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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  November 25, 2018 7:00pm-8:01pm PST

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>> black conservative movement. steve: thank you so much. thank you for joining us. . mark: hello america, i'm . >> hello america this is life and liberty we have a great guest this is the first time we have met you attended harvardd and you still are successful that's a good thing. >> i was not successful. >> i was not successful pioneered when you served as
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chairman of the economic roundtable program director for the manhattan institute for men in marriage and the book they had a big influence on me the spirit ofth enterprise microcosm tele cause him and now your newest book life after google there is a lot to unravel the let's get started. capitalism versus socialism. >> capitalism derived from the cap latin word for head it is the mind and the keyan characteristics of the human mind is that we are created just and as the princeton
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economist once put it , creativity always comes as a surprise to us if it didn't planning would prevail and socialism would work. creativity is the foundation of capitalism and socialism is based on planning and the assumption that we already know all we need to know to plan our future so that leads to tyranny and that is the difference liberty versus tyranny is somebody once put it. mark: here is the general problem with progressivism across the board they think they know everything they need to know now is the matter to distribute wealth or
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redistribute but that is part of the problem for people to understand it is difficult. >> the future is unpredictable. in order to deal successfully you have to learn and that has constraints. economic growth is the increasewl of knowledge and that is learning the most widely documented phenomenon is the learning curve love those total sales get a 20 or 30 percent drop of cost and this drop in cost is evident across all industries documented by the boston consulting group that is the
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heart of capitalism to find out things you don't alreadydy know. that is the openness to creativity with the surprise that is crucial to capitalismy. you cannot predict the products over a creative process. >> so when government gets in the business to redistribute wealth? to subsidize other businesses am i correct that it is an attack on many things but especially knowledge? . > the government guarantee prohibits learning that is economicic growth all wealth is
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fundamentally knowledge as observed the neanderthal in the cave had all the physical research the difference between our age in the stone age is entirely the growth of knowledge and that is learning economic growth is learning and that cannot be guaranteed finding out things you don't already know. any guarantee prohibits learnin learning. >> isn't that the grand irony that the decisions are based on science and knowledge? when in fact, it's not about
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ideologies. >> so really in my new book life after google, i do a criticism of global marxism. >> what is that? . >> his real mistake was to imagine the industrial revolution with those turbines and factories and the beginning of electricityty represents the final human achievement of productivity. so what would matter but the redistributionst. but google comes back today to say the search engine or machine learning or artificial intelligence or robotics or
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biotech the ultimate human attainment in the future most of us could retire. others fly off to remote planets with elon musk with the winner take all universe. this is the belief bill buckley calls the eschaton the final things are the final days and each generation imagines their vision whether railroads or spaceflight or artificial intelligence is the final attainment.
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and really this is what socialism is about that what we have now is all we w will get we know as much as we need to know to plan the entire future and that is fundamentallyly fundamental to human creativity. >> so this google marxism cuts across all the platforms? facebook or twitter what about silicon valley? you reference that? . >> there are a lot of philosophers and when they pronounce these issues they imagine the technology is ultimate and actually usurps human minds. my friend introduced the concept of the singularity the
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moment when computer exceeds human minds on all dimensions. at that point the technology produces new machines with a cascade that leaves humans far behind. that is not parsable one - - possible because artificial intelligence is a machine. if machines surprise you they are breaking down. they are deterministic by definitionfi so with the information theory information is not determined by the machine it is the creativity of capitalism.
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>> so machines have masters? . >> back in 1931 for any logical scheme including a computer or anything is necessarily dependent on the axioms outside the box that any machine is necessarily dependent with the creativity and surprise outside the box. >> do machines have judgment? . >> know. nott really they can repeat or imitate by human beings bed every symbol has to be defined
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by a human interpreter. so the whole idea these machines are shuffling symbols without providers in itself is delusional and i think it's ironic of this brilliant computer scientist of silicon valley loses track of the essence of their science with artificial intelligence to refute these original insights that make computers dependent on human input. >> if we understand macro technology it is continued evolution of the economy.
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it's not as big of a change between agriculture factories with a complete transformation of the global economy it exceeded the impact and drama with the introduction of robotics of those existing robots running those existing factories.s. but on the other hand, it is exciting these new machines that are generated and like all previous machines , increase employment. human beings are not employed because they are unproductive but because theyhe are productive. so machines that render human beings more productive make
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them more employable, not less the whole fantasy in silicon valley that artificial intelligence will destroy jobs the artificial intelligence ai learning everybody g believes that but it is nonsense they all enhance creativity and human capabilities to make humans more employable with more exciting jobs and safer jobs with that expansion of knowledge and wealth. >> who services these? engineers, mechanics or people who develop software or hardwar hardware. when we come back i want to ask you about the crypto cause
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him it is a big word with a lot of meaning and i went to tell you that google one day will be passé? there is technology that will leapfrog and this is fascinating. don't forget almost every night you can watch me on television to t3. levintv going new places. anytime. rewarded! learn more at the explorer card dot com.
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take prilosec otc and take control of heartburn. so you don't have to stash antacids here... here... or here. kick your antacid habit with prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn.
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[ready forngs ] christmas? no, it's way too early to be annoyed by christmas. you just need some holiday spirit!
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that's it! this feud just went mobile. with xfinity xfi you get the best wifi experience at home. and with xfinity mobile, you get the best wireless coverage for your phone.'re about to find out! you don't even know where i live... hello! see the grinch in theaters by saying "get grinch tickets" into your xfinity x1 voice remote. a guy just dropped this off. he-he-he-he. . mark: george mark: life after google. so you feel we are on the precipice of leapfrogging these technologies like google and twitter you use the word crypto cause of. can you explain? . >> the internet needs a new security architecture anybody knows that. the constant demand for
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usernames of past words and pins mother made a name all that apparatus of security defeats itself on the internetea today. . >> what is the purpose of all of that? . >> supposedly to stop fraud and create a basis for transactions on the internet it wasn't designed for transactions but e-mail and hyper texting and communications first protocol and since it is becoming a commercial engine it needs security first protocol so to
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virtually you have to strip naked to complete a transaction you have to know usernames and passwords for the hundreds and thousands of possible webpages so it is just the absurd system that is cumbersome with that poorest pyramid were all the money and the power rises to the top like google and facebook or whatever. t17 is a new security first instead of you losing one - - using usernames and passwords instead you have a particular identity established on the
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block chain database through time. mark: what is a block chain? . >> the immutable database distributed across the internet rather than have all your data in some data warehouse in the cloud instead iall of that is distributed so any hacker who had asked one computer can gain nothing because that information is distributed across the network you have to capture 51 percent of all the nodes on the network to defraud. >> you have the bulk of information but the bits and
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pieces are in different parts so that is somebody hacked this part? if they hacked this they don't have enough for that part. >> to hack the entire block chain which includes your identification and that time spans one - - the timestamp is distributed with the entire block chain and the mathematical form and those nodes are constantly communicating with one another. to capture 51 percent of all those nodes on the internet that is nearly impossible you cannot change anything. it is developed now and
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invented by a few academics but essentially incorporated in 2008 now ten years later it is the heart of what is called the t17 and the embellishments of that are underway today and it is the most exciting thing going on in the world economy like the new internet the new global financial system to be intimated simultaneously today all around the world. mark: now the new financial systemem like that coin what is this? who is behind that? . >> today the existing financial system people don'tli realize it is at the end of the line i wrote about in the scandal of money the biggest
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industry in the economy by far is currency trading shuffling currency back and forth. seventy-three times as big as all trading goods andad services 25 times all global gdp and does not have meaningful monetary value the sole function really is to endow the central banks with the capability of generating money with that doomsday $250 trillion of debt on the world economy the system will not be viable over the future
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so those of the most brilliant entrepreneurs are creating a new monetary system it is public and private it is ubiquitous and starts with a bit coin which as i explained in my book has various flaws which means it will not be in its current form. trying to create a new goal and that is the one monetary element that is endured through the centuries and has been the monetary premise for
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those areas of industrialop development and the history of the world the great miracle of capitalism founded on many one - - money identified as coil - - gold and trying to create a new digital goal now there are thousands of people trying to accomplish this goal and when they do once again they will restore money on the real basis to allow it to be a measuring stick rather than a magic wand. mark: we will be right back. we saved hundreds
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on our car insurance when we switched to geico. this is how it made me feel. it was like that feeling when you're mowing the lawn on a sunny day... ...and without even trying, you end up with one last strip
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that's exactly the width of your mower. when you're done, it looks so good you post a picture on social media. and it gets 127 likes. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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mark:. >> life of america's news headquarters 300 million-mile journey has ended nasa insight probe is less than a day away from landing on mars this will be the first mars landing since curiosity in 2012 it will measure the internal temperature looking for possible mars? it is scheduled to land afternoon.
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a massive snowstorm today across the midwest canceling more than 1000 flights and shutting down highways on the busiest travel day of the year. winter storm blizzard warnings across the central plains and great lakes 1 foot or more of snow was the hardest hit areas conditions are expected to improve tomorrow. now back to "life, liberty & levin". mark: so george, people will think that these are not abstractions these are realities realities? so this is the new form of international currency or this new form of communication and technology it is called cryptocosm? so what does this mean exactly
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and how does society react to such a thing? it is rather revolutionary. >> it is revolutionary but it restores the individual identity at the heart of the economy and allows fax and the truth to be established on the internet it makes the individual paramount to exhaust the human mind the creative forces in the world the most powerful intellectual entity in the history of the universe paramount people talk about artificial intelligence usurping the mind but when big blue defeated kasparov in ches chess, he was using
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between 12 and 14 watts of energy. big blue was using gigawatts billions of watts linked to other database all across the world w economy. the human mind is all that created all that provided any intelligence the human mind is the ultimate creative force in the image of their creator and this is the heart of what the cryptocosm does to reestablish the individual creator at the heart of the system rather than having a great system of database in the cloud. mark: it's all about government? .
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>> government is very importantrt it provides the information theory that is a predictable carrier for the creative and surprising contributions of capitalism that predictable system of family and morality and regulation and law legitimized by the genius of the constitution and the founders. the character that allows unpredictable surprises of creativity. mark: bit coin is different? . >> this guarantees when you guarantee something you prohibitso learning that is a
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process where it has to be falsifiable and disprove and if it is guaranteed by the government to stifle economic growth. >> i never understood the debate of net neutrality it sounds counterintuitive. >> it is price controls for the internet. with all those various bits and bytes are treated equally across the internet depending on how much bandwidth there is so if you have the best content for the internet, you
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want it to be on everybody's conduit you don't want to restrict it one particular set but if you have the best communication system and everybody's content, there is no incentive to twist or suppress or allocate unless it is scarce what makes it scarce are the laws of net neutrality that impose price control across the internet with every connection so companies like at&t or time warner t or verizon or the "huffington post"
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rather than focusing on the huge opportunities to provide bandwidth for the ever expanding cryptocosm. mark: see you say leave it alone you don't know what you're talking about? . >> pretty much. mark: don't forget weeknights we love to have you over at levintv for my program on the digital tv show. t join us. we will be right back. capital one is anything but typical. that's why we designed capital one cafes. you can get savings and checking accounts with
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. mark: apple, amazon, the
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greatest corporations in the world but in ten years they may not be? . >> ten yearsrs t ago the biggest corporations by market cap for exxon, walmart, petroleum bank for china and the commercial bank of china ten years later the top four companies in the world apple, amazon, google and microsoft by market cap so who would have predicted that? i think in the next ten years it will be a similar turnover and cryptocosm companies will dominate the list of the top market caps. mark: that is your industrial revolution point we are in a constant state depending on
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the extent of the government for socialism or communism they are police states. but the b freer society progress and liberty and quality under the rules of law is that right quick. >> absolutely. surprisecommodate and surprise to a socialist is a non- interruption of the plan. >> a successful economy depends on the proliferation to have a large class of risk taking men to shed those channels of their easy life to create new enterprise and invest again do you think the
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country today most people still believe that? . y> if the polls indicate young people are estranged from capitalism i think largely because of the great government effort to guarantee the future through the student loan program one.$5 trillion guaranteed money for students those are not really loans. loans require a bank to scrutinize with the intelligent learning process this is guaranteed money for the university system that took the money and ran
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students ended up paying just as much as before but all of the prices went up faster than any other product it is one of the great scandals 's of recent decades the it shows the effects of government attempt to guarantee stuff. if you guarantee stuff you stifle learning and produce failure. mark: take an example climate change. is this why you never have an honest debate because now you are a denier? you can discuss science shuts down knowledgend and debate. >> and their other examples you are not allowed to debate. climate change is a relative
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phenomenon. climate is constantly changing however the roman. the medieval climate option by most evidences substantially hotter than it is today so to say climate change is a big threat today when previous episodes of globall warming was regarded as optimal so it is bizarre the effort to suppress that this is a way to blame trump or republicans for the weather has the left ever
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developed the ingenious strateg strategy? people are always this dissatisfied with the weather we had dust bowls in the thirties when the temperatures were just about as high as today. the weather is always changing and then you have big political issues. mark: knowledge and anti- knowledge with the left we will be right back. - [narrator] meet the ninja foodi,
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. mark: george, you have the israel test. what is that? . >> book i wrote five or six years ago that focused on his real as the academy of a successful society it is really the most successful technological country in the world. most of american companies are dependent on israeli laboratory inventionss and that
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cryptocosm really began in israel when they visited the country to find out he was an advocate of bit coin and master coins and colored coins as they call them, and established which has since produced $20 billion of new initial coin offerings in the last 12 months which really solves this 90 percent drop of initial public. >> because israel is creative in the image of their creator it is really the epitome of a creative capitalist country that's why it is hated and
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there is so much hostility there is no other reason. >> it used to be a socialist economy quick. >> they turn that around under netanyahu it is now flourishing capitalist economy despite big government burden imposed of those military defenses which they have got to maintain so essentially the question of the israel test is do you admire success to emulate success and achievement or do envy that and resent that? they admire other successful people that want to emulatewa them. the failures look at success and resent that and that is
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the great divide across the world economy a sum that up as the israel test. mark: we will be right back.
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mark: pork: george, we will do the impossible year but in the one minute andhe a half where you saved this country in ten years? >> life after google. it is dominated by an entirely new architecture of the internet and entirely new basis for global money and entirely new financial system. it's transformed america as one of our recent presidents described it, only transformed the way that restores the right and identity of individuals that understand that the one
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paramount source of creativity in the world economy is the human mind. it's modeled on the distribution of the human mind. the human mind is not all conglomerated in a few clouds. it is distributed around the world and what determines whether a society succeeded or fail is whether the they accommodate the surprising providential creativity of human beings creative in the image of their creator. thatf is really the great issue. i think that cryptic has a endowed individuals, once again, with control over their content and control over their identity and with avenues for their aspiration and creativity.
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mark: should not. we should embrace it. it's been a great pleasure. >> thank you so much, mark. mark: see you next time on "life, liberty and levin". let's go.


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