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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  December 9, 2018 1:00pm-2:00pm PST

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thanks to all of you for watching. i'm paul gigot, hope to see you here next week. ♪ >> after the chairman committee
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says after the testimony he claims it was questionable. >> the biggest take away is the former fbi director, james comey with regard to the two most important investigations into the clinton e-mail matter and into the russia collusion matter said, as you noted, i don't recall, i don't remember, or i don't know, 245 times. that is stunning since the fella wrote a book about all of this. >> arthel: garrett joins us live on what we are learning from the transcripts. >> this lasted for nearly seven hours. so they covered a lot of ground. a lot of questions focused on the genesis of the trumpet rush investigation.
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the fbi was looking at for individuals connected to the trump campaign for alleged collusion with the russians. we know two of those are former campaign advisors george papadopoulos and carter page. two possibilities are michael flynn and paul manafort. there is also questions about surveillance warrants and using the steel dossier to obtain those. comey testified the information the dossier was not verified by the fbi before being presented to the court. he testified that why they were informed that the dossier was opposition research base did not say was funded by the clinton campaign. he said no, when think so. it doesn't seem important to me now. who cares what organization or people. the court needed to be aware there is a potential for bias because there's political
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motivation for support of this. while there complaining about how many times, he couldn't remember things democrats are descending his defending his. >> he answered almost a thousand questions in total. his batting average was between seven and 800. i think he could not answer certain questions because he is a material witness in the mueller investigation. the doj and fbi did not want him to answer questions on an ongoing investigation. >> is far from over. james comey will be on capitol hill a week from tomorrow for another round of questioning. >> arthel: thank you. eric? >> eric: there are more developments in washington. major personnel changes at the white house. president trump announced that john kelly will be leaving by the end of the year. he also plans to nominate
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william barr as his next attorney general to replace jeff sessions. the president picking heather knauer as a former fox news colleague to be the next united nations ambassador. we have more on all of this from the north lawn of the white house. >> reporter: they were for staff changes in a few days before leaving to the army-navy game. president trump told reporters that chief of staff, general john kelly will be leaving. he said he would not call his departure of retirement despite months of tension between them the white house is saying this separation is amicable. everybody will have disagreements, but was he fired? i don't think so. i was in privilege to that. but the president had great things to say. >> president trump announced his pick to replace nikki haley with heater nauert.
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william barr is also his choice to lead the department of justice with matthew whitaker. the president described him as a brilliant man and respected juris. they will need to answer a lot of questions including reports that president trump initially wanted mr. barr to lead the legal team representing him on matters related to the special counsel's russia probe. >> i want to hear more about that allegation. what were the details. also, for mr. barr himself. >> i haven't made a decision yet but the first things i have learned about him being for more surveillance of americans is very troubling. >> sources tell fox news that mike pence's current chief of staff, nick ayers is the top choice to replace general kelly. >> arthel: meanwhile, lawmakers reacting to friday's big move by
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special counsel mueller in the russia probe. prosecutors filed sentencing recommendations for the president's former personal attorney, michael cohen, and former trump campaign chair, paul manafort. they indicate that president trump directed michael cohen to commit a crime. whether or not the president himself broke the laws open to question. the incoming chair of the house judiciary committee say mr. trump may at least have committed an impeachable offense. >> they would be if impeachable offenses. whether they are important enough to justify a impeachment is questionable. even though they were committed before the president became president, they were committed in the service of fraudulently obtaining the office. that would be an impeachable offense. >> arthel: julian wraps up this event for us. >> after going dark for two months surrounding the elections, robert mueller's team had a high-octane week.
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into russian collusion. the team drop memos on three of key witnesses. michael flynn, paul manafort, and michael cohen. now, they're sorting through the paper trail and trying to figure out what it means for president trump. they are far from a consensus. >> i think with these indictments and filings show is that the president was at the center of several massive rods against the american people. >> there's no communication, no collusion no cooperation. >> they released a sentencing recommendations for michael cohen. once in august for his role in facilitating payments for two porn stars and then again last week for lying to congress about his work for the president russia. later, another memo alleging paul manafort violated his plea
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agreement. most of the democratic leadership are certain it spells the beginning of the end for president trump, not all are convinced. >> and filings this week there's nothing definitive but nothing that exonerates the president either. >> republicans need more info. >> before i'm making a public pronouncement, i want to have all of the information before us. i want us to finish our work on the senate intelligence committee. >> political analysts say this new document will only serve to further entrench everyone's previously held views. mercy and evidence of that today. >> arthel: thank you. >> eric: a winter storm is slamming parts of the southeast. it's bringing heavy snow or and freezing rain to north carolina virginia. that means more than 200,000 people are without power. north carolina's governor has been urging drivers to stay off
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the roads. >> north carolina is in the cold icy ri grip of a mammoth storm. enjoy the beauty, but respect the danger. snow and ice can make the scene outside your window look like a holiday card. don't be fooled. this storm is treacherous. especially if you try to drive in it. >> in the middle of the cold and icy grip, brian is live in north carolina. >> reporter: you right. that storm is making its way through the north carolina to southwestern part of virginia. it will head into the ocean tomorrow. here in asheville we've seen at most 11.1 inches of snow mainly around the town we've seen six or 7 inches of snow. in north carolina some parts could see up to 2 feet when the storm is all said and done.
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you talk about 18.5 inches of snow have fallen are ready. in greensboro, north carolina they had 10 inches of snow. it is already the third most they have ever seen in greensboro in one day. take a look at the map. it shows you where the storm is heading. in roanoke, virginia is getting hit hard. it will head over into richmond, virginia. it is making the roads treacherous. that is why governor roy cooper of north carolina said people just need to stay home today and tomorrow. schools have been canceled. this is a live look at interstate 240. if you can see here there is about 509 collisions have happened already in the last 12 hours in north carolina. mainly because of speed. that's why the governors telling people to stay home. there is significant a scene particularly in places in and around charlotte and greenville. they're worried about interstate
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85 with the icing today and tomorrow. the other big story besides the driving is the power. more than 200,000 people in north carolina are without power. 85000 people in south carolina without power at this time. besides that people are enjoying the snow. kids and families building snowman, we've seen dogs out here enjoying it as well. it will couple golden retriever's here. the storm here was expected to drop more than a foot. it hasn't been that so people have been coming in and enjoying the time. there is a fine headache. over 1100 flights from charlotte airport have been canceled. more than 200 in raleigh. make sure you call the airline before you head to the airport. it's a big store for the south. georgia, kentucky, south carolina, north carolina.
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>> eric: that's a huge storm. also the fact that they have so much snow down south which is unusual. we will get to 22 there tonight. >> reporter: that's why they're worried about the black ice. they did the best they could with putting salt on the roads. they are worried tomorrow that this wet sleet is going to freeze. it could be dangerous. that's why schools are closed. >> if you go out you have to slow down. thank you. >> from snow in the carolinas to fire and smoke on capitol hill, forcing the evacuation of landmark buildings. those details are ahead. plus, more on robert mueller's busy week. after he releases a flurry of court filings in the russian investigation but leaves the most important question unanswered. lawmakers are reacting today. >> i'm against the special prosecutors. i think it's a huge mistake in huge abuse of government power.
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senators were affected. they are blaming electrical motors in the attic as the cause for the fire. >> new reaction from capitol hill after a big week for the special counsel's russian investigation. robert mueller filing a series of long awaited court documents, relating to president trump's one-time campaign chair, paul manafort. also former national security advisor, the michael cohen and the president's former personal attorney, michael cohen. all of the filings leave him wanting more information. >> some things that have come out particularly because of mr. michael cohen have led the committee to come back and interview witnesses again based on other testimony in the past. >> it is now our job of the justice department and special counsel in congress to get to the bottom of this to find out exactly what was going on find out the extent of the president's involvement in to
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find out what to the president know and when did you know it. then we can hold him accountable. >> eric is the writer and he's with us now. let's start with a michael cole portion of this, found guilty of lying about hush money at the request of president trump. also that was sent to karen mcdougall and stormy daniels. let's get your take on that. >> michael cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations regarding the payoff to the two women. that is something he was able to do, but it is still a tricky legal question whether an expense of that sort counts as a campaign expense or not. federal election commission has eight your respective tests. the respective test says that you don't use campaign-finance
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money for something you would have done a respected of being a candidate. so, the legal question the trump team may take is that irrespective of being a candidate, he would have tried to keep it a secret that he had these alleged affairs. >> arthel: with the democrats really the house on january 3, how does this work for the president? >> if the president thinks he has a rough shake by the press, which he clearly has, he is in for a lot worse once the house is run by the democrats. importantly, the democrats will have subpoena power to bring people to testify in front of congress. michael cohen, one of the things he pleaded guilty to is lying to congress. what's interesting to about that is this is not the kind of
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process crime, like when the fbi shows up and you talk to the fbi and get tripped up and make a statement that is contradictory to a statement you made before and talking to the fbi. instead, what happened with michael cohen's he went with a prepared statement to both the senate intelligence committee and the house committee making false statements. he put those statements on the record, not getting tripped up but rather premeditated acts of falsehood. >> arthel: so there is a warning, do not lie to congress. do the democrats run the risk of over reaching? meaning, with all the focus on the russia probe and not enough on policymaking for the benefit of the people. or, will public opinion side with congress putting checks and balances on the president? >> i think that remains to be seen. democrats are not united in thinking that going after
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impeachment right away is a good idea. jerrold nadler, likely to be the chairman of the house judiciary committee in january was talking today about how even if there were impeachable offenses, it would not be wise to pursue impeachment unless they were impeachable offenses of the seriousness that would convince the american public that the house and senate were doing the right thing. i think it is very much in democrats view how things turned around for bill clinton when he was impeached. i don't think they want to do that for donald trump. >> arthel: adam shift was on cbs face the nation this evenin this morning. let me show this. >> there is a real prospect that on the day donald trump leaves office, the justice department
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may indict him. he may be the first president in quite some time to face jail time. >> arthel: strong words. based on you covering washington, is that it possibility or hyperbole? >> i think adam shift has exhibited hyperbole before. this could be another instance of that. the question is whether a sitting president can be indicted and the general consensus based on justice department memos and consideri considering. >> he did say after he leaves the white house. >> that is the key thing. that is why he is saying after he leaves the white house. if that is the case, and if they have made it clear to donald trump there would be such an effort, that just increases the incentive for donald trump to make sure he stays in office.
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>> arthel: we have to leave it there. a senior writer for the weekly standard, thank you so much eric? >> eric: the still the nation's most notorious missing persons case. still ahead, should the release all of the jimmy hoffa files? why are they still being hidden from the american public? an investigative reporter is here on that. plus, the massive storm and on the east coast. is causing widespread power outages in a mess for travelers. we are tracking the storm and will have the forecast, next ♪
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myrbetriq may interact with other medicines. tell your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems. common side effects include increased blood pressure, common cold or flu symptoms,... ...sinus irritation, dry mouth, urinary tract infection, bladder inflammation,... ...back or joint pain, constipation, dizziness, and headache. need some help managing your oab symptoms along the way? ask your doctor if myrbetriq is right for you, and visit to learn more. >> eric: emergency is declaredah as snow has brought sleet and rain over portions of the southeast. many have no power in 1300 flights have been canceled. that will paralyze the airline
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system for a few days. our meteorologist paul williams is here tracking the storm. >> bottom line, is not going anywhere soon. it's going to stick around for the rest of tonight. the dark blue is indicating winter storm warning from charlottesville, richmond, winston, salem, asheville, charlotte. we want to call that the 12 - 1. that is the problem. we can see the storm continued to track towards the east. it will continue over the east. that is good news. however, the heavy bands of snow throughout all of virginia, west virginia, and the slice of pink is a combination of freezing rain and sleet. if this low pressure system stays it continues to move out towards the east and strong winds would manifest. that mix will become wider.
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the snow band will become more condensed but still very intense. 17 inches of snow in some areas. in roanoke we have already had nine. we are still tabulating that. this is the forecasting model, we go through the timeline and look for the intensity to move out. left over moisture and cold air on monday morning. monday is a problem. we will get through things tonight, look at what we are expecting. charlotte, salem, we are looking for a regional chance of that on monday morning and one other problem. big time trouble problems. delays and cancellations expected from roanoke, knoxville, columbia, raleigh, and everywhere else in between. >> eric: monday morning rush-hour will not be a rush. people need to be careful. stay safe. >> arthel: the cleanup of paris is underway after another day of violent protests over gas taxes.
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tourist attractions and shops have reopened after the city was on lockdown when yellow vested protesters against battle right police leaving 71 people injured. meanwhile, president e manual macron breaking his silence in a tweet thinking police. he is under pressure to end the mounting unrest. gregg is live from paris with the latest. >> he is under a lot of pressure. it is official. in the past couple of by hours a manual macron will speak to his nation finally tomorrow night. after a weekend of chaos we can tell you that people are shaken and concerned. they spent the day picking up after the riots yesterday.
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over 2000 people were arrested nationwide. 264 people injured including 39 police officers and the damage yesterday was widespread. for example in just last week's one day of riding it cost france a billion and a half dollars. we are in it for most of the day saturday. it was ugly. police clashing with antigovernment protesters and yellow vested protesters coming from the working class. there were opportunistic militants mixing and causing trouble. it all started over anger about a proposed government tax hike on gasoline and diesel. it morphed into this broad attack of taxation on the government felt by the people to be out of touch. except for a tweet today, as you noted, praising the police, macron in the past couple of days have not been speaking to the people. word now is that he will meet with leaders of unions and other officials tomorrow morning and then go on tv tomorrow night. president trump has been saying
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a few derogatory things about the manual macron. in a few tweets the past few days, the french government shot back today. the foreign minister shot back is saying leave this nation be. >> arthel: thank you. this is a fox news alert. all eyes and ear ears are on d.o see who will replace outgoing white house chief of staff, general john kelly. speculation has been nick errors. nick ayres just tweeted, thank you at real donald trump at bp. my great colleagues for the honor to serve the nation at the white house. i will be departing at the end of the year but will work with the mega team to advance the cause. #georgia. >> arthel: this applies to my deciphering that nick errors is indeed considering president trump's choice to have him be
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the incoming white house chief of staff. >> eric: interesting that it came in a tweet for him saying goodbye to the vice presidential staff versus accepting a job that has not publicly been offered by the president. maybe he's getting ahead a little. we will have to see what reaction comes from the white house. now, to our special about jimmy hoffa and that investigation. the search for james hoffa, his middle name was riddle, you can go to and see the story and read the article today. they call for the government to release the secret files that have been kept secret from the public for decades. we should know what is in those files.
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back on july 30, 1975 when hoffa vanished from a restaurant outside of detroit. the labor icon, head of the teamsters was believed to be on his way to meet with top-level mobsters. in months the fbi zeroed in on nine suspects. nobody has been charged or arrested. it's past time the american people and hoffa family learn what's in the phantom files. the family wants that material out. joining us now from detroit, former pulitzer prize-winning reporter for the free press who has been on the hoffa beat for decades and is part of our special. >> you believe it is time. that the hoffa files have been redacted that these file should be released? >> absolutely. it has been 43 years since he vanished. if someone was going to be prosecuted they would have been prosecuted. most of the suspects, all but two are dead. it's time for the fbi to let us know what it new and when it knew it. maybe we'll find out if frank
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schoen is really the person who killed him. >> you mentioned frank sharon. he is part of our investigation told me he killed hoffa in a house in detroit. he was a hitman for buffalo crime family. there is frank and the picture taken by charlie. we went to the house in 2004 and found blood. blood in the exact pattern that fit the story precisely. there is the house in detroit. fbi tested 50 specimens, 28 came up positive for the possibility of blood. one had dna for an unknown male, another inconclusive. what about the blood pattern? there it is down the hall with a say they dragged his body to the kitchen. what is that tell you? >> it depends on which day of the week i'm thinking about it. it's probable that he killed hoffa. it's probable that it happened in that house.
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they couldn't establish it was hoffa's blood. i don't know. they say he was killed in a house near a red fox restaurant where he disappeared. that house is gone now. i think it is probable that frank did it. there was another cast of characters involved in this. depending on who you talk to it is a different cast or slightly different cast. >> the lack of a dna match, does that disprove? >> no. the fact that there was blood found in the house exactly where you found it to leading back from the vestibule into the kitchen. what a coincidence. from the way that sherman describe this. i think it is very possible. if it wasn't hoffa, it was somebody. i think the mob probably kill people in that house. >> eric: what are the chances,
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what if i went into your house pick the floor up and found blood pattern in the exact match, what are the chances of that? that's my answer to that question. >> i think it is remote. i agree. >> eric: i want to show folks the redacted file. a longtime investigator says 17000 pages, 12000 are redacted. it's like the russian investigation. you can't read anything. what are they doing and what's in there that could tell us more about what happened to jimmy hoffa. >> i think what we can get is what the fbi thinks was the cast of characters involved. until we see that we really won't know. the free press obtained the files back in the early 2000's.
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we were surprised to see how much redacting was going on. we got some stories out of the documents but unless you get rid of the redaction's it's really difficult to get the whole picture of it. >> eric: finally, the fbi claimed back in 1990 year 1989 when james hoffa and a judge filed a lawsuit. the fbi at the time claimed the information could endanger the investigation and i endanger informants. you think that still holds water today? >> not after 43 years. it's been too long. frankly, the fbi should not be embarrassed they did not solve the case. there are many cases that go on saul. on behalf of the fbi, they may not have gotten hoffa's killers, but they did a good job of getting all of these people in the cast of characters.
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they did a good job of getting them locked up. they finally got the mop out of the teamsters. in that respect it was a success story. the fbi ought to cut loose the files and let the public and investigative reporters and academics pour over them and see what is there. >> eric: a call from david who is the pulitzer prize-winning author. release the files so we all can know. david, good to see you, and thank you. a reminder you can watch david in our special. it's an hour and a half called riddle, the search for james hoffa. it's on fox nation. go to fox or you can watch from your laptop or apple tv. you can check out my new story about this. >> arthel: you have done so much work on this. if there were blood's bad bearings under any floor coverings in my house, it would be for sale the very next day.
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it's a fascinating report. >> eric: that is my message to the fbi and government. release the files so we all can know. we will be right back. -meg! there you are. did you take a picture of the cake to put on our website? i mean i would have but i'm a commercial vehicle so i don't have hands... or a camera...or a website. should we franchise? is the market ready for that? can we franchise? how do you do that? meg! oh meg! we should do that thing where you put the business cards in the fishbowl and somebody wins something. -meg: hi. i'm here for... i'm here for the evans' wedding.
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-we've got the cake in the back, so, yeah. -meg: thank you. -progressive knows small business makes big demands. -you're not gonna make it, you're not gonna make it! ask her if we can do her next wedding too! -so we'll design the insurance solution that fits your business. -on second thought, don't...ask that.
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>> eric: breaking news. nick ayres was mentioned as a possible replacement for the current chief of staff, heirs tweeting that he will be departing for the administration by the end of the year. allison is standing by with more details on this surprising swift announcement. >> reporter: yesterday we heard from a number of sources that nick ayres was the president's top choice to take the job a as chief of staff and replace general kelly. our sources were telling us the issue was that president trump wanted a chief of staff to commit to two years.
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this serving as chief of staff for two years and nick ayres wasn't necessarily able to make that commitment. he has a family, three young children and they were planning to head back to georgia. now, he seems to be confirming he will leave the white house at the end of the year. tweeting i will be departing at the end of the year but will work with the make america great again team. at the end he thanked donald trump, the vice presidents and many colleagues he was honored to serve at the white house. i'm hearing that he seems to be suggesting that nick ayres is planning to work for outside political action committee. also hearing from sources that president trump's timeline for announcing the new pick could slide. yesterday on the south lawn president trump said he would make an announcement about a chief of staff. it could be on an interim basis.
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some talk that perhaps nick ayres would serve as an interim basis. now this news has come out sources are saying president trump's decision could be by the end of the year on who will replace general kelly. again, nick ayres had long been talked about as the top contender. our understanding is that the timeframe was the issue. president trump wanted a two-year commitment and that's not something nick ayres was able to make, given his family situation. in his previous plans to leave. >> eric: so the headline is that nick ayres, apparently not being chosen as the next chief of staff to replace general john kelly. i imagine the white house will cast its net for other contenders. we shall see when they announcement happens. thank you for the breaking news. we will be right back.
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>> there is no doubt by any senator who receive this briefing that mbs was complicit in the murder of mr. khashoggi. it's not just this, he is going after others.
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people have been captured and brought back to saudi arabia because of critics. >> arthel: senator lindsey graham last week blaming the saudi crown prince for the murder of washington post columnist, jamaal khashoggi. the senate is set to vote this week on pulling the u.s. out of its involvement in the saudi backed war in yemen. >> my concern is that under the sky's leadership if we transfer weapons to saudi arabia he will turn around and give it to the russians and chinese. there's a huge back/going. as long as mds is the face of it. >> joining me now is gardner. niles, starting here what about arms sales to saudi arabia? should the transactions continue? >> clearly i think their strong opposition in the united states senate to u.s. arms sales to
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saudi arabia. i expect the senate resolution certainly will have a strong impact upon administration policy. you already have the administration ending its policy of assisting with the refueling of saudi aircraft in the war. it's very important that you separate the issue of the khashoggi killing which was an act of state-sponsored murder by saudi arabia. separate that from the broader issue of u.s. support for the coalition's efforts in yemen. this is a vitally important. >> arthel: white do you think the u.s. position should be pertaining to yemen? >> in my view, it's important the united states continues its broad support for the coalition. fighting in yemen against iranian backed rebels who have
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overthrown the elected governments of yemen. saudi arabia and the united emirates are two key players on the war in yemen. it would be a real mistake, i think for the united states to end its intelligence support for saudi led operations. after all, the saudi's are taking on a very brutal and barbaric terrorist organization inside yemen. this directly backed by the iranian regime. the who the terrorist movement inside yemen have lunch some attacks against saudi arabia and the united emirates with iranian supplied missiles. they have fired missiles against u.s. navy vessels in the red sea. an iranian backed organization that has no interest whatsoever in peace or allowing humanitarian aid in the country. it is in the u.s. national interest to support the coalition's ongoing effort
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against iranian intervention inside yemen. i think there is a clear u.s. strategic interest at stake. it's important not to conflict the yemen issue with the broader issue of the khashoggi killing. >> arthel: they also said mohammed bids -- is complicit with that. president trump has not stated his position on this. niles you just said and i don't want to misquote you, but you said the murder and the relationship with saudi arabia should be kept separate. what should president trump to and what about accountability? >> i think it's important the united states holds the saudi arabian government to account for its actions. you already have 17 saudi individuals implicated in the murder of mr. khashoggi who has
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been sanctioned by the united states. i expect to see that being expanded in the coming weeks and months. >> arthel: to involve the crown prince? >> with regard to the crown prince himself, it will be difficult for the united states to take direct action against the crown prince. you're dealing with a sovereign nation. the united states is not in a position to remove the crown prince from the saudi government. i would expect to see the net of sanctions against individuals around the crown prince to be significant wider in the coming months. especially following the cia investigation into this in the findings released to key members of the u.s. congress. the pressure is going to increase. but, in terms of the big picture, the u.s. saudi relationship will continue. it's far too important partnership to be derailed.
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the united states has a clear interest working with the saudi's and also in terms of the broader conflicts against isis and other islamic terrorist organizations. the war in syria as well. saudi arabia is a vitally important u.s. ally. that will continue. the u.s. can hold those responsible an account if you're there and stay safe stay inside. have a great week. i am not for colds. i am not for just treating my symptoms... (ah-choo) i am for shortening colds when i'm sick. with zicam.
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1:59 pm
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2:00 pm
>> the lyrics to billy joel are the fire -- putin is in the black sea, traders in the gop, nukes are loose, mueller takes a tighter news, [inaudible]. greg: he left out morning joe sure does below. [laughter] [applause] greg: here was george herbert walker bush when he just turned 20.


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