tv The Five FOX News November 4, 2018 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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will get a preview of what to expect on tuesday. then complete election coverage starting at 6 pm eastern on tuesday night. i am jon scott, thank you for watching special coverage of the countdown to the midterms. our sunday edition of the fox starts now. >> hello everyone i am dana perino. it is 5:00 in new york city. this is the five. you're looking live at fox square. we're debuting this blender set on the special midterm reduction of the five. >> he is:00 you're bundled up, it is 55 degrees out here. as want the audience to now, only 55 degrees. greg has double layers and think that you have legwarmers
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on, is that correct? >> this is an electric blanket. >> 55 degrees. >> you look like you're ready for spring. >> i am ready! >> jesse watters -- >> he's wearing a latex bodysuit under the suit. >> yes. >> he really wanted to wear that blue suit so he said i'm not going to put a coat over my costume. >> he was great about being out here? i have a great view of the gap. >> you never know what you need to buy. >> is already a great crowd out there. >> oh yeah! >> we lost to get to the first -- a fox news alert with the highly anticipated midterm elections just two days away, the president continuing his campaign schedule. the president is wrapping up a rally right now in georgia before venting to tennessee later tonight. here are some highlights a few
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minutes ago. >> republicans produce jobs, democrats produce mobs. [booing] you have heard that! you have seen it! you have seen it. you have seen it and -- they take the helmet off. and they take the armbands and you see these arms, these little arms. the radical resistance, that's what they are, radical resistance. takes power, they will move immediately to reverse america's progress and to eradicate all of the games that we made. if you want more crime and more caravans vote democrat, it's simple. [booing] if you want strong voters and safe communities, vote republican. >> gregor securely today, the president led an 2016 on law and order.
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>> right. >> that as well with the midterm has turned into. >> two quick points. of all the people campaigning on both sides, the person who is least fatigued is orange superman. it is amazing! did not notice that atlas or president obama out there and joe biden. they look winded after just a few appearances. but in terms of energy, they are still there and he is nuclear. he's like the roadrunner and everyone is eeyore. i was had 10 percent of this energy. having said that, i think the problem with law and order kind of stance is that it can be portrayed as fear mongering. the problem is, it looks like fear mongering because what you want, is a process. and the opposite of process is chaos. so it is a natural inclination to be fearful of chaos. i think the proper framing of what donald trump is doing is that we are a party of process. due process, law and order.
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if you think that is fear mongering then you're sadly mistaken. >> is a part of that though is the economy. we talked about strong economic numbers i cannot friday. even the poultice over the last that came out right before the election, 65 percent of people saying that this is a good economy. the strong economy that has not shown up in the polls. however, do think it will show up as a reason people vote on election day? >> i do. i think the second biggest issue is economy for most voters. he could tell the president is extremely excited. you know when he is excited and feeling good when he is talking about skinny arms antifa. also reminiscing about when he was running in the primary against republicans. he was always on the center of the stage. you can tell he's in a really good mood. it looks like as you talk about, the polls are really tightened. and even the prognosticators are starting to hedge. if you look at the abcnews "washington post" poll the congressional generic ballot shrunk from 14 to 11 and now down to seven. and if you look at the other
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two they have seven and five. if you plug the numbers into the historical predictors, it does not translate into a democratic victory. it translates into 15 seats to 22 seats pick up. not enough to make it happen. right now, the republicans are favored by 10 and 11 points on the economy. and on border security. favored by five on taxes where they are really looking bad is healthcare. there down 15 points on healthcare. that is their fault, they botched repeal and replace. they are also in trouble because everyone retired. they thought this to be a landslide blue wave victor pete all these guys and retards the republicans are looking at a lock right now. and silver his nostril to hedge. he said before, 45 chances democrats take the house. now this is a direct quote. extremelypossible republicans k the house and holes -- polls
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can be wrong. i don't know what will happen, i will make my prediction on tuesday and you can take that to the bank. [laughter] >> at the end will call the election. >> that's right. >> is one of the concerns for democrats that have high expectations they can't meet? >> no i think you need to make sure people go out to vote. what you really talk about here is turnout. and everybody wants to turn out. we've already seen in terms of early voting, it is high turnout. >> and in texas, 4 million people have already voted. >> correct. especially among young people across the country. high levels of engagement. you can view that in terms of like you were discussing reese a higher percentage of republicans and democrats in the early turnout. but in other states, given the high level of youthful enthusiasm your seeing more democrats. i think we're seeing a lot of ads, the president doubling
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down on the fear, crime, making ms-13 into the new bad guy that's coming to get you and your family. that is intended just to his base. but it is not among the top issues right now. healthcare remains overwhelmingly the top issue. the number two issue is the economy, number three, i think this is one that really touches me. people consider multilevel division. >> that was number three in the poll. >> what you see is like when the president went to pittsburgh. rabbi meyer, when he was meeting with him, he set the shabbat service yesterday pittsburgh. he said, i said to the present that hate speech leads to hate action. and what took place in the sanctuary. i think lots of americans are concerned about the poor quality of hatefulness we are seeing in the country at the moment. >> and those actually both sides that will read about that. tammy, let me go to you. some of these races are tied like the one in missouri. president trump is going to his final campaign rally on monday
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night at 9 pm in missouri. you think will be enough to tip this into the favor of josh hawley? >> is trying to nationalize the race. this is what will make the republicans have a better day. him going to every single one of the states. he himself, nationalize dippy newt gingrich brought together the contract for america. obama did it with obamacare. you know, not too often.the president himself has been the nationalize repair but it's not his rhetoric regardless of even how tight the state is or not. his rhetoric is not about fear mongering. he is reflecting with the american voter already feels. as an example, since he percent of voters believe illegal immigration is a major problem. that was in august. 70 percent say stricter enforcement of immigration laws is necessary. that was june and a pole. the president is reflecting back what american people are
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really care about and wanted to make sure their lives are safer. it's not that we are afraid, is that you notice what's gone wrong and you want to fix it. so the president's presence will find will make a huge difference. and of course if it matters florida has mattered a great deal. nelson and scott. we'll find out how it works and i think the democrats are making a mistake in thinking that the new enthusiasm only belongs to them. they thought they had them at 60 with hillary and they were mistaken. >> i do think because we are talking about fear mongering, that the other side is getting huge free pass on this. when i seen as it is said that republicans, let's face it, for decades now, republicans have been accused of destroying the environment. going after social security, take your healthcare. now it is enslaving women and putting children in cages. that's a new thing. handmaids tale. setting up camps are very reminiscent of a impasse. also let's not forget the democrats pioneered the
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negative ads with the daisy ad, the nuclear winter against goldwater. i think saying that the fear mongering is on one side, is a little bit of a stretch. >> let's go back to the current thing. i will leave goldwater to you but it's interesting to me that the president chose immigration as the focus because the economy wasn't working for him. in the latest polls, what we see is among all voters, 47 ã 42, they prefer democrats to handle immigration. >> there's a wide variety potential outcomes on tuesday night. we will be here at fox square to bring it to peanuts, president trump the new warning about the economy if democrats take control. we have that for you on 'the five".♪ ♪ [music]
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booming economy while taking a dig at democrats ahead of tuesday's election. this is the new poll shows 65 percent of americans rate the economy is good or excellent. and while president obama is continuing to tell voters he deserves credit for the current economy. >> we got the economy growing again. by the way, it has not stopped growing since. [cheers and applause] they say look how good the
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economy is. where do you think that started? [cheers and applause] they didn't start that. >> jesse watters, a wrecking ball? the truth is more jobs have been created in the last remnants of donald trump then in a bumpy request that he wants credit for the economic boom. you been saying for the entire year that republicans and donald trump are not talk about the economy because is not working. at every show we place on of donald trump talking about how great the economy is. and it is a fantastic economy look at this. economic optimism highest since 2001. 71 percent say the economy is great. 85 percent of americans are doing just as well if not better than they were when donald trump came into office. it is not just numbers because i agree, there were good jobs numbers under president obama
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too. donald trump is continue the effort. but it is a quality of jobs, wages highest since 2008. this is a real recovery. obama is recovery was the worst since world war ii. a of the types of jobs. look at this, mining, manufacturing, construction, transportation. there's a good jobs to middle-class america. those of the jobs president obama could not deliver. you also have consumer spending, consumer confidence and business investment at record highs. it is typical of barack obama. he blamed george bush for his own economy. and he wants credit for donald trump economy. which one is it? >> we look at the economy, the republicans are saying, why is the president stepping on the good news by bringing in the immigration, fear and crime messages that are focusing on economics? why sitting is because the president is americans can walk
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and chew gum at the same time. we can handle a bunch of issues at once.we know their link and good economy is in part because the future will be safer. let me say that is ridiculous for this report of obama is economy. because president trump is undoing and has undone everything obama did. which means it cannot be related to obama because the president has undone what obama did and has implemented new things. tax cuts, eliminating regulations, the nature of small business. making it easier. getting rid of mandate on obamacare. the fact of the matter is, on the surface, it's an absurd claim. but it does democrats now is the economy that matters. and they wanted to be theirs. it is not theirs, the american people know it and it will show up on tuesday. on top of just, people are being -- they are tired of being lied to. and that's what they're trying to do. >> obviously they're not in the campaign is racing this weekend. it is not the economy --
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>> and postmortem will try to figure out was it or not? we'll have to see. the fact is people feel like the economy is good, if 65 percent feel it's good and it's in there moderate as a go to the polls, a lot of the president has done here on the economy side from the passing of the tax has been in the executive branch. even if something were to go wrong for the republicans and they lose the house on tuesday, going forward, the president can still continue to do the deregulation and focus economy on the trade. plus i think you'll make a real effort to try to bring people that have been out of the workforce for long time, try to bring them back into the workforce. i think finally as the president looks forward to the reelection, he is going to think about what is going to do for the long-term for the country. it is something we have to reckon with sooner rather than later. >> greg, are you feeling good about the economy tonight?
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>> i was a the president had something to do with the economy. you can give a little credit here but a lot of critical said donald trump. there are two challenges. one is human nature. a great economy is kind of like the weather in california. it is so great, you have gotten used to it. so instead you talk about your therapy bills and why the avocado on your toast is turning brown. he looked for other things. things are going so great economy we are finding other things to look for. then you have the media. now if economy was a mess the media would be all over but because it's great they're going to get there manicure. all right? the thing is, why is it happening? could it be because of donald
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trump? because if you talk about a positive economy, you have to give that guy some credit. the guy that you hate? i would rather not talk about that. >> obama created a part-time nation. yes, there are jobs and they were delivering pizza. >> what's wrong with that? >> calm down! >> people want a professional job. >> very sensitive about food. >> especially cheese. >> up next, president trump challenging democrats after the one kavanaugh accuser admits to lying to the confirmation battle impact on the midterms. that is next on our freezing ♪ ♪ "the five". ♪ [music] the best simple salad ever?
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a town where almost half the population is self-employed. this is stonington, maine, lobster fisherman is the lifeblood of this town. by 2030, half of america may take after stonington, self-employed and without employer benefits. we haven't had any sort of benefit plans and we're trying to figure that out now. if i had had a little advice back then, i'd be in a different boat today, for sure. plan your financial life with prudential. bring your challenges. >> a woman who accuse justice brett kavanaugh of rape has admitted she made it all up. when investigators confront the left-wing activist judy munro, she made it was all a ploy to stop the nomination. it nearly ruined a man and his
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family. which is easy to do when one entire party rejects due process we need is a postcard to dianne feinstein. it's easier than registering to vote. chuck grassley is referred this creep for a criminal prosecution as well as julie swetnick and michael avenatti for making false claims to risk is to support all this people get what is coming to them. after due process of course. what they did to judge kavanaugh they could do to. how the allegation was and the threat is not getting now it raises another key question. if the democrats actually believe in the charges, why are they not -- are they pursuing them now? why stop justice? why are they presenting evidence and were witnesses? could it be the new the charges were false from the start? could it be that they were willing to stand by a false
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transfer just to score a political win? you know the answer. you better remember on tuesday. tammy, if they were found guilty, what should be the punishment? how many years in jail? because i think they got like if you don't put people like this in prison, he repeats itself. question one of the reasons donald trump was elected was that we wanted to return to law and order. if we lied to congress, no one would ever see us again. we will be in a dungeon and maybe 10 years later we will come out. clearly there is going to have to be punishment not just by these people that sends a message this is serious, you cannot just do this and yet, after what dianne feinstein was saying in harris and booker and the entire democratic party, this is from the start. it was an invitation for fraud. that this is a serious issue and that in fact, this was going to undo the work we have done for generations to get
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women to, not be given a free pass but to be taken seriously. and we will all we wanted is to be able to get to the justice system and have that process. this because it was a political cudgel because it was going to get there may be some votes, were willing to undo all of that work many rested for a generation in the trenches to get women to be believed on a very serious issue. and now if it gets undone that is the fault of women like feinstein, harris, democrats like cory booker and everyone else notches on the committee but the democratic party and who are now silent because damages every single woman as a democratic woman in a constituency. they also saw what was happening there. >> i cannot believe that you're slamming american women that will complain about sexual assault. >> is that what i just did? >> greg just spoke about a
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woman who is said to have lied. he's not talking about professor christine blasey ford. he's not talking about deborah ramirez. he is talking to someone i never heard of. and saying, here is the thing, remember, keep this in mind. only two percent of false sexual allegations are proven to be made up. that is about it. here's the situation where all of a sudden now, this is somehow to say nothing happened?>> we know julie swetnick, wedo michael avenatti will be the next democratic nominee, can't wait for that! why have it if christine blasey ford and everyone else is so sincere. why haven't they -- >> they just moved on. chris lying to investigators is a crime. when the right says, it's not a
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big deal. remember this because as a problem to lie to investigators. that's why think the judiciary committees right to go after them. not only is it on the merit but you also to try to defend this behavior in the future. >> exactly. you want to comment this is interesting suggestion from ann coulter. >> she brought up something of thought was interesting.ruth ginsburg is 85. breyer is 79. a chance donald trump is a two-term president. he will have the opportunity to nominate more justices to the bench. what are the chances of next two justices he nominates, also being accused of sexual assault? are people going to believe that donald trump is stacking the deck with rapists on the court? is that really -- three justices in a row will be accused of sexual assault by democrats. it boggles my mind but you know what? it looks like that's a possibility with the way things are going. and how desperate democrats are to keep the bench from moving. >> i think if they find any of these people guilt they go away for 10 years.
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10 years. >> law and order. >> up next, a look at some of the best and worst campaign ads for the midterms. when "the five" returns.♪ ♪ [music] from the very beginning, it was always our singular focus, a distinct determination to do whatever it takes, and use every possible resource to fight cancer, and never lose sight of the patients we're fighting for. our cancer treatment specialists share the same vision: experts from all over the world, working closely together to deliver truly treating cancer using advanced technologies, and more precise treatments than before. working as hard as we can-doing all that we can- for everyone who walks through our doors.
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responded directly to her opponent, congressman john the campaign was like a war. check this out. >> i am the lady you are at war with. respectfully congressman, you do not know -- about war. i did three tours in afghanistan and tear to tapia campaign is a discussion about issues and then again, you are afraid of that too. >> getting bleeped in your own ad is a good thing. >> i like as a not the typical ad like this is my spouse, these are my adorable kids. i'm wearing flannel in front of a cornfield. i'm about to hug a senior or a baby, not sure which. she just says, screwed i am who i am. i'm coming at you. it is memorable. >> the arab that she first ran that got her a ton of fundraising was about doors
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closing and doors opening her career. mark putnam did both ads, he's a democratic ad maker. kind of a genius if you're interested in following that world. he is the kind of guy you want to follow his career. >> salty language. i think it might work. >> acting is good. and it remind you about the high number of women running for democrats is time in the high number of veterans. usually it is republicans that say we are law and order where the patriots, the veterans. >> they are doing pretty well. what do you think? >> thinkers change a lot of this is the media and the internet and youtube and everybody being able to make their own stuff. it has changed the framework. even a special consultant to have to make these videos real as they looking at a population that's got real smart about it. they expect to see real personal stuff. they expect to see stuff happen immediately, immediate responses. it is a perfect way to do it because it's bringing in all of that together. >> provocative. and we will play it on "the five". >> and controversy with this
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ad. >> this is jake, young man interested in one of my daughters. two things if you got a date when my daughters. respect and healthy appreciation of the second amendment, sir. >> sir! i remember we played this a few months back. the left went wild. >> because all my god, there is a gun! believe it or not there's a large part of america who have one of those in their kitchen. right up against near the broom. it is for people on the left and the right coast. they're like oh my god! let their status of the evil one you're seeing something that's probably a neighbor in the midwest.>> and it was pretty funny. >> also add that was made for georgia. but because all these things have been nationalized, that's why i got so much attention. that race is tied. the georgia governors race. >> a dead heat with stacey abrams and kemp.
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>> is in charge of the electorate of vegas part of the issue. i think it's being replayed "the five" people think it's a little much to suggest it's what he will use to protect -- >> is a joke! >> i am just saying. >> why democrats so hard at hearing jokes? of course it wasn't a joke when the guy took a gun and started shooting people in a synagogue. >> you are linking not add to that? >> look, there is -- there is another add symbol to bring the family dynamic. there is an ad and i forgot for who it is. you may recall. a man who keeps talking about policy to his friends and a barbecue and in the house. and his wife is talking to the camera about how please, both my husband is that he gets out of the house. that is the same kind of reality t.v., very extremely personal, humor and that's what
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works. >> family humor is always fun. and then this will from republican, ron desantis running for governor in florida. teaching is because abc's of trump. >> ron loves playing with the kids. >> build the wall. >> he read stories. >> the mr. trump said, you're fired. i love that part! >> he is teaching medicine to talk. >> make america great again. [laughter] >> they will say it is child abuse. i just pray that that kind of rhetoric does not lead to violence. >> anything can happen, you know! a lot of crazy rhetoric out there. >> that helped him win the primary florida. the race is too close to call. the president motivates both spaces. we'll see in florida how it turns out. >> was interesting to me about the ad, i think you see this not just with that but across the country. a lot of republicans decided they will imitate president trump emphasis on immigration and cultural issues.
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readings the kid, building the wall, i think he sent everybody, i am mr. trump, and it trump guy, this is trump republican party. vote for me. question who will pay for the wall? >> i think you are. >> it's a conversation a lot of families are having the country. it is not just about political point of view, right? this is what americans can relate to.there talking to the kids about stuff, watching tv, having a conversation. and it's funny and get to know them. >> i talked to my kids all the time about the border wall. finally, who could forget the colorado democrat, levi, also was a pepper spray politician. >> incredibly painful. and now i just cannot see anything. >> this strikes me as goofy and a little desperate. what do you say? >> i would not vote for that person.
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i actually would not let them near my family. >> a little extreme. i think colorado, the governors race their super important. they have this probably too close to call. >> pepper spray? >> i don't know, waterboarding, pepper spray. i don't know what you do to win a race. crespo taste and is not funny it makes you question his judgment. >> okay that video next on ♪ ♪ "the five". ♪ [music] ♪
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ied which apparently to them at nbc, is funny. >> you may be surprised to hear he is a congressional candidate from texas. not a hitman in a porno movie. [laughter] >> i'm sorry i know he lost his eye and wore or whatever. [laughter] >> crenshaw responding with this tweet quote - good role in life. i try hard not to offend. i try harder not to be offended. that being said, i hope nbc, snl recognizes vets don't deserve to see their wounds used as punchlines for bad jokes. i think that speaks for itself. and at dana, you had this guy on your show. he is a genuine war hero, multiple awards. what is your impression of crenshaw? >> i first got to know him several months ago. he was in a nine percent primary running an open seat in houston. in order to get some attention for his race, he literally ran
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the entire district like hundred 25 miles over five days. i had him on the show to talk about this. he went to three tours was a navy seal, he came on the show and these guys got to meet him as well. i have a very high tolerance for humor. i have a strong stomach for it. but this really did make me tear up this morning because he just doesn't deserve it. and neither do all of the other heroes. and i know that he is a man who would not have said anything. i think crenshaw is a condo that it probably would not have said anything today. but there is a big outpouring on his behalf and on behalf of veterans. >> was even sadder is the audience is laughing at this. not just him. but comedy is hard, isn't it? what has gone off the rails here? saturday night live used to be funny. it is not only, it is not even near being funny. it is so off the rail. >> the worst part is that he
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left his own joke. wait, i do that! but i have three pages of notes on this because i've been thinking about this a lot. the thing that bugs me about the joke was a contrast. he made it clear, that the breakup with arianna was now off-limits like they were going to joke about anymore but apparently a one eyed veteran hero comic is to make jokes about him. then i thought about it. overnight a thought like, he knew what he was doing. the point of the joke is that it is so awful, that he knew it was awful. it was a ludicrous dismissal. and this is something they do. they tell a joke that is so awful that the joke is that it's horrible. a lot of comedians do that. donald trump did it with the mccain joke. a joke horrible by nature but then i thought about that. and -- does that by his dad. he makes a lot of jokes about that his dad died on 9/11. a lot of people would not do
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that but he is uniquely qualified to make the joke. having said that, i spoke with joey jones, friends of ours that lost both legs in afghanistan. he was a bomb specialist. he likes to say he was not very good one. but only he can say that. because he is uniquely qualified to make the kind of joke because it affected him. what joey says is, while the joke can only be acceptable if you have some skin in the game. so pete davidson can make jokes about 9/11 because he had skin in the game. but he had no skin in this gam . i think that's an important question. >> at the same time, nbc and saturday night live are not big gop fans. answer to this may affect what they think what they can say but one particular candidate. do you think you went too far? do you think this about a bias that makes him not know is funny and what isn't anymore? >> no, i was listening to greg because i did not understand the little background he explained about what the comedians think is funny and what they can do to step over the line and that. to my mind, we all such respect
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to mr. crenshaw and all of the veterans. i really do feel that deeply. what i also think is that it is not fair to say this is evidence of media bias or whatever. i think comedians, way beyond pete davidson, often times, step over the line and say things that are obnoxious, crude and rude. you know, i do not see it as evidence of nbc or anybody else that is necessarily being a once or the other. what i see is, to my file, so in that spoke in a way that was obnoxious and ill-conceived. i was surprised a little bit at the response because i thought that there was a snowflake, pc crowd, this is definitely not pc, folks. >> here is the distinction. the media when a cover snl to cover the opening skit which makes fun of trump and fox news, right? that was a big story. they did not cover this one.
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>> the daily wire, every new that did not work it wouldn't you agree that we try to avoid that? >> i mean i thought the open about fox was funny. i'm not sure if i found this that funny but i don't really care that much. i was -- it was a bad joke. i think greg's analysis was well thought out. but i agree a little bit with juan. sometimes get sensitive on behalf of the people. i think there's too much of that in this country. on really know if the navy seals personally offended by some comedian who just got dumped by his girlfriend trying to land a laugh. is not that big a deal. they probably did him a favor. they put him on the map nationally. >> he is already heavily favored. >> he is heavily favored sought to say was a bad joke but whatever. >> it might be a tipping point about what americans are willing to put up with with remarks about the vets. one more thing is up next.♪ ♪ [music]
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evidence so take a listen. ♪ watch as a three -year-old sings in the back seat of her mother's car. ♪ the toddler's rendition is a viral hit all over the world i love it. sumac the new york city marathon and just a few blocks north of here. winning the men's division two hours five minutes and 59 seconds.
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and the woman world record holder was from kenya and wanted again two hours and 20 minutes all incredibly athletes the last one before the midterms now the governor that is responsible for all republicans trying to be reelected. spin mac every now and then we get a news affiliate this time from the antarctic to tour the offices spin like this is so nice of us. to open our offices to them.
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so you know, when you go to cvs and you buy one or two things and you get a receipt 10 feet tall quick look at the size of this receipt. she bought three items they handed her a receipt taller than she is. [laughter] we can agree on that. too much for the environments be met for the first time a woman is leading the commander of the us army now command of the armed forces command to prepare conventional army forces to have a sustained flow of trinity - - trained and ready combatant commander at home and abroad now in charge of 776,000 troops 96000 civilians this is fabulous and
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a great role model for girls around the world and in the country she will do a great job keeping the nation safe spin mac as she is. that's it for us. we will see you live tomorrow john scott is up next be mac with control of congress coming down to the wire president trump with a last-minute i am john scott coming to you live from washington with a special edition of the fox report. spivak another busy day in chattanooga tennessee he will stop tonight for the candidate after rallying supporters earlier today in georgia for the g.o.p. candidate in georgia checking those last poles the latest real clear ballot shows democrats with a seven-point edge but both sides remain optimistic
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