tv Hannity FOX News November 8, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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after the murder of 11 worshipers at the tree of life synagogue in pittsburgh, she has denounced the attacks on our own tucker carlson's home as not okay. that is about it for us tonight. we have about 20 seconds to tell you that i will be back again tomorrow at 8:00 eastern time. by the way, if you have time, pick up "andrew jackson: miracle of new orleans." plus, my daily program, "the brian kilmeade show" on every day from 9:00 until 12:00. i want you to have a great evening. we have a special surprise for you. according to the rundown, sean hannity is next. >> sean: by the way, this is like all brian, all the time, and i don't want any excuses, you are supposed to be up in six hours, getting ready for your no excuses, no sleeping in, no doocy gets extra segment stuff, we are going to be watching in the morning. >> brian: i dedicate all three hours to sean hannity, but you will be sleeping through it because you do your show, go to the post party -- >> sean: i don't sleep. good show.w. good to see you. we'll watch you in the morning. a crazy busy, insane news night, welcome to "hannity," thank you for being with us. twome days ago, you, we the people, went to the polls, we settled our political differences at the ballot box, remember? well, this is the lifeblood of
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our great constitutional republic, but sadly, we have some extremists on the left clearly preferring mob rule. we will lay this out for youea tonight, we had last night an angry group of purported anarchists surrounding the home of fellow fox news host tucker carlson. this is where he lives, his wife, his children, they tried to break down his door. vandalizing his house. now, they were shouting threats through a bullhorn, his wife was inside, alone, locked herself in a pantry, had to call the police. coming up, we are going to respond to the continuing angry left wing mob in this country. these are unacceptable tactics. and it better stop. somebody is going to get hurt or worse, as i have been warning. also tonight, we will show you how msnbc conspiracy tv, fake news cnn, once again cheerleading for robert mueller to find something, anything, on trump. by the way, the clearest
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evidence we have, they weren't too happy with you and donald trump on tuesday night. we also have a message for jim acosta, conspiracy theorist rachel maddow tonight, and we will show you the latest dirty trick tactics from the democrats, including a plan to impeach justice kavanaugh. yeah, they want to go back there. and just breaking moments ago,t rick scott filed a lawsuit against broward county, he should have, we will explain in detail and bring you important e updates from the sad, horrific shooting that affected a friend of this program in california. stay tuned,, it is time for a busy night, breaking news, opening monologue. ♪ you've heard me say this over and over again. there is no place for violence, threats, intimidation, in the unitedth states of america. for years, many on the left have outright vilified president trump -- and by theft way, anyone associated with him, any republican, any conservative. we have seen it all throughout this election season. nazi comparisons, racism,
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sexism, and really far worse. prominent democrats maxine waters, cory booker, urging followers to get in other people's faces, the faces of their political opponents, and, of course, create crowds, follow them into grocery stores and gas stations andlo department store, and tell them that they are not welcome anywhere anymore. get your crowds. now we have some deranged far left lunatics following suit. before the election, what did we see? dhs secretary nielsen run out of a restaurant, sarah sanders with her kids run out of not one but two restaurants.he so, too, senator ted cruz with his wife, pam bondi accosted at a movie theater, majority leader mitch mcconnell, a guy banging on his desk, followed him through airports, transportation secretary elaine chao, his wife, with him. and accosted on a number of occasions, kevin mccarthy, his office vandalized.os two republican politicians punched in minnesota.
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one victim, a serious concussion. the other, a woman. and we had, just before the election, packages, white powder, mailed to the president, his son, don jr., his wife, mattis, wray, fox news has also been a target of the mob. we just saw brian kilmeade,a well, he was stalked through the streets of new york city, harassed, followed in a subway, calledf out in a subway. i have had more threats in my personal life than you can ever imagine. i don't talk about it often. last night, our friend, tucker carlson, targeted at his own home in washington, d.c.d, angry group,p, far left extremis surrounding his house, his wife, home alone, having to barricade herself inside the house and calling the police. but not before the mob literally cracked his front door, throwing themselves against it, vandalizing his driveway, and his car with spray paint,
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and shouting threatening messages over a bullhorn. this is your radical left-wing democratic party tonight. >> we know where you sleep at night. [chanting "we know where you sleep. at night"] >> racist scumbag, leave town. >> sean: "we know where you sleep at night." mail bomb? okay, those people do need to be arrested. this is illegal behavior, totally thank god his children were not inside, we feel badly for his wife tonight. this mob needs to be put in jail. now, another far left group, they have doxxed the personal information of tucker, ann
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coulter, yours truly, in other words, what they did in the course of the night -- related to, or they say they are related to, groups like antifa and others, that is what they say. they published our home addresses online for everybody to see. why? they are spurring threats, violence, intimidation -- by the way, for me, i am not living my life in fear, i won't be intimidated by nobody. nobody is going to silence me, i have been through this for most of my career. i feel sorry for people that are now seeing what others have lived through for a long time, but i do have a serious warning. nothing good is going to come out of this. this mob mentality has got to stop. somebody is going to get hurt or worse. now some of the democrats finally, even some on cnn and msnbc, are speaking out against what happened to tucker. by the way, earlier tonight, tucker thanked everyone on both sides of the aisle for
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their support, but due respect, they are a day late and a dollar short. remember, before the election, democrats were silent, crickets, following all of the cases of mob rule against sarah sanders, pam bondi, kirstjen nielsen, cnn was busy playing the word police, if you recall, chastising anyone who uses the term "mob" to describe a mob. remember this. >> when you see people like ted cruz getting chased out of restaurants by a mob -- >> you're not going to use the mob word. >> it's totally a mob. there is no other word for it. >> you are matter. a mob? stop, stop. >> that is mob behavior. >> everybody stop. we already did that. we already said they weren't mobs. it is people who are upset and angry with the way the country is going, and the policies. will you let me finish, matt, please, before you jump in, okay? >> sean: the rhetoric on that
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channel has been so over the top, so insane, and it continues. nobody deserves to be stalked, harassed, and threatened by an angry mob. sadly, even one of their anchors is being threatened.b. we stand in solidarity with him tonight. we don't want everybody -- let me beh very clear, leave everybody alone.on i've been saying that somebody is going to get hurt, could be worse, this needs to be condemned on both sides of the aisle by every media outlet, and by the way, plenty of, well, vilification of political differences. i'm notof against any free spee, words are words, threats are a very different thing, let's not create crowds, let's not follow people, cabinet members, toro department stores, gas stations, and so on, and tell them they are not wanted anywhere anymore, or we can't be civil. let me tell you if you are a conservative tonight, let me say this. let's say you see somebody you don't like, politically, someone you disagree with.
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leave them alone. they are with their families, they are eating, leave them alone. we don't want to be like these left-wing radicals. what we are now seeing isft downright apocalyptic coverage from fake news cnn, msnbc -- by the way, when we say fake news or you say conspiracy tv or people chant that cnn sucks, they kind of do, but that is not a threat. that is an opinion. those are words. by the way, others -- all of this conspiracy around jeff sessions' departure, they obviously -- by the way, a great indicator, theyep weren't happy about tuesday, they don't want to talk about the blue -- the blue little trickles. so they are back to their old b conspiracy theories. that means they are not happy with we, the people, again, and donald trump, again. in other words, that the world was shocked, again, they didn't get what they want. many are now claiming that this
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is an attempt to meddle with their golden goose, the mueller witch hunt. there you have it, msnbc, rachel maddow, she is now actively promoting -- this nbc news, she said in interviews, she is a journalist -- i say i am a talk show host, being a talk show host, i do news, i do opinion, i do straight interviews, i do debates, i give -- we are the whole newspaper. when you say you are a journalist, you are supposed to be fair and balanced. you are supposed to give it right down the middle. she is not a journalist. now she has partnered with the pro-mueller i protest. this is what she tweeted, "it is happening, this is the break glass in case of emergency plan, 5:00 p.m. local time, protest tomorrow, thursday, november 8th, we knew this would happen at some point, the day has arrived." n this is the group she is supporting, in case you forgot, they are the group that put out -- remember, "general betray-us," that ad, in 2004, they made an ad that
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compared george bush to adolf hitler. this is the group that nbc wants to alignth themselves with? by the way, there is a lot more than even that. just picked this up before, president bush, adolf hitler, filmmaker michael moore partners with them, and they want to expletive punch mitt romney to burn this mother down, that is the group nbc and conspiracy theorist rachel maddow is now helping to organize, promote, radical leftist protest. tom brokaw, what is going to happen when someone gets hurt at your break the glass moment? led by rachel? the on-air coverage was even more dramatic, even sicker, take aa look. >> this is a slow motion, almost a self-coup by which a president pulls power to himself that he is not supposed to have. >> what we saw today is a kind of coup against the rule of law, a kind of action that you see in
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a tin-pot dictatorship. >> there has been a slow motion saturday night massacre starting with the firing of james comey,r now with the firing of the attorney general. >> are we g seeing a kind of gangster mentality at the white house in trying to control the doj? >> i really do think this is a national emergency. i don't think you can overstate the gravity of the situation, and it is incumbent upon everyone in public life to respond to this like it is an emergency. the broad public, this is theif time to maybe take to the streets. >> the president's panicked firing of his attorney general has moved donald trump one step closer to impeachment. >> they always have an opinioned out of the white house counsel, they know exactly what they were doing, as i said earlier, plan like a murderer. >> sean: the mainstream media, they are very worried. according to reports, mueller is writing his final report, the probe should finally be coming to an end. no evidence of trump-russia collusion, they dous have evidee of hillary clinton paying for
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russian lies, that also became the basis to lie to the american people and help hillary win, propagated by top people in the intel community. then, of course, they use it as a basis of circular reporting so they can get robert mueller appointed, with comey leaking. regardless of the outcome or the timeline of mueller's witch hunt, democrats in the house, they are still planning to wage a never ending, full-scale investigation into everything. let me make you a promise tonight. we will be watching every day. let's see if they do anything for you, we, the people. by the way, they just want to attack trump, they don't care about anything else,y that is their top agenda item. jerrold nadler, likely chair of the judiciary committee, overheard on a train from new york to d.c. bragging about his plan to launch full-scale investigations again afterhi two years into russian collusion. and plot to impeach judge kavanaugh, good luck with that. he is not the only democrat planning endless investigations.
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likely incoming house intel chair -- really the biggest liar in congress -- adam "shifty" schiff wants to be a tv host on msnbc,la he has similar plans, take a look. >> while the republicans walked away from the investigation, the democratic minority has continued, f and we have been bringing witnesses in, learning more. that work won't stop when we take the majority, but we will be able to get answers to republicans who are unwilling to pursue, records they wouldn't ask for, the question, though, that i don't know whether mueller has been able to answer because i don't know whether heb has been given the license to look into it, were the russians laundering money through the trump organization? that will be a very high priority to get an answer to, for the reason that if they were doing this, it is not only a crime, but it is something provable. something that the russians can hold over the head of the president of united states. >> sean: let's not forget
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about congresswoman -- "impeach 45," "reclaiming my time," maxine waters, she is hoping to become the next house financial services chairwoman. instead ofof working for the betterment of all americans, she is plotting revenge,e, impeachment, and as the head of that committee, she would be overseeing wall street. take a look. >> they say, maxine, please don't say impeachment anymore. and when they say that, i say impeachment, impeachment, dimpeachment, impeachment. >> and if you see anybody from that cabinet at a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. and you push back on them, and you tell theman they are not welcome. >> and with this kind of inspiration,n, i will go and tae trump out tonight. and i will fight every day until he is impeached. impeach 45. >> this is a bunch of scumbags,
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that is what they are. >> those are very strong words. >> all organized around making money. >> the fact that he is wrapping his arms around putin, while putin is continuing to advance into korea. >> sean: it is going to be an entertaining two years, we will be keeping an eye on all of them. now democrats are taking their cues from the de facto leader,r, of course, nancy pelosi, and her track record, her leadership, is a suspect at best. take a look, watch this. f >> we have to pass the bill so you can find out what is to editors away from the fog of controversy. >> what do you are doing is cutting the taxes at the high-end and therefore not being allowed to invest in the future, you are doing a grave disservice tose our country. >> we all agree that president trump's decision to end daca is a despicable act of
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political cowardice. >> donald trump is a job loser. >> the debate on health care is like death. i wanted -- i would love a single-payer, but we are not there. in terms of the bonus that corporate america receives, versus the crumbs that they are giving to workers to put the schmooze on, is so pathetic. so what? they are going to say, you give them bump stocks, it is going to be a slippery slope? i certainly hope so. the priorities of the american people, they are not what president bush -- excuse me -- i'm so sorry. we see nothing -- that i can work with president bush on. >> the president's fitness for office is being called into question. i'm very worried about his fitness. >> sean: do you see anything there indicating democrats have plans to make your life better? of course not. they are on a path for revenge,
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and this is all about a quest for power. by the way, obama lost 69 seats between the house and senate in 2010, and bill clinton lost 60.o donald trump picked up senate seats. for years, one of the biggest allies of the democratic party, cnn, constant destructive anti-trump coverage, second by second, minute-by-minute, hour by hour, it is unprecedented. leading the way, chief white house correspondent jim acosta. yesterday his permanent white house press pass was revoked after making physical contact with a white house intern during an extremely confrontational line of questioning. it wasn't really a question. he wanted to debate the president and not give anyone else time. take a look. >> mr. president, if i may ask one more question -- >> that's enough. that is enough. >> pardon me, ma'am. >> that's enough. that is enough, put down the mic. t >> mr. president, are you worried about indictments coming down in this investigation?
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>> mr. president -- >> i tell you what, cnn should be ashamed of themselves having you work for them. r you are a rude, terribleng pers, you shouldn't be working for cnn. >> sean: and the president defended sarah sanders -- how many times does the president of the unitedrs states have to say "that is enough" before cnn respects the office of the presidency? many on the left rushing to the defense of their anti-trump hero, jim acosta, one host on "the view" accused the white house intern who was trying to get the microphone back of assaulting acosta. pretty unbelievable, but true, take a look. >> what i saw was a battery, not by jim acosta, but by theru young white a house aide. when you are holding something -- if i may, if you are holding something and you snatch this from me, this cup is now an extension of me, and thao means you have battered me, you have assaulted me. >> you are blaming the woman. >> i'm telling you what the law is.
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>> sean: that is what you call trump derangementt syndrome, tht is a mass psychosis, and without a doubt, acosta deserves to be banned from the white house, he has earned it, he is unprofessional. it is outrageous, insulting, he wants to argue with the president, he gets more airtimee and even though claiming to be an unbiased journalist, he always seems to make the story about himself, rarely asking questions, treating his press briefings as he constantly accuses trump and his administration of everything, racism, sexism, acosta is a self-serving liberal hack with zero journalistic integrity, but don't take my word for it. we have some of his greatest hits, watch them in action. >> i'm not sure if this press conference was ever on the rails, as you heard numerous times during this news conference, the present was just not in touch with reality. >> the people who work in the white house all the way up to the w u president evidently bele
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that journalists are the enemy of the people. literally, the enemy of the people. i will p say that the press is t the enemy of the people. and, you know, i think that maybe we should make some bumper stickers, make some buttons. >> the law can be different than border security. they can be agents, it can be more fencing, he doesn't necessarily mean a physical -- >> and that is part of the negotiation we expect congress to >> sean: bumper stickers? a shameful act. he is supposed to be a journalist, that is a charade. you do a disservice to real journalists in the press corps, and it is a disservice to the american people. we will have more in a moment, let's turn to another story. we go to florida, now bracing for a massive recount tonight, defeated democratic senator bill nelson moving ahead on his recount plans after losing to republican rick scott. rick scott will join us in justt a moment. currently, nelson trails by nearly 20,000 votes, but that is still close enough for a mandatory recount.
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nelson has hired mark allie is, does the name sound familiar? the clinton campaign attorney, from perkins coie, that paid fusion gps for their dirty dossier on president trump. just to be clear, the lawyer of the recount effort, is the same one at the center of the biggest corruption scandal, abuse of power scandal, in our history. he has organized effort behind a dirty dossier for clinton, he is at the very center of v the democrat's efforts to use campaign op research to malign trump before and after the election. now he is hired by bill nelson, and now it looks like the florida governor's race could had to a recount despite andrew gillum conceding the race to ron desantis. now marco rubio, rightly sounding the alarm, warning of these possible tricks in broward county, saying broward tiection supervisors, ongoing violation of florida law, requiring timely reporting, isn't just annoying,
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incompetent, it has now opened up the door for lawyers to coming here and steal a seat in the u.s. senate and florida cabinet. there are so many unanswered questions. why can't broward and palm beacn report like every other county in florida? what is also taking place, byal the way -- why is it taking so long to count the votes? serious, mysterious, uncounted ballots, where are they all coming from? don't forget a federal judge ruled that brenda snipes, the county election chief, illegally destroyed ballots, that was in the 2016 primary race during a pending lawsuit. she is still in charge of broward county. moments ago, we learned that governor scott filed a lawsuit over serious violations of the law. he will join us. finally, tonight, we end with a sad and a tragic story, the white house flag lowered at half-staff today, in remembrance of the 12 victims of this morning's senseless shootings in thousand oaks, california. one of the victims was
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california sergeant ron helus, the first one on the scene, responding right after. our good friend, adam housley, he also lost a niece in all of this, our thoughts and prayers go out i to everybody there. we have a lot more to get to tonight when we come back. rick scott will join us as what we now see, the law broken again in broward and palm beach. we will explain next. my name is jeff sheldon,
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♪ >> sean: tonight, governor rick scott filed a lawsuit against palm beach and broward counties for lack of access regarding voting numbers, this comes as a recount looms over his racein for the u.s. senate. joining us right now, the man himself, governor rick scott. governor, i'm looking at these numbers. on election day, you were up 37,000 votes. what is the number now? >> now it is down to 15,000
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votes. so it is clear we have some left-wing activists, we have some democratic d.c. lawyers coming down here for one purpose, to steal this election. somehow, the broward county supervisors --dash >> sean: governor, i looked at the numbers, you were told five different numbers, florida law says that all absentee early voting numbers must be reported within 30 minutes of the polls closing, correct? >> absolutely. >> sean: and those numbers -- >> sean, they found 78,000 new votes since election day, two days ago, in broward county, and 15,000 more votes in palm beach. we don't know how many more votes that they are going to come up with, but it sure appears that they are going to find as many votes as takes to win the election. so i have asked the florida department of law enforcement to do an investigation, we filed
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lawsuits, we are going to fight this and we are going to win. >> sean: in 2016, her office posted results a half hour before the polls closed, that is an election violation law broken. she was sued for leaving amendments off the ballot, she also, in the case of debbie wasserman schultz -- why is this person even working there? >> what i have done, i have asked for an investigation -- we have examples -- the palm beach supervisor won't allow normal party officials that are supposed to be reviewing ballots,ll they are not allowing them to do it properly, that is a violation of the law. they're supposed to report these results, they are not. but how did they come up with 70,000 moreon votes? just in broward, 15,000 and palm beach. no other counties have these problems. we had a horrible hurricane in the panhandle, it didn't happen there. the lawyers came down and said -- they are here to win the election, not here to say, i want to find out what the results are and make sure it is a fair result. they're down here for one
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reason, and they said that, to win the election. >> sean: 27 days ago, the panhandle was smashed with one of the worst hurricanes we have seen. they got their votes in on time, they ended up doing this. i cannot -- to me, this is the single biggest abuse of power in an election i have seen, and they have marc elias, the guy at the heart of the whole fusion gps, clinton bought and paid for dossier, leading the way. >> yep., he is down here for one purpose, to steal this election. he said he is down here to win this election. doesn't care about anything else. we won -- i'm going to be the u.s. senator, i'm going to fight this all the way. we are going to do everything we can, we're looking at every legal remedy we can exercise, we are going to fight this and we are going to win this. t >> sean: every other county except broward and palm beach did it the right way. every other county, and they have done this before. why does she still have a job?
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>> she is elected in these counties. think about it, some of these other supervisors that did it the right way are democrats, also.. every other county, republican or democrat, those supervisors did it the right way. these two didn't, they violated the law. i have asked the florida law enforcement to do an investigation, and we have already filed lawsuit, we're going to make sure we win this. i won this election for the people of the state, their will is not going to be thwarted. >> sean: i'm never seen anything like this in my life. it is obviously corrupt, obviously laws were broken, obviously there are shenanigans here, i believe you and senator rubio are 100% correct, we will follow this every single second of every day now. because the people of florida deserve their just vote, which they got, and you won this race hands down, this is a disgrace that they get to do this. election in, election out. somebody needs to go to jail here.
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if this keeps happening, you keep violating the law, you don't respond, every otherap county responds, then you change your numbers again and again and again, something is not right. all right, governor, thank you. joining us now, author of "the russia hoax," number one "new york times" best seller, fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. and from the american conservative union, chairman matt schlapp. we know a lot about marc elias, don't we, gregg jarrett? we also know there are laws in florida, every other county abided by them, except these two counties, which have a history of never abiding by them. >> the conduct in broward county is beginning to be stink like a bucket of fish in the sun. i looked at the statutes in florida, the lawsuit, the governor is absolutely correct, she has broken the law multiple times and it has only been two days. she was supposed to hand over vote totals, she hasn't. the number of ballots canvassed
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and to be canvassed, she hasn't. and the most egregious is, under the law, the governor is allowed to make a written request to look at the public records of this, she refused to do so she has a long and distinguished history of violating the law, as you pointed out in your monologue, already found several months ago, that she unlawfully destroyed ballots, and now the sudden discovery of 78,000 is she creating ballots, whereas before she destroyed ballots? i think the governor is right, this looks like an attempt -- especially with hillary's lawyers involved, to steal this election. >> sean: it is a disgrace, i've never heard of anything like this. matt schlapp, just imagine for a second if republicans ever tried pull this to do his, election after election after election, how come every other county got this right? even the panhandle, which was devastated 27 days earlier? ?> because republicans follow the rules, sean, and you said
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thisec has never happened befor, this seems particularly egregious, but this actually the more times they count these ballots, the narrower this is going to get. we have seen this when it norm coleman ran for senate in minnesota with the big, urban populations, we saw this when dana rossi ran for governor as a republican in washington, when john kuhn first ran for the h senate. this happensim more times than t gets coverage, and here's what i know after spending 36 days in the florida recount in 2000, the worst it is going to be for rick scott, he is doing the exact right thing. ronna romney at the rnc is doing the exact right thing, take them to shine a spotlight on this -- the fact that they are counting these ballots, as gregg said, behind closed doors without ae republican observer and a democratic observer, is completely against the spirit and the law, and this must stop, or they will steal another one. >> sean: it is impossible to
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just go come out of thin air, to go from 70,000 votes, to 80,000 votes. >> they have done it before. not without corruption. >> sean: fusion gps, the biggest corruption and abuse of power scandal, they picked the right lawyer for this one, can't wait to see what happens here.nd people of florida, pay attention, this is serious. when we come back -- and we will stay on it. sebastian gorka, dan bongino up next. antifa now showing up at tucker's home. they are releasing the names of prominent conservatives. why? to intimidate, harass, something horrible will happen if we don't stop it. straight ahead. ♪ ? 60,000 we don't stop it. straight
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we want you to know that we know are you sleep at night. [chanting "we know where you sleep at night"] >> sean: joining us now with that reaction, author of "spygate," nra tv contributor, dan bongino. also another best seller, "why we fight," fox news national security strategist, sebastian gorka. i'm looking at this, they were quiet about all of this when sarah sanders, pam bondi, secretary nielsen, two republicans punched, one a woman, in minnesota, rocks thrown through kevin mccarthy's office, ted cruz, ted cruz's wife, you see these tactics, dan, somebody is going to getwi hurt. they even screamed "mail bomb," "we know wheren you sleep."
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that is a threat. shouldn't that be against the law? >> absolutely, they vandalized his house, sean. this washe gross. this was disgusting. this was filthy. but sean, i have personal experience with this, i have been in your studio in new york, and i have been in tucker's in d.c. many time, i've been on your set with liberals. there have been some spicy debates on your set, and you know what happens in the green room? everybody shakes hands and says i will see you the next time. there's got to be a redline here. i appreciate some of the talking heads on the democrat side who spoke out against this, but this has to be universal, sean. when this pipe bomb guy recently -- >> sean: they thought they could blame that on trump, like the synagogue shooting, they can blame on the shooter was anti-trump because he is pro-israel. >> yes! the condemnation was universal on our side. people have to speak out and draw a redline against this. what happened at tucker's house last night was an abomination, it was disgusting.
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>> sean: there was a report tonight that a cnn anchor apparently is receiving threats. no conservative -- we don't want you, you are not a conservative if you are sending threats to people. period. now, we have over at conspiracy tv msnbc, rachele maddow is now encouraging people to go out and protest today, part of a effort that is "general betray-us," the people that featured elderly women vowing to private part punch mitt romney and burn this mother f-er down. ads comparing bush to hitler. this is the network tom brokaw is proud of? this person, maddow, claiming she's a news person, really? >> she is not a news person, sean. there is a direct line between jim acosta's behavior at that
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press conference and what happened at our friend is tucker's house, these people are repeatedly crossing the line of what is acceptable. whether you are a reporter in the white house or whether you are a demonstrator in d.c., they are undermining or they are broadening what is called the overton window, meaning the list of things that are deemed acceptable. this behavior -- jim acosta's behavior -- the behavior at tucker's house, would have been deemed absolutely unacceptable just two years ago. maxine waters -- >> sean: they are throwing up -- it's doxxing, putting up addresses of people like me, ann coulter. i will, say, another thing here -- look, cnn will say we are calledth fake news. they are, they are not news. they are opinion. >> larry king said it. >> sean: when crowds chant "they suck," that is not violent. or the president says "fake news
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is the enemy of the people," i take that to mean, you are performing a disservice by lying to people. that is all that is. those are words. this is a call to action, like maxine waters. >> yes, this, this is the direct result, the vandalism, the intimidation of a woman by herself at home, is a direct result of maxine waters' incitement to do this, to harass people who are conservatives, and also eric holder, former attorney general of the obama administration. >> sean: i will give you the last word, dan. i have a word for conservatives, don't kick them, don't get in their faces. if you see people you disagree with. don't create crowds, don't follow people into stores, leave them alone. leave them alone, leave everyo liberal alone, leave every reporter alone. leave every election official
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alone. >> it didn't work that well for republicans in the election and the midterms. where were the republicans in the starbucks attacking people? the answer,ub they were at work, going to work and taking care of their families. take a little lesson from that on the far left. it is how politics should work. >> sean: they were dead silent when pam w bondi, sarah sanders, secretary nielsen, ted cruz, ted cruz's wife, they were silenced. now they are actually organizing on msnbc, partnering with bush is hitler? pretty disgusting. when we come back, there are reports, robert mueller has begun to write his report on "alleged russia collusion." jim jordan, sara carter up next. ♪ just one free hearing test at
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>> sean: all right, following jeff sessions' departure from the doj, matt whitaker is now the acting ag, he will oversee the russia probe, the democrats are apoplectic, this comes as new reports claim that robert mueller has begun to write his final report in the investigation. here with reaction, republican congressman jim jordan, fox news contributor sara carter.ox to me, a new attorney general also means -- the president said he is not going to stop, congressman, he is not going to stop the investigation. so that is just hysteria and lying again from the left. they weren't happy with the election results, now they are going there. the question is, will a new ag look q at real russia collusion with the real fisa abuse fraud, real abuse of powers with the powerful tools of intelligence. surveillance,, on unmasking, leaking raw intelligence, exoneration before investigation of hillary, hillary breaking the law by having top-secret information on a secret server. is that going to happen?. >> let's hope so. the short answer is we don't
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know, but the left is saying that mr. whitaker should recuse himself is ridiculous. rod rosenstein has overseen the mueller investigation, rod rosenstein wrote the memo for firing r comey, overseeing specl counsel mueller, who is looking into the firing of comey. and he doesn't have to recuse himself? we said he should recuse himself a long time ago, butcu somehow because whitaker wrote something a long time ago, critical of the special counsel, he does have to do -- it makesec no sense. i hope they investigate the very things you're talking about, because that is where the abuse took place, when one party used in opposition research document by the other party to go to a fisa court to get a warrant to spy on a presidential campaign that is as wrong as it gets. >> sean: breaking news, law enforcement looking into another big corruption scandal having to do with election fraud in broward and palm beach. wow. that is going to be interesting. let me go to the law, as pointed out by our friend, gregg jarrett. that was a tweet, by the way, by the president.
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under federal vacancy acts, the president can appoint a person holding a senate-confirmed office, or an officer, or employee of such executive agency who has served in a position in such agency for not less than 90 days. he has served for more than 90 days. there are some really dumb lawyers on tv that don't get it. >> they just don't get it. and the g president had every authority -- every authority to let go of jeff sessions. at this point in time. look, there was already talk that the w attorney general himself was going to leave after two years. that he didn't want to stay on. and now it is matt whitaker as the acting attorney general, they can move forward, sean. what we know is this, just as congressman jordan said, rod rosenstein was basically conflicted out anyway, and let's not forget about the testimony of james baker, former general c counsel at the fbi, who basically testified
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that rod rosenstein himself, t himself, was discussing possibly invoking the 25th amendment, and actually recording, you know, the president, secretly taping him. "the new york times" was the first to break that story, and that story has been confirmed over and over again. >> sean: last word, jim jordan. >> sara is entirely right. we still don't have the andrew mccabe memos that we subpoenaed. we don't have the fisa application that we were entitled to see, we still don't have the james baker 302s -- >> sean: the president said yesterday he might release them. let's get them out before pelosi and company get there. >> exactly. >> absolutely. >> that is what is coming, they will investigate all kinds of other things, but this is a central issue. >> sean: 302s, gang ofa eight, and we need the fisa warrant applications. 10 through 12, pages 17 to 34. people tell me there is important stuff. good to see you both. when we come back, rush limbaugh sounds off on attorney general
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♪ >> they pointed out how totally unfounded the departure has been >> the attorney general is being fired. being asked to leave. it is perfectly constitutional. yet the left is running around talking about a constitutional crisis. they still believe that robert mueller has evidence that trump colluded with russia. and they think that trump is get ting rid of sessions so trump can put somebody in there that's going to shut this down. the truth about trump stealing the election won't come out. that's what they believe.
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>> right on. can you imagine? nbc news partnering with moveon .org. which is -- oh, by the way, he's hitler. bush, michael moore, general petraeus said let your heart not be troubled. laura ingraham is next. laura: they've been playing about your hitler, you are racist, you arer anti- anti-semitic. >> they have the war hero and elderly women had the add that they want to punch romney and burn the fer down. bush is now partners and nbc news is literally organizing and telling people this is the break
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