tv Hannity FOX News October 31, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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find out first and i hope you will tell us on this show. thank you. >> thanks. >> tucker: back tomorrow night with more truth, the show that's the sworn enemy of lying pomposity, smugness and group think. happy halloween, sean hannity right now. >> sean: a great question to the president after midterm elections what about area 51. >> tucker: do that, please. >> sean: i will do that for everybody's sake. welcome to hannity. buckle up. we have a busy hour. we are barreling now towards the finish line, six days, you have the power you decide the state of your government. are you going to allow nancy pelosi california, chuck schumer, new york to control your taxes and your border security, immigration policies, the future of your supreme court? or do you want your life to continue to get better? are you better off than you were two years ago? that's what's at stake. and coming up, we will show you how nancy pelosi has already -- she is declaring victory despite, of course,
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30 some odd toss-up races in the house. maybe it will shock the world in six days. we have the highlights, the president on fire, huge rally in florida tonight. we'll play an exclusive bombshell new video project veritas, wow is all i have to say exposing the hidden agenda lurking inside the gillum campaign down in florida. i have a message for don lemon, fake news jake tapper and the rest of cnn. they have literally become nothing but a propaganda arm of the democratic party all while masquerading as nonpartisan journalists. also tonight an important update from the border as we await the caravan of illegal immigrants demanding entry into our country. sit back, buckle up. six nights to go. time for jampacked opening monologue ♪ >> sean: on this halloween night, we are facing, well, a terrifying prospect. as the new speaker of the
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house. chairwoman maxine waters, the lier and chief himself adam schiff, chairman nadler in six days if you don't want that might mayor to become a reality you have to get up and get out and vote and vote in huge numbers. every race matters. nancy pelosi's bags are packed. she is ready to move into a brand new office. the speaker's office. in fact, she has now declared victory. forget about voting according to her. it's all in the bag. watch this. >> we will win. [laughter] [cheers] >> we will say that. >> we will win. >> please don't say that do you want to say that on hillary wants fireworks barge that she cancelled? [laughter] >> please, please, please don't say that. >> we will win. we own the ground. we are not yielding one grain of sand. >> how long are the curtains that you are measures right now. >> we are not measuring. we are walking precincts if everyone votes we have a bigger victory.
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democrat will carry the house if we have a bigger victory, astronaut, governorships, it's going to be a great night for america. >> there has been a lot of talk lately about lowering the temperature of political discourse. have you seen evidence of that? >> well, i think when we win, you will see evidence of that. >> tucker: oh, when we win we will be civil then. but up until then, you know, toft tell the american people what we really want to do. the president, give him a lot of credit, doing everything he too to keep nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, and their far left radical friends away from power. tonight in florida where the president held a raucous rally for ron desantis under a rick scott. let's take a look. >> republican us want strong borders no, crime, no chaos and no caravans. [cheers] democrats want open borders and they want to invite caravan after caravan into our country which bricks
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crime. [crowd boos] upon crime. if you want high taxes and high crime, vote for the democrats. vote for the democrats. loyal citizens like you help build this country and together we are taking back our country, returning power to you, the american people, which is true. it's been your movement. this has been your movement. >> tucker: rick scott and ron desantis locked in tight races. early voting in florida as we speak. tonight a any bombshell revelation in florida's gubernatorial race. a brand new stunning undercover video from project taking you inside the far left campaign of socialist andrew gillum. one of his staffers caught on tape coming clean about his campaign's dirt were political tricks. even using racist language to describe the people of florida. and we'll let you watch the video and you, of course,
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get to decide. take a look. >> so then none of the programs that people are hoping for would happen? >> basically. >> do voters know that. >> that's not for them to know. >> huh? >> that's not for them to know. remember our saying modern day fairies tells start with once i am elected. >> you have extreme right wingers. those are the trump and the crazy, crazy, crazy republican, the progressives are the crazy, crazy, crazy democrat. your hipsters, your hippies. >> are you not a progressive? isn't gillum a progressive. >> gillum is a progressive. >> so gillum is part of the crazy crazy. >> he is part of the crazy crazy crazy. >> the rules in florida,
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suck. >> tell me about it, man [bleep] >> this is a [bleep] state. it's a cracker state. >> okay. ask anybody else out here. port st. louisy, orlando, man those crackers ain't going to let us do that [bleep] dog. boy, you crazy? >> sean: fed up state. cracker state. we reached out to gillum's campaign for comment on the video. they haven't gotten back to us. this is the most radical group of democrats ever to seek office and now even more evidence. now, of course, we have been exposing gillum on this show for weeks. highlighting what are huge ongoing ethics problems and probes involving him, oh, actually taking bribes from undercover fbi agent. and tonight we are learning even more about his questionable spending habits. brand new report, gillum, while mayor of tallahassee stuck florida taxpayers with the bill for a fundraising trip to discuss his run for governor. putting an even more
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difficult corruption cloud over his candidacy. we reached out to gillum's campaign too and haven't heard back. florida, you have a choice, get out to vote or let's see 40% increase in business taxes. by the way i wonder if the people on the tape are going to be fired. of course, ron desantis, navy jag officer, support irof the agenda. the florida economy is literally hanging in the balance. andrew gillum exposed as someone willing to say and do anything. you in the one thing consistent about all of these tapes, they have to lie to trick you into voting for them. and being somebody they are not. and you just saw it with your own eyes. and gillum, no different from any democrat up for election. we have seen tape after tape, week after week of undercover videos project veritas and you see this widespread deception in all these democratic campaigns
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you have got kristi kyrsten sina out in arizona. she thinks that's the meth lab of democracy and no problem if americans join the taliban. then have you claire mccaskill she is caught on tape being a phoney. one thing in public and one thing in private. phil pred century the people of ten e. tennessee are ignorant. heidi heitcamp. they are all lying to you. watch the tape. >> election year. she is being careful about pissing people off. and she said after the election, if and when she gets elected, she is going to be super liberal. >> there is a lot of conservative people in arizona. she can't alienate the conservative or moderate conservative voters by being super pro-choice. she is pro-choice she is a liberal she is progressive. >> right. >> she doesn't in this election. >> she does not go out and
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absolute groups routed to that because that could hurt like people -- like her ability to get elect you had. >> i was so confused because i just can't believe that he would. >> he wouldn't. i don't know if that makes it importance are worse or better but, still. >> i don't understand what's the game. >> moderate republicans. >> sean: democrats can't run and tell you what they really believe what they would do. pretending to be something they are not. laughing at the fact they are doing it. bun one of the cats prominent democrats claire mccaskill finds herself fews other own party, maria
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coddle making dispeck tab comments about the president and being assassinated. calling mccaskill dixie claire calling her a slave owner with words we won't repeat here. without a doubt that woman's comments are represent prehence sick. believe it or not, mccaskill is now making an election year conversion. one week out of the election. saying nice things about donald trump. she even claims to support trump 100 percent when it comes to border security. this is election day conversion. this is not truth. actions speak lou louder than words. claire mccaskill voted against the tax cuts for the people of missouri. she voted for obamacare. remember keep your doctor plan and save money? she voted against justice gorsuch. she voted against justice kavanaugh. in fact, she didn't even give the benefit of the doubt due process the presumption of innocence to kavanaugh when he was facing uncorroborated, untrue
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ridiculous charges of gang rain in which she had the chance to fanned up for do you process. constitutional values that has served this country dry so pell. she was nowhere to be found. she was never a moderate. she weighs lurelly missouri's chuck schumer. if you want chuck schumer vote for claire mccaskill. republican upth polls so, hawley is who is gaining momentum. montana is now a state in play. by the way, he is now giving democratic incumbent jon tester the fight of his life. that is a winnable race for republicans. why breaking news in that race tonight. the libertarian candidate has dropped out and endorsed rosendale. tester's opponent. giving a big boost to the g.o.p. montana you now have a chance to pull off a major political upset because this race is dead even. by the way, indiana, you may want to follow suit.
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don't vote for the libertarian. that only helps the incumbent, chuck schumer democrat by the name of joe donnelly in indiana. in sixth days you will definitely see one of three results. first is a best case scenario let's start with the good news. republicans pick up seats in the senate. they hold ton a small majority in the house. second scenario would be a split decision. g.o.p. on to power in the senate. picks up some seats but loses the house. there she is. nancy pelosi becomes your speaker. the third, well, that's sort of like the doomsday halloween nightmare scenario. that involves republicans losing both the house and the senate, meaning you stayed how many. you didn't get involved. by staying home that's a vote for pelosi or a vote for schumer. vote for any democrat house or senate pretty much the same thing. that scenario, that is what the mainstream media is openly rooting for. for years election are a election. democratic parties, biggest
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donor, biggest ally and contributor has always been the media. they use deception and lies and misinformation to felony influence american people. let's look at fake news cnn. believe it or not, their network's motto is acts first, don lemon hosts a show on their prime time network. actually telling his audience that the biggest terror threat in america is white men. and according to cnn, the facts first network, white men, especially those that are conservative on the right are scary, evil creatures. take a look. >> we have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right. and we have to start doing something about them. there is no travel ban on them. there is no ban on, you
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know, had the muslim ban. there is no white guy ban. so what do we do about that? >> sean: stop demonizing them but then let's demonize them. forget about isis or al qaeda. forget about the left wing nut job who shut shot up a republican field or person shot up republican campaign last week. or people sending ricin to mattis and president trump and ray and gina haspel or the trump family or the steady stream of terroristic threats that we see regularly against members of the trump administration or people being run out of restaurant by, you know, with their families by these mobs that take place, you can't say mob on cnn. according to don lemon, cnn, facts first, radicalized conservative white men are the biggest threat in the country. look, i understand we're six days out of an elections. i met don lemon and actually seemed like a nice guy.
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i want to be clear. i don't support boycotts. i don't support firings. cnn can program any way they want to program. don, you should apologize. sadly, i doubt he will. out tierly biased anti-trump anti-conservative vitriol sadly is nothing new. night after night what they say facts first they replace facts with fear. and an unhealthy dose of identified at this politics. we've got the tape. >> he has given oxygen to reyess. he is clear live trying to renoon night a civil war. this president denigrate people of color. let mee poet minutes words here. this president travels in racism and bull idea. what i saw was a minstrel show today. any of flint firefighters union attempting to defend what he did, you are an enablers: doesn't care but or america or the killing
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thanksgiving did i of the office? how can you look at yourself in the mirror? how can you? >> sean: lemon is not the only so-called cnn news anchor fighter anti-trump rhetoric. fake jake tappe at that point recently invited a far left zealot on his program who made this bizarre comparison equating trump to isis. yeah, the people that cut off heads. those people. take a look. >> i think, you know, this president, one of the things that he really launched his presidential run on is talking about islamic radicalization on this about the has razzize you had some more people than the president ever did: the president has a far more support ires that promote hateful gene ole. >> swhawrch journalist. trump is worse than isis. and the torch bearer for the
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facts first in the work. tosses to another guest rightfully looking on in horror. at that point irgives her a chance to insane remarks. she are the disingenuous policy and other hoonsd bashes wump some more. >> i think i spoke tell emotional pont. >> i miff i hav it's not a coine that according to the dl the number of anti-semitic attacks jumped by 06% in the first year donald trump has been in office. >> sean: guy more friendly to the state of israel, praised by b.b. netanyahu. ron dermer, they all made promises to make jerusalem the capital. that guy was donald trump. and by the way, the guy that shot up that synagogue and committed that evil,
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horrific terror act of atrocities killing innocent people, oh, he hates trump. why? because he is so pro-israel. and cnn wonders why the president calls them fake news. and all these crowds all over the country chant cnn sucks. are you proud of this coverage, jake? is this how want representing your facts first network? all right. of course, lemon, tapper, the rest of the fake news colleagues at cnn are not the only far left media shills of the democratic party. as we downtown down to the midterms, mainstream media anti-trump smear machine which has i don't know on for two years is in full gear. their vitriol knows no grounds. their out of crowl frank live a sign of des per ration they didn't what happened tuesday if all of you vote. >> the language does sink with some of these violent
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haters. it's unfortunate that people talk in the same language as murderers. but that's what it is. >> this is an emergency. the trump presidency represents an emergency. >> bringing back stalinesque certainly what was used by germany during world war ii as propaganda is really disgusting and startling. >> he has been playing the racist card. he said i'm a nationalist. david duke comes out the next day saying thank you, thank you so much for finally admitting you are a white nationalist. it lines up historically exactly with what certain countries are talking about when they are talking about gypsies and jews. >> he is just anarchist as far as i'm concerned. >> sean: saying you are not a globalist and that you are america first and a nationalist by putting america first does not equate to white nationalism. there is a huge difference and they know better. what you see is just part of
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an echo of the democratic party playbook. every two years, every four years, you've heard me say it. i have warned before this election, racist, sexist, and it goes on and on. now the rhetoric is so over the top. so utterly absurd. so frankly dark and evil in what they are saying, worse than ever. and i have been doing radio 30 years, started my 23rd year here at fox. all we see here is the media desperately wanting republicans to lose in six days while the the media is spreading hate we have real issues to deal with. at this hour we have thousands of migrants continuing to march to our southern border. while the left is framing the caravan as being made up of all good people, seeking a better life, which, by the way, i believe probably 99% of them are. they live in poverty. they want the american dream. the land of opportunity, milk and honey. the mexican ambassador to the u.s., this is what he said in an interview
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revealing that some of the migrants are, quote: very violent. that's what mexico says. in order to secure our points of entry he is now the president is sending troops to our border protecting our law and sovereignty. doing it ahead of time and telling people they won't get in illegally. as some are trying to spin this story as right wing fear mongering. defense secretary mattis set the record straight in a general mattis kind of way. take a look. >> the support that we provide to the secretary for homeland security is practical support based on the request from the commissioner of custom to border police and so we don't do stunts in this department. >> sean: we don't see stunts in this department. you can wait for the last minute or prepare considering that is their stated goal, to enter
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america illegally. but, they do need to turn around and they need to go back and apply the right way. do it with the rule of law. follow our laws like so many legal immigrants who desperately wants to become americans. we just need to know you come here with good intentions that you want to be a part of our family. we get to vet you. you can sustain yourself. all right, a lot of news tonight. we're going to check in with three senate candidates in tight races. martha mcsally, arizona. john james in michigan. marsha blackburn. don't count anybody out. marsha blackburn straight ahead ♪ today...
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why didn't you book your on a travel site?on at, i get the price match guarantee. and i can choose from their 14 different hotel brands, so i get the right hotel for every member of my family. like a doubletree for my cousins who love their warm chocolate chip cookies. a homewood suites for my uncle who likes a long stay. a hampton for my sister and her kids. that's a lot of syrup and the waldorf astoria
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>> sean: preview of tuesday's election six days away. martha mcsally. u.s. senate candidate from michigan john james is back with us. u.s. senate candidate from tennessee congresswoman marsha blackburn. good to see y'all. martha, i'm looking at your race, one poll has you tied, one has you up. i'm thinking how is it possible that a woman who says arizona is the meth lab of democracy and says people in arizona are crazy and invites the blind sheikh's radical lawyer to speak at arizona state university and says it's okay for americans to join the taliban while you have served 28 years, six tours of duty while she was out organizing protesters, and i'm not making it up, with witches. how is it even a race with the people of arizona. >> sean, it is unbelievable. she is chuck schumer's top
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recruit with a lot of money, with tv ads, millions and millions of dollars she has been able to fool a lot of people. they are not aware of those things unless they are watching your show. i'm grateful you keep bringing it up. but the arizona media have been protecting her and so she is coming across as something she is not and the biggest political makeover in our history. we are down to the wire with six days to go. we can make sure we secure this victory with support from people all over arizona and the country. they can go to mcsally for they can contribute so we can make sure we win and we need -- if you are in arizona, look, i'm asking for your vote. i'm asking you to send out an email, do a facebook post. make sure you get to the polls. tell your friends and family. this is so high stakes. and every vote is really going to matter. >> sean: i think you are right. on every front. john james, you have now closed the gap 16 points. you have got a race now in michigan which, you know what? as i said to you, i'm so impressed every time i have had you on radio or tv.
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every campaign is the same. democrats your spont is chuck schumer in michigan as are all the democrats. they are not going to talk about the agenda. they will never support of a president's supreme court justice. they want their crumbs back. they want open borders. sanctuary cities. they want obamacare. how can democrats be running on the biggest mess they ever created? >> well, democrats have to run on identity politics because they have no identity. they have pit americans against each other in order to keep themselves propped up. that's a different message than i have. i don't have a black or white message. i have a red, white, and blue message. i'm a combat veteran who understands how to bring people together. i'm a business leader who understands how to grow businesses and economic opportunity. we have energy all over the state. we closed the gap from 26 down to 6 down just this past friday we have the momentum in this race because people recognize that we can finally have
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experience combat and business experience to lead us to the future. learn more about our race john james for the president came earlier in the week and saw the energy and momentum that we have. the president on the united states on the ingraham angle said they would be willing to come to the state. mr. president if you are watching, please come to michigan. we need to you come across the hump and have you excellent luck on election day eve. we want you back in michigan. >> sean: you have everything would want in government. business and military experience. marcia, five project veritas tapes have come out. your tape of governor bredesen hiding who he really is, purposefully lying to the people of tennessee and his staff, turned out being his staff actually referring to the people of tennessee as ignorant i think tennessee is one of the greatest countries. since that time it seems
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like your poll numbers have gone up a lot. >> they have indeed. and we like the trend that we are on. i have to tell you there has been one slight and one diminishment after another from the bredesen camp toward the voters of tennessee. they have been referred to as idiots with an explicative by a bredesen spokesperson. said they weren't worth the time you have hillary of course deplorables comment and bredesen following on with that and their spokesperson's mark brown's comments. here is the thing, sean, tennesseans are pretty specific what they want in next u.s. senator. they want a conservative. they want more constitutional judges. they want to keep their tax cuts and i can guarantee you this: they want that southern border secured. and they are very concerned about the caravan that is
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coming through mexico into our southern border. every day they say marcia, we know you are going to stand with the president and you are going to stand to get that wall built. and absolutely, i am. and it's a pivotal issue in this race. >> sean: i would say martha, kavanaugh, caravan, a lot of the rhetoric of the left has been so over the top. and the economy has turned around dramatically. are we better off than we were two years ago? i'm not talking about us. the forgotten men and women that i talk about in 2016 they are per better off. 8 million fewer people on poverty and food stamps. i like america succeeding. and the border is a big issue in arizona. >> amen, sean. i mean, i was at a small business conference today and the optimism is there because of the conservative policies. we are working with president trump and cutting taxes and rolling back regulation.
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people are being lifted out of poverty and thanks to the leadership of governor ducey here, arizona is up for business. we want to keep going in that direction. but, border security is a big issue. the two bases in my district are now going to be staging areas for the military coming there. >> sean: or pick somebody. >> welcome them. >> sean: pick somebody that thinks arizona is crazy and literally thinks it's okay to join the taliban. >> exactly. >> sean: john james, do you know what i would like to see in michigan. i have been to detroit. i would love to see this great city we vitalized instead of talking about knocking down entire neighborhoods to consolidate services. that can happen. >> you mentioned people coming up from central and south america who want the american dream. who can blame them? the thing is so do people in michigan. so do people in detroit. detroit has become jim crow north. detroit is the number one most segregated in the city in the entire country and
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senatosenator stabenow has beenn elected position for 43 years been in a position to do something about it and hasn't. we need to bring positive change for everyone. detroit is where we need to start and bringing more jobs back to michigan. i can do that. >> sean: marcia, i give u. the last 20 seconds. >> this is going to be a great race. the more that the american people and tennesseans are looking at what happened to kavanaugh, what is happening with this caravan, wanting to keep their tax cuts and thinking about what it would look like if you had a majority leader chuck schumer and a speaker nancy pelosi, they are re-thinking this, sean, i think we are going to do very well on tuesday, november 6th. >> sean: all right. thank you all for being with us. and we'll be watching closely to six nights from tonight. all right, when we come back, president on fire tonight in florida. he will be doing a lot of campaigning and a lot of states as we now approach in the final stretch here. ed henry has a full report.
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>> sean: president in florida tonight raucous rally. a lot of people there. a lot of campaigning this week leading up to the midterms, fox news chief national correspondent, the man with the white house, is he holding down the for the until the president gets back. is he going to go in. he is going to have a little dinner. [laughter] >> sean: ed henry. >> ed: i better not do that. >> sean: it's not going to work. >> ed: it's not going to work. i will get in trouble. the president has been vowing in recent days, sean, he is not leaving anything in the locker room and is he backing that up. out on the field tonight as you mentioned but alsod in the final six days he is going to have 11 stops in eight states. gives you an idea of the phrenetic pace. so buckle up. florida, one of several states he will hit twice. missouri, indiana, the
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others, all three states, of course, have very tight senate races where democratic seats can be flipped. look at that' that. it tells us the president is less focused on the battle for the house. democrats may have a small edge there, might not be a democratic wave like they thought. they may have the edge. he has already traveled to some of those house races earlier. now he is all over red states that he carried in 2016 where they are either big senate races or governor race in the case of florida. there is both. you have republican governor rick scott trying to unseat democratic senator bill nelson while republican congressman ron desantis is trying to succeed scott as governor running against democrat andrew gillum. the president laid the stakes out and made the case at this rally, watch. >> bill nelson wants open borders. we don't want open borders. our country can't survive with open borders. andrew gillum is too extreme for the people of florida. you're not going to -- you're not going to take it
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long. he is also weak on crime. >> ed: gillum and nelson allies on social media tonight saying they think the president was all about fear and demagoguery at this rally they will have their own big gun coming out friday in the state of florida. barack obama will be campaigning for nelson and gillum. bottom line, one big reason president trump wants to make sure that he gets both scott and desantis to win is that would set the table for him, of course, in a key battleground state for 2020, sean. >> sean: ed henry holding down the fort at the white house tonight serve as interim president while the president flies back. author of the number one, number one. >> stop it. >> sean: why are you telling me what to say on my show. best selling book liars, leakers, liberals the case against the anti-trump conspiracy. she of course hosts justice right here on the fox news channel judge jeanine pirro. stay with florida for one second here. this project by project veritas. you whip them up. the poor, the middle income
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you have to whip them up into a frenzy in order to get them to vote. i don't think that he can say it about his gun agenda because is he trying to get moderates. the same as the other four tapes. tennessee, bret sen, claire mccaskill, kristin sion thakyrsten sinema.florida is f e to appeal to cracker guilt. >> democrats lying to get back into power. they are so desperate they will do anything. i want to focus on this guy gillum running for governor of florida against ron desantis who has a record that is, you know, beyond. i mean, he has done so much for this country in the house. but this guy gillum has run a city into the ground. has the highest crime rate running in florida for the last four years. it has the highest murder rate in the city's history.
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he hates law enforcement he thinks cops are nothing more than people who put minority in plantation cages. >> sean: did he say that? >> he supports the defenders project. it is a -- i think it's called the defender's program where he ascribed to it. it is a manifesto that is anti-law enforcement anti-american. this is a guy who is whose experience belies what he is saying. >> sean: let's say conventional wisdom is right and the republicans, the split decision that i talk about that they keep the senate, republicans, they pick up a few seats, heidi heitkamp seat. i can't see claire mccaskill winning in missouri. she is way out of touch of the people of missouri. i can't see kyrsten sinema winning. dean heller seems to be happening on. jon tester is in trouble. if people in indiana don't vote libertarian, joe donnelly would be toast. he is a schumer democrat. so my question is what if
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there is a split. what if nancy pelosi becomes speaker. now, go ahead. >> if she becomes speaker, i mean, it's going to be aggravating to have to listen to this woman for the in connection with number of years. nothing she says makes sense to me. in the end. >> sean: how do you really feel? >> you asked me so i told you. [laughter] the senate is what really counts. okay? and, look, donald trump, the president can certainly give any candidate the edge. this is a man who you just go to america and you say do you like the money in your paychecks? do you like the reduced regulations? do you like the fact that g.d.p. is 4.2? do you like consumer confidence? do you like the fact that isis caliphate is destroyed and on and on? that is the republican message is fact. what he says is what he does. >> sean: the head wind though is 45 retirements in the house. the head wind is history. only three times in 100 years. think of 19, what, '94 when newt came to power. that was a blistering year
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against two years after clinton. a disaster in 2010 for obama. the exception would be george w. bush after 9/11. right? >> which kind of changes the dynamics. >> sean: changes in 2002 america has never had this type of growth and turn around in two years. i don't understand if people vote democrat you are voting for the radical agenda that failed for 8 years. >> what they have done for the past two years since donald trump has become president registered leftists to vote. all kinds of new voters coming into the system now. but i think the most important thing that people can do is realize that you can't count on any polls. we couldn't count on them in 20816. people are afraid to say they are pro-trump. you know it, sean, and so do i. they attack you. >> sean: predictions? what's going to happen? >> i think we may lose the house by a couple. it certainly is not going to be a blue wave. hold the senate, mane get
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more seats and america is going to continue to be on a roll. >> sean: by a couple. that means it's within reach if everybody votes. >> you are right again. >> sean: i'm always right. when we come back, hollywood liberals elites pulling out all the stops all things democrat. they are about as corrupt as the media. tammy bruce and hanukkah and moa crowley straight ahead. ♪ having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa- now that's a privilege. since you're heading off to dad... i just got a zerowater. but we've always used brita.
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it's two stage-filter... doesn't compare to zerowater's 5-stage. this meter shows how much stuff, or dissolved solids, gets left behind. our tap water is 220. brita? 110... seriously? but zerowater- let me guess. zero? yup, that's how i know it is the purest-tasting water. i need to find the receipt for that. oh yeah, you do.
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vegas event for the senate candidates somebody. and oprah winfrey is going to campaign for georgia gubernatorial candidate stacey abrams and james come relative is warning of blood in the streets if brams lose the midterms. isn't that nice with them. joining us with reaction tammy bruce. monica crowley. i will throw it to you guys. here we are, six days out woe know what conventional wisdom is, the president working harder than any of these candidates. trying to carry them on his back. what happens? >> is he doing multiple events a day. it's almost like 2016 all over again. i have a column tomorrow in the "washington times" about the trump effect on the midterms and what i think is that the conventional wisdom is out the window the way it was two years ago i think donald trump was able to
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establish a emotional bond with the voters who got him elected. that emotional bond is kicking in now even though he is not on the ballot. the american people want to give him back up. they want to protect him. they look at him as their champion and they do not want him trend by impeachment or a stalled agenda. >> when you see him at some of these rallies and we will see him at so many more coming up. this a man who achieved what he wanted, to right? he became president. clearly now proving this is transcending him. he got his accomplishment but he still works and doubles down on knowing what the country needs, what he has got to do for them has blended in with the nature of the power of patriotism and greatness of the country. as he stands there, it's really interestingly, it is about him. he is on the ballot. but he, as a representation of all of us of the nature of what americans want. >> sean: he can't bail out every stupid dumb republicans either.
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>> he doesn't have to. >> sean: some of these guys are just awful. what made them think they could run for office? >> to inspire the candidates themselves. but this revolution in 2016 was despite what the pricks were doing. let me say one thing about hollywood. if they had been successful in 2016, someone like sneiderman of the new york attorney general would probably be the attorney general of the united states. harvey weinstein very well could be in the administration democrats have got to realize and who hollywood has supported have maintained the things that made people's lives miserable, that destroyed lives. if hillary had won none of that would have been exposed. when we think about hollywood and their decision-making, bad news, bad news. >> sean: all the rules are changed under trump. >> yes. >> sean: i don't care what nate silver has to say he was wrong. >> that's right. >> sean: they have been wrong in 2004 when. nine seats picked up in the senate. way wrong. donald trump didn't win a
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state based on the exit polls date of. >> donald trump has shattered pretty much every paradigm of what we know and examine in terms of conventional wisdom and polling and accepted precepts of leadership. the smart g.o.p. candidates have embraced him. they brought him into their districts and into their states. they are hoping that some of the star power rubs off on them. s about they want to be equity requested with them because they want voters to understand they will help trump keep this economy going. >> sean: you said something before you came on about how no trump vort that i know of is going to talk to any polster. >> yeah, look. there is a point where we don't look at polsters as friendly. there is also a danger to speaking your mind. these are strangers that are calling you. we also have understood that in fact, this now is really private. this is so personal to us because we have realized the impact of politics on our personal lives. >> sean: predictions? >> i have been saying this
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for a while even prekavanaugh. i think we keep the house and gain more in the senate. >> agreed. we are going to retain the house but everybody needs to get out and turn out and vote. >> they know this. >> sean: more highlights from the president's raucous rally in florida from earlier tonight. ♪ [ doorbell rings ]
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♪ >> sean: earlier tonight, the president made an important point about the divisions in this country, especially in the wake of last weekend's horrific tragedy that some on the left tried to blame him for. take a look. >> president trump: after the state of unity and togetherness, i came home and sadly turned on the news and watched as the far left media once again used tragedy to so anger and divisio division. they did everything in their power to try to play it up and push people apart, that's what's
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happening. they are pushing people apart. >> sean: it's all about division. i remind you, you have the powe power. quick programming note, don't miss tomorrow night's show. we are always fair and balanced and you can chop the world. let not your heart be troubled, laura ingraham. >> laura: what was your favorite halloween costume growing up? >> sean: i don't even know what halloween is. everyone is going to take this seriously. for the record, i'm kidding. halloween teaches kids to be liberal. can i have free stuff? i said that once in the media went nuts. i'm joking. >> laura: are you one of those parents, you open the door and you take 70% of the kids candy and say how does it feel? >> sean: you are horrible. you're a horrible person.
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