tv Hannity FOX News December 7, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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. >> laura: that's it. hour's over, back monday 8:00 pm. the cher that's the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity smugness and group think. it's been a long week. have a successful season. hannity is up next. . >> sean: thanks tucker. this is a fox news alert. major breaking news tonight on multiple fronts. the mueller memos are out. paul manafort accused of lying to investigators. michael cohen will spend significant time in prison. yet bad news for the left. no evidence of any collusion. nothing. and what the left is claim canning isn't true. we'll prove that in the oucours of our hour tonight. we've been saying for months trump russia collusion has been, remains a hoax, we have evidence. disgrace did fbi director james comey testified on capitol hill. he wants you to believe that fisa abuse never happened. we want to show you how he's
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proven wrong. we'll show you who needs to be prosecuted as soon as possible. it is now day 569 of the mueller witch hunt. yes what we've been telling you about our two tiered system of justice has never been worse. we start tonight, a lot of breaking news in our opening monologue. >> major developments from the mueller witch hunt. the special counsel's memo on paul manafort is out. it is heavily redacted. we do know however that robert mueller believes that paul manafort breached his plea deal and lied to investigators all surrounding alleged crimes, none of which have anything to do with president trump, none of which has for do with russia or anything to do with collusion. instead a source with knowledge of the investigation tonight telling fox news that much of the redacted information likely includes potential criminal allegations, we are told, against tony podesta.
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that would be john podesta's brother. democratic lobbyist, john podesta the clinton campaign chair. absolutely nothing. now we're talking about in the manafort case, tax evasion, other charges, bank loan applications. dating back to 2007. white house press secretary sara sanders issued this statement that said, quote, the government's filing in mr. mandel man's case is absolutely nothing about the president, it says even less about collusion. it is devoted almost entirely to lobbying related issues and i'll add long before paul manafort ever met donald trump. and also breaking today, two separate sentencing memos were filed against one time trump attorney michael cohen. first the southern district of new york completely rejecting cohen's pleas for leniency adding that a substantial term of imprisonment is warranted. cohen's decision to plead guilty rather than seek a pardon gone does not make him a her hero.
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the prosecutor's recommended only a slight reduction to the suggested five year prison sentence. the next memo from the special counsel, that focused on cohen admitting that he lied under oath to the federal government writing the sentence imposed should reflect the fact that lying to federal prosecutor's has real consequences. the one thing these two filings have in common, nothing to do with russia or collusion at all. zero evidence in any of these documents of trump russia collusion. zero. now today the president applauded the ruling, tweet did, quote, totally clears the president. thank you. the president's attorney rudy juliani called these findings complete exoneration of the president. they have nothing. we are very happy about it. >> and president and juliani, they're right about this. legal scholar alan dershowitz very passionate tonight echoing a lot of these sent at this meant saying don't think about making a deal with mueller
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because it's not going to work out too well for you. take a look. >> right now it does not sound like it's good news for mueller. it doesn't sound like in cohen they have the found a witness that will give them the key to the kingdom. so far the only solid evidence that he has provided is the campaign contribution issue and it's a very, very weak case. >> sean: tonight we have two men facing years behind bars. the third george papadopoulos was released from prison today after serving 12 days for lying to federal prosecutor's, and earlier in the week michael flynn pled guilty to lying to investigators and will become a convicted felon but only after his reputation and finances were totally destroyed. the question is, for what? when you read these documents, we hear about taxi medal i don't know, faulty loan applications. tax evasion, lying about a
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potential project in moscow that manufacture got off the ground, and whether they stopped talking about it in jan of 2016 or june of 2016. wow! the or row. how will american ever recover? clearly the election was stolen. after months of investigations, millions and millions and millions of your dollars spent, cedi perjury traps, legal co. kergs, we have no evidence of any wrongdoing by the president of the united states. and then you ask yourself this question. do you feel safer tonight? do you feel safer that a low level campaign volunteer spent twelve days in jail for allegedly lying to the on nip potent robert mueller? do you feel safer that lieutenant general michael flynn had to sell his house to pay his legal bills? oh, the thanks one gets for 33 years of service to his country, five of those years in combat. by the way neither comey, mccabe, strzok or anybody in the
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fbi thought he lied. but of course they put the screws to general flynn and he had to compose a lie about lying go and ed it to protect his family and to get out of the mess economically they were putting him in. do you feel any safer tonight that michael cohen is going to go to prison for a significant amount of time let's see for lying to congress? lying on a bank application? taxi loans, not paying taxes? do you feel safer knowing that manafort might spend the rest of his life behind bars because of, again, tax fraud and lies on loan applications? had nothing to do with russia? years before he met trump. do you feel safer everyone surrounding the president is seemingly targeted and those on the left get away every single day scot-free? is that the america we want to live in? take for example fired fbi director james comey and what we learned this week about him. the hill's john solomon reporting we now have email changes that prove comey and
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others in obama's doj committed fraud on the fisa court and used hillary clinton's bought and paid for phony russian dossier, the bulk of the evidence in their fisa applications in their case to obtain a warrant to spies on a campaign associate by the name of carter page. they did this we learned this week knowing full well the intel community did not trust the contents of hillary's bought and paid for dossier. in other words they knowingly committed fraud on the fisa courts not once, twice, three but four times. where is that investigation into james comey and sally yates and rod rosenstein and everybody else that signed on to those fisa applications? giving judges unverified uncorroborated russian lies not telling the judges that it was directly paid for by the opposition party candidate to spy on an opposition party? today comey testified behind closed doors on capitol hill.
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his attorneys allegedly ran cover for him and prevented him from answering any tough questions. during a subsequent press conference arrogantly he's br h brushing off any charges that his fisa conduct was wrong, illegal and disgusting. remember he's the guy that signed on to the first warrant in october of 2016. but that means he had to verify it was true. that meant he verified it. that means he kosh bright it. that means he's standing behind it. yet in jan, at trump tower he told donald trump, then president elect it was salacious and unverified. watch this. >> i have total confidence in the fisa process was followed and that the entire case was handled in a thoughtful, responsible way by doj and the fbi. i think the notion that fisa was abused here is nonsense. >> sean: not even christopher steele believes his own dossier. he's still defending it, get
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warrants to spy on americans, is that more important? we all know the dossier was and is a debunked lie, comey didn't verify it, nobody verified it. nobody corroborated steele's evidence, steele wouldn't stand by it when questioned under oath in an interrogatory down in great britain even when he said it was salacious and unproven months after the fisa warrant was in place. james comey will sleep well knowing our two tiered justice system will never likely hold him accountable. so too will these liars, people that lied under oath. michael cohen is in trouble. what about cheryl mills or hue ma abedin or bruce ohr, glenn simpson, christopher steele, james clapper, james brennan, andrew mccabe, lois lerner? eric holder? all those lied to authorities. they were never prosecuted. never even investigated in many cases. let's not forget about james comey. remember he lied to congress
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under oath. i doubt he will get the cohen treatment tonight. then you have the king and queen of corruption, bill and hillary clinton, obstructing justice, deleting subpoenaed emails, acid washing hard drives with bleach bit. busting up by hammers devices phones and blackberries, leveraging their political positions in order to rake in millions of dollars. the clintons tonight are perhaps this countries most corrupt politicians and they have never ever ever been held accountable with you. that might be about to change. john solomon, breaking news right here on this program last night, federal authorities received whistle blower information in 2017 alleging that the clinton foundation of a whole bunch of wrongdoing. congressman mark meadows confirmed the whistleblowers have turned over hundreds of documents to law enforcement and potentially shedding light into the clinton's cloud of
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corruption, information crowning quid pro quo promises made to big donors while hillary clinton was secretary of state and the commingling of funds with the clinton foundation and their private money. including much more. when hillary clinton was secretaries of state, remember this designed off, on sending 20% of our uranium, the foundational material to nuclear weapons to vladimir putin. this occurred while the clinton foundation was receiving millions and millions from the chairman of uranium one and all the banks involved. by knew putin had operatives inside the united states. william campbell was a spy within that network, identifying bribery, extortion, kickbacks and money laundering and robert mueller was the fbi director. in the end putin got the foot hold into your uranium market, the deal happened and none of those people got in trouble.
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the clintons got the money, the kickback to the foundation in terms of millions and millions of dollars. tonight an investigation we now know as of yesterday is ongoing. i said over and over, it is time in america, we care about our constitutional republic that we end a two tiered justice system. that we have equal application of our laws and equal justice under the law. we have more good news, a federal judge todd agrees with me. joyce royce lambert who is overseeing the lawsuit that involves hillary's secret server email saga dropped a major bombshell this week about just how far the government is willing to go to skirt transparency laws writing at best the state's attempt to pass off its deficient search as legally adequate during settlement negotiations was negligence born out of in come he tense.
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included to scuttle public scrutiny of the clibt clint, skirt foia and hood wink this court and he didn't stop there, calling the clinton email affair one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency. this judge has ordered additional fact finding in the case. this is massive news. we'll continue to keep you updated. here to go through all of the days news fox news contributor and investigator reporter, sara carter, the author of the russia hoax, fox news legal analyst greg jarrett. the one thing as i read it through this, we've got a lot of the interesting things here. we've got a lot of really big sins like -- by the way, don't lie on an application. if you owe the taxes, pay the taxes. that's my advice. because obviously you're gonna get in a lot of trouble. and when you read these things you say, okay, people did wrong things here. but none of it, not one bit of
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it greg jarrett has to do with trump, russia and collusion. and it seems it that the media is only fixated on one thing and that was michael cohen's payment as it relates to stormy and karen mcdougal as somehow we now have a campaign finance violation. i've got a list of them here of obama and a bunch of other people who committed them too. >> they're civil penalties, not criminal cases, to prove a criminal case of campaign violation you have to prove that the candidate knowingly violated the campaign election laws and prosecutor's rarely are able to prove that because most people in america, candidates especially don't even understand the incredibly complex laws. there's two things we learned from these memos today. one, in all three of them, there is no reference to trump russia collusion to win the election. and the other thing we learned is that people like manafort are refusing to tell bob mueller
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what mueller wants to hear. in other words if you don't abide by this russian hoax, then we're gonna throw the book at you and come after you with a vengeance. >> sean: you know sara, people say why do you compare all the things with the clintons? because we know she's violated the espionage act. it is the single biggest slam dunk case on obstruction of justice. we know that comey and strzok wrote an exoneration before they even investigated. strzok wanted and expected hillary to win a hundred million to zero. then it gets into they exonerate her for crimes we know she committed. she pays for a dossier that had real russian lies in there that were spread to the american people. what we learned this week in john solomon's column is that in fact the fica courts, fbi and all those people that signed the fisa warrants they knew they
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probably were false. they did it any way. that is a fraud on the court. >> that's absolutely right, sean. what we have learned over the last nearly two years of investigations, both john solomon and i, as well as congress al investigations is one thing, that the special counsel was appointed to investigate a non-crime. there was no crime there. and what was out there was actual crimes and potential crimes over the last two years that have been unraveled from uranium one and the testimony given by william campbell about the dealings both with clinton and the clinton foundation and now the stories that have come out that john is put out there that are incredible, that there is hundreds of pages of documents that a whistle blower has turned over to congress, several whistleblowers, we know that general anyone, incredibly, did not lie to the fbi agents. that came out of comey's own mouth. yet for some reason mueller was
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able to twist his arm and get him to admit to one count of lying. so that he could drag this honorable man this hero through the ringer. and you know take away his ability to defend himself publicly. what we need now, though, is a special counsel, a second special counsel to investigate this. and this is coming from law makers on the hill, from attorneys who have been very well read on this issue, whether william barr, whether he gets nominated, becomes the until you attorney general, whether he will appoint a second special counsel is vitally important. the american people deserve to know the truth. the people who violated the laws, including the foreign intelligence surveillance court when the fbi and doj violated to get the warrant on carter page need to be held accountable and it needs to be investigated. >> sean: greg we talk about uranium one, we had a spy inside
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putin's network, we still allowed, even though we knew, he was reporting back bribery, kickbacks, money laundering which all sorts of other crimes to the fbi. >> right. >> sean: they have don't act. the dealings through with hillary's permission, money from people involved get sent back to the foundation. that's russia. russia got our uranium. nobody seems to care. >> the clinton foundation got 145 million from russian sources related to that. >> bill clinton got half a million. >> sean: bought and paid for russian lies t looks like james comey is the only person on earth that believes that two hookers were urinating on donald trump's bed in moscow. steele doesn't believe it but comey apparently does based on some of his words today. we go through this, we have application lies, taxes that weren't paid. we've got campaign finance violations. process crimes like lying to the
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fbi. yet we have real russian lies that the other candidate paid for. nobody cares about that. why? how is that possible? >> you know if there is any collusion it was hillary clinton who paid for russian information, fed it to the fbi and the department of justice, to damage donald trump. the fbi and doj ran with that, they used this phony dossier and they knew it was fabricated. in the new emails that we'll get when they're declassified will prove that. >> sean: how many laws are broken? why do i think. >> six, six felonies. >> sean: you the couldn't get me out of yale. >> one of them is abuse of power, obstruction of justice, perjury, the list goes oh and on. when you deceive a court and conceal evidence you're lying to them. you're perpetrating a fraud. the chief justice of the us supreme court john roberts is in charge of the fisa court. he should order a show cause
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hearing. james comey and sally yates and andrew mccabe and rod rosenstein bring them before that the court to say explain yourselves. >> sean: but we knew part of this. what john's block buster this week showed, we knew the part that they never told the fisa court that in fact hillary paid for this document. they said might have a political taint to it. that was as far as they went, in a footnote >> in a footnote, right >> sean: so now we know that our intel community had real problems with the dossier. turns out christopher steele in the end wouldn't stand by it. >> right. >> sean: they go before a fisa court note once, twice, they times, four times and they're using information they didn't corroborate but they as yous go suspected it was false from the beginning. >> absolutely. >> sean: why? for russian lies. >> absolutely. another problem that the intel the community has sean and you know this based on stories we wrote over a year ago was the
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fact they were unmasking americans. when are they going to investigate who unmasked lieutenant general michael flynn until the documents to the washington post? that's one of the most egregious communications in the intelligence community when you unmask an american's name. we know it came from leakers within the government that wanted to push this type of collusion story forward, a false narrative. there wasn't even just that. remember over the 300 unmaskings that samantha powers was involved in and the weapon any saying of the intelly yes or nos community, these are egregious acts that basically violated the constitution and what we stand on, on principle. the only thing we can do -- >> sean: one of the first articles you and john co-authored together had to do with surveillance, unmasking, the lack of minimization and the leaking of raw intelligence. that is a crime that happened to general flynn.
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that's where the perjury trap -- they had the whole conversation. and they bring him in, he didn't even know he was being really the interviewed, he thought he was being informed getting into his new position. so he didn't remember it perfectly. the fbi didn't think he was lying but he's going bankrupt, has to sell his house, they're threatening his kid, his family or somebody. i'm wondering what was the increase in surveillance? wasn't it 300% in 2016? >> yes, it was, over a certain amount of years. then the obama administration, themselves, had to come forward to the courts and admit that they were doing this. and then they secretly tried to bury it. let's remember this, when the fbi agents interviewed general flynn they went back and notified the fbi including comey and andrew mccabe that flynn did not lie at all. in fact he gave them information that he didn't even know they knew. so he was even more than forthcoming with them. so the american public really has to think about what happened
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here, and what can happen to them if something like this happens again. because it shouldn't be allowed to happen again. and people should be held accountable. >> sean: alright i want to go to a legal question for you greg. i have it right here, oh, obama 2028 campaign fined $375,000 by the fec for campaign violations reporting. okay, the one thing out of all of this, because they can't tie donald trump to the taxi issue or the application issue or the fact that some people didn't pay all their taxes and were hiding income from the government, through various i guess banking methods. so the media are saying would you michael cohen paid this money to buy the silence of these women therefore it's a campaign donation or violation. >> right. >> sean: because it was on his behalf, and remember michael said ed it on his own originally, i think he changed his story.
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but on his own, not telling donald trump what he was doing and then was paid back. is there any law that was broken there? >> no, first of all donald trump used his own money. and under the law you're allowed an unlimited amount of your own money to your campaign. second of all, in addition to that, you know, you're also able to skirt the campaign laws as a crime because you didn't know goly break the law. knowingly break the law. if michael cohen was filing faulty paperwork that's what ed, not donald trump. >> sean: okay. so meaning changed "the story," originally i think he said jan of 2016 trump mass ask you, the tower was, they stopped, any discussions of it. it never happened in the end. but then he said no, it was actually june. so it went on longer than he originally said. let's say ed continue. let's say they built trump tower
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moscow. is there any illegality in any of that. >> no, it's perfectly legal. anybody can develop real estate in russia or anywhere else. this guy, the president of the united states was a real estate developer. he backed out of the deal. he had a letter of intent and then he said sorry i'm not going to exercise this. there's no evidence of any collusion with russia that pertained to the election. there's no secret bank account. no secret conveyance, no rendezvous in moscow, none of that. and yet the media and liberals claim collusion. >> sean: don't lie on your loan applications, pay your taxes, if robert mueller offers you a deal, don't trust him. it didn't get michael cohen a whole lot ask there's no equal justice under the law. >> you should never trust robert mueller, if you get a subpoena as i told somebody recently who got a subpoena, don't talk to robert mueller, go immediately
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to a lawyer. this is an individual who got a subpoena, knows nothing about any of this. but that is what mueller is doing. >> sean: don't passing, go straight to jail. guys good to see you. joining us live with a report is our washington fox news chief intelligence correspondent, catherine herridge, she like us, i read every bit of this today, and i was like -- ready to fall asleep. >>. >> well there was a lot to go through. just to recap for folks at home we had two filings late today out of new york state, one for the united states republican us attorney for the southern district of new york and the other from the special counsel recommending significant jail time, four years and $500,000 from michael cohen, what he offered the special counsel on russia reads in part cohen provided the sco the special counsel office with useful information concerning certain
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discrete russia related matters core to its investigation that he obtained by virtue of his regular contact with company executives during the campaign. he provided certain relevant information during the 2017-2018 time period. the filings don't explain more about the nature of the contacts. it's important to note the us attorney filing is very dramatic in the way it's written, while many americans who desired a particular outcome to the election knocked on doors, told you at phone banks or found other legal ways to make their voices heard, cohen tried to do so from the shadows,: who is then candidate trump. here in washington we also had a filing late today on the president's former campaign chairman. one of the documents was filed under seal which means it is not public.
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the other was released publicly. as you can see here it's heavily redacted. it makes the case that the lying manafort is guilty of in the plea deal actually relates to his contacts with the white house with the administration, it doesn't go to the issue of russian coordination or collusion, sean. >> sean: what be, there's one report i've not been able to confirm it, anything involving any people connected to say john podesta? >> right. my colleague john roberts was able to get some information this evening that the section that is sealed in the manafort filing here in washington has toss do with tony podesta. tony podesta was doing lobbying work with paul manafort, with ukraine, i also understand from the reporting earlier this week of the associated press the special counsel has been looking at greg craig a former white house the counsel under the obama administration, correct me if i'm wrong on that designation. it does appear the special counsel is looking at democrats,
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and what's called a violation of foreign agents registration act. people have been asking whether the special counsel was going to do apply the laws equally nick? we at least see perhaps some indications that they're looking at democrats. if i could just finally on james comey, because this was a big story today, but kind of got buried in the avalanche of filings late in the day. and comey as you know was on capitol hill for this closed door transcribed interview under oath for six hours. this is an extraordinary situation where an fbi director is brought back to the hill, put under oath for a transcribed interview because the law makers on the republican side really don't trust him. i mean i don't know if there's an easier way to say it. they wanted that transcribed interview. after the session, he got a number of questions which frankly felt to me like softball questions, and didn't really go to the issue of the clinton emails, and the dispar rat handling of that case as opposed
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to other prosecutions and then also the russia case. let's just take my question i got to him on whether there was evidence that there was fisa abuse or the misuse of the surveillance process during the 2016 election. >> i have total confidence that the fisa process was followed and that the entire case was handled until a thoughtful, responsible way by doj and the fbi. i think the notion that fisa was abused here is nonsense. >> the question was about whether he had total confidence in the dossier and it's use to secure the surveillance. when he briefed the incoming president that dossier was unverified at that time, that is three months after the initial application. the great thing about the deal that was brokered today between comey's lawyers and the law makers on capitol hill is that this transcript is going to be made public. this will allow individuals to test the statements that they
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heard today from director comey, that he answered the questions, that there was really nothing about russia, only the emails and that there was no problem with the fisa or the surveillance warrant process. and it will also allow us to test the statements of republicans that a government lawyer really ran a lot of interference and shut down critical lines of questioning. >> sean: so much here though. if you look catherine, remember christopher steele in that interrogatory wouldn't stand by his don't dossier. if it was as the nunes and grassly graham memo say, the bulk of information in the fisa applications came from the dossier and its own author doesn't the stand by it one has to question if the email chain exists as john solomon reported that said directly james comey's name was on it, did they verify it? when? what part did they verify? was it wrong? was a fraud committed on the court?
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also one other question why didn't they tell the court, the fisa judges that in fact hillary had bought and paid for that fisa warrant when it was just a mere footnote in the fisa application. >> we're going to get a lot of good stuff in that transcript. we'll see what questions were avoid avoided. >> sean: we'll see tomorrow, right in the. >> that was the plan. i think there could be a little bit of foot dragging. there was a justice department lawyer in there, government lawyer, and there may be issues about redactions and both sides will want to be clear that the transcript is accurate before it goes outside. there's going to be a lot of good stuff. you can test whether everybody said today and see if that was an accurate portrayal of what the went down inside that closed door session. >> sean: thanks for taking us inside. former clinton pollster, advisor park pen, darrell issa and tammy bruce. congressman you were in there, hopefully we'll get the transcript tomorrow. i went over the problems with
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these fisa applications, is it true the bulk of information came from the dossier that christopher steele doesn't stand by? >> that's exactly right t not only came from the dossier, as you know christopher steele hasn't been in russia in 20 years. so even the people, the unknown people responsible for it, could easily have in fact been agents of the russian government, which would mean that hillary clinton is the one guilty of the so-called collusion. >> sean: well, that's a great irony there. you have been very critical, mark pen, of this process, from the get-go here, as you should be. i believe we have a dual justice system. i'm looking at taxis, loan applications, tax violations, i'm not seeing any collusion here at all. this has gone so afar. but i do see issues with russia with uranium one and that is that we had a spy within that network. and we did have a lot of money
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kickback in the end. i do see issues with this dossier, it's full of russian lies and the fbi used it as the basis of the fisa applications and in fact they never verified it. what james comey just said is false. we know they didn't verify it because stooelt doesn't stand by it. >> well i typically urge all americans to read the dossier. because anyone who actually reads the dossier, understands it's a joke document. it's a document filled with nonsense, what couldn't possibly be true that almost reads like an april fools joke. now that we've spent i don't know $30 million, you know, investigated almost everyone in the campaign and the administration, there is still no evidence of anything that one would call collusion, and certainly not related to the individual case. if anything we're drifting more and more back to monica lewandowski days by talking
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about payments to stormy daniels and trying to take payments that are clearly not campaign related under the definitions that have been ruled by the fefec and trying to turn them into crimes. it's a creep by the special counsel to get the president all over again. >> sean: tammy it seems that greg jarrett explained it very well in terms of the law. i watched the hysteria on t.v. they're saying campaign violations, i have campaign violations from 96 over here and 2008 over here, and from bob deal over here and al gore over here, and the biggest fine paid by obama. my question to you is, as you look at where this has now gone, i mean i feel bad for the men involved and the things that happened but i feel they're victims of what is selective prosecution and a political witch hunt this they got caught up by no other reason that they like donald trump. >> well look this is why we're nervous when there's more regulations and more laws.
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we pretty much wake up in america as americans and we're breaking some law. they're selective in how it's applied but it's hovering over you. this document ranging from the dossier to what catherine herridge explained is fan fiction. we're talking about criminal justice reform on one hand from the trump administration of course and the american people see this fraud, this hoax being unleashed upon people in washington, but we experience it also at the local level in our daily lives, whether it's the disen franchise did or people of color, this is a very chilling effect. americans realize it, they do like it, and it's up to the president to make it clear to the american people what's happening to them. >> sean: he can release the gang of 8 information, 302's, and email chain. darrell issa, double what james comey said about the fisa
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warrants, was accurate or did he lie? >> well he certainly is inaccurate. the idea that these things were anything other than falsely granted based on deceiving a federal judge is more laughable than what mark said about the dossier itself. ultimately, this dossier is what got them into a business of looking for a crime that didn't happen. >> sean: unbelievable. thank you all. appreciate it. when we come back, congressman mark med does revealed today, what did he reveal that should have the clintons very nervous continue. doug schoen and larry elder will join us on this very busy news night. we're glad you're with us. -looks great, honey. -right?
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sometimes you need an expert. i got it. and sometimes those experts need experts. on it. [ crash ] and sometimes the expert the expert needed needs insurance expertise. it's all good. steve, you're covered for general liability. and, paul, we got your back with workers' comp. wow, it's like a party in here. where are the hors d'oeuvres, right? [ clanking ] tartlets? we cover commercial vehicles, too. i think there's something wrong with your sink.
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confirms the clinton foundation whistleblowers have turned over hundreds and hundreds of documents that may she did a light on what is a criminal pay play for pay scheme. federal authorities rushd whistle blower evidence in 2016, six thousand pages alleging clinton foundation violations. joining us doug schoen and larry elder. you were friends with the clintons at one point. you have to give it to them they seem to skate every single time. >> my position is if you're going to finish as i think we should the mueller investigation, why wouldn't we want balance to look at the issues that have been now credibly raised? i'm not passing judgment on anything, sean. what is fair is fair. >> sean: do you agree you remember rain yum one is trouble some, phony the clinton bought and paid for dossier that christopher steele doesn't stand by, do those bother you?
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>> yeah, they do. look, i've read the dossier. that it was. >> sean: ridiculous. >> but together by the clinton campaign, paying millions of dollars for it. and used as a basis for fisa warrants, is a troubling thing to me that i think -- >> sean: troubling? >> it is. yeah. >> sean: the guy who wrote it doesn't stand by it, we now learned this week in john solomon's investigative report, larry elder, not only that our own intelligence community had questions but they still used it as the basis and bulk of information to obtain a warrant to spy on a trump campaign associate. those are russian paid for lies, i thought we were worried about russian interference, those lies were disseminated to the american people to cause them to vote against donald trump. >> well that's right. and it's becoming increasingly obvious isn't it sean that this
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whole investigation started with this bogus dossier, and i would like to point out people are defending the mueller probe by arguing, well he's gotten about eight or nine convictions so far. well if the definition of a good special counsel probe is how many convictions you get then the clinton white water probe was a home run, a grand slam. they got 14 convictions including the then sitting governor of arkansas and they had to do with the underlying purpose of investigation which was an alleged crooked real estate deal. these convictions have nothing to do wi to do with conspiracy, collusion with donald trump. >> sean: let meet ask you a question. people forget you're a lawyer. i do not forget my friends that are lawyers, i might need them one day. >> there is important. i watched the media tonight and they're claiming campaign finance violations. greg jarrett points out it would be civil in nature, number two, michael cohen's original story
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was that ed this without the knowledge of donald trump on his own, with his own money. acting in a way he thought as his personal attorney that his client would want him to act. donald trump did pay him back the money and so on and so forth but as greg pointed out it's civil b the president has the ability to spend no limit to the amount of money he could spend as a candidate running for that was. >> yeah. >> sean: how is that a crime until. >> yeah, i agree with his analysis. look, it's not a crime. what did bill clinton say? everybody lies about sex? the idea that donald trump would not want people to know about his relationships is no surprise. is it a crime? no, it is not a crime. >> sean: last word, doug schoen. >> what i would say is if anything happens to donald trump after the access hollywood came out, his vote went up. so figure that into your equation! >> sean: i don't know how to
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interpret that doug schoen. i'm not even going there. alright. good to see you both. when we come back, we're going to do show you how the destroy media, their insane reaction to today's findings, they were down right giddy, sean spicer and joe concha will analyze the media. we'll keep them honest, it's our job. ♪
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aren't about cohen, i mean they are about cohen but did they point to the president in a way we haven't seen before? >> this is the first time federal prosecutor's are accusing the president of the united states of having directed a crime. >> i'm willing to bet this is good evidence that trump had the requisite intent to commit this crime as well. >> michael cohen's two campaign finance felonies were directed by a person named as individual one. that person is donald trump. that means that donald trump also committed two felonies. >> the department of justice today in the most explicit terms said the president of the united states committed two felonies. just said it, right, came out and said it. >> sean: joining us now the hill's media reporter joe concha and america first action sponsor sean spicer. what they're forgetting michael for a long time said ed it without anybody's knowledge, sean, and ed it on his own, with an entity he created. and didn't tell the president,
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and only later the president found out and paid the money back, which by the way the president as greg jarrett and larry elder have analyzed tonight would be perfectly able to do with his own funds which is ultimately ed pay him back. they're saying they want to believe one version of michael cohen that fits their narrative but not re mind people of the other narrative of michael cohen. which one do you believe? >> not only that, if you read the complaint, it's ridiculous, they talk about michael cohen's taxi, failure to pay taxes, nothing to do with russia or collusion or the campaign. you see some of these reporters say in the clips you just showed the department of justice said the following. it said nothing of the sort. and yet to your point in your opening monologue, these reporters are so fixed ongoing after this president they will literally make stuff up. it amazes me, for as much as
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they despise the term fake numbers, the clips that you just showed, showed the lengths to which they will go to make things up and attack and undermine this president. >> sean: you know joe, i mean in this they go through a litany of crimes. they say that michael cohen should have substantial jail time. talked about a side of michael cohen that his friends did not know about. and they get to this part. and they take the version that is most recent, about, well, at the behest of donald trump, ed these things. that the president was asking him to commit crimes. which is very different from what he originally claimed. who should they believe? >> well we don't know, right? i think ultimately, sean, the theme here from the very beginning as been the question of it donald trump and campaign associat associates collude with russian officials to change the outcome
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of the 2016 election? if you don't connect that dot in the court of public opinion, nobody cares about this other stuff. i have president on it, we all have it, it's just a matter of remembering it. remember during the 90s, bill clinton wasn't being investigated for his affair with monica lewandowski, it just kind of creeped in that direction, when he committed perjury about that affair and he was impeached over it, and obviously wasn't removed from office. >> sean: that was about the paula jones lawsuit. >> exactly. it ends up being another thing all together. when that happened bill clinton's approval shot up to 73% in gallup, in other words in democrats over reach here and the media over reaches here on things that aren't collusion, no one is going to care. it's almost irrelevant. i understand there are crimes. unless it's the big thing that this thing has been based on from the very beginning it doesn't matter. >> sean: it's a very different story, sean spicer, they list a litany of crimes. i feel sorry for michael and paul manafort. you know these are human beings
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with families and lives here. and they want to believe the side that fits their narrative, not the fact that, oh they're saying ed all these horrible things but i'm going to believe this one thing that he said here, not that contradicts what he previously had said. >> well right. right. i will mean there's two things that i think are important here. number one when you read both of the documents that the doj put out tonight with respect to manafort and cohen the underlying principle in both is that they lied, they didn't tell the truth. that's what they got busted for. you made the point earlier in the show, don't lie, don't cheat on your taxes, file the forms correctly. that is what this is about. >> sean: they didn't. >> that's what they're getting busted for, this has nothing to do with the president. >> sean: alright. quick break, this busy news night continues.
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sure you pay all your taxes and follow the rules and the laws, et cetera. the other thing to learn here is we have dual justice systems in america, uranium one, phony russian dossier, that is the story tonight. thanks for being us with. lawyer a laura is next. >> laura: i'm laura ingraham, this is one of the busiest fridays in recent memory. we will methodically break down everything you need to know about the mueller sentencing memos, all the cohen, manafort and comey news in just a moment. we plan to get to other stories tonight. kevin heart withdraws from hosting the oscars over gay remarks he made a decade ago. is the pc culture killing entertainment and comedy? raymond arroyo will show us more of the repulsive toys of the season in friday follies,
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