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tv   Fox and Friends First  FOX News  November 28, 2018 1:00am-2:00am PST

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>> you plan to illegally or illegally to cross? >> any way is the same. >> keeping them here. >> wednesday, november 28th, this is "fox and friends first". happening at 4:00 am of fox news alert. the migrant caravan laying out a list of demands as fox news speaks exclusively to some who say they are crossing the border no matter what. we are live in tijuana.
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donald trump ripping into the russia probe and getting back up from robert mueller at latest target. the interview you will only see right here. >> the hockey puck fits well into your briefcase or backpack, doesn't role around. heather: sticks and stones break my bones but what about hockey pucks? for school facing off active shooters with sports equipment. "fox and friends first" starts right now. ♪ trumpets they go ♪ ♪ trumpets they go ♪ ♪ trumpets they go ♪ heather: beautiful live shot of new york city, little chill in the air but that is okay because christmas decorations are up all
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over the city. you are watching "fox and friends first" on wednesday morning, thank you for starting the day with us. let's begin with that fox news alert. migrants at the nation's border demanding faster asylum proceedings and the end to all deportations, griff jenkins live on the ground in tijuana where officials are pleading for help on a humanitarian crisis. what is the latest? >> reporter: immigrants, 6000 of them are getting restless but so is the government of tijuana. the county official told us about the 5800 that are housed here, 200 more yesterday and he says they don't have the resources and organizers for what he calls something else.
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>> the leaders that were promising the great american dream coming through, they are noticing that. >> it is costing the tijuana government $30,000 a day to house these migrants in the sports stadium but they issued a list of demands, they want to carry out deportations and speed up the asylum process and want the new government to help them with their plight. they want the names of those reporting already, 100 or more, 24 hour protection, i spoke to one of the migrants named louis and he says he's coming one way or the other. >> anyways the same. if i don't go, to do something bad i go to work. work is work.
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here, there, anywhere. >> reporter: kiersten -- kirstjen neilsen says that's not a reason for asylum. >> 90% of those making asylum claims are not making a claim that can be honored under the statutory framework of the united states. it is not a valid reason for asylum. if you're coming to get a job that is not a claim for asylum. if you're coming to be with your family that's not a claim for asylum. >> reporter: officials say as many as 1000, 22000 are on their way today. shannon: heather: you were 10,000 ultimately last night. and back calls to support your the border by building a wall and closing the loophole. brit hume says the president
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can't do it alone and congress needs to act now. >> the president says this all the time. if you don't have the border you don't have a country. that is indisputably true and his promise to halt the flow of illegal immigrants into the country is a perfectly reasonable thing to promise. you get into the question of whether we should have a better immigration policy to handle this attempt by people to get asylum we need that but he can't reset into being, that is the responsibility of congress which has been struggling with this issue for decades and has not been able to reach any compromise. >> little to no action on passing sweeping legislation, and you heard brit hume say congress has yet to overcome. the other big story donald trump tearing into the russia probe, say robert mueller has gone rogue.
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fox news with the so-called perjury trap, washington responds. lots of development on this yesterday. >> if you thought the mueller probe faded away is back with a vengeance thanks to jerome corsi and what he knew about the wikileaks documents. perjury trap, completely rigged and politically driven by clinton operatives who have an agenda. if you can't give them what they need to fill their narrative they blow you up and charged with a crime. >> a torrent of tweets including the latest one, quote, the
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mueller witchhunt is a total disgrace, >> the president had robert mueller doing his job for the last two years and could have taken action at any point and hasn't. he has no intent to do anything. >> reporter: this as senate republicans gauge support for a bill to protect the probe trying to defuse a fight with jeff flake who is holding up dozens of judicial nominees in an effort to keep the probe intact. this is getting more wild. i can't believe i just said that because it was wild to begin with. heather: we will talk about it
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later. the future of the special counsel's probe will rest in the hands of the incoming attorney general and former us attorney joe did jennifer says the first order of business should be ending the investigation and firing the person overseeing it. >> the mueller investigation has failed utterly to produce evidence of collusion between the russian government and the trump campaign or donald trump himself. what they are doing is they are in spasms of vindictive prosecution, unethical prosecutions just to get somebody, to get something, to get close to the president. it is outrageous with one of the first things he should do, the new attorney general after being sworn in his have a meeting with mister mueller, find out what is going on, where he is going and when he is going to end. this investigation by mueller is unconstitutional, founded on no crime, it was created by rod rosenstein because he is a
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gutless duplicitous failure of the deputy attorney general and the new attorney general should fire rosenstein asap. heather: democrats have been fighting the appointment of matthew whitaker feeling he will close the case on the russian collusion. back to politics the election, history is made. cindy hyde smith becomes the first woman from mississippi elected to congress with a republican senator previously appointed to the position won the seat for the next six years beating out mike espy in a runoff election, she is flying to washington this morning and we have a live report on her historic win coming up later in this hour. switching back to russia paul manafort firing back after reports surfaced he met with julian assange several times, sources telling the guardian the
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two met in the ecuadorian embassy before wikileaks released democratic email stolen by russian intelligence officers which manafort says the report is, quote, totally false and deliberately libelous, it comes as the judge delays willing to unseal alleged us, charges against assange. the us is not confirmed or denied the charges and a report by the new york times revealed manafort has been giving donald trump's legal teams update on the mueller russia probe. much more on all this. ukraine is asking donald trump's help to deliver a message to vladimir putin. >> the situation has come. the russians will pay a huge price. >> reporter: the request comes
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days after russian forces attack 3 ukrainian ships in the crimean see wounding 6 sailors. donald trump tells the washington post he may cancel his upcoming g 20 summit meeting saying, quote, i don't like that aggression. donald trump and canadian prime minister trudeau discussed the plan to cut 14,000 jobs. trudeau tweeted they will continue to discuss gm and other trade issues heading into this week's xx summit. donald trump is threatening to cut federal subsidies as the automaker makes plans to stop production at plants through the us and canada. our first and second lady starting the holiday season making care packages for our troops. >> very thankful for the men and women in uniform who protect not only the american people but our freedom and way of life. heather: milania trump and karen
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pens with comfort kits filled with snacks and toiletries, the packages will be sent to troops in iraq, poland and kuwait. fox news alert, the doj vowing to appeal a judge's ruling blocking donald trump's asylum been. our next guest says the asylum process is a mess and is open to abuse, how she says we can fix it is coming up. no talking on the phone, no noise from your room, the extreme list of roommate demands now going viral. ♪ that's what it is all about ♪ ♪ moving out ♪ longer than the buffalo wing's been around. dozen wings. and did you know that geico... (lips smacking) offers mo... (coughing) motorcycle insurance? ho-ho... my lips are burning. (laughs) ah...
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no, my lips are actually burning. geico. over 75 years of savings and service. see how much you could save at it's too hot. oh, this is too hot, mate.
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who we are as people and making everybody feel welcome. ordering custom ink t-shirts has been a really smart decision for our business. - [narrator] custom ink has hundreds of products and free shipping. upload your logo or start your design today at heather: the trump administration issued their response to the obama appointed judge who blocked the president's asylum order after
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homeland security confirms all migrants seeking asylum are not qualified. >> 90% of those making asylum claims are not making the claim that can be honored under the statutory framework in the united states. if you're coming to get a job that is not a claim for asylum. if you're coming to meet your family that is not asylum. >> joining us with expert insight is author of the broken welcome mat, and immigration policy fellow at the centennial institute. thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. heather: let's look at this. there has been a steady rise in asylum applications according to the department of justice. you can look at the comparison between 2015 all the way to 2017. we heard what secretary kirstjen neilsen said does not qualify for asylum, just looking for a job or be with your family. what does qualify if you are seeking asylum in the united
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states? >> according to the united nations definition asylum-seekers are people who are either being persecuted or feared to be persecuted based on political, religion or any other reason but economic reasons, poverty or violence, those things do not qualify for asylum-seekers. heather: if you take the latest group of migrants moving through mexico, they were offered asylum in mexico but they turned it down. is that an indication to you that they are concentrating just on the united states for reasons other than those you just gave? >> absolutely. the majority, only a tiny percentage of this group are qualified for traditional
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definition of asylum seekers and most of them are economic migrants, not qualified for asylum and they know that too and they come to take advantage of the system, to get into the united states, take advantage of current federal law and once they get into the united states, it takes forever for their case to be processed. >> you say the asylum process is a mess, subject to abuse, what do we need to do to fix it? >> there's a lot of fraud and an industry to coach people who claim asylum with stories depending where they are coming from. we should do a couple things. this is the only channel, we do not have a quota. we will process as many as we can.
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number 2 is currently asylum-seekers once they are approved need to qualify for work visas so we need to limit those benefits and the process is simple. many asylum-seekers go to court to approve their case and other legal immigrants have scrutinies so we probably have to increase more scrutiny about asylum claims. heather: thank you so much, we really appreciate your insights and we will follow it and see what happens. the time is 19 minutes after the top of the hour. history in mississippi, cindy hyde smith, the first woman elected to congress, and nancy
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pelosi wants to be house speaker again. most americans don't feel the same way. carly shimkus with reaction to the new polling out this morning. ♪ why can't we be friends ♪ why can't we be friends ♪ this isn't just any moving day.
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in a two-hour window so you're up and running in no time. show me decorating shows. this is staying connected with xfinity to make moving... simple. easy. awesome. stay connected while you move with the best wifi experience and two-hour appointment windows. click, call or visit a store today. heather: democrats will decide who will be the next speaker of the house. will be nancy pelosi? most americans don't want that to happen. carly shimkus with fox news headlines is here with reaction online. >> reporter: she said she's the right woman for the job but according to a new poll by a majority of americans disagree, 60% say she should not lead democrats in
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2019, 40% say she should become speaker. despite being the first woman to lead congress a majority of female respondents said she the liability for democrats. a lot of people on social media are weighing in. she has got donald trump's vote. margie says this is one poll that is's point is she is part of the swamp and she needs to go. the latest poll numbers are better than a poll released in august which had her at 73% of voters said she should not be house speaker but let's switch gears completely and talk about the long list of extreme roommate requirements. >> we heard about demanding roommates but this person may take the cake.
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a 12 point lists of specific rules one person sends to a potential roommate in london is going viral. if you like to use the bathroom at 8:30 in the morning this apartment is not for you. we pooled specific roommate requirements. one of them is if you all you is canned beans and drink beer i need someone a little more sophisticated. another says if you have to run to the toilet 15 minutes a day or every 15 minutes don't move here and i do not want to hear noise coming from your room at all. going viral a lot of people talking about it. almost got a panic attack from reading it. another twitter user saying this person needs to live by themselves because they don't want someone else to do any living there, there are more rules than my mom's house. i wonder why this person is
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looking for a roommate. >> we should follow up on this story. >> donald from slamming robert mueller and his, quote, gang of angry democrats as the plea deal breaks down. is all of this politically motivated? david bruno says there are several factors next. ivanka trump walked in and students walked out. the protest over the first daughter's visit. today is the day you're going to get motivated... get stronger... get closer. start listening today to the world's largest selection of audiobooks on audible. and now, get more. for just $14.95 a month, you'll get a credit a month good for any audiobook, plus two audible originals exclusive titles you can't find anywhere else. if you don't like a book, you can exchange it any time,
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no questions asked. automatically roll your credits over to the next month if you don't use them. with the free audible app, you can listen anytime, and anywhere. plus for the first time ever, you'll get access to exclusive fitness programs a $95 value free with membership. start a 30-day trial today and your first audiobook is free. cancel anytime and your books are yours to keep forever. audible. the most inspiring minds. the most compelling stories. text "listen16" to 500500 to start your free trial today.
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heather: a historic when overnight, cindy hyde smith becoming the first mississippi woman elected to congress.
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leland that it is live in washington dc where republicans control the senate 53-47. >> reporter: good morning. by now by no means a filibuster proof majority but mitch mcconnell has a little more wiggle room on the closest of those which makes things like approving judicial nominees a lot easier. look at the race board, cindy hyde smith won by 8 points which is less than donald trump's 18 point victory in mississippi in 2016. he tweeted congratulations to cindy hyde smith on your big win in mississippi. we are all very proud of you. >> this win tonight, this victory is about our conservative values, the things that mean the most to all of us mississippians, faith, family, this is things i will take to washington dc, to represent all of mississippi, and our fight for it. every single day.
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>> reporter: former clinton cabinet member, and earlier in the night easy best buy conceded earlier than expected. >> not the result we were hoping for. this historic campaign. i am grateful for the support we received across mississippi. >> if he invited me to a public hanging i would be in the front row, changing dynamic in the state but will serve to washington for the remaining two years of the senate seat left empty by the retirement of ailing senator cochran. heather: thank you so much. some other stories we are
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following. investigators find a body in the search for a missing north carolina teenager. the fbi says the same county where aguilar was abducted earlier this month. the body has not been identified. the family was notified of the discovery, she was last seen being forced into a car by a man happening outside her home. jared kushner will receive the top mexico for foreigners, the son-in-law getting admitted to the order of the aztec for his, quote, significant contributions to a new north american trade agreement. outgoing mexican president expected to present the award tomorrow at the g 20 summit in argentina. milania trump will shine a spotlight on the opioid epidemic and will speak at a townhall
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event in virginia. the homeland security and health and human services secretary will participate and we will need jerry falwell junior live on the 8:00 hour of "fox and friends". donald trump railing against the special counsel on twitter questioning why robert mueller has not looked into the dnc server hack or hillary clinton's missing emails but mueller is ramping up pressure for paul manafort. joining me to break this down is david bruno, thank you for joining us, a lot to get through. in the guardian claiming he met with julian assigned -- assange on 3 occasions, the last of which was when he timed out for the trump campaign. >> he has come out publicly.
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heather: let's bring out his statement, and other things. >> mister manafort does not have a lot of credibility at the moment but the timing of this is interesting because he has been cooperating, the mueller team taking back the cooperation and benefits he would have gotten. lou: did the plea agreement, the timing of the guardian report is interesting, new york times article, the manafort legal team is sharing information. it is not illegal but it is something that would make a prosecutor irritated and angry no doubt because in essence sharing information about what the mueller team was looking
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into, the timing of this is interesting. jerome corsi has come to the forefront talking about how he has been treated by the mueller team. >> he felt the mueller team is trying to force him to lie. >> saying i couldn't give them what they wanted so they are accusing him of lying. those are concrete examples that are fueling these tweets talking about the witchhunt and the way people are treated. we have the manafort issue coming out, the corsi issue coming out. heather: you can't forget general flynn and george papadopoulos accused of giving false statements. heather: he tried to take back his deal before going to wisconsin federal prison this week. this is what trump is talking about, calling the witchhunt and getting into concrete examples of how people are saying they
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have been treated. heather: if you don't give the mueller team the information they need, then you are accused of lying and run into all this trouble. >> especially when we are talking about the trump campaign because that is what manafort could have delivered. if he was a valuable witness to mueller's team it is hard to believe they would take the deal back. if there was a rift it probably happened when they learned they were exchanging information with the trump legal team and relied on misrepresentation or lies to get out of the deal. we will know more about that because the government will have to show they are acting in good faith to reach this plea deal and the judge will get information on this allegation to determine if they can take the cooperation view away and sentenced paul manafort. heather: requested a sentencing date.
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heather: paul manafort signed up for 10 years, up to 17.5 years is what is at play. if he has the plea he could go to jail for a long time on two counts of this, not to mention eight count in virginia. heather: julian assange has denied the meeting ever happened as well with paul manafort. >> he has. there was news out of virginia of an indictment against julian assange. the corsi stone assange manafort thing starting to come together a little bit and seeing this more clearly. heather: a lot more on that throughout the day. thank you, appreciate it. lots to break down. fox news alert, the deadliest day for us forces in afghanistan this year, three servicemembers killed, three others wounded. a grim shadow cast over the 17
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year war. >> the majority said let's give it to our family, $6 billion. heather: office pool wins big, what they did with their megamillion winnings that will make your morning. ♪
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jillian: julie: taliban claiming responsibility for roadside bombing that killed 3 american servicemembers, jennifer griffin has more on the deadliest attack on us troops in afghanistan in more than a year. >> reporter: the attack comes after an elite army ranger killed battling al qaeda fighters in afghanistan near the border with iran returns home, his flag draped coffin landed at
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dover air force base just before midnight. he was killed during his third combat deployment to afghanistan. >> our thoughts and prayers to the loved ones, the united states is grateful for their service and in debt of their sacrifice. >> reporter: hours later roadside bomb killed 3 american troops and wounded another three troops and an american contractor, just a few days ago the top us commander in afghanistan was photographed caring his rifle during a routine meeting with local leaders, a deterrent message that raised eyebrows a month after general miller found himself in the midst of a firefight, a symbol of how dangerous this area close to the capital has become. wounded americans flown by helicopter to a us military hospital. the pentagon is withholding the names of those killed and wounded away from next of kin notification, 79 troops severely wounded in afghanistan this year, 12 americans killed in combat. after 17 years of war us
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strategy in afghanistan hinges on the efforts of a former us ambassador to afghanistan trying to negotiate with the taliban and. jennifer griffin, fox news. jillian: how do you stop the bad guy with a gun? a school in michigan says use a hockey puck. >> hockey coach for my kids when growing up. hockey puck hurts. it fits really well into your briefcase or backpack, doesn't rollaround. heather: 800 pucks have been sent to oakland university faculty members in a case of a potential active shooter. another 1700 will go to students. this has been a talker on our facebook page, good idea, bring out hockey pucks to a gunfight. stephen says better be a good quick strategic throw or luckily stop a bullet. let us know what you think.
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students as young as 10 years old protesting a visit by ivanka trump and tim cook, high school students walked out of class complaining about the ipad's apple donated to the low income idaho school district because they reduce interactions with teachers. outside the school a group of 30 protested the trump administration as others supported him. how about this? the top baby names for 2018 are out and so sophia is the top choice for girls for the ninth straight year. jackson most popular boy name according to the baby center. other names getting traction this year, beverly and ila, leo and carson. the time is 15 until the top of the hour, amazon making big news. the online giants now wants to get a look at your medical records. helping our heroes across
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america, an urgent need for donations honoring our servicemembers this holiday season and they join us live next. ♪ makes a sacrifice ♪ today is the day you're going to get motivated...
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get stronger... get closer. start listening today to the world's largest selection of audiobooks on audible. and now, get more. for just $14.95 a month, you'll get a credit a month good for any audiobook, plus two audible originals exclusive titles you can't find anywhere else. if you don't like a book, you can exchange it any time, no questions asked. automatically roll your credits over to the next month if you don't use them. with the free audible app, you can listen anytime, and anywhere. plus for the first time ever, you'll get access to exclusive fitness programs a $95 value free with membership.
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start a 30-day trial today and your first audiobook is free. cancel anytime and your books are yours to keep forever. audible. the most inspiring minds. the most compelling stories. text "listen5" to 500500 to start your free trial today. heather: 10 minutes until the top of the hour. amazon is offering a new way to cut costs, not on shipping but medical treatment. tracy carrasco here with how the online giant wants to come your medical records. what is this about? >> reporter: amazon's latest effort to get into the healthcare industry. amazon will reportedly start offering a software that can my medical records for information.
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this software will reportedly scan digital medical records and pull out data from that. healthcare professionals can use this when determining treatments. hospitals can use this to cut down on costs, this comes as other tech companies have been trying to get into the healthcare industry, google, apple doing things with medical records as well. heather: from human health to man's best friends, your dog, to tell you about. >> reporter: this is a serious one, sunshine mills voluntarily recalling some dog food because of high levels of vitamin d. here are the brands they are recalling. evolved puppy, sportsman pride, puppy triumph, chicken and rice dog food. symptoms your dog might have if they have high levels of vitamin d are pretty serious, vomiting, loss of appetite, excessive drooling, weight loss, the success of vitamin d can lead to serious health issues in dogs. if you have this dog food stop
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using it, you can throw it out or return it to where you bought it. jillian: they are voluntarily recalling several brands. heather: every year, reach across america on his heroes by laying 200 reefs across the country. with days until the deadline there is an urgent need for donations to make sure each servicemembers remembered. joining us to explain how we can help is community relations director bree king, thank you for taking time to join us. >> good to see you. >> reporter: tell us about the need as it stands right now. >> we are running a shortfall. 253,000 veterans at arlington national cemetery and we are halfway there currently.
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donations to come in, $15 and reefs across to make a donation and we ask people about their holiday difference this year and consider a gift of $15 for a fallen servicemember and consider giving a gift. heather: is arlington and cemeteries across the country. >> yes, 1500 participating locations. if anyone is interested in donating or volunteering, go to our website and find a location near them. heather: there are certain events you are holding that you can tell people about. >> we have two exciting events this weekend. the first time we are advancing our mission to normandy to remember, honor and teach, important to us and our founder.
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this has been for a long time since 1992, we were able to make that happen this year yesterday and today and donated all 9387, such a patriotic thing, once our fallen service members families and veterans, a special occasion. heather: while that is going on in france, in new jersey there is something going on. >> coming back full circle to the pretty state park just across the hudson which is given to us so we will be placing a
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freedom reefs at the liberators monument at 8:00 am if anyone would like to join us and we will be honored to have a holocaust survivor join us as well, she is such a special lady, she sees our servicemembers as her angels. she has been with us today. heather: great work you in the organization does. thank you for joining us and once again everyone at home can head to breathe across thank you, we appreciate it, merry christmas. 8 minutes until the top of the hour and one of the most notable names from the democrats in 2020 just made his decision. what andrew cuomo is saying
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about a run for the white house. the grinch who stole christmas for real who stole the family's decoration off their front lawn. ♪ the very next day ♪ you gave it away ♪ this year ♪ and 4% on entertainment. now when you go out, you cash in. what's in your wallet? ..
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heather: count him out, andrew cuomo says he will not run for president in 2020. >> i ruling it out.
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i ran for governor, i have a full plate, i have many projects. i'm going to be here doing the job of governor. heather: governor cuomo and donald trump will meet in washington to talk about federal funding for a new railway tunnel. vermont senator bernie sanders slamming donald from while promoting his new book. the independent lawmaker telling the crowd at george washington university he was so depressed after the election he didn't leave his house. >> how could secretary clinton have lost to a man who was a pathological liar, a sexist, racist, zeno phobia, homophobe and bigot? all over the country people were scratching their heads saying how did that happen? >> reporter: sanders said the president's when helped inspire him to write his book where we go from here, two years in the resistance.
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time now for the good, the bad and the ugly. up first the good. a selfless group giving $10,000 lotto prize to coworkers in need. >> we never thought we would win anything at all. let's give it to our coworkers, our family. >> reporter: they won the money from the mega millions ticket. they work at mercy children's hospital in st. louis, missouri. a real life grinch caught on camera taking christmas decorations off of a florida home with his family inside. he drove away without any loot when they confronted him, still on the run. the ugly, this little guy is the root of grocery store drama in the uk. fights over the new kevin the carrot toys. one shopper describes the carrot chaos as worse than black friday.
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that reps its hour of "fox and friends first". today's the day of the national christmas tree lighting in washington dc and rockefeller center tree down the street from here. see you back here tomorrow, "fox and friends first" continues, goodbye. >> 2000 on the way over here. >> do you plan to go legally or illegally to cross? >> it is the same. jillian: fox news alert, hundreds of migrants waiting for their shot across the border. rob: the list of demands the migrants are demanding are making. we are live in tijuana. jillian: cindy hyde smith the first woman elected to congress. rob: the president just waiting. also this. did you see this? you are going


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