tv The Five FOX News November 20, 2018 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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this is absolutely huge. thanks for joining us. i will see you on the fox business network tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. eastern time. hopefully the market won't be down but i will hold your hand if it is. a lot going on. the economy is still strong. "the five" begins right now. ♪ >> greg: i am greg gutfeld with kennedy, juan williams, jesse watters. she circled the earth in a gravy boat. dana perino. "the five" ." a new poll shows 53% of americans say talking politics with someone they disagree with is stressful and frustrating. this is surprising. it means our 47% who don't find talking politics with someone they disagree with to be stressful and frustrating. i don't believe it. around that time i usually do a monologue and how to reduce political tension at thanksgiving dinner. it never helps. no one ever listens. why should they?
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taking advice from a tv host is like taking a ride from a stranger. it's risky and you often end up dead. so instead of aborting politics, let's go all in at thanksgiving. first we must find the right way to insert it into dinner conversation. here are some examples. these mashed potatoes are really hot. almost as hot as our economy which under president trump grew at a three to 4% rate. looks like we have more generals than people, much like jobs under donald trump upgrade 4 million of them in years. so why don't you carve the turkey, just like president trump carved our bloated bureaucracy when he cut 16 rules and regulations for everyone created. looks like we ran out of gravy. much like what happened to our doctors under obamacare. thank god donald trump revealed that mandate. am i right, grandma? i am stopped, much like the supreme court is with two sterling appointments.
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may be that kids can clear the table just like trump cleared the country of ms-13. jaime, can you take out the trash? put it on the curb next to the paris climate accord and the awful iran treaty. i love pumpkin pie. doesn't the color remind you of donald trump's gorgeous hair? if you can't avoid politics, why avoid politics? instead set the tone in the table with the truth because if you don't, someone else surely will. i'm going to go to the people who have conflicting thanks giving tables. jesse, do your parents go hard on you for being an unpaid spokesman for donald trump? [laughter] >> jesse: very funny. i thought that was a really good monologue, one of your better ones. [laughter] i wasn't being sarcastic. i thought it was really good. the key to surviving my
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thanksgiving is respecting your elders because during the bush years, i got a little cocky. stocks were up. the surge worked. my parents are liberals and my grandfather is a communist. we are around the dinner table in 2006 or '07 and i started quoting rush limbaugh. grandfather slams his fist on the table and says "you don't know what the hell you are talking about!" the whole table went quiet. then he forgot he was angry. the next thing you know, jesse, past the pumpkin cheesecake. that's what's great about old people. they forget why they are angry. sometimes it's good to know which they are not to poke. >> greg: is he still with us? >> jesse: god rest his soul. >> greg: i was wondering if he was watching. >> jesse: if he was still here, he would not be watching "the five." >> greg: you have a communist granddad. juan, you are the father to two
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republicans and one liberal. >> juan: that's true. >> greg: at christmas, does the liberal get better gifts? >> juan: the liberal as my daughter. i give them all great gifts. >> greg: do you ever end up on teams around the dinner table with your sons and you and your daughter teaming up against them politically? >> juan: one of the things that you missed in your monologue was a lot people actually agree on things, even if they are liberal or conservative. there's a lot they agree on. >> jesse: like infrastructure. [laughter] >> juan: no, how about not insulting the guy who took out bin laden. you know, how about -- >> greg: he had it coming. >> juan: what did trump say? he was a clinton supporter. how about not saying that you are cia -- let's ignore them. we have something better. we don't agree with your conclusion. >> greg: these are liberal talking points. >> juan: that's right. maybe you could say a dinner table with trump and
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vladimir putin and kim jong il. you can say i believe everything they say. it's good with me. whatever you say, just past the turkey. >> kennedy: i think it's impossible not stock but politics. i think everyone wants to talk about politics. the difference on thanksgiving especially if you're hosting, you have to set the rules and you have to let people know don't take things personally. it's okay if we disagree and you can have a competition and you can even keep score. you can have a yellow pad and a tally with columns and hash marks and whoever gets the best barbs in cats the biggest piece of pie. i don't have a problem with that at all but you have to let people know not to take it personally. when someone says something you disagree, don't react like it's a personal slight. we have to distance ourselves from politics. it's not the only thing that defines us in politics as well know talking about it, it can be very passionate but it could also be so much fun. >> greg: dana, no one talks politics at your place because
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you're too busy telling them about jasper. >> dana: dogs of the great equalizer. you can always find common ground of people to talk about your pets and your love of pets. if things get really bad and you have that uncomfortable silence, you can bring up a dog. i am very skilled at making sure everyone realizes we all agree. >> kennedy: you and juan are saying the same thing. one year i had an experiment. i wanted to bring up the most uncomfortable topics that i possibly could and at that time, the two winners, because it was 2003, o.j. simpson and my grandmother was very upset because a lot of people -- it was a very heated conversation. this was before the big documentary. the other was what do you want your funeral to be like? >> greg: that's nice. that makes politics actually -- you found something people can revert back. >> dana: you can ask the bull it was their best vacation of the year and you can talk about travel. there's things to talk about. >> juan: what if i was jesse's grandfather and i said these
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young people, they are so idiotic. they don't know anything. let's forget about it. we will go to jesse. >> greg: my solution: drink a lot of wine and play music really loud and that's the solution because you then can't hear anything. they are telling me. fox news alert. we are learning that president trump has submitted written answers to special counsel robert mueller in the russian investigation. remember that thing? for more details, we go to john roberts. >> good afternoon to you. i was checking the date because this thing is pretty much been a year in negotiating. it was november 21 of 2017 that robert mueller's office first reached out to the president's outside legal counsel to say he wanted to sit down in an interview with the president regarding the issue of russia inclusion in the campaign in the election. the possible obstruction of justice and the firing of james kobe. the president's attorneys this
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afternoon submitted a number of written answers to questions that mueller wanted answered about russia and collusion, only nothing to do with obstruction of justice. in a statement, the president's attorneys jay sekulow and rudy giuliani said they thought the request for information regarding obstruction of justice went too far. rudy giuliani saying "it's been our position from the outset that much of what has been asked raises serious constitutional issues and was beyond the scope of a legitimate inquiry. this remains our position today. the president has nonetheless provided unprecedented cooperation. the special counsel has been provided with more than 30 witnesses, 1.4 million pages of material another president written responses to questions. it's time to bring this inquiry to a conclusion." rudy giuliani, counsel to the president. we don't know how many answers the president provided but we do know that it's substantially less than the 49 questions that special counsel robert mueller had handed over to the president's legal team back at
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the beginning of march. so we will see where this goes. a lot of people believe mueller is in the closing stages of the russia investigation. there could be other leads he pursues from here, but the president trying to close the door on this by providing these written answers. at the same time, by the way, another headline submerged. "new york times" saying earlier this year, the president asked his dad white house counsel tom began to get the justice department to prosecute hillary clinton and former fbi director james comey. mcgann said that would be a bad idea and it could lead to his impeachment and refused to do it. we should point out that at the same time he was allegedly asking donald mcgahn about this, the president was saying publicly that he thought comey and clinton should be investigated and/or prosecuted. i am not sure how much for the viscose but asking the special counsel to actually do it would be a significant development.
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>> greg: thanks, john. dana, nothing here about obstruction. this is about whatever. >> dana: what the president decided to answer, questions on collusion and not on obstructio obstruction. for mueller, that might be enough. i don't know. it will never be enough in the eyes of the media or for the democrats were about to take over the house. so while this is a great way to try to get this off your plate before thanksgiving so the president of the first lady can have a thanksgiving where they hopefully don't have to talk about this, that's what they are thinking. but this is starting to wrap up. mueller is going to sentence or going to move forward with the sentencing hearing on december 4 of mike flynn. there will be more information around that. i think after thanksgiving while there is a lame duck session with her group owing to try to get a two things done, confirm some judges, and the congress. there's going to be activity in the mueller investigation namibia does wrap up by christmas. >> greg: it's disgusting
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because the story took away from the pardoning of the trick yesterday. >> jesse: that could be more pardons after this wraps up. just a small correction. you said investigation. it's actually pronounced witch hunt. the investigation is silent. [laughter] it's interesting the questions that were not answered, like you said, dana. i feel like the legal team for trump has beaten back the obstruction inquiry which i think it's a positive for him. on the negative side, you don't know who he's interviewed, robert mueller. you don't know what they have. there could be other indictments coming down, small ballplayers probably but you don't know how these things could play out. i do find it interesting and john brought it up about the president wanting the investigator to go after these other players on the left. if you think about when this whole thing started, it was supposed to pursue any russian collusion and anything that can kind of spread out from that. but you look at that, and honest
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investigation would have looked into some of the fisa abuse allegations, some of the dirty tricks that were played on the trump campaign with regard to spies and fisa abuse. >> dana: it might be in there. >> jesse: we have not heard anything leading me to conclude that's even been looked into at all. i would love a surprise. i would love a surprise. >> dana: careful what you wish for. >> jesse: i know but hopefully -- i didn't know that melania and donald trump talked about the special counsel investigation over thanksgiving. that's news. did you just break some news question ricky said they don't have to talk about it. >> dana: i have never met them. well, i have met him. but i don't know. >> greg: what do you know that you are not telling us. >> dana: i know nothing. >> greg: kennedy, will you be talking about this at thanksgiving? >> kennedy: it's fun to talk about because you can speculate what might be in the mueller report because no one really knows. at this point hopefully we don't have dueling memos from adam
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schiff and devin nunes. >> jesse: i miss those days. >> juan: how do you spell that that? schitt. >> kennedy: juan, this is a family show. >> juan: the president of the united states and such juvenile behavior. >> kennedy: i don't know what has happened to decorum. >> greg: someone get the fainting couch. >> kennedy: i think jesse is right. there could be some surprises. i hope this investigation doesn't just tackle things that might've happened between this administration and the russia during the campaign and i hope it sets a precedent for what we might find out in the future about some of these fisa warrant applications. >> greg: juan, what do you foresee coming out of this investigation? what do you think is going to be on the mueller report? >> juan: i was on fifth avenue today and i saw trump shoot a guy. while he was doing it, all the
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trump supporters that it doesn't matter to me. trump set i told you. i told you. i think that's what he wrote in the mueller report. nothing you find, nothing you say is going to impact my base anyway so go right ahead. >> greg: not just the base. this has been going on. this is the most prolonged rectal examine history. >> juan: what about bill clinton. these things went on for five years. it's not just about the timing but it would be good to get it done because 2020 is going to be so hyperbolic and aggressive. the idea that they can decide what they are answering and not answering is an issue because people in the house will feel more important empowered to go o donald trump. the idea that he was going to go after jim comey, who i believe is a republican. >> jesse: this is very
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nonpartisan. >> juan: authoritarian behavior. >> kennedy: don't you think that if robert mueller was so interested in obstruction that he would have compelled the president to testify either in writing or in person. >> juan: no, no, no. he has to go through justice. he has to go through now matthew whitaker. he used to have to go through rosenstein and sessions. >> kennedy: don't you think rod rosenstein would have thrown the door open? >> juan: know, to the contrary, i think you're trying to play the politics. just like what you see from giuliani and the trump legal team. they are acting in a very aggressive manner to try to determine the limits of what mueller can do. >> kennedy: i think a democratic president will think that. >> greg: we have to go. >> jesse: another big story the white house has responded to today, reports that ivanka trump used private email to conduct official business. president trump blasting comparisons to the clintons server scandal. >> president trump: they
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weren't classified like hillary clinton. they weren't deleted like hillary clinton who'd deleted 33. she wasn't hiring. she was into anything to hide her emails. there was no server in the basement like hillary clinton had. you are talking about a whole different, your time are all fake news. hillary clinton deleted 33,000 emails. she had a server in the basement. that's the real story. >> jesse: the media fired up about the hypocrisy over those revelations. >> the arrogance, the incredible arrogance. >> with a little measure of stupidity thinking that after watching this campaign which she had a pretty good seat for and then not being scrupulous about your email practices is pretty remarkable. >> eric trump rallies, they chant "lock her up, lock her up." who are they referring to? hillary or ivanka? >> what she said about her, she is doing. he is in the middle of a
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constitutional crisis. >> jesse: another one. how many are those? greg, fair comparison or not? this is the epoxy, the accusation of hypocrisy is the gamble you took. you only face accusations of hypocrisy if you win. think of the options. you can go after hillary over her email scandal and loose and never have to face the accusation of hypocrisy or you can go after hillary for her email scandal and win and face this silly little business. i think the key word here is hundreds of emails which for me is a day. maybe there was a day or two in the transition period that she did it. generally in that position, you go through tens of thousands of emails. i think it's not a fair comparison by numbers. we find out there's more and she did it over a long period of
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time, then that's a different story. >> jesse: dana, her spokesperson said less than 100 emails were official government business. a lot of it had to to do with arranging travel and logistics for her schedule and her kids. >> juan: yoga. i think it was yoga. >> greg: the grandparents pictures. >> jesse: a six-month period of time at the beginning of the administration. is it fair or unfair to make a comparison? >> dana: none of this is fair. none of it's going to be fair. but can you understand why the opposition to president trump would jump on this? absolutely you can understand it. that's why you follow the rules so you don't open yourself up to this problem. i want to fact-check one thing on the president. said that the private server was in the basement. it was not. it was in the bathroom. >> greg: i have a bathroom in the basement, i think. maybe it's a bucket. >> jesse: i don't want to know know.
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>> juan: can we all joined hands and say "lock her up." this guy was out there last week saying lock her up and today we find out he's asking the white house counsel to prosecute. now his own daughter and his son-in-law are using a private server. >> jesse: they aren't using a private server. >> juan: juan, fact-check. >> juan: you have these people engaged in an act of hypocrisy so blatant and obnoxious, i'm amazed you can sit here and not say this isn't right. >> jesse: did ivanka acid wash 30,000 emails? >> juan: we don't know. let's ask cheryl mills. >> jesse: did ivanka take the fifth like cheryl? >> juan: you don't have anybody looking at this, no fbi. instead it is abby lowell, her lawyer who is telling us these things. >> kennedy: just like cheryl mills when she was conveniently conveniently -- >> juan: why don't we apply
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this same medicine right here? >> kennedy: it's like applying the same medicine to strep throat as you would to stage iv cancer. >> juan: the media overplayed hillary. >> kennedy: it's really irresponsible of ivanka trump to do this and open herself up to this kind of criticism. >> juan: thank you. >> kennedy: after what we have been through with hillary clinton, everyone should be more responsible when it comes to emails. you don't invite these kinds of comparisons which are false comparisons. we are not talking about hillary clinton sending emails. the way she tried to minimize the story was so incredibly offensive and really skirted accountability which he claimed to be taking. we are talking about her sending top secret classified information over a private server that had very little security and almost no oversight. and then in addition to that, deleting 30,000 emails of which we do not know the content and then miraculously 600,000 of them show up on anthony weiner's
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laptop. the levels of irresponsibility. i am not excusing what ivanka trump did. i'm just saying it's not the same thing so let's stop pretending it is. >> juan: it is the very same thing. using your private email to send out government communications. >> kennedy: when you are talkedt classified, that was all done subsequently. at the time, hillary clinton who was secretary of state said none of this -- >> greg: let's not forget that clinton wiped the server and i'm talking also about hillary. >> jesse: did on obama appointed judge give the caravan the green light to enter america? find out next. if you're waiting patiently for a liver transplant, it could cost you your life. it's time to get out of line with upmc. at upmc, living-donor transplants put you first.
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>> juan: the border battle intensifying after federal judge temporarily bars the trump administration from refusing asylum to migrants who might cross the border into the u.s. illegally. instead of legal ports of entry, the ruling allows migrants to apply for asylum anywhere no matter where they cross. the judge argues this is what u.s. law requires. president trump ripping the decision and vowing to take the fight all the way to the supreme court. >> president trump: this was an obama judge and i will tell you what. it's not going to happen. everybody that wants to sue the united states, they file their case. they file their case in the ninth circuit and it needs an automatic loss. no matter what you do. it's a disgrace what happens with the ninth circuit. we will win their case and the supreme court of the united states. >> juan: kennedy, what do you make of it? the judge saying that the response he got from the trump administration, the president would have authority to simply
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close the southern border if he just wanted to do it on his own. >> kennedy: they are putting up that concertina wire and those jersey barriers. it's very interesting obviously both sides are fighting for the narrative. it just seems inappropriate to me that once again we have an immigration issue that is making its way from the bottom up through the judiciary when it really should be dictated by congress. i really feel like congress has abdicated their responsibility. jesse, you were joking about infrastructure and it in the issue that brings two sides together at the thanksgiving table. these two sides need to figure out what to do about immigration. they're not going to be able to have comprehensive immigration vote for people seeking asylum, we need to do a better job defining it and figuring out for those who need help, figuring out how to get that aid to people without turning this into an entitlement heavy welfare state. i don't think that's within the purview of the united states government. it's a big complement to this nation that people want to come
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here and be safe and work and be free. having said that, we do not have appropriate systems for accommodating that. >> juan: jesse, i wanted to come at you with some numbers. >> jesse: don't come at me with numbers, williams. >> juan: 70% of americans according to a monopole saying the people who qualify for asylum should be allowed to make their application and only 21% of people in arizona, california, texas, new mexico see that caravan is any kind of threat. >> jesse: fake polls. i don't know if i can believe those. let me hit you with a number of my own. 500 ms-13 among the caravan. that's a dhs number. they have paid informants on the inside of the caravan. so they're going to roll the dice when they come seeking asylum. they are going to say if you have 500 ms-13 in the midst of a
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7,000 large caravan, this judge is saying we will take our chances if we grant this person asylum from ms-13 and they skipped the hearing and may go slice and dice everybody. i'm not willing to take that risk. i'm just not. i think the president as the commander-in-chief is interested in the safety and security of the american people. these asylum applications have skyrocketed because the central american countries have realized there is a loophole in our system. you can't do this if you are canadian. you can't do it if you're mexican but if you are from central america and you show up and say i fear prosecution or persecution, they will let you in. persecution for fling violence or poverty, there is poverty everywhere. there is violence everywhere. an aclu lawyer comes and tells them what to say then they are home free in this country. even the local tijuana mayor doesn't want the caravan there. the guy actually called them --
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>> juan: i think he would scrub the words from the statue of liberty. >> jesse: i love the statue of liberty even though it came from france. >> juan: the president pulls the troops that he sent in the midst of the campaign from the border and you have a judge saying people should be allowed to apply a new matter where they cross. >> dana: dod said not all the troops are coming back. the troops that were sent have accomplish the mission they were supposed to set up which is what kennedy was saying in terms of putting up the barriers. they get to come home so i guess we should be happy about that. the issue on this is, to kennedy's point, congress definitely has a role here and i don't know if the administration is going to win this like they did on the travel ban that they had to redo. the statute is very clear. it says congress on this responsibility. i don't think the judge is being
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partisan. i think nine kavanaughs on the supreme court would probably have a hard time supporting us. foot could the court support something if congress does its job and fixes something? absolutely. i think that might be where the focus should lie us soon as the new congress gets put in place. >> jesse: we just got a statement from sarah sanders. it says this decision will open the floodgates to allowing countless illegal aliens into this country. >> juan: greg, i wanted to put you on the spot and say -- >> greg: you always do. >> juan: do you think at this point, given what we have seen, may be trump was engaged in some fearmongering over the caravan? >> greg: hardly, hardly. this is a manufactured political phenomenon. the poll you are talking about presents a naive set up. it's not about a present-day caravan. it's if that caravan succeeds, what it means about how many come after. if you don't stop right here.
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then it will never stop. if you want to fix immigration, this is a thumb in the eye and it's incredibly arrogant, it's an arrogant challenge to the united states. the caravan is an abuse of our system. the whole principle of a caravan is precisely to overwhelm a system that's already under stress. these activists look and go these guys are having problems. we could rush the border because they can't handle it. we make them look bad. you are saying look, this sucks. this is not a good thing. you are seen as bigoted or racist or you hate people. think if you apply this phenomenon to arenas beyond your border. waiting in line with the dmv for an hour but 100 people russian because they russian an end overwhelm the system, you lose your space and somehow may be 10% of them get ahead of you. that's what this is. it's arrogant. it's into overwhelm and divide in anger people.
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that's why it's wrong. >> juan: you changed your argument because i thought, remember they were diseased. they were terrorists. they were middle eastern terrorists. they were ms-13. >> greg: i never said they were diseased. you are putting words in my mouth. that was not my argument. my argument has always been about due process. i have said it. you are changing my opinion right now. >> juan: the argument that was being put forward by the administration. >> greg: i am putting forth a different argument. it's an assault on a system. >> juan: are democrats heading for a major divide? the revolt against nancy pelosi's was one of the looming problems. that's next on "the five" ." are you on medicare?
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unitedhealthcare about our plans, like aarp medicarecomplete. let's get you on the right path. call unitedhealthcare or go online to enroll. [sfx: mnemonic] unlike santa's presents, ours don't just magically appear. they're designed, meticulously. every bolt, stitch, line of code tested and tested again. until, finally this. elves got nothing on us. ford. built for the holidays. time to get our best offers of the season. ♪ >> dana: kevin. [laughter] >> greg: what about kevin? >> dana: oh, my gosh.
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that was a commercial break flub. we are talking about someone named kevin. now the real segment. i am so sorry. i'm going to get fired again. democrats may have taken back the house but the party is apparently now splintering. [laughs] >> jesse: for 16 house democrats who signed a letter to oppose nancy pelosi as their next speaker. and you pulled max's 40% of democrats want to see someone other than pelosi assuming the leadership role. the embattled democratic leaders criticizing those who want to investigate the trump administration, telling "the new york times" "yes there is a pound of flesh club. greg is a member of that i thin think. they want to do to them what they did to us. that's not who we are. go get someone else. "then there are progressives like alexandria ocasio-cortez. she is supporting a campaign to
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primary incumbent establishment democrats to move the party further left. dana, have you recovered? >> dana: [laughs] almost. one of those things that happens. jesse, you read that very well. >> jesse: i wanted to ask you. there is a deal going on? >> dana: i will do the breaking news. marcia fudge, congresswoman from ohio, should such was going to wait until after the eggs giving to announce her decision on whether she would challenge pelosi. apparently she has. they had their meeting last week. marcia fudge has decided she's not going to do it, according to reports. she's going to accept pelosi's suggestion that marcia fudge head of the subcommittee on elections. >> jesse: you predicted this would happen. >> dana: i did. well i said if you raise your hand and sam might challenge you. you might be able to get a bridge in your district or something. >> kennedy: it is the
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murkowski rule. it's what susan collins and lisa murkowski have been doing. smart democrats have figured out that if i make noise and get nancy pelosi just scared enough that i get something out of it, it benefits me. no one would have known the name tim ryan if he hadn't challenged her. >> dana: that's true. >> jesse: with this work at fox? should i be complaining more? >> kennedy: make more noise. >> greg: that really works at fox. >> dana: greg, would you like to comment? >> greg: there's going to be conflicts for the democrats. you have a president who does like to compromise because if it leads to a deal which he loves he will compromise. will democrats refuse to cooperate with the leader who might give them what they want because they've been calling him hitler junior for two years. i think the dems are going to look bad if they slap an outstretched hand which i think trump might do.
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think the real battle for smart democrats in 2020 is in identity politics. they have an opportunity to craft a new message of unity that targets the healing of divisions. within their party had doubts either party. it's the antithesis to modern leftism, the identity politics and oppression versus oppressed idea. i think it would resonate especially now. >> dana: we do have an issue that i want to talk about which is the new representative elect alexandria ocasio-cortez. aoc. she is suggesting that maybe she will give her full support to a new national campaign to mount primaries to sort of moderate democrats so that you get even more progressives to win in those districts. >> jesse: she is like the left-wing steve bannon. running around that country and primariing. it's going to be a big headache for the party and i think nancy pelosi has a lot of work to do raining this person in. it's like a tea party on the
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left. you're going to go out and nominate some kooky left-wingers and they will get shredded in the general. we saw republican party candidates go down in flames because they weren't ready for prime time in senate races the last decade. pelosi said some things that i even agree with. she said i don't think we should be running on abolishing i.c.e. and impeachment especially in competitive house districts. we are going to lose if we do that. she also said on the mueller probe if mueller comes out with something that only the democrats like and it's not convincing to republicans to say you know what, this is impeachable, then they shouldn't go for impeachment and i agree. >> dana: juan, last word. >> juan: interesting politics here and much of it has to do with the congressional black caucus. i am making something that is planed to the viewer who has seen a picture of marcia fudge. she is black. nobody in the congressional black caucus signed the letter
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put forward by tim ryan of ohio. both ryan and fudge are from ohio. they know each other very well. the second thing is there is no candidate at this moment running against nancy pelosi. we cited a poll number at the top of the segment saying 40% of the caucus says i would like to have somebody else. the vote is next week and there's 40% who say we want to nancy pelosi. guess what, you talk to the people in the american unions. talk to people in terms of the churches in the country. you talk to people who are the organizers in this country, especially people involved with health care, the number one issue in the midterms and they all say nancy pelosi is one of the greatest speakers of the house ever. but if you talk to republicans, this is kind of odd. donald trump says he's going to help her get votes if necessary. he wants her to be speaker. i don't understand. republicans love beating up on nancy pelosi. >> dana: she showed them. they won 40 seats.
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chipotle facing backlash after firing a manager seen in this video. over 10 million people have viewed it. now the restaurant is forced to make a big apology. we have the details next. so a tree falls on your brand-new car and totals it. and as if that wasn't bad enough, now your insurance won't replace it outright because of depreciation. if your insurance won't replace your car,
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what good is it? you'd be better off just taking your money and throwing it right into the harbor. i'm regret that. with new car replacement, if your brand-new car gets totaled, liberty mutual will pay the entire value plus depreciation. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ whoa! presenting the iwhat's he doing? come on, let's check it out! nice. he's pretty good at this. hm! it's like a game! (gasps) woo-hoo! got it! which car should we get? all of 'em! ooh, yeah! that one! this one looks nice. yes, and yes. i like this game. i think we're winning! delivery? where? (doorbell rings) (man) it's here! what? (announcer) save $1,000 from carvana black friday through cyber monday. then go see "ralph breaks the internet," in theatres november 21st.
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♪ >> kennedy: chipotle cooking up a controversy. it has nothing to do with microbes. the chain apologizing after firing a manager who refused to serve a group of black customers. as you can see the video, the manager insisted the group of men pay before they get their food. watch. >> what we got to do? >> you never have money when you come in. >> we never have money. >> we are not going to make food unless you -- >> hold on. hold on, hold on. >> kennedy: critics excited racism but it turns out there's more to this story than was originally reported of course. the manager said to have them skipped out on their bill days before the dispute and one of the men had even bragged about
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ordering a not paying before in this post from three years ago writing "dying -- is forever interesting." one of the many quotes he had. chipotle catching up, should we change locations. what is a manager to do? >> juan: you should go by the rules. that's what we saw in the starbucks case and now this cas case. these guys are thieves. you shouldn't encourage people to be stealing from your business. that's ridiculous. you got to have a protocol or routine. she handled it ad hoc that's what got her in trouble. i am so glad that chipotle has come back and said listen, obviously these guys were thieves and we are going to back up our employee was protecting the business.
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you should know if you're the manager how to deal with it. you could get locked into a racial dispute that's really not relevant to the discussion. >> kennedy: i agree. >> greg: in this world of social media, nuance and patients is evil. social media forces companies to act immediately because of the fear of being dragged online by large groups. they will crush an employee the moment they can do that. companies are run -- companies run by p.r. and h.r. will cut you loose well before facts come in. they are more terrified of the twitter mob than anything else. corporate virtue signaling is a worse than personal virtue signaling because they don't account for facts, only appearance. as you said, life isn't always what it seems. the real jerks, not chipotle, but the media. one tabloid headline said chipotle may rehire manager who refused serving black men. that was what they put on twitter.
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how screwed up visit? they chose cliques over clarity and they smear an innocent woman. i won't say who the tabloid is because they are in the building. >> kennedy: mercy. dana, is there backlash for chipotle here? >> dana: this is what i would do, when you hire somebody as a manager, you expect them to manage. they should use their own brain and figure out how to handle a situation so that you don't have to. that's why you hire a manager. there's a shortage of workers in america. she obviously has proven that she could manage. she dealt with the situation very well. whoever needs to hire a good manager, don't let chipotle rehire her. you should hire her. >> kennedy: she said she was going out for her team and there were people working behind her who were clearly frustrated. >> jesse: fake news travels really fast. this had 10 million views on the internet and the truth only has a few because no one is going to
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see it after-the-fact. they are going to think it's a racist situation and then they are going to go along with the rest of their day. i feel bad because i dined and ditched one time in long island in high school. >> greg: of course you did. >> jesse: i didn't even know what i was getting myself into. my buddy wanted to do it. he was supposed to be paying. i didn't really dine and ditch. i ditched. we ran out of the restaurant and they chased us out on we got in the car and sped off in the poor waitress didn't get the tip. >> dana: you can go back there and give her a tip this weekend. >> kennedy: new name to the restaurant. >> juan: take a selfie. >> kennedy: "one more thing" is up next. oh!
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2:55 pm
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taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase the risk for low blood sugar. common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and constipation. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. i discovered the potential with ozempic®. ♪ oh! oh! oh! ozempic®! ♪ (vo) ask your healthcare provider if ozempic® is right for you. ♪ >> greg: one more thing, jesse. >> jessie: this one is a doozy doozy. any political arena is fraught with name-calling as well as wretched accusations by all sorts of players but not by the president of the united states. to normalize this behavior, calling a woman horse face, as well as off the mark.
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catch yourself before you fall over the edge of what's right. how do we all seek a civil discourse if you continue to fan the flames? yikes. you need to be better informed regarding issues of sensible gun control measures, stop making sweeping and generalizing and inaccurate statements about what democrats are seeking. note those who won the election on this issue as reported by dana. lastly, "the caravan is real, the point others were making is that trump only stoped fear for election purposes, he hasn't mentioned it since." >> dana: one of the best people at fox news behind the scenes as a producer and we have to celebrate his son because he is ten years old and the
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prospect youth running park won the gold medal in the u.s. track and field regional championship. the club was founded ten years ago, it's run by him along with an all volunteer staff and the team now advances to compete in the junior olympics cross-country national championship in reno next month, it's the most prestigious youth cross-country competition in the world. he started running when he was eight years old, obviously he is very proud but so is everybody at fox news. >> greg: it's not that great, it's running. >> jessie: it's faster than you. >> greg: i'm not trying to win anything. >> jessie: clearly. >> greg: if you want me to do one more thing, just send me a bottle of wine and name it after me.
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it's a blend of different grapes, french and american hybrid, kind of a pinot noir. thank you guys, they are in slate hill new york. >> juan: on thanksgiving that's a tradition for many families to throw around a football. it looked like a souped-up pickup game but it was nfl. of running feet, throwing feet, interceptions, so entertaining. it was historic, 105 points the third highest scoring game in history. first time two teams scored over 50 and of course one team scored over 50 and lost. >> euphemisms are dead. you all are about to post right now because i'm about to get abominable this thing up. he was talking about relieving yourself in bathrooms. don't say you're going to drop
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kids off at the pool because someone will call cps, if you say you're taking the browns to the super bowl you will be arrested. >> greg: never miss an episode of the five, "special report" is up next. >> bret: potty stories are the best. this is a fox news alert, i'm bret baier. we are following three braking stories. president trump has decided to put business first and not punish saudi arabia over the murder of a journalist. the president has also submitted written answers to special counsel robert muller's questions concerning his investigation into russian interference in the 2016 election. the market meltdown continues with another day of major losses on wall street. first, president trump says no further repercussions are coming for the saudis for the killing of the reporter jamaal khashoggi at the kingdom's embassy in
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