tv FOX Friends FOX News November 2, 2018 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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stripes sand trump is making her eat too many pancakes. rob: we left a little extra time so she could get her opinion in on this. it really fires her up. jillian: it does. rob: midterms are next tuesday and until then we are going to cover the heck out of this. have a good weekend. >> if you don't want americans to be overrun by masses of illegal aliens and giant caravans you better vote republican. >> president trump doubling down on illegal immigration. >> the white house is working on executive action to change the rules for asylum seekers. >> no nation can allow itself to be overwhelmed by uncontrolled masses of people. >> this ain't hollywood. this is georgia. >> republicans are staking tuesday on trump power while republicans are staking key races on star power. >> you get a vote and you get to vote. >> urging to keep
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republicans in power. >> america is booming. and america is winning. we are finally putting america first. [cheers] ♪ steve: i was in absolutely the worst seat in the house when rolling stones came to kansas city and i heard them sing this song. pete: you heard them? steve: i heard them and it was life-changing. ainsley: first concert ever? steve: no but with the stones. pete: i have never been to a rolling stones concert. probably never going to happen. steve: reason we are playing start me up is you have four days to go out and vote. midterms are going to be consequential. have you heard? pete: i was down in florida yesterday. almost every single person in that diner had already voted. the amount of early voting
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happening across the country is indicative. steve: i'm voting tomorrow. pete: the amount of enthusiasm. people are paying attention wall-to-wall. ainsley: wonderful that states allow to you go out to the states and vote earlier and early so your voice can be heard. you heard the rolling stones in kansas. he was in missouri. in columbia missouri last night. he has 11 stops in a matter of eight days. and this was his second stop. take a listen to what he said last night. >> i'm thrilled to be back in the american heart land. right here. [cheers] with the incredible men and women that make this country run. this election will decide whether we build on an extraordinary prosperity that we have achieved. under republican leadership, america is booming, america is thriving, and america is winning because we are finally putting america first.
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[cheers] the democrat agenda is the extreme far left. republicans are the party of all americans. the democrats are the parties of rigid ideology and total conformity. they demand absolute agreement and they dismiss, demean and demonize anyone who questions their radical ideas. steve: so there you have got the president who was in the missouri. he would like to see claire mccaskill retired from the u.s. senate. he has two stops today. he would like to see joe manchin who insists that he votes so often with the president, he would like to see joe manchin out out there in west virginia. he would like to see joe donnelly out in indiana.
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pete: now she is up against a real viable quality challenger. ainsley: is he going to be on our show today. pete: the president is laying out clear a case as you possibly can. claire mccaskill voted against brett kavanaugh. she may be saying some nice things about president trump these days because there is a lot of trump voters in missouri. ultimately she has been a reliable vote for chuck schumer. ainsley: won by 19 vote 19% in t state. steve: her ads i vote so often for the president. she didn't vote for the president when it came to the border wall, tax cuts or mr. kavanaugh as well. look at the balance of power in the senate. it is just so close. right now, republicans have 51. you know what? it sounds as if the republicans are going to hold the senate. the big question is what's going to happen out in the house of representatives.
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the cook political report has changed their forecast. they say that between 30 and 40 seats could be picked up by the democrats in this wave. but i think it all comes down to turnout. which we have been talking about. ultimately. that's why the president you see him everywhere. is he pulling out all the stops. not going to leave anything in the locker room. he is trying to convince everybody, hey, it's a midterm. i know you don't vote in the midterm very often. you have have got to do it this time. ainsley: if you have a chance to go out early go and do that. i was working janice on the weather report it's going to be raining on tuesday. go out and vote early. pete: i'm a big believer of voting on election day it should be a national holiday. early voting is increasing a lot of people's involvement. i don't know about the term wave. i don't think it's going to be a wave either way. especially if you look at these senate races you just
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put up a map of these races. you look at the real clear politics average and polling that's going on right now. it's either way. it's 2 or 3 points in each one of those races with either established incumbents in places or good quality challengers. i think on election night, you're going to be tuned to fox news channel late into the evening. a lot of these races are going to go down to the wire. ainsley: that's why the president is going to missouri twice during these 11 stops and florida twice. pete: think about it all you can ask for as a candidate a leader at the top who knows how to communicate and absolutely tireless in his willingness to go out and stump for the candidates he supports. that's certainly what we are seeing from the president. ainsley: the president will be in west virginia and indianapolis. steve: you know, the vice president was out in georgia yesterday as was one of the most famous people on earth. oprah winfrey was out in georgia. she was in mayor yet georgia, georgia. she gave a speech because she is supporting the democrat running for
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governor stacey abrams if she wins the first african-american woman to ever be a u.s. governor. and apparently oprah just called her out of the blue three days ago and said i'm going to come and help. you know what? stacey abrams said come to georgia. pete: you betcha. steve: she was there yesterday. >> you make your voice heard on november 6th. we have this incredible opportunity to make history. and i want to make it very clear to all the press, everybody, i'm not here because i'm making some grand stand because i am thinking about running myself. i don't want to run. i'm here today because of stacey abrams. [cheers] for anybody here who has. anna: says tore who didn't have the right to vote and you are choosing not to vote wherever you are in this state in this country, you are dishonoring your family.
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steve: i think that's going to help. pete: she was really good. i was watching on the plane on jetblue on the way back. she is eminently entertaining. you don't see her for a while and she comes back. she is effective. i don't know whether it's going to be effective in that race or not. ainsley: it will be effective i'm sure. i don't know if she will be able to carry stacey ache brams over out winning line, but we will see. mike pence was also there. he reminded the folks in georgia, you can bring in hollywood but these are georgians. listen. >> i heard oprah winfrey is in town today. [crowd boos] >> and will ferrell going door-to-door not too long ago. i have been saying it all day. i would like to remind stacey and oprah and will ferrell, i'm kind of a big deal, too. [laughter] and i got a message for all stacey abrams liberal friends coming to georgia, this ain't hollywood.
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this is georgia. and georgia deserves a governor who will fight every day for georgia values and put georgia first. [cheers] pete: i'm kind of a big deal too. ainsley: will ferrell did this. ains. pete: i'm kind of a big deal too. oprah brings out the passion. tough to compete with that. steve: you saw the president in the late afternoon where he, i think it was the roosevelt room, where essentially he said that there will be an executive order signed next week that is going to change the immigration laws regarding people who come into the country illegally when they seek asylum. if you are going to ask for asylum, you have got to go through a court. if you wind up just crossing the rio grand valley and the river into texas, not at a port, you will be detained. you will be put in a tent. they are going to build massive tent cities.
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and you will be adjudicated right there. they are not going to release you into the country anymore. pete pete because, in the past, when you were released. only a small fraction after that actually show up for their hearings. ainsley: correct. i heard as many as 2%. pete: very low. the president gave this speech. a policy speech about immigration yesterday from the white house. this is part of what he had to say. >> those who choose to break our laws and enter illegally will no longer be able to use meritless claims to gain automatic admission into our country. we will hold them for a long time if necessary. illegal immigration effects the lives of all americans. illegal immigration hurts american workers. burdens american taxpayers and undermines public safety. and places enormous strain on our local schools, hospitals, and communities in general. illegal immigration costs our country billions and billions of dollars each
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year. mass uncontrolled immigration is especially unfair to the many wonderful law abiding immigrants. steve: speaking of immigrants. apparently six of them, hondurans in one of the caravans filed a lawsuit yesterday in washington, d.c. and they -- in federal court and argues that the president's response to the caravan violates the rights of asylum seekers by aiming to block them from entry and detain them indefinitely. unsuitable. pete: i'm no lawyer you are in a caravan and get to sue that country before you get there? steve: welcome to america. pete: my goodness. ainsley: 2700 that started in that initial caravan now down to 4,000. many of them stopped and said the trek is too difficult. steve: that's the one caravan. i think i have heard four or five now. pete: three or four more. couple hundred in many of them. >> good friday morning to you. get you started with your news.
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a deputy is fighting for his life after getting shot in the head. officers trying to serve a warrant to a sex offender when the suspect pulled out a knife in a store in texas. witnesses left in shock. >> said hey, sir, stop. and what he pulled out of his shirt was a knife about that big. he said hey, man, don't mess with me. i will stab you. i'm not playing around. i will stab you. ainsley: ains. jillian: that unnamed suspect got await a minute he shot the deputy when officers tried to get inside. that man is now in custody. a driver hits and kills a 7-year-old boy waiting for his school bus, then drives away. the second grader found dead when his bus finally arrived. the suspect says they didn't know they hit a child. and five kids and two adults rushed to the hospital after being hit by a car at a school bus stop in tampa, florida. the driver is in custody. witnesses say he was speeding. overnight, president trump asking his cabinet to draw up a potential trade deal with china. according to bloomberg, he
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is hoping to negotiate at a summit in argentina this month. jeff sessions charges a chinese company with stealing american trade secrets. >> cheating must stop. it's time for china to join the community of lawful nations. ainsley: sessions also announcing a new program to investigate chinese trade theft. president george h.w. bush exercising civic duty with his best friends. his spokesman posting a photo of the 41st president voting early in texas. bush spouted with former secretary of state jim baker and his service dog sully. that's a great photo, isn't it? yep. pete: thank you, appreciate it. steve: thank you, jillian. pete: anthem protests taken to a whole new level now the cheerleader taking a knee. bring it to you. ainsley: democrats remain confident about the upcoming midterms the next guest warns the so-called blue
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have said if the election were held today we will win. now i'm saying we will win. steve: she says democrats are going to win. some democrats very confident heading into tuesday. will the so-called blue wave really materialize or will it be more of a whimper? talk to washington examiner columnist kristen soltis anderson. good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: if this election were held a year ago it would have been a blue tsunami, right? >> for sure. a year ago we had numbers showing things like the tax bill, being very unpopular, had you independents breaking very heavily against the g.o.p. over the last year, the president's job approval has gotten much better. that generic ballot number who people want to see in control of congress has gotten down into the single digits. it still favors democrats but not nearly by the margins that it did a year ago. things are looking a little better for republicans than they would have back when the blue wave was first predicted. steve: sure. that's when everybody was talking about it now maybe it's not such a big wave as it was a year ago because the president is more
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popular. the tax cut people are getting their head around, they understand that as well. ultimately, for the republicans, so many of them decided about a year ago to retire or get out of the house and that's what brought us to this point really, isn't it? >> well, there are a lot of districts now in play in part because they are open seats. members who just decided i don't want to deal with it and, look, being in congress doesn't seem like fun. i don't blame them: i think in many of these districts, the fact that it's an open seat made it tougher. they were going to face really challenging re-elections. a lot of folks that got elected in 2010 wave that was great for republicans but has never faced a tough challenge. this is going to be a tough challenge. now even tougher when you have so many seats. steve: when we look at the power rankings, house of representatives. it looks like -- it does look as if the blue is going to prevail on tuesday. but the democrats have been
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very effective in making this particular race at the local level at the district level about healthcare. and you could ask him about anwr. drilling in anwr. they are going to answer with an answer regarding healthcare. they have been so disciplined. >> that's right. it's partially because democrats are developed a lead on issue that in the msnbc "wall street journal" poll from last week. democrats had 18 point advantage on issue that. meanwhile republicans lead big on issues like the economy and interestingly, one of the reasons why i think this isn't behaving like a normal wave election. is republicans have a very slim lead on the question of who do you expect or who would you trust more to bring about change in washington? normally, the party out of power benefits in the midterm because they are seen as the party of change. democrats not so much this time around. steve: okay. let's see what happens. we will know on wednesday. kristin, thank you very much. >> thank you. steve: as we just told you oprah is the latest celebrity helping holiday roll out the blue carpet
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move from tel aviv to jerusalem. third country to make that move following the u.s. and guatemala. ainsley down to you. ainsley: thank you so much. hollywood pushing americans to vote for democrats next week. >> and for anybody here, who has. anna: says tore who didn't have the right to vote, and you are choosing not to vote, wherever you are in this state, in this country, you are dishonoring your family. [cheers] ainsley: does a celebrity endorsement, this late in the game, does it matter? republican strategist jenna ellis and democratic strategist kristin hahn. thank you both for being with us. >> thank you. ainsley: kristin, i will start with you since you are a democrat. does help rally the votes for stacey abrams this late in the game. >> i'm going to go back. i was laughing over the break that you guys said that the democrats are disciplined so i will take
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that as a compliment. nobody has ever accused of that before. i do think generally no, i'm a texan. we don't like people telling us what to do. that's the same for states across the country. the one exception just might be oprah. i was just watching your show outnumbered yesterday and one of the hosts put it really well that she connects with the american people on a very deep level. so i think this might be an exception. but, generally, i don't think that celebrity endorsements are what bring people over the line. i think it's the strength of the candidate themselves. ainsley: jenna, kristin brings up a really good point because she was in our living room for decades. we trust her. we know her story and background and she gave and gave so much. she gave cars to teachers and she was always doing those prizes and just remembering the people in her audience, the people who got her the fame and fortune that she has today. kristen might be right. the vice president was there saying you keep in mind this is georgia, this is not hollywood. do you think oprah is a little different. >> i don't. i don't think that her platform will help.
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and oprah really represents the far left socialist agenda. and that's not going to resonate in the midterms with the american family that cares about money in their pockets, cares about the economy, cares about the things that president trump has done in terms of putting america first. i think that american voters in particular will look to voices like dr. james dobson and franklin graham who are encouraging americans to get out and vote for the traditional family values that really matter like religious liberty. sanctity of life and even the economy and things that genuinely will matter to the individual. and i think that that's going to be what resonates rather than this far left socialist agenda that really seems to be the only thing that is coalescing the democrats. the far leftist message you talk, ainsley about all the free things that oprah gave out. that's not practical from a political standpoint when we are talking about tying her message with socialism. that's really been the only coalescing message around the democrats.
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i think the american family is going to care about traditional traditional values instead. ainsley: kristen and jenna, thank you for your opinions this morning. we appreciate it. >> thank you. ainsley: four days until the midterms, president trump is pushing his final messages to the voters. >> this election is a choice between republican results and radical resistance. ainsley: we are live in d.c. with what to expect as the president heads on a weekend rally blitz. plus a dream vacation turned into a nightmare after a cruise ship nearly tips over. the terrifies moments straight ahead. so simple, so good. get the recipes at
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your phone, on your streaming television. it's extra stuff with some of your favorite people here at fox. ainsley: for the super fan. we are all a part of it we have all been shooting different stories around the country, about some are documentaries, some are about different organizations near and dear to our hearts. some are cooking segments. pete: some are new aggressive opinion shows. even more opinion. they call it opinion done right. it's something for everybody on fox nation. steve: to give you a feel for it. watch this. >> just walking down to the hallway to his office talking about life, talking about business. whatever it is ♪ ♪ >> our greatness, our willingness to fight when challenged, dates back to even before we had a president. >> the confessed gunman
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bernard was on special cell on long island. >> always our america. >> ladies and gentlemen, we got him. >> that is the moment where george washington proves what a leader is. >> the biggest mistake conservatives made in the past half century was to vacate the university and hand it all over to liberals. >> get looked at a certain way. always being a smart big guy. steve: to fox nation. >> you have to get through the crust. >> for me chili is comfort food. >> they threatened to fight each other. >> leaned to each other like this and said gentlemen, i know why you are here. are you hear because of the dead body in the basement? brawley was a pawn. >> she had no injuries from an assault. >> what is this [inaudible] >> this is one of a number of history books that you have written and it's really timely.
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>> do you ever wonder how make-a-wish foundation grants thousands of wishes every year. >> documents at the heart of dan larry' rather's report now called into question. >> many fear the war has come to our shores. >> great admiration from an entire nation welcome home. >> kennedy said can you come down here and kennedy said i prefer you come to me. steve: that is some good. pete: makes me want to sign up right now. ainsley: you better sign up. pete: i already am signed up. steve: for more information go to and find out how you can subscribe. tuesday night we would love you to drive by our world headquarters. pete: they are building it right now. steve: we have a studio right through our windows and have a great big tent where we are going to host you. people are going to be -- ainsley is going to be signing her book. if you would like more information go, to to sign up. ainsley: we are going to be
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outside for that entire show for all three hours next tuesday and then all sticking around to meet some of you, if you come and visit us. i know you are going to be on the road. you are going to be on the road. we have a lot planned for election day. pete: four days until midterms, democrats and republicans are kicking their campaigns into high gear. ainsley: president trump rallying in missouri last night urging voters to keep republicans in power. steve: alison barber is live in our nation's capital with the highlights. alisyn? >> according to the missouri senate poll the race is a as itup. don't call it at battle ground state for nothing. claire mccaskill and republican challenger josh hawley are tied at 43%. that's where things were in early october as well. president trump won the state by about 18% in 2016. mccaskill is trying to run a little more to the middle. the president rallied in missouri last night hoping to convince voters to show up on election day because, in his view, a vote for mccaskill is a vote against
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his policy. >> she will never vote with me. that's the problem. she never has. and she didn't even vote for justice kavanaugh. think of that. didn't vote. >> the president's campaign schedule is packed between now and election day led to at least six more states will be in west virginia this afternoon. indiana this evening. montana and florida tomorrow. a lot of the focus is on the senate. the math favors democrats here. not in the white house. senate races in five states are considered toss-ups. florida, missouri, indiana, nevada, and new mexico. the president is visiting indiana today and on monday he will also be going back to indiana. he is also going to be in missouri again on monday. steve, ainsley, pete? steve: he is busy. pete: can't keep up. steve: all right, alisyn, thank you very much.
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meanwhile, 25 minutes before the top of the hour. jillian joins us with headlines. >> get you caught up on some of the stories we are following with. a sheriff's deputy is killed after her patrol car flipped upside down in a flooded ditch. we are now hearing her colleague's desperate attempts to save her life. >> way to get your -- i can't get the doors open. can you break the window? >> i have broken a window but i can't get the doors open. i can't make contact with hiher.>> deputy vasquez killed when her car went airborne. she leaves behind her parents and a brother. passengers fear the worse after a cruise ship tilts to one side. video shows shattered glass covering the dining room floor. some passengers so shaken up they cut their vacation short. >> we felt like it was the titanic for real. you really thought that this might be it. >> carnival blames the tilt
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on electrical switch board malfunction. they apologized and offered a $50 credit. well, it looks like chuck schumer can't catch a break from his own party. watch this ad created by new york state assembly man doug rejecting schumer's plea for money. ♪ ♪ jillian: dear senator schumer today's democratic party does not deserve our support. san francisco 49ers may have a new star on their hands. nic mullens throwing three touchdowns in debut 34-3 win over the oakland radars. the tearaiders. the 49ers cheerleader spotted taking a knee during the star-spangled banner.
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the unidentified woman is the first cheerleader to do so. send it back to you guys. steve: all right. thank you very much. pete: start of a new trend. steve: 22 minutes before the top of the hour. because they are building the fox news experience outside janice dean is inside for the weather. janice: are we going to go out and shoat folks what's going on outside? steve: when the sun comes up. janice: incredible. looks like a stadium out there. ainsley: what's the forecast look like for tuesday? janice: rain in the forecast across the east coast today. looking better for the new york city marathon which happens on sunday. that's the good news. here is tuesday. the reason why we are doing early forecasts is because we have got a very impressive storm system that's going to move across the ohio river valley. parts of the tennessee, the mississippi river valley and, of course, we all know that weather can effect voter turnout. this is something we are going to watch. it's going to pack a lot of wind. isobars close together. closely packed. stronger winds. that is, of course, going to effect things as you go out
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to the polls. so ohio valley, parts of the tennessee valley. florida as well. the west coast looks pretty good. we are not worried about the west coast. it's really the eastern half of the country. there is your election day forecast for some of the big cities here it looks like atlanta, georgia you can see some thunderstorms in your forecast. chicago as well. cloudy in st. louis. seattle we could see partly cloudy skies. some rain showers. not worried about houston, texas. not world about colorado. we are worried about the showers newark, new jersey, charleston, west virginia, tallahassee, florida, along the florida panhandle, these are some of the cities that we really need to get those voters out to vote and, unfortunately, we have got weather that could hinder that. but, as you look historically, guess which party bad weather helping during election day? pete: i don't know. steve: i would imagine democrats. janice: republican goes out to vote when it's stormy weather. you are right it effects the democrats because traditionally republicans go out to vote even if there is stormy weather.
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steve: there you go. janice: there you have it. steve: if you don't vote on tuesday because it's raining, you are looking for an excuse not to vote. pete: you're just not that committed. janice: or early voting. ainsley: go out now. after our show. pete: sure, right now, take ainsley's commands. steve: when things open. ainsley: at 9:00. pete: seare, where is my nearest polling station. >> donald trump has been saying i will run as president for a republican which is surprising since i assumed he was running ago a joke. >> i just believe donald trump will not be president. pete: they are back at it again. will history repeat itself? steve: new data shows wall street is donating more to the democratic party. should republicans be doing a better job of campaigning off trump's growing list of accomplishments? a discussion of that coming up ♪ come on ♪ come on ♪
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>> good morning, welcome back. time for quick headlines. how do you like your coffee? if you drink it black, you you could be a psychopath or at least straits of a psychopath. new study from the university of austria tasted 1,000 adults for taste preferences and personality. people who like bitter foods like blatt black coffee are more inclined to have is a saddistic traits. oscar mayer wants you to prove them wrong. the company tweeting wrong, we know it's true. but we're going to give you 24 hours to change our mind. call to tell us why you think a hot dog is not a sandwich. s who car myer will announce final decision on the matter later this morning. yes, hello, oscar mayer, a hot dog is not a sandwich because a hot dog is its own thing just like a hamburger is not a sandwich. okay, pete back to you.
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pete: i agree with you 100 percent, jillian. thank you. is wall street going all in fort democrats? new data showing the street contributing over $20 million more for democrats than republicans. this despite a growing list of economic achievement under president trump's watch like historic tax cuts, record low unemployment and manufacturing come back and even a boom for the dow. so what gives on those donations and should republicans be doing a better job at selling these types of wins, including deregulation. here to react,ish o, owner of te stock swish, wall street giving to democrats you may there is more to that headline. >> fake, fake, fake, fake news. if you read the headlines, it assumes that wall street want the democrats to take control of congress or even the house. that's not why they are giving money. they are giving money through their giving money they are giving money to republicans and democrats. but they are doing it because they are concerned that the democrats are going to win the house and, therefore, they are going to need allies when some of
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these deregulation things come um. they need people in there on their side. if you look at wall street. it's absolutely ridiculous and that's why i said it's fake news to say that wall street doesn't want, you know, things to continue the way that they have been under trump. because the market has rallied huge since trump. i encourage people to look at their 401(k) statements from september, 2016, to september 2018, before did you go into the polls and vote. and look at your 401(k). if it's up. if you have made anywhere close to 30% or more, then why wouldn't you vote republican? pete: wall street concerned democrats will be the ones writing regulations in the house. give to them so we have a seat at the table. >> yes. pete: what do they think a democratic takeover would do for their markets. if the democrats did win. wouldn't that hurt their bottom line? >> i don't know if they don't care. they have made money, too. that's what doesn't make any sense. wall street has made a huge amount of money. so have the american people who have had 401(k)s, and anyone who has had a 401(k)
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has made money simply by being in the market. the s and p suspect close to 40%. the dow suspect close to 40%. dow brand new highs october 3rd. pete: president has said if you like these markets then you better elect republicans. >> he was right. pete: if the president wins the house, does it help the markets. >> this is how i think it's going to play out. i think because all the assumptions is the democrats are going to win the house. if they don't and they are wrong, just like they were wrong with hillary clinton winning the election. and, remember, the market was down huge the night of the election. the futures were down enormously huge and then all of the sudden by the end trump won the next day, it rallied. we have rallied every single day since trump got elected. he is taking credit for it and rightfully so. pete: the markets like tax cuts. if this plays out that everybody is wrong and republicans keep control of congress. i think you are going to see a huge surge in the market coming up next week. pete: can wall street execs get their donations back if
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that happens? probably not, right? >> i don't think so they care if things work out. pete: melissa arnold thank you very much for your time. we appreciate it. >> mercedes slap joins us live. if you were reenged ministry reading the headlines, you would think republicans are doomed to hold the house. this is what happened the last time the democrats predicted a victory for hillary. so will history repeat itself in 2018? we'll answer that question for you. ♪ ♪
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watch. >> donald trump has been saying that he will run for president as a republican, which is surprising since i just assumed he was running as a joke. >> you are not going to be president. all right? [laughter] >> you better be ready for the fact that he may be leading the republican ticket. >> [laughter] >> i know you don't believe that. >> i continue to believe mr. trump will not be president. steve: okay. that was then. this is now. could the left be getting it wrong again. let's talk to former presidential writer ned ryun. >> good morning. good to be with you guys. steve: is the past prologue. >> 2018 is feeling like 2016. assured by the wise men of the age there is absolutely no way donald trump was going to win the white house and these are the same people that are telling us there was going to be some blue wave, blew tsunami that was going to take place. i tell you right now when you are seeing the head of the dccc hedge bets and say democrat might win the house by a couple votes but we wouldn't know until the next day, you are starting to
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realize their confidence is not where it should be coming in to election day. i've got to tell you, the thing that's been amazing to me, steve, is the logic gap between real polls and the actual real votes on the polls. you look at some of these early voting numbers taking place. and i have got to tell you the big question on my mind typically in historical trends g.o.p. wins ballot voting. democrats win the early in person voting and republicans win the election day voting. i'm wondering since republicans are doing so well in the early voting cannibalizing from election day votes, i can't tell you. it's really starting to feel like republicans are storming to the polls in response to some of this behavior they saw a month ago. the mob behavior. they are saying we want to validate donald trump's agenda. we want to see it continue. we don't want to see it stopped. i'm quietly optimistic after looking at these early voting numbers that republicans can keep the house. i wouldn't be surprised, steve, if the blue wave crest at 20 seats. i think republicans are going to gain 3, 4, maybe 5 seats in the senate. ainsley: "the washington
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post" had an article talking about how democrats and republicans are confident that their party will prevail. we heard what nancy pelosi said. she said we will win. we, the democrats, will win. also, there was a poll that the "the washington post" put out will democrats take control of the house? and 51 percent said yes. 49 percent said no. do you agree with that? do you think that democrat are confident that they will win or should they be confident? i know you feel like in the senate republicans are going to win. but what about the house? >> democrats have been extremely confident. in 2014 think felt like they had the house in the bag and woke up the next day realizing whoops, didn't get the house back. i think there is a bit of overconfidence. if they can say can w. utmost certainty they are going to take the house back in about 100 hours. they are kidding themselves. there are so many toss-up races. again, for example, i was looking at numbers out of kansas, too. my dad's old district which is open seat. and they are saying it's a toss-up and republicans in fact, up by 6 points in kansas, tootoo. if that's a toss-up and republicans up by six points. i'm feeling pretty cft.
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confident. historic turnout on election day. one of the big midterms. it is so momentous. this is jobs vs. mobs. and socialism vs. americanism are we going to cut ties with our past or reembrace it. this feels momentous that 2018, 2020, 2022 are real turning point for this country which direction we are going to go. i'm optimistic democrats are going to wake up with soul sucks sensation. now they are staring a donald trump re-election in 2020 smacking them in the face. steve: another note, he was the world's fastest man for most of my childhood. >> that's right. steve: jim ryun. ainsley: did he pass that trait down to you. >> a little bit. i ran on scholarship at ku. there is a reason he is a legend. steve: all right.
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ned ryun, thank you very much for joining us live. >> thanks, guys. steve: straight ahead, we have the white house director of strategic communications mercedes schlapp, josh hawley want to be senator, so does bob hugin, stuart varney and judge jeanine. ♪ when the world seems... ♪ applebee's new neighborhood pastas. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. you might or joints.hing for your heart... applebee's new neighborhood pastas. but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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>> if you don't want america to overrun by masses of illegal aliens and giant caravans, you better vote republican. >> president trump doubling down on immigration crack down as the caravan moves closer. >> people say is he too tough. sometimes you need mother teresa and sometimes you need dirty harry. >> no nation can allow itself to be overwhelmed by uncontrolled masses of people. steve: the balance of power in the senate, it is just so close. it's a big question is what is going to happen out in the house of representatives. >> behaving like a normal wave election. things are looking a little better for republicans than they would have back when the blue wave was first
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really predicted. ainsley: just four days until the midterms, president trump pushing his final messages to the voters. >> america is booming and america is winning. we are finally putting america first. [cheers] ♪ light it up and let it burn ♪ work hard ♪ play harder ♪ get loud ♪ go farther ♪ than any country boy ♪ has ever gone before ♪ steve: that's a good song to be playing on a friday. ainsley: like to work hard and play harder or? did you play harder than you work? pete: yes. that motivates you to work harder, too. steve: do you know who is working harder? ainsley: these candidates. steve: exactly. because they have four days. ainsley: 100 hours our next guest said. pete: i love elections day. very few things in life both consequential and unpredictable. get to election day.
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consequential. matters. do you want socialism or americanism as ned ryun just said. we don't know. going to come down to the wire. you will don't know who is going to control the house of representatives tuesday night. steve: comes down to turnout. who is motivated. we had ned ryun on. a great strategist in our nation's capital. the republicans have dominated so far in absentee balloting. and they show up on game day, but they have also shown up in a lot of these polls about people who are doing early voting, which is different for them. so who is going to show up on tuesday? pete: does have this spidey sense feeling a lot like 2016. pundits saying it had to be a blue reaction because that's the way midterms always go. if you know one thing from this president expect the unexpected. that's why you have to tune in to fox news channel tuesday night. ainsley: neck in neck a lot of these races. 11 stops. last night was his second stop in columbia, missouri. he is traveling on this 8-state tour. last night he was there he was stumping for republican
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josh hawley who is neck in neck with democratic senator claire mccaskill. she has won 22 out of the last 23 of her races. steve: here is the president last night. i'm thrilled to be back in the american heart land right here with the incredible men and women that make this country run. this election will decide whether we build on an extraordinary prosperity that we have achieved under republican leadership america is booming, america is thriving. and america is winning because we are finally putting america first. the democrat agenda is the agenda of the extreme far left. republicans are the party of all americans. the democrats are the party of rigid ideology and total conformity. they demand absolute
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agreement and they dismiss, demean and demonize anyone who questions their radical ideas. steve: well, now, it all comes down to turnout. that's why the president is barn storming leading right up to tuesday. later today he is going to wind up in west virginia -- easy for me to say, in huntington. he would like to see joe manchin out in the u.s. senate representing that great state because he is a democrat and despite the fact that his ads say i'm always voting with the president. he doesn't vote with the president on the big stuff. ainsley: right. exactly. pete: that's what really matters. you can run a campaign ad or as claire mccaskill pretend to like trump. where were you on the kavanaugh vote? where were you on the tax cuts you? were on the other side of the ledger and continue to be on the other side of the ledger. ainsley: recently saying all these nice things about me but she never votes with me. pete: get that information, that 30 second campaign ad doesn't work maybe the way it did in the past to turn
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people at the last minute. steve: when you look at the balance of power in the senate it is razor thin. looks like republican could say pick up one or two more seats. we have heard so much about a talk of a blue wave. that really started a year ago. when you look at the politics of the country a year ago, the president's approval rating was low. you know, the republicans after saying that they would repeal and replace obamacare for a very long time, they blew it on that. and then the tax cut really hadn't come out yet. you fast forward to today, now people are liking the tax cut. the president's approval rating are higher. so now, the question is how big a wave could it be? maybe not as much as it was a year ago. ainsley: the senate, there are a lot of toss-up races. you have nevada and arizona, missouri, indiana, florida. pete: some sleeper races, new jersey is closer than people thought it would. good candidate in minnesota. not saying those would
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happen. the map is much larger than people anticipated on the senate side. i'm going to watch that race in arizona pretty closely, too. two strong candidates, kyrsten sinema, martha mcsally. the democrat trying to run as a moderatish. martha mcsally has come around to really embrace the senate and its support. a race like that will indicate whether or not republicans come away with 54, 55 seats in the senate or continues to be 51-49 dynamic. ainsley: president was at the white house and he was talking about immigration and caravan. caravan started first one, 7200 people now. as they have moved up a lot of people have dropped out. 4,000 coming up here to the united states. and the president said if you don't go through a port of entry, you cannot claim asylum. it used to be if you set foot on american soil, it's catch and release. catch you, and then we release you after you file the paperwork. and then you are supposed to show up in court. only 2% of those were showing up. he said if you don't go through a port of entry now, we are going to put new a tent city and then paperwork
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and send you back home, right? steve: detain people and families intalk the. there will be no separation of families unlike what happened a couple of months ago which the president said yesterday, the president said that barack obama did that and nobody even noticed. but he did it and everybody complained. pete: he is making the point. the point of this is deterrence. it's not that we want to do this. if if you have open borders and allow people to be caught and released because they claim asylum it, encourages the next caravan and next caravan of people who think they can exploit your system. the president yesterday laid out a long address in the roosevelt room in the white house immigration speech saying hey, we are not going to let this caravan. in and change our immigration laws to deter illegal immigration, take a listen. >> those who choose to break our laws and enter illegally, will no longer be able to use meritless claims to gain automatic admission into our country. we will hold them for a long time, if necessary.
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illegal immigration effects the lives of all americans. illegal immigration hurts american workers. burdens american taxpayers, and undermines public safety and places enormous strain on our local schools, hospitals, and communities in general. illegal immigration costs our country billions and billions of dollars each year. mass uncontrolled immigration is especially unfair to the many wonderful law abiding immigrants. pete: that's the point he has made that resonates so much with folks. legal immigrants are more angry about illegal immigration than anybody else. he said did i it the right way. came to america because i love it i want to be productive and add to this country. i don't want people sneaking in and jumping in front of lines. steve: when the president i'm going to via executive order in the coming week change the way asylum in handled in the country where is he going to have a bunch of tents. tent cities to handle families as i said a moment
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ago there won't be family separations. and he did say that barack obama started that. i think -- it was on the -- the law was on the books during the obama administration. i don't think president obama actually enforced it and enacted it as this president did a number of months ago. but, nonetheless, he made it very clear that when it comes to kavanaugh and the caravan, these are two very potent issues and he is trying to motivate his base. trying to get more people to come out on tuesday, not just republicans, he is trying to get the people in the middle. the independence. is this reasonable? if you see thousands of people walking toward our country, do you think it is too much to say stop? pete: that's why he says this election of kavanaugh, the caravan and common sense, to your point about people in the middle. i think they look at what he is doing and saying is he enforcing the law. democrats used to be for this stuff, like the harry reid clip. they used to support the common sense policies. not just what the president has done. the overreaction of the left that's motivated so many people to come out like the
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kavanaugh headquarters. steve: did you say harry reid or dirty harry. ainsley: funny you should say that bill bennett was on "the story" last night he said sometimes you need mother teresa and sometimes you need dirty harry. >> the fact that the president steps up has to step into the vacuum here as i think a good thing. people are saying he is too tough. well, sometimes you need mother teresa, sometimes you need dirty harry. and this is a very tough issue it's got a lot of dimensions to it. but this is a strong president, and i think he is absolutely right to identify the problem the way he has and the way he is seeking to address it. i is looking for a way to stop the hemorrhaging. pete: that's true. and the left still hasn't figured out how to talk about it. because when you say you are not for strong border enforcement, what are you for? ultimately ends up being well, let them in or open borders. people certainly aren't for that. steve: pete, that's why when democrats are asked about the immigration policies,
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they change the subject back to healthcare. and for them they feel that's going to be a winner. pete: we shall see. steve: we will know on wednesday morning. ainsley: hey, jillian. jillian has more headlines. jillian: good friday morning. a sheriff's deputy is fighting for his life after being shout in the head. officers trying to serve a warrant to a searched while the suspect -- when the suspect pulled out a knife at a store in texas. witnesses were left in shock. harehey, sir, stop. don't mess with me, i will stab you. i'm knot playing around. i will stab you. jillian: that unnamed suspect got away and barricaded himself inside a hotel room. he shot the deputy when officers tried to get inside. that man is now in custody. today is the 11th and final funeral for the synagogue shooting victims. 97-year-old rose was the oldest person killed in the pittsburgh attack. family and friends saying final goodbyes as a 911
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operator speaks about the heroic first responders. >> officers arrived on scene within a few moments of their arrival. my worst nightmare came true hearing that an officer had been shot. to think that we definitely saved lives that day. jillian: the suspected shooter roberts bowers pleading not guilty and demanding a trial by jury. he could face the death penalty. we are learning more about the indonesian plane that crashed minutes after takeoff. officials say the night before the crash, a lion air pilot asked to turn the plane around for technical problems. moments later the pilot said the problem was resolved. the 2-year-old boeing plane took off and crashed. could make it harder to figure out what happened. all 189 people on board were killed. the national guard is making history in maryland with an all female commands staff. >> it's exciting because we have different perspectives
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than our male counterparts. we are all mothers. so, coming from that perspective, that is something that really ties us and bonds us. jillian: this is not just the all female national guard team in maryland but the entire united states. that's pretty cool. steve: that's great. very nice. thank you very much, jillian. meanwhile, democrats need just to gain 23 seats to flip the house on tuesday. our next guest says there are three races that could be the deciding factors in the balance of power in the house of representatives. ainsley: and from bad to worse. actress heather lock locklear facing legal troubles yet again. ♪ - [narrator] meet the ninja foodi, the pressure cooker that crisps. it's the best of pressure cooking and air frying all in one so in as little
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on the outside, juicy on the inside, and on your table. thank you. now let's get started. ♪ the future isn't created in a keynote address. ♪ a presidential speech did not land us on the moon. millions of man hours did. they built their way there. some will ta-ta-ta-ta-talk about the future. but you'd be a fool to believe them. you see talk doesn't get things done. building does. building like we have for the last 115 years. and building for the next century. building cars, new technology, and transforming cities. [engine accelerating] so let the other guys keep dreaming about the future.
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we'll be the ones building it. ♪ pete: welcome back. democrats need to gain 23 seats if they want to take back the house of representatives. the midterms are fast approaching and many races are now in a dead heat. next guest says three specific house race could say be the deciding factor for who takes control of the house of representatives. here with more, polster justin wallen. thank you for being here this morning. u. have picked three that you think are indicative of larger trends and we will break them down here. the first one is california wants 39th congressional district. young cam a republican running against gill. break down this race for us.
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>> one of these races in traditional conservative orange county conservative, california. that seat was won by hillary clinton. largely seen as a very, very good opportunity for democrats. the dccc poured a ton of money as republican counterpart but lottery winner gill say facing serious me too allegations and pummeled in the race. i think gravity goes republicans even though polls are very close. no way mathematically to tell who is going to win it i think ends up going to a young republican. pete: that is open seat. next two held by republican incumbents as many swing districts are in the house of representatives. the first is texas 23rd district. will herd is a veteran currently polling sizeably ahead to gina ortiz jones. this has been a swing district. and what are you looking at in this district? >> that's why i chose it --
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won by 2%. i think it's is not only indicative of texas, specifically but america broadly that this large blue wave is not nearly going to be so big as. pete: will hurd is a good candidate. at some point that will matter. >> will hurd district. heavily hispanic. he has identified issues and championed issues that reflect that district. he is a fantastic candidate. pete: you have david young incumbent republican 41% right now. cindy at 43%. within the margin of error but what do you think of this race? >> so within the margin of error, mathematically no way to tell assuming the polls are reliable. this is one of the ones the republican incouple went not very strong. see that on the numbers. that incumbent has been
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called the accidental incumbent. his party's nomination was less than 35%. this is so close to tell that i think on election day if we see it start leaning republican it's going to be indicative of the broader republican sentiment throughout the nation. pete: justin, in that race, both candidates are coming to the center and creating some distance from their parties or president trump generally speaking, what's been more effective for house candidates embracing the candidate and his record or trying to create independence? >> generally it's been embracing the president. another thing that's this race. telling about that strategy versus going toward the center. i think the incumbent's weak numbers probably reflect the challenge with that strategy. pete: absolutely. >> embracing the trump president has been good. pete: justin wallin thank you for your time this morning. >> thank you. pete: worried about losing a senate seat in deep blue state of new jersey. bob menendez just ahead by singljust a.
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past anything that stands in its way. ...well almost anything. leave no room behind with xfi pods. simple. easy. awesome. click or visit a retail store today. ainsley: time for news by the numbers. first 66 pounds how much meth customs agents found hidden in canned foods at the houston airport. the shimght fro shipment from mo worth $225,000. toyota recalling cars airbags vehicles could deploy without a crash. if there is a crash they might not work. recall effects cars made between 2004 and 2006. finally $50,000. that's how much one night's stay costs at the first ever underwater hotel villa.
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the hilton hotel is located in the maldives, guests are flown in on private c planes and picked up on speed boats. steve? steve: midterms right around the corner on tuesday and in the deep blue state i live in new jersey, democrats are reportedly worried. according to the "new york times," it's an all-hands on deck scramble to save menendez. the two-term democrat senator now just ahead by single digits in a state hillary clinton won by 14 points. his republican challenger is bob hugin. he joins us right now live in studio f with the latest. good morning to you. >> great to be with you, steve. steve: good to have you as well. okay. so, what's happening with bob menendez? why are you so close to him in a state that as long as i have lived there has -- with the exception of chris christie, always votes democrat? >> i think the people of new jersey know they deserve better. and they do deserve better. here's a guy who is senate ethics committee by par sanly said violated federal
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law. disgraced the senate. abused the power of his office and has delivered so little for the people of new jersey. steve: well, and famously, he had a corruption trial and it ended in a mistrial. and then the department of justice decided, you know what? we are not going to try this again. >> right. that's when the senate ethics committee acted and said he violated federal law. remember, his greatist lobbying achievement hhs and healthcare expanding medicare costs best friend convicted of 67 felonies for defrauding medicare. steve: given all that, bob, he is still ahead of you. >> well, i think our last internal poll we had was actually up 2. steve: you're up why 2. >> our internal polls. people in new jersey realizing finally have a chance to do something and correct this embarrassment that we have had. let's not overcomplicate it. this is right versus wrong. this guy has embarrassed and abused the power of his office and delivered so
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little for the people. it's time for change. steve: listen, i have lived in new jersey. i have not gotten that many phone calls this election cycle. doesn't feel like anybody energized in the garden state. >> i have to tell you hope four out of four voter know what you are going to vote and somebody is overconfident. maybe somebody is a little under cold front they have no chance of getting your vote. the enthusiasm is every day it's building. every day i'm seeing more and more people at the rallies. it's exciting. people are saying we are going to do better for the state. somebody they can be proud of and focus on putting the people first. steve: speaking of rallies, why didn't donald trump come to new jersey to support you? >> 25 years, 16 years democratic president. failed us so miserably. steve: bob, if you sore close to menendez, would you want -- would have you had wanted the president come and rally for you. >> important people of new jersey to know this is about a new leader for them. steve: i think your answer is no.
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>> i think the answer is we have made this race about new jersey. listen, i'm independent. i have been independent all my life. first in my family to go to college. only person in my college class to go to the marine corps. went company six weeks of cash to turn it around. i don't fill out any special interest questionnaires. my wife and i have financed this campaign. we are not the product of a political organization. only constituency we are going to care about and be responsible to are the people of new jersey. they deserve better. good people, i'm a jersey guy. it's time for change. we're going to make it happen. steve: all right. he would like to replace bob then then did he see in the u.s. senate -- we did reach out to menendez and he said he was not interested in appearing on "fox & friends." >> this election is a choice between republican results and radical resistance.
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steve: the white house director of strategic communications mercedes schlapp here to tell us if republicans can keep control of the senate. and what about the house? and maxine waters is on a mission. the political pay back the lawmaker is now planning. >> what i'm going to do to you is fair. i'm going to do to you what you did to us. capital one cafes. inviting places with people here to help you, not sell you. and savings and checking accounts with no fees or minimums. because that's how it should be. you can open one from right here or anywhere in 5 minutes. seriously, 5 minutes... this is banking reimagined. what's in your wallet?
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of rallies today. member slides schlapp the communications director will join us very shortly. peter: we are not going to take it could be the theme song of either party in this election. ainsley: true. we only have 100 hours basically, four more days before we talk to mercedes, give you more headlines today, additional headlines here is jillian. jillian: maxine waters is vowing political pay back after the midterms. >> i will be the first african-american, the first woman to chair the powerful, emergency services committee. that's all of wall street. that's all the insurance companies. that's all the banks. what i'm going to do to you is fair. i'm going to do to you what you did to us. jillian: the california democrat previewing what's in store if her party regains control of the house. the results of a study about cell phone radiation is causing a major clash. the national toxicology program finding claude clear evidence to high exposure to cell phone radiation and cancerous tumors in rats.
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the fda saying they high levels of radio frequency than cell phone admits. they agree the findings do not agree to people. actress h heather lock ler getting sue you had after attacking a emt. kick ago woman that caused her to lose work and miss out on pay. the incident happened while locklear was being taken to a hospital before getting arrested back in june. the actress was charged with battery and resisting arrest. and how about this? an out of this world auction is featuring artifacts are legendary american astronauts. 2,000 items up for grabs, gold helmet worn by john glenn when he set the transcooperate negligence speed record in 1957. artifacts owned by neil armstrong also on the auction block. that's pretty cool, isn't it? ainsley: that's going to go for a lot of money. steve: part of history. 25 minutes before the top of the hour. janice dean joins us not
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only with the "foxcast" but a reminder what to do with your clock this weekend. janice: yes, yes. you saw my maps, didn't you steve doocy. here are your current temperatures. we have a cold front that's moving through, moving towards the east coast. we are going to see some rain, not only for today but for tomorrow. but new york city,the marathon, the forecast looks spectacular. of course, that's going to be quite a day for a lot of runners, and daylight saving time also ends this sunday. so don't forget to fall back. all right. all eyes are on tuesday. we have the potential for some very strong storms across the great lakes. the ohio river valley. parts of the midwest, parts of southeast, here are the states we are watching and look at this storm system. this is going to be very powerful. bringing not only rain, wind, maybe some snow and severe storms in these big states we are watching on tuesday. so missouri, also indiana, west virginia, new jersey, tennessee, florida could see perhaps some showers and thunderstorms. and, of course, we all know
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that election day can be affected, voter turn out can be affected by the weather. here is some of your cities for election day forecast. again, new jersey, parts of new jersey could see some showers and thunderstorms. parts of west virginia. parts of florida as well. and then as we look ahead to tennessee and nashville, indianapolis, st. louis. all of these areas could be affected by that big storm system so we are going to watch that as we head into tuesday. all over it this weekend heading into monday and tuesday. ainsley: we gain an hour on sunday that's awesome. janice: that's the good news. steve: yes it is. spring forward, fall back. let's go to the white house mercedes schlapp is the white house director of strategic communications and mercedes, a lot of strategic communicating going on right now. the president is trying to rally his base but you also, your side also needs the independents, as many as you possibly can to come and vote for your candidate. sounds like the senate will remain in republican hands, what about the house? >> well, you know, the president is committed to going out there, energizing
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the base u supporting those candidates who are pushing forward and supporting his agenda. which, as we know, it's a winning agenda. that of economic prosperity. that of ensuring that we keep our country safe and secure our borders. i mean, we have accomplished so much, even though we have had a very tight majority in the senate and obviously in the house as well. so, i think we have to remember that the democrats' policies are ones of obstruction. their goal is to stay focused on investigation and wasting taxpayer dollars and not allowing the president or the american people to succeed. their plan is to take away the taxes, the tax cuts. their plan is to ensure that they don't secure the border. i mean, have you seen the democrats where they fail to answer the question on how to deal with the caravan where their policies have led to this open border scenario that we are seeing right now in the southwest border.
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so, for when it comes to the house, we are going to say we are optimistic. we know that these candidates are working hard. the president is along their side as well as the vice president in ensuring more of these candidates joining the house of representatives, so we can continue to push forward and having historic booming economy that we have seen. and you need a functioning congress to do that. in order to make sure that we can get the president's agenda pushed forward. pete: of course, house democrats have said if they take over, you will see a lot more of that resistance. in looking at the map of where the president is going to be. a lot of focus on key senate races. is there a reason there is more focus on big name senate races as opposed to some of these house races where the margin is so thin? >> the president has been doing robo calls. he has been active in supporting these candidates in both the house and the senate. you know, his commitment is through and through for both, getting more candidates, more republicans in to the house and senate. that's where he has been. obviously, you see in many cases where even if when he travels to a states like
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florida, where it's for both house and senate member candidates. so, again, i think the president is all. in it's amazing, the amount of effort he is spending, the energy is he spending going around the country, talking about this great economic story, this economic prosperity that we have just witnessed, where american families are really seeing the positive impact, where we are seeing wages rise, where we are seeing more job openings now more than ever before. the unemployment rate is actually historically low. especially for the minority groups. for americans, hispanics, women, veterans, it is something that we're seeing that's unprecedented. and it's a great story to tell. that's why, i mean, it's amazing when you do get to see president trump on the road. i know y'all have seen him on the road and how is he connecting with every day americans. and it is sharing that the only way that we continue upon this success, the successful path is if we have more candidates that support the president's policies. we cannot afford more democratic obstruction.
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we cannot afford the hysteria of the left because where they are headside one of socialism. a word that's very dangerous here in america. where they're focused on moving towards government controlled healthcare, taking away options for americans. and as well as making sure that we lead to tax increases which as we know will stunt the growth of this economy. ainsley: we want to talk to a little bit about immigration too. economy, immigration, those are two hot button issues, especially with conservative groups and republicans who are going to the polls. the president said now when you try to get in our country and you set foot on american soil it's catch and release. release you in our country until did you go in front of a judge and most of those people don't ever go in front of a judge and we lose track of them. the president said from now on if you want to seek asylum you have to go through a port of entry. and that's where we will do catch and release. we will not do catch and release if you go -- if you sneak in another way. do you want to elaborate on
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that and is that actually going to happen or is he just saying that, will it actually be something that he can seek and implement? >> sure. the president is reviewing all options. they are looking to finish an executive order on the asylum rules. we got -- we got to make this very clear. there is this crisis on the border. there has been abuse in our asylum system. before it used to be one in 100 individuals who would come over and seek asylum. now it's one in 10. literally they are told as these illegal aliens are trying to come through the border to use two words. credible fear. and then that's how they get put into this whole asylum process which then leads to a huge backlog. you are talking about 700,000 basically backlog that we are seeing cases where then they have to -- these individuals have to appear at court. and many times we lose track of them. i will tell you my father came here from cuba. he was politically persecuted. he sought asylum. he followed the rules.
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he stood in line. and what we're seeing right now is you are having this influx of illegal aliens. you are talking about 1,000 to 2,000 illegal aliens crossing our border daily. i mean, we are talking about a daily caravan coming into america. then you have the larger caravan where they documented about 270 criminals. part of that caravan putting women and children on the front line, and they are coming to our country as well. that is serious. and we are not going to allow them to come and invade our country. the mexican -- the u.s. ambassador, the mexican ambassador to the united states made it very clear that there are violent elements within this caravan. that is very, very serious. and that is why this president, as he has stated from day one, will be tough on this issue of immigration. and we will make sure that our men and women on the front lines are protected and that's why we are deploying troops to the border. steve: donald trump made it a campaign issue when he was running for president. it's a campaign issue heading up to the midterms.
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mercedes thank you very much for joining us live. >> thank you so much. ainsley: great story about her dad, the american dream. he did it the right way. sought asylum and now his daughter is working at the white house. pete: pretty cool. a new poll shows more voters associate with president trump than the g.o.p. what does that mean for the midterms? former vo of the clintons mark penn says that's why the president can be effective at bringing out the base. he joins us live to talk about that next. steve: missouri senate candidate josh hawley is going to be joining us live. judge jeanine pirro is going to be joining us live. guess what? stuart varney not on tape. he'll be live, too. ♪ oh we're having a good time ♪ yeah, i've been working all week ♪ hello is friendly...
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hello is welcoming... it's everything we want to be when helping people find a medicare plan. so say hello to hellomedicare... ...a new, one-stop shop for medicare plans, including... medicare advantage and part d prescription drugs. visit us online and view plans from the names you know. compare benefits. compare costs. it's easy. and then... ...enroll with a click. go online or call today. and say hello... to an easier way to do medicare. ♪♪ steve: down south. things are heating up in florida. four days before the midterms the senate and governors races are neck in neck. pete: christine parts november is breaking down in
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miami. kristina, good morning. >> good morning, yes. i'm right in miami on route 1. this is swing state and this year is going to no different. hotly contested area. have you former president barack obama who is in miami. he is going to be speaking and in a few hours he is throwing his weight behind two democrats and you have andrew gillum who is running for governor. you also have bill nelson who is running for senator. so, right now if you look at the real clear politics polls showing an average you are seeing gillum in a lead with less than 3%. what do we know about andrew gillum. is he 39, progressive, pushing for higher minimum wage, higher corporate taxes. is he going against republican ron desantis who is an advocate for guns, 40 years old. familiar face. he was in the house. former house member. if we look at the numbers though, there hasn't been auto a democrat elected in governor in florida since 1994. we switch over to the senate race and look at the polls there from real clear politics. this is as of this morning. we are seeing a toss-up. nelson in the lead with a little bit less than 2%.
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so this is bill nelson, 75 years old. centrist. and then he is going against governor rick scott. could be a toss-up but most likely in the lead. he is a republican, served two terms as governor. very familiar with a lot of floridians here and to bring it full circle, the former president barack obama will be here and he is really trying to revive the democratic base over here which is why he is doing his little tour here and moving towards georgia on saturday. back to you guys. steve: all right, christina live in miami, thank you very much. ainsley? ainsley: thank you, guys. the president leading the g.o.p. and rallying voters just days, 100 100 hours, basically until the midterms. a new poll found that 36% of republican registered voters surveyed say that they associate with president trump compared to 25% who say they associate with the g.o.p. itself. but what will this mean for the midterms? joining us now with the latest from these polls is former senior advisor to the clintons and president of
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microtrends squared mark penn. mark, good to see you. thank you for being with us. >> good morning. ainsley: what does that tell you? more people associate with the president than they do the g.o.p.? >> it tells me that the president, who really wasn't a republican before he ran for president, has really taken over the republican party. he gets a 90% approval from republicans. and he is more powerful than any of the other leaders. so, for the republican leaders who opposed him for so long and for ryan who quit and so forth. the republicans needed new leaders and they have one. that's what makes them so strong on the stump. ainsley: what does it mean for the midterms? you are pulling a lever for the g.o.p. >> he is the g.o.p. and right now you are seeing the stars of the democratic party go out and he is going out on the republican party and they are both trying to draw their bases out. this is a base game between now and tuesday. he is the republican's most potent weapon out there. despite all the controversy that he seems to draw every single day. ainsley: what it like for you someone who has lived
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politics and followed every single race? are all the rules thrown out the window after 2016? >> i don't like the politics has become about insults. and if you look at it, each side throws insults. you see out there, there are no real democratic issues other than throwing insults. the president throws them back but he also throws issues. when he does something like immigration, when he does trade, when he does the kinds of jobs and tax programs, the same thing that happened in 2006, he has issues and insults. the other side right now is just hurling insults. that's his secret edge that democrats have to learn they need to counter issues with issues. ainsley: i know you have advised the clintons, are you advisory hillary to run in 2020. >> no. but she may well. i think she is going to test the waters and see what's out there. i think joe biden has emerged as a pretty strong candidate within democrats and right now he has an edge. with the democratic party you never saw barack obama, jimmy carter, michael
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dukakis or even bill clinton coming until those primaries started. ainsley: mark, thanks for being with us. >> thank you. ainsley: you are welcome. dehave deroy murdock here live to tell us how pushed the olay regenerist gives you visible results in just 28 days. made with our b3 complex to strengthen skin and keep all that hydration in. beautiful skin doesn't have to cost a fortune. olay
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>> midterms on tuesday, many americans hearing about a blue wave they have for a year. do they know the implications of what would happen to the two chambers. pete: op-ed in the national review argues it would shake up the committee and push them completely to the left. ainsley: here now contributing editor of national review online and fox news contributor deroy murdock. deroy, good to see you. thank you for being with us. >> good morning. ainsley: what does it mean for the committee? >> what it means if the blue wave hits you would obviously have nancy pelosi
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speaker. chuck schumer majority leader. committees would be taken over by far left democrats. and see the agenda of higher taxes, more red tape, investigating anything and everything that moves in the trump administration. not good news. steve: i was talking to a house staff yesterday and they said that they think that on the republican side, they think that if the democrats control the house then you will see two years of investigations into trump real estate deals from the 1980s and 1990s and obstruction because they want to stop him from getting the keys to air force one. >> they want to keep him totally distracted so he has nothing to accomplish for second half of first administration and then probably no second administration. and, also, we can look forward to such things as america's new portfolio manager maxine waters america's chief bankser and in terms of investigations adam schiff would take over the intelligence committee. and so rather than investigating how the fbi did this, you know, russia dossier, what happened behind uranium one, it's
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just going to be this endless, endless quest for russian collusion. pete: this has to be a typo, social frist vermont would be budget committee. >> imagine the senate budget committee controlled by bernie sanders. what could go wrong with a socialist running a budget comismt unbelievable. steve: what's your main problem with this lineup? >> the main problem is just this very, very dramatic shift to the left. take a look at the american conservative ratings chairman of these committees, in the house average of 89 acu rating down to 5 in the senate and 85 acu rating down to 7. we are not talking a little bit left. we are talking about a major jump to the left if they took over. ainsley: talked about a blue wave do democrats wants to see all the investigating. russia investigation investigation still not even complete. do the democrats really want all of that. >> they do. again, what they wantside original russia gate probe still going on is to keep donald trump distracted. keep him off his game. keep all of us focused on that and not take a look at
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upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. >> if you don't want america to be overrun by masses of illegal aliens and giant caravans you better vote republican. >> president trump doubling down on the immigration crackdown as the caravan moveses closer. >> the president stated from day one will be tough on this issue of immigration. but we're not going to allow them to invade our country. steve: there will be an executive order signed next week that will change the immigration laws. >> no nation can allowed itself to be overrun by massive amounts of people. steve: oprah is the latest celebrity helping them roll out the blue carpet. >> this ain't hollywood. this is georgia.
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ainsley: jury days before the midterm president trump pushing his final message to the voters. >> america is booming and america is winning. we're finally putting america first. [cheering] ♪ steve: i never heard this song. ainsley: it is unbelievable. we have four days to the election. one guest says we have 100 hours before the election. really 101 you get to roll back, sleep an extra hour. pete: military, four days and a wake-up. that is how we should do it on "fox & friends." wake up on wednesday morning to hear from us all it call came out. steve: president is trying to wake up his base, independents, people across the country, look, you've got to support republicans.
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he is obviously the leader of the republican party. that is what he would like to do it. democrats are rallying their base as well. they're saying if the republicans continue to control the house of representatives, they will take away your health care. that is the demonization of republicans. it has been very effective so far this campaign cycle for the democrats. pete: president out on the trail. he was in missouri with the big senate race, making his argument clarifying the stakes of this midterm election. listen to the president. >> i'm thrilled to be back in the american heartland right here with the incredible men and women that make this country run. this election will decide whether we build on extraordinary prosperity we have achieved. under republican leadership, america is booming, america is thriving, america is winning because we are finally putting america first.
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[cheering] the democrat agenda is the agenda of the extreme far left. republicans are the party of all-americans. the democrats are the party of rigid ideology and total conformity. they demand absolute agreement an they dismiss demean, demonize anyone who questions their radical ideas. ainsley: president is going to west virginia today, and indianapolis. he will be back in missouri before the election. that state is so important and so neck-and-neck. it's a coin flip state. no one knows who is going to win. if you look at the "real clear politics" polls, hawley, the republican is getting 47%. claire mccaskill is getting 45%. she has won 22 of 23 elections or races she has been a part of. she is in a tough fight. pete: it's a tough fight. the reason that race matters,
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every race matters, the balance of power, ainsley, is razor thin. senate is 51-49. you saw what happened with the kavanaugh hearings. what happened with tax cuts. relying on a one or two seats of going the other direction, chairman of the budget committee, bernie sanders. i don't know how that ads up or that works that is reality. all of washington switches. ainsley: maxine waters wall street. charge of financial services. steve: that goes to show you how important she is toss-up states are. some states are classified leaning left, some to the right. the toss-up states, at this point, regarding the senate, out in nevada, arizona, missouri, indiana and florida. interestingly enough. ainsley: president is going to florida twice. pete: all the states have high-profile senate races n florida you have a two-fer, with a big governors race with
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desantis and andrew gill lump, outed socialist. i was down there yesterday. really concern about that race. there has never been a clearer choice election here. the president lays it out when he talks about results versus resistance. capitalism versus socialism. you are voting your values in the election cycle. steve: it is about motivating your base. one of the president of the united states believe, because he became president on one of the issues was, immigration, that is what he is pushing this week, particularly very, very hard. and yesterday in the roosevelt room of the white house he made it very clear, coming up next week or so i will sign an executive order we will change the way people seek asylum in this country. it's a complete game-changer when it comes to immigration. ainsley: it is pretty easy. the people in the caravans know what they can do. you can jump over the border, once your hit hits american soil. if they catch you, it is catch.
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they write down the information and release you. you're supposed to show up for a court hearing but majority of them are not. one guest says only 2% to stand in front of the judge. they cut off the ankle bracelets they're in america and undocumented. president says enough is enough. most in this country work really hard, the taxpayer dollars shouldn't go to people doing it the wrong way, illegal way. mercedes schlapp was on earlier. my dad lived in cuba. he was persecuted. he had to come into this country the right way and now look at her. she is working in the white house. listen. >> there is crisis in the border. there is abuse in the asylum system. before one in 100 individuals would come over and seek asylum. now it is one in 10. my father came from cuba. he was political persecuted. he sought asylum. he followed the rules. he stood in line.
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what we're seeing right now, you're having a influx of illegal aliens. talking about 1000 to 2000 illegal aliens crossing our border daily. pete: influx is one word for it. when you see a lot of young men carrying the flag of their country to your country to break your laws, it looks a lot like an invasion morn than anything else. i'm not saying that in military terms. you understand, you don't know what the intentions are. you don't know what the folks are. president said our policies are dumb. he said that on the campaign trail. this is what he is trying to get at, address. this is in the midterms where is draw as starker comparison. steve: absolutely. we'll talk about what is going on down in the great state of georgia yesterday. oprah winfrey showed up to campaign for a woman who is running for governor down there. >> stacey abrams. if elected she would be the first african-american woman to be a u.s. governor in history. three days ago, oprah called her
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up on the phone, said, hey, i would like to help you. of course the invitation was extended. she showed up yesterday. made it very clear for abrams and not for oprah. >> you make your voice heard on november 6. we have this incredible opportunity to make history. and i want to make it very clear, to all the press, everybody, i'm not here because i'm making some grand stand because i am thinking about running myself. i don't want to run. i'm here today because of stacey abrams. anybody here who has an ancestor who didn't have the right to vote, and you are choosing not to vote, wherever you are in this state, in this country, you are dishonoring your family. pete: you may not like her politics if you're a conservative, if you watch the speech she is really effective.
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a lot of people know her, love her. it was powerful stuff. ainsley: every woman in america, loved her we watched her on tv we loved her, she gave back to so much, to so many peep, when she got into politics, a lot of people didn't like her as much anymore. she is oprah winfrey. she is going door-to-door, it has to be effective. pete: we'll see it is. a lot of people don't want hollywood ramming it down their throat. ainsley: if you open your door on thursday, yesterday was the day she went door-to-door, you see oprah winfrey, you're excited, you got to vote. yes i will. vote for the candidate. they close the door, five or six days later in the election, maybe they won't to out to vote. pete: take a picture with awesome. they vote for whoever they want to vote for. ainsley: we'll see. steve: while she was in georgia, so was mike pence and he had this observation about that state. >> i heard oprah winfrey is in town today.
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[booing] and will ferrell i saw going door-to-door not too long ago. [booing] i've been saying it all day i would like to remind stacy and oprah, will ferrell, i'm kind of a big deal too. [cheering] i got a message for all stacy abrams liberal friends coming to georgia, this ain't hollywood. this is georgia. georgia deserves a governor who will fight every day for georgia value and put georgia first. [cheering] that is where i am. steve: dueling rallies. which will be more effective? once again, we'll know on wednesday. >> let us know what you think at home. i'm curious if you think oprah would be effective. pete: when he said i'm kind of a big deal. he was following "anchorman."
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ainsley: the raspy voice makes it fun. >> i sound a lot worse than i feel. >> you look great. that is half the battle. a sheriff's deputy fighting for his life after being shot in the head. officers trying to serve a warrant to a sex offender when the suspect pulled out a knife at a store in texas. witnesses left in shock. >> he said, sir, stop. when he pulls out of his shirt is a knife about that big. he says, hey, man, don't mess with me. i will stab you. i'm not playing around. i will stab you. >> unnamed suspect got away and barricaded himself inside the hotel room. he shot the deputy when officers tried to get inside. that man is in custody. a man who went to college with tsarnaev, sending him back to his home country of.
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he was sent to prison for removing items from tsarnaev's door room after the 2013 bombing. tsarnaev is on the death row. white house economic advisor denouncing a federal minimum wage. larry kudlow says it is not a one-size-fits-all issue. >> conditions are different in these states. the cost of living is different. the state of business is different. >> democrats pushed to double the current wage, raising it to $15 an hour. a louisiana boy hangs out with his hero at louis fire department. he tested climb and trying on gear. the department says they were so impressed by his skills. they want to recruit him in about 10 years. that sounds good, right? got a job lined up maybe in 10 years. i'll take it. steve: next up, we're live in indiana and both president and
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vice president are going to be today trying to boost mike braun if his bid to unseat democratic senator joe donnelly, the guy on the left. pete: missouri senate candidate, josh hawley, we have judge jeanine pirro and stuart varney. all coming up on this friday edition of "fox & friends." ♪ from floors to carpets, even pet hair, with ease, and now for cleaning surfaces above the floor, it comes with a built in shark handheld. one dock, two sharks. the shark ion robot cleaning system. the new lincoln mkc.mix.
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♪ steve: the president and vice president teaming up to support republicans. pete: they're supporting senate candidate mike braun. reporter: the signs are out for the president as perhaps you see there. he will be there tonight, how important is indiana. he will be here not only tonight but again on monday, trying to help mike braun, the republican businessman who is trying to unseat democrat joe donnelly. yesterday mr. braun got help from senator lindsey graham, who told us he likes joe donnelly. donnelly has been a pretty bipartisan senator. this is the first time i ever campaigned meaningfully against a colleague because this election is just too important. listen to lindsey graham.
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>> every time he has a fork in the road between the left and indiana, he take as left. indiana needed joe donnelly. america needed joe donnelly and he went down the path of the left yet again. reporter: donnelly tried to tout his bipartisan credentials. he said he will help the president. he is certainly with the president when he is right. he said he has a campaign ad out now, if you really want the wall built, elect me. i'm a democrat that can work with the president to get that done. donnelly, i should point out, has in the latest poll, the "fox news poll,," polls have been back and forth between braun and donnelly, latest "fox news poll" has done nelly up 45-38. i guess they need the president in indiana. he will be here twice. steve: jeff flock in indiana. the most popular politician in indiana, is the vice president.
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pete: that's true. he might be there as well. let's see. steve: coming up. ainsley: a college hallway turns into a river. what put hundreds of students out of their dorms into the water. steve: not paying rent this week. pete: saw him on stage with president trump in missouri last night. will itgy josh hawley the boost he needs to win that senate race? he joins us live on the program next. ♪ s place. and if i can get comfortable keeping this tookus safe and protected... you can get comfortable doing the same with yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it.
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far-left democrat claire mccaskill and you're going to send missouri patriot, and that is what he is, he loves your state, he loves you as people. he loves this country, josh hawley, to the united states senate. [cheers and applause] steve: a new "fox news poll" showing the two candidates are tied with just days to go until the midterm elections. and republican senate candidate and missouri attorney general josh hawley joins us right now from columbia missouri. josh, good morning to you. >> good morning. steve: you were able to make your closing argument to the people of missouri. what did you tell them. >> that the control of the senate will come down to the state of missouri. the choice what people of missouri voted for 20 points in 2016, strong america, far left liberal agenda of claire
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mccaskill, the democrats. claire mccaskill increasingly reminds me of another career politician donald trump defeated two years ago. hillary clinton. so we talked about that as well. >> why does she remind you of hillary? >> just like hillary, spent her whole life in politics. just like hillary, made a boatload off federal taxpayers. like hillary, she supports amnesty and open borders, mccaskill does. claire mccaskill wanted hillary to be president. that was her choice. claire is wrong in 2016 and she is wrong for missouri this year. ainsley: she has won 22 out of 23 races. she is the incumbent. she has been popular in the past. why is it so close when you look at the polls in your state, when the president won by 19 points? >> she is been in politics here in the state of missouri 36 years. she collected a lot of favors
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and chits. she has been in politics about as long as i have been alive. people of missouri say snuff of establishment politics. enough of the farthest are. we don't need a party line liberal in congress. there are plenty of those. we need somebody to represent our state. that is what i will do. steve: you laid out the argument that claire mccaskill is a career politician. she is part of the swamp, people don't like essentially. how come you're so close. if there is such a stark contrast between the two candidates here? >> well it is hard to defeat an incumbent. as i say, she has been aarp -- around for 36 years. we feel good about this. we think the contrast is very clear. he said control of the senate may welcome down to missouri. this race is so vitally important. we were delighted to have him last night. vice president is here today. the president will be back in missouri on monday. we're so excited. we'll win this race.
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ainsley: the president said, she is saying nice things about me, claire mccaskill. but she will never vote with me. he talked about the fact that she did not support judge kavanaugh to be a supreme court justice. she voted no. >> she yes did, she voted no on justice gorsuch. she voted no on justice kavanaugh. she has been wrong on the supreme court every time since she has been in the united states senate. always supporting liberal judges and justices, never supporting conservative justices. that is another reason missourians want her gone. she went along with the smear of brett kavanaugh. she said she didn't have anything to do with it. she called for the sham investigation. she called for a delay in the vote. she voted no on kavanaugh. she was with him every step of the way, miss syrians have not forgotten that. steve: how would you have voted? >> i would have voted yes on justice kavanaugh, yes on justice gorsuch. yes an president trump's nominees.
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he is putting up fabulous justices. claire mccaskill has been wrong time on justices of the supreme court. that is the reason she has to go. ainsley: historic if you beat her because she won 22 out of last 23 races. what made for you to go up against her. >> you have got the supreme court in the balance. you see what democrats were willing to do. i'm a constitutional lawyer by background. i haven't spent much time in politics but i have spent some time at the u.s. supreme court. i worked there, and lit pate gated there. you see the stakes in the supreme court. you see what democrats and claire mccaskill would do to seize power. that is what this election is about on november 6th. steve: as attorney general for missouri, how do you regard what the president united states yesterday referred to as an invasion with all of these
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illegals heading to our country? is immigration a big question, a big issue for the people of missouri? >> it sure is. it's a big, big issue. people want to see the rule of law enforced as this state's chief law enforcement officer, the rule of law is important in stopping the flow of gangs, drug, violence across the southern border. is vitally important. i support the president's call to harden the border, to send troops. there we need more than that to build the wall president called for. claire mccaskill voted no on the wall. she called it embarrassing. she couldn't be no wrong. she is sponsoring a open borders bill. that is not what we need. we need the rule of law at the border. ainsley: you are 100 hours away. maybe about 124 getting sleep. thanks for being on with us this year. there is a time difference. we reached out to your opponent claire mccaskill, they declined to interview with us. thanks for coming on, josh. >> thanks for having me.
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you stay in that position for a long time. but now there is choices because everyone is hiring. pete: those are big numbers. bring in judge jeanine pirro, the host of the justice, and author of liars, leaks and liberals. 250,000 jobs created. >> that is incredible n the year of 2018 we added on average over 200,000 jobs a month. we're so close, you were talking about how many hours until the midterms. people really get what is going on. we now have an administration that is focused making sure that we have jobs, unemployment 3.7%. gdp 4.2. when the other administration says 1% gdp is the new normal. now that these are new normal. if people vote economy and pocketbook as opposed to crazy ideology, has nothing to do whether you're safe, put food on the table, rent, this is
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no-brainer. ainsley: are republicans doing good enough job out there, using economy as number of jobs that the president created? >> it doesn't get as much press. you know it doesn't get the press it should. everyone is so focused, what is it, 88% of the press on president is negative. is it higher? okay. so we've got that. if you're talking about all the negative stuff, you can't really get his story out. which is why the president tweets and does social media. the good news the president recognizes that people want to know what the facts are. there is kind of a silver lining here. if he continues to get rid of redlations, help small businesses, that is being done behind the scenes. so americans are actually winning and benefiting from that, while the press is focused on crazy left-wing lunacy. pete: they don't hear about it, absolutely. we're hearing about the caravan,
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multiple car vans heading for the southern border. president announced thousands of troop headed to the southern border. first 100 arrived. your take on big changes he is making as far as asylum and bringing troops to the border? >> bringing troops to the border, they cannot be there to enforce the laws. they can be there to support, border patrol. they can be there to give like, any kind of benefit from the air. and they are now 100. they say 5200 or 2600 now no staging areas. it sends a very strong message. as the caravans continue to travel. that is one tributary we're looking at of caravans. we know that at the mexico, guatemalan border there was violence. and guatemalan police were injured. as o'shaughnessy said, he is the general of the northern command. this is potential serious threat. i want to know who is in that
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caravan? are the pedophiles? are there career criminals? are there people who think they can beat their wives without consequence? we don't know. that is the whole issue. so the president by taking a hard-line, by saying look, you can only now seek a lyle sum and ports -- asylum at ports of entry and dealing with the birthright citizenship issue which is kind of an anchor around our neck, recognizing this is an issue you need to address. ainsley: you're a judge, by law is the president allowed to do that? if you don't seek asylum at the port entry, go through the river, what we've, go through the woods, normally you would have to catch-and-release them. >> right. but what the president is saying now, we're putting up these tents. we'll keep them on united states land -- steve: he can do this by executive order? >> can do this by executive order. pete: you're allowing them to claim asylum.
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>> that is not catch-and-release. 60 something percent don't come back to court f you're illegal, would you come back to court? that is why we have bail in criminal courts. there is no incentive for them to come back. steve: judge, yesterday a lawsuit was filed in district court in washington, d.c., six hondurans were represented. they said the president's plans are illegal. >> what a shock. steve: doesn't treat them fairly. >> what a shock, six hondurans are suing the federal government. that is what happens. you step on united states ground, you automatically have constitutional rights. and what they're looking for, they will forum shop. going to get some judge who will make a decision contrary to the president. then it is going to impact the whole country. that is the problem with some of, forum shopping that we're seeing. pete: the travel ban you have to wait two or three iterations down the road to see if it is constitutional. >> right to see if it gets to
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supreme court. steve: you will have a lot to talk about this weekend. >> this weekend it will be hours before the election. we have some congresspeople. we've got some senators. we're all excited about it. steve: we'll be watching. >> good. steve: 22 minutes before the top of the hour jillian has news. jillian: good morning to you and those at home. let's rock is the last word by a convicted killer. he was put to death last night in tennessee for murdering two men in a drug deal in 1983. he was first inmate to die by execution. in 20 years. joe manchin and patrick morrissey go head-to-head in the first and openly debeat. morrissey reminding voters of his support of hillary clinton. >> he thinks like hillary did. you can make up things as you go along. i'm a fighter for president
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trump. he made his bet with hillary clinton. that is bad for west virginia. >> hillary clinton is not on the ballot. joe manchin, pat morrissey. i'm right here. >> social media accounts linked to manchin's office were hacked. president trump will rally for morrissey in west virginia today. this massive water main break is forcing hundreds of college students out of their dorm. [inaudible] that is a lot of water. you can see the water gushing from the ceiling, flooding the holloway and lobby. an entire wing of the building at st. edwards university in texas had to be evacuated. good news if you want a jump-start on your holiday shopping. target revealing the black friday deals. more than 15 tvs will be under 300 bucks. score 50% off games, puzzles, t-shirts, starting at $3. you can even skip the line.
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target workers have handheld scannerses you can check out anywhere in the store. making it easier for us. steve: that doesn't mean we know how to handle or operate the handheld machines. don't know. target -- jillian: do that at some stores now. pete: who knew. steve: i have to get out more. all right. janice, has to the the weather. ainsley: steve is shopping on amazon so much. that is why they're getting pay raises at amazon. janice: there you have it, we're already shopping for the day after christmas. cold front on the move, my friend. it will bring the potential for showers and thunderstorms across the northeast, down towards the south. behind that we have storm civil across the northwest, brings higher elevations. big nyc marathon happening on sunday. spectacular forecast for runners. it will be cool but dry, lots of sunshine, they love it. we're watching a forecast for
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tuesday. we have a big storm system that will pack a lot of rain a lot of wind, maybe some severe weather. maybe snow on the bark side, affecting key states that we are watching as, yes, as voter go out to the polls. this is tuesday. this is our area of low pressure travels across the great lakes. but its going to affects places across the ohio valley and midwest. here are big cities for election day. certainly parts of the south e,. parts of midwest, ohio river valley need to pay attention. if you can vote earlier do it. steve: vote often. rain won't slow people down. but snow might. ainsley: that is a joke. that is a joke. you can't vote more than once. >> the old slogan. appreciate it. janice. pete: big number we reported, 250,000 jobs in the month of october, way more than the number expected. what will that number mean for the midterms. stuart varney is fired up for
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taking tzds with insulins like tresiba® may cause serious side effects like heart failure. your insulin dose shouldn't be changed without asking your prescriber. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue or throat, dizziness or confusion. (woman) we found our tresiba® reason. find yours. (vo) ask your diabetes care specialist about tresiba®. steve: fox news alert. just told you about this the october jobs report released moment asking a, quarter of a million jobs added surpassing expectations. unemployment rate staying static. pete: how will this impact the midterms? stuart varney here to break it down, host of varney on the fox business network. you have a hop in your step. >> i certainly do. 250,000 jobs in one month. wages rising at fastest pace in four years. that is big numbers. number tell you you have a strong economy, full employment and wages are going up.
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would have thought that would play a big role in the election tuesday. when the economy is humming, you would think the incumbent party, the incumbent president would do well on back of strong economy. ainsley: 60,000 more jobs than anticipated, than estimated. how do they come up with the estimates? why were they so wrong? >> i don't take part in that, okay? i don't do expectations. i don't listen to analyst what is they're forecasting. ainsley: whoever is doing it is not doing a good job. >> they're so often wrong, it is the truth. they underestimated it wildly. 250,000 new jobs, almost like back in the reagan years of the early 1980s, he cut taxes, grew the economy. hundreds of thousands of new jobs a month. steve: stuart, speaking of underestimating, seems like, four days away from the midterms, seems like the republicans underestimate the the value of economic numbers because they are not running on them. they're table salesmen. but democrats on other side are very disciplined pushing health care. if they win on tuesday, it is that issue.
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>> you just stolen my lines entirely, right. republicans are not good on running on tax cuts, growing economy, full employment, higher wages. steve: that was your line? sorry. >> that was my line. they have not been good running on it. honestly i don't know why. maybe they were demagogued by the democrats, crumbs? you remember the crumbs comment? steve: sure. >> maybe the democrats ran with that, won with that because the tax cuts have not been that popular. they have never achieved 50% approval. here you are. with a growing economy. all these new jobs. by the way, lots of new manufacturing jobs. that's clear that those factories are coming back. they are coming back big time. pete: 3% wage number to me is such a big one. those have been stagnant for a long time. president says we get better jobs, higher wages. that number resonates with people. >> it should. we had number the other day. we were talking about it. official statistics 3.1% wayne
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increase over the summer. you have it confirmed. 3.1% over the past 12 months best performance in years. it halt to be a political number and i hope it is. ainsley: i keep hearing politicians say are you better now than you were two years ago? >> wait a minute. you are too young to remember ronald reagan asking that question to jimmy carter. pete: asked again in 1984 because people were better off. ainsley: my question, are the majority of americans, are they better off now than they were two years ago? >> yes. the vast majority of americans are much better off. what we often forget is the 401(k). 55 million americans have a 401(k). 401(k)s are invested largely, usually in the stock market. stock market has gone straight up. most people who have a 401(k), are 30% better off now than they were two years ago. that's a big number.
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i'm pounding the table. that's right, i'm trying. steve: you like the numbers. you will hear more about it actually minutes from -- ainsley: we're 12 minutes away from the weekend. >> i'm not. thanks. pete: race between senator ted cruz and democrat beto o'rourke is coming down to the wire. what would happen if the red state of texas actually turned blue. a former california lawmaker who calls texas home is here next. steve: bill hemmer joins us. >> nice to see you last night, steve. i hope you sold some books. have a great weekend. where do we stand four days out. the head of the rnc is here today. she will make the her pitch. rona mcdaniel is here live. jobs number, how it could play on tuesday. governor mike huckabee, he looked at entire country. he will tell us which race he is watching today. big news on the caravan
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overnight. we have a being pad three hours. come join sandra and me coming up in 11 minutes. friday, folks. see you at the top of the hour. the amount of damage that water could do. we called usaa. and they greeted me as they always do. sergeant baker, how are you? they were on it. it was unbelievable. having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa- now that's a privilege. we're the baker's and we're usaa members for life. usaa. get your insurance quote today.
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♪ ainsley: tight texas senate race between incumbent republican ted cruz and liberal candidate beto o'rourke coming down to the wire now. the two are neck-and-neck in the polls with a few days left until the midterm elections. pete: what would happen if red state texas actually turned blue? would the lone star state be riddled with left coast problems? he calls texas home. chuck, thanks for being with us this morning. is it possible tex cast could go blue in in cycle or one down the line. >> i don't think it is possible in this cycle. certainly you see national democrats and big labor
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investing tens of millions of dollars every year into texas to try to flip it blue. to try to make it more like california. and i think the reason why this race between congressman o'rourke and senator cruz is so tight is because other than president trump, senator cruz is the most high-profile conservative in america. so o'rourke has attracted, what is it $38 million from places like hollywood and new york city? certainly places that don't reflect texas values. ainsley: chuck, it is crazy. we had a guest on, so these races are just shocking, you think texas, you think cowboys, you think conservatives, you think the bush family. so many calfornians are moving to texas. i had friends text me yesterday your guest is so correct. i live in dallas, i live in houston, there are a lot of calfornians here. you're one of the calfornians that left. you want to be in texas. tell us your story. why did you do that? >> i was in the california legislature in six years, in
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2010. i worked in the aerospace industry before that. california's high taxes and regulations drove out the aerospace industry. there are no major headquarters left in california. i packed up the family. moved to texas. in 2011 looked for the texas public policy foundation, frankly vent looked back. california section porting conservatives to other states. there is reason why california republican registration numbers have been dropping. because they're leaving. they're moving to places like texas. they can't take it anymore. pete: tax rates in california driving most people out or lunacy? >> it does have the highest marginal state income tax rate in the country. top five so far as taxes. it is regulations and insane laws, likes, for example, making it illegal to give someone a plastic straw if they don't ask for it. are you kidding me? is that really the biggest problem in the state of california? i don't think so. i think what you will see on election day, governor greg
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abbott will win close to 20%. as a result you're going to see a lift, all the way down the ticket, including frankly with senator cruz. i think that while beto o'rourke raised a lot of money from out-of-state, and has made a big splash, i don't see how he represents texas values at this time. ainsley: if he wins, are we going to see you can't drink from plastic straws in texas? you will have to have solar panels on your roof? you will have sanctuary cities? >> well, i don't think. we still have federalism in texas. still in charge of its local rules and laws. pete: the republic of texas as they call i had. ainsley: the south is so much fun, isn't it? the it is so nice. why everyone moves down thicker you said it. ainsley: chuck, thank you for joining us. have a good weekend, more "fox & friends" moments away.
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>> all right, good times this weekend. check out the gang on the couch. >> you'll be back on monday and something happening on tuesday. >> what's happening tuesday? a big election. have a good weekend. >> bill: thank you, guys, it's friday, president trump back on the road today hoping to give republicans a boost in the homestretch. feels like the homestretch. i'm bill hemmer. we've made it the friday. good morning. thank you for being with us today. >> sandra: good morning everyone. i'm sandra smith. the president crisscrossing the country in a final pitch for his party holding rallies in key battleground states and two today. this afternoon west virginia, after that he will go to indiana and last night he stopped in missouri to stump for gop senate candidate josh hawley. >> president trump: this election will decide whether we build on an extraordinary prosperity that we have
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