tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News November 10, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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families of our veterans. that's it for this evening. "justice with judge jeanine" is up next. and remember, i'm watters, and this is my world. [♪] judge jeanine: florida's secretary of state orders a recount in the senate and governor races and andrew gillum withdraws his concession in the governor's race. thanks for making justice number one last weekend and for keeping "liars, leakers and liberals" on the best sellers list. live reaction from congressman matt gaetz, corey through win dy
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lewandowski, and brian kilmeade. there is a clear double standard between the left and the right. behavior that you only see on the left and not the right. if you need further proof that there is a double standard, that the left has grain washed society, look no further than florida. the fraud going on in florida as an acceptable solution to our election process is the last straw. how are the same two counties we have repeatedly had trouble with in the past are able to say their election is not final. how is that possible? how is that true? florida's secretary of state has
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officially declared a recount. republican rick scott was declared the winner over democrat bill nelson. republican ron deand fist was declared win -- ron desantis was declared the winner over dem krament andrew gillum. and gillum who conceded on election night just today officially pulled back his concession. the democrats are refusing to accept the results of the national media. in the words of dnc lawyer mike elias, christopher steele fraud
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thrents dossier intended old fo to disenfranchise us on the presidential election. we'll do a recount and we'll win. how do they do this? necessity find missing ballots. where do they finds them? in deep blue counties run by democrats in florida, broward and palm beach. broward and palm beach counties may sounds familiar to you. in 2000 there was a hand recount in broward county because the democrats didn't want to accept the results of a presidential election. in 2006 there was another recounts started by the democrats. in 2016 another recount and 2018 another recount in the same two counties. folks, there 3,141 counties in the united states. so you tell me how 3,139
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counties can get their votes in 30 minutes after the polls close, but not these two. the other counties get it right. there is even a county that suffered a category 4 hurricane in florida that was able to turn in their ballots 30 minutes after the election. but the same two deep blue democrat controlled counties in florida where the republicans won in the two most of important races can't get their act together. but it's not the first time. there is one person who seems to be at the center of this. miss brenda snipes. the election supervisor in broward county. you may know about brenda because in 2016 a judge called her out for destroying ballots that benefited her friend debbie wasserman-schultz. so election night broward reports thousands of votes, and
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now there are reportedly thousands more votes. you are kidding, right? a primer. every county is supposed to hand in all early voting and absentee balance lots within 30 minutes of the polls closing. most of kansas city already count those ballots before election night. but now in a lawsuit brought against miss snipes, governor scott argues miss snipes is refusing to cooperate. the court ordered miss snipes to turn over record detailing how she counts ballots. snipes is refusing to turn over the record, saying it's inappropriate for a court into the screen this time simply because scott wants the counting process sped up. what is even more outrageous is after snipes destroyed ballots
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illegally in the 2016 election. her premature destruction of the ballots in a pending lawsuit was described as unlawful and in violation of the public records act. that court in 2016 cited a similar case where the individual was dismissed, saying dismissal under these circumstances is an appropriate sanction. but the court went even beyond saying that about snipes. they said her violation was twofold. number one, snipes violated state and federal retention requirements, and number two, snipes violated the affirmative responsibility to preserve evidence. why was this roll and not fired? yet today miss snipes was on to mess up yet another, or overturn yet another election in florida.
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if that's not enough to infuriate you after the court's decision about miss snipes, the state of florida announced it would be monitoring broward's 2018 election. let me tell you what a mess we are in. there are reportedly thousands of newfound ballots. each one is five' pages long. do you think a woman who loses thousands of ballots, who doesn't want to turn them in within 30 minutes off the polls are closed should be trusted? do you think she should be allowed to view five times, because that's how long the ballots are. of thousands and thousands of missing ballots? this is lunacy. voter fraud is insidious. it causes people to think their vote doesn't matter. but it's worse than that, folks. there are reportedly transcripts
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now that prove when the democrats say they want every vote counted when might. but it's not just your vote it's illegal votes that some lawyers in these canvassing hearings for democrats want counted a report out today says lawyers for democrats gillum and nelson are objecting to the rejection of votes cast by non-citizens. so when a lawyer for democrats says he's going down to florida to win, he should have added, by any means. that's my open. if you love my opening statements, you will love my new book, "new york times" number one best seller, "liars,
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leakers, and liberals. ". here with me is florida congressman matt gaetz. good evening, congressman. >> good evening. i think they are still finding ballots for al gore in broward county. it's a mess down there. it's like a banana republic. when you have them standing in the way of people to oversee the election. that's why getting the ballots and getting a just result is important to all of us. judge jeanine: in the hearing yesterday, when governor scott had requested the opportunity to review and to count and find out how they were determining the ballots, then what she says is, you don't have a right to look at this stuff just because you
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want it sped up. what else that about? >> the law in florida requires the supervisor of elections to make regular reports about how many people voted and in what method they voted in broward county they simply ignored those laws. then when we tried to use our public records act to get information, they stood in the way. after a judge ruled they had to let us inspect the information. i stood in line with governor stock lawyers and we were stood away and told to come back at 10:00 the next morning. you see the supervisor of elections violating court orders and state statutes. the good news is ron desantis has a margin of victory that is beyond the reach any fraud. he'll be the governor-elect and then the governor of florida.
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judge jeanine: you are saying he has more than a half a point ahead of that local mayor gillum. >> there will be a marine recounts. he's under half a point. but he his margin of victory is beyond the coach any fraud. so he'll have a machine recount. we have no objection to that. judge jeanine: if a judge determined as i just read in my open that this woman snipes who was the election commissioner, what is her official title? >> supervisor of elections. judge jeanine: that she two years ago violated state and federal law. he cited a case where someone was dismissed under similar circumstances. can you tell me why this woman was not dismissed given the fact
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that the judge's decision suggests she should be. and we have rick scott the governor who should have dismissed her is suffering because he didn't dismiss her. >> brenda sykes is too stupid or too corrupt to be running elections and counting ballots in florida. the reasons for her removal are inrefutable. unfortunately governor scott hasn't used his authority to suspend her and put the state inspector of elections to take charge of this county. there is legal authority allowing him to remove dr. sykes. we need all the documents.
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when you don't have transparency the fraud can exist. >> last night when i stood outside the supervisor of elections office, there were trucks moving things on and off. that could have been totally harmless. it could have been furniture they were moving. but armed police said i was a safety hazard and i was not allowed to videotape what was being moved in and out of the supervisor of elections office. judge jeanine: a surprising turn of events. in new mexico my next guest has not concede in her race for that's state's southern district congressional seat. she believes the race has been stolen away. he vet herrell joins me now.
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judge jeanine: you a ran in new mexico district 2. you have been a legislator for 8 years. you are running for an open seat, one held by a republican for the last 16 years. donald trump won that district by 10 points. now, you run against a first-time candidate. i think we have a photo of her. the candidate you ran against. all the entities who were representing all the party, the mexico dems for democracy, declared you a winner. you actually gave a victory speech, and then about an hour later something happened. why don't you tell us.
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>> about an hour later we were contacted by the secretary of state's office who said they found 4,000 balance lots that had not been counted. judge jeanine: this secretary of state, what is her name? >> maggie toulouse oliver. judge jeanine: she is a democrat? >> she is a democrat. judge jeanine: an hour after she says we have 4,000 ballots we have to ad, did you get another phone call? >> an hour and a half later. 2 1/2 hours later they said they found another 4,000 ballots. judge jeanine: the question that i think is significant is that when you ask how did this all
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happen, there is an individual who is a county commissioner appointed by democrats. what was her excuse? >> the county clerk, her excuse was there was more ballots than they thought. at first they said they forgot them. they did not realize they had them. so that's very telling since they knew there was record voter turnout in absentee ballots. judge jeanine: the next day they start the recount and you would have won by 1,800 votes, and now she is declared the winner by 2,800 votes. >> correct. that's right. judge jeanine: was this fair and square? >> i don't think that it is. we have a section congressional district race where everybody goes bed tuesday night thinking i have been declared the winner.
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then they find out there were 8,000 ballots that came out of nowhere. i think we need to look into it a little bit more. this is about voter integrity and restoring voter confidence. we had over 100 documented complaints. judge jeanine: flaks for being with us. we'll follow this story. katrina pierson is here as well as brian kilmeade. they are coming up. the mid terms are over. where do we go from here. corey lewandowski is next to tackle that question and more as justice rolls on. i'm ken jacobus and i switched to the spark cash card
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you heard my open. did you hear my. >my open?>> yes, i did. judge jeanine: then you heard about new mexico and you heard matt gaetz. all these situations involve democrats saying they are finding ballots. what's going on? >> this seems seems to be a pattern, particularly in this election cycle. we have seen this in florida with the governor and senate race. and we see it in arizona. martha mcsally who is running for the retiring seat of jeff flake was up 24,000 votes on election night, and the democrats are saying they found more votes and now she is down 9,000 votes. there are thousands of votes in mayor cope a county haven't been
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counted. now they are saying martha mcsally is probably going to lose that race. florida, i now it's the home of mickey mouse, but talk about a nicky mouse operation. in governor scott's case, governor scott is only up 1/4 percentage point. they are going to hand count this. we lived through this in the election 2000. with all the ballot integrity issues, all the supposed people who tried to influence the election and tried to break into our election system. we still have people in florida who can't count to two. judge jeanine: in the lawsuit from broward county, the judge
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criticized her and suggested there is a basis for dismissal. they allowed her to stay there, and now they are suffering the consequences of it. is the state incompetent? because at some point you have to say to yourself, after a while, you let them fuel, and you are the fool after two or three times. >> don't forget, the state of florida is the third largest state in the country. the importance of that state going into the 2020 election cycle cannot be overstated. florida is a truly purple state. donald trump point in taken overwhelming fashion against crooked h. if democrats are going to control palm beach and broward county, it remind me of when lbj
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ran. theyed how many votes do we need to win? we'll fill them out so he can win. judge jeanine: next weekend i am going to talk about the voter rolls themselves. there are -- there is talk that when none citizens were declared invalid as voters, the democrats said, no, they are valid. how could this be so penetratable. how is it not something that's protected. where does the federal government come in on that. >> the secretary of state needs to do a better job obviously. the federal government has to have oversight. maybe we should be monitoring for the stealing of the elections from internal. from those individuals working at the board of elections.
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that's where it seems all the problems are. the fact that we them moving ballots in private individual's cars. i wanter ballot counted. judge jeanine: where do you get that from? there has been reference by another guest tonight. what's with this private vehicles and ballots. where are you getting that from? >> there are a number of videos shown outside the broward elections office where private vehicles were pulling up and taking ballot boxes out of the cars. it looked like the outer area of broward county were transporting those ballot boxes to the headquarters. but they were doing it through private individuals in their own cars. judge jeanine: we need to make
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sure there was wrongdoing there, and that's something we are looking into. brian kilmeade is still on deck. so is brandon tatum from turning point, usa. but my political panel debates the election results. katrina pierson from trump's reelection. and chris hahn. will the democrat tactics work in florida?
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hundreds of thousands of people displaced by fires in northern california. the town of paradise in northern california has been practically wiped off the map. 9 people were killed there yesterday. the fire engulfing entire neighborhoods. 650 building were destroyed. most of of them homes. [♪] >> i am replacing my words of concession with an uncompromise and unapologetic call that we count every single vote. judge jeanine: uncompromiseed and unapologetic call to counter vote. that was after congressman ron desantis was declared the winner
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for governor in florida. my panel is ready to battle it out. chris hahn and katrina pierson. how is it this happened? i'm replacing my word of concession with an uncompromised and unapologetic call. let's save time. we all agree he vote needs to be counted. but why is it, chris, that in two counties in florida, broward and palm beach, that we keep having new ballots just showing up. how does that happen. >> all i can do is take the word of the secretary of state of florida who is appointed by rick scott whose office today said there was no foul play in broward or palm beach.
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rick scott should be thanking the incompetence of the tbrowshed county commissioner who designed a ballot that caused 25,000 people in a heavily democratic district not to vote for u.s. senate in that race. if there is any wrongdoing there, that was it. it was not intentional. but if the machine recount doesn't count those. people just skipped over and that might make rick scott u.s. senator. >> if we are talking about whether it's incompetence or fraud, i think there would be a little bit of both. particularly you heard gillum choose his words carefully. every vote should count. now we are hearing illegals are voting. they have illegal ballots mixed with good ballots. you had a citizen stumble upon a
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box of provisional ballots? that was unattended until it was turned in today. we could do a recount by machine. but the goal is to find enough votes to get the margin close enough to do a hand count. because as every good communist and socialist knows, it's not number of votes in an election, it's who counts them. judge jeanine: what about the fact that this woman, miss snipes, is called out by a court of violating two laws, almost suggesting she be dismissed. and she is at the center of incompetence or at worst, fraud. >> again, katrina said they are finding ballots. that's nonsense. that's not happening.
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the florida secretary of state, a republican appointed by scott, has dismissed that allegation. i think this woman made mistakes when she designed the ballot poorly. brenda snipes. i think the voters who elected her should reconsider sending her back, because obviously she can't design ballots. but all of these allegations being thrown around are not found on anything. the secretary of state and the police excellent by governor scott both said that there has been no wrongdoing there. judge jeanine: have they done an investigation? >> they were there. >> they are doing the investigation now. we have a situation here. this is not broward county's first election. this is not her first election
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either. so she just what, suddenly did the wrong ballot? no, that's not what's happening here. they are not reporting the numbers to the office in the required amount of time. they are not being transparent. all of the other counties can seem to manage to get this done, but they can't? you have to pretend to not know what's going on in order to make the argument. something is not right in broward county and they need to get to the bottom of it. wouldn't you agree? >> this is a nice made-up scandal to distrct from the president's miserable defeat. it's a myself distraction. judge jeanine: i am going to pull your mic, chris. when i tell to you stop, i want you to stop. bill clinton lost 52 seats
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mid-term. barack obama lost 13 seats and 63 seats i think in 2010. and then this president lost 6. you want to call that a miserable loss? you are so wrong. >> there were 350 republican losses around this country in the most gerrymandered map we have ever seen in the history of this country. for the democrats to pick up almost 40 seats and flip the house of representative as and only lose one or two seats in the senate in the worst map we would ever face. >> that was basically average. the fact is democrats severely under performed in an election where 88% of the nightly news coverage was negative towards the president and republicans.
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best-selling author and his latest book, andrew jackson and the miracle of new orleans. brian kill need joins knee now. no one as ever seen you at night. but then you were on huckabee at night. brian: you have been upon the morning show, the radio show, and you are on every week. judge jeanine: you are nonstop energy. the florida election. what is going on down there? >> i just spoke to rick scott's cam. their chief of staff says they have a lead of 12,500. it was 70. i get it. they are going to do a recount by machine. they say the 12,500. for this to be overturned it would be five times larger than any recount in history. for the most of part you will
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never get 12,500 votes to flip on a machine recount or hand recount. judge jeanine: what we are hearing from herrell in new mexico, they are finding absentee ballots. >> on the hand recount after the machine recount. they are only going to be look at under votes and overvotes. and they only checked the box for republicans. they believe the under votes. they are disturbed beyond disturbed, but they think they steadied the ship. deand is is fine at 36,000. judge jeanine: the thing that aggravates me, when you hear of incompetence, brenda snipes, she is still there. rick scott didn't fire her and
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he's suffering the consequences. brian: she was appointed by jeb bush. to go in and fire somebody that was into elective office is more difficult than going into ibm and saying mr. vice president you are gone. judge jeanine: when you have a judge in a case willing to outlaw the laws -- to outline the laws she violated. the guy is giving them runway for that. but i want to talk about your book. you have the "new york times" best seller andrew jackson. they compare him to donald trump. when you see what's going on in america today, people are at each other's houses, yelling in their face. congress people like maxine waters. you make a crowd, you get a mouse. is this as bad as it's going to get?
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brian: it is. we were supposed to come apart in the civil war. but a serious fog rolls in and allowed washington's army to get out. james madison. he was 5'3". he sat there with no leadership ability but he was able to rally the country. we are in the number one economy with the number one military. everyone is trying to get here. things have never been better. we fight in public and people think we are coming apart. it's just the way we do things. are there rough patches? we'll come through it. if you understand where we have been, you will not and writing we are. judge jeanine: you reference the white house burned down.
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brian: washington burned to the ground. the british were going to finish us off in new orleans. this 41-year-old self-taught military general who was able to take his army of 1,200 and make it 5,000 we would not be the same country. judge jeanine: i will see you on "fox and friends" next week. brian: i have never been in your studio before. judge jeanine: how can donald trump win over even more african-americans in his bid for reelection?
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judge jeanine: record low african-american unemployment and a thriving economy, donald trump has been stealing african-american voters away from the dems. should he have more support from the african-american community? and what will this all mean for 2020? brandon tatum, thanks for being with us tonight. >> good evening to you.
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thank you for having me on. judge jeanine: some of the polls that we have seen, it shows that president trump's approval among black voters is at 14% disapproval. that's pew and that's from june, five months ago. do you have any numbers like that? what is the standing given all the benefits african-americans have been making under this president? >> one of the polls i like to look at on the rasmussen polls has the african-american support at 36%, double from last year. people can talk about polls all they want to. but the polls don't tell the true number of support. and i have seen firsthand african-american support increase from my social media to people i talk to every day. young black leadership.
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i can see the enthusiasm in the black community, and i think it will grow exponentially as we go forward. judge jeanine: let's assume the number is somewhere between pew and the number you quote. african-americans have never had the benefits of employment as they surround this president who campaigned under what have you got to lose? what else does the president need to do to get more african-americans to actually admit that they believe in this guy and the economy's created. >> there is three major things the president needs to do. first thing, prison reform has to get done. we cannot have just verbiage or rhetoric alone. we have to get there is done, african-american people need relief for policies implemented from bill clinton in the 1994 crime bill. those things need to be
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reversed. we need to support black leaders going into the community, wanting to be political. people who are going to run for office. someone like john james who is a tremendoused. we have to promote those. the president has to be strong in his rhetoric and support who for grass roots organizations like blexit. judge jeanine: what does it mean? >> it's the black exit from the democratic party. opportunity for young african-american people who are sick and tired of the democrats failing them time and time again, we are going to exit. not only are we going to exit the democratic party, but we have to go to something sustainable. judge jeanine: brandon tatum, thank you so much for being with us tonight. we'll be right back with a special announcement. buy. and last year, i earned $36,000 in cash back.
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all while caring for the earth. heifer international. learn more at heifer dot org. judge jeanine: breaking tonight, 14 more bodies found in california ringing the death toll to 23 and wildfires would be through parts of the golden state. keep it on fox news all weekend for updates to the tragic story. that is it for us. remember, pick up my new book, it will make a great holiday book. plus, vaccination launches november 27 and on demand service with live daily opinion shows and documentaries. it has all your favorite, even me. sign up on fox nation .com to
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become a founding member. i'm jeanine pirro, advocating for truth, justice and the american way. greg gutfeld is next. see you next saturday night. >> what question is that? >> just curious. >> just sit down please. sit down. i did not call you. i did not call you. should we keep this going for a little while? excuse me, i'm not responding to you. please, sit down. it is so sad. greg: it is. that's how you handle hecklers. [cheering and applause]
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