tv Hannity FOX News October 24, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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a second package addressed to maxine waters here in south l.a. back to you guys. >> tucker: appreciate. thank you very much. our hour is over. we're back tomorrow at 8:00. good night from washington. sean hannity is next live in new york city. >> sean: tucker, great show. we need to you watch the show for the entire hour. many americans are on high alert after a series of suspected mail bombs were sent. nobody knows who is responsible. let me be clear and let me reiterate what i've been saying for a month, violence and threats and intimidation has no place in this country. we are the united states of america. we solve our differences at the ballot box without bloodshed. now the disturbed individual
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responsible must be held accountable and we have so many people on the left and in the mainstream media all day rushina to judgment as usual to score cheap political points. many are blaming the president, fox news, talk radio, yours truly. it's a disgrace when just the opposite is true and we're going to respond on this program tonight. how after democrats who are calling for kicking and getting into people's faces and following them and telling them they are not wanting them any more are all of a sudden telling that they are the party of peace. we'll show youta the toxic political environment that many tthat are complaining today they themselves t fostered. so sit tight, buckle up. we need the full hour tonight. we start with our breaking news opening monologue.
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tonight we have disturbing news. manila envelopes targeting several high-profile democrats across thehe country. addressed to former president obaman and even maxine waters. another package was addressed to cnn headquarters in new york. thankfully none of these devices exploded anded no one was injur. a full scale federal investigation is on to hunt down whatever maniac would be responsible for what is a despicableha act. now you've heard me say over & on this show. violence and threats and intimidation has no place in politics. no place in this country and what we saw today is the work of
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pure evil. this is an act of terror and i feel terrible for anybody who was threatened today. it's wrong. period. now i've had many, many threats myself over the years. i've had white powder sent to my office. one of my employees spent nine hours in isolation and things far worse than that that i'm not going to talk about. my heart h goes out to anyone er threatened. no conservative that i know and would ever support would ever support this horrible act. no matter how strongly you disagree everyone in the country deserves safety and security. i've said that throughout my career. president trump immediately condemned this act. take a look. >> the safety of the american people is my highest and absolute priority. the full weight of our government is being deployed to
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conduct this i investigation and bring those responsible for these despicable acts to justice. we will spare no resources or expense in this effort. and i just want to tell you that in these times we have to unify. we have to come together. and c send one very clear strong unmistakable message that acts or threats of political violence of any kind have no place in the united states of america. >> sean: no place in this country. the president is right. despite not knowing who's responsible for these mail bombs today we had so many people rushing to judgment. the media, the left, democrats all trying to score cheap political points all day as this story was unfolding they have no facts. immediately assigning blame to their political rivals especially president trump. and the joint statement even schumer and pelosi saying
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president trump's words ring a hollow until he reverses his statements. zucker is blaming donald trump' you're not allowed to call out lies? blaming the president for an act of violence from an unknown perpetrator seems beyond shameful that a network that claims to put facts first. of course the antitrump critical continues everyse second of the entire day. >> we have a president who has talked for a couple of years now about imprisoning his political rival hillary clinton who has encouraged violence against the media they need to dial down the political rhetoric. they are making people less safe. they are making journalists less
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safe. >> it is hard to suspend belief and not see the context of what is occurring today with a president who has repeatedly suggested that the press is the enemy of the people. >> we are in an era now where violence seems to have license by the president of the united states. >> if you look at who they have targeted so far it is as if they are following president trump twitter feed. >> sean: fox news, talk radio, yours truly were actually vilified. tweeting, "there will be a rush to pinn these bombs on extremist and so on but sorrows and obama and the clinton's have been viewed as the root of all evil.
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before this idiot tries to blame me for the acts of a clearly disturbed individual who we don't know is maybe they should watch an episode of this show. i've called for calm and condemned these mobs and these violent acts on the left andft right. i don't assign blame placed on political exspeed yen see. remember -- the baseball field. killing someone that i like personally and consider a friend. majority whip steve scalise. i didn't blame bernie sanders. bernie sanders didn't tell that evil maniac to kill republicans. >> i'm not blaming bernie sanders. this is one nut. the one that targeted
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republicans at baseball practice leaving congressman steve scalise fighting for his life. was the media blaming democrats for that? no. and i don't believe they should have either. they are not supposed to be marching orders for deranged individuals. when we rightly call out and expose the left for their hypocrisy or deep state corruption or the fake news media for reporting fake news that is not insighting violence. this is about going to the ballot box. i didn't love it that obama won twice. but america goes on and i said many times during his presidency we've got to protect our now the same goes for anyone in the mainstream media including those who trash trump supporters
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or who bash conservatives day after day night after night 24/7. there is hardly a word in the that is not negative that i have not been called or used against the president. >> the mob that i see are the people who go to trump rallies and laugh when donald trump' mimics the testimony of a victim of sexual assault. the mob that says i'm a nationalist. >> he knows that in america the word nationalist usually follows the word white. white nationalist. that is what the meant in the 21st century. donald trump' has to leave the word out of his use of the word
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nationalist. >> you hold down the woman while the rapist is raping her and you didn't rapes her, are you a rapist? let's cut the bs. >> tens of millions of people voted for him after he showed his cards>> for years. >> are you suggesting that they are racist? >> yes. >> all of the people that voted for donald trump are racist? >> yes. >> if youou vote for trump you e the bad guy. if you vote for trum you are ripping children from parents. southern sean th-- >> sean: recently republican senator rememberr susanne collis was the target of a suspicious package. packages were sent to president trump, general mattis.
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cia director allegedly having ricin in them. another donald trump jr. and his family. his wife went to the hospital.n as someone whose family has been a direct victim of these mail threatsmn -- this crap has to sp and i hope they end up in jail for a long time. amen. so do i. because i know from personal firsthand experience it's a horrible thing to go through. what is happening to many people tonight it has happened sadly many times to me and in my career. we've been saying for months the rhetoric that we're seeing the mob that's we're seeing that everybody needs to calm down. rand paul said it. i've said it. before someone gets hurt or worse. kevin mccarthy's office they threw a boulder through the window and night after night we
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program have been condemning this behavior night after night the democrats and the media have been silent. when women have been kicked out of restaurants -- and we saw what happened this weekend. henry kissinger and mitch mcconnel. they lectured us you cannot call that a mob. cnn said you cannot call that a mob. meanwhile the rhetoric from the left is constantly demonizing their political opponents. they need a big fat mirror. >> if you had to be in an elevatorit who would it be? >> does one of us have to come out alive? >> please don't just come here today and then go home. go to the hill today.
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get up in and please get up in the face of some of congress people. >> when they go low, we go high. no.. when they go low, we kick them. >> don't i wish i was -- debatingis him. no. i wish i was in high school and could take him behind the gym. >> sean: or holding up severed heads of the president of the unitedst states. i didn't see a lot of criticism from the left. a little but not much. this country has got to come together. crazy uncle joe. it can'tyo go to a 7-eleven or duncan doughnut unless there is an indian accident and this is true of many democrats. remember hillary clinton?
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we cannot be civil with republicans. remember this? >> you cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for what you care about. that is why i believe if we are fortunate enough to win back the house and/or the senate that is when civility can start again. >> sean: today now she is singing a different tune after actual criminal acts against democrats. i'mat beginning to catch on. take a look. >> it's a troubling time isn't it. and it's a time of deep divisions and we have to do everything we can to bring our country together. >> sean: really? you said we couldn't be civil. oh, that was last week.
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we cannot forget about congresswoman maxine waters repeatedly calling for people to be stalked and harassed in department stores and tell, thm they are not wanted anywhere any more. that was a couple of weeks ago. take a look. >> you have members of your cabinet that are being booed out of restaurants. who -- and if you see anybody from the cabinet in a department store at a gasoline station you get out and you push back on them and tell them they are not welcomed any more anywhere. >> sean: they are not welcomed anywhere any more. that was a couple of weeks ago.
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now congresswoman waters has issued a statement saying i condemn any acts of violence and terror. what about get a crowd telling them they are not wanted any more anywhere. all of these networks selective morale outrage they've been dead silent in the lead up to today complicit giving them a pass and many of them themselves using rhetoric. the greatest hypocrisy of all here is andrew cuomo. remember when he said this about conservatives living in new york. >> who are they? are they these extreme conservatives who are right to life? pro assault weapon, antigay? is that who they are? because if that is who they are
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and if they are the extreme conservativesy they have no ple in the state of new york because that is not who new yorkers are. >> sean: no place in new york if you're pro-life and pro second amendment. he is calling for civil it >> pushes people to violence and at the end of the day we may have political differences but this is onenc country. we're all americans. out of many, one and keeping the debate and the dialogue civil is very, very important and for elected leaders who in many ways set the tone it is especially important. >> sean: except if u you're pro-life and believe in the
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second amendment. what saw is a sad pathetic double standard in the democratic party. falls blame. we see it over and over again. so quick to call for unity. they've been silent. they obsess about trump and russia and collusion. no evidence but they ignore hillary clinton purchasing dirty russian lies and disseminating them to the american people. bought and paid for russian lies. that is ignored by the same media. on the topic of sexual assault. they want a 7th fbi investigation into brett kavanaugh but they are silent the same people missing in action withe all of the allegations against keith ellison. they love bill clinton and start cuss and others. -- they are harassed and run out
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of restaurants. mitch mcconnel guy -- banging on his table. rocks being thrown through kevin mccarthy's officein window. harassment. it's u unacceptable for anyone. there is pure outright hypocrisy. they only care when it's against members on the other side of the aisle. now hopefully today people are beginning to realize what i have been saying. what rand paul has been saying. the political climate in this country is getting dangerous. somebody is going to get killed or worse. webo don't want that to happen o anybody. democrats, fake news cnn, others, they all could have spokenll out when today's bomb square happens. they should but they should have
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also denouncing all of the instability and the follow them into stores and they are not wanted here anywhere any more. in 13 days we solve our differences at the ballot box. i'm willing to see that my side mightdi lose. but even after 2016 they wanted tola undo the election. the survival of our republic depends on our laws. we must protect the safety of every american. okay i'm all for civility. i don't mind a good verbal debate and i don't care if people call me names. but we need to watch how bad this has got enand beforet someone gets seriously hurt..
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>> sean: despicable threats. this is very dangerous. we've got to make sure the american people are safe and secure. should have beened condemned by all decent americans. it's the right thing to do. donald trump -- i condemn whoever did this regardless of party or ideology. this crap has to stop. i hope they end up in jail for a longor time.
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joining us the son of the president eric trump is with us. it brings into focus madonna i dream a lot about blowing up the white house. brings into focus the thing that have been said but and your entire family, a severed head of your father. your father fights for what he wants and he takes people on. very different from what maxine waters has been doing or the mob mentality. >> no question. it's different than eric holier. i thought your opening monologue was beautiful. these people should be hunted down and thrown in jail for a very long time. last year i had white powder sent to my house. it blew up in my wife's face and the fbi and the secret service
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they caught the guy and threw him in jail. they need toxa hunt this person downey and throw the person inrs jail and throw away the key because the lack of civility is unreal. this is not the country that we are. there are many democrats who are and republicans they are all great people. the vast majority of people are great people. they don't want this nonsense. this is not right. >> sean: i've watched the horrible things said about your sister. your younger brother baron has had to go through. the most vial things said about melania who's a wonderful woman. i've gotten to know her personally. forget about the president. he is in the arena. i've had white powder sent to me and worse. and i sympathize with what these people and organizations are going through today because i've been there. but the reality is most of them
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have beene silent with the maxe waters and the lead up to this. secretary neilson. sarah sanders and ted cruz and his wife. henry kissinger and mitch mcconnel. mccarthy with a boulder sent through his window. they've been p silent. >> and how hard is it just to say that this is not right. that everybody condemns this regardless of what political side you're on. and these people deserve to be in jail for a very long time and this does not represent a political t party. how hard is that to say? you see some of the detrudes thatt cnn went on today and it further deepens the divide because this has nothing to do with the good people of this country. >> sean: they are so upset at your dad i believe rightfully at
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calling out fake news. we've watched beyond two years that every second every minute every hour of every day. they just trash your father. say anything that they want to say and then when they called out -- for example, they always gave hillary a pass. obama a pass. they are attacking your father with conspiracy theories and lies about russia for two years. your father calls them out. that is total bs and they've got to know that. >> there is no question for it. they are all for the first amendment until you say something that they disagree with.. it's why these rallies -- my father had 22,000 people in the audience. 50,000 people outside. it's why it has been such a powerful tool and he can cut through the nonsense and think
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about the media -- it's controlled by a very small group of elitist. they don't like him or his message. they got it wrong. they didn't think he could win. they gave him 1.9% chance of winning on election day and now they areth doubling down. it's that hypocrisy. they want to do anything they can to use anything against my father. they are goingfa to get it wrong again. >> sean: what is your take on the mid-term? i see republicans i believe they will hold the senate. it's a harder read in the house. i do believe that everything is in play and it's all about turn out. >> it is about the turn out. if the army of trump gets out there we will win. if people get complacent and then we won't. you haveo to get out and vote.
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if you're not voting republican if y you're not voting republicn you're voting against my father. the country is doing so well. our economy is doing well. >> sean: they want to impeach your dad. to keep obama care. they want their drums back and open borders. >> and they want to double your taxes and fight law enforcement and abolish ice. this country is on fire. it's doing so well and we have to keep republicans in power. >> sean: they almost have to cheer for america to do as bad as we did in the obama years in order to get their power back. what i'm arguing eric is if you vote for any democrat in any district in the house you're voting for pelosi. if youyo don't show up that is r half of a vote for pelosi.
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>> that is 10 100% right. they would rather see america fail than for my father to succeed. we have to keep t on winning for this country. >> sean: 13 days from tonight. thank you. when we come back ed henry with the latest on the investigation into the bomb scare. and also later michelle malcolm. stay with us. a lot of news to get to.
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♪ >> sean: joining us now with the very latest on the bomb scare from earli >> sean: joining us now fox news chief correspond ed henry is with us. >> the fbi has confirmed that a second suspicious package was sent to democratic congresswoman maxine waters out in california. they caught it before it reached
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her office. it'sed at a mail sorting faciliy in downtown los angeles that at this hour has been evacuated as they try to get to the bottom of it. all of this come is as the president vowed the full weight of the government will come down. o the president saying no expense will be spared. multiple law enforcement agencies on a manhunt to get to the bottom of this. the secret service usual mail screening procedures blocked a suspicious package from being delivered to the new york home of former president bill clinton and hillary clinton and a package addressed to the former president of barack obama and michelle obama. nobody hurt. they beganak to immediately take proactive steps. c they evacuated after being
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targeted with a similar package. telling fox tonight that there are several similarities to a device recovered from the home of george soros. the working theory is that an individual or group is behind all of the pans. the pan that was sent to cnn's mailroom -- excessive packages and the fact that the stamps were licked will likely lead to dna. >> we're extremely angry, upset. not happy about what we witnessed this morning. and we will get to the bottom of it. >> now while officials have not been able to figure out a motive i mentioned maxine waters saying she was targeted. with all of the targets being individuals that the president has attacked. democrats are already trying to
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point the finger a president trump. remember earlier this month she said democrats should not be civil with a party that she said was trying to tara way what she cares about. >> sean: ed henry joining us now withau reaction. the truth about our nation's great come back. newt gingrich you know what we're seeing mr. speaker is it the left -- it's about the russia collusion it doesn't matter only if it's trump collision. not hillary paying for lies. it's only if it's kavanaugh or hurts a republican but not if it's keith ellison or corey booker with the allegation against him. all of the outrageous rhetoric and conduct we've witnessed and since trump has been president i think a lot about blowing up the
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white house etc. and severed heads they only care when it's against them andnd not the president and the republicans. do you see the same pattern? >> i thought eric trump was close to perfect in the way he outlined the situation. look. we believe in the rule of law. we believe in the rule of law at the border which is why we're concerned about the caravans. we believe in the rule of law in terms of our internal politics. anyone who engages in an effort to use violence in this kind of a setting should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. we have to send a signal to every crazy person who's out there and every extremist on both sides that this is not tolerable. i don't care who you target -- whether it's steve scalise the republican whip who was shot or somebody getting a bomb in their
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home. we have to come together as a country and say we're going to have huge strikes over policy but we're not going to tolerate lawbreakers starting with people who literally threaten lives of other people and i think whoevew is doing this the president is right. we have to track them down. lock them up. and we should make an example of this. the maximum penalty under the law to send a signal. >> sean: we've seen the rhetoric with maxine waters and so many others. the confrontations. people run out of restaurants. women run out of restaurants. we saw what happened to kevin mccarthy and ted cruz and his wife. sarah sanders. you don't see't the same intensy if it's a republican. >> no. because the elite media doesn't feeled the same affection. but i would make the same argument.
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somebody who trespasses in a restaurant as they did against mitch mccann el and his wife -- t they should be prosecuted o the fullest extent of the law. we have too reassert that the rule t of law is paramount. it's what makes us the most unique country in the world ando people can have strong language. they cannot have strong actions. >> sean: but we cannot have people say that if you see that follow them into department stores and grocery stores and tell them they are not wanted anywhere any more. >> it's appropriate to say to maxine waters are you prepared to admit that what you said is
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wrong. from hillary clinton are you prepared to admit that was wrong. to the former attorney general who said kick them when they are down. i'm also for establishing a really life and death decision that and by the way this is exactly why i feel so strongly about the border. we have to reassert the rule of law in this country. we have to mean it. and we have to go after people who violate it. >> sean: mr. speaker you said 13 days, two weeks from tonight will be -- people will be watching the results come in and i'm sure many in the audience don't want to hear the words speaker elect pelosi. it's about kavanaugh caravan. also about mob that's we've been witnessing and one more thing. are you better off than you were two yearsea ago because by every
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objective measure we're better off economically and security wise. >> i think the theme of jobs not mobs is a good one. i'm going to give you a surprising idea. we are more likely to have 57at republican senators than we are to have schumer as the majority leader. that is how big the opportunity is. >> sean: less confident about the house 13 days out. why? >> i'm very confident about the senate. mitch mcconnel is going to be the leader. i like what kevin may cartsy has done. i think that every single day iwatch we get better and we get stronger. barbara comstock is now stronger in northern virginia than she was a week ago. i see this everywhere i go. we're gaining ground. people are coming home and a lot
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of folks who are not sure are looking at things like 7,000 people in the caravan coming north to try to attack the united states and they are deciding that the democrats are just plain wrong. >> sean: if we had the wall built we would not have this issue. on either side. >> sean: we will be talking about the results. the american people have the power to shock world again. when we come back speaking of the migrant verify crank. as it grows to 14,000 making its way through mexico toward the u.s. sarah carter was down and just returned from that is next.
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♪ >> when our country is assaulted by thousands and thousands of people marching and they sayo we're going to go into the country we cannot do that. we cannot allow that. it's unfair to you but also unfair to thousands and thousands of people that have gone through a legal process, some are waiting in line 10 years. everything is perfect and they don't get in but other people just march right in. it won't happen. >> sean: that is the president. joining us now with reaction michelle malcolm fox news contributor sarah carter. she just returned from the caravan. did you see ms13 gang members infiltrating this caravan in
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spite of people saying no. how do you know they were ms13 and what else did you see? >> some of the people within the caravan were actually tattooed with ms13 markings. >> sean: that would give it away. g >> it wasn't the majority of people butor the majority of people that were in the caravan and the people that i interviewed were men. there were a few hundred women. this is the tip of the spear as i call it when the second big wave came through. so i was right there as the second big wave crossed into guatemala and they were making their way through guatemala through theth migration services as well as the defense personnel that were on the ground and law enforcement. there was little that they could do. guatemala and nicaragua has a system set up like the european union where people with papers
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can travel back and forth freely. one thing they did do was tell a number of people look we have buses. the united states is not going to let you in. you're in for a treacherous trek to the u.s. it could be extraordinarily dangerous to your children. but the men that were there appeared to bepe well coordinatd and organized. c according to intelligence. this is about 14,000 people now heading that way. >> sean: michelle, you wrote a book and it was called emasion. if there is any crisis at the border we have laws. we are a constitutional republic. we have border security. if wee had the wall up we would not have this problem. i'm praying mexico does their job. to send them back. >> itt is and i wrote invasion n
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2002 and so little has changed and the manufactured migratory chaos that we're seeing is a result of many factors and a lot of it is mall fees annes on the part of certain governments and at least guatemala is making some effort. we'll see what mexico is going toto do. if you read the mexico constitution and know anything about their immigration policies -- >> sean: they put you in jail and then y send you home immediately. and then they lecture us. >> exactly. hypocrisy. itus does behoove us to remind everybody that this is not justa a national security issue. this is not just a matter of rule of law invoking article 4 secretary 4 of the constitution that says its the obligation of the federal government to protect each and everyone of the
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states against invasion. but also an issue of justice and equity. and i'm'm so glad that president trump speaks up for all of the families here and around the world that follow the rule of law in order to honor the country that we've all benefited from. the american dream and we want to protect it. >> sean: how long will it take them to walk to the united states? because i hear mexico is shutting down public transportation. >> it's going to take them some time. from weeks to four weeks to get there for the first weig wave t. they are coming in with drug traffickers as well. >> sean: more hannity after this.
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a republican that is a half of a vote for pelosi. 13 days from now we will be talking about the results. andhe joe manchin is down 2 in west virginia. let not your heart be traveled to. laurallhalaura ingraham is next. >> laura: horrific stuff. anyone using the u.s. mail or any other means. >> sean: people say what they want. leaveat people alone in restaurants and grocery stores and when they are with their families. fight at the ballot box. i hope it's republican. but vote for who you want. >> laura: amen. great show tonight. i'm laura ingraham and this is a fox news alert.
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