tv Americas News HQ FOX News October 20, 2018 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT
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course, america's employers are begging for skilled workers and public schools aren't getting the job done. paul: thank you all, this is it for this week's show, thank you for watching, i'm paul gigot, hope to see you right here next week. arthel: we begin with fox news alert, migrant caravan bound for the u.s. stalled at méxico's southern border, the president of guatemala now says some 2,000 of its people have chosen to turn back and abandon their quest for a new life in the united states. welcome back to brand new hour inside of america's news headquarters, hello, i'm arthel neville. eric: hello, i'm eric sean, words come in that the 2,000 guatemalans ended journey north. president trump wrapped up campaign rally in nevada and added he made the case that the administration would deliver much-needed solution he says to
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immigration issue. >> the democrats want caravans, a lot of people say i wonder who started the caravan, victory in november would be bright flashing invitation to every human trafficker, drug trafficker. eric: in los angeles with the very latest, what did the president say and where do things stand now? >> well, let me tell you what's happening down at the border, the guatemalan border with méxico because that is where the story appears to be changing after the president of guatemala said that thousands of migrants have turned around and headed back to honduras, take a look at brand-new pictures of migrants boarding buss in guatemala given up on their effort to make it into the united states. the presidents of both guatemala and honduras held a news conference to say that as many as 2500 people were turning around and we know there were about that many that camped out
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at the border bridge with méxico and that is where others have decided to press on. we have been watching all day as scores of migrants including women and children have managed to circumvent border officials making way to muddy river by raft or trying to swim through it, hand over hand and what will happen to these people in méxico, excuse me, remains unclear. there was a tense confrontation yesterday as some migrants rushed the border fence and broke it down, mexican security forces drove them back and to stand off with no one going anywhere with crushed bodies with no food, water or bathrooms, still most of the migrants say it is better than the poverty and gang violence they left behind. many say they just want a chance at a better life. now, this caravan has become a campaign issue ahead of the
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midterms with president trump renewing his call for immigration reform and at an event in arizona on friday he praised méxico's efforts to hold the border in a very difficult situation but arthel, he said, if this caravan does manage to make it to the u.s. border he says he will call out the military not the national guard. back to you. eric: claudia, the mexicans are not giving transit passes. arthel. arthel: we will be talking about that a little bit later, eric, the saudi government now saying washington post columnist jamal khashoggi was killed in a fistfight in its consulate in istanbul, here is a reaction from the former u.s. ambassador to saudi arabia robert jordan. >> no way in the world that this crown prince would not have known in advance of this targeted killing, you don't show up for an interview with 15 people with a bone saw and a
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forensic autopsy expert. there are several parts to this that don't make much sense. arthel: team coverage, garret tenney with reaction in dc but first benjamin in istanbul. benjamin. >> hi, arthel, long 17 days since jamal khashoggi went missing and during that time we heard a lot of denial from saudi arabia. we've had a lot of contradictory statements finally at 1:00 a.m. local, we got report from the staudy -- saudi state press and pinpointed and arrested 18 individuals who were connect today jamal khashoggi's disappearance, among 18, people entering and going to consulates and they are the ones who are being called the hit squad. what saudi is claiming that there was a fight at the consulate which led to jamal khashoggi's death.
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a team had been sent from rhiyad to talk to him but it was not sanctioned by the royal family. but according to saudi arabia when jamal khashoggi arrived he saw individuals that he knew, fight in sue, tried to flee, punches were thrown, jamal khashoggi apparently according to saudi arabia screamed and at that point an american putting him in choke hold strangling to death. the first is a man named general asri, two-star general, deputy chief of saudi intelligence, former spokesperson, high-profile person and major figure in saudi intelligence. the second man of high rank is a senior aide and immediate adviser to mahammed bin salaman, claimed to have kept from the prince denying total liability for the royal family.
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that will take months to complete and during that time the crown prince himself will oversee total restructuring of saudi intelligence. as for the body and many people are asking for, searches are underway and have been today at farmland just outside of istanbul. saudi sources again claimed that the body was removed in suitcases in the consulate, given to local collaborators to dispose of, that means saudis do not know where it ended up. but still many, many questions, why were 15 people sent to interrogate him and what happened to turk claims that were proven that he was tortured and dismembered inside. saudi arabia and turkey squaring off. the biggest one sawed said and the u.s. and whether the respond will be accepted by senate and how the relationship progresses from here.
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arthel. eric: the president just finished speaking in nevada at a rally for dean heller, senator running against the democrat there. the president has in the past said that if indeed the saudis killed mr. jamal khashoggi there will be, quote, severe punishment, let's listen to more of what the president said right after his rally. were -- >> one hour with nancy pelosi and chuck schumer, terrible political point for democrats. [music] >> i would call in the military and seal the border. if that happens and continues to move forward, the caravan we are talking about, a man-made caravan if you want to know the truth. i think some bad people started the caravan. more importantly or maybe almost as importantly you have some very, very bad people in the caravan, you have some very
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tough criminal elements within the caravan, but i will seal off the border before they come into this country and i will bring out our military, not reserves, i will bring out our military. [inaudible] >> biden is a man -- number one, he can't draw a crowd. you see what we have. we have thousands of people that couldn't get in today, many thousands. now, look, i wish biden the best, i hope he's going to be the nominee, actually. i just hope they pick somebody good, somebody that's going to represent their interest. if it's biden or elizabeth warren, i think she's been very badly damaged by what happened over the last couple of days or a man that ran newark, new jersey into the ground and a lot of people and i don't see it yet but we will see what happens.
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we will see what happens. anything else? ambassador bolton -- you have to talk louder. [inaudible] >> yeah, russia has violated the agreement. they've been violating it for many years and i don't know why president obama didn't negotiate or pull out and we are not going to let them violate a nuclear agreement and go out and do weapons and we are not allowed to. we are the ones who have stayed in the agreement and we've honored the agreement but russia has not unfortunately honored the agreement, we will terminate the agreement and we will pull out. [inaudible] >> yeah. inf. [inaudible] >> somebody great. nicky is a friend of mine, she will work in the campaign but she's been doing it for a long time and we are going to pick somebody very quickly. >> do you prefer to be a woman?
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>> say that again? >> would you prefer to be a woman? >> yes. i'm going pick the best person. i think it would be good, i think she's done an excellent job, great job and i would -- i would love to see -- and i will tell you, i'm interviewing three women and two men, we have 5 people, three women and two men, i think i might prefer that but we will see. okay? >> you will be more on taxes, do you expect to do something in the next couple of months -- >> with respect to what? >> tax legislation. >> we are looking at putting in a very major tax cut for middle-income people. and if we do that it'll be sometime just prior to november. a major tax cut, we are going to be putting in and are studying very deeply right now round the clock a major tax cut for middle income people not for business at all, for middle-income people. now the last was for middle-income and businesses and businesses are now coming back
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because of it but we are looking at kevin brady is working on it, paul ryan is working, we are all working and looking at a major tax cut for middle-income people who need it. >> time frame for that? >> first of november, a little before that. >> i'm sorry, follow up on inf, you terminate the agreement, does that mean you plan on developing the weapons and -- >> we will have to develop those weapons unless russia comes to us and china comes to us and they all come to us and they say let's really get smart and let's none of us develop those weapons, but if russia is doing it and if china is doing it and we are adhering to the agreement that's unacceptable. so we have tremendous amount of money to play with on our military, 700 billion so russia as not adhered to the agreement so we are going to terminate the agreement and we are going to develop the weapons.
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if they get smart and if others get smart and they say, let's not develop these horrible nuclear weapons i would be extremely happy with that but as long as somebody is violating that agreement, then we are not going to be the only one to adhere to it. i think you understand that, okay, we will see you on the plane. thank you. thank you, everybody. >> thank you. eric: president trump as you can hear taking on a variety of subjects in news conference right after rally in elko, nevada, the president addressing john bolton, security adviser's meeting now or this week with his russian counterparts including sergey lavrov, foreign minister on inf treaty negotiated by ronald reagan and gorbachev. moscow as you heard the president accused of violating that by deploying weapons along
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the border since 2014, message that mr. bolton will take to moscow as he has meet negotiation the coming week. the president also talked about a tax cut that he plans to propose for the american people later on this year, not addressing directly the issue with jamal khashoggi certainly on many people's minds. arthel. arthel: we will bring our panel now and both of you, i want to get reaction to what the president just said there regarding pulling out of the nuclear agreement with russia, brad, do you have any thoughts on that? >> yeah, we have to hold feet to the fire, a lot of agreements made by previous administrations we find out have been honored in the breach and we finally have a president that's willing to stand up for america, put america first and allies and if the agreements are no good or being honored in the breach we will take it to those adversaries and make sure that
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america is being protected and our allies are being protected as well. arthel: kristin, any thoughts from you? >> i would agree with brad, we need to hold russia's feet to the fire, the president hasn't necessarily done that up to this point, it would be awesome change. arthel: okay, all right. thank you for answering that, we got the sound from the president there in elko, nevada, i wanted to get your take on that, brad, i want to go to top story which is the killing of the washington post columnist jamal khashoggi. i want to find out, brad, your thoughts in terms of your reaction to president trump's reaction. >> i think president trump is giving the saudis enough rope, they lied to us, they doubled down on lies and they retracted and gave us new information. all this situation now is on the 3-track system, the saudis have an investigation, the turks have an investigation and we have an investigation and i can assure you the president has a lot more information than he's letting onto with the saudis, we are
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getting information from the turks, most important we have to corroborate the information. where is the body if he died? certainly the body would confirm that, the fact is they now claim they don't know where the body is, that's nonsense, so i think there's going to be a hefty price to pay as the president said if, in fact, this goes to the leadership of the saudis and there will be a price to pay because we know that government officials were involved in any event, so it remains to be seen what the president will do but i can assure you he will respond accordingly. arthel: kristin, do you think the president will respond accordingly and what is that when brad is saying there's a price to pay, what do you think the price should be? >> i think he will and i think, you have seen members of both parties in the senate be measured in their comments but it's clear that congress is going to hold the president's feet to the fire here. they want to see what happens, we need like brad said independent investigation, we need to know exactly what happened and then i think the
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fbi makes that determination and we move forward with sanctions and that can take any number of forms. arthel: and i want to move to this because we -- i'm going to truncate the segment, we were listening to the president's reaction in nevada. brad, going back to you, you said the president will wait to get information that will corroborate what he believes and his advisers, security advisers believe may have happened. will there be political fallout for president trump and/or his administration based on how he reacts, how swiftly he reacts, how stringently he reacts? >> i'm confident that this will be a bipartisan joint venture in punishing the saudis for this brutal killing of a leading journalist dissident. there's bipartisan outrage. i can tell you republicans and
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democrats feel the same way and we need to respond in a way that upholds our national values. i'm confident the president will do that in short order. arthel: kristin, do you think the president will rely on congress and do you think congress will react very in a strict manner? >> i think they will. i think, again, brad is right, everybody is working together. i was just on the phone earlier today with democratic staff from leadership in both the house and the senate, they've all told me directly that there is no room for partisanship here and they are working together with republicans, everybody wants to make sure that we are being responsible here and taking action together and not -- and not making this a partisan issue. arthel: kristin and brad blakeman, thank you, brad. i thought -- i know your name by heart and i'm like no i don't.
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[laughter] arthel: take care, guys. eric: president trump again calling this the caravan election during his rally just held this afternoon in nevada. peter doocy is covering the rally, he's reporting from there. he's at the report or -- no you're not. you're at the rally, right, peter? >> the rally was at the airport, we watched air force one blast off. the president during his swing to the west was treating immigration policy like a local issue, i will have the highlights next. sleep and get u. then i found aleve pm. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid, plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. i'm back. aleve pm for a better am.
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they love our long visits. not sure about their parents, though. call unitedhealthcare and ask for your free decision guide today. eric: president trump finishing up third rally out west, he was stomping for nevada republican dean heller, he's in a close race against jackie for seat there. the president making push finish votes in hoping republicans can take seat next month. >> do you promise you will go out and cast your vote right now , hopefully you'll vote. get out there. >> great race, exciting race. he's running against wacky jackie. eric: the president offering new
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nicknames as he often does, peter doocy in nevada covering the rally. peter, issue with immigration, that was a pretty big part of the president's pitch today? >> it was and while he's been out west and in the southwest the president has been talking about immigration policy as basically a local issue and he's really spending a lot of time focusing on the caravan of central american migrants making their way for the southern border. he's blaming democratic immigration policy for their pending arrival. >> we are going to call it the democrat party and it's openly-inviting millions of illegal aliens to break our laws, violate our borders and overwhelm our nation. the democrats want caravans, they like the caravans, a lot of people say, i wonder who started that caravan. peter: and at the trump rallies
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in 2016 the chant that everybody would be joining the president with would be build that wall, now they help him kind of get through a finish the wall chant and there are signs that say the same thing, immigration policy, something the president is leaning on, the kavanaugh confirmation, chaos back in washington, d.c. is on the front pages and we will see if it keeps republican voters energized for another 2 plus weeks, eric. eric: meanwhile the president talked politics and there for dean heller, one of the most vulnerable in the senate up for reelection. how did the strategy fit in heller's strategy? >> the only republican senator trying to win reelection in a state that hillary clinton carried in 2016, right now the real clear politics average polls has him 1.7% above jackie and he's trying to make himself come across as close as
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president trump as possible including this afternoon. >> president trump, you know a little bit about goals, in fact, i think everybody you touch turns to gold. [cheers and applause] >> the mines here in elko and next door the ukira county produce more coal, more gold here than anywhere else in the country. welcome to gold country. [cheers and applause] >> democratic heavy hitters are here in nevada, joe biden, barack obama coming on monday, eric. eric: could be a preview of 2020 perhaps, peter, thank you. arthel. arthel: like peter just mentioned meanwhile former vice president joe biden in las vegas as well supporting nevada democrats urging residents to vote early this election year as democrats push to regain control of congress. >> you cannot define an american based on the race, religion or
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ethnicity, you cannot do it. the only country in the world that's based on an idea, the american idea, basic fundamental decency and it's being shredded right now. arthel: joe biden rallying among others, former president obama expected to visit nevada on monday. eric: others campaigning the election, russians apparently they are not letting up. russian woman has been charged with election interference two weeks before the midterms. how the justice department is trying to ensure our votes are safe. -computer, order pizza.
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this as the white house keeps focus on immigration reform. >> we are quickly reaching a point which appears to be a moment of crisis. we have got to fix u.s. laws in order to handle this properly as well, that's an american burden, uniquely american burden and as president trump has said, something we need to address in our country to make sure we do this well. arthel: joining me now david, former senior editor at roll call, david, looks like méxico president peña nieto had some success turning the migrants around, that weren't going to get through without travel documents sanctioned by méxico, how does this change president trump's claim that the caravan was organized by the dems? >> well, i don't think it helps the president's claim. you know, the president at least what i heard in his comment on the airport tarmac this afternoon and rally, vague, sort
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of a vialed allegations that the democrats were cooking up the caravan, you know, hard to support apparently, hard to support because it isn't true and now they've turned around, it'll be interesting thousand president reacts to this and what he does to keep immigration, you know, in the forefront of people's minds with less than 2 weeks to go before the election, this definitely seems to be a strategy of his to try and energize his own base on the immigration issue at the very end of the campaign, cuts both ways in my view. you know, it energizing his own base but immigration energizes the other side almost as much. arthel: meanwhile how much political persuasion does the president have with congress to take his lead on curtailing and controlling immigration? >> well, he hasn't had much success in the past two years. you know, i think it's fair to note that the president ran on this issue, got elected in 2016,
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he got elected along with all-republican congress to be sure the democrats had enough votes in congress especially in the senate to -- to filibuster anything they didn't like. the president took runs at bipartisan compromise on this and has gotten, you know, nowhere on it. to blame the democrats for this and say the democrats' fault for not getting this done i think is -- is not really fair. it is -- until the election day, united government, all-republican government, it's been the republicans' job to take the lead and try to find enough democrat votes to get this done. now, if the house goes democrat nick the fall, the dynamic will change i think in some sense to the president's favor because then in theory, it would be a government shared by both parties and the democrats would have an obligation if they want to get something done to try and work out a deal with him. arthel: david, let me play some sound by democratic senator of
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maryland. >> it was the republican leadership that didn't bring up comprehensive immigration reform. the border wall will not stop caravan from coming into the united states. we have to have sense i believe immigration laws. >> one in five shannon students in school, most states have people and almost 20%, one out of every 5 can't speak english. this is breaking our back financially and we have crime that comes over. this must stop and i support the president of sending the military to the border. arthel: that was dan patrick, lieutenant governor of texas. so, you know, again, how is this going to play out? the president has said that he's willing to send military to the border not just the national guard, so the fact that today it seems that mexican president had some success, how does that change the calculus on the part of the president? does it mean that the president should put more working with
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méxico blocking it there, working with honed -- honduras or should he go out to build the wall along the southern border? >> what you suggested has not been approach so far, the president seems to -- seems very, very committed to try to get money for the wall. this would be a big issue in what they call the lame duck session of congress after the election but before the new congress takes office congress will be back in session for several weeks, there is a sort of do or die moment on money for the wall, one spending bill left, the president has talked about shutting down the government if he doesn't get adequate amount of money for the wall, that seems to be where he wants to go more than talking with the mexican government or the tbaut em threan government. -- guatemalan border, he seems all about border security, that's where i'm guessing he wants to go. i'm not a lawyer but my understanding is that sending the military to enforce the
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border is not supposed to be legal, you're not supposed to use military for those purposes, so we will as president likes to say we will see what happens if he tries to do that. arthel: they're not supposed to enforce the law. >> right. arthel: david, we have to leave it there, thanks, david, nice to see you. >> thanks, arthel. eric: russian nationalist first to face charges for meddling in 2018 midterms, justice department making case public yesterday this as special counsel robert mueller continues his investigation into the russian interference in 2016 presidential election, gillian turner has more from washington. >> the first official federal charges against russia for interfering in the 2016 elections were revealed yesterday in four documents unsealed by the justice department. they show criminal complaint filed against russian woman who prosecutors say was part of conspiracy to use social media to interfere. she worked for the same social media troll farm indicted by special counsel robert mueller
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earlier this year. a statement reads in part, quote, the strategic goal of alleged conspiracy which continues to this day is to so discord the u.s. political system and undermine faith in democratic institution. the department of homeland security, though, insists moving forward the outlook is rosier for the upcoming midterms in 2020, but they do admit the challenge is far from over. >> we continue to see russians and increasingly iranian and other chinese actors continue to use social media to influence the american public to -- discord and increase divisiveness, that's something that's probably just a tool of the trade for them right now. so we continue to see that activity. >> meanwhile robert mueller's beat goes on, his team's investigation in 2016 election faces critical week ahead. deputy rod rosenstein to testify in closed-door session and both want in on the hearing.
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>> i would like to be more open and transparent. a lot of people have questions. >> the idea it's going to happen with just two members from the republican party and two members of democrat party in classified setting, means one thing the american people will never know what is said. that's completely unacceptable. >> today john bolton means in russia can sergey lavrov, the big ticket item on his agenda is believed is 30-year-old treated that bolton was eliminated. arthel: fox news alert on today's parliament election, at least 3 people are dead following explosion at kabul polling station. kitty logan live in london with the details, kitty. >> that's right, arthel, the taliban had always threatened to disrupt the election, warned people not to vote but there was a large turnout despite those risks but a fair amount of chaos, now, voting was delayed in several locations because of the technical glitch with new
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buy -- biometric equipment. many people were waiting long lines and some gave up because the longer they waited in line the more of a target they become. they were also reports of polling stations not opening at all and of election workers failing to show up. now, these are the first parliamentary elections in afghanistan in 8 years, almost 2 and a half thousand candidates are competing for 250 seats in afghanistan's parliament but politics in this country is a very risky business, already two candidates have been killed during this election campaign and as you mentioned in kabul today at least 3 people were killed and 20 injured in the suicide bombing at the polling station just as it was due to close. there were also other incidents around the country and some reports of voter intimidation. also in providence, postponed by
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a week after police chief was shot dead last thursday. now polls are closed for now, they will reopen on sunday to compensate for earlier delays, it will take up up to 2 weeks to count vote, a bit of a wait for results, arthel. arthel: thank you very much, eric. eric: meanwhile arthel the u.s. trade war with china in a bit of impasse. why our next guest says it's a good thing for our economy and diplomatic efforts in the middle east. >> we have taken efforts to crack down on china's abusive trade practices. now up to 30 grams of protein for strength and energy!
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costs haven't gone up, inflation is still low, very slow, hasn't had any impact that we see except for one billions of dollars pouring into the treasury. eric: administration locked in escalating battle with china. two countries seem at standstill after brief pause in trade negotiations this week u.s. commerce secretary wilbur ross spoke, there are much more active periods, it appears as though we are in something of a hiatus. gordon chang, author of the collapse of china. gordon, good to see you, in case where not talking actually benefits us? >> sure. for decades we have been desperate to talk to chinese and the chinese, of course, have taken advantage of that, you know, you just heard president trump saying, look, the chinese want to talk to us but they are not ready, we are just not that
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into them anymore, i think that's important. you know, all the state department types who have just really wanted to have dialogue with china, you think they would have gone through dating in high school and understand the rules of human relations. [laughter] >> this is really important i'm not saying that president trump is going to get exactly what he wants but nonetheless he is setting preconditions for a successful negotiations with china. eric: sounds like a negotiation and you hit it on the head when you talked about some human interactions that if we sit back and say, well, you know, the girl is not getting the call, they -- china is saying what's wrong with this, it makes them nervous, classic new york real estate developer conducting negotiation, would that make china, beijing perhaps come to us and that's in our favor? >> i think it would tend to sort of have that where the chinese are much more favorable of having a deal but the real problem in china right now is
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that xi jib ping, chinese ruler is in no mood to compromise, he actually can because he owns the trade conflict right now and if he falters or seem to falter then he could not only lose power but also could lose freedom, lose his life, what xi jinping has done is upped the takes for everybody including himself so this is going to be a long negotiation but i think the important thing right now is that president trump understands he's just got to be as tough as the chinese and that's a very good thing for us. eric: can he be? >> of course, we hold the high cards when you look at the economic fundamentals, for instance, we are the trade deficit country, 375 points, $6 billion of deficit last year, you know that means we are in a good position but also we are the bigger economy, their economy is only 66% of ours and, you know, it's actually in reality bigger than that, also, eric, our economy is growing faster than china, we are growing 4.2%, the chinese in reality are growing high 2's,
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low 3's, which means we have the bigger economy, we are growing faster, everything is on our side. eric: what if they start selling treasuries and the debt, people are scared to that? they wouldn't even do that? >> well, they are selling our treasuries, they've got to, their most important concern is supporting because they are word about capital play, since the middle of 2014 they've been selling dollar assets, as a matter of fact last month they sold $22.7 billion, they say they probably sold a lot more because i don't think they are telling the truth on their dollar sales but the point is we don't have to worry about it because we've already seen the chinese, they are selling our debt. eric: how do you think this will end up? >> i think this will be a very long negotiation that's going to take a long time but we have to do it because the chinese are stealing the u.s. intellectual property to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars a year and, you know, we have innovation-based economy if we cannot commercialize innovation, we don't have very much of an economy, so we've got to do
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this. it's going to be painful but this is something that absolutely has to be done at this time and i applaud the administration for taking a tough position. eric: finally, do you think in the end we will win? >> i think we will win if we have the political will, the only thing we don't have -- we have fundamentals, the only thing we really have is political will, trump looks like he has it. that's a very good thing and i think that we are going to actually prevail but it's going to be a little bit dicey, a lot of people in the united states who want to cave in and that's wrong. eric: all right, we will see how that goes, gordon, good to see you. arthel: gordon nice to see you, china, high school dating to lottery. we cover it all and with no winner in last night's mega million drawing a record jackpot is now up for grabs. >> i never play so i thought, well, why not, if i could buy a candy bar i could buy a ticket. >> the only reason is because it's the big as it is, i don't normally play but it's a huge
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not? mega millions jackpot enters unchartered territory after no one nabbed the winning numbers in last night's drawings so tuesday night's top prize is now worth $1.6 billion. wow. live in new york city. people have another chance to win, albeit a very small one, right? >> a very, very, very small one actually. any way you slice it odds are overwhelming not in your favor but not stopping a lot of people from trying. same odds if you buy one ticket or a 100 really, it's all just numbers at that point. none of them work for you. the lottery manipulated the numbers lessoning the odds of winning but allowing jackpot to reach record highs, bigger jackpots would draw more attention leading to more tickets sold so they decreased chances of winning, chancing dropped from 259 million to 1 and 302.5 million, more likely
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to have identical quadruples or being drafted by the nba. people across the country are taking a shot despite wasting cash on yesterday's drawing. >> you got 3 numbers? >> 10 dollars. unbelievable. ia couple of thousand dollar. a couple hundred. >> not $2, 50. in it to win it. >> now, nobody has won this prize since july, so it's actually rolled over 25 times now. arthel. arthel: okay, so even if you do win how much of a cut does uncle sam get? >> uncle sam is the real winner, if you take cash pay versus installments, 904 million but
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you lose 37% in federal income tax bringing the number to 569 million and that's all before you get hit with state tax, highest state tax in new york 8.8, drawing on tuesday but meanwhile the powerball drawing is tonight, that is 470 million, arthel. arthel: jackie, do me a quick favor, grab me a ticket or juicy fruit. >> right now. arthel: i might do that. if i don't make it back, you will start without me. eric: continue with the rest of the news throughout this afternoon here in fox news channel, big news about the caravan, have you heard this? we are told that thousands of the migrants are actually heading back home, we will have the latest on that story as we continue. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid, plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve.
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>> the world is watching as saudi arabia claims jamal khashoggi died in a fistfight inside the saudi consulate in istanbul. the kingdom confirming his violent death sparking widespread disbelief as the saudi government struggles to diffuse the growing crisis. welcome to brand new hour inside america's news headquarters. i'm arthel neville. eric: i'm eric shawn. global reaction continues to pour in to the shocking developments. with growing calls for a prompt and thorough investigation. not just by the
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