tv Hannity FOX News November 14, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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making the show pretty successful, more than we thought it would be. your loyalty has meant it makes all the difference. we appreciate it.e we will be back tomorrow. they show that is the swornen enemy of lying pomposity, smugness, groupthink. good night from washington. sean hannity live from tyignew york city. >> sean: first, congratulation on two years. you deserve all of it. you are right. we don't have this job without this great audience. one thing i got to add, this is your second year anniversary. whenis you get in your 23rd yea, a little bit of this white stuff is going to start sneaking in. >> tucker: oh, no, no. grecian formula, that is where i am going. >> sean: tucker, thank you. great show as always. welcome to "hannity." so much breaking tonight for the first members of that migrantem caravan, they have arrived in our southern border. some are actually seen scaling the fence between tijuana, san diego. we have the video. thousands more just days away marching by foot through mexico demanding passage into the u.s. coming up, we'll bring you a
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full report from what's becoming potentially a serious situation and show you how the left isll trying their best to play it down, ignore what could be a loomingg crisis. we also will cover another serious situation, that is these massive, deadly wildfires ravaging california as we speak tonight. by the way, our prayers with everybody out there impacted by this horrific fire. and we have more post absurd election drama out of florida and georgia tonight. we will reveal how democrats are trying to rewrite the rules,gi upend the will of the american people. once again, the armchair constitutional scholars on mainstream networks, left-wing networks? guess what? dead wrong again. the department of justice, they are standing behind president trump's appointment of matthew whitaker as the new acting attorney general. we also have an update tonight. i knew it was coming. mueller's which hunt. but either way, we have serious
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news. michael avenatti, he is the attorney for stormy daniels, he has been arrested on serious charges. on minutes, i will take on two -- not one, two liberals on everything from the border wall, the trump agenda, caravan, you name it, we'll get to it. sit tight. a lot of news. time for our breaking news opening monologue. ♪ i've been warning for weeks thousands upon thousands of undocumented migrants, they have been marching towards america. our southern border. the s vast majority of these people, i've been saying, i believe are coming here in search of a better life. more opportunity. the land of opportunity. and freedom. but here is the problem: these individuals, they have not been vetted. no background checks, no criminal history checks, no proof of employment, no family ties to the u.s., no comprehension, in some cases, of what the laws of america are. no case for asylum. many have no paperwork whatsoever. but they are demanding entry into the united states.
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tonight, the first migrants have now reached our southern border. a group of around 80 migrants that split off from the much larger group. they claimed widespread harassment, mistreatment at the hands of their fellow migrants, and able to fast-track their journey to the united states.ts according to the ap, another group of several hundred migrants will arrive the next few days. some have tried to scale the u.s. border fence. look at these videos. right near tijuana. others crawled through openings in that fence, forced to crawl back ins colombia because u.s. border control agents responded and they were about to enforce the law. that is not a good first impression. this is just a small part of how many people are actuallyow comi. a clear warning of a looming crisis. according to reports from mexican officials, as many as 10,000 migrants are just days away. the department of homeland security is warning and they have put out statements that over 270 suspected criminals,
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gang members, drug traffickers have been blending in with what is mostly a male caravan. we've also learned that some illegal immigrants previously deported from the u.s., they are also attached to the group. 77,000 active-duty troops have been deployed to help protect the southern border. they have been laying razor wire, constructing other barriers to prevent illegal immigration, protecting our sovereignty, our rule of law. we are a constitutional republic.. it's important to remember, weeks ago, we witnessed the breaking down of that fence and southern mexico, crashing the gate into that country. this is a serious situation and an important reminder of why strong borders, the rule of law, and yes, the wall is so important. if the president's plan has been implemented so far, for a massive border wall, if that had been completed, with a big door ended, as he said, the situation
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would be mitigated. it would be controlled. as a matter of fact, it would not even be a possibility of some kind of confrontationon at our border, god forbid. america needs immigrants. but we have to vet anyone, everyone coming into this country, we have to do everything in our power, other bad people, even if they are mixing in with good people, from entering this country. this is the very reason even democrats few short years ago supported the enforcement of our border laws and our border. remember this? >> i voted numerous times when i was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. i do think you have to control your borders. >> people who enter the united states without our permission are illegal aliens and should not be treated the same as people who enter the u.s. legally.
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the american people will never accept immigration reform unless they truly believe the government is committed to ending future illegal immigration.m speak of those who enter our country illegally and those who employ them disrespect their rule of law. and because we live in an age where terrorists are challenging our borders, we cannot allow people to pour into the u.s. undetected, undocumented, and unchecked. >> sean: of course, now they are singing a much different tune. they sounded like donald trump. the party has moved so far radical left that virtually no democratra supports border enforcement. with the caravan marching north, the left is doing anything and everything to play this situation down. it could get serious. imagine, for a second, thousands of people -- not just 80, at the border, what happens then? take a look. >> when we are sending 15,000 troops to the border for a political stunt? that's a warning sign.
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>> there is no doubt that what the president has been considering great strategy to bring out his base?bt this stupid caravan conspiracy which he hasn't been talkedac about since election day. >> essentially using them as props. >> it seems we've got the all clear.op the emergency is over. the solution to the caravan invasion all along, it wasn't the troops, it wasn't the wall, it was getting past the midterm elections. >> i just remember when i would look up every night, it was, "the caravan is coming! they are going to take your job! they are going to be doing all this." now you don't hear anything. people bought it. "oh, my gosh, we should be putting a barbed wire." >> some people didn't. >> sean: unlike cnn, msnbc, their cohorts in the democratic party, we will continue to track what is a very serious situation. alsoem following some horrific news out of california.
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wildfires ripping through areas in both northern and southern california. the statewide death toll is up now up to 51. thousands of buildings, homes, other structures destroyed. billions of dollars in damages. and an entire town was evenre burned to the ground. the devastation is shocking. tonight many are looking for answers, making a serious case. could this fire have been prevented? according to "the wall street journal" editorial board tonight, federal, state, environmental protections have left the drought-impacted forest vulnerable to these fires. that's nearly 130 million trees that t are dead. that have died in the past seven years alone, the government has prevented them from being cleared. for example, "the endangered species act, the environmental policy act have hampered tree
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clearing, controlled burns, timber sales on federal land." the article goes on. "california also restricts timber harvesting and requires myriad permits and environmental impact statements to prunene overgrown forests." in california, to "burn leaves, tree limbs, land owners must obtain air quality permits." these permits are extremely restrictive, can be difficult to produce, controlled maintenance in california's forest, we get these forests -- when these fires are put out, this has to be a top priority. we cannot put peoples' lives in jeopardy. these fires cause more far worse environmental damage than a controlled burn or a temper excavation. human lives are irreplaceable here. it shouldn't take another fire for laws to be adjusted and all the people in california now in these areas have their lives at risk. by the way, our prayers are with all of them. all impacted by this horrific.
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crisis. look at that. it is out of control. we will continue to track their story. but first, we do turn to florida. the election catastrophe that is ongoing. tonight, the statewide recount continues with tomorrow's deadline looming. both republicans, ron desantis, rick scott look poised for victory. there are so many questions surrounding the sketchy actions of broward county and its supervisor of elections, brenda snipes. she somehow managed to magically mefind -- "oh, i found it!" 75,000 purportedly uncounted ballots days and days after election night. by the way, all in violation of state law and the state constitution. snipes continued to report these ballots in the weekk following the election. and for days, she wouldn't tell anybody where these ballots were coming from. tonight, we still have no idea what happened and president trump, he's calling for her to be fired. but as the recount rolls on,
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snipes did have time to go on cnn and defend herself. take a look. >> you have been cited, ms. snipes, as a problem in this process, that you are not doing the job with transparency, notan doing it with the efficiency that gives confidence in the overall process. how do you respond? >> well, you know, those are opinions that people who put forward -- they are all there for various reasons. but i like to call to your attention that this midterm election, in addition to running very smoothly, was one of the most highly participated midterm elections probably that we've had in 20 years or more. there is a lot that goes on behind the scenes to make an election possible, to make it efficient, and to make it something that voters want to participate in. obviously we are doing that. >> sean: given her poor track record, as we have detailed every night on this program with deadlines, maybe she needs to be doing her job, counting the
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votes instead of going on interviews. tonight, florida is not the only state facing insane election in the state of georgia, democrats are refusing to concede that governor's race. that's between stacey abrams and republican brian kemp, despite no path to victory for abrams. by the way, they are not stopping there. far left ohio senator sherrod brown, he is ramping conspiracyt theories, and accusing republicans of stealing the election. kind of rude considering all we have seen in florida. take a look. >> if stacey abrams doesn't win in georgia, they stole it. it's clear. it's clear. i say that publicly. init's clear. they can't win elections because there's way moret. of us than there are them. they can't win collections fairly. they win elections by redistricting and voter suppression. in all the ways they try to scare people, particularlyin people of color, how to make it hard for people on college
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campuses, especially community colleges, where there are moral income people and people of color. >> sean: beyond sad, predictable with some people staring coming staring racial tensions, redistricting would have zero impact or effect on the statewide race!ri but of course, this is nothing new from this crop of radical democrats. there seem to be no moderates left in the party. they are literally cheering for robert mueller. please, find something, anything! we can't do it on our own. tonight, we have new developments from that witch hunt. fox news has learned that president trump and his legal team are on the verge of making a decision about whether to submit written answers to the special counsel. that development follows the latest on from senator jeff snowflake who exposed himself as not a conservative. majority leader mcconnell flatly rejected flake's bill for "protecting mueller" to the floor. president said recently he has no plans to do anything with
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mueller and flake is threatening the president, all his republican colleagues, saying he will oppose all the president's judicial nominees until he gets his way and the senate votes on that legislations that protects mueller from being fired by the president, which isn't happening. blocking conservative judges, breaking a promise to the people you made a promise to the people you represent in arizona? senator flake should be ashamed. the armchair cause additional the armchair constitutional scholars on left-wing mainstream so-called media networks in the democratic party, they were all wrong. the acting attorney general, matt whitaker, as we told you on this program, he did receive the full backing of the department of justice. the doj releasing a 20 page memo telling you exactly the things we toldee you, that whitaker is unquestionably authorized to lead the department. and they cited the same law, in 1998 law, the federal vacancy
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reform act, the appointment clause of the u.s. constitution adding that there have been "countless similar presidential orders dating back over 200 years." finally tonight, we will end with one very important topic. it's called due process. the presumption of innocence. i have been saying all during the kavanaugh hearings, a foundational principle in a fair and just society, it has served this country so well, a pillar. our constitutional republic. by the way, if you remember during kavanaugh's confirmation hearings, we defended this principle from baseless attacks and irresponsible accusations by individuals, some on the left, some for political gain. of course, we have that fame seeking attorney michael avenatti who is one of those irresponsible actors. he brought forth claims from a client who accused kavanaugh of gang rape on an almost weekend basis and drugging young teenage girls, boys lining up in the
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hall, and one by one "waiting their turn to rape these young women." no evidence, the story eventually changed. avenatti demanded his client and all others who had made accusations, that they should all be believed. you might remember this. >> if the president was smart, if he wasn't so arrogant, he would see the writing on the wall, and he would pull thisma nomination immediately. >> if you make accusation or allegation of whether or not you stay or go, michael, what does it say for the future? >> that's a very good point, chris, but we are beyond that from what i understand, relating to the lie detector test being passed, which of course is not admissible in a court of law. we are not talking about a mere accusation or allegation. here is another important point. this isn't going to be adjudicated in one day or even two days. >> sean: we learned tonight that michael avenatti has been arrested. taken into custody by the l.a.p.d. he's been charged with a serious
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charge, that is felony domestic violence. he is denying these allegations. he's proclaiming his innocence. and i will be consistent on the issues of due process and the presumption of innocence. but one can only wonder if now maybe michael avenatti would apply the same standard to himself that he had applied to justicee kavanaugh. or maybe tonight he would prefer the country give him due process and the presumption of innocence. or will you lock yourself up and just throw away the key? i believe he deserves presumption of innocence, due process. let the legal system do their job. and hope and pray that the right justice and answer comes through. joining us now with an update on florida is the attorney general of that state, pam bondi. pam, thank you for coming back. let's go to the criminal investigation of what is going on there. i have been told by numerous
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sources that varying pieces ofer evidence have now been handed over to various law enforcement agencies in broward that know things about what happened in broward county and palm beach. can you confirm that? >> no, sean. it's a pending criminal investigation. they are open to hotline with us. folks can call in if they have information. right now it's a pending criminal investigation. i laid out in my letter why we do believe there is plenty of reasonable suspicion for criminal activity.y. and that investigation will continue. on the flip side, we are working tirelessly right now, constantly, on the civil suits that are being filed, frankly not by bill nelson, but by everybody who's been using him as a pawn. >> sean: before we get to that, we do know laws were broken. we do know, for example, 30 minutes after the polls closed, you are supposed to report every 45 minutes.
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other laws that we know have been broken, it seems like certainly there's been mishandling. all of a sudden you find a box of ballots in a rental car in tampa from broward county, that seems pretty problematic to me. the laws that we thought were broken, what the judge said on friday was the florida constitution not being abided by, what happens in those cases? >> sean, everything is being reviewed and looked at as it comes in. citizens, if you have more to bring to us, bring it to us. please.ti call the florida department of law enforcement. that's why we are not waiting until this is over. we've started a criminal investigation now. i cannot discuss any more about it because it is ongoing. and that's much different than the civil lawsuits that have been filed. it's very serious. we are taking it very seriously. law enforcement is taking it very seriously. it's the integrity of our
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election. >> sean: putting aside the recount in 2000, 2004, we had problems. 2012, 2014, 2016, '17, and in august of last year we had a judge's ruling about misconductd in a particular election. my question is, how is it even possible, with all of those violations leading up to this, that the very same people were in place? i think people of florida and the country need to know. this is not just a florida issue. this impacts the entire country. >> it sure does. it's the integrity of our democracy, our elections, the bedrock on which we are founded, our country. that's why we are taking it so very important. but ethically, i cannot talk about s a pending criminal investigation. you should be a prosecutor, though, because you've come up with some very good points that i think law enforcement, i'm certain, are taking into consideration.
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>> sean: pam bondi, thanks. we will update this obviously until we get a result. of course another delay because the machine got heated in the recount inth palm beach. the machines don't work. that's unbelievable. pam bondi, thank you.nb when we come back, senator lindsey graham says he will be ready to reopen a hillary clinton email investigation. we will talk about the recount with him. he will also be the next chairt of the senate judiciary committee. we will explain that. later, it takes two on one. i'm going to debate two liberals. we'll talk about avenatti, the california wildfires. a lot more news straight ahead. ♪ my name is jeff sheldon,
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committee as senator grassley weighs his departure, increasinr the chances of a full investigation into the fbi, their handling of the clinton email probe. joining us now with more reaction, south carolina senator lindsey graham. senator, good to see you. before we get to that, i want to ask youse about your thoughts on the recount and all of a sudden 80,000 here, 15,000 here, they just keep showing up. >> if rick scott had not weighed in the way he did and president trump had not spoken up, i think they would've stole this thing from us. 90 something thousand votes counted after the polls closed. he stopped the bleeding. it cannot be overcome by a recount. i think rick scott is going to win this and mathematically nelson is eliminated. thank god president trump and rick have a lot of judicial appointments. we have the threat by jeff flake about protecting mueller.
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i know you said that is fine, but the president said he has no intention of firing t mueller. some agreement has been made by the reports i read between the president's lawyers and the special counsel, written answers. that means this is coming to an end, at least in my mind. >> this is a manufactured problem. president trump is not going to fire mueller.o mueller is going to be allowed to to do his job. we need conservative judges on the bench, as many as we can. as often as we can get them.ny i do not know what senator grassley will be doing. he's been a great chairman of the committee. if i'm chairman, we are going to do judges, judges, and more judges. at the end of the day, i will be convinced that mr. mueller will do his job.dg i have not seen one scintilla of evidence of collusion, the obstruction of justice did not make sense to me. you can fire somebody who works as a political appointment, the fbi director can be fired for almost any reason. the democrats wanted comey fired. i feel good about everything right now. >> sean: in many ways, it
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was a key moment in the kavanaugh hearings when you spoke up. it was a powerful moment and an important one in terms of what was going on. one of the people that made the most outrageous claims was michael avenatti. he's facing serious charges tonight. but that story, we now know, it changed with the client he was representing. it changed pretty dramatically in terms of what she said. he made these accusations, and as i've been playing, i'm not saying this -- i believe in due process and the presumption ofsa innocence. especially with serious charges. it has served this country so well. to not be consistent would make me a hypocrite, i am consistent. but i wonder if you have thoughts tonight. >> number one, ms. swetnick's affidavit on its face just made no sense. who would repeatedly go to parties where women were being drugged and raped and not say
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anything about it, and keep putting yourself at risk? the claim by ms. swetnick that was authored by mr. avenatti helped us because it was over the top. now he's being charged, seems like a credible allegation. but he's entitled to the presumption of innocence. i will give him that do. i'm not out to give mr. avenatti by turning the legal system upside down. >> sean: or am i. whatever is fair, just, moral, let's stay with that. you said you are ready, perhaps, to reopen the hillary email investigation. we know the democrats in the house, they've been doing hundreds of different investigations. this is what is important to me, and people say, why do you talk about clinton? do we have a dual justice system are equal justice under the law, equal application under the law? that would mean an exoneration before anre investigation in the case of hillary clinton. that would mean if we are going to talk about russia and russian influence, that has to go to the bodossier. bought and paid for, funneled
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money into a law firm, into anor op research group, a foreign national. the bunk lies the author wouldn't even stand by when pressed in an interrogatory in great britain. then, the leaking of such information to influence the 2016 elections, lies about donald trump paid for from russia. of course, being used to appoins a special counsel. it is all of that on the table fore,ap you? >> you know, i put to my democratic friends, if we look backwards, we are all going to look backwards. i want to know why the fbi reached the conclusion, along with the department of justice, that hillary clinton did not commit a crime. was it because of political bia bias? if you really wanted to stop trump, how in the world could you indict her? was the reason she wasn't indicted was because they wanted to make sure they stop trump and how can you stop him if you indict her? did the department of justice
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and the fbi use a document paid for by the democratic party? researched by foreign agent to get a warrant against an american citizen that was inappropriate, potentially unlawful? we need a special counsel to look at all of this. but i intend to look at it.ot i'm going to look at it. if you are going to keep plowing everything up in 2016, count me in. if you want to look forward, i will look forward. if you want to look back, we will all look back to everything andd everybody. not just trump. >> sean: i forgot about the fraud on fisa court, the bulk of information came from the phony, unverified, uncorroborated dossier that has mostly been debunked. the there was a proposal today by the white house about prison reform. we all saw the video of alice marie johnson, one offense, serious, 22 years in jail, raced out to the arms of her family. it was beyond a touching moment.
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said thank you, america, for giving me a second chance when the president pardoned her. and i look at prison reform, we've got 2 million people in jail. in a five-year period, 77% recidivism rate. i want to find every alice marie johnson in america and i'd love the president to pardon one such person, ten people a day if we can do that, because i think we do need real reform. there is unfairness in the t system. >> yes. wouldn't it be ironic if it was donald trump who fixed the problems created by the three strikes you're out rule passed by bill clinton? wouldn't it be ironic it was donald trump and the republicans congress working with democrats that allowed thousands of african-american and hispanic males a second chance for canonviolent offenses? create that space -- >> sean: punishment is not working. if you have a 77% recidivism rate, locking you up in a place
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with bad people and not helping or advancing and changing hearts and minds, it makes sense to me. but senator, we'll follow that more. i think there is a lot of potential there. imagine the president transforming the power of the pardon for every alice marie johnson, who i met and is an amazing woman. i think it would be great for the country. >> getting minorities out of jail, giving a second chance, improving the economy forr african-american, hispanic families is a very big deal. >> sean: senator, thank you for being with us. when we come back, i'm not taking on one.n: no. always unfair when a conservative debates a liberal. i will take on two. i'll explain next. we also have deep state news and the update on the mueller investigation. sara carter, gregg jarrett, they have the latest, and trace gallagher can, he'll give us an update ontt michael avenue these arrest "hannity" continues. ♪
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♪ >> sean: some of the migrant caravan have arrived at our southern border and now we see thousands of others also comingd the ap reporting, "migrant caravan groups arrived byg. hundreds at u.s. border." joining us for debate, former chair of the council of economic advisor to president obama, austan goolsbee and civili rigs attorney daryl parks. i just played at the beginning of the show are guided by the name of barack obama, who you love! you absolutely adore. who i think did a horrible job.o okay, we disagree. he sounded like donald trump about protecting our borders, respecting our sovereignty. what has happened from then until now? >> only good things. look, sean, you and i have been friends for a long time. i will say among democrats,
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liberals, i'm totally in agreement that a country should control who comes into that country.en we should secure the border. >> sean: all right. hang on. mark this moment. that means, you and your wife, who i have met and have dinner with, i finally had influence with you. we are making progress. >> here's what i'm saying: they caravan -- i'm glad you are following up on this. the president was out trumpetini this as an invasion and the biggest threat to national security. the vast majority of these people in this caravan are still in the city of guadalajara which is 800 miles away from the u.s. border. women escaping domestic violence in guatemala, their 4-year-old kids, this is not what we should be -- if you're concerned about border security, the focus -- put it where it should be coming out on these kids. >> sean: let me concede.
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300 have been identified by both mexican officials and department of homeland security as to be bad elements that are trying to mix in with the caravan crowd of armigrants. and as i watch them, i would argue probably 99% plus are good people, live in poverty, horrible lives, want what we all take for granted in this country. it's the 300 others that we have to worry about. here's what i am afraid of. here's the video of what happened at the southern border in mexico. that is they take the fence, they knock it down, they race across the border. for the safety and security of everybody, if this happens on our southern border, i don't want anybody hurt! all we are asking, if you want to come to this country, to do it legally. you are a lawyer. do you respect the law?
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>> without question, we respect the law, sean. we expect this people once they get to the border, they do the right thing. we shouldn't demonize them. they are trying to escape poverty. >> sean: i didn't -- did i demonize? >> i know you didn't. tonight, you are doing great, sean. thank you. >> sean: that's tonight, though. >> you do well all the time, but tonight you are doing great. these people are looking for a better opportunity. they are looking for better opportunities like all of us in america. i'm sure once they get iney they'll follow their rules. >> sean: we have laws. we are a constitutional republic. we have borders, sovereignty, laws. if you want to be here, the first prerequisite has to be obey our laws, respect our laws. do not take it upon yourself. >> okay -- >> sean: go ahead. >> but we have no indication they are going to break the rules. >> that's true. our law, if you are coming to apply for asylum, our laws
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requires you to come to a port of entry to apply for asylum. hundreds of these migrants are literally trying to make appointments to come in and apply for asylum and we sent 15,000 u.s. troops, skipping their thanksgiving with her family, to go down there and do nothing. >> sean: we saw what happened -- we just played the tape what happened at the southern mexico border. we can't have that happen here. >> sean -- >> sean: the first people that want to be protected are the people who want a better life. let's protect them first? >> c okay, i agree with that. we can all agree with that. those people who come to the u.s. illegally, 40% of them come toth the airport, sean. they come in and overstay their visas. >> sean: we are trying to make improvements there as well. >> without question, i hope and pray these people will come in
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and apply properly and will get the opportunity that our country can provide them to. >> sean: i think you should give them pro bono legal work. i think you should do it for free. austan will help pay for it. he's a really rich guy. >> when you finally pay me for my bet, sean, i will be a rich guy. f >> sean: i have overpaid you for your bet. you don't remember the dinner i paid for? >> wait a minute, you did pay for that dinner, but that was on a technicality. >> a sean: technicality! >> you said obamacare was going to cost 100 million people their insurance. i'm still waiting for that one.w >> sean: excuse me, millions -- okay, the cost, 100%, 200%, 300%, so many counties have one option. many millions lost their doctors, their plan, and everybody is paying more. broken promises. >> yeah, but not 100 million. so you are going to be paying
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me more! >> sean: what do you say to the million of americans paying more, lost their doctor, lost their plan, only have one option now?th that's it. >> i tell those people to say, thanks, president trump. >> sean: [laughs] you've lost your mind. see, it takes two liberals. one conservative. that's theou way it works. anyway, thank you, both. when we come back, we have big breaking news. sara carter,ng gregg jarrett. surprising developments in the mueller probe. the latest on michael avenatti's a restroom earlier tonight. does he tonight believe in due process? has he changed his mind on the presumption of innocence? that's straight ahead. ♪ i got it. and sometimes those experts need experts. on it. [ crash ] and sometimes the expert the expert needed needs insurance expertise. it's all good. steve, you're covered for general liability. and, paul, we got your back with workers' comp. wow, it's like a party in here. where are the hors d'oeuvres, right?
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to >> sean: the mueller investigation may finally be wrapping up. tonight, the trumprt administration, according to reports, returning written responses to the special counsel as early as this week. legislation put forth by senator jeff snowflake that would protect mueller from getting fired, even though president trump said he's not firing him. here are three action, the author of the number one "new york times" best seller, "the russian hoax: the illicit scheme to clear hillary clinton and from donald trump," fox news contributor gregg jarrett, and fox news contributor sara carter. you just heard lindsey graham, very clear that starting in the beginning, hillary clinton, exoneration before an then of course the fisa abuse and fisa court fraud that was committed, the bulkk of information being the unverified dossier that not even christopher steele would stand by, and of course trying to influence the 2016 election with bought and paid for russian lies
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and using the false information, circular reporting, to also influence the appointment of a special counsel. a lot there. lot there, sean. t i think senator graham is right on the money. if we get senator graham, he takes his chairmanship of the senate judiciary committee, i can guarantee he will move forward with this. the american people need this. they want this to wrap up. they want to know the truth. this is why not only does theree need to be an investigation by the senate judiciary committee, but we also need those documents declassified and only the president can do this. the only way to get to the truth is to get transparency, to get those documents declassified, that's the foreign intelligence act warrant on carter page. we also need the gang of eight. >> sean: the gang of eight, 302s. >> the 302 by bruce ohr. this is what needs to be done so we can move forward. >>rd sean: it's interesting. donald trump was able to defy the history of bill clinton who lost 60 seats, eight senate seats in his first midterm.
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obama lost, gregg, six seats in the senate but 63 house seats. he fought to keep the senate ass hard as he did. it's rather profound now because all of the threats that thee democrats are making, all of this would move right over to the u.s. senate, wouldn't it? >> and lindsey graham is the perfect person to conduct the investigation. because he knows there is aa plethora of evidence that there was an illicit scheme by the fbi and department of justice to clear hillary clinton and frame donald trump. he would reopen the hillary clinton email case -- you know, it's a crime for ann fbi director or official or agent -- >> sean:en 18 usc 793, i have attached in my brain. >> it's a crime to hide incriminating evidence and make a decision about a case, the clinton case, for political reasons.
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lindsey graham will investigate that. >> sean: let me ask you this. if it's true, all the reports that there are going to be written answers only on russia, not on any obstruction -- the president can fire anybody he wants. jerry nadler saying he wants to investigate what the president said -- it's meaningless if he said something, didn't do it. is this the beginning of the end if, in fact, there is not going to be a subpoena, written answers are going to be handed in? it sounds the airplane iss heading for a landing, sara. >> it is. every source i've spoken to tonight that mueller is goingdio wrap up this investigation. we are not going to see anything happen to trump. what we might see is some indictments, roger stone, jerome corsi, who is his assistant, one thing that is so important, there was never any evidence -- never, from the very beginning
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of this investigation by the fbi, that there was any kind of collusion, which isn't a crime anyway, but there was never any evidence -- >> sean: only on hillary's side. >> on the hillary's side. absolutely. t >> sean: we only have about 40 seconds. i want to give it to gregg. i believe in due process, you were with us during the kavanaugh hearings. michael avenatti, serious charges tonight. i believe he deserves that also. i am sincere. a >> you should be commended for what you said about that. everybody, including michael avenatti, deserves the presumption of innocence and due process, but isn't it ironic that avenatti was the one who didn't want to afford due process a and resumption of innocence to brett kavanaugh? i wonder how he feels tonight. >> sean: that's the question. does he now believe in that? heis claiming his innocence? as a matter of fact --
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thank you, both. we'll have a full report and an update on michael avenatti's arrest as we continue tonight on "hannity." ♪ when my hot water heater failed, she was pregnant, in-laws were coming, a little bit of water, it really- it rocked our world. i had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. we called usaa. and they greeted me as they always do. sergeant baker, how are you? they were on it. it was unbelievable. having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa- now that's a privilege. we're the baker's and we're usaa members for life.
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>> sean: with the latest news on the arrest, serious charges, stormy daniels lawyer, michael avenatti and trace gallagher. very serious charges and strong denial by attorney michael avenatti. tell us. >> yes, sean. the police department wouldn't identify the victim but said she had visible injuries and tmz are reporting the injuries were on her face and, quote, serious and there were reports that avenatti says she hit him first. the alleged violence happened yesterday in west los angeles. avenatti was arrested today and posted a $50,000 bond a short time ago. when he walked out of jail,
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avenatti thanked the police for their hard work and then said this, watch. >> i have never struck a woman. i never will strike a woman. i have been an advocate for women's rights my entire career and i'm going to continue to be an advocate. i am not going to be intimidated from stopping what i am doing. >> unclear what he is, quote, doing, but there is talk of a 2020 presidential run. he was set to speak this weekend at events for the vermont democratic party but had to cancel. he was stormy daniels attorney and brought forward serious allegations against supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh and those allegations were knocked down. we don't know when avenatti has to appear in court again. >> sean: these are felony charges we're looking at? >> felony assault charges
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against him. very serious. don't know the jail time with this but these are serious charges if proven. >> sean: i do believe in due process and presumption of innocence. laura ingraham, take it away. >> laura: fantastic show as always tonight. this is laura ingraham with the "ingraham angle" tonight. from washington tonight, a lot to bring you and we'll unpack it all. what's really going on with the ballot box in florida? tonight's angle investigates the an investigates the corruption and the dirty dealings. and tells you why the g.o.p. should unite to fight it. and lawyer to the porn stars michael avenatti in legal troubles of his own. and michelle obama taking subtle cheap shots at president trump. raymond arroyo has at all in the seen and unseen. how with a fight the new democratic majority in congress? republican majority leader kevin mccarthy and whip steve scalise are here exclusively.
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