tv Tucker Carlson Tonight FOX News November 5, 2018 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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will be right downstairs from here and our amazing studio anchoring the fox news coverage of the 2018 midterms. we will start at 6:00 p.m. and we will actually be on outnumbered tomorrow afternoon. tucker is coming up next and we will see you tomorrow. i'm ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." we are just hours from the 2018 midterm elections as you well know, and the noise levels are becoming almost unbearable. everyone is posturing and trying to bully you into this or that candidate and it's all very loud. but pause for a second and consider what you are not hearing. what is missing from this cacophony? for starters, there is hardly word about russia. remember that dastardly vladimir putin and the plot that hacked our democracy? whatever happened to that? and why we are at it, what about
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brett kavanaugh? what about his high school yearbook and his purported teenage drinking problem and those gang rapes that he supposedly committed? what about those? those were the biggest stories in the world not so long ago, 24/7 on the other cable channels and those stories will define this election and it defined the entire historical era. everyone on television told us that. now these are just fading memories. it turns out they were sideshows. the midterm elections were never going to be fought over vladimir putin or brett kavanaugh or just about anything else we spent most of our time talking about. this election like all elections was going to turn on issues that actually affect the life of the country. this year there are three big issues. immigration, the economy and nationalism. the first is the most obvious. immigration determines who lives next door to you. it determines who works in your office and who chooses your leaders. there is nothing more
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fundamental in any country than the a question of citizenship. whatever donald trump doesn't know, he definitely knows this. he's been talking about immigration for three years now. and all that time the official washington has been trying to make him stop. >> the way that donald trump has been conducting this campaign, attacking brown people and making up stories about possibly george soros funding caravans that are still 800 miles away to try to scare white voters. >> tucker: in other words, shut up, racist. but trump will not shut up so they have changed tactics. the newline is, immigration doesn't really matter. the threat is hyped and only dumb people and bigots care about borders. by the way, parties of both sides seem to believe this. paul ryan's office, let it be known to politico this morning that they asked him to stop yammering about the caravan from
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central america and talk about something important like paul ryan's tax bill. that's preemptive blame shifting obviously. if the republicans lose tomorrow, paul ryan can point the finger at trump rather than accept responsibility for not funding the wall that voters said they wanted. but it's also a ludicrous position to take because it's untrue. immigration does matter. if, for example, arizona and texas go to the democrats tomorrow, immigration will be the reason. those are republican states until the population changed. so no matter how much you lie about it, immigration is inherently important and voters understand that. if you want people to stop worrying about the border, then you should secure the border and it won't be an issue. people are also worried about other things that washington doesn't notice or thinks is important. here in washington, the economy is synonymous with the stock market. markets have boomed for ten years and their entire cable channels are devoted to chronicling that boom. here in washington the assumption is the economy must
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also be booming but the truth is after a decade of stocks going higher, the effect, the positive ones are still not very obvious outside of select zip codes on the coast. in middle america people understand they will most certainly make less than their parents made which will be a reversal of the american dream. they know they won't be able to buy cars or buy houses, they are not getting married or having kids. our current economic system makes it more difficult than ever than families to form. washington should be absolutely panicked about this. it is the most basic sign of failure, they are failure, but nobody in either party seems to care. their answer is to import new families from other countries. so maybe it's not so surprising that young people say they like socialism? because what we have now is not working for them, and unless we fix that we may get actual socialism which will be a disaster. and that leads to the third issue of this election which is
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nationalism. despite what you are hearing day in and day out, nationalism is not a racial category. it has nothing to do with race or ethnicity. nationalism is the belief that leaders ought to put the interest of their own countries above those of other countries. it's very straightforward. the president himself declared himself the nationalist of the other night. watch. >> president trump: they have a word, it sort of became old-fashioned. it's called a nationalist. and i said really, we are not supposed to use that word. you know what i am? i'm a nationalist. >> tucker: trump is a nationalist so in normal times the president of the united states announcing that his main goal is protecting the united states would not qualify as news because on till about 1f every nation state throughout history has been a nationalist threat definition. franklin roosevelt was a nationalist and so was mahatma
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gandhi and nelson mandela. yet suddenly it's an abomination. >> nationalist. use that word. we are going to talk about that word tonight. it's a favor of the outright and it's loaded with undertones. and some use it as a slur against those in the administration often with anti-semitic overtones, which happens to make the president come right out and embrace nationalism openly. and claim that mantle. what has happened here? >> what you're trying to say as a president of the united states as you are a nationalist. it's not even a dog whistle, it's a bullhorn. >> tucker: dumb people repeating their same talking points. so nationalism is no profanity. twitter and facebook will surely be banning that term if they haven't already. but why? what exactly is going on here?
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why are they so intent on stamping out not just a concept but the very word? it's simple. what you are watching his people protecting their own prerogatives. globalization which is the opposite of nationalism has caused an enormous transfer of wealth from the american middle class to what we used to call the third world to other countries. americans american factories clt they went to other countries. some nations got rich from this and others got poorer. rather than admit what actually happened though, the people who got rich or are trying to make the people who got poor or shut up and stop complaining about i it. a borderless world has been hugely profitable for them and that's why they support it. nationalism is that kryptonite so they must stop it. they scream racism and hope that nationalism will go away. will it go away? probably not. because the core idea is appealing to people, all people in all countries overall time.
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people want leaders who are above all on their side. they always have wanted that and they always will want that. that's what we know. what we don't know is what's going to happen in the elections tomorrow. we won't even guess, nothing would surprise us. we know what the real issues are because they are obvious and we will spend the next hour talking about those issues. and coulter is the author of "resistance is futile." thanks for coming on. so you saw this piece in "politico" today, and it kind of stuck out. in it, a background source and paul ryan has been trying to stop trump from talking about it, and what he ought to really be talking about is his great success of the tax bill that came became law. if this isn't preemptive covering, i don't know what is. >> ann: it so completely
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wrong, i'm so happy trump has taken over my party, that's the old loser democratic republican party running on tax cuts. half the country doesn't even pay taxes. you know running on the economy is a loser because for one thing, all of the left-wing commentators are saying, trump should be talking about the economy. please talk about the economy and not immigration. number two, the only argument from their side that you just played i guess from joe scarborough was to accuse people who are opposed to dumping millions of poor people on the country and driving down the wages of the working place and joe scarborough's made, is to claim racism. the left is so lucky that the torn countries to the south of us are latin american countries and we are not taking in like poland's poor or eastern europe's poor or gypsies. i don't know if you consider
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them darker or browner than us. it has nothing to do with race until they make it so. and i would like to see -- >> tucker: just to be clear about what you are saying, if you we were taking eastern europeans, then the left wouldn't get to claim racism, they would have to think of some other reason. >> ann: yes. noel, our objection is dumping lots of poor people on the country is hurting the poor people already here and the working class already here. the low skilled workers already here. i'd like to know how many of joe scarborough's beloved brown people live in the house is him as opposed to come to clean his toilet and pool. the racism argument is -- okay, i don't have an argument but -- >> tucker: argue struck by how much -- there's a real economic argument that i think is to be had which i would have any time with anybody anywhere. of the effects of migration and immigration. but, they short-circuits the
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debate, but does it strike you that they are doing it to protect their own pretty good deal that they are getting? >> absolutely. mass low wage immigration is terrific for people. you have your house cleaned, so cheap. you get to strut around like you are martin luther king. if you work on wall street, you put together all these global deals. globalism is great for the rich, people who live on the coast and people who need a lot -- who have a lot of servants. pool boy, nanny, someone to pick up the kids. it's terrific for them but again, for the poor people already here, it goes up the scale. the working class gets pushed aside as well and it shows trump's magnificent political instincts, i think, and other than actually fulfilling his promises on building a wall and
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deporting illegal aliens, and he's doing the best he can on these midterms. i love that his instincts are, no, i have to keep talking about immigration. a little tip for the president, it would be so much better if you actually did the stuff that you've been promising to do for three years. >> tucker: and coulter, thanks for that analysis. lisa boothe is a senior fellow at independence voice and she's been on the show several times in the past few weeks trying to help us come up to date on these elections. she joins us one last time for last-minute developments. what is happening in the final hours? >> lisa: thanks so much for having me. as you know we've been following the florida gubernatorial race and andrew gillum is surrounded by an fbi investigation into the city of tallahassee where he is mayor and also facing a state probe regarding failure to disclose travel and gifts. it turns out his intern is also
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having trouble with the law. she will -- she made her so famous for this. take a look. >> you are supporting's. do that? >> don't pour your coffee on me. >> leap you, i will. do you understand that fascism is here? do you understands that are here? i hope you all realize that you are normalizing and enabling nauseous. and you can fill me, i don't care. >> i care. >> do you really care? do you? >> tucker: so you are saying she was an intern for guillen. as he said anything about that? >> lisa: i'm not sure about that but she's been arrested and charged with battery with this incident. she was also wearing a communism pin and that she is a member of the fsu students for justice,
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fun facts about shelly. she seems like a real peach. and tucker, we've also been following the arizona senate race. now kyrsten sinema has come under fire for previous statements that she's made, or antiwar statements and activities and also that 2003, that she made where she said she doesn't care if americans join the taliban. she was asked point-blank yesterday by msnbc if she regrets those comments. listen to what she said. >> do you regret that statement? >> it was an offhand comment during an interview about a war that i believe was misguided. what martha has chosen to do is trying to bury it a campaign, and that's her choice but i think arizonans are choosing the person that they believe shares their values and they believe will stand up for them. >> lisa: she was asked not once but twice and refused to say she regretted those comments that she made so arizona voters should certainly keep that in
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mind. also looking at the georgia gubernatorial race, there has been an interesting video and photos being sent around and making their way around the internet of these black panthers in support of stacy abrams. but they are holding "assault weapons" and also stacy abrams were governor signs, but only one of those things does stacy abrams want to confiscate from them. she has a member of the state house actually cosponsored both ban assault weapons and also to confiscate them, yet she has been on tv making the national rounds and refusing to admit the fact that she did such a thing. >> tucker: unbelievable. thanks for being here. underdog democrats like beto o'rourke are working to get tons of coverage.
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there are some impressive republican challengers though, and for one night only, john james is on the ballot tomorrow and he is joining us next. ♪ will it feel like the wheend of a journey?p working, or the beginning of something even better? when you prepare for retirement with pacific life, you can create a lifelong income... so you have the freedom to keep doing whatever is most meaningful to you. a reliable income that lets you retire, without retiring from life. that's the power of pacific. ask your financial professional about pacific life today.
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we think all of that might make an incumbent news story but the press have largely ignored james while turning beto o'rourke into a celebrity. why is that? that's a question. we don't often have candidates on, but john james joins us. mr. james, thanks for coming on. the reason we wanted to talk to you, we want to play for our viewers a recording that you made. it's a reporter that called you and you answered and she thought she hung up but she didn't and here's what you captured on tape. >> my number is 989 [bleep] extension one oh nine. man, if he beats her, that would suck. i don't think it will happen. he's hard to get a hold of. i hope he doesn't win for that
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reason, too. >> do you have a top story? >> tucker: so that is brenda battles, a reporter from a local newspaper and i guess she doesn't like you. is that your read on that? >> john: i would say so. i think this is just kind of the indication that you are, the uphill battle that many of us are facing because a lot of the bias that we are seeing out there is just not fair for those who share different opinions than someone in the progressive liberal media. >> tucker: is kind of on display there. what do you think your shot is tomorrow >> john: we close the gap by our grassroots army, and in the next room we have a rally going on with a couple hundred people back there who are fired up about getting the vote here in michigan.
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i will tell you, we have the energy because people are sick and tired of being condescended to end the ineffectiveness and hyperpartisanship of debbie stabenow. people want to understand what it takes to take care of our veterans and keep this country safe. they want to create jobs in the real world, somebody who understands how to grow our economy and the state of michigan. the liberal bias that you are seeing, that you just heard for yourself right here in the state of michigan, are intent on maintaining the status quo. because i don't fit in anyone's lockbox or a little white box. our little red box or little blue box. i'm red, white, and blue. and when i get to washington i'm going to make sure that we move this date forward and we move this country forward and we are not going to let anybody stop us. it's about keeping america safe and it's about putting michigan, number one. >> tucker: i was wondering why -- we've been hearing so much about beto o'rourke and nothing about you and now we know why. so if we come to washington and we hope you do, we hope you will
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stop in on the show. >> john: thanks a lot. >> tucker: so what are republicans going to do if the blue wave fails to materialize and come up they win? what will democrats do if they do as well as they hope, and get both houses of congress? what will happen if they don't? dana perino is the person we go to for questions like this, she of course hosts "the briefing with dana perino." so what would happen, the posters are saying unlikely but possible. >> dana: there's always a chance. >> tucker: there is always wet and i stare out the democrats don't retake the house, what happens there? >> dana: they will have a lot of soul-searching to do. they will say why, how can it be? we ran on health care. health care was the reason. we will have a mad scramble of probably, not kidding, 35 or 40
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democrats who think they can run for president. they they will all be pointing their fingers at each other. they will look at about $5 million spent in the midterm race. the democrats start in a deficit in the senate. john james is in the senate and he's really close in that race. in those rust belt states, a lot of the republican governors are up, like governor walker. he's a very tight reelection effort there. lots of stuff happening in the rust belt. the democrats are the favorite to win back the house by some but there is still a chance. let's say this. if democrats do take back the majority in the house, and they only take it back by ten, what happens then to the speaker's race? nancy pelosi is unlikely to be speaker in that scenario. there is already about 24, maybe 30 democrats who have publicly said they would not vote for her. they will be scrambling all
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across the map. legislating is going to be very difficult and they have to figure out, what are we for? they talk about tax cuts two-point oh, is not going to cut it? can they go in two 2020 not addressing health care? can they figure out a way to work with democrats to do something on immigration? that would be 2020. >> tucker: who do you think, if pelosi is not the speaker? there is some latent hostility. >> dana: she is very good at politics and she is let people takes -- c will take all the slings and arrows. as she said the other day, this is politics and not a tea party. >> tucker: and she's legitimately tough. >> dana: she doesn't have a nice cushion of 45 seats or something like that it's likely it will be hard for her to hold on. so then you'd go to her caretaker position of perhaps
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james clyburn or someone, and they can figure out directionally where they can go. there will be some interesting democrats that do win. you will have some veterans from the iraq and afghanistan wars, that will be interesting. you will have some younger people which will be very interesting. you will have some that are very into identity politics and you will have some from midwestern states that say, no. we have a better job of talking to blue-collar voters on the economy and on immigration and all of those things. so the struggle is going to be really tough for the democrats. the democrats will unite the republicans behind him in a way that 18 months ago you might not have foreseen. >> tucker: thank you for saying that, i don't think anyone would have guessed that he made his party as fast as he did. >> dana: the democrats help. it's what they did to brett kavanaugh which was a unifying effect for republicans across the board. >> tucker: dana perino of "the daily briefing," and a key part
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you may have gum disease and could be on a journey to much worse. try parodontax toothpaste. it's three times more effective at removing plaque, the main cause of bleeding gums. leave bleeding gums behind with parodontax toothpaste. >> tucker: every great president in the history was a staunch nationalist. probably the worst,
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woodrow wilson was a of globalists and he got us into the worst war in history. despite that, and american ask, tell us that nationalism is bad and only globalism is morally acceptable. and, the democratic party is obsessed with race. people are celebrated and attacked purely on the basis of skin color. that's divided and to beat up based on dna. this is tribalism and it's destroying the country. nationalism doesn't cause tribalism, it is the anecdote to tribalism. rally around the nation and not your tribe. author and columnist mark steyn believes this is obvious having spent his life traveling around the world, and he joins us now to reiterate it.
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and this is so orwellian because leaving tribe out of it, nationalism is the anecdote to tribalism. we are all in different tribes. ignore our tribes, come together around the country, right? >> mike: and that's actually how functioning states get by. your principal identity is that you are an american in the eye america or you are a swede in sweden or you are a to the lewin into the loop. people look for other identities and it doesn't matter that racial identities or religious identical's he is a like islam, or identity is , you've tribe as the population and a person's sub identity becomes more important to them than the national identity. and that is an extremely dangerous experiment. because actually, nationalism is
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the first duty of a government and self-governing societies. >> tucker: a flesh that out a little bit. nationalism is the first duty of a government? why? >> mike: without it, there is actually no point to being able to elect their leaders. they have a duty to take care of the people that they represent. so when you have a situation, you said putting trump aside but let's put him back for just a moment. a couple of years ago, people switched on the television and we found that the mainstream candidates of one party were talking about boots on the ground and afghanistan or libya or yemen or whatever is next, and the other parties plan is they want afghanistan and yemen and libya and other countries to come and move to america, to solve as you were saying earlier the problem that they have because of later family formation because americans can no longer form to afford to wan
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families and have children as young as they used to. the democrats and half the republican party want to bring in foreigners to be a kind of permanent peasant class, reproducing out the rates that they think are necessary for the economy. angela merkel in germany brought into million young muslim men to be the children that germans didn't have for themselves. and this is an economically defective way to economist ecoa society. >> tucker: mark steyn, i don't think anyone could have said it better than you just stated, thank you. >> thanks a lot, tucker. >> tucker: it democrats but more than a month trying to destroy everything they could in brett
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♪ >> tucker: last month, democrats claimed that they were absolutely certain that brett kavanaugh was a, likely a gang. but now they have revealed that we knew all along which was, they knew that but they didn't care that it was true or not, they only cared about saying anything they could to keep him off the court no matter how legless and absurd. last week one of the accusers of brett kavanaugh admitted to the senate judiciary committee admitted they in fact made that up. tammy bruce, joins us tonight. you would think that there woue people who make a living protecting women who would say,
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wait a second. this is a big deal, you should always admit when you are wrong but i haven't heard anybody talk about the story and certainly no one on the left. why? >> not only are they not admitting that they were wrong but the argument could be made that they knew from the start. this was a political stunt. the problem is though, they should also be angry. if they were serious, they would be angry that these certain people lied. that it reverses the impact of what we were trying to do for women for the last 20 years to get them to be taken seriously, on the issue of sexual assault and domestic violence et cetera. but you hear crickets, its silence. and even the media. this was so important. of course that consumed media 24/7 for weeks, if not upwards of a month. if this is still such a dynamic issue, my goodness. is it not a that we got on the supreme court, wouldn't that even require more outrage and more investigation and yet, not
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only is there no more investigation into kavanaugh, but there is no defense of the women. now, julie swetnick and michael avenatti and others, they will need lawyers. they will need money moving to the future, they will need to be able to defend themselves at a federal level. and there is silence for them, too. everyone has run for the hills and what this confirms is this was simply a stunt and they knew what they were doing. they didn't care about the impact on women overall and they still don't and that was the largest fraud facing the american people. the american left not only not being champions for women and others on the fringe and these issues, they've been enablers of having those issues get worse and they are the enemy of women across this country and i believe tomorrow we will see some of the results of that. we saw some change when it comes to democrats enthusiasm and the gap between the enthusiasm after the kavanaugh hearing because i
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think that fraud finally was exposed. and now that is concerned to senator grassley's report. >> tucker: it's remarkable when you put it that way. they are not even trying to protect the women whose lives they said they so deeply care about. what about all the candidates who said that last month when they were running for office? >> that's the strange thing. i know the news moves quickly but everyone, think about it. these women have thrown into a volcano and they don't care what has happened. no one will save those women, this is the doj. this is not the local prosecutor, and i love the local prosecutors as well but this is serious federal crime. and, grassley is not done yet. they are looking at witness tampering on the leland kaiser case, and all of that. none of these women have support and asked the democratic party
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that's looking to have more power tomorrow. >> tucker: starling transaction, no, we are not calling you in the morning apparently. thank you so much. if tomorrow goes well, republicans could pick up a senate seat in new jersey which hasn't happened since 1972. we will investigate that and other major competitive races, after the break. ♪ to fight pain 4 different ways. get relief fast with new thermacare ultra pain relieving cream. i just got my ancestrydna results: 74% italian. and i found out that i'm from the big toe of that sexy italian boot! calabria. it even shows the migration path from south italia all the way to exotico new jersey! so this holiday season it's ancestrydna per tutti!
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>> well and come there is a shot. it's a disgrace that bob menendez is in the senate to begin with and it has been for years. when he was appointed in 2006, "the new york times" said it was a real disappointment and the newark star ledger just urged everyone to choke on it and vote for him. people know that they should not be in their and, this is where the meadowlands are, and the sea caucus. this is a guy who knows where the bodies are buried. he has a great deal of corruption in his whole story. he just was found -- there was a hung jury and his federal corruption trial. before booking dozens of trips from the republic and paris, a well-connected ophthalmologist for which he did all kinds of
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favors. >> tucker: it's pretty sleazy. if you had to rate this in 30 seconds, the likelihood, where would you put it? >> in the last day or so, apparently the polls have opened up for him a little bit. so it seemed like it was close now, the experts are saying that his lead has widened. but there is a lot of problems with this guy and his opponent bob he again as putting money into ads focusing on menendez's corruption and dirty dealing. so i would say 50/40. >> tucker: that's amazing the state of new jersey. republicans are hoping to unseat incumbents in missouri and indiana. for the latest on those races, trace gallagher. >> the fact that president trump made his second visit to indiana in the week, it's a good
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indicator that they believe mike braun has a genuine shot at knocking off joe donnelly. the real clear politics average has a dead heat with donnelly at 44.3% and braun at 43. though the latest fox news poll has a braun down seven points. but fox news says people waited in hours in fort wayne to get into see the rally. and lou holtz, a man who is beloved and indian for is 11 seasons coaching notre dame's book as well tonight. but here's what the president said. >> president trump: tomorrow the people of indiana are going to send mike braun to the u.s. senate to keep america's economic booms urging full speed ahead. >> in the meantime, in the missouri senate race it doesn't matter which pulls you look at, it's a toss-up. the rcp average has a republican challenger josh hawley with a little more than a half point
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lead over claire mccaskill. the fox news poll has him deadlocked at 43% each, and mccaskill is up by three points but that still within the margin of error. more than 54% of missouri voters approve of president trump's job performance and, in an effort to push josh holly across the middle line, the president is also holding a rally in missouri about one hour 5 minutes from right now. >> tucker: trace gallagher, thanks. fundamentally most elections are about the economy and that's always been true but what's a striking and appalling in this one is how many voters say they want profound change to the u.s. economy? young people famously say they identify with socialism pretty strongly. at the question is, why is that? mike blythe mike mark blythe im brown university in providence and he joins us tonight.
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my theory, and i think it's right, is that a lot of young people say they want real economic change because the current economy is not working for them. and at the boom that we are seeing in markets isn't reflected in the economy that they experienced, do you think that's true? >> i think there's definitely a lot of truth and what a lot of viewers will feel themselves is that they are working harder constantly but at the same time, there is lots of employment and loss of jobs and no one is saying the economy isn't good, it's not showing up in wages and that to me is a story that's been going on for a long time. all the way back to the late 70s in fact. >> tucker: interesting. so is it also true that young people entering the labor market for the first ten years of employment, they are finding themselves behind where they're at parent's generation was at those ages? >> that's true. they also have something that their parents didn't have in many cases which was a very large debt burden coming from
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student loans. so when you think about what that does come up by the time their parents were getting into their 30s and marrying and having kids and building houses and homes, forming assets as you would say, you are paying off your debt and you haven't had a chance to do that yet so that's acting as a drag on their future consumption and ultimately, on their lives. >> tucker: what i don't understand is why this isn't causing alarm bells to go off. if young people can't form families by definition, the society should become less stable, but nobody seems to care. >> i think because the incentives of both parties have been skewed in the following ways. all people have 80% of the assets in the world and they vote twice as much as young people. so if young people are to worried about paying off their loans and not going out to vote and so politicians go with the old people which is where the money is and that's what they care about. >> tucker: but don't long term you risk having a people's in your society and things become
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volatile and that's bad for everybody, if you don't have an economy that allows people to get vested in the economy? >> what's particularly dangerous less than social upheaval is in the financial sector. we all borrow against our futures and we try to use that cash wisely to invest in ourselves but if wages have been rising that people are borrowing for consumption. and if at the end of the day the wages aren't going to rise none they don't pay that off until the long term. and the big stresses in the financial sector. >> tucker: that is really pressure. i'm always grateful when you come on the show, thank you. >> my pleasure. >> tucker: "saturday night live" came out with an editorial right before the midterms and went after a republican candidate for the crime of being wounded overseas. the recap of that is next. ♪
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>> tucker: in the past two years the democratic party has outsourced much of its political philosophy to late night tv shows and they haven't closed the think tanks here in d.c. but they pay attention to "saturday night live." if it does tell you a lot about what the left now believes. here's their final pitch for the 2018 midterms. and the republicans are disgusting and some are even wounded in wars. >> you may be surprised to hear that he's a congressional -- >> tucker: i thought it was a sound bite, but it's not. you are saying on the screen, texas candidate dan crenshaw lost an eye and he was quoted as being one of the really gross people running for office. he added, i know he lost his eye in world war whatever. so that's their position and they are not hiding it anymore. useful for you to know. that's it for us tonight, we are
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out of time. at that hour went quick. we will be back every night at 8:00 p.m., to show that is the sworn and sincere enemy of lying, pomposity and groupthink. election coverage kicks off at 6:00 p.m. eastern and we will be here at the usual time at 8:00. sean hannity right now from new york. >> sean: tucker, great show as always. how are we doing, all right? [cheers and applause] we are broadcasting live from cape girardeau missouri where president trump and, radio legend rush limbaugh, this is his home. coming up, the president himself will join us for an exclusive live interview, plus, we will have rush limbaugh's speech as it happens. so much is at stake in a few short hours. are you ready? a packed house. americans, you have the power. you have the fate of all house
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