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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  December 2, 2018 10:00am-11:00am PST

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♪ the united states virgin islands. arthel: from her nation's capitol to the state of texas, funeral preparation underway to honor president george h.w. bush. leland: this as people turn out from the bush family home in texas, summer home in maine in the presidential library in texas to pay their respects to the 41st president of the united states. live pictures of the flags at half staff at the library in college station. you can see the crowds they are
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already gathering. as we learn more and more about the legacy of president george h.w. bush, and the 41st president come in so many americans gathering to say thank you as well as pay their respects were legacy for service and for his example. from washington, nice to be with you now on this sunday as we continue to remember the president of leland vittert. eboni: and i am eboni k. williams. rick leventhal in houston standing by with the latest. reporter: we are learning more about the final moments of george h.w. bush surrounded by a small group of friends and family and clergy inside his home friday night just a few minutes from here. his final words were to his son george w. on a speakerphone and his son told him he been a wonderful dad and daddy loved him and bush 41 told his son i love you too in the past not long after that. the president's son neil was also in the room at the time and he spoke last night about how close both of his parents were
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to the city. >> they love the people here. anybody that would ask my dad even when he was in a wheelchair for a picture, he would stop them graciously, you know, he would treat everybody the same, with the same amount of respect. he loves houston. reporter: the president has now been moved here to this funeral home which is now surrounded by barricades and more than a dozen houston police officers and police vehicles. try the president will be moved to washington d.c. thinks to a lift from the white house. >> will be sending air force one, which is a special tribute he deserves very much in my honor and again held events. he'll be greatly missed. >> president bush will lie in state in the capitol rotunda for
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38 hours until 7:00 a.m. wednesday which has been declared a national day of mourning. top markets closed in congress will hold off on voting folksingers that on a funeral service held at the national cathedral for president trump inversely to melania are expected with former president and scores of other dignitaries and had to stay and afterwards george h.w. bush will return home for a family funeral. saint martin's episcopal church on thursday morning that afternoon he'll be buried at college station home to the bush library alongside his wife, barbara and daughter, robin who died of leukemia as a child. today expect it to be quiet. eboni and leyland, reserved for close friends. eboni: thank you so much. train two months the president arrives here in washington, president george h.w. bush will lie at the capitol for a funeral service on when day. gillian turner here with more details planned for so long and now realizing how this is going to play out.
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>> lots of preparation for president bush's remembered server is are in full swing here in the nation's capitol and in texas. over the coming four days events will unfold like this, monday december 3rd. remains will be transferred in houston to washington d.c. aboard air force one. he will live date of the u.s. capital through sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. watched over by a guard of honor. it is customary for former presidents to lay in state in the u.s. capital to honor their passing. presidents gerald ford and ronald reagan were given honor. the president richard nixon did not when he passed away in 1994. visitors to the capital might not behave respect fully in light of the scandal that had developed in the administration. president bush will moving on and be transported to washington national cathedral were funeral service will begin at 11:00 a.m. following that he'll be flown back to houston, texas in the
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afternoon where he will lie in repose at saint martin's episcopal church through day. on thursday morning at 10:00 p.m., there will be -- 10:00 a.m. there will be a funeral service by his family, friends, staff and officials who serve in his administration. service will be fun to texas a&m university in the afternoon to be interned at the george president -- president george w. bush library. to honor president bush over the coming days will be bipartisan. something has advisers say he'd appreciate. >> we badly need to bring some civility back into our public discourse and into our politics. george bush had a congress that was totally controlled by democrats. the entire time of his presidency he had a democratic house and a democratic senate. and look what it got done. >> perhaps a message for the 100 xt and congress here as they
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look ahead to their january agenda. leland: you can imagine over the coming days as we hear the eulogies after the tributes for president bush there'll be a lot of messages that could resonate here and be helpful in washington. whether anyone takes the hints are not. we will watch it all together. coverage here throughout the week as well. take so much. eboni: president tried by the white house after a trip for the 20 summit. the temporary truth with china over trade saturday night. ellison barber life right now at the white house with the latest. >> hi, anthony. this is a fire with a specific timeframe. the two sides will try and reach a deal within 90 days. president trump and chinese president xi jinping both considered this in buenos aires to be a highly successful one according to the white house.
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here is what they agreed to according to white house press secretary sarah sanders. president trump agreed starting january 1st he will lead chair of some $200 billion worth of chinese goods instead of raising it to 25% as previously planned. beijing agreed to by in the words of the press secretary -- white house press press secretary sarah sanderson not yet agreed upon the substantial amount of agriculture, energy industrial and other products in the united states to reduce the trade imbalance between china and the u.s. they have reportedly agreed to begin negotiations of structural changes with respect to things like technology transfer, intellectual property rights, non-tariff barriers, cyberintrusion and cybertheft as far as agriculture. the president. the presidents are unable to reach a deal within 90 days the white house says 10% tariffs will then be raised to 25%. on capitol hill today the
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reaction is mixed. >> people like me who've really been concerned about the president stated trade policy can take some encouragement about what happened in the last couple of days. we need to see some real specific figures here. >> decades of cheating on trade rules. the whole point of tariffs is they are a temporary tool to reach a negotiation and to make change with chinese u.s. relationships and what we're doing with trade policy. i am hopeful it is not clear to me yet that the president done this right. >> the white house also says they agreed to list and policy controlled substance. something the white house resident has wanted for a while. sarah sanders scalded a wonderful humanitarian gesture. ebony. eboni: thank you.
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leland: fox news alert as we're learning former fbi director james comey has withdrawn his motion to fight a house subpoena for private deposition. his lawyers say they have reached an agreement with the house judiciary committee for him to testify. this is the tweet from james comey this morning. grateful for a fair hearing from a judge. hard to protect my rights without being in contempt, which i don't believe in. wilted in the dark or republicans agree i'm free to talk when done in transcript released in 24 hours. this is as close as i can get to public testimony which is what he had originally asked for. back now to our top story. former president george h.w. bush was the last world war ii veteran to serve as president. the last combat veteran also to serve as president. his life and legacy honored hibernation and what's remarkable is how bipartisan report is have him. you'd expect the normal kindness
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and memories but it seems to go beyond that to real reverence by those even on the other side of the aisle. eboni: the kinder and gentler nation he called for. joining us to share reflections on the president, michigan congresswoman deborah dingell. thank you for joining us. >> good to be both of you. eboni: you and your husband former congressman john dingell had a particularly close relationship with george h.w. bush and his family. can you share what bonded your family and the bush family? >> john had non-both of them on before i came into life. it's been a long time now. president bush were in the congress together in the 60s and they were regular players. depending which when you talk to it's not quite clear who won more games. john's book is coming out next week in the president very
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graciously will give forward to that book because president bush would tell me these stories when he really would like to have throttled him. he would say a big pain in the ass. they work together and in the forward of his book, he was able to get good, strong bipartisan legislation because they did work together. they were going to compromise on both of them had one thing we all need to remember. we need to watch out for america and we want to go back to a day where people respect each other and treated each other with dignity and stability. >> you mention the forward of the book we have part of that here. these are not the worst of times. perhaps alluding back to the time george h.w. bush and your husband lived through world war ii and life in washington has always been complicated. this wonderful book for my great friend john dingell has made me
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nostalgic for a time in washington that was perhaps a bit more civilized when compromise was not a dirty word. but it's changed? where did we lose the example? >> i mean, unfortunately people on both sides of the party would rather get the soundbite than to sit down and figure out the problems. i think what we've seen in our discourse is really becoming acceptable as a political norm. i do work with people from both sides of the aisle and i think because of the way i have lived the last few decades. i was a republican when i married john dingell just for the record. we have a lot of things in common and it's far too easy to focus on what divides us tend to remember what unites us. john wrote an op-ed last night. he hoped, his message was maybe some generation learned in the
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story of president bush's five that some of the young pups will not see history repeat itself, but actually learn from the stories they are hearing right now. eboni: congresswoman, to that point you see an opportunity as we look down the road in 229 teen and beyond for our country to take that last sentence on the subsequent interviews after leaving office. president george h.w. bush talked about the great political price he paid for that compromise we talk about in this moment, you know, going back and saying read my lips no new taxes but to move forward. what you think the lesson we can take and is there an opportunity to go back to compromise be in the way of government? >> e-mail comment that to last that have been elected now to do that. i don't think compromise is a dirty word. i actually forgot until the president wrote about it on
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john's first vote in iraq. john had to have protections for a number of months after he made that vote. but he didn't do that either president bush or john dingell did what was politically expedient. they put their country first and not so we've got to do. we've got social media. look, social media is great. we've got to watch our language, stop dividing a with fear and hatred and remembers the country united we stand, divided we fall. that's the message i hope we take from this and more of my colleagues has returned to the anniversaries session into next session. leland: perhaps those here has been president bush knew what time when it was really bad and it was pretty tough during world war ii and remember that have brought that -- those memories to bring them together about issues here. always appreciate you being with us. our condolences and the loss of someone we know you're close to a year has been once as well.
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>> thank you very much. eboni: will go across the aisle and went republican dr. roger marshall. thank you for joining us. >> a kind afternoon, eboni leland. hi friends know to kansas. >> the final point those in washington right now of course yourself being included a nap. in honor the legacy of president george h.w. bush but also government back to the name of the best interest of our country. >> absolutely. resident bush embodied this concept to being a gentleman, being graceful. he started the negotiations and frame after which i hope we get to talk about later. lots of great bipartisan opportunities. and though some of the things we've recently done. 90% of us both sides of the
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aisle voted in favor of funding the military for the whole year, funding the war on drugs as well for the whole year. so there are bipartisan things happening. the hope is we have to go beyond civility, beyond just listening to each other, but implementing each others can't and come in deciding on golson object is together. i see that happening on a daily basis and i'll keep working on now. >> congressman, in a sense is the reason the partisanship in washington has grown so deep, is it because we have it so good? is the partisanship and ranker luxury if we were to return to the times when congressman dingell or george h.w. bush came of age in world war ii and have those problems they couldn't afford this type of division? >> now, it's a combination of everything. social media tends to give us the news we want to hear rather than more object good news. the late-night tv shows seem to
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focus on one side or the other as well. i think we find some people chasing headlines rather than facts. i think it's going to take some real concerted effort. as congressmen on both sides of the aisle to keep beyond civility as they call it. leland: is there an incentive for that civility? you think about george bush. you view that principle over politics as a matter of character. is there an incentive anymore in washington to the principle over politics? >> you know, absolutely. as i think about working on health care policy, good working across the aisle for two years and immigration policy. i do think we are trying to put something beyond civility even. when you do first of all agreed we need a secure border, but we also need an immigration policy that works for the whole country as well.
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eboni: congressman, one sure that's really quickly with president trump been in argentina for the g20 summit and the fact he and the chinese president did reach this 90 day temporary to talk about negotiations of the trade. your constituents in kansas are greatly concerned and affected by the situation. what's your reaction to the 90 days and what is your expectation? >> certainly it is welcome news. whether it be military war would trade for comment any type of slacking of the bell is welcome. we need more than rhetoric. male track coaches to talk about don't tell me, show me. we need objective evidence from china. we don't need a one-time order of soybeans. we need long-term solutions, monitor market access. we need china making long-term purposes of milk products, sorghum, ethanol, beef and pork as well. we need long-term solutions. not just a short-term rhetoric.
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i'm tired for 20 years, i guess 15 years excuse me china has skirted the wto rules. we need them to respect the wto and trade agreements. the mac we held last time the chinese made a deal about cybersecurity and hacking a couple years ago at the obama administration i kept it for 12 minutes. we will see if they live up to their agreements on this one. appreciate it. thank you very much, sir. >> thank you for having me. good to see you. eboni: paris suffers the worst rioting over the weekend over high taxes on fuel. plus, lawmakers on both sides of the house speak out about president trump's former lawyer michael collins guilty plea. we'll talk to a presidential historian about how plans are president george h.w. bush prepares. i am a family man.
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i am a techie dad. i believe the best technology should feel effortless. like magic. at comcast, it's my job to develop, apps and tools that simplify your experience. my name is mike, i'm in product development at comcast. we're working to make things simple, easy and awesome. leland: the peaceful part in an event card is french police arrested more than 400 people filing writes in paris or the president wants security measures to contain those
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protests over rising taxes. over 100 are the people right there had been injured in the demonstrations over high fuel is in the cost of living. eboni: new legal challenges for president trump as the president's former lawyer pleads guilty to making false statements to congress. molly henneberg joins us with the latest development will be can expect from the mailer investigation. >> michael: i think getting much support from president trump who calls him, quote, a weak person or from trump advisors, one of whom called him a serial liar. he entered a guilty plea on dave admitting to lying to congress about a real big deal considering in russia prior to becoming president. one former trump aide says that dell doesn't prove russian meddling in the 2016 elections. the democrat on the house
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intelligence committee isn't ready to agree to that. >> when you tell the truth you don't get in trouble. michael's a liar. it's always in a liar. he lies in its iris forms of bank statements. what is going to go to jail for has nothing to do with elections to remake it means the president whether he won or lost is hoping to make money from russia. seeking to enlist the support of the kremlin to make the money. >> meanwhile, special counsel robert mueller expect to detail what they say are lies by former trump campaign adviser paul manafort after manafort pled guilty in september to financial fraud. investigators say he broke his plea deal. then afford lawyers dispute that. republican operative roger stone who may be next on mueller's list said today he was not a conduit between wikileaks, but this collection of hillary clinton e-mails from the trump campaign in the summer spoken with wikileaks founder julian
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assange. mohler can't seem to prove what he set out to prove. >> today there's still no evidence whatsoever of russian collusion between the russians date and the trump campaign involved in wikileaks. >> former fbi director james comey will testify before the house judiciary committee on tuesday but the 2016 elections after fighting a subpoena agreed to testify in private as long as the transcript was released within 24 hours. >> thank you, molly. our legal panel will look at the implications of the latest michael cohen bombshell in what could be next in the investigation. leland: thousands of migrants back on the mac side of the u.s. border are not happy. just all in tijuana. >> hi, leyland. here on the move once again after officials backed down to
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6000 migrants. border virtual agent can buy waiting to see if there is yet another march. leland: william la jeunesse in texas. hi, william. >> some of the students here at texas a&m find out what we just learned about what will bring the president to his final resting place. hey! this'll help. rocket mortgage® by quicken loans® makes the complex simple. there's also origination fees and... this takes care of it, thank you. yeah. understand the details and get approved in as few as eight minutes. not in this house. 'cause that's no so-so family. that's your family. which is why you didn't grab just any cheese. you picked up new kraft expertly paired mozzarella and parmesan
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leland: weekend of mourning in maine where residents have set up a memorial of sorts near president george h.w. bush's summer home. maine governor paula paige has also ordered the american flag to be flown at half staff for 30
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days in honor of the president. preparations are also being made in college station, texas where bush will be buried on thursday. william la jeunesse affair with all the details. >> eboni, i want to tell you right now there is a diesel locomotive on its way from arkansas to houston, texas unit to resemble air force one. in honor of the president is number 4141 complements of union pacific double carrier power is trained to college station on thursday. so how exactly do you honor the men? how do you capture the essence of a person like president bush? not necessarily save next week or next year. number one of course is the presidential library but the bush school of public policy. last night 150 students here at the residence gathered behind the library with personal notes,
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flowers along the statue of the president. flags are of course still at half staff. they admired his dedication to public service. not as a talking point, but admission he lived and believed in. >> president bush is very much a man's. the civil service are just going out and helping people is something we really take pride in. i think that will not be met or not slow down at all. people want to continue to live on his legacy. >> the president will be laid to rest here in a private ceremony on a behind the library next to his wife, barbara bush and of course their daughter, robin, who died of leukemia at age three and 1953. area right now is closed off by secret service.
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there's no classes that day as family and friends in their final goodbyes. >> everyone you talk to that he was one of the kindest men he ever met. those are some of my. he often had there is no definition of a successful life without service to others. he was a great example of that. >> ebony, you probably heard about the school of thought or theory for strong individuals really shaped his jury in kind of a domino effect. many sailors as temperament comics nerds, values that help navigate the u.s. had a very troubled time. dallas president bush and the here in the library. back to you. eboni: yes, william he often said during his life as people ask and i wanted his legacy to find he would leave that to other people to define them in
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your reporting we see the legacy of service people have taken with him. thank you, leyland. leland: with troops on the southern border, fear of a migrant march on the crossings. thousand day they are going home without a chance to come to america. just all in tijuana with the latest. >> hi, leyland. here are the exact spot along the tijuana border where one week ago hundreds of migrants from the caravan rushed to the exact spot here along the border wall. you can see border patrol agents can invite waiting to see if there was another demonstration that can happen today or through the week. so far it's been fairly quiet. most of the action with the event the main migrant shelter. that is where officials have closed on the shelter that once housed 6000 migrants either living in the street outside the shelter or have been moved to a new shelter is much bigger and has a lot more concrete.
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at the same time a new mexican president inaugurated to mentioned the issue going on here in tijuana saying he wants to work with canada and the u.s. on finding solutions. take a listen. [speaking in spanish] >> would like to go for the north american free trade agreement and reach businesses and governments of this central american companies and also ours. in this way confront not with coercive measures the phenomenon of migration. >> there was a march that was supposed to happen yesterday but it sounds like many migrant at the shelter that was shut shut down didn't want to march saying they don't feel like it will help their cause. they are standing by waiting to see how the new mexican president could help their cause than someone who's wanted to help the poor but we'll see what actions he takes if any. leland: jeff paul, will be
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watching on the border but that would bring in our talk radio hires. nice to see you. by virtue of the fact they are not marching purge of polls reporting, but a little bit as vindication for president trump? >> i think it is. across the board as has been proportional and i think his work with the mexican government either using the leverage. even the report of the president whose the left, you don't hear the screaming and raving is going to oppose bush are due something of that nature. all in all this is settled into a plus column for a way to handle asylum in a way that not chaotic. trade is certainly those images of tear gas and they were using those as a wedge of coming up here. without those, is the fight for democrats tout fair? >> i don't think so because democrats are in a good position
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politically because we have a lame-duck republican congress. anything that happens really bad or unfortunate is likely to be blamed on the party in power. >> last night on air force one coming home from argentina, president trump seem to be okay with the idea of kicking the can on the road another couple weeks on funding. hard to imagine congress not being willing to kick the can down the road. this is what secretary pompeo talked about when it came to funding for the wall. take a listen. will get your reaction. >> is my scoping for the wall? >> we are going to get the wall built. >> will mexico pay for it? >> we are getting the wall built. leland: is this an issue at one point x billion for the wall. $5 billion for the u.s. treasury centers are going to be more questions about mexico paying for it? >> i'm sure the questions will
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continue. all i can tell you is the people that called me and the people that support tron, those types of collars don't have any problem with this. they see tron was the one pushing back against the system to try to get this done. they're not going to get into the weeds here over what he promised the mexican government. paul ryan say if they can get 5 billion. >> brianna said dr. the question is whether or not they can get in the senate and what chuck schumer will take in return. garland, is mexico will pay for the wall sound bite an opening for democrats? >> is especially an opening for republicans who don't want to fund the wall. the dynamic to watch it between the republicans in congress who don't want to shut the borders down because they now want to pay the price for that and the president rather than the democrats. leland: interesting active. hadn't heard that one. >> i don't know of many who
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don't want a fun not wall. >> i haven't seen anybody with a vote for funding. thanks, guys, appreciate it. >> coming up, on the molar investigation and what president trump's former attorney needs for the white house. carla is living with metastatic breast cancer, which is breast cancer that has spread to other parts of her body. she's also taking prescription ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor, which is for postmenopausal women with hormone receptor-positive her2- metastatic breast cancer as the first hormonal based therapy.
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leland: the box and slurred as new slurred as they will investigators don't expect foul play in the death of the commander of the u.s. navy's fifth fleet. vice admiral scott stern was found dead in his residence and by rain on saturday. they don't expect foul play at this time. officials in bahrain are cooperating in the investigation the chief of naval operations called them a decorated naval warrior.
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president trump's former lawyer michael: is seeking leniency in a new court filing and made his plea deal. cohen admitted he made false statements to congress about mr. trump's. we are going to bring in our legal panel, federal litigator in white collar criminal attorney andrew stockman and defense attorney will present, former jack lawyer and officer. thank you, both. so much going on with this investigation. i want to start a getting both of you giving your and my on what the paul manafort development we've seen this week mean, specifically credibility for robert mueller and his investigation. >> the problem is the second guilty plea of courses that are put donald trump speaking went vladimir putin up to june 2016
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which was directly before the republican primary. nothing gets done in russia of the magnitude of trump tower moscow with output and input. this puts it close to the russian primary or the republican primary where trump is speaking with the russian government. and that's a problem number one he initially said he had no more conversations about moscow after january 2016. but with cohen's plea we learned it was june of 2016. eboni: how much credibility does cohen have at this point? certainly that is the point raised in mr. trump and his team certainly. >> they know he lied because cohen had previously said they didn't meet with the russian government after january 2016, but obviously they have information that is not true. >> if i'm representing president trump year, aren't we going to
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say it this point we can't believe anything michael cohen's dead during the primary otherwise is a relevant. eboni: go forward, andrew. >> that is 60 or thousand dollar question. you have a primary witness in the fastest -- and this investigation is the credibility of o.j. simpson. when you look at the evidence. in it, you have liars and convicted felons making the base of the evidence. med and that's extraordinarily problematic. even if what he says is true, because resident trump wasn't the president at the time and he was only running for office, it is okay he was trying to negotiate the deal. you can say it's unseemly and not what we wanted presidential candidate to do, but it not illegal. were the problem comes in is what did he tell mauling in the written answers to these questions and that is why most of us.he should not have answered these.
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>> you can respond to that. can you rehab credibility at this point? >> donald trump is surrounded by liars or donald trump himself spent five years saying barack obama was born in kenya. the fact that michael cohen and his lawyer and a lot of people in as admin is ration that just comes with the territory of having president trump as president. eboni: final question for you both. his team has responded to a legal question. to either be recommended take a face-to-face meeting with robert mueller and his team? >> no. that would be an absolute horrible idea. his counsel has imparted not him he can't do it to watch it, the written answers could come back to bite him and that might be the biggest issue right now in the probe. eboni: will. >> is a criminal defense attorney i would not have my client testify if i know that he is lying.
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whoever is representing president trump right now would not have them testify because he would probably incriminate ourselves. leland: thank you both for your insight on this legal development. >> what to expect this week as the countries that thank you to her 41st president. insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. don't use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. don't share needles or insulin pens. don't reuse needles. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. check your blood sugar. low blood sugar can be serious and may be life-threatening. injection site reactions may occur. tell your prescriber about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. taking tzds with insulins like tresiba® may cause serious side effects like heart failure.
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wednesday is the national day of mourning for president george h.w. bush. his funeral will be held then at the national cathedral here in washington. >> we're going to bring in doug weed for more historical p context of what to expect for president bush's funeral. as we look back at the historical moments of previous presidents and their services, what do you expect might be different about this president's funeral. >> everybody loves george h.w. bush. he was so kind and he was very smart. i had the privilege of debating hip. i was a shll in th the practice debate. he always used surrogates to do his dirty work. how can you succeed in politics and be kind? they say that was a different era. no, it wasn't.
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he had lee atwater, he had john sununu, he had james baker. he always had a pitbull nearby. he would come in and heal the wounds and pat you on the back and say sorry, politics is so rough. but it's a mistake. it's a mistake for people today, saying that was a different era, that -- >> you think about it, historical sense, we talk about how nasty and rough things are in washington now. 1964 i believe president bush lost a race for congress and he wrote a letter to one of his friends, he said if moderation is a dirty word, we need to do soul searching. there's probably a lot of people today who lost congressional races in 2018 who could write the same letter. >> remember, willie horton, that was george h.w. bush, so i don't say that in a bad way. i just say i've been watching a lot of people on tv, and you can
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love donald trump for being anti-globalist and anti-internationalist and anti-big bank, and you can also love george h.w. bush for winning the cold war and defeating communism. >> i want to get a historical perspective on this. you think about the iconic funerals in american presidents. you go to lincoln and kennedy who were assassinated while in office. we remember the funerals of gerald ford and ronald reagan. how much of what we will see all over the next couple days is the same and how much is different? what's set and what's up to the families? >> what's the same is how w we n shrine our presidenting in marble. every year i would go to australia, i would ask who is your national heros, and i would name their first president and no, no, they didn't like any of
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them. this is sort of anglo and american that we celebrate these presidents, they're in marble and they can do no wrong. that's what seems to happen quickly when a president dies and we celebrate his funeral. >> thank you so much for sharing that as we look forward to the next few days honoring the life and legacy of george h.w. bush. it's nice to go back to remember the stories and to say thank you as a country for their service and that's what george h.w. bush's life was all about. we'll have coverage throughout the next cup ee couple days ande week. >> happy early hand caw for hanr those celebrating tonight so capital one is building something completely new. capital one cafes. inviting places with people here to help you, not sell you. and savings and checking accounts with no fees or minimums.
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11:00 am
chris: i'm chris wallace. the nation mourns our 41st president, george herbert walker bush. as president trump calls a temporary truce in the trade war with china at a summit of world leaders in argentina. >> we've made tremendous progress at the g-20 with many nations. chris: we'll break down the summit and how the president dealt with challenges from china, russia and saudi arabia with two key senators, republican roy blunt, a member of the gop leadership, and democrat ben carton, a member of the senate foreign relations committee. then, remembering a war hero


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