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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  October 26, 2018 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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>> yes. >> sean: the great one back 10 p.m. on the fox news channel. we will always be fair and balanced. we are not the destroy trump media. laura ingraham is next. see you monday. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> laura: i am laura ingraham from washington. we are here to break the news down. former fbi agent terry and steve rogers and matt and herman but first this is a fox news alert. the department of justice announcing an arrest made in connection with the explosive packages sent to democrats and a media outlet. cesar sayoc was taken into custody in florida.
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he has a known criminal history dating back to the early 1990s. he is a native american. on social media he is a trump fan posting a video at one of the president's rallies. but again, this must be stressed, he was a career criminal! well known to authorities due to his multiple arrests over the years. earlier today the department of justice said this about bringing this lunatic to justice. >> from the beginning, this investigative team made this matter a top priority. focussing their great talents on neutralizing this threat. >> each device consisted of 6 inches of pvc pipe and a small block, a battery, some wiring and what is known as energetic material which is potential explosives that give off heat and energy through a reaction to
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heat, shock or friction. >> laura: steve rogerers is a former member of the fbi terror task force and terry from the counter terrorism division of the fbi. gentlemen, this is wild. it took the fbi 20 years to trackdown the una-bomber. how did they find this guy so quickly? >> well, this is a very interesting week. we heard all kinds of theories. this reminded people it's tremendous when you can find intact devices. also on any case no matter how complicated, you have to make sure you say with shoe leather and policework and pay attention to the tedious. today we hear on one device the fbi lab was able to pull a finger print. the una-bomber was never
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arrested and finger printing. they statue of libertied the ball rolling with that. that was a big break. when you have intact devices, you will see increase your chances of getting the old-fashioned tradition evidence we talked about for decades. that's what i think brought this all together with all of the other great work that everyone has done. >> laura: we are seeing his mug shots. that's an old one from a few years back. he's aged since then. thomas, this was considered by ied experts to have been a rudimentary device and it was called fake and a hoax device. today the fbi said this was not a hoax device and called it an ied. what did they discover that we didn't know yesterday when many
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were dismissing us, steve? >> well, what we know today is there is always a danger to these devices. but they were able to pick up the dna a fingerprint. the police will see if anyone else is involved. i have to capture one point you made. what led to the rapid apprehension of this individual, president trump when he quickly decided to galvanize law enforcement agencies from the federal government to the local government, he deployed thousands of people. this would have taken weeks. because of that one decision, he had a network of law enforcement that led us to where we are today. that's something i don't think we should miss. >> laura: the president spoke about this earlier today. i will play some of that. >> we must never allow political
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violence to take root in america. we can't let it happen. i am committed to doing everything in my power as president to stop it now. i want to applaud the fbi. secret service, department of justice, the u.s. attorney's office for the southern district of morning. the nypd, and all law enforcement throughout the entire country. it's a needle in a haystack. they did an incredible job. >> laura: this terrorized people in politics and at cnn. they were doing shows in the streets. the country says how is this possible? an individual can mail these times of packages to different people from the same political back drop? yet you can find this person within 72 hours. you would not have been able to do so if it weren't for that
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long rap sheet he had where you get that fingerprint. it would take much longer to find him? >> most likely. if you have to have crimes committed. package bombs in the mail are crimes that be solved pretty fast. the history is they are. we have an agency we don't talk about much. we have the greatest respect for these people and that's the postal inspection service. they can look at an envellope and you would be amazed at what they can tell you. you can recreate that. in any mail bomb, the crime began when it was placed in the mail stream. you makeup a lot of ground. now you have can cameras there. it's incredible.
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they are a great agency. we don't talk about them enough. >> laura: thanks for your comments. here to break down how this played out political, i am joined by american conservative chair matt, and a special advisor dave, and congressman sean duffy, and herman kane. matt, i want to start with you. the left is seizing on the fact that this criminal over decades, in and out of law enforcement in prison. that this is a trump guy. this is a maga bomber. that's what they call him. >> it's trump rhetoric that caused him to put these devices in the mail. they just jumped right to. that i think the american people are fair and they realize there are people that are unbalanced
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across the country. this person is a lone wolf person that is not balanced. it's irresponsible to say it has anything to do with the people who support donald trump or donald trump himself. his rhetoric matches the fact we are so frustrated about what the country has done with hillary clinton. never have any of us wanted body harm or something terrible to happen to these people. we want to beat them politically. >> laura: we don't want to blow up the white house. >> like they do. madonna and cathy griffin. >> laura: cnn watching this unfolding was very dismayed to see the stickers on the van including one about cnn. let's watch. >> putting this picture up. the image of what was on that van.
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that image cnn sucks. of course the president did not direct this. he is not responsible for this. but he is responsible for not just allowing the chant cnn sucks at his rallies, but stoking it. >> laura: herman? >> this just shows you how off the cliff most of the liberals and the lunatics are even in the liberal media. they look for any and all indications to blame president trump for something. to blame his rhetoric for inspiring anything that goes on. they ignored the harassment rhetoric spewed forth by democrats that they said nothing about. they didn't want to discourage. it i believe this whole incident should put it in perspective in terms of we need civility.
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there is no room for violence. they are pointing the finger at the president for something he may have said but never mentions things that prominent liberals have said including many people who have a platform on a station like cnn. >> laura: david, after the shooting at the congressional baseball practice where steve scalise almost lost his life, there was a quick reaction for the left to say. anyone making this a political thing is reprehensible. here is one headline at it's already becoming a political football. jackie spire, i want to play this for you. she was on today and had a different take. >> he just says high ranking individuals.
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>> it suggests to me he is a phoney. it's always about him. it will always be about him. he doesn't have an empathetic cell in his body. >> laura: david, how does this help the discourse? >> not too much. it's a great day for law enforcement in america. therefore a great day in america. government worked. we should take a breath. this could have been horrific if some of these bombs went off. i think both sides of the crazies on the left and right ought to calm down. >> laura: here, here! >> who knows what this means for the upcoming mid-terms. 11 days is a century in our world right now. everyone ought to calm down. the president's statement from the white house was excellent. let's hope he doesn't tweet at midnight and react to media coverage that will enrage him. calm down. i am trying to get the missing
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center back in action here. that's what will make our country better. >> laura: i think that's well stated. congressman duffy, you are suffering from laryngitis. the president gets hot. he gets a lot of criticism. he is not going to turn into a conventional politician. my concern is because of this freak lunatic terrorists, that people will say every time donald trump criticizes someone harshly, see, you are encouraging other terrorists. you inspired the this sayoc person. >> i am grateful no one was
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hurt. these bombs didn't go off. we don't condone violence. we tell everyone this guy doesn't have any place in our party and our movement. i look at what cnn and others do and democrats do. they are the first to jump on and say donald trump is to blame for this bomber. when you look at liberals [inaudible]. they will say what has donald trump done? they blame donald trump for bad leftist democrats behavior too. we need a serious democratic party to say we condemn all violence on the left and the right. we all condemn together and have a more peaceful dialogue.
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>> laura: stop talking. you are going to lose your voice completely. you are making me hurt. fantastic panel. when we come back important news regarding that caravan and the president mulling a plan to bar entry to all migrants at the u.s.-mexico border. >> we are no
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wall-to-wall video of the caravan visit because whatever you think about the people in it, there is no evidence they are some kind of invading army with terrorists looming on the u.s. border. >> the idea that we are under threat from these poor, desperate people is absurd! it's the bottom of the barrel politics he engage in. >> laura: that comes as new
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reports that yet another caravan is forming from honduras. yesterday's "washington post" reported there is a sinking feeling that more caravans are yet to come and will only get larger. to the left this is a scare tactic. maybe trump is forming the caravans himself. according to morning joe. >> this caravan, donald trump and fox news keep talking about and the people on the right. is some last ditch sad pathetic effort to again use white people, non-white people to scare white people into voting for republicans. it's 1,000 miles away. what? they may not be here until? wait, what?
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>> laura: that's so not funny. ann coulter is joining us with her thoughts. do you think the left here thinks we should not be concerned at all about a massive caravan barrelling to the u.s. border? a political hype job or a combo? >> they want these caravans to keep coming. they have been coming a long time. the attack on white people and that's what we are afraid of. this country is barely majority white anymore. we are still a country, though. all of the people in this country again barely majority white. i don't know how much longer they can keep saying scared white people. we are allowed to decide who comes in and who doesn't come in. >> the fact that cnn said we are not covering it wall-to-wall.
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i imagine that's part of a political calculation by other networks. people say how is this fair when all of these other people have to apply and spend money applying and do it the right way? it comes down to a basic sense of fairness. not that we are not compassionate? >> right. i hear trump saying this. fairness to immigrants who do it the legal way. how about fairness to americans? illegal alien child molester is costing utah taxpayers more than $1 million for his cancer treatments. that should be going to an american cancer patient. sitting in jail and getting full cancer treatments.
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the obsession with everything going on far away from us. we have troops all over the world and in afghanistan and in syria. we are not paying attention to what is happening right on our border. it's like a war in central america. that's all we are talking about. this is our problem what is happening at the border. there is a reason that americans -- maybe trump and his administration don't understand why the chants during his campaign was build the wall, but the people had a reason. so we don't have to go through fighting over a caravan every 2 months. they slip through. what can we do? there are so many things the president can do besides build the wall themselves. he is the commander-in-chief. the military can't do anything standing on our side of the
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border. are they going to shoot the invaders? they could go 10 yards into mexico. we didn't ask for iraq's approval to go in. other than sitting on oil, most of the middle eastern countries won't kill americans. lots of americans are killed in drunk driving accidents and not sucking up the benefits like the child molester in utah. >> laura: none of the media outlets do many stories about those victimized by illegal aliens in the united states who are crim analysis. criminals. i want to play something for you. john kasich was out there. mr. never trump. he is outraged that people would not respond in a more
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compassionate way here. >> it could have been all of us. we are in the caravan. we are marching north trying to save our families and our children. we have to start putting ourselves in the shoes of other people. let us reach out to those who have less and stopping put up walls around ourselves and not understanding the plight and the problems of others. it is not ride and the lord doesn't want it. >> laura: the lord didn't want him as the gop nominee. shocking that he didn't win the nomination. >> yes. that's just what i was thinking. what a surprise that guy didn't win! americans are very compassionate. our compassion has worn thin. this is like a conman or a gypsy appealing, oh the poor children.
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people have our own poor people. we need to protect our own citizens. sorry joe scarborough, we are barely hanging on to majority white. stop saying it's white against the brown thongs. we have an obligation to our own citizens. >> laura: these people obsessed with colors. the most racially obsessed people in the united states are coming from the left today. we are fighting for the american people of every religion. one quick thing. the truth sometimes slips out. a member of the invading horde admitted we have some undesirables in the crowd. let's watch. >> criminals everywhere. okay? this is criminal here, it is. >> laura: [laughing]. at least he gave us that.
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>> yes. of course there are crim analysis in this group. even if were no crim names. -- criminals, they are a mass of very, very poor people. there are 7 billion people and they would all love to come to the greatest super power in the world and the greatest country in the world with a massive welfare state. we have to draw the line some place. most americans were saying about 20 years ago? we have a president who said put an end to it now. he doesn't seem to be following through. >> laura: he has to. he said he will close the border is necessary and 800 troops. they for a helping mode. always great to have you on. thanks so much. i want to turn to a part of this story, it's being ignored.
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the health concerns that have already arisen because from the cross border traffic that is illegal. and anyone inside the caravan now coming into the united states, we heard about the recent typhus outbreak in southern california. what other health issues should we be aware of? you highlighted some of the potential diseases that we could subject ourselves to. tell us what they are. >> absolutely. there is a great concern for influx for a multitude of diseases entering our country. people coming in not vaccinated so an increase in measles and
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typhus. this is common to see. when you have crowded groups of people traveling together in close quarters, there is poor sanitation and hygiene. it's a fact. you will see disease outbreaking news. hopefully the cdc will do sceneings -- screenings they are not coming in with diseases. >> laura: maybe i am a cynic. i don't have a lot of faith in health screenings when you have 4,000 people coming to to a border check. i want to put up on the screen the list of diseases that are of a concern given the multitude of people crossing the border. we have hiv, measles and:
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13 times the likelihood for tb. this is not political. this is not about your views on immigration. this is health. as we know doctor, we have an issue with the kids going to public schools. and maybe the parents say we were vaccinated because they don't believe in vac nations. -- vaccinations and then we have weird outbreaking news in our school system. >> absolutely. tuberculosis is one of the most infectious and deadly deceases. -- diseases. you can catch it through the air. that's a huge concern. we have seen an increase here in
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new york city. absolutely. we need proof of immunizations. if we don't have proof, they need to be immunized before they are allowed into our schools. this is how we eradicate disease. >> laura: we thought we had. >> exactly. >> laura: here's the deal. not a single american in this country should get sick because we don't have proper immigration control or injured. doctor, thank you very much. we don't hear enough about those facts. health concerns in addition to the other concerns. that's not an exaggeration joe scarborough. it's friday. in tonight's follies, an offensive ad targets trump. jim carrey has a new trump
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canvass. do adults go too far with costumes at halloween next? (woman) we'd been counting down to his retirement. it was our tresiba® reason. he needs insulin to control his high blood sugar and, at his age, he's at greater risk for lows. tresiba® releases slow and steady and works all day and night like the body's insulin. (vo) tresiba® is a long-acting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. don't use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. don't share needles or insulin pens. don't reuse needles. the most common side effect is low blood sugar,
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>> i am ed henry in new york. a nationwide manhunt for the person sending package bombs is over. cesar sayoc is believed to have sent the subjects. authorities describe him as a trouble loner and a former male stripper. he has an extensive criminal history. he was liveing in his van in florida. it said cnn sucks and photos of hillary clinton and former president barack obama in the cross hairs of a gun smoke. vladimir putin may come to
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america. trump invited him to visit next year. >> laura: it's friday and time for friday's follies. tonight more evidence that actor jim carrey has lost it. anti-trump new york city ads and how much should adults get into halloween? jim released a new piece of art. tell us, please. >> well, it's a trump with a big mouth. jim carrey is in the paint. he painted trump with a big mouth open. this time he has what looks like an explosive pepper in his mouth and trying to blame the president for these bombs that were mailed across the country. he said this was encouraged by the hate speech of the donald trump. just a week ago jim carrey
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painted another picture of trump recreating the exorcist poster with president trump in the center. i don't see how this helps anybody. i don't see how this tamps down the hot discourse. if anything he is raising the temperature. the sad thing is when you look at the art itself, it's angry and violent. obviously this is a therapy for jim carrey. he said he uses it to work through issues. my suggestion, jim should work through landscapes and flowers. that would be better for his soul. >> laura: maybe we should call ace ventura pet detective. a slew of offensive new york sanitations ads showing up in
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manhunt. -- manhattan. what is the story? >> they look like they are official ads. they are not. but they show a man in a maga hat with a line through it and says keep trash out of new york. keep new york trash free. they also have a woman with a maga hat on. she is holding a bible. the artest said he created the art and intended for an audience of my elitest new yorkers to be entertained by the tone deaf message as they go about their day in this trash filled liberal bubble. if you tried this with any other group of people. we are talking about fellow americans. it's intolerant religiously and
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bigoted. if you tried this with any other group, they would not only hunt down who did this but go after the artist. this is shameful. wrong message and wrong place in new york city already bristling from the bombs. >> laura: if you did that to obama. >> or any group of memo. >> laura: liberals should be concerned how they talk about trash in new york city. under deblasio it got worse. >> targeting fellow americans is not the way to go about. you wanted to talk about adults dressing up for halloween. you have a little hangup about this. get it off your chest. >> laura: don't you hate it when you get a costume party
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invitation to go to someone's house before halloween. it's all adults. they say costume required. if you show up without a costume. they just pour guilt on you. the rest of us did it. yeah. >> i will claim a personal privilege. there is a long history of masquerade balls going back to france and italy. it carried over here in the 17th century. you are showing your purit an roots. my whole family dresses up. it's a fun memory for the family. we dress up as the adams family. everybody loved. it we had a good time. remember, years from now and i encourage to you get a costume and do it for your children, friends and neighbors. make fun of yourself and make real memories.
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it turns halloween into something less gory and something fun. >> laura: a couple of years ago back during obamacare, you were with me. i dressed up as kathleen the hhs secretary. i handed out in my liberal neighborhood copies of obamacare. it was a blank. >> i remember. >> laura: it was hilarious. >> remember, years from now your children will look and remember. i will put this picture i took a few halloweens ago. i remember that year when you dressed up as yourself. they don't want to remember that. find a good costume. we have options. i found this on in a pop-up store. it's a dark ankhle. i thought of you.
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look what i found. an "angle" pre-made costume. you are already there. >> laura: very funny. i will dress up as a tired mother. that's easy for me. >> i will dress up as tucker. >> laura: great. >> see you on halloween. >> laura: next up president trump held an event you heard nothing about. his remarks at the 2018 young black leadership summit. the inside scoop.
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paying less for my medicare? i'm open to that. lower premiums? extra benefits? it's open enrollment. time to open the laptop... ...and compare medicare health plans. why? because plans change, so can your health needs. so, be open-minded. look at everything - like prescription drug plans... oh, and medicare advantage plans from private insurers. use the tools at or call 1-800-medicare. open to something better? start today. open enrollment ends december 7th.
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>> president trump: the democrats are nervous, i'll tell you. they are, you know, supposed to be automatic. they do nothing for you and that was supposed to be automatic. not any more. you're not intim dated by the for examples of political correctness, because you embrace your own right to free thought and to free speech. >> laura: that was president trump addressing turning point
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usa2018 young black leadership sum it in the east room white house. these are the types of voters, this is the type of engagement, that the democrats would rather completely ignore, not cover. and joining us now are two men who were in the room, turning point usa founder charlie kirk along with the usa director of urban engagement brandon tatum. tell us about the feedback you got from this e vest. i watched some of it, getting ready for the news, but it was wild. the president looked like he had a blast. >> it was tremendous. for the young people, such an incredible time, inspired, they were enthusiastic. i mean i'm so proud of them, i'm so proud of their courage to be here. charlie setting up this e vented, making it happen. it was wonderful. >> laura: we keep saying why haven't republicans or conservatives done this before. >> we asked ourselves this a question a year ago.
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then i asked why don't do i something about it. then i found the great candace owens, she won't to the national scene -- >> laura: on last night with us. >> and then we added brandon tatum. then we had amazing momentum, thanks on kanye west, sgaif a blot of black americans an opportunity to support this. not culturally allowed or permissible. we gave the young black leadership sum it, for center right conservative minds, if you will, truly historic moment. thanks to the president for taking time to address this audience. >> laura: seemed like it was hot. the criticism coming in, not about the organization but about what happened at the speech. this is jordan fabian kwshgs the hill," he said trump hits the global interests at the white house. and after a call for unity in the wachkt bomb scare suspect, several audience members shut out, george sore rose and others shout "lock 'em up."
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trump laughs and repeats "lock 'em up." >> the audience cheered him when he said we found this bombing suspect, didn't get much attention. the president went out of his -- went directly at the beginning of the speech to say we found the suspect and there's no place for political vie lrns. wli doesn't it seem like when you watch the left, they seem to want the president and conservatives to refrain from any campaigning in the future. they want to just shut it all down. because some whack job with a bunch of right wing stickers on his van did these horrible things. they almost like the campaign to stop, you can't have a passion any more, you have to be a conventional politics and just talk policies and numbers and charts. that's all they want. >> they're delusional in my opinion. they're missing the point. you have young people talking to the president, seeing the president for the first time. inspired. we were talking about a lot of more things than the things they like to bring up. typically, to cause controversy. they should be excited for young african-american people to have
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access to the white house, to meet the president, and to be inspired, to be americans. if you listen to the chants and you listen to the things they're saying over the course of the entire speech, they were saying the things that resonate around the country with all americans, not just african-americans but americans in general. items cute to make statements to try to conjure up things but it's empowering to see people experience that. >> laura: and charlie, you are like tall white guy and you're like, it was cool, the african-american folks there. but it works. because in the end, it isn't about color, it's about improving ourselves, helping our tell low man. and making this country better -- fellow man. republicans and kaechls have allowed the left to dominate, intimidate, and instill fear in african-americans. >> and we talked about this, it's just about showing up at times. amazing how many young black americans were there that said no conservative has ever showed up to say anything to us. we turned on the tv, we saw trump talking to our community saying what do you have to lose.
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the black community can say i've gained a lot under this president. lowest black unemployment rate, lowest black economic, this president is not just talking the talk, he delivers results, especially juxtaposed against obama. >> laura: this atmospherics and approach. the president is very, he's fun. he's affable. he makes politics fun for people, not just the staid -- there's a plays for that. but he's approachable. i tell him, turn on the charm, you're engaging. there's nothing wrong with having fun in politics. it should be fun in you do it right. >> he encouraged people in the crowd to become president. >> he said many of you will be standing here. >> laura: i love that, how many want to be president. and arms shot up. even with all of the criticism today, people, it was infectious. i'm glad you said it was inspiring. just to watch the bits we saw on
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television. i felt inspired. i want to salute both of you, doing what you're doing, peep same it's against all odds. i don't think it is implts ee inevitability. >> totally agree. >> laura: have a great weekend. herman cain, sean duffy, david morie are back. we'll hand out awards for winners and losers and most tone deaf of the week. today... we'll hand out awards for winners and losers and most tone deaf of the week. only aleve targets tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. aleve back & muscle. all day strong. all day long.
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>> laura: time for winners, losers, and tone deaf awards of the week. back with me, max, david morey, sean duffy, herman cain. for the winners of the week, this a good part. i have to say, secret service, the fbi, and law enforcement given what was accomplished in
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such a short period of time. matt? >> absolutely, no one got hurt, within a couple of days, it looks like this is all wrapped up, way to go. >> laura: sean duffy. >> the guys that have the boots on the ground are the ones that are successful, we don't necessarily love those at the upper echelons of the fbi, the politics, but the guys on the ground solved the case. >> laura: sean has a very alluring voice now that he's sick. herman cain, we hear a lot of complaints, they have had a rough patch, the secret service and fbi, russia investigation, or all of the other traverss involving south american trips with the secret service and scandals and so forth. this is where we see how fabulous they are. >> it shows that there are more professionals in those agencies that know what they're doing than the media, the liberal media would have you believe. they are the winners for the week in my opinion. >> laura: david? >> i have to agree, law enforcement were the winners for the week. i think some sen trirnts that
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spoke up, steve scalise, marco rubio, calmed things down. how can you argue against law enforcement winning this. >> laura: fantastic. losers of the week, we have one loser, i'm going to say andrew gilliam. after saying she doesn't take anything for money, we get the text messages, in fact he was willing to take theater tickets, other fringes, from a land developer, the fbi was posing as a land developer. matt? >> and the land developer has business before the city, it's exactly what people don't want. in these elected officials. and the fact that he didn't think these texts would ever come out. and they tell the real store rismts ee just corruption and it will have a big impact on the race and already has. >> laura: herman cain, desantis seeks that win, but andrew gilliam blamed race. >> when they're desperate they
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play the race card, they play the gender card, they play whatever card they can do. that's all he's doing. most people aren't buying it. >> laura: and david, quick. >> real quick, the president waited a long time to give the statement he gave today, this was excellent out of the white house. i think the losers are extremists rhetoric on either side of the political spectrum. >> laura: sean? >> gilliam is salivating, he got $4,000 trips to new york city as mayor, a governor, just think how much money he's going to get from business special interests. if he wins this election. i. all right. >> laura: mika bra sirn ski and joe scarbrough, they aren't worried about the migrant mob, they ee 1,000 miles away. >> when they get here, let them into the country and they can spend years going through the broken legal process. what do you think? >> laura: herman cain? >> i think the losers of the week are nancy pelosi and chuck
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schumer when president trump condemned this caravan thing, and issued an apology that said that we don't have any place for violence in our society, they still moo pooed what he said and -- poo-pooed and called it hollow. they don't want to give the president credit for doing the right thing. >> laura: and tone deaf, we're trying to make the migrant caravan a racial issue. david, we'll get you next time for a longer one. we will be right back. ('god's whisper' by raury plays)
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>> laura: the last bite. at the end of a long week we wanted to bring you this nice moment. [inaudible] >> my husband just died a week
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ago we weren't like this. for nothing. i didn't even ask you. >> it's all right, it's all right. >> laura: that comedian saw that she was paying for gas with pennies and offered to help out. nice moment. that's all the time wife. shannon bream and the fox news at night team take it from here. have a good weekend. >> shannon: this is a fox news alert, the fbi says they got their man. 56-year-old césar sayoc of florida. he's suspected of mailing at least 13 bombs or made to look like bombs to high profile democrats, including two former presidents, and package to former cia director john brennan mailed to cnn. . the former president speaking about this, and the president saying the mead yas hah a right in this. césar sayoc, former


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