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tv   Justice With Judge Jeanine  FOX News  November 4, 2018 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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>> five dates in december. get the tickets out. greg: charlie, well done. you could use some new pants. tom, excellent. world. judge jeanine: breaking tonight. with this agenda on the line, president trump crisscrosses the country from montana to florida as we go down to the wire to the mid-terms. hello and welcome to justice. i'm judge jeanine pirro. and thank you for making justice number one last weekend and keeping "liars, leakers and liberals" on the best sellers list for 13 weeks. we have kellyanne conway, lara trump, charlie kirk, representative darrell issa and
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candace owens. but first, my open. i don't care if you like him or don't like him. you don't have a choice. tuesday the issue is simply do you care about what's getting done or some left wing whackado. the left prefers' subjective versus fact. why? because they hate him. that we are even having this conversation is ridiculous. the only thing that matters are results. you can certainly have a conversation about how he says things. okay. i'll give you that. but what makes you right? you are so blinded by hateful vitriol and disappointed by your 2016 loss that you can't see
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straight. instead, let's take a moment to look at the facts. it's simply insane. every metric is up. the economy is through the roof, just like he said it would be. the longest positive growth streak on record. unemployment at 3.7%. the lowest in almost half a century. gdp at 3.2. are you even listening? what this means is if you want to get a job, you can get one. if you are african-american, you never had a better chance to work than now. if you are hispanic you never had a better chance of getting a job. if you are asian mayor county's never been better. if you are a woman, you have a better chance of getting a job in the last 50 years. if you care about a better life so you can pay the rent, pay the
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mortgage, educate your kids and even take a vacation, then this is the america you want to live in. do you really want to go back to the days of obama and the demon rats where manufacturing jobs were quote a thing of the past? there are now more than 446,000 new manufacturing jobs. more than 446,000. almost a half a million new manufacturing jobs. 100,000 of them supporting the production and transport of oil and natural gas. construction, transportation, healthcare, manufacturing, all major gains. wages for american workers are going up. if you work at walmart or amazon, they are raising your
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pay. why? because they know you have other opportunities to get a job in the trump economy. if you have a veteran you have already got and raise just like he said he would. do you remember when 22 veterans a day were committing suicide and couldn't get a doctor's appointment? democrats may believe they knew nothing by the. obama said he read about it in the newspaper while rewarding va staff who threw away requests for appointments. the man's promise keeping is relentless. he promised us jobs and gave them to us. he promised he moved the embassy to jerusalem and he did. he promised he would break the iran deal and he did. he promised he would rebuild the military and he did to the tune of $700 billion. everything is better.
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but you don't like his style. you don't like him. you are concerned about the rhetoric and who we are. if you don't care about results and things getting bert and things getting done, but instead the way you see it getting done, then by all means, vote for a democrat. i thought that liberals were live and let live. why do you care about how he chooses to lead? why are you so focused on your hatred of donald trump? why do you dismiss his results? obama like hillary missing the spotlight comes out again. >> republicans are saying they are going to protect your preexisting conditions when they literally have been doing the opposite. that's some kind of gall. that's some kind of chutzpah.
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let's call it what it is. it's a lie. they are lying to you. judge jeanine: it's a lie. they are lying to you. you are the one who promised that we could keep our healthcare and our doctor when you knew it was a lie at the time. instead while republicans run on their record, democrats promise to impeach him. to keep investigating justice kavanaugh when there is a criminal referral to the justice department against the woman who said kavanaugh and his friend raped her several times. yet these phoneys promise is to up end the constitution. the presumption of innocence. keep the borders open. try to control our speech, control what he say, how we should say it, and we'll continue with the good ole russia collusion delusion. and they call us fear mongers.
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remember this? , riots over conservatives speaking. you tell me hot fear mongerrers are. >> you can't be civil with a party that want to destroy what you stand for. >> if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, at a grocery store or gasoline station. you get out and you create a crowd. you pushback on them and tell them they are not welcome. >> don't just come here today then go home. go to the hilda. get up and please, get in the face of some congress people. >> when they go low, we go high? no, no. when they go low, we kick them. >> in terms of the bonus corporate america received
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versus the crumbs that they are giving to workers to kind of put the schmooze on is so pathetic. >> this executive order was mean spirited and un-american. judge jeanine: actually if you look at outrage of congress people, it looks like we have more to fear than they do. facts don't lie. they cannot be influenced. all these cities, atlanta, chicago, baltimore, new orleans, philadelphia, all with high crime rates, failing schools and poverty. all have one thing in common. democrats in charge. the last republican in charge in any of these cities was between 70-150 years ago. now that unemployment of
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african-americans is the lowest in history. think again. what do you have to lose? you know, folks. we are not paying attention to any of the left's noise. just like we didn't in 2016. so are you ready to challenge history? where every party in power for virtually the last century suffers at the polls? are you ready to channel history like you did in 2016 where they told you you might just as well go out and vote because the queen, the one they tried to drag across the presidential finish line was going to win? if you like more money in your paycheck, if you like being able to find a job, if you like the direction this country is on, put the pedal to the metal and get everyone you know out to vote. vote for the america that is
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great again. that's my open. if you love my opening statement, you will love my flue book, "new york times" number one best seller. the case against the anti-trump conspiracy. joining me now with reaction to my opening statement, counselor to the president, kellyanne conway. thanks for being with us. >> that was a barn burner. you are right on so many levels. they are til running content free campaigns. that's their business. i'll focus on two different views of what's gone low. you know what's uncivil, uncute, uncharitable when you talk about what's gone low under president trump it's called unemployment rate. we lost 260,000 manufacturing
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jobs the previous 8 years. we gained over 400,000 manufacturing jobs. everybody pretend that the economy is just a bunch of numbers, it doesn't have impact. this has been a boon to the job creators, the job seekers and job holders. if you have a job, you have job mobility. you can move around to another job and look for better benefits. what he's doing at the border, what he's doing with our military veterans. that's why when i turned the undercover hidden trump voter to international ridicule. they will be out there tuesday. they are tired of arguing with people in their circle of light that they don't talk about it anymore.
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is there not a single hid' vote anywhere for the democrats. i'm telling you. look at the lines in bozeman, montana today. jesse: the thing that amazes me. barack obama is out mocking the president. and, you know, saying look, the economy is so good. i think we have sound on it. let's take a listen to it. >> i know -- i do have to make this point because right now the economy is still good. where do you think that started? [cheers and applause] when did that start? judge jeanine: so, kellyanne, i ask you.
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i's coming out now saying he's responsible for all this -- these jobs. what do you say to that? >> people don't believe that. there has been polling that's been done to prove that. it seems like an odd and somewhat pathetic argument from a former president who is on tape also saying that 2% or less in growth in gdp is the quote new normal. with the require's been over 4% for self quarters. he said what's donald trump going to do, wave a magic wound and create new jobs? bit by bit, president trump is undoing the obama legacy. i hardly ever hear this name said in this white house. the socialist, pro-government america. this president said to industries flat on their back, manufacturing, mining. i'm here for you. we are going to open up the
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factories and bring the jobs back, deregulate and cut your taxes. all of that is why we have an economic boom. it didn't start under president trump. if it had, a single democrat would have voted for president trump's tax cuts. the economy is doing well and he wants to take credit for it. people know they are doing better and we are more peaceful and prosperous. i don't sit around in a bubble. i travel and talk to people. people come up to me from all over the country. some aren't so nice, i pray for them. but most of people will come up to me and say i didn't vote for president trump, i don't like this or that. but tell him thank you for turning washington upside down. those results, that progress, that matters most of on tuesday.
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judge jeanine: kellyanne conway, thanks so much for being with us tonight. >> we are not even talking about losing in the senate. that's historic. judge jeanine: dan bongino and chris hahn are on deck for one final debate before america votes. and president trump's daughter-in-law lara trump joins me to make her closing argument before tuesday's election. today is the day you're going to get motivated...
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you. judge jeanine: you are a strong female trump surrogate just back from west virginia and nevada. you were also on the road in 2016 and i was able to see you on part of that journey. compare 2016 to the 2018 mid-terms. is it different? is it similar? >> it's very similar. honestly one of the only differences imseeing is the president's name is not directly on the ballot. but i think people understand if you voted for him in 2016, to get out in the mid terms for republicans. the turnout everywhere, and the enthusiasm, the enthusiasm among women. this is something the democrats always tout they have the women's vote. women after they saw what happened to brett kavanaugh are ready to vote for republicans.
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the enthusiasm is theirs. earn has to get out to the vote. they have to take their friends and family out tuesday and vote for republicans. judge jeanine: for the first time in history, annex president, barack obama to be specific, is coming out and doing something that hasn't been done. he's out campaigning against the republicans and the president, calling them liars. and talking about the numbers and healthcare. what do you say to that? >> first of all, they must be scared on the democrat side if you are pulling out the big guns and have barack obama campaigning for the democrats. i think they are very scared. this is a president delivering results for the people. as it relates to healthcare the president said a million times the republicans are the ones who want to give you a good healthcare plan. obama gave everybody probably
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the most of horrible healthcare plan in the history of the country with obama care. people's lives were simply destroyed by the in many cases. so we finally have a president who understands and he wants to help people. i think it's very telling that barack obama is out there on the campaign trail. >> while you were speaking we put up a tweet from the president saying he was going to totally protect republicans and totally protect health insurance as it relates to preexisting illnesses. but i think the democrats are saying women are better off under democratic leadership. and i'm going to ask to you listen to a sound bite. oprah winfrey who is out in georgia thursday. >> i'm here today because of the men and because of the women who were lynched, who were
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humiliate, who were discriminated against, who were you pressed, who were repressed, and oppressed. i refuse to let their sacrifices be in vain. judge jeanine: as it relates to women as oprah comes out and campaigns for women saying because they have been oh pressed, they have to vote for the female candidate for governor, what say you? >> well, oprah is great. i loved her show. but women are incredibly smart. and women like results. guess who is delivering results for women in this country? president trump. unemployment is at a 69-year low under this president. president trump wants to make sure their families have a great country in the future. we are so much safer as a
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country under this president. they may not tell their friends and may not talk about it a lot. but i think women in a voting booth by themselves tuesday, they will vote for republicans because they will continue the great trend we have seen under president trump. judge jeanine: thanks for sharing your saturday night with us. what's really at stake when you go to the polls? charlie kirk and candace owens are here to lay it out. chris hahn and dan bongino get their final say before tuesday's vote. who is going to win.
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i'm ebony k. williams. now back to "justice with judge jeanine." judge jeanine: just over 48 to 72 hours, before the mid terms. let's get right to it.
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the president is talking about the caravan. and the fact that he is determined to protect this nation and allow people who are legal -- legal immigrants to immigrate. but right now the southern border looks like there is a surge coming across. and they were violent from guatemala to the mexico border. knocking down the walls and the fences. and now the immigrants are suing our government saying they have a constitutional right to be here. chris hahn. tell me why they do. >> we are going to spend $200 million of the people's money for a campaign stunt. judge jeanine: don't start that. chris, answer the question. do they have a constitutional
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right to be here? yes or no. >> i don't know. and i don't think they do. i think they have a right to seek asylum which is what they plan on doing when they get here. but we should all be appalled by the waste of taxpayer money for a political stunt. you in your opening said it right. the president should be running on his record. the economy is doing well be jobs are up. but the president chose to scare his base. get them motivated. this should be called operation joe donnelly or tester. judge jeanine: nobody cares about that. dan bongino do they have a constitutional right to be here. >> i can't believe chris just said that on a national cable news program. did he suggest he's unsure if they have a constitutional right to be here? this is the modern liberal. you ask them a basic simple question that seriously, my
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daughter in first grade can answer for you. i'm not even kidding. do foreign nationals have a constitutional right at any point to enter the united states when they choose and how they choose it and he's unsure of the answer? election day is coming up. i didn't interrupt you, buddy. but focus want to you understand. election day is coming up and crisp answer is epidemic of a bunch of people on the left who feel the same way, that you can waltz in whenever you feel like it. judge jeanine: the president is enforcing our laws, and saying to those coming from honduras, guatemala, el salvador, unlike president obama who basically invited them all in. saying you can't come here, you don't have any more rights from anyone from other parts of the world. what makes you think you have
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more rights that you can invade or come in as a group. there are thousands, california, arizona, texas. if you live in new york and suffered from some of the gang members who have killed americans within then it's not so funny. why didn't we screen them. >> i want to screen them. here is how you know it's fake. the president will visit the troops at the border unlike the troops in afghanistan which he never had the courage to visit. this is not an invasion. this happens all the time. it's ginned up to get the base motivated. it might be working politically. the president may be an evil genius. judge jeanine: i don't think he's evil. what do you say, dan. >> chris, listen, man, that's gross. why would you suggest the president of the united states,
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whatever personal groups is you have with him. people can see this. we are not on a private internet chat room. people can see this. why would you suggest the president of the united states doesn't like the troops? maybe i shouldn't -- i have still got friends in the secret service who actually know the president. you are not going to talk over me. i don't play that game. i have people i know friend who actually work with this president. they don't share classified info but they told me multiple times how much he adores our cops, firemen and military. you saying that lierkt's a political stunt and he doesn't have the guts to visit them. you should retract that. you humiliated yourself. >> when the president goes to visit them in afghanistan i will retract it. but right now he still hasn't gone. judge jeanine: that's where we are.
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the president visiting afghanistan. i don't know if the american people are concerned about that in tuesday. i'll buy you both dinner if you show up and sit next to me for your next debate. candace owens and charlie kirk are on deck. but republican congressman darrell issa is next. what should we be worried about if the democrats take the house. find out in a moment.
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judge jeanine: what will change in washington if the house flips. i spoke about that with congressman darrell issa. you are retiring at the ends of
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this year. you held that seat in the 49th district in california since 2003. and the two people vying to get that seat are democrat mike leaven and republican diane harky. what i found so interesting in this, among those who already voted in that district. this guy levin seems to be up 80% among those who believe that healthcare is the most of significant issue in the race. my question to you is, did i miss something on healthcare? why are we all after sudden talking about healthcare? it's the democrats biggest talking point. we got rid of the individual mandate. what happened? >> it's interesting that we have driven down the cost of healthcare under obamacare the last couple years by getting rid of some unnecessary regulations, yet the voters are in some cases
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being driven to be concerned again. that's scare tactic on healthcare. in the case of mike levin, he has $8 million or $9 million distorting diane harkey's record. she is being outspent 7 or 8 to one. it's not a fair match. her race wasn't funded. judge jeanine: by the republican party? >> not a penny. judge jeanine: you had that seat for so many years. the reality is that seat could have been held in a normal year. but the hundreds of millions of dollars just in those races last week, $11 million came in from michael bloomberg to spread over
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four candidates, two million of which went to mike levin to beat up the highest ranking republican in california diane harkey with a splendid record. michael bloomberg has become an ardent democrat trying to flip the house. judge jeanine: you were chairman of house oversight. i believe you were chairman from 2011 to 2015. in were multiple reports the mueller-russia investigation is winding down. no russia collusion proven. adam schiff from california couldn't stop himself any time he got in front of a camera to talk about russia collusion. i have a quote here. there are so many like this where he says there is plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy in plain sight.
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now, if the democrats win the house, he'll be in charge of house intel. can we expect another two years it's there, it's there, it's there? aren't we take of this yet? >> adam schiff who had access to all the classified information where there is no collusion by the trump campaign with the russians has managed to say, it unless plain sight. >> it unless plain sight in fake dossiers produced and paid for by the obama administration. you can expect adam schiff, a former democrat u.s. attorney to be out there talking about things that he can't tell you the source, but he's going to swear existed. that's what he has been doing for the last two years of the trump administration. congress and the trump administration have been building a robust economy, getting rid of regulations.
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judge jeanine: the numbers in the economy just yesterday. unemployment rate, 3.7 and the jobs going up. ways your projection as it relates to the house? does any of that stuff matter? >> all of the good work done by the republican house, that's going to come to a halt and we'll be frozen. the good news is the trump administration's deregulations will continue. many of the things that caused to us have increases in export of oil and durable goods, that will continue. but it is a challenge, because so much of what was the agenda last two years the president signed is in danger of coming to a halt. that's a real shame. the economy today has negative unemployment. more jobs are being asked for than there are people to fill them. judge jeanine: congressman darrell issa, thanks for being with us.
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charlie kirk and candace owens are next. today is the day you're going to get motivated... get stronger... get closer. start listening today to the world's largest selection of audiobooks on audible. and now, get more. for just $14.95 a month, you'll get a credit a month good for any audiobook, plus two audible originals exclusive titles you can't find anywhere else. if you don't like a book, you can exchange it any time,
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no questions asked. automatically roll your credits over to the next month if you don't use them. with the free audible app, you can listen anytime, and anywhere. plus for the first time ever, you'll get access to exclusive fitness programs a $95 value free with membership. start a 30-day trial today and your first audiobook is free. cancel anytime and your books are yours to keep forever. audible. the most inspiring minds. the most compelling stories. text "listen16" to 500500 to start your free trial today.
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the most compelling stories.
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judge jeanine: the race to the finish. lane's so much at stake in these mid-term elections. turning points usa's charlie kirk and candace owens. i know you guys have been crisscrossing the country trying to get the vote out. let's talk about the youth vote. all under cases are young people generally don't vote in the mid terms. is that the case? charlie? >> usually turnout in the mid terms are 40-45 percent.
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but all indications show we'll have spiked enthusiasm. candace owens and i have been barnstorming the country on college campuses. there are young people supportive of this president's agenda. there are some record highs and. >> record lows. lowest unemployment in 60 years. our own generation's well-being better pull that lever tuesday. judge jeanine: candace, what are you seeing when it comes to young people voting. >> there seems to be a tacit understanding the stakes are higher this time around. we are deciding between two disparate viewpoints. is it going to be ruled by the left which believe in mob rule
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and just believe women, or are we going to vote for the founding principles and the constitution. so they understand the stakes are higher this time around. you will see a high voter turnout in terms of the youth. >> the polls are indicating that, you know, first they said there would be a blue wave. now they say they are confident the democrats will win. do you feel that, that those polls are accurate? charlie, i'll start with you. >> candace and i are looking at this record turnout of early voting for republicans in states like arizona and florida and michigan. we don't see the continuity there. back in 2016, the polls were so terribly wrong. i believe the polls are being used to keep the republican base at home to make it seem like we don't have a chance to win the
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elections. the message for every republican voter and trump supporter, vote as if it's general election. vote as if he's on the ballot. if you give the power back to nancy pelosi and cluck schumer they will try to impeach this president. judge jeanine: in florida rick scott won by 1%, trump won by 1%. obama won by 1% when he ran against romney. you guys, as you crisscross the country. what do you think about this florida race? >> if you are interested in making america swrens *, then you will -- making america venezuela, then you will vote for gillum. it's crazy what he's talking about make it a socialist state. it's scary talk, but i think ron
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desantis and rick scott will pull through. judge jeanine: we all know ron desantis from his work in congress and in identifying some of the wrongdoing and corruption at the upper echelons of the fbi and doj. why isn't that translating or is it translating in florida for him to become governor? >> he single poll that florida had, the major polls were wrong going into 2015. the experts had donald trump down 3 to points to heading into election day. there is a general consensus of support of donald trump. i think they will come out and support ron desantis and rick scott. florida is a very diverse state. you have the panhandle where it's socially conservative. and you have the i-4 corridor. and then southern florida with
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people from the northeast going to florida. sing this will be a tight race. it will be focused on turnout. i think ron desantis will win when it comes down to the wire. judge jeanine: you mentioned about turning florida into venezuela. a lot of people there retiring, there are a lot of senior communities. people don't like the idea of the concept of socialism and taking care of everybody. to them, they worked their whole lives. now they want to retire and not have to pay for everyone else. where this guy gillum is coming out and saying the police are the enemy, the police are plantation owners putting african-americans in cages. >> that's correct. he's an extreme leftist. he's getting desperate. that's why he's pulling the race card. he's failing ideologically to connect with the voters in
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florida so he's trying to scare them and make them emotional and use fear-based tactics. i don't think it's going to work. i have no doubt that scott and desantis will pull away in this race. judge jeanine: do you want to hear a special announcement? hear a special announcement?
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judge jeanine: finally tonight, exciting new news. we announced our premium option service, nation, watch it. the on demand service with live opinion shows and documentaries you will love. it features exclusive content come up on your favorite fox news host including yours truly. for a limited time only we are offering you a chance to become part of a nation of vaccination by setting up by the founder by becoming founding member you get close merchandise and it's only available between now and november 27. sign up at vaccination .com. if you buy my book for thinking i will be very thankful. thank you for watching. i'm getting. advocating for truth, justice and the american way. greg gutfeld is next and i will see you next saturday night and
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don't forget get out there and vote. bring everyone with you. your friends, your family, the dog, they probably won't let that in the. [laughter] >> who voted? two let me see it again. who voted? [cheering and applause] what the hell am i doing here tonight? greg: entertaining the crap out of us. [cheering and applause] all right. welcome. welcome. to our live election special. as you can tell we spared no expense. not one but two american flags. [laughter] thank you.


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