tv Hannity FOX News December 6, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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contest has the first transgender in the pageant's history. they said the future is female and that's it for us. we will be back tomorrow 8 p.m. we can't wait to see you. >> ♪ >> ♪ >> sean: welcome to "hannity" tonight. a lot of brand new breaking news. all eyes on robert mueller. day 568 of the witch hunt. and zero trump-russian collusion discovered. we have new evidence that the two top democratic operatives are from trouble. and a huge breaking news from john solomon with damaging
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information on the world's seediest charity and the war on the second amendment and a mini-monologue on this country new low. sit tight and buckle. a lot of breaking news. it will take the full hour. we are awaiting robert mueller's next move including new information on the special counsel's coordination with michael cohen and findings from the never ending saga surrounding paul manafort. neither case has anything to do with collusion. on tuesday mueller released its report on michael flynn. that provided zero evidence of collusion. a process crime. leave it to fake news cnn to put
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facts last and speculate that the flynn memo was the beginning of the end for the president. lie they have been telling us for two years. take a look. >> the redacted document. people on twitter were speculating that this blacked out part matched the number of characters in the world president trump. that's the extent to which people are going here. >> sean: for nearly 2 years robert mueller and his band of democratic donors provided fuel for everyone who wants to destroy the administration. today the president made this astute evaluation, without the phoney russia witch hunt and all we pressured in 2 years, tax cuts and military and vets, my approval would be 75% rather than 50%.
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it's called presidential harassment. robert mueller should not have any problem getting a job at the dnc. already raised money for democrats and worked to destroy president trump. he has so many connections, he staffed his entire probe with big-time democratic donors and even former hillary clinton lawyer from the clinton foundation. a few on the left are being held accountable. tomorrow james comey will testified under oath and a lot of it by michael flynn. peter strzok said flynn did not appear to be lying. flynn pled guilty to that charge. our federal government illegal
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surveillance and leaking raw intelligence on flynn's international communications. what did comey know about that illegal unmasking? comey prepares for the hot seat, 2 other anti-trump operatives are in hot water. tony podesta along with obama's former white counsel, they are the subjects of a federal investigation into their lobby efforts for the pro-russia government of ukraine. the investigation is ramping up as we speak tonight. also breaking tonight, a damning new report from john solomon revealing shocking details about the investigation into the clinton foundation. he will join us in a few minutes. a 2017 whistle blower submitted thousands of pages of evidence revealing shocking allegations
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including, "serious concerns about legal compliance, and quid pro quo promises made to donors while hillary clinton was secretary of state. the clinton foundation raised $20 million in 2016 when the clinton presidency looked inevitable. that's a suspicious strand. it is subjected to political motivated investigations.
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solomon has been busy. last night on this program, we showed you another breaking report from the hill exposing serious fisa abuse by james comey fbi and the doj. a new evidence in the form of a huge email chain discovered after 2 years ago. revealing that the fbi was aware before they secured their first fisa warrant on carter page, there were concerns about the veracity of the main evidence, the bulk of evidence that went into the fisa application. in other words, the clinton bought and paid for christopher steele dossier. high level fbi officials willfully committed fraud on fisa court judges to get a
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warrant on the trump campaign aassociate carter page. they every told them it was bought and paid for by hillary clinton. it's contents were never verified. our own intelligence community had doubts. but because of that phoney dosser an american citizen for a year was spied upon by our federal government. john solomon with more in a minute. weeks out of the mid-terms and the 2020 election is heath up. the democrats have a long and weak field of candidates to challenge president trump. one of the top contenders cam illa is harris is involved with a scandal about a aide. he accepted his resignation
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tod today. harris will decide over the holidays whether or not she wants to challenge president trump in 2020. and harris is other top liberals will make gun ownership a big issue for 2020. they do not believe in the second amendment the way a lot of americans do. democrats should take note of what happened to dick's sporting goods. remember they took a political stance against the second amendment. they hired a gun control lobbyist. refused to sell guns to law-abiding citizens under the age of 21 and stop selling long rifles. their sales dropped 4%. it's outdoor focus stores may be closing their doors. sadly what dick's and most the democrats often take for granted, the second amendment matters to the american people. that's why it's number 2.
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a check on the threats of foreign, domestic and more than that to own a gun. it's the right to defend yourself and your family. a protection of our rights as americas. we live in a dangerous and more violent world every day. joining us now with more breaking news is the hill's john is solomon. this article means that 6,000 pages of evidence? >> that's right. 6,000 pages and 95 exhibits. >> sean: when we go through what they found and why we are here and why they haven't been under more fire. >> i think first of all, it's interesting who they are. who made this complaint. former experts from the dug enforcement agency and the u.s. attorney's office in connecticut.
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they live and breathe the tax law. they assembled a lot of internal documents from the clinton foundation and two legal reviews that the clinton foundation did on itself. its own lawyers said that donors were made promises of quid pro quo favors from hillary clinton. there was a culture of non-compliance. not wanting to complay with the law. they said bill clinton's personal interest with the foundation posed a grave threat to the foundation itself. these are not republicans. these are lawyers hired by the clinton foundation to find out what was going on wrong. these investigators assemble all of this evidence. they go and interview the
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current cfo of the clinton foundation in 2016. they take him out to dinner or lunch in new york. are there problems? here according to their memo, after they met with him, kessel made several claims. he can't control bill clinton. people are trying to stop him from mingling personal business with the foundation. he makes the most provocative statement saying i know where all of the bodies are buried in the clinton foundation. this give this to the justice department of donald trump in october 2017. in early 2018 they were called by the fbi at little rock and provide the evidence to them. the main apparatus, the fbi and the justice department have access to all of these
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allegations of wrongdoing. >> sean: you were talking about 6,000 pages and 95 exhibits. a 48-page subcommission. -- subcommission. mission. how has this been sitting for a year. we already know the issue of hillary clinton's violation of the espionage act having that mom and pop shop server. top secret information on it. that's a violation of espionage act. the obstruction of justice deleting emails and washed her hard drive clean. they skate every time. you are describing systematic violations of every charitiable contribution law imaginal including irs violations. who is looking into it? >> that's a great question. i think we will get an important answer.
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put a special date on your consulted. -- calendar. next thursday there will be a hearing. two of the whistle blowers who did all of this work will testify for the first time in public. they asked the justice department to say what have you done with this? john huber the special u.s. attorney whom jeff sessions named a year ago. what have you done and how much money have you spent to look at these allegations? we may get our first answer in public to what the justice department has done. we have some hints. the fbi had contact with whistle blowers and kessel who ran the finances was interviewed by the fbi in 2017. we know that doug campbell the undercover informant, he was
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interviewed by the little rock fbi. the uranium one informant. if i had to guess, if this is action going on, it's centered in little rock, arkansas. congress will put the trump justice department's feet to the fire. have you done anything? is there illegality or drop this line of inquiry with the clinton foundation. next thursday we could get our answer. >> john: the people you spoke to on the legal side, do they see laws violated? >> they do. i sent this to a half dozen home ownerer fbi and irs experts who focus in charity and financial fraud. all of them said if this walked in by door, i would open a crimmial investigation of clinton foundation. every one of them said that. one made some of the most complex financial fraud cases
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said i would open up on this in a second. >> sean: huge bombshells. we will have back you tomorrow and the rest of the week into next week to get into this more deeply. thank you. joining us with more reaction house intelligence committee chairman. do you have any reaction to what you heard from john? and the big breaking report from yesterday? >> it doesn't surprise me. we have looked into the clinton foundation and the uranium one that we assigned a task force leader to look into this. we have seen troubling information. i can't verify john's reporting. he always does a good job. >> sean: back to his breaking news yesterday. what we discovered. i don't know how this was not known when we can back 2 years
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the clinton bought and paid for phoney dossier. there is an email chain, james comey and the top-doj officials were on and they knew. and the intel community had about the validity of the dossier which your memo point to as the bulk of the applications for the fisa warrant against carter page. when did you first find out about this email chain? >> well, i don't know that the email chain in john's reporting is the same stuff we are looking at. although it sounds very similar. we have requested for many months, there are emails where there are redactions that we are quite convinced that if that is undeacted and provided to the house of representatives and the intelligence committee, it will
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be very clear that there is very much -- it was very well known there was a lost information that was not provided to the fisa court leading up to the warrant on carter page. i don't know who john's sources are, but i know we have been trying to get these redactions from emails. it's possible we are talking about the same types of emails. it's possible there are more emails we don't know about. what we are aware of, the 4th bucket of information, it would be clear that there were people within the fbi and the doj that knew well and good before they went to the fisa court that christopher steele and others were up to some really bad activities. >> sean: these emails would be the 4th bucket. the fisa application themselves
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pages 10 through 12 and 17 through 34 and then the gang of 8 information. these are the 4 buckets. >> that's correct. the first 3, the president called to have declassified. >> sean: he is holding it back. if they knew and if the intelligence committee knew they were questionable. the whole dossier was questionable and it was the bulk of the fisa application and they used it anyway. they omitted that hillary clinton bought and paid for it. is it possible they knew it was not true and gave it to the fisa court anyway? and didn't corroborate it and committed fraud on the fisa court not once but four separate
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times. anybody signing off an application to spy on an america that could likely not be true? >> yes, remember what we have been looking at criminally has been abuse of power. whether or not there was a conspiracy to abuse power. have you talked about that for a long time. what this gets into it, this would be the first clear evidence that we have on another major crime which would be called lying to a federal judge which is a major crime. >> sean: the people were talking about, this would be comey signing off on it and rod rosenstein signing off and sally yates signing off on it, right? >> they are the ones that signed off on it. they are not necessarily the who knows who provided and doctored the information. the people who were cullpable
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knew about this. >> sean: will you still have the authority and ability to get this information to the american people? >> yes. the only difference is they would be the republican leader on the committee. the question is, the subpoena power will lay in the hand of the democrats. the senate would have the power too. we have for many months know willing -- we said our investigation is over with. the white house can declassify a lot of this information to get to the bottom of this. >> sean: you have done great work. so has john solomon. so what i said is true. there is no equal justice. equal applications of our laws. that's shredding if you are giving false information to the
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like concert tickets or a new snowboard. matt: whoo! whoo! jen: but that all changed when we bought a house. matt: voilà! jen: matt started turning into his dad. matt: mm. that's some good mulch. ♪ i'm awake. but it was pretty nifty when jen showed me how easy it was to protect our home and auto with progressive. [ wrapper crinkling ] get this butterscotch out of here. progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents. there's quite a bit of work, 'cause this was all -- this was all stapled. but we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us.
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but we can protect your home and auto unstopand it's strengthenedting place, the by xfi pods,gateway. which plug in to extend the wifi even farther, past anything that stands in its way. ...well almost anything. leave no room behind with xfi pods. simple. easy. awesome. click or visit a retail store today. >> ♪ >> sean: migrant caravan causing chaos on the border. a migrant gave birth to a baby 24 hours later and ice arrested 58 illegal aliens in the new
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england area. 30 had prior felony convictions. 33 have criminal charges pending. 15 were released from local law enforcement custody without an active detainer. 9 were referred for criminal prosecution. one is referred to the u.s. marshals for failure to register as a sex offender. 9 removed from the united states and returned illegally. 4 had active red notices. nancy pelosi says she'll not accept a daca deal in exchange for the wall. they don't want to fix the problem ever. take a look. >> would you support some degree of wall funding if you got daca? >> no. they are two different subjects. >> sean: we have michelle malkin and roberto hernandez.
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you look at all of that. i understand that a lot of people want to come to america. i want people to come legally so we have a chance to vet them. we pay $70,000 for illegal immigrants for the american taxpayer. we have obama authorized $300 million to pay for free legal advice. we have two recent cases where innocent people, one in oregon and one in texas, were murdered by illegal immigrants. why can't we just do this all legally? >> first of all, when obama campaigned to be president, he promised that he was going to do immigration reform the first year he was in office. nancy pelosi was the head of the speaker of the house. >> sean: i asked you a simple
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question. you didn't answer my question. >> you have to -- >> [overlapping talking]. >> sean: we have families who lost loved ones because of illegal immigrants. why can't america vet people to make sure they don't have any criminal ties or backgrounds. is that fair? >> the democrats failed to do immigration reform when obama was the president. >> sean: you are not answering my question. >> we got a program -- >> sean: you have no intention of answering my question. listen to me. what do you say to fames who lost their children because of illegal immigrants who came in and they kill people?
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>> that's just a few people. >> sean: it's more than a people. >> how many white people are killing people in this country? >> oh, wow! >> you are picking on a few incident. >> sean: michelle. hold on. >> [overlapping talking]. >> is this a filibuster? that's what he is going to do. they avoid the basic fundamental question and the distinction between people who want to come here legally and people who want to come here illegally. sean, you could have an open border extremistist on every night and they sound so reasonable. i agree with what he was trying to say when he was avoiding your question. democrats are hypocrites. they talk out of both sides of their mouths on this issue. people like him and his lobby groups are disappointed they didn't get the amnesty they
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want. san francisco has been ruined by illegal sanctuaries programs. he will talk about the plight of the migrants from around the world who want to flood our borders and cause more chaos. the cost of health care, education and crime and the impact on american workers of all colors. >> sean: thank you both. when we come back, the media stooping to a new low for bush 41 to attack president trump? our mini-monologue straight ahead.
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sources telling fox news that president trump will nominate heather as the u.s. ambassador. she serves as the state department spokes woman and was an anchor here at fox news. she would replace nikki haley. a final salute from our nation's 41st president. family and friends held a funeral for george h.w. bush in houston. it was loaded on to a special train and he was buried in college station next to his wife and daughter robin. i am trace gallagher. back to "hannity." >> sean: as i explained, when it
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comes to trashing president trump nothing is off-limits. if you thought what we showed you last night was bad, it's each worse. that's the subject of tonight's mini-monologue. tonight the media is sinking to new depths if that's possible. it is as they to use the funeral and legacy of former president george h.w. bush to attack president trump. after yesterday's powerful memorial service in washington, d.c. for the late 41st president, the mainstream media can't stop using these events to demonize president trump. it's more ridiculous. they are going after president trump over how he prays. even standing silently during the apostle's creed is cause for an attack against him. the media is getting more and more unhinged and more hateful
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and divorced from their real job. the destroy trump media did not stop. there rather than focussing on the life and the service of the 41st president, the coverage looked like this. take a look. >> if a full state funeral. it was a moving sight to see the presidents and the first ladies in the first row waiting to honor president bush. until trump showed up, then it was silent staring time. >> [laughing]. >> donald trump is the only person in the world who can bring down a funeral. >> hillary clinton is just staring straight ahead right now. >> [laughing]. >> like she is on an elevator with a weirdo. >> [applauding]. >> it was like all of the american's divorced parents in the same room. >> president trump sitting with a former president.
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>> i don't think you want to give out medals for not skewing up a presidential funeral. >> after covering porn stars and it was nice to look back at someone trying to represent decency and stability. when they were planning his funeral in 2011, he said do you think anyone will come? that modesty is in such contrast to trump's endless odyssey of narcissistic self-discovery. >> sean: journalists at abc news joked about a future funeral for president trump. you can't make this up. >> recognition in terms of his involvement that some day president trump will get a
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similar treatment when he passes. >> a different tone in that funeral? >> first he will choregraph it. the best presidential funeral ever. >> sean: and no one interiors interiorsed -- embarrassed themselves more than cnn and even his colleague called him out. >> i would not shake hands. i am not that big of a person. i would hope they would be. >> i want to show you something. come here, don. >> poor don. >> you are petty and small. >> i am not. that's real, brother. >> real petty and small.
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>> sean: it's like i keep telling this is part of the pattern to denigrate every hour of every day of president trump even if approximate mean using the passing of an american icon to whom they were mean to when he was alived george h.w. bush. joe and former secret service agent. joe, they said he was a gentleman and he was. they didn't say nice things when he was alive. back then he was a wimp. he was out of touch. he didn't know how to use a scanner which was a fake news story back in the day. reagan and bush 41 and even bush 43, they trashed these men.
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destroyed them. now they die, they say nice things to create a veneer they are bipartisan. >> george h.w. bush was also called a racist for the willie horton ad. in 1972, 7% of journalists voted for george h.w. bush. the rest for bill clinton. you play someday clips there. the late night hosts were joking. i think still think it's a cl s classless. abc news terry is making jokes while you are watching the procession of the casket of george h.w. bush being taken out of a plane. he is making jokes about president trump's future funeral. do they have any self-awareness? nonewhatsoever. the media is held in contempt by half the country.
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i don't like these people. they don't have any class. they are cheesy. that don lemon skit. i will blow off donald trump by not shaking his hands. he is an anchor that network and not an opinion guy. >> sean: i said in the obama era, on radio more than television it would not be good for me to get an interview with president obama because i respect the office. i think he is a good father. just governed horribly. i respect the office. i can't interrupt him like you or joe. what do you think of that? >> sean,you are right. i served as a secret service agent for years. proudly under barack obama because i believe in the constitution of the republic but i disagree with every position
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he had. this is the myth of the good republican. when a republican is powerless or left the political scene, what the media will do, they will paint their coverage of this republican as something it wasn't. you're absolutely right. when george h.w. bush was in office the media coverage was merciless. they do it for a reason. they do it because of this effect to make the republicans appear really bad. you put a diamond on the black background to make it shinier. they want to make donald trump seem awful. they go back and rewrite history about how they covered past republicans. it's total nonsense and everybody sees through it. >> sean: thank you both. you won't believe it. what we tell you next, liberal
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>> ♪ >> ♪ >> sean: last night we told you about the massachusetts pastor who put baby jesus in a cage to make a point. what about not christmas, not about what christmas season is all about. but about immigration. now there is more left winginsanity. there is a principal at an elementary school in nebraska banning candy canes saying the j-shape represents jesus and also banned reindeer. we reached out to the district for comment.
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they told us the memo does not reflect the policy of our public schools regarding holiday symbols in the school. the school noted that the principal was placed on administrative leave. joining us he is the author of the best seller, the happy cookbook. steve and another best seller. she is doing a holiday special airing on fox here is a clip. >> how did you decide to use the red christmas cloth. >> it's important to show the people something different each year. we have thousands and thousands of people coming here to see the decorations. it's very exciting. >> sean: they co-host the number 1 morning show on all of cable. merry christmas. i am on page 184.
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>> i am on page 158. >> sean: you are ahead of me. >> he is ahead of all of us. on 134. >> sean: you are talking entryes. he does 3 hours of radio and outnumbered and "the five" and tucker. >> he loves to work. we are proud of him. >> sean: i am a christian and you are. >> and steve is. >> sean: i want to be a better christian. we have a teacher telling 5 years old that santa doesn't exist. then the j represents jesus and putting the baby jesus in cages. >> and you have this principal
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at this elementary school who doesn't want to have candy canes because they have the j. now i like candy canes more. the j for jesus and the red for the blood and the white for the resurrection. >> sean: do you want to take away the joy and happiness of christmas morning? >> absolutely not. she wants to take away the elf, on the shelf. green and red items. christmas videos and movies. no ginger bred people. can have hot chocolate and hats. >> i think -- great points. however i think this principal who has said this deserves a raise. we need more people in education who are very creative.
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if you look at a candy canes and see jesus. that's creative. having written a cookbook, candy canes used to be straight. then about 250 years ago a german guy decided i will bend the top to look like a shepherd's hook. it's not a j for jesus. >> sean: there is a hostility towards christmas. when you look at it. this is a fear that is consuming people to the point where they even are willing to destroy what christmas is for the fun side for kids and also the meaning of the holiday for christians. where is their tolerance on the left? >> that goes back to the beginning of time, though. that's never going to change. there will always be people who want to destroy what the season
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is all about. you think about harod, trying to kill the first born son. people have always been like this. they won't win. the battle will be won by our lord and savior. >> sean: as a christian, i believe that too. >> the problem is because there are so many -- everyone wants to sue everybody. >> sean: i want to sue you for putting my recipe in your book and i didn't get any proceeds. >> people are willing to bend because of the threat of a lawsuit. when you look at how many schools don't do christmas parties anymore, they do holiday parties because they are afraid of lawsuits. they can't afford a lawsuit. >> sean: i say happy hanukkah. it's crazy. your christmas special airs on
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fox nation? >> and we built a home for him and inside the white house with melania and make a wish foundation. find out how many kids are getting wishes. only on fox nation. >> i do a cooking no on fox nation. >> sean: i have an announcement soon. merry christmas to both of you. if you don't have fox nation, sign up. when we come back highlights from president george h.w. bush's funeral earlier today. hi, i need a thriller for my wife. political or psychological? psychological. small town or big city?
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-back pain can't win. karen's birthday card. now introducing aleve back and muscle pain. only aleve targets tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. aleve back & muscle. all day strong. all day long. ♪ >> sean: today the funeral service for president george h.w. bush was held in houston, powerful ceremony and a testament to what a selfless life, like the leadership, sacrifice, giving that he lived.
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>> today after 94 years, the heavy hand of time has claimed his life. in death as in life, my grandfather has won. he has exchanged his earthly burdens for heavenly home and is at peace. yes, george herbert walker bush is the most decent, most humble man i will ever know and it's the honor of a lifetime to share his name. god bless you, gampy. until we meet again. maybe on the boat we built together.
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>> sean: godspeed, hw bush. good and grateful servant. our thoughts and prayers with the bush family. thank you for being with us and let not your heart be troubled. the news continues. laura ingraham is up next. >> laura: i am laura ingraham and this is "the ingraham angle" from washington. with disgraced fbi director jim comey set to testify on the hill tomorrow, there are specific questions that need to be asked and answered, namely why did hillary aides cheryl mills and who huma abedin likely get away with lying. byron york has some answers. while the resistance cheers, the mueller probe may have
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