tv Americas News HQ FOX News October 21, 2018 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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leland: marching to america, thousands of migrants on the move in southern mexico. what options the trump administration has just knocked them from crossing into the u.s.a. elizabeth: plus commend fox news exclusive. the foreign minister speaks out for the very first time about the death of saudi journalist said six of the saudi consulate in humble pennies now and to hold those responsible accountable. leland: 16 days until the midterms. the president goes from texas to vent to north carolina this week. will it be enough or republican
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candidate under siege? and boy, for the next 16 days expect to hear a lot about immigration, about the wall, funding for the wall. sunday afternoon washington. nice to be with you. i'm leland vittert. >> i'm kristen fisher. we have coverage covering all angles down by the border today. train to the caravan right now is in southern mexico. we move up to the border. mcallen, texas where griff jenkins said embedded with the u.s. border patrol. or to say, even before the caravan get there, a lot of guys you with their already overwhelmed. >> that's exactly right, leland. more than 4000 people arrested in just the last week in one section of the rio grande valley are. busiest of the nation.
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you mentioned a while. you see a little bit of wall and fence behind me. just quickly this is chief manuel padilla. the busiest sector chief. your sector here is already overwhelmed. that's a locally correct. we are apprehending over 400 -- over 4000 apprehensions a week here in the sector. what i want to show you here is what we talk about when we talk about technology and infrastructure in the joint manner. so you see the technology they are. you have the wall behind it and also engage in patrolling the border. very high levels of situational awareness and when we do that, and package this capability together, we transform the border area into a very secure area. the land owner here can have heavy equipment and have the
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confidence that it will not be stolen overnight and truly it's a win-win situation for everybody. >> as we watch this caravan of migrants there, you know, with this technology, do you have the manpower? should they, peer? >> that's actually a very good question. if the caravan starts showing up here and depending what numbers we start seeing, what we have to be able to do is process them, detain and i'm going to tell you the detention facilities are strapped. there already very full. you have to detain and process and hopefully returning to their country. if we do not do that, if we do not detain the return we are going to start seeing more and more caravan. >> and just quickly, when we see a little bit of the wall, this is only a portion of the sector. they need to build a wall, what
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is your reaction to that? >> we can do a lot of it. we can now have the agents working around the clock as you have seen. at the end of the day with the technology and immigration loopholes that he may hinder to our operations. >> leland, that the situation going on here and it's very fluid as they have eyes on the caravan about a thousand miles away. >> already seen their already overwhelmed. griff jenkins close to the border. thank you, griff. with more and what we can expect to see come in the policy director of the center for immigration studies. jessica, thank you for joining us today. >> glad to be with you. >> when you start with asking you a little bit about timing. given where the migrants are right now, where the caravan is right now, if they're able to make it to the u.s. border, how
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long should it take them? how long up until election day? >> it depends how they decide to make their way through mexico. if they get on a train that runs north into mexico, they could be at the u.s. border in a matter of days. if they keep walking, which i don't think they will do. that's not caravan in the past have done, that it would take much longer and some of them may peel off as some of them may decide to a mexico and ask for asylum there or maybe a work permit. but it could be a few days before they make it to the u.s. border. it just depends on them. i'm sure some people within the caravan now who are willing to take their chances on their island with the criminal smuggling organizations already in place that are more than happy to do business with them and i won't take long. kristin: you obviously follow these issues very closely. are those of us that don't come and give a sense of how this
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caravan farm. president trump of course i said he believes his caravan has been jaded by democrats. have you seen any evidence of that? >> i'm not aware of that. it appears these are formed by act of this groups who really are doing this more as a political or ideological apemen. it is clear by not only images of people crashing through the fence into mexico and ignoring guatemalan officials trying to keep them in honduras, but this is not a humanitarian crisis as much as it is a challenge to the sovereignty of borders and people bent on creating borders as a way of showing they could not days. the people who have joined this caravan are looking for economic opportunity. they are not fleeing for their lives. they are being manipulated to
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build their numbers to try to seem unstoppable. our governments really are no match for there will to come to the united states. that's why this has to be nipped in the bud. they believe realistically that they're going to be allowed to enter the united states and lived there indefinitely because that's what happened to care funds before. but it's building so much we need to put an end to it. leland: president trump has come under fire. here's the exact quote. there are criminal elements within the caravan. give us a little fact check on that. is that true? >> from what i understand from report of people who've been involved, yes, that is true. the smugglers -- and games, too.
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>> you are saying there definitely criminal elements within the caravan, but also men, women and children who clearly have been swept up in it. is that what you're saying? >> that's exactly right. for the most part people are coming because they think they can like an adventurer seeking economic opportunity. policies are so many of the people like that can get through that gang members, and others whose interests are not so innocent also are going to take advantage of being part of this big group and try to get under the radar into the united states because we can screen them. they're overwhelmed at the border already and were not going to build to do thorough background checks on people lead in if it even gets to the point where we let them in and i don't think the president needs to let them in. train to embracing and certainly issue number during the 2016 campaign. 16 days until the midterms.
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images like this, hard to see it's not becoming a top issue heading into election day. jessica bond, thank you so much. >> out of election day, becoming a big issue for the president. saudi is doubling down on their explanation in the murder of journalist jamal khashoggi that happen inside the saudi consulate. the foreign minister of saudi arabia telling the error this morning that a tremendous mistake was made in mass murder. garrett 10a, moore was that the interview had been a little bit of the reaction to it. >> this growing wave of both criticism and skepticism including saudi arabia's latest explanation for the death and disappearance of jamal khashoggi. the foreign minister paul joubert said the reason the saudi's story changed that much is that this is a rogue operation gone wrong and those responsible tried to cover it up until a broader investigation
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was launched in the truth started to come out. >> individuals outside of their authority, obviously was a mistake made and compounded this date to cover it. we are determined to uncover reveries down and find out all the facts and punish those for this murder. >> u.s. lawmakers from both parties say there is no way this kind of operation have been without the knowledge and approval of the crown prince mohammed bin salman. the are pushed back to the stress this was a rogue mission carried out by individuals who exceeded their authority. he also responded to bipartisan calls by members of congress for mohammed bin salman to be replaced in the wake of this killing and he urged the u.s. to leave for the full result of an edition. >> with regards to deciding, and i would respectfully urge them
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and also take positions. in this case people are doing it upside down unfortunately. >> growing calls for action here at home in the number of lawmakers suggesting the u.s. needs to reevaluate its relationship to saudi arabia altogether. the kingdom's foreign minister stressed the importance of the relationship between nasa and the saudi's and said he believes the relationship is strong enough to overcome this and then. >> u.s. saudi relationship is a strategic one. we have great interest that we share together in the great trade relationship. we have security issues in the tax revealed so people know who is responsible and see those individuals being punished. the relationship will weather this. reporter: the extent to which this happens will largely depend on what we learn from the various investigation including those by the u.s. and not expected to take some time.
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this is an issue along with her being over. still determine the extent of what the u.s. response will be. >> a big part of it is when did he know it and did he order the turks now announcing they're going to have their full investigation and raised on out in the coming days on tuesday. you have to wonder how much that's going to jive with the saudi's. full exclusive interview with the saudi foreign minister tonight on fox report. ex-pm eastern. bret baier has more. don't miss that 24 hours for the turks released their news right after our show. chris wallace in an interview with senator rand paul who talks a lot about the u.s. saudi relationship and what he thinks should happen to it. chris then. kristin: coming up, look at this. video giving away hundreds of
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partygoers in the basement below. plus, another day, another lottery drawing with no winner. powerball players he had jumped up several millions more will make millions dream of over $1.6 billion. nevada republican gubernatorial candidate joins president trump in his rally yesterday. we'll talk live with adam after the break. (whispers) with the capital one venture card... you'll earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day...
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>> back to our top story today. the massive caravan of migrants trying to repair rate for mexico to be knighted gates or the william la jeunesse. this massive group of migrants temporarily halt before continuing their trek north. hi, william. >> well, good morning. you are right. last night we saw people crossing the river interest in guatemala and mexico. they get frustrated because mexico is in processing people fast enough so they decided to swim across, wait across in that the people you're seeing right now. talking several thousand individuals continuing to make their way north into mexico to a town where they plan to spend several days. we have earlier today we saw a major police presence, maybe 200 police in riot gear.
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they retreated and they are now telling us they're going to let them through in the group is seeking a 40 to 90 day transit pass basically to go through mexico to the u.s. border. brian, you are from austin, texas had you been there for two decades has been a guest on 20 years. you've got a daughter of the family. and you during this caravan why? the mac because they need to go back to this date. >> you know the president has said he is not going to let people through. they've got food in their belly and fire in their hearts. what are they thinking session mark they think it's going to be easy, but i'm pretty sure it's not going to be that way. we are willing to take a risk. many people are down there for several issues. leland: you ran out of money and you're hoping mom will send some back. how are other people getting by here? nothing but the shirt on their
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back. >> people on the streets, houses, giving out food, water. >> there's probably about 6900 people right now. something you're telling me even mexicans. we have around probably 200, 300 mexicans already included. >> here's the point. unlike the past caravans, the united states has listened to people have to apply for asylum in mexico first and if they fail to do that we can turn you away. even though we see pictures of the u.s. releasing families and children in the united states are as you know they're going to stay for a long time. what are these people thinking? >> if they are giving that type of information, they still want to try it. it's a risk. >> with the individuals he met
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so far, why are they leaving honduras? >> violence, bad economy, you're not able to do anything on your round because threats will be there. reporter: basically, whether you're facing drug traffickers in mexico, it does same thing. you can make that into one eighth to 30 minutes in the united states. that's the motivation. however another 1200 miles to go. mexico will hope to peel some off along the way. we don't know. >> live in mexico. thanks, william. leland: i've known item for a long time. he's a veteran, patient. his opponent is a far left democrat who wants to massively raise your taxes. he wants to raise your health care. he wants to fund socialism because that's what it is any wants to to open your borders
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wide open. other than that, he's a great guy. >> that the president rallying his race in nevada where the governor's race is extremely close. nevada attorney general adam laxalt faces clark county commission chairman steve says the lack in a bid to succeed the quite popular by term limited governor there. you can see the average bear within one point. we have reached out to the campaign, didn't receive a response rate joining us now is the attorney general adam laxalt. i should pay the invitation for her point remains open but we'll get to that in a minute. pickup for the president dropped it off here. how big is immigration in your state and specifically what are the issues you talked to folks that are worried about. >> a big issue people are worried about is the economy. they want to make sure were able to keep this nevada miracle moving forward. we went to the bottom the hardest and now we have a great
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amount of success over the last two years. that's what we want to do is make sure people understand the contracts. do they want to be a low tax, low regulatory date or do we want to raise taxes and go the way of california. people really understand. leland: as you point out specifically in las vegas were you workout absolutely crushed by the economy. were you guys were yesterday with the president, you said there's about a 3% unemployment rate now. moving along well. if things are so great and the economy is going so well, and wiser rates so close? why isn't this a runaway for you? >> we are working hard every single day and we feel good about the race. millions and millions of dollars of extreme left outside money from george soros.
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leland: adam come you're not answering the question. this advertising on your site as well. what are people saying the economy may be great but i'm voting for the democrat. would he have to say to win them over? >> we feel like we are winning democrats and independent and are numbers we feel very good about it and we think this is a good year for republicans. trade to the poll number, the real clear politics average on the screen has he basically tied. lee roth on the ground in nevada. day one day to for early voting has a roughly 4500 valid advantage to democrats. obviously we don't know who the people voted for, but certainly democrats would appear are ruptured pretty strong start. but he have to do the next counter that? >> will come having the president come where we had almost 9000 people show up in a
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very small world city. to give you did, my opponent as far as i know i've gone one severed during the entire campaign. the president of the united dates came to rural nevada to tell them that they matter at important that agriculture and mining, all these areas under real jeopardy and the obama administration. they were able to her growing again. that's what we need to do. they need to understand the importance of the race. >> you've been pretty hard on the arrest in your youth when you were a believe 17 years old at this now coming out of the past day or so from the head of the director of admissions for the nevada bar association. brian kuhn said the application says you're obligated to disclose any citation or conviction. we want to see circumstances. we want to know these names.
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fair criticism? >> this is what happens in the weeks of campaign. you know, my opponent has run a very tough, dirty campaign and he is known as a bully. he's called by a judge out for acting corruptly. leland: adam, you want to answer the question, is that a fair criticism, should you disclose it to the nevada barr? >> we disclosed everything we needed to disclose. leland: already, so he's wrong on this. you didn't need to disclose whatever there was? >> i've always been open about my past and getting my sobriety. i've been very open for that about that. we follow all the rules. leland: to your credit, you have been pretty open about that. the indiscretions of youth for us all. good to see you. good luck and we wish you all
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the best. thank you very much. >> thanks so much. kristin: caught on camera, one south carolina apartment. president trump lasting democrat on his republican votes. i had the midterm. ellison barber is ending by with the details geared >> k., kristen could the president party lose seats are in the midterm. determining to be the historic lines. we will head west and just a minute. with less of the sugar you don't. [grunting noise] i'll take that. 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. ensure max protein. in two great flavors.
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ensure max protein. (music throughout) dad: oh, hey guys! mom (on speakerphone): hi! son (on speakerphone): dad, i scored two goals today! dad: oh, that's great! vo: getting to a comfortable retirement doesn't have to be an uncomfortable thought. see how lincoln can help you retire on your terms at
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you don't always use your smartphone for directions... are we there yet? hey guys, up there. ...or to laugh out loud. ♪ but when it matters most, you count on tracfone to keep you connected for less. ♪ our smartphone plan gives you talk, text and data with unlimited carryover starting at $15 a month, no contract. all with nationwide 4g lte coverage. get top smartphones or bring your own phone. tracfone. for moments that matter. kristin: president trump says the upcoming midterms about kavanagh, caravans and common sense. the closing argument at a rally yesterday in nevada with 16 days to go until election day. listen harbor live at the white house. more of the highlights. >> the president traveled to nevada to campaign for senator
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who once opposed them. president trump told the crowd that back in the day senator dean heller didn't like him and he did not like mr. heller. once he became president trump, things changed and he had in trump's words been there for us. one of the most vulnerable of november. power rankings between another howler and democrat representative jacky rosen is a toss. one of five in the senate. the president wants republicans to control the senate and nevada is a big part of that. president trump trachea democrats and hit them hard. >> at first i used to say that's a tough statement but it's true. democrats are the party of crime. this will be the election of kavanagh, the caravans, law and order, tax cuts and comment ends. if you want to defend america's laws, borders, sovereignty, and even your dignity, then you have to go today and vote.
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kristin: the president was not the only -- while he campaigned, former vice resident joe biden campaign for democrat in las vegas. >> this election is literally bigger than politics. it's bigger than politics. and i really mean it. he came here four days ago are days ago or you can hear 150 years ago. that who we are. you cannot define an american based on their race, religion, ethnicity. you cannot do it. based on an idea. the american idea. basic fundamental decency and of being shredded right now. it's being shredded. >> the party in the white house tends to lose seats in the midterms did in 1934 in 2002 the president's party gained seats in the house and senate.
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president trump is hoping 28 team can join the list whenever he goes to campaign in these states regardless of the state one of the first things he tends to talk about it the economy, job right. he said more than once he thinks that's what you might republicans across the board to the race in november. >> ellison barber live at the white house. >> president trump has another week of rallies on deck. mariela campaign for ted cruz. despite the third quarter fundraising of $38 million to cruise is 12 million coming you can see there the real clear politics average shows cruz leading in the race right there by about eight points. let's bring in our talk radio panel from new hampshire. down in south houston, jesse kelly. nice to see both of you. explain this discrepancy between cruise fundraiser and in the
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average pulls down there. >> cruz's fundraising numbers are low because they have to be high in cruise does enough to another dime to win this race. running for senate in texas. i've been telling everybody this from a. he's taking a public anti-gun impeach trump stands in a state where trump won by nine points. this whole thing has been a gigantic scam that is to have democrats are grayed out and is wasting money. leland: is that a fair assessment he isn't really running? >> the "houston chronicle" endorsed ted cruz in 2012. in 2018 they didn't endorse ted cruz and they embraced beddoe. they said ted cruz is always been running for ted cruz. he's been to every county in texas really cares about texas. you know, this will be a
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referendum on trump in 2018. trump is driving the conversation. beto is driving the solution and not the people care about. whether it's trade, whatever. leland: at rings up an important point. in place as the president is either underwater or very close on favorable, unfavorable, does he hope when it comes in today's market? >> he helps huge because love him or hate him, he's a superstar. he's got 75,000 people signed up wanting to come to this rally on monday. there's not one who can get 75,000 people to any kind of a rally. no one to thank for that but themselves. but the nature of kavanagh through the mud and now their party has the likability -- >> he filled mile high stadium in denver back in 2008. neither here nor there, this is the nationwide poll is resume out and having a conversation.
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extremely interested in the 2010 elections, the latest fox news poll shows clinton voters in the last cycle are more enthusiastic by a six-point margin than trump voters. why do you think that is that the president is such a star powered doing so well? >> because of the midterm. i thought democrats were going to win back seats in the house until the kavanagh show trial. once again the democrats can't get out of their own way. >> these numbers are posed, not. >> were about to find out these numbers are the less generic poll had republican. they take victories. if she didn't have all -- >> hold on one second. let me just ask a question.
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you've got now pretty significantly. 11 points. how did democrats not screw that up in the next 16 days? >> talking about the issues, talking about the issues, talking about the issues. he's out there doing everything we really want, so he's not the conversation. inequality is the conversation. what's going on at the opera crisis is the conversation. what's happening is the result of trade policies. that's what the conversation is about. have all you wanted to talk about donald trump. i want to talk about solutions. that's what you see with beto in texas and candidates across the board in the number one issue for voters going in especially a base that is about issue of health care. it doesn't care whether your red or blue, conservative or liberal. you can stick him he better be able to afford to go to the doctor. trend is interesting because the more we talk to people, their demographics, but as you point
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out, health care also right up there at the very top of the list. appreciated. great conversation. >> thank you airtran to the president in texas tomorrow. chris then. >> and i will be there. scary moments caught on camera and clemson, south carolina. the floor of the apartment compound injuring 30 people. three of them transported to the hospital. fortunately no life-threatening injuries reported. the incident now under investigation. leland: when we return from a closer look at the virginia senate race. up next is challenging incumbent and former vice presidential candidate tim kaine. ke. what are we doing? the nicodermcq patch helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. nicodermcq. you know why, we know how. (gasp)
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don't use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. don't share needles or insulin pens. don't reuse needles. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. check your blood sugar. low blood sugar can be serious and may be life-threatening. injection site reactions may occur. tell your prescriber about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. taking tzds with insulins like tresiba® may cause serious side effects like heart failure. your insulin dose shouldn't be changed without asking your prescriber. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue or throat, dizziness or confusion. (woman) we found our tresiba® reason. find yours. (vo) ask your health care provider about tresiba®. leland: 16 days to go, pulling in favor of the incumbent senator tim kaine could ask real clear politics has been against corey stuart are pushing back on
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the campaign slogan of takeback virginia. watch this. >> my opponent is always good through to his team take virginia back. harsh attacks on immigrant communities. championing the causes of white supremacists and other extreme individuals. trafficking and bizarre conspiracy theories such as president obama's birth certificate was gorged. >> senator kaine's opponent and i should say we reach senator kaine campaign but said they were not available this weekend, so it's just you, corey. >> i want to start by us and u.k. to receive a tweet from president trump happy when the primary but he hasn't done a whole lot for you in your campaign ends. why do you think that is? >> he actually retreated me three times after that. we think he might be headed our way of towards the very end of
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the campaign. we are keeping in touch with the administration and we expect that there will be coming into virginia and the last couple days before the campaign, before the election. >> he's been all over the country campaigning for other candidates. you are just across the river and it will be interesting to see if you decide to come and do that. you are down in the polls by 20 points. a worried he might not want to campaign on your behalf because these were going to lose? >> the last poll that was public was about four weeks ago. our internal polls are showing that the law. king has been spending about a million dollars over the last week or so attacking me. you don't do that unless you're scared, unless you're concerned the polls have narrowed. they're all over the place. we're convinced it's going to be a tight race november 6th. >> 15 days ago. i want to ask you about something receiving quite a bit of criticism from.
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something he said on cnn friday. you essentially said you're running in the same state as the journalist was killed in turkey, jamal khashoggi. you said is that this not worth jeopardizing the relationship. >> there's a lot of reports out there he was connected to the muslim brotherhood, reports he was connected to osama bin laden and others. i don't know if they're true. he's kind of a mystery man. the question is does the united is jeopardize the relationship with saudi arabia over this one single human rights violation. that would be a tremendous mistake for the united states. kristin: what you mean a mystery man? >> there's a lot of reports including today's "washington post", acknowledgment he's got somewhat of a sketchy past. we don't know a lot about this man and it's possible --
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kristin: we know he's a journalist to make interviewing columnist for the post has written articles and makes his views well known. we know that he was a member of the most brotherhood back when he was very young and i should say back when it was mostly a political group. no evidence he's been doing anything inappropriate. where these reports coming from? >> here's a question. but suppose he's a great guy, and angel. the question is do we want to jeopardize our relationship with saudi arabia, one of the most important allies in the mideast, certainly in fact in the world with the united states. we want to jeopardize that over one human rights violation when we know saudi's have been guilty of human rights violations on a daily basis for the entire length of their regime. the turks are making a big fuss about those who have their own human rights violation. kristin: grandi was not a u.s. resident or citizen, but someone
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living in the state you are running to represent. you wouldn't have done anything differently? >> absolutely not. the president and exactly what is to be doing. it's got to keep an eye on u.s. national security interests. the liberals up there want to jeopardize the relationship with saudi arabia over this. that is a crowd. we have relationships with governments in the middle east with one exception in the middle east and that israel but how will these human rights violations and make a big stink over this one human rights violation i think would be very, very foolish for the united dates. transcript i leave it there. i've lost my questions by amount of time. leland: the interview still have been the other side of the aisle. democrats bringing a big names to rally their base. former clinton white house chief of staff about what this means for 2020.
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minutes can mean the difference between life and death. proposition 11 saves lives by ensuring medical care is not delayed in an emergency. proposition 11 establishes into law the longstanding industry practice of paying emts and paramedics to remain on-call during breaks and requires they receive fema level training and active shooters and natural disasters. vote yes on 11 to ensure 911 emergency care is there
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when you or your love one need it. traffic and roads... a mess, honestlyrents going up,le. friends and family moving out of state, millions of californians live near or below the poverty line. politicians like gavin newsom talk about change, but they've done nothing. sky-high gas and food prices. homelessness. gavin newsom, it happened on your watch. so, yeah. it is time for a change. time for someone new. leland: big names the democratic are here coming out in hitting the campaign trail to shore up support for the midterm and perhaps a little bit of a preview of 2020. the same time a longtime hillary clinton advisor making some democrats a little concerned and
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some republicans celebrate after hinting the former secretary of state could be in for one more presidential run. >> i was not being cute. i think the odds are probably in the powerball range. i think people have political astigmatism or they see only one thing, which is she annoys them for not going away and i think that's because she threatened certain people including donald trump. leland: without we bring in former white house chief of staff president bill clinton friend of the show mike mclarty from little rock. good to see you as always. is it time for democrats to be talking about hillary clinton are better to wait until after the election when someone is so polarizing. >> it's premature to be talking about 2020. i think we need to focus on the midterm and focus on the turnout. that is where the energy should be peer leland: speak at turnout, who are the most powerful voices you view in the democratic party? we've seen joe biden on the
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trail, bernie sanders, barack obama. any other names to add to that? >> names and figures in the democratic party. some of the 2020 candidates. some are not. i think at the end of the day, the candidate really has to win this race for himself or herself. it's fine to get endorsements. nicknames like vice president biden can raise money. celebrities can help you raise money. at the end of the day, the candidate has stepped up come and meet the voters and tell them why he or she can best represent them and their families. leland: a lot of democrats i talked to are pushing this to be a referendum on president trump. for that matter, a lot of republicans as well. more important that the next congress be a check on trump 53% how can i policies of trump 41%. this is the question. he worked in the white house chief of staff when you guys got
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shellacked in the mid-terms. 1994. does this feel like a heading up the same way on the other side for the republicans? >> that is a tough term, we lend term, live in. i'll internalize it and respond to you. you are right. president bush 43 i think you're right that the teacup dumped in the mid-terms, but both he and president clinton went on to win a second term. i think that is noteworthy. on your earlier segment, i don't quite feel like this is the blue wave that somehow predict that it's going to be sewall, the republican sewall versus blue wave of the democrat. right now it is still much better than 50/50. i would face of india-30 just to pick a percentage that they will keep the house. they seem to have solidified their position in the senate
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although democrats will definitely pick up gubernatorial seats. leland: specific to arkansas come in the french down there. a lot of discussion about districts that democrat think were in place suddenly becoming in play. what's happening through the south where we see some of these dark red districts now that went heavily for president trumps suddenly competitive. >> well, we are seeing a number of dark red districts throughout the country. west virginia being the most obvious was senator manchin and looks like it's going to win reelection. in the south, your question you do see some very competitive races in the gubernatorial race in georgia and florida and you're right, two very good friends, clark tucker, two very fine accomplished, honorable people running against each other. not to get to local although you know little rock.
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the second congressional district held that seat as a centrist democrat for a number of years. so with the most likely seek to be contested. post race between hill and clark tucker. leland: mr. mclarty, good to see you. we appreciate it. we'll see you on that when you get to d.c. >> look forward to it. thank you. leland: thanks for being here this weekend. kristin: i'm off to go to houston. leland: that's your hometown. kicks off tomorrow sort of late afternoon. we've got to be their little bitterly. what are you talking to voters about? >> it's just amazing that ted cruz and donald trump are campaigning on the same stage. leland: we'll see what treats commodity because there were certainly some colorful ones during the primaries. "fox news sunday" coming up next. brand new
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>> i am chris wallace. the u.s. alliance with saudi arabia in jeopardy as the country acknowledges that missing journalist is dead. ♪. >> saudi arabia has been a great ally but what happened is unacceptable. >>chris: but how to punish the kingdom if evidence shows the royal family is behind the jeff of jamal khashoggi? >> we haven't finished our review. i would prefer we don't use as
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