tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News October 29, 2018 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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just pick up seats in the senate, lose the house, split decision, or it could be really bad day. i don't even want to think about that. let not your heart be troubled, the news continues. so laura ingraham has an interview with the president exclusive and she calls me from the white house, basically rubbing it in today. what's up with that? >> laura: wait a second. i will not reveal what actually happened, but suffice it to say -- >> sean: i may have exaggerated a bit but you did call me from the white house, and don't lie, you were rubbing it in a little. >> laura: i was not and you've had about five interviews with the president. >> sean: i've been here 23 years. i'm like the bridge between two generations of fox news. >> laura: you are the old generation, you're not the bridge. you're the older generation. i'm just kidding you! >> sean: don't watch the interview. >> laura: you look so young and vibrant as always. >> sean: it will take that out of my paycheck. >> laura: fantastic show as always.
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>> sean: we're going to be watching. >> laura: i'm laura ingraham and this is the "the ingraham angle" on a very big night from washington. earlier today i want one on one with president trump. talk about the deadly shooting in pittsburgh, the pipe bombs sent around the country last week and the push by some to connect his words with those heinous acts. we also discussed his new plans for the border, the midterm and reports his legal team will provide written answers for bob mueller's investigation. but first, using tragedy to silence the president. that's the focus of tonight's angle. with midterm polls tightening in key races in favor of republican candidates across the country and that blue wave beginning to slip away, liberals are attempting to neutralize the gop's most effective campaigner. of course i'm talking about president trump. in the last few months he's delivered results for the american people on the economy
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and trade, just to name a few, and of course he stood strong on law and order, justice kavanaugh and border enforcement. but in the wake of the tragic slayings at a pittsburgh synagogue over the weekend some of the left have labored to blunt the trump momentum by trying to link the president to this lunatic anti-semite shooter. msnbc's in morning joe even sought to connect the president's views on the migrant mob to the mass shooting. see if you can follow this line of reasoning. >> the last caravan they whipped up frenzy about actually only brought 14 arrests by the end of the caravan. they know it's a lie. and they are spreading hatred across america and at the end of the day, again, inspiring people like this pittsburgh mass murderer.
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>> laura: okay. if you can't follow that thinking, the idea at least is transparent, tag conservatives with a gruesome tragedy and then push for the conscription, the restriction of speech that liberals find abhorrent. we saw the shameless politicization in the wake of the mandalay bay in the park would shootings as well. each time conservatives were singled out and condemned as somehow being guilty or complicit when nothing could be further from the truth. remember when that negligent broward county sheriff israel tried to blame the nra for the stmd -- stoneman douglas shooting? speak of this monster carrying bullets to school, carrying knives to school, assaulting students, assaulting his parents, 39 visits in the past year, that should never have been allowed to get that far. >> i understand you are standing up for the nra. you just told this group of people that you are standing up for them. you are not standing up for them until you say -- [inaudible]
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>> laura: the idea then and now is to declare conservative toxic and tie them to a tragedy in hopes of just shutting them up or scaring them so they won't speak out. effective conservative political speech has to be stifled at all costs, particularly trump's. this is former president barack obama trying to accomplish just that over the weekend. >> there's nothing compassionate about ripping immigrant children from the arms of their mothers at the border and putting them in pens. you think it's wrong to spend all of your time from a position of power, vilifying people, questioning their patriotism, calling them enemies of the people and then suddenly pretending that you're concerned about civility. come on! >> laura: you come on. if you were the president that expanded the family detention and separations out of concern that children were being traffic in human trafficking.
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now trump does the same thing and he's depicted as some kind of monster? give me a break. msnbc's andrea mitchell tried to go even further attempting to play not only the president, but his supporters, for the horrific shooting in pittsburgh. that was until a congregate at the tree of life synagogue shut her down. >> is not just our political leaders, because we see thousands of people at rallies starting in 2016 and straight through to this weekend for -- who are cheering hateful speech. >> i really can't think of anything less helpful than to be politicizing this. i mean, this man hated jews. he actually hated trump, as it happens. some people are trying to discourage donald trump from coming to pittsburgh. he should come. >> laura: the president is going to pittsburgh tomorrow with the first lady to pay his respects to the families of the tree of life synagogue and to comfort the grieving, which is only the right thing to do. the very idea that the president
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would condone or countenance a rabid anti-semite killing innocent people in prayer is absurd and its offensive. he has a jewish daughter, a jewish son-in-law and jewish grandchildren. he has been one of the most vociferous and strong supporters of israel that we've ever had. he relocated the american embassy to jerusalem in the face of incredible resistance despite the fact that all these other presidents promised to do so. and the president told me today at the white house, he is undaunted by the liberal attacks and their outrageous implications. now the left can go right ahead, go right on with their pa settic attempts to demonize this president in the last days of this mid-term campaign, but it will not work. but it does reveal their desperation. his warning of an approaching horde of noncitizens, one organized by outside political forces, is not messaging hate.
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it's standing up for america's sovereignty. it's what presidents should do to protect the nation and to preserve the integrity of our own laws. and the democrats know that is also a winning political message, which is why they're stooping to use tragedy to smear the best campaign closer the gop has ever seen. ' good look, my friends. it will not work. and that's the angle. and now my interview with president trump. >> laura: mr. president, thank you so much for being here today. we really appreciate it. i know you're heading to pittsburgh tomorrow and rabbi jeffrey meyers from the tree of life synagogue said last night the following. >> i want to address for the moment some of our political leaders who are here. ladies and gentlemen, it has to start with you as our leaders. my words are not intended as political fodder.
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stop the words of hate. >> laura: given his words, what do you think your role tomorrow will be and should be? >> president trump: i'm just going to pay my respects. i'm also going to the hospital to see the officers and some of the people that were so badly hurt. and i really look forward to going. i would have done it even sooner but i didn't want to disrupt any more than they already have disruption but i look forward to going to pittsburgh tomorrow. >> laura: you said over the weekend, you might even tone up the rhett rock. -- rhetoric. the media today these dominant sarah huckabee sanders press briefing. if they are pointing fingers at you saying you could do more, you're the leader of the free world. what do you say to that? >> president trump: i did a rally and i said -- i was thinking about cancelling it. i also did the young farmers and it was great doing that and then i had a rally afterwards and i said you make them too important if you start canceling. i remember -- wanted to get the stock exchange open as soon as
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possible. he did a great job, and other things. once you start doing that, so you are doing a rally and rallies are meant to be fun. rallies are meant to be everything. and i said, tone it down and you saw the group saying don't tone it down. so we had a great rally in illinois for some great people. and, frankly, i think that's probably the way it should be. you should go about your life. you can't let these people disrupt any more than they already have, which is disgraceful. what he did is disgraceful. you can't let it happen. as far as what the rabbi said, i agree with him. >> laura: the word nationalism has taken on, for the left, this connotation, anti-semitism, hate, even violence. do you think that is fair and do you want to further clarify what nationalism means to you? >> president trump: to me i don't have to clarify. it means all of the country, and fighting for the country. i look at two things, globalists and nationalists. i'm somebody that wants to take
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care of our country because for many, many years our leaders have been more worried about the world that i have about the united states and then leave us in the mess. whether it's the wars, whether it's the economy, whether it's debt, whether it's all of the things that they've done, including putting in the wrong supreme court justices and we really put two great ones in. i'm proud of this country and i call that nationalism. i call it being a nationalist and i don't see any other connotation than that. as soon as you make any statement nowadays with the political correctness world, they make a big deal. i'm not a globalists but i want to take care of the globe but first i have to take care of our country. i want to help people around the world but we have to take care of our country or we won't have a country, including we have to take care of our country at the border. >> laura: when you hear people use the phrase anti-semitism to describe anything connected to you, you have a jewish daughter,
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you have grandchildren who are jewish, what's your reaction to that? >> and i just received an award from the state of israel thanking me because i moved to the, as you know, the embassy to jerusalem. making jerusalem the capital of israel and i just did that. how many presidents said they were going to do it and they never did it? many presidents. i won't go over the names but i can tell you every one of them, i can tell you whatever one of them said. i just opened up and we opened it up. we didn't just name it. it was going to take years and years to build and it was going to cost over a billion dollars. i opened up a beautiful building for $400,000, already open, saved well over a billion dollars. and it's opened after four months. >> laura: and you are criticized for that. you are criticized at the time i believe for being too pro-pro-palestinian. now you're criticized on the other side. >> president trump: this horrible human being, is terrible person who did the
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shooting is was not a donald trump fan because he said i was too close to israel. that seemed to be his reasoning. i will tell you, i'm going to show you right after this the most beautiful -- it just came. they must have known you were going to be doing this interview but it was sent by bibi netanyahu thanking me for opening the embassy in jerusalem, which as you know is like the biggest deal. >> laura: the phrase enemy of the people, another phrase seized upon by many in the media, but not just cnn. there was a woman who was just on cnn a short while ago saying that you have radicalized more people than iso. -- isis. that was cnn today. >> president trump: that must be some kind of a sick woman. you know it better than anybody. you have news out there that's so fake and i can do the greatest thing ever, north korea is an example. we would have been going to war. normally we would have been going to war, i think president obama would have gone to war.
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if he had had an extra year he would be in a war with north korea. he told me it is by far his biggest problem. and i'm not knocking him. look at what we've done and yet when they talk about north korea say what's taken so long? 70 or so odd years and they say i left singapore where we had our meeting, where we really had a very good meeting and a good relationship, like four months ago. they say the new line is what's taking so long? >> laura: how does it help expand your base to call them the enemy of the people? how does it help america heal in times like this? >> president trump: before we finished, we done a great job with north korea. they said we can't get them on anything because the sanctions are wrong, there's no missiles, we got our hostages back. we have the remains coming back. everything. so now they said they met -- now the new line is -- >> laura: why are you expecting there going to be fair to you? they're never going to be fair to you. >> president trump: i met. if that's the new line.
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i shouldn't have met. if you go back to before i got here, it looked like we were going to war, a bad war with north korea. >> laura: i was here with reagan. they called him stupid, dumb, slept in the afternoon, incompetent, a warmonger and he always -- -- >> president trump: he didn't have social media. he would have fought back. he didn't have social media. it's my form of telling the truth. here's my problem, we have a lot of supporters. you know that better than anybody. all you have to do is look at your ratings. but owe know -- you know it better than anybody. though supporters know that they're lying. i watched meet the press this weekend. everything was so falsely put, put in in people's mouths. >> laura: are they trying to hobble you in the midterms? are the best closer in this party. >> 100%. they're going out of their way. and i'm getting 25,000 to 30,000 people to these rallies. nobody's ever seen it. there's never been anything like what's happening.
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i went to illinois. a boeing 747, this massive hanger packed and they had to use a second hanger for the overflow. nobody seen anything -- and always, look what happened for ted cruz who is doing great now. we left houston, he's now doing great. they don't even talk about that race and his opponent is not very good. >> laura: the bomber who sent a letter to cnn and democrats was a fan of yours. he also seems insane, completely insane. what do you say about that? you put bomb in quotes and they went crazy over that over the weekend. would you like to kind of -- >> president trump: he was insane a long time before -- you look at his medical records, he was insane for a long time. bernie sanders had a fan who shot a very good friend of ours, steve scalise. and other people. he was a total maniac. nobody puts his name in the headline, bernie sanders, in the headline. >> laura: nancy pelosi said do not politicize this back at the time. >> president trump: i was in the headline of "the washington
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post," my name associated with this crazy bomber. trump bomber or something, but i was in the headline when they got him. they didn't say bomber found. they talked about trump in the headline. they didn't do that with bernie sanders when he had -- they didn't do that with the democrats want other people came out. they didn't do that with president obama with the church, the horrible situation with the church. they didn't do that. they put my name in the headlines. when i say enemy of the people, i'm talking about the fake news, and it is fake. my thing is my people understand. one quick story. a reporter for "the washington post" does a story, an arena i was doing was empty. and he shows a picture, not a very good crowd, mr. trump. something to that effect. and then it turned out that he took the picture five hours before the people started coming into the arena. the arena was packed and there were thousands of people
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outside. they had to retracted. but this is the kind of dishonesty that we have. >> laura: part two of my interview with the president is next. his reaction to former president obama hitting him on the midterm trail and so much more. stay there. ail and so much more. stay >> tech: at safelite autoglass, we really pride ourselves on making it easy to get your windshield fixed. >> teacher: let's turn in your science papers. >> tech vo: this teacher always puts her students first. >> student: i did mine on volcanoes. >> teacher: you did?! oh, i can't wait to read it. >> tech vo: so when she had auto glass damage... she chose safelite. with safelite, she could see exactly when we'd be there. >> teacher: you must be pascal. >> tech: yes ma'am. >> tech vo: saving her time... [honk, honk] >> kids: bye! >> tech vo: she can save the science project. >> kids: whoa! >> kids vo: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace ♪
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my name is mike, i'm in product development at comcast. we're working to make things simple, easy and awesome. >> laura: now for more of my interview with president trump. >> laura: individual races, florida obviously so important to 2020, andrew gillum against ron desantis. ron desantis congressman, strong supporter of yours. over the weekend, you called andrew gillum, you referenced him being a thief. what did you by that? >> president trump: he took them. he took a trip with the same fbi agent i guess he was posing as a developer or something. the man stone cold took the
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stuff. i don't even think he should be allowed to continue on. >> laura: he responded by saying your week. you're howling because you're week. >> president trump: i haven't heard that one lately. that's good. that's a change of pace. here's a guy that in my opinion is a stone cold thief. and his city, tallahassee, is known as the most corrupt in florida and one of the most corrupt in the nation. he's a disaster and how he's even close to being tied is hard to believe. but florida can't have -- if florida has a governor like that, and i know florida better than i know practically anywhere. florida will become venezuela. it will be a disaster and you have ron desantis, who was a harvard yale guy. he's a very good person. he's going to be a very good to a great governor. this other guy is a stone cold, in my opinion, he's a thief. how can you have a guy like this? and you look at his record.
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look at the job he's done as the mayor of tallahassee. he's a total disaster. >> laura: john james of course running for senate. beto o'rourke is down in the polls since you came in texas but john james is only eight or nine points off his senate bid. army combat veteran. why do you think he's not getting the play? >> president trump: is doing so well that i'm trying to get to michigan, john james is a star. african-american, great guy, and he was one of four or five people running and i'm watching television and i see john james and i said who is that guy? is running in michigan. let me see him again and i said that guy is great, he's a star. she -- i don't know, she is just a clone. she's been a disaster for michigan. she is an automatic vote for schumer. john james is a young star and i said i'm going to back him and i backed him. i backed him and he's taken off.
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he ends up winning with not a lot of money, ends up winning the primary and he's doing really well. he's down seven which sounds like a lot, that's nothing because normally they're down 25 or 30. >> laura: obama is kind of following you on the campaign trail. wisconsin, he's going to florida this week and he brought up the issue of the caravan and he said the following. >> trying to convince everybody to be afraid of a bunch of impoverished malnourished refugees a thousand miles away. that's the thing, the most important thing in the election. not health care, not whether or not folks are able to retire. suddenly it's this group of folks we don't even know where they are. they're way down there. don't fall for that kind of fearmongering. >> laura: we are scaremongering people on the border. >> president trump: he's trying to do the opposite. it's the problem with our country. when you look at that caravan
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and largely, very big percentage of men, young, strong. a lot of bad people, a lot of bad people in there, people that are in gangs. we don't want them in this country. if they want to come into the country you have to apply like other people. we have millions of people coming in, they're applying. they're coming in legally. we have a very strong border. i called up the military. they're wasting their time. >> laura: what is the military going to be able to do? obama and bush sent the national guard and it had no effect. >> they're not me. i'm sending up the military. this is the military and their standing there and one thing that will happen -- >> laura: no lethal force. >> when they are captured, we don't let them out. what has been happening and we have as of recently, we're not letting them out. what happens is they would catch and release. we are catching, we are not releasing, so they want to come over. we're not letting them into this country. were not going to let gang members -- >> laura: what about applying for asylum? isn't the law --
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>> if they are applying for asylum, we are going to hold them. >> laura: do we have the facilities? >> we are going to put ten cities. tents all over the place. we're not going to build all these structures and spend all of these millions of dollars. we're going to have these tents. they're going to be nice and they're going to wait and if they don't get asylum, they get out. very few people -- if you want to wait, they don't usually get asylum. >> laura: 80% rejected. >> president trump: the problem is they release them in and then they have the trial three years later and nobody shows up. unlike obama and unlike others we are going to take the people, were going to put them in and they're going to wait. and two things happen, when they find out that that happens you will have far fewer people come up and also, president obama separated children from parents. nobody talks about this. >> laura: until a judge came along and said you can't do it. >> laura: no. he separated -- president obama separated. >> laura: from the beginning.
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"the new york times" is saying, the military, being called up by you is an election-year play. is it politics or is this real? >> president trump: when you look at that, thousands of people. somebody said on that when they built it down. i'm pretty good at figuring out how many people. thousands and thousands of people on the bridge when you look at that bridge loaded up with people, that's called an invasion of our country. this has nothing to do with elections and i've been saying this long before election. i've been saying this before i thought of running for office. we have to have strong borders. if we don't have strong borders we don't have a country. >> laura: democrats are worried about the latino vote suddenly. they're worried they're not going to get the numbers. >> president trump: they should be. you know why? because the latinos, the hispanic americans have the best unemployment numbers and employment numbers in the history of our country. the african-americans have the best employment and unemployment numbers in the history of our country. asians, best employment numbers in the history of our country. women, 65 years.
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all of these things. women have the best numbers they've had a 65 years. they should be worried. >> laura: how are you going to expand into these traditional democratic areas. kanye west and some time here. it's fascinating. how big of an effect is west on this push for african-american support? >> president trump: a person came into my office with those poll numbers and said i do not believe how good these poll numbers are with african-americans and you see what's happened with my phone numbers. -- poll numbers. but here's what also happened. when we have the best employment numbers, the best median income numbers for all of these groups, we have the best numbers we've ever had and i sometimes jokingly say it's going to be awfully tough to beat me in a debate when i have the best numbers ever produced. so i think they should be worried. they should be worried about the african-americans because they are to lose them. >> laura: will you do some events in the inner cities? >> president trump: i'm doing them. i already have them scheduled. >> laura: one thing i think a lot of us are very concerned about is what's happening with
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the market this year. flat for the year, down a little bit, off its record high. the s&p and the dow. i know you've complained about the fed before, how much is chief credit globally part of the problem? >> president trump: president obama had the worst recap that we've ever had since the great depression in terms of coming back. he was dealing with zero money, zero interest money. we actually created value for money so the people that have money in the bank and did it the way you were supposed to do, they are actually getting interest on the money now. the fed is being very tight. in one way you have to say that's very conservative. that's a good thing from the standpoint of conservative. i don't like it because it closes it down a little bit. but we were up almost 50% from the time i got elected. almost 50. in fact, more in some instances and now we're down just a little tiny bit. we have such a strong -- when you go to job numbers, companies moving into our countries, we have so many companies, big ones like fox con in the car companies, they are moving back
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to michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania, south carolina, north carolina, they are coming back and nobody's ever seen this. you've never seen it before. they left and they had no intention. we just signed a deal with mexico and with canada. we did a new deal with korea. >> laura: he's called the trump of south america. >> president trump: i'm honored. we had a great conversation. >> laura: a deal? a trade deal? >> president trump: i could see that happening. brazil has been very tough because the charge tariffs. brazil has been very tough. so we'll be able to straighten that out. we have of course what's happening with china. china has been really hurting our country economically. and you see, we are going to win that one. it's going to happen. we're going to win that one. >> laura: how confident are you? >> president trump: i could make a deal right now, they are just not ready. >> laura: $250 billion. additional tariffs. >> president trump:
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$250 billion. and $267 billion waiting to go if we can't make a deal. >> laura: are you optimistic? scale of 1 to 10. >> president trump: i think we will make a great deal with china and it has to be great. if we have really helped rebuild china. they've been taking out an average of $500 billion. billion, a year, for many years. not going to happen anymore. >> laura: who is your dream person to run against in 2020? you've artie raised $100 million. dream candidate to run against? >> president trump: so far i like all of them. i don't see anybody -- >> laura: hillary. >> i would like her, too. i would be very happy with hillary. i like them all. i don't see anybody a wooden enter running against. that could happen but i don't see it right now. >> laura: a couple other questions fox viewers really want to know. declassifying those documents. why not declassify them, get them all out? >> president trump: we are getting very close to doing what we have to do. i want to wait until after the election. >> laura: where you and rob rosenstein so good friends now? seems like everything has been settled.
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>> i do get along. but there should never have been a special counsel, in my opinion. it's an illegal investigation total. a lot of people agree with me. there was no collusion, there was never any collusion. it shouldn't have ever happened. but with all of that being said i do get along and i have made everything available. do you know why? because i have nothing to do with russia. hillary was a lousy candidate and i did a very good job. >> laura: are you going to do written questions, written answers? >> president trump: she didn't go to wisconsin, she didn't go to michigan enough. she didn't do what she had to do to win and it's just one of those things but we have nothing to do with russia and you probably know that almost better than anybody. >> laura: the written questions? to mueller -- written answers to mueller -- >> president trump: it's ridiculous that i have to do anything because we didn't do anything but we will probably do something, yes where we will respond to some questions. >> laura: how's melania doing? >> president trump: she's doing fantastically.
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she's doing a great job. just got back from africa and she saw some things that were really eye-opening. tremendous poverty. were trying to help. >> laura: thank you, sir. thank you for your time. really appreciate it. >> laura: a bit more of our interview on the last part of a show but next, in the aftermath of the deadly shooting at the tree of life synagogue, critics took aim at president trump's rhetoric. ahead, the israeli minister of education responds.
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>> i'm just going to pay my respects. i'm also going to the hospital to see the officers and some of the people that were so badly hurt. and i really look forward to going. i would have done it even sooner but i didn't want to disrupt any more than they already had disruption but i look forward to going to pittsburgh tomorrow. >> laura: that was president trump on what he hopes to accomplish with his visit to pittsburgh in the aftermath of the horrific attack that left 11 dead. some have suggested that the president's own language
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contributed to this tragedy and even though the perpetrator hated his support for israel and apparently hated him. here to react, israeli minister of education along with joel rubin, president of the washington strategy group and former obama deputy assistant secretary of state. mr. minister, i would like to start with you. what would you like to say tonight to the president's critics? will get to some of the specifics in a moment, but a message to them about their concern about his language? >> first of all, i came over from israel to tell the folks in pittsburgh that we stand united. israel has always been under attacks and now we've seen the deadliest anti-semitic attack in america's history and we do stand united with our brothers and sisters. unfortunately, anti-semitism has always existed.
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where there are jews there's always been anti-semitism and we need to speak up and i believe that's what the president is about to do. what he's done. he spoke up very loudly, very clearly saying he would fight anyone who is anti-semitic and that's what we would expect and we were very pleased to hear that. >> laura: what about the resistance? the resistance to the president's visit by not all, but some more progressive of jewish leaders in the country and in pittsburgh proper. they were even criticizing your decision to come to pittsburgh and i believe we have one of those -- this is a tweet by david simon, who is a jewish-american writer. he said go home. netanyahu's interventions in u.s. politics, aided in the election of donald trump and his
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raw and relentless validation of white nationalism and fascism in the american jewish community is now bleeding at the hands of israeli prime minister and many of us know it. those are tough words. not just directed at donald trump, but bibi netanyahu. >> those are terrible words, but they are on twitter. they are not in reality. i spent a couple of days in pittsburgh with the jewish community and all he received was warmth, desire for unity and i think the president is absolutely right as the leader of the united states to go there and visit. i'm sure he would have been criticized had he not decided to go. and i think it's time for unity and for all of us to stand together. that's what we're doing. >> laura: some of the language being tossed around about president trump i find to be not that helpful. this is a woman named julie on cnn just moments before i interviewed the president. let's watch. >> this president, one of the
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things that he really launched his presidential run on is talking about islamic radicalization in this president has radicalized so many more people than isis ever did. >> laura: she came out with kind of a half-hearted apology afterwards. your thoughts? >> first and foremost i think the minister for coming to pittsburgh. i'm a fourth-generation pittsburgher. grew up in squirrel hill and that's my parents synagogue that got shot so it's very personal. for him to be there, it's positive. political debate is part of jewish life and it's also part clearly of the community's feelings. this tweet, the statement, it reflects a real raw emotion right now and i think american jews in particular are very concerned about the rhetoric about how jews are being described right now in the political environment and we feel that that is contributed to a culture of hate that may have inspired this killer.
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>> laura: the reference to donald trump though. donald trump -- i had the chance to see this big stone plaque you received today from benjamin netanyahu for his work for the jewish people. it was in the oval office. he had just received it. daughter is jewish, grand kids were, son-in-law is jewish. a year ago i think there were saying he was too pro-jewish. he was anti-palestinian because of the move ultimately of the embassy to jerusalem. saying that he's causing a horrific attack by a man who said he despised donald trump. >> these are two separate issues. support for israel is not the same as with the american jewish experience is in right now in this country there is deep concern. after charlottesville for example where the president was not clear in his condemnation of the white supremacy and that kind of fed into this idea that maybe the president is not calling anti-semitism or ethnic rating enough and it continues.
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there are many examples that make people very concerned about how we're being treated right now here at home. >> laura: mr. minister, your response to that? the jewish community has been fairly -- more democratically aligned politically, but this is a tragedy that hits home for so many, including joel, so many out there, your final thoughts tonight? >> i think we all have to speak out whenever anyone talks anti-semitism, be at lewis park on, who just a few days ago compared jews to termites or david duke. >> agreed. >> i think president trump has been extremely supportive of the state of israel. moved to the embassy to jerusalem, has recognized jerusalem as our capital. a big friend of the jewish people. this is not a partisan issue. it's got to be bipartisan. the president and on the other side of the aisle, everyone has
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to step up, speak up against anti-semitism and that's exactly what's going on here. >> laura: we all can probably do a little bit better tonight and i appreciate both of your being here. thank you so much. lindsey graham has been hitting the trail for the gop senators across the country and came face-to-face with some nasty protesters in tennessee. he's going to be here next to tell us why this exemplifies what's at stake just eight days away. stay there. at stake just eights away. stay
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>> laura: senator lindsey graham was campaigning with congresswoman marsha blackburn yesterday won a mob of angry leftists disrupted them yelling for trump's impeachment. >> let's take a moment and remember those that lost their lives in pittsburgh. >> marsha blackburn is a white supremacist! >> usa! usa!
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>> laura: did you catch that? during a moment of silence for the pittsburgh victims, these disgusting protesters heckled senator graham and marsha blackburn. senator lindsey graham joins us now and senator, you say this paints a clear picture as to what's at stake in these midterms and why they're so important. i know you have been running yourself ragged going all over the country. thanks for staying up. this is a very important time for the country. explain why you think this is so critical at this juncture. >> who do you want to run your government? i mean, the bottom line, what they did was rude and crude. it's the gift that keeps on giving to republicans politically. it's not good for the country. if you want to reward this behavior, then you get a chance a week from tomorrow to do so. if you think this is inappropriate and wrong for the country, you can vote republican. i've tried to work across the aisle. i will keep trying to work across the aisle but i've had it with this intimidation, in-your-face radical left.
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i want to shut them down in the best way to shut them down is to beat them at the ballot box. >> laura: senator graham, there has been a drumbeat over the past few days since this horrific, dastardly, evil satanic act took place at that synagogue and we have a montage. i just want to share with you, of individuals on television trying to tag president trump with it. watch. >> we have a problem, and we have a president who doesn't seem to believe he has a role to play in dealing with it. >> i would put specific responsibility on the president. i think what he's done over the course of the last few years is help foment this. >> and unapologetically incendiary president. >> laura: your reaction? >> again, they don't get it. i think when we win a week from tomorrow, and i think we will, i
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hope they understand that one of the reasons that we are doing so well as republicans is people are disgusted with what you've just seen and heard. nobody blamed bernie sanders when his supporters shot steve's scalise and tried to kill a bunch of republicans. ' nothing trump can do is right in the eyes of these people. trump is not responsible for this anti-semitic hatemonger who will meet justice. that's not donald trump's fault. he didn't send anything through the mail. that's not his fault. it's not the left's fault when people do bad things in the name of the left. the american people have had it with this. i've had it. kavanaugh, the caravan, blaming trump for everything under the sun. if you want to change the way the country is going and you want to tell these people they've got it wrong, and vote a week from tomorrow for the republican party. the only way they're going to change is for them to lose. if you want carve now to mean
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anything, and if you don't want any more kavanaugh character asass neighs, you need to reject what they did and hand them the defeat they deserve. they want power so badly, the media is in the tank for them and the only way they'll get it is for the american people to send a loud and clear signal that we're tired of you, tired of your tactics and blaming every republican for everything. >> laura: very quickly, the 5200 troops being called up to go to the border, i understand they're going to be putting razor wire on the border fence. donald trump reacted. bush tried national guard and obama tried national guard. we spent like $1.4 billion, we didn't get much for it. do you think this will be different this time? >> name one person who has tried to solve immigration harder than i have. i've reached across the aisle and i am offended by this caravan trying to overrun our country. we are a hospitable nation, they're taking advantage of our generosity. we need to send a clear signal to this caravan and every other
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caravan that america is not going to tolerate this. president trump is doing the right thing. to our friends in mexico, if you don't help trump stop this caravan you're going to pay a price in congress when it comes to this trade deal. >> laura: lindsey graham, thank you so much. i know you stayed up for us. we really appreciate it and we break down some ugly comments from al sharpton this weekend about president trump's appearance at a turning point usa young black leadership summit. stay there. point usa young black leadership usa young black leadership summit
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summit or president trump gave a speech last week. here to react is cochair of project 21. horace, it seems that the reverend al believes that only democrats should have the monopoly on outreach to african-americans. i found out, i got to say -- i shouldn't be surprised but it was still despicable. >> not just the monopoly on outreach, the monopoly on the use of bigoted and racist remarks with every single group. he didn't just attack kanye west and other moderate blacks, he attacked asians, both chinese and koreans. it's his vile language that refers to people who are jewish as diamond merchant. these are the kinds of comments that a man like this makes and then he wants to stand up and say he should be the arbiter of what constitutes racism and what doesn't. my group, project 21, was
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created precisely because we want to make sure people understand that black americans aren't identified by our skin color. we all have individual views, opinions. we can be democrats, we can be republicans. he's none of those things, he's just a bigot. >> laura: to your point, msnbc trotted out al sharpton this weekend to react to the pittsburgh tragedy. was that a wise decision given his ugly history of comments about people of the jewish faith? let's watch. >> we must equally be outraged with the tree of life 11 and say that there is no room for bigotry anywhere. >> laura: no room for bigotry anywhere. i would agree with him on that but why does that not apply to some of his past statements? >> here is the guy who is the poster child not for a dog whistle, for coming right out and using the most vile and bigoted remarks and he targets people all the time.
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when it was don imus who came on his program and wanted to apologize for the bigoted remarks that he had made, his response was, you can't be a purveyor on the national airways if you're making comments like this and yet there he sits on msnbc. >> laura: a lot of corporate types like to -- they want to play nice with all sharpton because if they do play nice with all sharpton they won't get hauled in or sued or they won't be harassed by him. i think that's part of it as well. but to say that the black youth that were at that turning point summit were used, that's an insult to their intelligence. they were there because they wanted to be. thanks so much. and what was behind this moment at the white house halloween event yesterday? the president explains.
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girl had a wand or something and you pointed over and what did you tell her? >> it was a cobra and i said that may have and i looked at the press. >> that is all we have tonight. shannon bream, take it from here. we didn't get an answer on that. inquiring minds want to know, what did he say when he held up the snake? >> a lot of interest -- a lot of other interesting things. we begin with a fox news alert, the president and first lady preparing to pay their respects in pittsburgh as some say he is not welcome fair. analysis of the president expert exclusive interview tonight. a military operation to keep the multiple caravans of migrants from entering the us.
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