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tv   FOX Friends  FOX News  November 12, 2018 3:00am-6:00am PST

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rob: real quick, guy fieri with helping hand. jillian: the county sheriff's office thanking guy for cooking and lifting spirits. have a good day. ♪ >> florida is once again the center of election recount. >> clearly trying to commit fraud to try to win the election, that's all this is. >> the reminder to republicans or at least should be that democrats are at war with the process. >> wild fires continue raging in both ends of california. >> we are a community, we are a family, please stick together, we need everybody to stick together. >> how do you prioritize what to investigate and at what point do you do too much? >> the investigations are interesting. >> macron's attack on president trump was highly revealing. >> to say that somehow the u.s.
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as exceptional nation should not put our values forth is absurd. >> marine dad gives kid the ultimate surprise. >> i don't know what the surprise is going to be but something pretty big. [laughter] ♪ >> jason kicking it off november 12th, 2018 live in studio f, "fox & friends" world headquarters, thanks for joining us. >> good morning. ainsley: hope you had a great weekend, happy monday to you, while we are sitting here on couch a lot of people in state of florida that are counting some ballots. >> i'm super excited, one day away from midterm elections, i feel like we are still voting, didn't we vote last tuesday? ainsley: last tuesday was election day, this weekend was the first weekend after the midterm elections where the sunday shows they all got to weigh in democrats and
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republicans, they are down there recounting, repeat of 2000. steve: you were supposed to have votes by tuesday, how did they find 93,000 more votes down in broward and palm beach county, all eyes on the sunshine state as governor rick scott campaign's announced 3 more lawsuit against county officials in florida. ainsley: accusing opponent as trying to commit voter fraud as it gets to rocky start. >> charge we heard from the president as well, right inside the broward county election office with the details, good morning, griff. griff: good morning, guys. no sleep for the elections officials or attorneys in broward county. we are inside the election headquarters. what you are looking at over there, that is where supervisor brenda snipes and other two board members said they have been up all night long along with attorneys in the room. we have attorneys for the republican side as well as the democrat side. monitoring things and really
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this is what we are showing you since 11:00 yesterday, the machines have been processing ballots or actually right now not running because they are loogdz in another batch of ballots. we believe, to be the mail-in votes. they have been doing it all night long. and really they are not recounting just yet, guys. they are getting the first page counted to get a total number of votes because the governor scott's lawsuit focuses against brenda snipes because they claim she failed to account for the total number of ballots left to be counted. yesterday, i asked the attorneys for both the democrat side and the republican side about supervisor snipes. here is what they had to say. >> brenda snipes might be under -- might have too much, you know, thrust upon her suddenly. i don't think there is anyone who thinks she is dishonest or lacks integrity. >> she allowed to vote. 30 came in people voted twice. if somebody cheats and
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commits a felony, should their first vote count? i don't think so. i think they ought to strike them all but it's, you know, welcome to sunny broward coward. sun broward county. >> pam bondi sending a letter to the commission of the law enforcement. i fail to see how the florida department of law enforcement can legitimately fail to investigate where there is reasonable suspicion that may lead to discovery of criminal action in the conduct that damaged floridians confidence in our electoral process and democracy. all of this has governor scott and senator nelson trade vicious barbs against each other. the thing to walch here device thursday, november 15th. that's when the second unofficial votes are due in these machines working fiercely to get that. if it is indeed a margin under a quarter percent. we go to a hand vote in broward county. steve: hand count. how long will the hand count take, griff? >> it's gonna take some
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time. let's assume that the number of ballots cast isn' is in that 700,000. over and under votes. we don't know what that number would could be. it could be 30, 40,000. it could take a lot of time. they have to determine of the intent of the voter. >> indeed, griff jenkins live down in broward county. in broward county nearly 25,000 more people voted for the governor than voted for the senator. and some are suggesting that it's because the ballot was so poorly laid out and people just forgot to vote and, in fact, i saw something that said that back when bill nelson ran for senate last time when there was a governor's slot, the under vote was something like 35,000, which is about what it is this time. so sometimes people just go and vote for the governor. ed: haven't figured out how to make the ballot clear 18 years after the 2,000 election number one. number two, brad blakeman was on this weekend and telling us he worked on the bush-cheney campaign in 2,000. he said for all the back and
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forth it came down to a dispute about 537 votes in that presidential election down in florida. this time, we have tens of thousands of votes in dispute. how in the world do you get your arms around this? so to talk about a question integrity in this election, we simply don't know. we keep hearing count all the votes. how about you vote all the legitimate votes. how do we even figure out which votes were legitimate. ainsley: there are so many questions. why aren't these supervisors following the law. they have been accused of not following the law. tell the state how many they have counted every 45 minutes. every county is a little different. one county palm beach every 45 minutes. people saying that's not happening. and then you have rick scott who is suing because he said that the number of ballots left to count, they are not telling them that number. they are not reporting the results regularly as the law claims that they have to do. and why are we still, after all these years having all
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of these problems still? steve: well, in palm beach county the supervisor there says i'm not going to make the deadline. it's because the equipment is too old. so if that is true, can't make thursday at noon. then the number that they already have is what they are going to use. tammy bruce says the recount process is all about winning for the democrats. listen to her sound bite. >> it's a reminder to the republicans or at least it should be that the democrats are at war with this process. you know, they wants what they want at the end. it's like hillary, you know, we are entitled to this so we are just going to get it and magically come to us brought to us by hel leprechauns. old g.o.p. lost on tuesday. new g.o.p. that is street smart and aggressive about what matters, aggressively defending the rule of law and legitimacy of this process. because there is -- it is a strange naivete in believing that everybody means well. steve: there are these little incidental stories
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about how ballots that probably should not, not probably should not have been counted were counted. in broward county apparently 22 absentee ballots were rejected but they accidentally mixed them in with 205. so the board of supervisors said, you know what? we can't throw them all out so we are going to count them all. ed: unbelievable. governor rick scott by the way the republican nominee for senate thinks he has won. he will be right here live on "fox & friends" 7:00 a.m. eastern time. we will ask him about that. probably press him about his hoping to be a new senator in the new congress in january when you have democrats who had promised before the midterms it would be all about substance. they will be talking taxes and talking about healthcare. instead all they seem to be talking about right now is investigating the president. steve: indeed. in fact, jerry nadler who will be coming in as a house judiciary committee chairman is talking about first thing he is going to subpoena, if necessary, the acting attorney general, matthew whitaker to ask him all about his expressed
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hostility towards the mueller probably. then adam schiff, house intell the, is he going to be looking into the possibility of whether or not president trump used the instruments of state power to punish companies that he had a problem with like "the washington post" and amazon and time warner and cnn. ainsley: remember a few weeks ago before the election rush limbaugh was saying it t. was going to be investigation, investigation, investigation e if the democrats win? listen to what they were saying on the sunday shows the first weekend after the midterms. >> let's face it, the investigations are sexy. they are interesting. >> well, we are responsible. we are not scatter shot. we are not doing any investigation for political purpose but to seek the truth. >> our very first witness after january 3rd we will subpoena mr. -- or we will summon, if necessary, subpoena mr. whitaker. >> ouster of jeff sessions, certainly, north korea summit, certainly all issues involving north korea. >> commitments to saudi arabia. >> you could continual down
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the list, the issue is not whether these are proper areas of interest and oversight for the congress. they are. the question is what should be the top priorities? steve: it's interesting axios just sent out their newsletter for this morning, they say they have assembled a list of at least 85 potential trump related subpoena targets for the new majority. 85. ainsley: get ready january is around the corner. ed: these subpoenas are so sexy though. i think adam schiff should do more interviews because he just blurts out what he is really thinking. the investigations are sexy so let's do more. what happened to democrats saying all about taxes. they ran on healthcare. they are not even talking about healthcare. ainsley: now that midterms are over people are wondering who is going to run against trump in a few years. some are speculating hillary clinton. ed: we will get into that. ainsley: mark penn had an op-ed, he think it will be hillary. steve: is he positive it will be hillary clinton. hillary clinton 14.0.
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jillian: at least 41 people are dead and 200 missing as wildfires devastate california. the camp fire to the north is responsible for 29 deaths alone. matching the most in state history. to the south, windy conditions fueling the woolsey fire. red flag warnings in effect throughout today. american resiliency that's later this hour. family, friends, and officers expected to say final goodbyes to the final sergeant killed last week in the though, massacre. a public memorial service for ron helus is set for thursday. the 29-year veteran of the force and 11 others were tragically killed when a gunman opened fire in a bar during country college night before killing himself. that was in california last week. a sunday trip to the stadium ends with a trip to the emergency room. a tennessee titan's fan is injured after falling from
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the stands while reaching for a free t-shirt at half. you can see the hole on the left side of the awning where the man tumbled down into the tunnel. he is in critical but stable condition. former president george w. bush and first lady laura honored with the liberty medal on veterans day. joe biden presenting the award in philadelphia for the couple's commitment to helping veterans through the bush institute. >> by far the gravest responsibility any president has to be a commander-in-chief. >> our military strength is the strength of our nation. our service members are the strength of our military. jillian: today we are honoring our military viewers and their families this is world war ii veteran theodore naqiuin. theodore howard also served. witnessed concentration camps. this is how long francisco
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eugenio chavez. steve: today is the day the nation is observing veterans day even though yesterday t. was yesterday 11/11. ed: we have a lot of veterans coming up in the show. ainsley: a friend of mine has a sign in his house land of the free because of the brave. isn't that beautiful. steve: right. ed: andy mccarthy weighs in on that florida recount. do you give 110% at work or do you like to think outside of the box? most irritating phrases in the offices just revealed ♪ just roll with it, baby ♪ you are ♪ you are ♪ roll with it baby ♪
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steve: florida attorney general pam bondy now demanding law enforcement in florida take any steps necessary to guarantee the integrity in elections after the department claimed they found no evidence of fraud. bondi told the commissioner i fail to see how the florida department of law enforcement can fail to investigate where there is reasonable suspicion that made lead to the discovery of criminal actions in the conduct of the 2018 election. actions that gravely damage floridians confidence in our electoral process and democracy. here to weigh in former u.s. assistant attorney and fox news contributor andrew
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mccarter. andrew, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. steve: what do you make of what is going on down in florida? >> well, i agree with attorney general bondi. you know, you are dealing especially in broward county with people who are running the election, ms. snipes in particular repeatedly been cited by the courts for violations of florida law. and then all of a sudden you have the situation where it seems that we can't get our brains wrapped around the exact number of votes there are. and then steve, until you can get the known world of what we are dealing with, it's very hard to police against fraud. steve: sure, i think what the scott campaign was asking for seemed reasonable. and it is also, you know, detailed in the law. just tell us how many votes were cast. and they couldn't do that and then yesterday on fungsd, he said how do they come up with 93,000 votes after the polls close? >> yeah. well that's exactly what
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needs to be investigated. you know, i think everybody could say that governor scott was just making a politicized argument except he went into court and won. and we are dealing with election officials there who were cited in court for fraudulent type stuff, steve, even before this election happened. the question actually for scott is not whether he is making good legal argument. it's why he left these people in charge of broward county. steve: yeah. one other item of note with the new majority in the house, with the democrats in charge, jerry nadler says that they could actually subpoena robert mueller. listen to this. it was from yesterday. >> matt whitaker says he is not going to recuse himself from the russia investigation. if he restricts mueller, if he blocks for example a subpoena, what recourse do you have? >> well, we could subpoena the final report. we could subpoena mueller and ask him in front of the committee what was in your final report. those are things we could do. steve: i suppose they could
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subpoena him but we say anything? >> yeah, i imagine if he gets subpoenaed he will, steve. i think this is although at tricks. whitaker is going to go in there and tell mueller to get on with it mueller is probably wrapping up his investigation. we will get a lot of heavy breathing until the report comes out. steve: stay tuned for that andy mccarthy, we thank you very much for joining us today. >> thanks, steve. steve: thank you. meanwhile, hillary clinton will run again. clinton's former staff polster says she will be on the presidential ticket in 2020. dan bongino is going to react to that coming up. and they're not even in control of the house yet, but top democrats already promising an investigation blitz. will they overplay their hand? a debate is coming up next. >> congress has to act, has to act. >> we could subpoena mueller and ask him in front of the committee what was in your final report.
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ainsley: here's some quick headlines four. kyrsten sinema's lead over martha mcsally is growing in arizona. sinema leads by 32,000 votes. the margin, her campaign says is insur savings accountable. election officials say there are more than 219,000 ballots not yet counted. democrat stacey abrams filing a lawsuit over the georgia governor's race. she wants to delay the certification of votes. her campaign claims thousands of ballots might not have been counted properly. kemp is ahead by nearly 60,000 votes and says it is mathematically impossible for abrams to force a runoff. ed? ed: thanks, ainsley. not even in control of the house yet. top democrats are already
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promising to investigate, investigate, investigate. look at this. >> the appointment of mr. whitaker should concern every american, democrat, republican, liberal, conserving. so congress has to act. has to act. >> we could subpoena mueller and ask him in front of the committee what was in your final report. >> i think having a hearing on whether the president of the united states should cause the free press and in so doing the first amendment the enemy of the people is also trying to use the instruments of state power to punish the press. ed: will the left overplaying its hand by focusing on investigations and impeachment. here to debate former campaign biro and holly. >> good sty. ed: i thought democrats said they were going to focus on taxes and healthcare and now it sounds like investigations and impeachment. >> they need to all get together and read their talking points. you know, if the democrats
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want to keep the house in 2020, the best thing they can do is look back to last week and figure out what happened to help them win the house in the first place. i think it was not maxine waters screaming impeachment and impeach the president. it was the millions of dollars that they spent messaging voters about the failures of paul ryan in the house on healthcare issues. and they need to stick to that if democrats will come to the table with republicans, fix healthcare, fix immigration, that's what's going to help them keep the house in 2020. honestly, i hope that they do that. ed: robin, what about that. >> i agree with you wholeheartedly on that. that's exactly what helped us win these races in the mid terms. we are up for election again in two years. we have got to continue to really drive that home with voters. now, we do have a responsibility to the voters and their constituents. to hold some things accountable. you know, for example, amazon owns "the washington post."
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so, adam schiff, the incoming intelligence director, wants to make sure there wasn't overreach in state power just to punish "the washington post" who is owned by amazon or to punish cnn who for blocking that merger with time warner. ed: i will give you time to talk about that. we can run through everything up they want to go after the trump hotel and who is staying there they want tax returns. when are you going to have time fix healthcare? >> we have got to work simultaneously. they have to really hit the ground running on this. i'm political director for the party still. i have warned them repeatedly not to overplay their hand like they did on kavanaugh. i warned them about that, too. they didn't listen. and i think it cost us votes. so they have to play this very carefully. ed: holly, it sounds like robin is being honest that his party may overplay their hand. look at impeachment. nancy pelosi says recognize at one point what robert mueller might not think is
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indictable could be impeachable. again, going back to the campaign maxine waters kept saying impeach 45. she kept saying nancy pelosi and other people don't want me to talk about impeachment. i want impeachment. republicans keep say you vote in democrats there will be impeachment. pelosi said no, no, no. they get elected right to impeachment. >> right it will be interesting to see if nancy pelosi is able to keep her speakership. obviously i think republicans want her to do it. it will give us a lot of great footage to use in the 2020 elections. but, realistically, if the democrats want to stay in power, be reasonable, let's come to some solutions. you can't do everything. you can't chase every little thing that the president tweets and try and investigate it. you need to -- and what do the voters care about? even cnn had an exit poll last week of voters saying that they don't really think there is much to the mueller probe. they think it's mainly politically motivated and ready to see it over.
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ed: mitch mcconnell just made a point a few days ago that going after bill clinton on impeachment helped the democrats and he said it tanked the production' poll numbers. >> you know, i honestly think we need to stay away from impeachment. that's been the direction from the dnc from the get-go on this. and this mueller investigation is right about to end. we're right here about to cross the finish line. i think republicans know that. and that's why they are just letting this ride out. so i think that's honestly the best strategy right now and i was really pleased to hear. i just hope it's just not talking points but i was pleased to hear them both talking about bipartisan. because americans are sick of us not working together to actually deliver. we have got to try to find some. ed: hang on, holly if the democrats focus on other things is that just going to help the president in his re-election in 2020. >> it does, actually. yeah. if they want to focus on impeachment and investigations. then i think they can say goodbye to the house and say hello to another four years
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of president trump. ed: going to get interesting real fast. holly, robin, thanks for coming. >> in happy veterans day. >> thanks. ed: ice wanted to deport this illegal immigrant. and now is he charged with interest triple murder. not county that let him free is refusing to take responsibility. dan bongino is here to respond next. do you give 110% at the office or do you like to think outside the box? the most irritating phrases in the office? ainsley just gave me a couple that she doesn't like. we will reveal ours ♪ free bird ♪ five minutes ♪ bobbing up down, up down ♪
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the attempted sabotage of donald trump. dan, is this all your fault? >> of course. no, i'm in martin county,
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just north of palm beach. so i get a flavor for what's going on down there in palm beach. i'm only 10 miles from the border. steve: right. >> our county was fine. always broward and palm beach where the democrats run the show. they better get their ability together. steve: thursday at 3:00. palm beach county, just south of you, has already said we're not going to make it we have old equipment. as people look in, should they feel confident that the votes are being counted accurately? >> no. absolutely not. they have already ignored. let's talk about facts. this is not hyperbole, these are facts. deadeadlines were missed one two things one like a total vet count. how many total votes are out there, brenda snipes? well, we don't know. secondly, they were supposed to post the totals for the mail voting. early voting 30 minutes after the polls closed and they didn't do it. those are facts.
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i have no confidence. brenda snipes should be removed from office and the secretary of state should take over. ainsley: are folks saying down there. rick scott had an opportunity to remove her after 2,000 and he didn't do it. are people upset with him. >> ainsley, people are on fire down here. genuinely upset. even though there haven't been results of results posted yet. people feel like the election has already been stolen it should are been called a long time ago. i keep saying this. you had one job. one to do counts the votes. this is noter a florida. it's a palm beach and broward county it is grotesque and incompetent. ed: attorney in florida talking about the possibility of counting non-citizens for voting and marc elias, the senior democratic lawyer ended up trying to clean that up, no, no, no. we know the law. the fact that one of the democratic lawyers initially argued that non-citizens can vote when we all know that's
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against the law. does that expose what's really happening? >> i love it, ed. you tell this story and, again, liberals are like oh, this is just some conspiracy theory. no, it happened. it's in the court transcript. a lawyer for the gillum/nelson campaign trying to defend a personal not -- a non-citizen for voting. this is basic black and white stuff. this actually happened. and it's another reason we should have absolutely no confidence in what's going on right there with the supervisor of elections in these two counties. that happened, folks. you can read the court transcript yourself. steve: all right. dan, let's switch gears. a mexican national has been charged with killing three people in missouri earlier this month. they were released from a new jersey county jail in 2017 despite the fact that there was an ice detainer on this person to hold them for the feds. what are your observations about this? >> yeah. steve, i mean, when is enough enough on this argument? this is a simple argument.
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let's try pull the emotion out of this for a second even though it's a tragic topic, right? i get it that a lot of people cross the border illegally. people may not go on to commit other crimes, fine, point stipulated. here's the reality of it, 100% of the people who cross the border illegally should not be in the country at all. and if one of them kills an american citizen, kills anybody on american soil, it should never have happened. when are the democrats, are we going to get them on the record and ask them simple questions. are you for a border or not? one lost life is too many. and we're seeing too many cases of this. i get your point. i get what they are saying, yes, not every person who crosses the border illegally will commit another crime. that's not the point. the point is 100 percent should not be here. my wife and my family are immigrants. okay? my wife's family did it the legal, right way. if you are not willing to abide by the law when you enter in the country, you
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should not be here. we need to get every single democrat on the record with that are you for border security or not. plain and simple. it's a yes or no question. we can't have another incident like this. this is -- it's hard to -- read that story, folks. you will be devastated what happened. ainsley: let's talk about the next election and who is going to run against president trump. people were speculating hillary clinton. i remember when we first heard that it was like no. now we are hearing it so much. mark penn who is going to be on our show later today we asked him about it wrote a op-ed with mark penn also a democrat wrote an article in the "wall street journal" that hillary is going to run again. she won't let quote her humiliating loss end her political career. do you agree? >> yeah, i do. i'm not surprised by this story at all. i mean, color me totally unsurprised. hillary, i mean, i worked with hillary, i'm not revealing state secrets or anything, but to say she is ambitious may be the understatement of the mill lynn yum. if she doesn't have power,
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her whole life revolves around being that person in charge. she needs it she wants it. she cannot be -- she can't lose. and listen, i would not -- don't sleep on this. don't fall asleep on hillary. i get it that it's kind of become a running joke. remember, after she was the first lady and decided to run for senate, everybody said no, no. she is not going to win. she pulled that thing off in pretty resounding fashion. one downside, she can't run away from the whole spy gate, fusion gps thing. that's going to be an albatross on her. and she may have to show up in wisconsin this time. someone is going to show where it is. she couldn't figure it out last time. steve: i like the way you say she can't run away from spy gate which just happens to be the name of dan bongino's book. ed: great tie-in. >> crazy how that happens. what a coincidence. ainsley: "yes" or "no," could she win? >> she could. it's possible. steve: dan bongino joining from you palm city down in florida. sir, thank you very much. ed: mark penn alive at
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8:30 a.m. eastern time talking about the op-ed. steve: all sorts of people in the news today. meanwhile a fox news alert right now. at least 31 people are dead and 200 missing wildfires devastate california. the camp fire to the north is responsible for 29 deaths alone matching the most in state history. and to the south windy conditions fueling the woolsey fire. red flag warnings are in effect there at least through the end of today. ainsley: meanwhile, new satellite images give us a different look at how massive that camp fire is part of the land completely torched. ed: janice dean live tracking wind conditions in south florida and all across the country. good morning, janice. janice: unfortunately another dire condition across much of california. 20 million people under red flag warnings right now, meaning that conditions are favorable for wildfires and wildfire spreading. not only knowledge california, central california and now southern california, the worst of the winds will be concentrated
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across southern california. so, there you can see the potential for forecast wind gusts, 30 to 50 to 70 miles per hour. so, santa ana winds are going to be ferocious, unfortunately this afternoon for so cal. calm winds. firefighters can get out there and do what they can. this afternoon things are going to be very dangerous. very hard for firefighters to contain firefighters with gusts of 70 miles per hour. this is just an epic disaster unfortunately. no rain in the forecast. and low relative humidity is a recipe for a disaster here in california. back to you. steve: no good news regarding the weather down south. j.d., thank you. ainsley: thank you, janice. president trump slamming president emmanuel macron insulting as the french president suggest the military build its own military to protect itself against the united states: general anthony tata says the president's reaction was exactly right. he will explain coming up next.
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steve: rick scott is going to be joining us to talk about his lawsuits against the election folks down there. john than turley, and newt gingrich to talk about the new congress. got a busy "fox & friends" for veterans day 2018 ♪ any way you want it ♪ that's the way you need it ♪ any way you want it ♪ ways to help you maintain balance and help keep you active and well-rested. because hey, tomorrow's coming up fast. nature's bounty. because you're better off healthy.
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common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and constipation. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. i discovered the potential with ozempic®. ♪ oh! oh! oh! ozempic®! ♪ (vo) ask your healthcare provider if ozempic® is right for you. jillian: good morning, welcome back. we have quick headlines now. the migrant caravan swelling to 6500 people as it travels closer to the u.s. border. they are now on a 60-mile trip through central mexico. local mexican officials helping the migrants find rides on trucks to continue their journey. u.s. troops preparing for the arrival stationing themselves at our southern border. they are expected to stay there until mid december. and the trump administration could soon call houthi rebels backed by iran a terror group. the state department reportedly considering giving the organization a formal terrorist
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designation. end a civil war in yemen dragged on four years. american officials calling for a cease-fire of w. hopes of starting peace talks. that's a look at your headlines. send it to you, steve. steve: thank you very much, jillian. a trip to paris turns into a feud between president trump and french president macron. >> as the president arrived over the weekend president macron of frapsz has just suggested that europe build its own military in order to protect itself from the united states. china and russia. very insulting, but perhaps europe should first pay its fair share of nato, which the u.s. subsidizes greatly. our next guest says that reaction was exactly right. he is here to explain it. retired u.s. army brigadier general anthony tata also the author of the new book, there's the picture of it called "dark winter." thank you very much, general for being with us. why do you think that as right of him to tweet. >> it's exactly right. when you look at macron said
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even mentioning america in the same breath as russia and china. ignores our storied history with france all the way back to the revolutionary war and how they helped us and then world war i, world war ii in our participation of millions of u.s. soldiers on european soil to defend europe and especially france. and today, we have tens of thousands of soldiers forward deployed astonia, italy, germany to help act as a deterrent against russia and any nation that wants to do harm to europe because they are our number one trading partner and we understand that western europe in particular is very important to the united states. so, his -- macron just showed his naivete there and hugely insulting to every veteran living today and those that have passed before us that paid the ultimate sacrifice. steve: certainly don't need an army to protect them from the united states. general, mr. macron also said this yesterday.
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watch this. >> patriotism is the exact opposite of nationalism. nationalism is a bee trail of patriotism by saying our interest first, who cares about the others? our nation holds dearest. what gives it grace and essential. it's moral values. steve: do you agree nationalism is a be a betrayal f nationalism? >> macron shows his my avenue at a. any elected first responsibility is to the people that elected them. so, president trump's responsibility is accountable to the american people. president macron is accountable to the french people.
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of course, we had president obama who went on the apology tour and subordinated america interest to the rest of the world in pursuit of that globalist agenda and macron is of that same cloth. nationalism is a good thing. nationalism is something we think about every day as soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines when we are deployed we fight for that flag. that's what we do. ainsley: the president reminded us of that tweet about nato, too. they need to do their fair share as well. thank you so much. and look out for their interest. steve: thank you, general. ainsley: thanks, general. steve: florida governor rick scott filed three lawsuits as the recount is underway in florida. the governor is here live in about 10 minutes. you are not going want to miss it. ainsley: three three sisters run a company inspire service. you will meet them next
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♪ steve: coming from a military family the nunes sisters have always been inspired by service following in their father's footsteps. emily joined the u.s. army airborne school and serving in afghanistan. ainsley: after her service she joined sister betsy to found this company called sword and plough. a brand dedicated to employing and veterans every step of the way. ed: joining us is the ceo and u.s. army captain emily caveness and cee betsy
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nunez. >> thank you for having us on today. we're thrilled to be here. i'm thinking a lot about my service today. and one of my favorite parts, my absolute favorite part about serving was the incredible men and women i had the honor to serve with i'm so grateful that here at sword and plough we continue to work with amazing veterans in our business. we work with five different veteran owned manufacturers to make all of our products and they are so incredible and talented hard-working. steve: what you do that is so unique you repurpose military surplus things into beautiful things you should buy today. >> thank you. and so far since launching in 2013, we have upcycled over 30,000 pounds of military surplus, supported 75 veteran jobs through our supply chain and manufacturing partners and we have donated back over $100,000 to impact nonprofits. ainsley: uniforms repurposed what else? >> we repurpose a variety of
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things from our jewelry line is made out of repurpose 50 caliber shell casings. steve: they started out like that and they wind up ear earrings, pendants. >> yes. all hand hammered some of our best selling products. in addition to being here today, we have decided to help your viewers get some of their holiday shopping done early. we have a special code for 15% off on sword and all they have to do is enter fox 15. we have some of our best selling tote bags. these are the bags that i'm carrying 365 days out of the year. they are the best bags i have owned. i have walked through rain storms, snow storms, they have so many different pockets. we really designed everything with form and function and our customer in mind because growing up emily and i had certain pain points with other products that we had owned before. ed: emily, can you go back to your service and what it means for you but also how you applied it to the transition from the battlefield to the business? >> definitely. i -- my military service is -- it will always be one
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of the most formative and impactful experiences i have ever had. i am so incredibly grateful that my dad inspired me to serve that i had the opportunity to serve and give back to a nation that's given so much to me and our family. and so i'm just thrilled that through sword and plough i'm able to continue that commitment to service and giving back and to building something that has a larger mission. much larger than myself. so, i have also. steve: talking about this, it really gets to you, doesn't it. >> it does. you know, thinking about veterans day yesterday and veterans day observed today, i'm just -- the people i had the opportunity to serve with are such selfless leaders and the leadership skills that we learned in the military transfer 100 percent to the civilian workforce. and i'm just so grateful to the leadership skills, time management and the ability to motivate a team to accomplish a purposeful goal. >> y'all are so sweet and
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god bless you. both of them are still giving back to our country. if you buy anything, they are giving 10% to bunker lab which is a nonprofit that helps women in the military and veterans start their own business, too. thank you. >> thank you so much. ed: what about this baby picture pays tribute to the christmas story now the photographer sunday fire. we have that story coming up.
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♪ >> senator nelson is clearly trying to commit freud win this election. that's all this is. >> everybody can say that governor scott was just making a politicized argument except he went into court and won. >> 31 people dead. more than 200 missing this morning as a trio of fires devastate california. >> we are a community. we are a family. please stick together. we need everybody to stick together. >> not even in control of the house yet top democrats are already promising to yes, investigate, investigate, investigate. let's face it the investigations are sexy. they are interesting. >> if they want to focus on
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impeachment and investigation, then i think they can say goodbye to the house and hello to another four years of president trump. steve: hillary clinton will run again. polster says she'll be on the ticket. >> not surprised. to say she is ambitious is the understatement of the millennium. she may have to show up in wisconsin this time. someone will have to show her where it is. ♪ ♪ ♪ i love a country girl ♪ i love a friday night ♪ and i love this life ♪ steve: it is monday, november 12th. yesterday was 11/11. officially veterans day. but today day off because today is the federal holiday. ed: brian has the day off. steve: he does have the day off. ainsley: if you are in the military and one of your family members is thank you so much. we all love you. yoall eyes onthe state of floris morning. ed: this as governor rick scott who will be our live next next moment.
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steve: griff jenkins is actually inside the broward county office of elections where behind him have they started counting or are they still getting ready to count? >> they are still getting ready to count, guys. and broward county canvassing board just came in to session. you see them behind me there because they were sort of sorting out this separation of ballots. they finished the early voting but they have still got to do mail-in and election day. then they will begin the recounting. you are looking now at the machines. initially there were 10. now there are 12. two were broad from tallahassee 4:00 a.m. this morning when we were here. much of what governor scott's lawsuit focuses on is dr. brenda snipes supervisor here failing to account for the number of ballots left to be counted. that's what they're trying to do here right now. we spoke with the democrat attorney and republican attorneys here. bill share and mitchell burger. here is what they had to say about the supervisor yesterday. >> brenda snipes might be
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under -- might have too much thrust upon her suddenly. i don't think there is anyone who thinks she is dishonest or lacks integrity. >> she allowed felons to vote. this there were 30 that came in twice to vote. if someone cheats and commits a felony, should their first vote count? i don't think so. i think they ought to strike them all. it's welcome to sunny broward county. >> also yesterday, florida's attorney general pam bondi writing a letter to the commissioner of the florida department of law enforcement asking her -- them to investigate claims made here against dr. snipes and elsewhere. i can also add to the story that up in palm beach, there is the supervisor there saying that she doesn't believe they can meet that thursday november 15th deadline. that is when all 67 counties must turn in their second unofficial results.
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we'll find out whether or not that actually happens. guys? steve: all right, griff. thank you very much. of course, if they can't meet the deadline according to state law then they revert to the number they handed in before. got that? ainsley: we should know something by thursday? thursday is the deadline. steve: that's right. let's bring in the governor, current governor of the great state of florida, governor rick scott. he is, as you know, locked in this whole thing with. ed: he wants to be the senator. steve: he dose. he feeltsd he is the senator. governor, you asked a good question yesterday. how did they come up with 93,000 votes after election night in palm beach and also in broward county? where did those come from? >> they won't tell us. we have no idea. we know our laws are set up to prevent fraud. we know they didn't let in party officials to observe. we know that they didn't -- there was no transparency. they are supposed to tell us
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where all of this was coming from. how many ballots all these things. we know mysteriously 93,000 new ballots showed up after election day. we know that brenda snipes has said that she took illegal ballots and put them in with legal ballots. she admitted that we know they continue to try to count after the deadline, which was noon on saturday. so, we know all these things. but, in the end, i have 12,600 more votes than bill nelson. i won the election. there is a normal recount. we had a big turnout. 8 million people voted. my focus now is, you know, we'll watch this recount process. no recount has ever overturned a lead like that. i'm going to focus on getting to washington and getting my agenda implemented. ainsley: this morning when i'm reading so many different articles about what happened in florida, and the rules that many people are claiming that these election supervisors broke, i'm wondering, why do they still have -- why aren't they held accountable if they are breaking these
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laws? and no one seems to know the answer to that? is there someone down there that can force them to give you the answers that they have to give you by law? >> >> well, first off, we had to go to the courts to get them to comply with the law. i have asked and pam bondi, our attorney general has directed the florida department of law enforcement to do an investigation to stand. understand. we want free and fair elections. we want people to participate. we'll don't want any fraud. we need to know exactly what happened here. and that's what we're trying to understand. we never want this to happen again. we won ron desantis won we need to go forward and start thinking about our agendas. bill nelson is clearly a sore loser. he can't stand the fact that he is not going to be elected for the first time in decades. is he just here to steal the election. that's what he has done. his lawyer came down and said i'm here to win the election. i'm not here to make sure
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free and fair election. make sure votes are counted. he wants to went election. that's his only purpose. ed: governor, that's your message to democrats. what do you say to fellow republicans who sigh wait a second, you have the governor for the last 8 years and got a lot done on the economy and taxes. we have heard all about it. and it appears that you won because of that but why didn't you get more done on election reform? why didn't you take out brenda snipes when we know she got caught destroying ballots in previous elections? >> well, that's one of the reasons why we filed the lawsuit yesterday to make sure all these ballots are impounded that florida department of law enforcement, our sheriffs watch the ballots and watch the machines. there is no issues going forward. we have passed legislation to make sure that we had free and fair elections. the problem we have is supervised elections are locally elected. we have the expectation that they comply with the law to prevent fraud, so, my focus
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right now is getting the florida department of law enforcement in there to review, to make sure that why end up with a free and fair election. ed: why didn't you, as governor, take her out of her position? i understand legislation was passed. but when she got caught previously destroying ballots, governor, why didn't you say you are out? >> well, you know, first off, the limit-ly to is limitations what the governor can do. these are separately elected individuals. so you have to comply with what the law is. and so what we have done is passed legislation to make sure, do everything we can to make sure there is no fraud and then, you know, if we have concerns get law enforcement to come in and look at what is going on. steve: one of the other things some have suggested is a red flag, governor, in broward county alone nearly 25,000 more people voted for governor than they did for senators. of course, you were governor, now you are interested in the senator line. but, historically that
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happened, last time bill nelson ran for senate when there was also a governor race the under count was something like where it is right now about 35,000. >> no one knows why. those things happen. people decide not to vote. we have a lot of the people on the ballot. sometimes judges on the ballot people don't vote. so no one knows why. but what bill nelson needs to do now is what he would be asking me to do if i had lost election is say, look, the election happens, let's go forward. he is not. he is jews a pure sore loser trying to steal an election. ainsley: i'm sure it has to be frustrating when you work so hard tirelessly and you were working on helping those folks that were displaced because of the hurricane. did you a great job with that from what we have heard from everyone down in florida. i know it has to be frustrating when you look at the numbers, you win. you had your beautiful
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speech with your family there and your doctors next to you. and then this comes. in this news comes. in but there are a lot of people that say around the country let's just count the votes just so that we can redo it and see what the problem is let's recount the votes. we want to make sure we do this right. every voice needs to be heard. but are you questioning what's going on in these counties? are you thinking there is something nefarious going on? >> well, we know, i mean, first off we won by 57,000 votes that night. so, we know that since then, just in these two counties, 93,000 new votes showed up. how did that happen? we know that brenda snipes said that she -- ballots that she acknowledged knows that they were illegal she mixed them in with legal ballots. we know that happened. she said they did that we know that they tried to continue to count ballots after the deadline. we know that so, i want all the votes -- i want to make sure there is free and fair election.
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comply with the law. it's supposed to prevent fraud ainsley, you are right. finance frustrating. we worked our tail off. thousands of volunteers. we worked hard, you know, we won the election. so, you know, so it's frustrating but we won, we're going to win the recount because it's never been overturned before. i'm going to washington as the next florida senator. i have got a whole agenda how to make washington a better place for all of us. steve: senator, are you going to the new senator orientation in the next day or two? >> also as an aside we are still figuring out our schedule. steve: okay. good enough. governor rick scott, thank you very much. the florida recount underway should be concluded by thursday at 3:00 p.m. ainsley: at least it's thursday. i heard originally some people were saying it's going to be december. steve: if there is a hand recount that could take a while. ed: jillian meal solid here with more. jillian: good monday morning. hope you had a good weekend.
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following a fox news alert right now. 31 people are dead and more than 200 missing as strong winds fuel the california wildfires look wildfire in malibu. the camp fire in the north is responsible for 29 deaths alone, matching the most in state history. through the devastation, look at this: the american spirit shining through. officers spotting this american flag amazingly unharmed. they plan to return it to its owners. we have a live report from california later this hour. family, friends, and officers expected to say final goodbyes to the final sergeant killed last week in the thousand oaks massacre. a public memorial service for ron helus is set for thursday. the 29-year veteran of the force and 11 others were tragically killed when a gunman opened fire in a bar during college country night before killing himself in california last week. vice president pence landing in tokyo just a short time ago. he is set to meet with japanese prime minister
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shinzo abe. the vice president is expected to put china's feet to the fire regarding trade and reassure american allies during his asia trip. that's a look at your headlines. ed: the eagles didn't fly so high last night. jillian: no they did not. thank you for that reminder. ainsley: would you like a little salt for that wound? ed: get ready for on slot not just of jillian but of the trump administration? >> one of the first orders of business will be to subpoena him. >> we are going to need to ruthlessly prioritize on the intel committee so, we have already started that process. >> constitutional law professor jonathan turley says this is all leading up to an effort to impeach the president. he joins us live next. ainsley: this baby picture pays tribute to the classic movie the christmas story look at the background even the lamp there. the professor forced to defend it because of the toy
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gun holding. here to respond with the boy's mother coming up next. ♪ the united states postal service makes more holiday deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. ♪ with one notable exception. ♪
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so you can... breathe easy, there's therabreath at walmart. ♪ >> today i am sending a letter along with leader pelosi to the chief ethics officer of the justice department asking him to
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issue guidelines should whitaker recuse himself. >> matt whitaker immediately one of the first orders of business if necessary will to be subpoena him. >> we are going to need to ruthlessly prioritize on the intel committee. we have already started that process. steve: democrats out of the gate on sunday pledging to unleash what the media are calling an investigation onslaught into the trump administration. here with analysis professor jonathan turley, he, of course, a constitutional law professor at george washington university. as you can see today is he down in dallas. so, professor, are you surprised that the democrats wasted no time in announcing, you know what? we're going to start digging and we're going to start digging soon? >> no, they campaigned on this promise that they would hit the president and the administration with a storms of subpoenas. that's going to answer this zen like question one hand clapping. they control one house but that's enough to bring in these individuals into
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oversight committees. and there is an obvious interest in building the case for impeachment. they don't have the impeachment ground. i'm here in dallas to debate cnn's jeff tuben on impeachment. that is the subject that everyone is talking about. i just don't believe that they have enough right now to make out a compelling single article of impeachment. steve: you say, you told me in the commercial, mr. tuben is going to suggest that impeachment is political and you disagree with that. >> the framers viewed this as a legal standard. they wanted to make it difficult. it is not a court of law technically, but it has standards. it's very easy to say oh, this is just a political judgment because it releases these members to just vote their political interest. that's not what the framers intended. steve: you know, when you look at how the campaign ran over the last year, we heard a lot from maxine waters over the period of time talking about impeachment. then the party leaders were
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like yeah, let's back away from that if the people are going to put us in power, they want us to try to get stuff done. now we see all these committees that are talking about hearings. >> that's right. this is what the framers were afraid of. impeachment is not supposed to be a recreational exercise. not supposed to be something that you do to please your base. it's a very serious and disruptive and functional element to introduce into our system. the chances that donald trump will be impeached are virtually nil at this point. so, first they are going to throw out a net and try to find any possible evidence that they can make out an impeachable offense. they don't have it right now. but, when you look at the range and scope of the suggested investigation, it's really breath-taking. steve: let's see what happens. professor, thank you very much. >> thanks, steve. steve: meanwhile, in the news on this monday morning, rock legend joe perry collapsed back stage. an update on the aerosmith guitarist coming up.
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this baby picture paying tribute to the classic movie the picture story. the photographer is being forced to defend it because of that wooden toy gun. she is here live with the newborn's mother to respond coming up next on "fox & friends." ♪ ♪ this is not a bed. it's a revolution in sleep. the new sleep number 360 smart beds are on sale now during sleep number's veterans day sale. it senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. it even helps with this. so you wake up ready to put your pedal to the metal. and now, during our veterans day sale, the queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is only $1299 - save $400. plus, 36-month financing. ends monday. sleep number. proven, quality sleep.
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♪ >> i'm going to steal their christmas. steve: all right. time for news by the numbers. first 66 million bucks. that's how much the grinch snagged its opening weekend in north america where we are right now. taking the number one spot at the box office. all right. next up: 11,000, that's how many u.s. workers will be on
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the road just to save christmas. freight workers reached a deal to avoid a strike keeping them and your packages on schedule. and finally 13,000 bucks. that's how much the whiskey advent calendar will cost you. it's filled with 24 of the most spectacular whiskeys ever created. and that is news, ainsley. ainsley: we all remember the classic christmas story. it shows you how one 1940s movie celebrates the holiday ralphy wants one thing. >> i want a -- >> you will shoot your eye out, kid. ainsley: iconic scene causing a photographer to snap that photo right there which includes a miniature
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toy gun but the adorable photo sparking fierce backlash. here to react is that photographer amy hale and mother of that adorable newborn in the costume now. thank you for being with us. >> hi. ainsley: amy, i will start with you, you posted the picture you are the photographer. what happened next? >> i posted the photo and initially, you know, how lots of positive reaction and then there was a couple initial reactions whether it was because they didn't understand the movie or had something to say. but then it has become overwhelmingly positive things and we have had lots of positive comments and emails and messages from all over the world now. it's become quite a neat thing. ainsley: adrienne, we wanted to have you on because there were a lot of critics that were upset there was a gun in the picture. you thought of all the details, leg lamp, the gun and the glasses.
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>> it wouldn't have been complete without them. ainsley: i know. what was your responses to all the critics that were upset with you for having the gun? >> honestly, like without the gun, it wouldn't have been the movie. i agree with amy that they probably just didn't understand the movie and it was probably a little bit of a misunderstanding. still exciting for us to see the movie come to life in newborn shoot. ainsley: you would do it again. you don't regret it? >> ♪ at all i would totally do it again. ainsley: you have ideas for next year. >> i am. i'm always thinking. ainsley: what are your ideas? >> i will be sure to post it when i have it finished. ainsley: have to wait another year? >> probably. take some time to plan it all out. ainsley: adrienne, what was your husband's reaction? >> both of us were like we showed up to the studio and we saw the set set up and we
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were both in shock and awe at the same time. and we were so excited and then, obviously, the reaction on social media. we were a little -- we knew some people would probably be have an opinion about the little toy gun but honestly we were just still so amazed that we were able to bring something to life like we did. ainsley: tell me about lima is this your first child. >> this is our second. we have a 4-year-old big sister alex who is obsessed with her little brother. he is going to be probably dressed up a lot like this as he grows up. >> might have to take his picture again. ainsley: how is she doing having a baby brother at home? >> she loves it. she -- you know, obviously, any 4-year-old is going to have her moments but she really does love him a lot. ainsley: isn't it the best to have a baby again. that's so sweet. amy, where did you find that toy gun that was so small? >> i found -- wanted it to
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be perfect and small enough that it would get the effect out there but not be controversial. here we are. but i think, you know, obviously not a real one so i was very particular about that but i wanted it to be realistic enough to make the photo effective. i did find reuben, not sure how to pronounce his name but i put it on my post. he hand makes them. so, i found him just by chance and i'm glad i did because it made for the perfect little thing to add to the photo. ainsley: adrienne doesn't regret doing the picture, amy would you do it again? >> absolutely. ainsley: what's your website if people want to go on and find out more information about how they can hire you? >> go to creek i also have my facebook page which is on facebook with coffee creek study grow. ainsley: thank you both for being with us. >> thank you. >> good luck to your daughter and little liam.
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ainsley: we have a fox news alert. deadly out-of-control wildfires in california are raging and destroying houses, people are missing. the danger shows no signs of stopping either. we are live on the ground there next. plus, the media says republican concerns about the florida recount are conspiracy theories. so what is the real story? we will discuss that straight ahead. and thought hillary clinton was done running for president? well, think again. one of her former advisors says you will see her on the ballot in 2020. ♪ ♪
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introducing the new capital one savor card. earn 4% cash back on dining and 4% on entertainment. now when you go out, you cash in. what's in your wallet? ed: and we are back with a fox news alert. these are live pictures from malibu as devastating fires continue to rip through california. ainsley: it's just awful. 31 people have died there. 29 of those deaths were from the camp fire alone. matching a grim record in that state. steve: ray bogan is live in california with the very latest on the fire.
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ray? >> steve, ed, and ainsley, good morning. we are standing right in front of a road block on highway 23 here in ventura county. we were trying to get through. that's how we would get to the pacific coast highway in pal buoy thermalibu there are ps down. 31 people dead and more than 200 are missing. take a look at this map it shows the locations of the different fires. one in northern california and two in the southern part of the state where several celebrities live. actor garrard butler tweeting this out sunday. returned to my house in malibu after evacuating, heart-breaking time across california inspired as ever by the courage, spirit and sacrifice of firefighters, thank you l.a. fire department. miley cyrus affected two my house no longer stands but the memories shared with my family and friends stand strong. um i am grateful for went on
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to thank the firefighters. windy conditions there are spreading the flames. and the camp fire torching more than 100,000 acres. it's 25% contained. deemed the most destructive wildfire in california history. but, through the devastation, the american spirit shining through. check this out. officers spotting this american flag amazingly unharmed. they took the flag for safe-keeping and plan to return it to the owners. in all, more than 300,000 people have been ordered to evacuate. some of them are able to start returning to their homes now and seeing some of the ruins, including one young man we spoke with saturday night. one of the strongest people we have ever met. he went to his mother's house that burned down. it's the house he grew up in. yet, after seeing that. all he could talk about was his plans for the future. back to you. steve: all right, ray, joining us live from ventura county, california. ed: destruction is
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unbelievable. steve: janice dean joins us now. they could use the wind to stop and rain. they are not getting either one of them. janice: devastating pictures coming. in 30 deaths because of the wildfires. here is the set up. high pressure anchored across the great basin. we have clockwise winds funneling through those valleys and canyons, compresses the winds. makes them faster and heats them up. so, unfortunately, we have the threat for santa ana winds, not only for just much of california but really concentrated for southern california, here are your current winds, it's very calm right now for southern california. but we are anticipating those santa ana winds to kick up gusts in excess of 50 to 70 miles per hour. that is going to be impossible for firefighters to try to contain. they need to get out there right now. the fire threat, the wind threat is going to be ongoing, especially this afternoon into the overnight and into tomorrow. again, wind gusts in excess especially across southern california of 50 to 70 miles
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per hour. that's like a hurricane-force wind gust. gets a little bit better as you head towards central and northern california but we still have red flag warnings up for 21 million people across california. the winds will, again, be concentrated over southern california and unfortunately we are going to be dealing with this threat not only today but tuesday as well. it's dry, it's very warm and the wind gusts are going to be causing a lot of problems for firefighters. of course, prayers out for all of those brave men and women who are trying to save others today. back to you. ed: absolutely. steve: all right, j.d., thank you very much. >> okay. steve: it's those santa ana winds, amazing. 70 miles per hour. ainsley: work so hard your whole life to build what have you and see these houses and all these deaths. let's hand it up to jillian who has more headlines for us. hey, jillian. jillian: vice president mike pence has a powerful veterans day message. in a fox news op-ed he writes, quote: veterans have no better friends than president trump. this president and our administration understand
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that veterans benefits are not entitlements, they are earned. the vice president also writings how the administration is committed to helping veterans by doing things like reforming healthcare and implementing the whistleblower and protection act. we haven't seen the last of candidate hillary clinton. that's according to one of her former aides in a "wall street journal" op-ed mark penn writes true to her name, mrs. clinton will figure this out -- will fight this out until the last dog i do dies. you can expect her to run for president once again. penn will join us live next hour. but, we just heard from former secret service agent dan bongino who worked with clinton. he says he's not surprised. >> if she doesn't have power, her whole life revolves around being that personal in charge. she needs it. she wants it she cannot be -- she can't lose. and, listen, i would not -- don't sleep on this. don't fall asleep on hillary. i get it it's become a running joke. jillian: last month clinton
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admitted she would like to be president. legendary guitarist is alert and responsive after collapsing back stage just minutes after performing with billy joel. ♪ ♪ paramedics rushing the aerosmith rocker to the hospital with shortness of breath in new york city. the 68-year-old is expected to return to the road later this month. so your co-workers probably wants you to stop giving it 110% at work. a survey finds it's the most cringe-worthy office phrase. >> with every decision you make, is this good for the company? >> blue sky thinking low hanging fruit, and synergize also top the list of the most annoying things people say at work that's according to a poll at ip expo in london. let us know what you think. send email to
4:40 am back to you. ainsley: do you have one that you hate, jillian? jillian: i don't think so. ainsley: what about not my job. ed: not my table, not my station. jillian: i don't know, i don't have one. ainsley: don't you love that? i goal get your waiter. please just get me a water. steve: all right. coming up on this monday, ice wanted this illegal immigrant deported a sanctuary county released him instead. now he has been charged with a triple murder. how does this keep happening? we will talk about that. ed: some say it's not a big deal. really? the media says republican concerns about the florida recount are just conspiracy theories. but our next guest says if that's the case, why did a judge just say those concerns are real? ♪ ♪
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whoooo. did you know the exact same hotel room... ...can have many different prices? that's why tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites to find the lowest price on the hotel you want. your perfect hotel room for the perfect price! jillian: good monday morning to you. welcome back a bitter beer
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battle brewing in the courtroom. pants filing a suit against miller coors. pabs. >> it is being pushed out so miller coors is k. absorb more of the beer market. >> gearing up to have the time of their lives ♪ i've had the time of my life ♪ jillian: probably the best thing i have seen all day. the duo recreating this iconic scene from the movie dirty dancing promotion for kfc new limited edition chicken and waffles. got to watch that whole thing. that's great. back to you guys. steve: i love chicken and waffles. ainsley: republicans voicing concern about possible fraud in florida as the the senate and governor races undergo a recount. steve: the left is painting their concerns as nothing but, quote, baseless conspiracy theories.
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so what's the real truth? ed: managing editor for olympic media katie frakes joins us now. good morning. >> good morning, guys. ed: i look at another state like wisconsin where the governor scott walker was ousted on election night he could have demanded recount. it was tens of thousands of votes and he runs the state, obviously as governor. he could try to game it but he said, you know what? i lost fair and square. i'm out. he did the right thing. why in florida do we have all this what seems like gaming of the system? >> i think, obviously, because this race does seem to be a little bit closer but, on top of this, we have to focus on brenda snipes. she does broward county. she is the commissioner for these elections. she has had a long, long history of accidents and mistakes. 2016 she did this to a democratic opponent, a challenger to debbie wasserman schultz. and even this -- him, tim canova, he said that this seems very suspicious she had a taped deposition where she admitted to destroying
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ballots. this woman has a very long history in this county appeared and palm beach as well two counties seeing this issue in florida of very, very suspicious behavior. i don't understand how democrats can look at this and say oh, yeah, it's just a conspiracy conspiracy, republicans are just upset. ainsley: katie, the law says all the mail-in and absentee ballots have to be accounted for 30 minutes within the polls closing. everyone mails them in and they are counted and that's it. on tuesday, brenda snipes the supervisor of lingszs for broward county she said there were 634,000 votes cast. then on thursday, a few days later changed that to 712840 ballots had been cast. why are we discovering new votes all of the sudden? >> right. that's always the thing, isn't it? they find these boxes undiscovered ballots always, always after time is up. and it's not like they are ever mixed ballots. it's not like they are all republican. they all only seem to be
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these mysterious democratic write-in that help their candidate. she is a democrat. it's so suspicious. i don't understand how the media can look at this and scoff there are laws being broken maybe it's not intentional but these laws are being broken over and over and over again and two of rick scott's lawsuits have just -- a judge ruled in favor of those lawsuits against brenda snipes and susan butcher in palm beach county. if that's not an indication that this is not a conspiracy, i don't know what is. steve: katie, the president tweeted this out kind of on the heels of what ainsley was talking about. rick scott was up by 50,000 votes on election day. now they found many votes and he is only up 15,000 votes. the broward effect. how come they never find republican votes? that's his point. a moment ago you said all these laws are being broken. what laws are being prone broken? >> we have few things going on. as you said previously there is a deadline where ballots have to be counted by.
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steve: thursday at 3:00. >> yes. every 30 minutes you are supposed to be reporting in the results as you go. she has had issues before hand as i said where they reported results a few years ago earlier than the polls closing, a systematic history. breaking laws. again, there is overballot and -- also with brenda snipes she refuses to release voter information or let a commission come in to oversee the process which is the commission's job. ed: katie, given all of those problems and in the case of brenda snipes who have you mentioned several times, she has previously been caught destroying ballots, doing things that are improper. republicans probably regret they didn't do something about this. rick scott has been the governor for two terms. >> absolutely. i think there is perhaps buyer's remorse now on republicans. she was brought in do replace the supervisor before her who was taken out on less than wonderful circumstances on some improprieties on that end.
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and she seems to be following this exact same trend. so i'm not sure why republicans didn't focus on this beforehand perhaps just because there was not as egregious of an issue we are seeing right now. she has to go. brenda snipes cannot be overseeing anything in any county ever again. ainsley: all right. katie frakes, thanks for being with us. >> thanks. ed: still ahead, former speaker of the house newt gingrich is here live talking about the new congress. ainsley: one veteran's group here to unveil a big surprise. that's out on the fox square coming up next. ♪ ain't that america ♪ it's something to see, baby ♪ ain't that america ♪ home of the free ♪ when my hot water heater failed, she was pregnant, in-laws were coming, a little bit of water, it really- it rocked our world. i had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. we called usaa.
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♪ ed: works to support our heroes every single day not just on veterans day but by training and preparation vets to work in high tech careers. such an important, important thing to do. joining me now ns 2 serves chairman and ns 2 serves general morals. we have the vice president chairman here as well. you are here for a very special reveal. general, why don't you start out by telling me what exactly the organization does. >> 300,000 veterans transition out of military every year. look how we can impact them and help them find some jobs. about four years ago the ceo of ns 2 serves. it takes 9/11 veterans and puts them through training in 8 or 12 weeks and guarantee them a job when they get out. it's life-changing. ed: veterans make that transition from the battlefield to business it can be difficult. we hear about the scourge of
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suicide among veterans, the scourge of homelessness that we also want to address. talk about that transition home. >> the transition a s. a little bit difficult trying to find a good career with ns 2 they give us the opportunity to at advance to give a stable finance for your household, also an amazing career and you're blessed. ed: absolutely. they are blessed your company helps out. >> absolutely. shell blueberry can't lubricant. large number of applicants couldn't house them and bring them all in. what could we do to create awareness. we sat down with tommy pike customs great partner to shell. we created this building awareness to get more companies and individuals involved. so we get more stories and experiences like will. ed: i have to tease kilmeade screwed up the name. you got it on the hat. >> he said b 52 i think.
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>> ns 2 serves. ed: has a big reveal. >> we love you, brian. ed: monster reveal on "fox & friends." i will let you do the honors. >> www.ns 2 testimonials of our veterans after what they have gone to is incredible. taking applications for the next class. couldn't do it without our sponsors. 300,000 veterans each year we could do much better for our veterans. what we are going to do is unveil a jeep tommy pike has taken and it's pretty fantastic all around the country. ed: he takes command. i want to reveal. here is what we are doing. >> take this around the country and get awareness for ns 2 serves. >> tommy, help me out here. >> whoa. ed: the ns 2 serves jeep. look at that that is really awesome. tell us where it is he
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haded. >> going to go all over the country o to trade shows and car shows. probably the may time frame auction this thing off and proceeds go to ns 2 serves. tommy pike tells a story. digits here boot to suits. inside of this thing is phenomenal. it's absolutely incredible. thanks to shell, thanks to tommy pike and the rest of the folks that supports ns 2 serves. ed: check it out online so you can bid on this vehicle but also help this terrific organization. ns 2 serves. kilmeade, that's what it's called. gentlemen, thanks for coming. >> thanks, bud. ed: what a wonderful cause. the president meanwhile tweeting moments ago about the florida recount as it enters day two. here is a live look at broward county. we will take you there in near moments. and democrats don't even have to house yet officially. they have a new strategy. it's called investigate, investigate, investigate. the former house speaker newt gingrich is here to react live. ♪ down home ♪ where they know you by name ♪ and treat you like family ♪ down home
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♪ ainsley: all eyes on the state of florida this morning where the election recount is happening as we speak. >> bill nelson is clearly a sore lowser. he can't stand the fact he will not be elected the first time in decades. is here to steal the election. ainsley: 25 people are dead, 200 missing, as wildfires devastate california. >> it is deemed the most destructive wildfire in california history. ed: they're in control yet but the house democrats are going to investigate, investigate, investigate. >> there is obvious interest building a case for impeachment. ainsley: that iconic scene inspiring a photographer to snap that photo, sparking fear backlash. >> we knew some people would have a opinion about the little toy gun. we're so amazed we're able to bring something to life like we
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did. ♪ steve: it is veterans day, it is the federal holiday. he will perform the song you're listening right now, old glory. ainsley: thank you all if you served our country or one of your family members is deployed serving our country. we're so blessed to live in this great country. ed: he said let's go out there while you were doing an interview. we were greeting folks on sixth avenue. where is the third one. he is working. steve is his name. steve: on a this veterans day, all eyes are on the sunshine state where the election recount is happening at this moment. ainsley: moments ago the
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president tweeted on this the florida election should be called in favor of rick scott, ron desantis, large numbers of new ballots out of nowhere. many ballots are missing or forged. ballots massively infected. most go with election night. ed: griff jenkins, live in broward county with an update. reporter: referring to the number of ballots in broward count in question. beyond me is the canvasing board, dr. brenda snipes was in the room just moments ago. she wept into the actual room where the machines are. there are 10 to begin with. two new ones came from tallahassee at 4:00 a.m officials are calibrating the new machine to be put in order. it is governor scott's lawsuit filed yesterday that really goes into detail charging brenda snipes, her failure to account for number of ballots, while this is confusing, let me
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explain. they're trying to separate the first page on every ballot, get count on ballot number cast. before they run the machines, to give a tally how people voted. number of ballots cast will determine it plays to the allegations against brenda snipes. we spoke with the democrats attorney and the republican attorney. first the democrat attorney mitchell burger had this to say about supervisors snipes. >> brenda snipes might be too much upon her suddenly. i don't think anyone who thinks she is dishonest or lacks integrity. reporter: although i had a moment to talk with bill sheer the republicans attorney, asked him how much confidence he has in super supervisor snipes? here is what he had to say. >> zero. i have zero from the beginning. i've been involved with her and her operation and the
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embarassment she causes to broward county. it is floriduh because of way she runs her operation. reporter: this morning, yesterday, a letter from attorney general pam bondi calling on the florida department of law enforcement to investigate the matter. they initially refused to do so. as far as the timeline, goes, focus on thursday, that is the deadline for the second unofficial returns come in. before we may get the final number of votes taken here. that will be a big issue. we think that may come as early as this evening. ed: get used to griff's golf voice like he was at the masters. he may be there for a while. steve: what we led with, president talking about thousands of ballots coming in, said they came up with 93,000 votes after election night. president said, many ballots are missing or forged.
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regarding the forged part, any idea what he is talking about? reporter: sure. dr. snipes here has apparently come clean on the fact there were some illegal and legal votes cast. that is what of course governor cot was talking about in last hit. when we get to the bottom of all this, we're going to find out whether or not the total number of votes equals that which they believe was taken. if that number is much higher, you will see the republican attorneys throwing all sorts of protests here in this room because of that number of ballots which may or may not be about what they believe just over 700,000. additionally i can tell you a lot of people are watching to see exactly how these ballots will be hand counted because it is likely, number, second unofficial number thursday will be under that quarter of a percent point. we'll get an inspection of all of the ballots here.
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guys? ed: griff jenkins, appreciate the report. one small example, illustrates what he is talking about, broward officials, were told, they found 22 absentee ballots that were rejected. i don't know if they were forged something wrong. >> disqualified. ed: but they were mixed in with 205 that they can't tell the difference. there is at least 22 votes that should not be there. that is one small example. ainsley: what separates these individuals is thousands of votes. ed: it may add up. 22 here. 35 there. ainsley: every vote counts. shocking they would put them back in the stack. why are they discovering all the new votes, after the poles closed they have 30 minutes to report all the absentee and ballots. days they reported all these missing. what happened? it continuously happens it seems. >> florida famous for something crazy that happened regarding
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ballots in 2000. one of the reasons rick scott was trying to see, broward county, tell us how many votes were cast and they would not do that the governor an hour ago, he is looking all the stuff happened so far. he is calling on senator nelson quit now. watch. >> one of the reasons why we filed the lawsuit yesterday to make sure all the ballots are impounded. that florida department of law enforcement, sheriffs, watch the ballots, watch the machines. there is no issues going forward. what bill nelson needs to do now, what he would be asking me to do if i lost the election, say, look, the election happened let's go forward. he is not. he is pure sore loser trying to steal an election. we won, we'll win the recount. it has never been overturned before. i'm going to washington as the next florida senator. i have a whole agenda how to make washington a better place for all of us.
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ed: another example we learned, one of the junior democratic attorneys working on behalf of senator nelson, said in court, there is a transcript, they wanted to count non-citizens some of their ballots. clearly that would violate the law, because non-citizens cannot vote in florida or anywhere else. more senior lawyer, mark elias, that would break the law, that is was a mistake. governor scott is demanding answers. >> first off we won by 57,000 votes that night. since then, just in these two counties, 93,000 new votes showed up. how did that happen? we know brenda snipes said chichi acknowledged knows they were illegal. she mixed them in with legal ballots. we know that happened. i want to make sure there is free and fair election. there are lies. it is supposed to prevent fraud. steve: attorney general pam bondi sent hears to the florida department of law enforcement,
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state election chief, keep an eye out for any violations on the election law. so we will keep you covered. in the meantime -- ainsley: this is a fox news alert. live look at california as wildfires continue to ravage that state. steve: 31 people are dead. more than 200 people at this point are unaccounted for. ed: these images are heartbreaking. mario ramirez joins us live from a part of california that is raging. good to see you. reporter: yes, good morning guys, we're in the community of agoura hills just above the santa monica mountains, 15 miles north of malibu and the coast. we want to show you, we've seen dozens of these road closures. this area under mandatory evacuations. law enforcement is making sure this area clear, because there is still fear the wind could pick up and fan the flames through tomorrow afternoon. you are mentioning wildfires. three major fires, the campfire, northern california, the hill
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fire, near calabasas, where we have reports this morning some are lal loud back to their hopes. the woolsey fire devastated community, the scenic community of malibu. the woolsey fire at 15% containment. over the weekend killing two people trapped in their cars. it has burned almost 90,000-acres and destroyed nearly 200 homes. we're talking about beautiful cliffside homes in malibu burned to the ground, left to rubble. we're up the street from a mobile home park wiped the out by the fire. it looks like a war zone. looking at devastation, people are coming back to these homes. it is heartbreaking. as far as the firefighters, from every agency across the region they have been working around the clock in these treacherous conditions as you can imagine. the local county fire chief talked about the challenge for the weather which is still not over for this area. >> nature is still working against us.
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we saw yesterday, we had a lull in the weather. obviously today the winds picked up. that is what we'll see over the next three days is ebbs and flows of the winds and what that causes us. reporter: winds are expected to pick up today and last through tomorrow evening, tomorrow afternoon. one of the biggest challenges, cell service, wi-fi, getting remote signals out of this area. lots of downed power lines as well. live in agoura hills. back to you in the "fox & friends" studio. steve: big winds today, no rain. ainsley: get over to jillian with more headlines. jillian: good monday morning to you. family, friends, officers, expected to say final good-byes to the sergeant killed last week in the thousand oaks massacre. a public memorial service is set for ron helus thursday. a gunman opened fire in a bar
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during country college night before killing himself in california last week. democrat kyrsten sinema's lead over republican martha mcsally is growing in the arizona senate race. sinema leads by 32,000 votes. her campaign says that is insurmountable. election officials say there are still 119,000 ballots have not been counted. stacey abrams is filing a lawsuit over the georgia governor's race. her campaign claims that thousands of ballots may have not been counted properly. kemp is ahead by 60,000 votes and it is mathematically impossible for abrams to force a runoff. teams wore military themed gear and holding tribute. president george w. bush flipping a coin before the dallas cowboys stomped all over my eagles, 27-20.
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we're honoring military viewers and families. this is world war i veteran albert hall and world war i veteran dominic marto this cci. john parton served in both world wars. we want to thank you for your service. ed: i like the strategy, get the bad news out there before anybody teases you. jillian: yeah. they deserved i. steve: thank you, jillian. ainsley: migrant caravan back on the move and growing as it heads for our border. our next guest spent three decades with the border patrol. he has a message. caravan has two targets. steve: hillary clinton running again, one of her former senior advisors said you will see her on the ballot in 2020. mark penn coming up. ♪
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♪ ed: well that caravan of migrants is back on the move and there are some reports that it is actually growing. more than 6500 people leaving the mexican call tall continuing their trek to the u.s. border as more caravans merge together making their way north. here is weigh in, former
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national deputy chief of the u.s. border patrol. ron colburn. good morning, ron. >> thank you for inviting me on. ed: we appreciate you being on. we want to make sure we get the facts on the table. let's start with a simple one, you say there are two targets, texas and california? >> yes, in general terms there are two major targets. the south texas area, mcallen, texas, the past four years or so the traditional arrival point for tens of thousands of persons claiming credible fear being allowed to enter the united states pending their hearings but a large group is splitting off going all the way to the pacific coast to enter the san diego, california area. ed: what do you say to the critics who say folks like you are hyping this up, this is not as big of a threat as the u.s. as the president claimed? >> i think it's a huge threat. i spent four decade doing this i
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feel very well-versed what we recognize as a threat. in the mix will be criminal aliens, foreign nationals, what we refer to as exotics or special interest countries from the eastern hemisphere, persons that don't really want to be caught. those are the ones that worry me. ed: now, also the critics have said, they might not even reach the u.s. border. again this is all hyped up, when i mentioned in the lead-in they had reached mexico city, they have covered more than 1000 miles since october 12th. seems like they covered a lot more ground than the critics would lead you to believe? >> they are being assisted along the way. although the united states government is working closely with the mexican government, they're basically being allowed without documentation to flow through mexico. when they say they may not make it, just in south texas alone the past two weeks, 10,000
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persons arrived at the border applying for benefits and relief from deportation. so to say they're not making it, they're actually steadily trickling in the thousands. ed: final point, separate fact from fiction, when we talk about the idea other caravans have merged and at least two caravans headed toward the border, what do we know about that to be clear to our viewers? >> as the groups move forward, some have merged. basically they're being coached and led by the cartels in mexico. nothing gets approved, nothing gets moved out permission from the various cartels. ed: mr. cole burn, ronald colburn, appreciate your experience and thank you for bringing facts to us this morning. >> god bless. ed: ballots are being recounted in florida. we talked about it all morning. newt gingrich says they're trying to steal the senate race
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and gubernatorial battle. he says their dishonesty is dangerous to our country. this pays tribute to a classic movie, a christmas story. the photographer is being forced to defend it, because of that wooden toy gun. you will hear her defend it. ♪no dge by raising your rates over one mistake. you hear that, karen? liberty mutual doesn't hold grudges. how mature of them! for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise their rates because of their first accident. liberty mutual insurance. liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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that simplify your experience. my name is mike, i'm in product development at comcast. we're working to make things simple, easy and awesome. ♪ steve: at this hour, 8:00 in the morning on a monday in florida, election ballots being recounted via machine amid accusations of voter fraud. our next guest is pointing fingers at the democrats claiming their dishonesty while trying to steal elections, quote, threatens the very fabric of our country. ainsley: that is the title of his op-ed. former house speaker, fox news
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contributor newt gingrich joins us with more. good morning to us, mr. speaker. >> good morning. broward county, broward county was a case study. i was with karl rove over the weekend. karl working for president george w. bush was right in the middle of the hanging chad broward county effort to steal florida in the presidential race in 2000 which ultimately went to the supreme court. he pointed out that the lawyer who had been involved in stealing norm coleman's seat in minnesota for al franken is the same lawyer who came into florida, using same techniques, two examples. they argued, this is the on the recordings they argued non-citizens votes should count. which is clearly illegal. they also have, in broward county, the registrar happens to not realize she had brought together a group of already discounted bad ballots, put them in with a group of good ballots. she really didn't want to cheat the good ballots, now she will
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count all the ballots. at what point do you say to yourself, this is the second time she has done this. 12 different examples where she has broken florida law. notice about the so-called recount. she did not allow anyone into watch what they were doing. they did everything in secret. so we have no idea to what extent they were either manufacturing ballots, artificially destroying republican ballots. all this was done in secret, in total violation of florida law. so this is not a question we need better laws. you have to look at people breaking the law. ainsley: how can you do that and get away with it? why aren't you held accountable if this is true? >> i don't understand it. i mean, i don't understand how the very same person in 2000 and now in 2018 can be in the middle of massive sprylations and not have some attorneys step in and
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file a suit. but here is the game they're playing in florida link which is i cannily. we don't have proof of fraud because she won't anybody in to look at ballots, so we can't prove she actually stole them. if you went to a bank had half a million dollars missing, your first thought gee, they're really bad at math. somebody is stealing it. ed: democrats keep saying, count all the votes but shouldn't it be count all the legitimate votes? >> because if you only count all the legitimate votes they lose. somewhere between manufacturing ballots, you know, in a number of these case you suddenly have an entire box of votes, i think this time showed up in a school pantry or something, oh, my goodness, look here, there is a whole box of ballots. i wonder how they got here. i don't know. we don't want to deny them the right to vote. we had a famous case in georgia
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in 1948, candidate for governor had died, his son was a write-in candidate. in his open county more people voted than lived in the county. the atlanta journal won a pulitzer prize. they interviewed people. we knew sally moved to make con 40 years ago, we knew how sally would have voted, we didn't want to trouble her to drive all the way home, so we voted for her. that is the kind of attitude, it is a long tradition of the democratic party, which stole illinois and texas in 1960. if they can get away with it, they will. it is about power. it is not about the system. steve: the eyes of the world are on florida. see what happens. the machine recount will be concluded by 3:00 on thursday. meanwhile, mr. speaker, when the new congress convenience, we don't know who will be speaker then. some are suggesting it will probably be nancy pelosi but we do know one thing for sure, there will be a lot of investigations. we heard democrats in the past talk about you know impeachment possibles, but they will look at
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everything regarding this president and his administration to see if they did anything wrong. that shouldn't surprise you, should it? >> no. i think the democrats run a real risk as senator mcconnell pointed out, if the number one characteristic of the democratic party becomes destroy trump, i suspect the average american will think that's pretty stupid, they would like, they would like the congress and the president to work on health care, to work on the economy, to work on a whole range of issue, other than just getting involved in this negativity. they could say in 1997, '98, we got sucked into folk after bill clinton in a way which was our fault. it was not to the advantage of the republican party. people are tired of it. there is no possibility that the u.s. senate is going to convict the president. so any effort at impeachment is an act of pure political partisanship that is negative for the country and has no
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positive, positive outcome. ed: that will have to be the final word, mr. speaker. thanks for coming in. >> good to be with you. steve: i.c.e. wanted this illegal immigrant deported. the sanctuary county released him instead, he has been charged with triple murder. how does that happen? we'll tell you his story. ed: you might have thought hillary clinton is done running for president. maybe the third time is the charm. one of her former advisors says she will be on the ballot in 2020. he joinsld us live. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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choosing a health care provider doesn't have to be." molly: "that's why i choose a nurse practitioner for my family's primary care." david: "my np is accessible and takes the time to listen. i love my np." molly: "our np orders tests, makes the correct diagnoses and prescribes the medications we need." david: "my name is david and i choose an np." molly: "my name is molly and we choose nps." np: "consider an np. visit we choose to learn more." steve: this is a fox news alert. we have gotten images in. these are live pictures. as you can see, it is one of the groups of caravans. this area is north of mexico city. and we don't have a lot of the commentary surrounding the images but it does look, there
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is more -- ed: pretty large. east of guadalajara as well. steve: whether people are being loaded into the particular 18 wheelers. ainsley: i wonder if people are walking on foot, trying to get inside of these vehicles? we've been told that some people are stopping along the way on the streets, loading people up, saying you don't have to walk anymore, you can ride in the back of my truck. ed: this suggests they traveled hundreds of miles since october 12th. they have gone a lot further than critics suggested. hard to see if people are inside there. steve: through the holes you see hands. it appears those particular transports are filled with people. and presumably heading north. keep in mind, it was the administration in the last week that announced that if you are going to make a claim for asylum you have to come through one of the official ports of entry. you can't just try to disappear
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right off the radar just by crossing the rio grande valley. you have to go to a port of entry. is that where they're headed? at this point we do not know. ainsley: we want to show you images. let's move on to another story, failed presidential candidate hillary clinton may be considering a shot, believe it or not for the white house. ed: mark penn joins us now. mark, good morning. >> good morning. ed: you have a pretty interesting op-ed in the "wall street journal" with andrew stein. lay out the case why you think hillary clinton will get into the 2020 battle. >> officially the parlor game who will be the 2020 nominee begins today. i think, don't underestimate hillary's positioning to run again. she has got a 75% approval among democrats. she is positioned herself with the core of the democratic base. a lot of democrats think she was unfairly denied winning the last presidential race and i think
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she will sit back, see how this develops. you have already seen what happened when some of the potential nominees stood up at the kavanaugh hearing, they looked like amateurs. she is a pro. she learns. clintons never stop until they get where they want to go. i say don't count her out. if she gets in she will be quite formidable. steve: you say, mark, in the pages of "the wall street journal," she may run not at first when legions of democrats make the announcement but definitely by the time primaries are in full swing. is there thinking everybody will come out with a burst of publicity, they will fade? at the last minute she will come in, wait a minute, i can save this party. i'm the only true democrat here? >> well, i think as every democratic potential nominee will learn the year that is the run-up to the first primary is the most miserable year of presidential campaigning and i think she will try to skip as
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much of that as possible. bill clinton got in late. even john f. kennedy got in late. if she goes it will be because no one emerges as a clear front-runner. looks like the party is splintered in lots of different ways. she can come in, re-energize the core of the democratic base, take the nomination and have the biggest rematch in history, probably the biggest voter turnout in history based on that. >> brought up democrats like her. 75% approval rating. current administration, this president has very high approval rating among republicans. what do you think it would look like if they ran bense each other again? >> interestingly, they have almost the same images nationally. right now i think on a personal favorable basis the president is at about 40. she is at about 40. just a different 40% of the country, right? leaving that 20% in the middle again to fight this out. both of them have 80, 90%
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ratings among their bases. they have mirror on set identifications. you would see the rematch. presumably she would take back midwestern voters if this comes to past. president trump would find she is much more formidable second time opponent. we'll see what actually happens. i think this is pretty reasonable as speculation what could very well happen. ed: speculation. kellyanne conway tweeted, basically, please, please, let this be true. >> i don't think she wants it to be true. i think they want to run against bernie sanders or elizabeth warren. i think hillary clinton would be a lot more formidable. ainsley: what about biden? democrats like biden? >> biden is strong potential nominee. he is about 30%. the is only person who has grown out of the teens right now. we'll see what happens. i think he would most likely defer to her again if she got in
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or she would get in if he didn't catch on. steve: mark penn on hillary, 4.0. thank you very much. ed: jillian has other news. jillian: we continue to follow wildfires out of california. let's go to this fox news alert. 31 people are dead, more than 200 are still missing as fires rip through california. these are live pictures right now north of malibu where several celebrities live. that fire spans 85,000-acres and is only 15% contained. the camp fire to the north torched 100,000 acres. the american spirit shining through. officers finding an american flag amazingly unharmed. they will return it to its owner. i.c.e. is planning a sanctuary county released is charged with murder. luis perez charged with shooting three team in missouri.
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but the jail did not comply. the officials in new jersey claim perez did not fit the requirements for them to turn him over to i.c.e. legendary guitarist joe perry is alert an responsive after collapsing backstage minutes after performing with billy joel. ♪ paramedics rushing the aerosmith rocker to the hospital with shortness of breath in new york city. the 68-year-old is expected to return to the road later this month. remember this holiday classic? >> no, no. i want my rifle. >> you will shoot your eye out, kid. jillian: who doesn't remember that? a photographer defending her photo shoot inspired by the movie, "a christmas story quod.
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posing with a replica bb gun. they joined us earlier online critics slammed the photo because of the gun. >> we knew some people would probably have a opinion about the little toy gun. honestly we were still so amazed we were bringing something to life like we did. jillian: they all say they have no regrets. back to you guys. jillian: kid slept through the interview, the whole thing. ed: thanks so much. arizona senate race has not been called. the man overseeing the vote count is a bernie sanders supporter. but that is not all. that is coming up.
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steve: democrat krysten sinema explanting her lead in the arizona senate race over republican martha mcsally. we're now learning that the man tasked with overseeing the vote count in the state's largest county is an outspoken bernie sanders supporter, and, apparently represented the
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ringleader in the "fast & furious" scandal. here to weigh in constitutional law attorney, for the james dobson family institute, jenna ellis joins us from d.c. good morning to you? >> good morning,. steve: do you have a problem with this guy? >> democrats and liberals see our system is way to process is. so my question is, why mr. political activists like fonz, here in these critical rolls that are determining votes? and so, it is so remarkable when ever we have a recount the only votes that we happen to find are democrats. and so something is clearly wrong with the process. steve: okay. so, jenna, what are the problems? >> the problems here there is no
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real accountability. and so when you have something like this that you know mines the integrity of our election process, and we're finding that the democrats, who have gone on record, that they have clear political bias are now in these positions of authority to make determinations for voting outcomes, that's a problem, because you look at, for example, the judicial branch, codes of integrity judges have to remain newt and unbiased, but you have people on record in these counties, as recently as 2016, he was openly supporting bernie sanders and hillary clinton. even if there is, even if we don't have anything that shows fraud there is at least a strong skepticism here. we need to have, we need to have election integrity to make sure we understand what exactly is going on in the process, not every vote counts, that every legal vote counts. at this point, steve in the 2020
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election, republicans will have to have two vote for one single real democratic vote, if we're even going to break even. that is unacceptable in our election system. steve: i would be interested in seeing if there is any actual fraud proven out there. we'll know perhaps in a week or so. jenna ellis, thank you very much for joining us live. >> thanks, steve. steve: country singer jared neiman is here to honor our heroes on veterans day. good morning, guys. bill hemmer what happens on the channel in 12 minutes. >> keeping that under control? good luck with that. what a story playing out in california. the sun is breaking there as we're live from the fire lines breaking in there. florida at heart of it again. where the critical races are today. democrats setting up the house for a s&p party. 12 minutes from now, join sand today and me at top of the hour. brand new week, 9:00 to noon.
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♪ steve: country singer jerrod neimann has crisscrossed the globe. with a new patriotic anthem called old glory. ed: jerrod neimann join us now. country music star. sounds pretty awesome in terms of giving back. >> thank you for having me. an honor to be here. ed: a lot of uso tours. ainsley: tim's son is a marine. thank you for your service and sacrifices. you do the uso tours. you donate money to charities. tell us about some of the things you're doing for the kids. >> when mom and dad are gone overseas, i learned overseas, as civilian you don't think about these things. but they're missing so many,
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first footsteps, babies being born, dance recitals, we want to give kids something to do. freedom music usa, our foundation teamed up with uso to do create and connect. we donate five guitars to every base with uso just for the community. steve: you write the track in honor of u.s. servicemembers following the 2017 tongo ambush in niger. we who have to hear it. here they are doing, quote old glory." ♪ >> come from a long line of tough, i'm built to stand my ground, yeah, when push some to shove i don't back up and i don't back down ♪ ♪ because i know just what is back home that i'm fighting for ♪ ♪ i'll symptom through the gates
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of hell even if it comes means i'm knock inch on heaven's door. ♪ so "don't tread on me," my memory, i fight for you so that you're free. we've never met but i bet i'll do it again ♪ ♪ and i'll lose my mind, i'll give my life if that that's what it costs for that flag to fly ♪ ♪ and i'll wear it proud, like all the others before me ♪ ♪ why the hell you think they cale old glory ♪ ♪ ♪ rolling through the sea or boots down in in the sanity ♪ ♪ those ice in the sky, the lord
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knows that you're in good hands ♪ ♪ in the land of the free it doesn't matter where you are ♪ ♪ always have will always be fighting for the stripes and every star, every star ♪ ♪ so "don't tread on me" or my memory, i fight for you so that you're free ♪ ♪ we've never met, but bet i'll do it again ♪ ♪ i'll give my life if that's what it costs for that flag to fly ♪ ♪ and i'll wear it proud like all the others before me ♪ ♪ why the hell you think they call it old glory ♪
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♪ ♪ the eagle spreads its wings all over the world ♪ ♪ too many miles from hubs and wives and little boys and girls back home ♪ ♪ missing first steps and wedding rings ♪ ♪ last words of angle rings but if that's what it takes, that's what it takes ♪ ♪ so "don't tread on me" or my memory ♪ ♪ i fight for you so that you're free ♪ ♪ we've never met, but bet i'll do it again ♪ ♪ and again i'll lose my mind, i'll give my life if that's what it costs for that flag to fly ♪ ♪ and i'll wear it proud like
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all the others before me ♪ ♪ why the hell you think they call it old glory ♪ ♪ god bless old glory [cheering] managing my type 2 diabetes wasn't my top priority.
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amazon or at wal-mart and if you want the collector's edition, fancy box, the doocy cookbook. >> a great gift. congratulations, steve. go buy that book and download. thank you. >> that's it. we'll see you back on the couch tomorrow. in the meantime here is "america's newsroom." >> bill: fox news alert, 9:00 a.m. california in flames, massive wildfires raging on both ends of the state. 31 dead so far, hundreds said to be missing. a dire situation. i'm bill hemmer, good morning. new week on "america's newsroom." sandra, good morning. >> sandra: i'm sandra smith. more than 200 people are still missing right now. in southern california the woolsey fire has forced thousands out of their homes and farther north the camp fire is the most deadly fire in state history. survivors sorting through the


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