been breaking news along with our team for 18 months. thank you, both. when we come back, this is a big announcement. it really is. it's next. ♪ just one free hearing test at
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for helen, just one visit to her local miracle-ear is all it took to learn how she can share more moments with her daughter. just one free hearing test could help you hear more... call now for your free hearing test from an industry leader: miracle-ear. >> sean: major announcement this week. thursday, heading down to florida. southern command headquarters to interview the one and only rush limbaugh. less than three weeks out. we'll talk about the midterms, the fake, phony, dishonest news
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media. the deep state, the left's new lows and of course, get out there and get in people's faces and by the way, create a crowd and follow people into grocery stores and gas stations and department stores. that interview with rush limbaugh's thursday night at 9:00 p.m. always fair and balanced. we will never be the destroy-trump media. let not your heart be troubled. why? the news continues as laura ingraham takes it away. laura? >> laura: i want to follow you into a grocery store. when's the last time you were in a grocery store? >> sean: this weekend. i went to the butcher shop, the grocery store. it's the weirdest thing. i shop all the time. people ask me in the store why are you here, i am like isn't it obvious i like to eat? it's pretty obvious. >> laura: [laughs] wait a second. do you live in, like, mayberry. you have a butcher? that's a fancy person's neighborhood. >> sean: go do your show. this is ridiculous. mayberry? >> laura: i love butchers. i think it's lovely you have a butcher.
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