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tv   Fox and Friends First  FOX News  October 22, 2018 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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heather: horrifying homecoming disaster, the shocking moment more than 2 dozen party goers fall through a floor, the answers investigators were hoping to find overnight, pregame fight in the football
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field, two former protests battle on the field and kaepernick just weighed in. ♪ ♪ heather: beautiful day because the panthers actually won the football game and we will talk about that coming up just a little bit later, good morning to you, you're watching "fox & friends first" on monday morning, hope you had a great weekend. i'm heather childers, thank you starting the day with us. caravan growing as it pushes towards the west. full efforts are being made to
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stop the group, now 7,000 strong, griff jenkins live at u.s.-méxico border in mcallen texas where agents said they need a wall, griff. griff: heather good morning, if they get to the texas they will find overwhelming border already, more than a thousand arrested, more than a thousand pounds of marijuana confiscated as well, now the caravan which has grown over 5,000, some say up to 7,000 is moving strongly hire, some saying that the politics behind it will end up here at least in texas, arizona or california and try and cross. it is the major concern of the officials here like chief manuel padilla is sector chief here in rio grande valley, if the caravan gets here, they will be
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ready. >> we will see what the caravan is made up, people turning themselves in, they will turn themselves at a port of entry, if you have people that are crossing illegally between ports of entry and are trying to avoid them in border patrol, we will see them this area, we will not see where we have combinations of resources together. griff: combination is both wall and manpower the border patrol working exhaustively. the president speaking out a lot of this caravan, he tweeted yesterday the caravans are disgrace to the democrat party, change immigration laws now chief padilla noting that the law specifically being the catch and release because caravan comes here and claim asylum and if we release we will release to public because there's no place to keep them, heather.
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heather: listening more of interview there, he talked about apprehending people from 23 different countries and having no way to know exactly who is coming in including ms-13 gang members amongst others. it's definitely an issue that needs to be addressed certainly. thank you so much, griff. illegal immigration, crisis brewing for decades, tammy bruce says the refugee surge is not an overnight phenomenon. >> the lack of real policy here in the united states, the lack of controls, the effective through the obama administration the effective open border has encouraged this now for half a generation and you can see some of these pictures, the children, people huddling, the dangers involved, effectively it's an abuse of process that exists because we had a system that thought that there was political gain to be had by having images,
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that they could be used political just kavanaugh situation. the solution that trump has come up with is a good one, that if you have a safe nation that will accept refugee status for you then you're not going to get it at the united states border. heather: during obama administration 500,000 were let in the united states. police officer shot and killed in cold blood in orange county . >> antjuan had cop cars all over the house, 4 or 5 year's old, that's what he knew what he wanted to do. i know the job that i signed up for and i know that i can go to work and not come home.
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heather: police desperately searching for 18tefarry manor wanted for custody. 42 police officers officers killed in line of duty this year, that's 7 more of last year. top u.s. general recovering after being shot in an insider attack in afghanistan and the pentagon now revealing that army general was wounded by taliban terrorist in assault that left two afghany officials dead last week, general 30-year-old veteran who oversees nato training in southern afghanistan. the call for action growing amid a world of skepticism over what really happened the columnist jamal khashoggi at now the saudi government is offering a new version of events, doug lizader.
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>> good morning, rejecting the official saudi explanation that jamal khashoggi was killed during a fistfight at saudi consulate in istanbul. saudi foreign minister says this is the beginning to have investigation. >> first step of journey, we are determined to punish those who are responsible for this murder and we are determined to ensure that -- >> here on capitol hill there's more pressure to hold saudi arabia and in particular crown pins mohammed bin salaman responsible for what happened. >> i feel certain that the crown prince was involved and he directed this. that's why we could not continue to have relations with him and so i think he's going to have to be replaced frankly. >> this ought to be a relationship altering event for the u.s. and saudi arabia that we ought to suspend military
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sales, we have to suspend certain security assistance. >> and there are reports from saudi med they the crown prince has called jamal khashoggi's sons to offer condolences, heather. heather: thank you very much, doug, we will continue to follow that. president trump and former president obama to set dueling rallies, president making rally in houston texas, we know it's huge, ted cruz up 7 points against beto o'rourke. so a lot of tailgating, they won't be able to get in. barack obama expect today rally democrats in las havingas, former vice president joe biden and kamala harris and bernie sanders also sitting the road today, very busy as we head up to the midterms. how about the football field, though, the kansas city chief
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shining bright with 45-10 beatdown of cincinnati bengals behind patrick mahone's touchdown. 500-career touchdown hoping new orleans and chicago bears almost pulling off last-second miracle but the hail mary falls short. 38-31 win. dallas cowboys also falling just short on last-second missed field goal, they lose to washington redskins 20-17 but, yeah, my carolina panthers rallying for 21 unanswered points in the fourth quarter beating the philadelphia eagles 21-17. that is the fourth largest comeback in panthers' history, big news for them. before the game we have to talk about this unfortunately, safety eric reed and eagles safety malcolm jenkins nearly coming to blows, both players national
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anthem protestors at wasn't point, reed calling jenkins sellout after the game, jenkins stopped protesting after the nfl announced that it would donate $100,000 for coalitions that he cofounded. reed left the group last year after colin kaepernick was left out of meeting, kaepernick supporting reed on twitter, eric reed enough said #i'm with reed. but their efforts to be fizzling out. reed only one of four player protesters this weekend. taking away from the big win, that's what i have a problem with. well, the time now 10 minutes after the top of the hour, brand-new warning against president trump, more than 7,000 illegals march, next guest worked for ice under obama administration and why he says using the military is right move and they tried, screamed at the sky and now liberal snowflakes have a new message for coping the, safe spaces to protect
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themselves from conservative speakers on campus.
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heather: welcome back, fox news alert for you, migrant caravan has now grown to 7,000 strong. this coming as president trump sends clear warning that the u.s. will, quote, stop the onslaught of illegal aliens from crossing southern border, what needs to be done to stop the caravan? here to weigh in former border patrol agent jason, thank you so much for joining us, we appreciate having you this morning. >> thanks a lot. heather: what do you make of growing numberses overnight, 2,000, 5,000 and 7,000 people. >> i imagine it would expand
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15,000 when you pick up mexicans from méxico coming north. heather: what can we done to stop it in. >> we need to deploy military as soon as possible. heather: in terms of what méxico is doing, are they doing enough? >> i don't think so. at that point they need to stop the flow, vet those people before they get to the united states and what we are going to have a massive flow of immigrants coming across the border. heather: as we look at the pictures it really is disturbing and we heard griff jenkins in piece where he talked about the u.s. border patrol chief right there in that area he said people actually crossing over there just in the fiscal year it's been 23 different countries and you mentioned vetting, he said there's no way to vet all of these people and determine who exactly they are from ms-13 gang members to members of ice who have been caught trying to caught, what is your suggestion, you have been on the front lines n. >> well, the other thing, what i would deploy is military police, now they have the training and
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technology to vet thousands of people, think about when saddam hussein's regime, they were able to vet them not only determine if they had vicious intent but disease, almost 10,000 people from central or south america that will potentially hit our border soon. heather: that is true, they have different vaccines for different things and let's talk about the number of people, percentage that is we also had reported, 87% of people that are apprehended there, that specific area of the border are from countries other than méxico, 62% unaccompanied children, 62% are the ones being caught and release and that we won't see years down the road. >> no, it's true, that's one to have big things is how we are going to vet those children and make sure there were family members, you know, do we have dna resources to handle
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potential 10 to 12,000 people. heather: here where is where people hearts strings are pulled, when you look at video, you see families, what appear to be families trying to cross over and get to america, but there's more behind the story, you say and a lot of other officials say. >> exactly, what's mixed in are how many people are from specially designated countries, how many potentially isis, how many with other malicious intent, what about smugglers and traffickers mixed with them. heather: that's the problem, smugglers taking advantage of them and that's how people are able to cross over. why don't they stay méxico versus skipping over instead of trying to stay here? >> we should forward deploy asylum officers but resources down so we could vet people who have legitimate asylum or refugee claims where they stand and at that point méxico.
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heather: one of the argument it is left uses is we need to give more money to countries to not incentivize people to come to here but to let people know in 2017 the u.s. gave aid to guatemala, honduras 175 million, el salvador, 115 million, we will see what happens as they continue to try to make their way here. thank you so much for joining us, we appreciate your expert insight. >> thank you. heather: 18 minutes after the top of the hour, horrifying homecoming disaster, dozens of party goers hospitalized after floor collapses, answers investigators are looking for overnight. >> we don't know what the conversation with the president was, the congress says oversight responsibility so we will be asking all of those questions and more. heather: in the hot seat rod rosenstein testifying in front of lawmakers, what's in store for the deputy attorney general, a sneak peek ahead.
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everybody wants more for their kids, but i feel like with my kids, they measurably get more than i ever got. and i get to do that. i get to provide that for them. heather: 22 minutes after the top of the hour, we are back with fox news alert for you, the police and fbi holding news conference today, one week after jamie disappeared, the 13-year-old has not been seen since her parents james and denise were found murdered in wisconsin home with door kicked in. someone called 911 from denise' phone but the disafterrer only heard yelling, the police have gotten more than 1200 tips none of them leading to jamie. floor collapses after college party. inspectors hit to go off campus
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apartment complex where dozens were dropped into the basement. 30 people taken to the hospital, look at that after the floor caved in. this happened near clemsen university in north carolina, that's a big fall. one of the most expensive and closest races unfolding in the state of maine, molly line gives us closer look with gop congressman is trying to hang onto his job. >> congressman bruce is in audity in new england, the very last republican serving in the u.s. house in a part of a country dominated by democrats. >> love it, best job in america. >> after 20-year blue streak, successful businessman captured
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seat, biggest of mississippi, two years later voters here elected president trump as well. now democrats desperately want to reclaim this ground. >> who is this guy? >> 36-year-old state representative, marine corps veteran of afghanistan and iraq wars is waging a spirited fight to make it happen. >> i particularly believe we need new generation of leaders in the country. golden is pushing back opponents to label him socialist and tie him to nancy pelosi calling himself a labor democrat, noticed he once worked for maine's republican senator susan collins. >> i'm the guy that can work across the aisle and get things done rather than fight and play games. the ad war here is expansive and expensive. with millions in outside money pouring in. maine is using rank choice voting in the election f no candidates wins with a majority,
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more than 50% of the vote on the first round then the candidate with the fewest amount of votes is eliminated and the voters second choice applied until somebody wins. in maine, molly line fox news. heather: all right, lots of races to keep eye on both republicans an democrats making final pitch with midterms just 14 days away, fox news contributor tammy bruce says this election comes down to two things, the economy and president trump. >> bottom line is the election is about the economy and whether or not those candidates are also embracing and supporting the president, if they are talk about that and making that clear for their local community, of course, we have national media and all of that, but the fact is that it took kavanaugh and that exposures of the democrats being a mob in the senate to wake people up because our biggest problem here is perhaps the success of the president because this is our natural state but
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it's only natural when governments are far back, regulations are drawn down and americans begin to think, well, this is normal but no, not really because the democrats, of course, don't like this dynamic and they worked to make it a problem. >> well, the democrats need to flip 24 republican-held seats in order to retake control of the house. and we will be all over this for you as we get closer and closer. well, the time now is about 26 minutes after the top of the hour, republicans heckled and confronted in public for weeks but now people are fighting back [shouting] heather: are people finally getting sick of the left mob mentality, we debate it up next and sunshine state showdown, say that 5 times fast, fireworks in florida as ron desantis and andrew gillum face off in battle of becoming governor, the
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president just weighed in, todd piro next
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heather: half past the half of the hour, socialism on the ballot, president trump slamming far-left gubernatorial just as democrats' midterm advantage is shrinking, todd. >> immigration front and center. >> well, will you honor request from donald trump's ice agency if they provided detainer request, would you honor it as governor? would you work with donald trump? >> he won't answer the question. that tells me he would be
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willing to release. >> would you like me to answer the question? >> the show boating is unnecessary. >> former congressman and mayor of tallahassee, battle over health care, gun control and crime with gillum tieing desantis to president trump and desantis painting gillum bad on economy and soft on criminals, most polls shows dead heat with early voting begin today. president trump weighed in tweeting ron desantis had a great debate, victory tonight against andrew gillum, a mayor who presides over worst run and most corrupt cities in florida, i will -- gillum will make florida next venezuela. fox news poll showing gop
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closing the gap on which party, 7% from the dems down from 11% in september and president trump's approval rate at highest yet, 47% just two weeks to go, heather. heather: out on the campaign trail and continues to go up. thank you so much, todd. >> no problem. heather: a couple of things to talk about, chaotic scene rocking one of the busiest airports, a man upset over flight delay turned violent, this happened at orlando international, watch. [shouting] heather: jetblue passenger went crazy and started fighting with employee, officers forced to use pepper spray and taken into custody. urgent search underway for 3
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missing people in international waters, their fishing boat bursting in flames in san diego, 15 other rescued by fishing crew on the way to shore. >> we are coming. one by one, we will do this one by one. heather: coast guard flying two critical victims suffering severe burns to san diego hospital, mexican navy taking other survivors to méxico, amazing. one more step close the other peace in korean peninsula, north and south korea meeting with u.s.-led in command for the second time in a week discussing steps to demilitarized the korean border, north korean leader crossed dmz and agree toddies arm the area. >> well, deputy attorney general rod rosenstein sitting down for closed door interview with house lawmakers on wednesday, they will grill him on russia probe
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and report claiming that he we wanted to wiretap the president, house judiciary committee bob goodlatte says they need to get to the bottom of it. >> we want to know in particular about the new developments that we have been made aware of about mr. rosenstein meeting with the group of other doj and fbi employees and talking about the possibility of wearing a wire when he meets with the president of the united states. heather: rosenstein denies the wiretap report. well, president trump announcing that the u.s. will be leaving cold war era treaty after russia defying it. >> i don't know why president obama didn't negotiate or pull out. russia has not unfortunately honored the agreement so we will terminate the agreement, we will pull out. heather: so as the president takes another step to support
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russia's malign activity, how does he -- how does the left still have a collusion theory or say that he's friendly with russia, here now debate, democratic strategists robin byro and republican strategists kimberly. >> good morning. heather: kimberly, i will start with you, it's not just russia cheating, russia, china, north korea, they've all been cheating on it. >> imagine being in a relationship where you deem it as exluísive but the other person deemed it as open relationship, so essentially, china, north korea have been cheating the entire time and so president trump by pulling out of it was very cler smart and brilliant because now we can actually put a deal on the table and negotiate at a regulations and restrictions so that other people will actually abide by the treaty as well. heather: and robin, to bring you into this, this isn't the only action that president trump has
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taken against russia, we can take a look, he pulled out of cold-war treaty this past weekend, expelled 60 russian diplomats and ordered closing consulate in seattle but the left seems to try to use the argument that he's soft on russia, that he's putin's friend. >> right, heather, and i want to give the president credit where it's due and thank him for taking appropriate action with russia. i think he finally gets it now that they are not our friend, they've been adversary for a long time. so i think the problem right now from the perspective from the left is the optics of this. he's trying to get away from optics of collusion by taking a tough stance with russia but we really want to see what the special counsel probe has if anything on this. but we are taked measured
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approach here, i want to thank him personally for taking tough stance. heather: we will take that, when you talk about optics, it's a no-win situation for him, if he had waited then they would say he had been doing nothing and now that he's doing something, he's doing it to take heat off the russia collusion investigation, kimberly, what do you say about that, all of the things he's done in general? >> he's always been tough on russia and everyone else do. fear mongering at its best. he is colluding with russia and today he's not. understand that president trump understand it is universal language which is money, he understands business and i think this country should be run like a business and to me this is something that he does better than president obama and many other presidents that we've had. heather: okay, here is something that we can all agree on that the country should not be run on and that is this, increase in
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resistance that's borderline, mob mentality, take a look at what happened with diners and mitch mcconnell. [shouting] heather: rob, it appears that this is starting to backfire, people are standing up from both sides of the aisle, hey, back off. >> as americans that's great but like i said, you know, i'm speaking to you from atlanta, georgia, born and raised here in the south, that's not how we do things and i think the public has gone weary and tired of this, two weeks from midterms i don't think it's doing us any favors, the only time i have seen this work with jeff flake and the kavanaugh hearings and we got tractions there and
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reopened the fbi investigation, that's really the only time i've seen this work, at this point we are doing ourselves more harm than good. heather: cornering in the elevator was incredibly scary for him and at least one of the protestors was paid by soros. kimberly, final word here? >> i think this is something that we can all agree on across the aisle, we should all say this is dangerous, i remember when kathy former congresswoman who was shot in parking lot by someone with an axe to grind and we live in a associate where we don't know the difference between political activist and somebody with mental conditions, so this is very dangerous and hope it doesn't end up in tragedy. heather: thank you for joining us, kimberly, rob. >> thank you, heather. heather: 20 minutes until the top of the hour, they've cried and screamed at the sky and
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liberal snowflakes have new message for coping, safe space to protect themselves from conservative speakers from campus. how everyone in the country could score free taco bell and what's even better, could soon be delivered by a drone, business headlines up next. so i can buy from
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lives to get home to they use print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the amazing services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again! heather: welcome back, american university outraged over upcoming event called due process, #me too, offering safe spaces due to the event on dc campus originally named no, don't believe all women. well, the campus women's initiative is promoting disempowerment and invalidation of survivors and sharing story, conservative speaker amber and editor at daily caller, tells publication that the idea that
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college students need safe space is just pathetic. >> well, company owned by the democrat running for governor in south carolina is banned by the va. an audit to reveal by the daily caller that shows james smith used his business as a middleman to secure federal contracts preserved for disabled veterans he would pass those to nonveterans for price, no longer on list of veteran approved businesses, he hopes to unseat republican henry mcmaster next month. and the democratic candidate taking on scott walker in wisconsin race now accused of plagiarism, not the first time governor scott walker calling out state superintendent on twitter writing in part, first, it was the current budget request, now news that past subjects also included blatant plagiarism, evers admitting that
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it would be today, rating race a toss-up. uber already delivers food on the road but soon they could be taking to the skies, tracee casual affect fro fox business is here with just how soon you could see uber drones making deliveries, good morning, tracee. tracee: good morning, heather, we could see much sooner than anyone expected but this is according to a job posting on uber's website des covered by the wall street journal, they were looking for operation's executive to make these drone deliveries functional by next year commercially functional by the year 2021, so this would fall under the uber eats division, potentially uber express, that's the internal name right now but when the wall street journal did approach uber and asked him about this, the job posting was taken down, uber did tell the journal, quote, the posting does not fully reflect our program which is still in
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very early day, so we will keep an eye on the skies. heather: yeah, you would definitely have to only deliver certain time of type, i don't know if you can deliver tacos because they would break on the down i think but taco bell handing out free food. tracee: doesn't math who you are rooting for in the world series, taco promotion, the first base that is stolen during the world series which does start tomorrow between the la dodgers and the boston red sox, everyone gets free taco, this is a doritos loco taco, redeem promotion if this happens november 1st, 2:00 and 6:00 p.m., games could last until october 31st, doesn't matter which game it happens just as long as a base is stolen. heather: hey, free taco is a free taco. tracee: everyone wins. heather: thank you so much, tracee. time now about 15 minutes until the top of the hour and we all remember what happened back in 2016, the polls not to most accurate, so which is 14 days until the midterm, can we trust
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data to get it right this time around? former indiana congressman and gop strategists david mcintosh is here with what we can expect. thank you so much come november what the heck is that?! whoa! what truck brand comes from the family of the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickups on the road? i think it's the chevy. ford. is it ford? nope, it's not ford. i think it's ram. is it ram? not ram. that's a chevy! it's chevy! that's right. from the family of the most dependable, longest-lasting full-size pickups on the road. gorgeous. chevy hit it out of the ballpark with these.
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heather: just 14 days out from midterm elections and of course we have brand new new poll show democrats nationally their lead my be shrinking as the president's approval rating jumps to higher level yet but another poll that suggests democrats have a 9-point lead, what is correct? all polls indiana congressman mcintosh, thank you so much for joining us. >> great to be with you, heather. heather: let's talk about msnbc
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poll that's in general, who people control congress would be controlled by, among likely voters, 50% say democrats, 41% say republicans, registered voters 48% democrats, and then independents, i think is interesting, 41% democrats and 27% republicans, what do you think about this? >> the poll is basically good news for republicans, the margin there is shrinking, in other words, republicans are catching up with democrats, we thought it was going to be a blue wave but with the president's approval rating going up the margins now down to 7%, we call that the generic ballot, people would prefer democrats over republicans. if it gets to 5 or 6%, the stats are that the republicans at that point can keep the majority in the house and pick up seats in the senate. so they are close not quite there but close to being able to accomplish their goal of keeping
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the majority. heather: watch that to shrink to 4 or 5% then looks like republicans will take the house. >> that's right. heather: closely ties in with president trump's job approval rating numbers as well. we have a look at this poll, 47% now approving of the president compared to what 44% in september, disapproving 49% compare today 52% in september. he's doing better. historic high for him which is tremendous, i think, for the public realizing that president trump is making a difference in washington, the economy is better and those are the issues they most want to vote on. heather: as we get closer and closer to midterms as the numbers continue to rise the timing of it is significant as well. >> that's right, people are already starting to vote in states like florida, in montana, those are key states for the senate races and the early balloting is happening today and will go all the way to election.
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heather: also happying today rally in texas, a hundred thousand people expected to attend although that many can't get into the venue, a lot of tail-gaiting, texas, let's take a look at poll, we mentioned briefly at the top, support for ted cruz, 52% beto o'rourke at 43%, so cruz is significant lead 9 points. >> yeah, 9 point, very good lead above 50%, ted cruz is going to win the race. it didn't look like that around labor day, ted has come on strong, people realize he's the more conservative, real leader and they like him now, he was helpful to them when they were trying to recover from the hurricane and so he's really consolidated the race and in good shape. heather: what about the president support? >> it's very much happening, the president coming down for the rally shows republican are united, they are going to be supporting ted.
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state state another state that the president will be going, tennessee, marsha to overtaking bredson? >> yes, that's gotten closer, marsha is still ahead, the latest poll we saw had her increase that lead by 2 or 3 points. heather: after taylor swift came out actually. >> tennessee said tailor go back to new york, we don't really need your political advice. heather: florida. >> florida is very close and for months gone through margin of error, a little bit for governor scott, a little bit for nelson, now governor scott has slight lead about 3%, i think that's going to end up being the lead he has on election day. heather: yeah. >> because florida is divided state. heather: what's interesting who is allowed to vote and people recovering from the hurricane right now, you to that i can into account as well. >> it is, one thing the governor shows he's a real leader, on top
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of hurricane relief, he's right there, suspended campaign, he didn't try to raise money in campaign like senator nelson did, he demonstrated floridans that he's there. heather: been through a lot. david thank you so much for joining us. >> great to be with you. heather: we will have you back as we get closer. the time now 5 minutes until the top of the hour, recovering like a champ, reporter smacked in the head by a stray football, the good, the bad and the ugly, up next. guys, isn't it time you stepped up your game? in the gym, in the boardroom, and especially in the bedroom. american men are gettin' soft. we have less testosterone than our fathers, and even less than our grandfathers. we owe it to 'em - and ourselves - to fight back. with alpha king from force factor, it's never been easier. just one small pill a day for a serious boost in total testosterone.
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heather: time now the good, the bad, the ugly. steven and wendy phillips stopping on tracks to say i do. >> why get married at a marathon? >> because we challenge each other to do better in every way. heather: well, they finished the race as husband and wife and now the bad, the woman is shot to discover neighbor at hotel is a bear. >> there's a bear. heather: unwelcomed guest spotted walking down the hallway through flipped garbage can in tennessee, the woman keeping distance saying she was badly shaking in fear. the ugly, a stray football smacks nfl reporter right in the head, nfl networks getting
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painful surprise live on the air before titans game in london start tweeting afterwards, hurts more every time i watch it but also saying that she's now off the injury report. she's doing okay, also doing okay are producer -- executive producer just had baby boy hours ago, 6 pounds 12-ounces, congratulations to desiree and welcome to grayson. "fox & friends first" continues right now, see you later. >> border security with adequate resources, you have no idea who is coming in from ms-13 gang members to sexual predators, child molesters. rob: monday october 22nd, brand are -- new warning. jillian: live at the southern bord we are the latest. georgia police officer


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