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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 13, 2018 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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"wall street journal" reporting right now that federal prosecutors in manhattan are investigating whether the trump 2017 inaugural committee, money raised from donations. this is a criminal probe, we are told, looking into those who donated wanting to gain access to the trump administration. it's a story that just broke. we will continue following it on fox. "the five" is now. ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone. i am dana perino with emily compagno, juan williams, jesse watters and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city. we we are already laughing. this is "the five" ." president trump saying he never directed his former personal attorney michael cohen to break the law. the exclusive fox news interview and just a moment. first, in the wake of all the miller probe development, democrats continue to beat the impeachment drum and predict the president's demise. >> i believe that this president
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is dangerous. i think he has undermined our democracy. i think he's aligned himself with the enemy, with putin. he loves dictators. i believe he certainly qualifies for impeachment. we may never get it done, and maybe democrats fear that somehow if we move to impeach him, maybe his base will grow larger. i don't think so. >> i'm prepared to say something i've never said. the writing is on the wall. the walls are closing in, and this is the beginning of the end for the trump administration. >> dana: this comes as trump defends himself against accusations of any wrongdoing with michael cohen. >> i never directed him to do anything wrong. he understands that. he did some bad things unrelated to me. may be related to his other clients. it wasn't his only client. they say it's not a campaign finance violation. or it's not even under campaign finance. if it was, it's not even a violation. number three, it's a civil matter. president obama had a really big
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one with ten times more money, and you know what, he paid a fine. so what happened is either cohen or the prosecutors, in order to embarrass me, said listen, i making this deal for reduced time and everything else. do me a favor. put these two charges on who they are not criminal charges. >> dana: we are going to take it around the table. emily, let's start with you. democratic political elites, the establishment, they know the political and perils of going for impeachment. but the base, they really want president trump to be impeach. they are kind of between a rock and a hard place. >> emily: what i don't know is how you can reconcile it. there's a few things that i think should be part of the conversation. the amount of time and effort and cost it takes. to what end? we know that there would be an acquittal in the senate. the call today from representative schiff about we
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should amend or make an exception to the office of legal counsel's decision, i read that decision. it affirms a 1973 decision. going back to "the federalist" papers. and clinton v jones. the greater travesties that we are having legislators offer the kind of influence on the doj, one isn't the entire conversation this whole time and all of their shouting about separations of powers? that level of influence to me and vendetta and wasting my taxpayer dollars, that's what's unacceptable. >> dana: i like the hand gestures. bring more of it. juan, what do you think is going to happen between the push and pull? it's like the basis pushing forward. they want this impeachment. you have people like nancy pelosi, let's tap the brakes on that. can she withhold the forces? >> juan: yeah. i don't think this is very realistic at this point.
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people like steny hoyer, the number two, they say listen. let's wait on mueller. let's see what he has. but if you are talking about the american people, a lot of the iraqi people think what's been going on is pretty outrageous and they worry about it not only in terms of what the congressman from washington said there had been 36 people indicted. three people now have prison terms. you start to think what's going on with the president of the united states? why is he so friendly with putin? is it a distraction? even for republicans, they are starting to say i don't know about that. i don't know about the wall et cetera. i think the key was how president trump is trying to distance himself from people who get in trouble, specifically michael cohen. a long time ago he said i didn't know one thing about these payments. no payment was made. then juliana said the payment was made and trump repaid cohen. now you have trump saying he's a
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low level employee. i think he was a p.r. guy. >> dana: p.r. people are really important. >> juan: he described cohen as a lawyer who should know. now he's a p.r. guy. >> dana: jesse, let's take a look at something that happened during the interview today. i think you might be interested in this. >> i see this on the front page of "the wall street journal" which just came out. look. trump didn't violate campaign finance laws. trump x aid. >> i interviewed him on my program the other day. >> michael cohen pled guilty. >> dana: you know that guy, hans von spakovsky. i'm going to make juan read it. i'm going to test you tomorrow.
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obviously the fec, i'm not going to bore you with it because it is very granular. a lot of people that know a lot about campaign finance law do not believe this payment violated any law whatsoever. >> juan: what about the prosecutors? >> jesse: which prosecutors? >> juan: new york southern district. >> jesse: some prosecutors are trying to link the president's other crimes that cohen committed. the harassment thing i think the democrats are playing with fire. remember what happened with kavanaugh. there was so much injustice with kavanaugh and so much unfairness. it was so out-of-bounds but really activated the republican base. if the republicans going into 2020 see partisan prosecutors and maxine and her bandits going after this president and a lot of shadowy people within the government trying to take away a democratically elected president from our republic, people are
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going to feel robbed. if people feel like their votes are being robbed, they are going to turn out so heavily and there's going to be so much backlash against this president, it's going to be astronomical. another form of harassment now, letitia james, i believe she's the local ag here in new york city. state. just elected. she says i'm going to investigate trump tower. i'm going to investigate the trump company. i'm going to investigate the trump foundation. what crime is she investigating? she is just investigating everything that says trump regardless of whether there is a crime. that's not how prosecutors, not how attorney generals are supposed to operate. that's outside the law. >> dana: greg, we have covered a lot of ground but we have to get your take. >> greg: juan is not correct. america doesn't care about what's going on in this. collusion always poles the lowest in terms of concern. america doesn't care about people like cohen. these people happen to be on the periphery. what they care about is the
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economy, jobs, their family. national security, safety, law enforcement. they don't care about this stuff, the same way they didn't care when they went after bill clinton. what did the impeachment proceedings due to bill clinton? it made america love him more because america loves a bad boy. if trump faces impeachment, he becomes an orange fonzie. for the people who want impeachment, just make -- ask trump to work half as much. you want him gone because he works too hard. so why doesn't he work half as much? one trump days is seven days in democrat days. that's why the media and why the democrats look so exhausted. he's working them into the ground. the compromises donald trump don't work so much. >> juan: that's not so hard. he's taken a 16 day christmas holiday. >> greg: good for him.
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he does five things in the day when presidents usually get around to one. impeach him. what do you get? you get pence. pence is so conservative, he once paid off a woman after he shook her hand. you trade in mr. right, you're going to get mr. even more right. this is such a travesty. we spent so much time on this stupid story. >> dana: okay, well, that was my block. president trump defiant in his funding to get -- funding for the border wall. ♪ voice-command navigation with waze wifi wireless charging 104 cubic feet of cargo room and seating for 8. now that's a sleigh. ford expedition.
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circumstance where we allocate $5 billion for anything even close to that. donald trump is a performance artist. nancy pelosi and chuck schumer are serious legislators. >> we are for $0 and border wall funding. >> juan: well, dana, i'm going to ask you to go inside the thinking here on the republican side because you see people like john cornyn, number two in the senate, saying he doesn't understand the strategy. why would the president say he's going to be responsible if there is a shutdown. shelley moore capito, west virginia, says it's a fool's errand to have a shutdown. >> dana: they are thinking about their constituents, right? their constituents are going to say not this again. don't do this again. i think the president is saying that means this much to me and they turned the tables on him a little bit. they are going to call it the trump shutdown. he says fine. i think that his leadership. he believes in it so much. i do wish he would give a
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straight address rather than give so many news interviews. he never has the time to actually walk through and explain to people, persuade them and say you might disagree with me, but let me explain to you this is why i think it's necessary and this is why i think we need to take action right now. this is what this money would do. this is why i'm trying to be a good steward of your taxpayer dollars. and then take it to the congress. instead, it's become a partisan fight. unfortunately. but i do think the public has become a little bit immune to this government by shutdown. it's never been to series. they never do it for very long. i think it's a less interesting story than the a block. >> greg: i agree. >> juan: i thought you were going to go on. >> greg: i have a compromise. in the a block, i had a compromise. trump works half as much instead of impeachment. he has another solution that brings mexico and america together. trump keeps saying we are going to building while in mexico is
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going to pay for it. it should be the opposite. mexico paisley wall and we play mexico. why do people come to the united states? for jobs. that's the number one priority. export the jobs. many immigrants when they come here, the first job they have here often are the hard jobs. they do the hard work. we say we will pay you to do the hard work there. mexico's economy is made great again because there are thousands and thousands of jobs. by getting mexico to actually build the wall that we pay for, you end up not needing the wall because mexico is great again. >> dana: save money in the long run. >> greg: did you follow that? i did. [laughter] >> dana: i mean that the government shutdown is stupid. >> greg: i'm not going to be a party to that.
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>> juan: genius. all right, all right. jesse, save me here. >> jesse: you are asking me to save you? >> juan: yeah. okay, so the president says really under the new nafta deal, mexico and i guess canada too would pay for the wall. didn't he say a while ago that mexico would pay. and then he's making it seem as if g, not mexican taxpayers but american taxpayers who will benefit from the new trade deal. >> jesse: he is saying if you rectify the auto and steel trade imbalances through the new nafta negotiation, you're going to come out on top. that's what's going to be able to pay for the wall. to greg's point. >> dana: i am smiling. >> jesse: i thought that that was a pretty good answer. can i stop the presses? greg has not stopped talking throughout the entire show.
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ready? birds are very territorial. i have bombs all over my head. i would be a terrible bald person. and i have a better idea than animals are great that's really going to take off. this is the stuff we are confronted with during the commercial break. how my supposed to compose myself? >> emily: you just violated the commercial break rule. >> jesse: is there a rule? >> greg: i do have bumps on my head. >> juan: are you drinking espresso? >> greg: no, i just had some advil. i had a bad night. >> juan: emily, let's get back to the topic. stephen king says. >> jesse: i had some other stuff. >> juan: go ahead. >> emily: you can surrender your time. i will take over. >> juan: wait a minute. >> jesse: can we talk about the wall tomorrow? >> juan: i called you my little comedian. >> jesse: i am putting words in your mouth.
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>> emily: i have a lot to say about this. i think what is the most concerning is the fact that this conversation about funding for the wall is nebulous. it's not all going towards the physical construction. there's agents. this technology. there's a whole host of things. i feel like it's lazy and misleading for democrats to harp on whether or not it's a green or red light when citizens deserve to understand how it's allocated. for border security and protection, absolutely. what's the difference between 1.8 billion which schumer has approved and 5 billion when we are throwing 380 million at the states for border security. take it back. let them deal with it on your own. sorry, california. figure it out. or foreign aid or what else did i write down? the irs. 196 million to the irs for customer service. >> jesse: tammy bruce said this on hannity and trump stole it from her. she said if we are going to give the iranians are hundred 50 billion, we can't give 5 billion towards border
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security? >> emily: people dying from drug overdoses. get out of here. we are playing with money. the government shutdown is a threat? i disagree with that leverage. >> juan: trump said mexico. >> greg: i have another compromise. build the wall of accordion style. have it up half the year and the other half, off to the side. >> dana: why? >> greg: the people who don't want the wall don't have the wall. it's an accordion wall and you pull it out. it's almost like joint custody in reverse. >> juan: are you okay today? >> greg: i am mr. compromise. >> juan: this sounds like a new york apartment that young people get. you have the wall. >> greg: i have an idea. [laughter] >> juan: i am telling you. we are having a good time today. democrat congressman under fire for suggesting free speech should be regulated. hear from him next on "the five
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♪ >> greg: i forgot to mention about what my wall argument, why mexico should build it and we pay for it. you get around the eminent domain issue which is going to prevent the wall anyway. >> emily: and who cares about their environment? >> greg: i care. >> emily: >> emily: i'm kidding. >> greg: you are not invited to my christmas party bear last night, ted lieu, democratic irishman from california said if he could, he would restrict speech. i believe him. >> i would love to be able to regulate the content of speech. the first amendment prevents me from doing so. that is simply a function of the first amendment but i think over the long run, it's better that government does not regulate the content of speech. >> greg: oh, how nice of him.
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thank you, sir, for giving a thumbs up to our right to free speech. here's the thing that ted misses. it's coming from his side. it's the leftists on campus, celebrities, ceos who seek to stop you from speaking your mind. worse, they are also punishing you if you don't speak what's on their mind. use the wrong pronoun, you are toast. meanwhile, trump barreling in the opposite direction. he will say anything. take tuesday's meeting. they badly wanted the border wall discussion done in secret. speak of the point is there are equities to be weighed and we are here to have a conversation in a prayerful way, so i don't think we should have a debate in front of the press on this. >> greg: trump insisted we see the sausage being made in the media sided with the pair who wanted to hide the sausage. funny. trump's transparency scares the media who pretended for so long to be about uncovering the truth. that was only if the truth was what they believed. the fact is when it comes to
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speech, you won't find a better role model and trump. he won't shut up. and he has revised the dead mainstream media by giving them a simple business plan -- trump every day. for eight years, they were as frozen as boardwalk bananas. trump finally thought of them out. >> juan: why are you picking on pence? so what if he was frozen? >> greg: he was like me on the subway when something's going down. you don't want to make eye contact, you are just like this. >> greg: emily, use as much hans as you can when i ask isn't speech under threat really on campuses and in companies? it's not coming from republicans. >> emily: absolutely. how about i sit on my hands for this? as evidenced by the fact that uc berkeley was made to pay the huge settlement. i want to point out something about ted lieu. he gets under my skin so much.
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20,000 tweets. i'm sure he would be the last person to be censored. i looked at his record. he's missed 9.6% of votes. that's a huge percentage when the median is 2.4. how about this? why don't you take your time representing your constituents rather than shouting about it on twitter and trying to censor others? he also voted nay on the patriot act revision. i find it surprising given that he's against big brother in that regard but wants to censor others. >> jesse: you can use your hands now. >> emily: is it awkward? >> greg: jesse, what are your thoughts on that stellar monologue? >> jesse: did someone's screen that monologue beforehand? does anyone look it over or do you have full control? >> dana: he asked me. >> juan: i thought jesse was going to interrupt you and say did you really say he talks too much?
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>> greg: obviously there was an implication that he was saying that i would like to limit speech. he mentioned fox news. he wants to limit fox news. >> jesse: they want to limit the first and second amendment. president obama let it slip and he said we want to spread the wealth around. sometimes liberals say that. yeah, i do want to regulate speech. that's when the truth comes out. they want to regulate on college campuses, the internet. they tell trump he can't say that, yet he keeps winning pair what he keeps happening here is if you have 200 years and people in this country, politicians, you run out of new legislation. so in order to make yourself useful, and justify your job, you have to say we've got to pass this bill. pass this bill. regulate this. regular businesses. after a while, you don't need any more laws. everything's fine. leave it alone. >> greg: juan, do you agree, no more laws? >> juan: in other words,
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history is over. i think we thought that when the berlin wall came down. it didn't work. >> jesse: what are you talking about? >> juan: i will explain to you later. >> jesse: read the article by hans. >> juan: on this argument what interests me is it's futile to say you're going to regulate speech. that's ridiculous. >> greg: it's happening. >> juan: you and i differ on this because i think it's happening when people say things like pro-life versus pro-choice. or they say pro guns were second amendment rights. >> greg: i agree with you. >> juan: they choose their language. or they say identity politics versus individual rights. that should be protected for gays, minorities, jews. people choose their language. the thing he's interested in is that hearings this week with google. google was there and they had people like steve king and others say how come when there is a search, and came up
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negative for me. ted lieu says if you want good search results, do good things. >> emily: talking about the content. >> jesse: only republicans do bad things? >> juan: no, i think we agree it's greg today. >> greg: i actually agree with juan talking about how language can be regulated by the choice of terminology. what we are seeing now is we are actually being told that if you don't use certain words, you can get in trouble. if you actually do not agree to using a specific pronoun, you could be in trouble. >> dana: you know longer have the right to remain silent. the one thing that's ironic, big tech has replaced big banks or big pharma on what the liberals want to go after. >> greg: or wall street. >> dana: well, big banks. >> greg: excuse me. >> dana: silicon valley is on most all liberal. wait till the democrats have
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subpoena power and the gavel and they are going to go after silicon valley because it's their new target. you're going to see a bunch of silicon valley people may be rethinking their support. >> greg: or upping the virtue signaling. >> dana: that will be exhausting. >> greg: to save their skin. >> dana: we could have a scale. >> greg: we could. >> juan: am i allowed to talk about rudolph's red nose? or is that bad? >> greg: it's bad. a liberal pundit lashing out at melania trump for daring to call out the media. video ahead. insurance, and as a fitness junkie, i customize everything. like my bike and my calves. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ the best simple salad ever?d great tasting, heart-healthy california walnuts. so simple, so good.
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you have to deal with? speak of the opportunists using my name or my husband's name to advance themselves, from the media to journalists to performers, book writers. >> does it hurt? >> it doesn't hurt. the problem is they are writing history. it's not correct. >> emily: after the interview, a cnn contributor attacking the first lady for what she says. >> she continues to whine about a situation that she's part of, and it's a great honor to be first lady. i'm sure privately you are allowed to grouse but if michelle obama had done half the complaining that she has done in her limited interviews. she doesn't do many. she would be skewered. >> emily: dana, i want to start with you. your lens on perspective. >> dana: i give a ton of leeway to all first ladies.
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and in the future, first gentleman. they didn't get elected but they serve. and you serve and you do a lot of work and you don't get paid for it. she does limited interviews because she doesn't bring a lot of attention on herself. but she's an amazing person. you saw her with the children at toys for tots this week with the marines. she was with the military yesterday and she did the interview with sean. i have to say i don't know of any first lady who didn't complain about press coverage, especially when it's usually targeted at themselves or their husbands. you read any of their autobiographies after they leave the white house, all of them say the same thing. i think joan walsh, complaints about complaining are misplaced. >> emily: greg, what are your thoughts as to people who say that her role as may be archaic, but she doesn't do it well. what do you say to people who say these things that she has to do, they have to be modernized. maybe she's not good at domestication and decorating a
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hallway with christmas trees. >> greg: i would tell them to stuff it. joan walsh, it's interesting. feminists are all about leaning in. me too. you go, girl. until you disagree. they are as chauvinistic and sexist as the next guy. >> dana: they don't even see agree with her. they just don't like her husband. >> greg: it is trump hate spillover. she has kept a lower profile than amelia earhart. she's not out there but they go after her. imagine if your spouse ran for president in a foreign country and won and now i became the first lady, you became the first lady, it's a job you didn't really sign up for. that's what happened to her. previous first ladies, people married to clinton and bush and obama, they didn't sign up for it but they knew it was possibl possible. because there was politics into
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families. with obama. >> dana: the clintons were in college planning it. >> greg: they were ready for it. she had no idea this was going to be in her life and she's doing a damn good job. >> juan: i thought what is it that happened to her? she was slow to go to washington. everyone said it's because of her child. then she wore the jacket, i don't care. whatever it said. >> greg: it's fashion. i own one. >> juan: you do? and then her parents were chain migrants. people say that's a contradiction. the president is so down on chain migration. but then michael woods says -- >> greg: why is her problem? >> juan: this is what i think she could be complaining about. put a name to the problem. michael wolff said she cried in his book. he said she cried on the night of the election because she didn't want it. bob woodward said this couple --
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>> greg: a lot of people cried, juan. a lot of democrats. >> juan: that was me. >> greg: these are little things and there's no big thing. >> jesse: she was portrayed as a stripper. she's been called a hostage. her decorations have been ridiculed every single year during christmas. her fashion style, her accent. she's been ridiculed on a number of levels. i think after a while, that builds up. i want to tip my hat to her. he was brave to go on sean hannity show for her. it took a lot of courage. i thought she handled it really well. nothing what's really going on is that she's an immigrant and she didn't grow up in this country. she's a private person. she wants to take care of her son first and foremost. and she's not -- she's not going to go out there to the wall and say build the wall like hillary did, hillary care.
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she's not into the policy the way hillary clinton was. she is laid-back, doing her thing. she doesn't expect incoming to the level she's getting it. no other first ladies were treated with the same type of vitriol. >> emily: i think it was a lost opportunity by the press corps and everyone who is attacked her for generosity. i don't mean it in a pollyanna way. i mean it in a way that if they automatically lumped her in with the office of the presidency and hated and loathed the man in the office, then use her as a conduit. build her up. get in her ear to sway policy or messaging. rather than lumping her in and subjecting her to -- >> dana: it's a weird choice to pick apart a first ladies interview. >> greg: coming up, i have a big surprise. >> emily: office email chain goes horribly wrong. would you give up your smartphone if for 100 grand?
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♪ >> jesse: welcome back.
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time for the fastest seven. first up, a reply all apocalypse. holiday potluck email descends into chaos after it was accidentally sent to over 20,000 utah government employees, including the lieutenant governor. for hours, people's inboxes were clogged with angry responses. how do you handle group chain emails but get out of hand? >> greg: i send a gruesome picture. this is not a bad story. that person who sent that is thanking their lucky stars it's just a potluck email. think about what you could've said. imagine if it was an email to a lover. imagine what could accidentally go out. if you want an accident, this is the kind of accident you want. >> jesse: do you reply all.
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>> dana: for efficiency, yes. if everyone needs to be on the same page, yes but wanted some reply all because it's somebody's birthday, i don't reply all. i don't do it. >> jesse: so low. >> dana: absolutely. >> jesse: juan, do you use email? >> juan: once a month. for us, isn't greg the guy who does the chain? >> greg: yes. >> jesse: you are big into reply all. >> dana: you are lost and you are asking directions and you were applying also all of us and we were like we are not even with you. [laughter] which way should i tell the driver to go? do you remember that? does anyone remember that? >> greg: the hofstra debate. >> emily: will remember when you replied all and said "emily who?" he was joking. it was two weeks ago.
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you never responded. this is how i feel. as a former federal employee, i would get accidental emails like that all the time. it is so first grade. the entire government sweeps out and everyone glamis on and says take me off. it's so ridiculous. you're not even to say thank you. it diminishes. 35,000 emails a day. you're not allowed to say thank you. the whole thing is ridiculous. an accident is fine but everyone is jumping in, way to waste my money. >> jesse: ridiculous. up next, heading to grandma's house for christmas this year, consider passing the time with a song? according to a new study, two-thirds of families driving long distances for holidays frequently thing together. their favorite tune? "jingle bell rock" followed by "santa claus is coming to town," "rudolph the red nose reindeer," and we wish you a
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merry christmas. >> dana: i used to go with the first noel. >> greg: can we put a moratorium on christmas vacation videos please? >> jesse: the producers taking a lot of heat today. i for one stand with the producers. juan, do you sing in the car? >> juan: i think to myself. if anyone else was in the car, they would object. >> jesse: it's true. you have a horrible voice. mine is worse. >> emily: on the way here, 5:00 a.m., the flight attendant was humming along to "rudolph the red nosed reindeer." have it in my head for six hours. >> juan: weight, have you heard "animals are great." >> jesse: how much would it take for you to give up your smartphone for a whole year? vitamin water is offering one cell phone addict 100 grand to trade in their iphone for android for a 1990s aeroflot flp
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phone. can anyone at the table -- >> emily: they are doing a lie detector test. >> jesse: i know how to beat those. >> greg: it's a great p.r. idea. were going to get $100,000 in free advertising from shows like this. it gave me an idea, dana. it's a big idea, america. i am challenging you, dana. i will give you $5,000 to your favorite animal charity if from this day, december 13, 2018, to december 13, 2019, you cannot mention jasper's name on "the five." can you do it for one year? $5,000 to your favorite animal charity. >> dana: you don't understand what the fans want. the fans want jasper. >> greg: she is turning down
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$5,000! >> jesse: i am throwing in 5,000 too. williams? >> emily: 5,000 to keep talking about jasper. >> greg: that doesn't make any sense! >> emily: i have on her side. >> jesse: all right, "one more thing" is up next. thank god. drivewise. feedback that helps you drive safer. and that can lower your cost now that you know the truth... are you in good hands? ♪ spread a little love today ♪ spread a little love my-y way ♪ ♪ spread a little something to remember ♪ philadelphia cream cheese. made with fresh milk and real cream makes your recipes their holiday favourites. the holidays are made with philly. ♪ their holiday favourites.
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♪ the united states postal service makes more holiday deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. ♪ with one notable exception. ♪
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>> it is time for one more thing. i will go first. i want to pay tribute to somebody that i have admired for so long, senator orrin hatch is retiring. he gave a speech yesterday at the end of the year here is the congress comes to a close. he has been a great patriot, a very thoughtful person. he is super funny and he has done a lot for you to an united states. >> didn't he write country music? >> he has a beautiful singing voice. he is been wonderful. and his farewell address, he asked the nation that we listen to our angels. he also has a great twitter game. watch this. ♪ >> remember when the big guns wanted us to not say bring home the bacon? that was his response. thank you for your service. keep tweeting. >> it is time for, greg's
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disgusting news. if you have any children and your seated area, or the elderly, would push them out of the room. this is disgusting. take a look at this. this video of a dog getting a haircut. i don't know about you, but it makes me sick to my stomach. it is absolutely one of the most disgusting pictures i've ever seen. look at that adorable beast getting his hair clipped. look how happy he is. >> it is pretty cute. >> disgusting! >> what happened to animals are great? >> i gave it a break so people would ask about it! >> a trap! >> each of the hosts are on the table are assigned a producer. to make them look good during the show. >> what happened to you? [laughter] >> that is an insult to michael, not me. he is my producer and he does a excellent job.
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there he is there staring at the camera and a bizarre way. he is a sharp dresser come a great haircut. the kid has really learned a lot about great hair from the master. there he is. >> that looks like a mug shot. >> i honestly think flattery -- what i want people to do -- weiss's face so mysterious? [laughter] go on the instagram page. vote who is the better hair. it is funny, i asked him to give me a bio about himself and this is what he said. >> 32, lives on the jersey shore. what a bio! [laughter] >> you heard about the war on christmas, what about the war on
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christmas decorations? take a look at the sign, connecting new york and new jersey. someone put a christmas tree and a circular wreath. that upset one commute, he said it made him itch with anxiety. he started a petition to change it. he noted as many as 3% of americans are obsessed obsessie compulsion and this can trigger that. look at this. the broad weiser brewery, not far says they will misspell their brand name until the christmas decorations of the tunnel are correct. one supporter tweeted, that is why you are truly the king of beers. >> good for you. >> uses many hand gestures as he walked mike wants. >> a wild bird was caught on camera chasing down a wisconsin boy who was walking home from school. quickly, the driver pulled over in between the lands, stopping the bird in his tracks. the turkey is known to be a tear
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around town and residents have talked about him. i think this is so funny because my dog used to when she was younger, she used to chase anything that was running. >> that is not funny, that is terrifying. >> it is terrible! what are you talking about? >> i thought you were nice. "special report" is coming up. >> bret: animals are great, thank you. president trump denies any wrongdoing in his dealings with former personal attorney, michael: who is now headed to prison. the senate puts it in writing, saudi arabia's crown prince is responsible for the murder of a journalist, jamal khasoggi. as president trump and congress threaten a partial government shutdown over the border wall, we explain what taxpayers are exactly being asked to buy. this is "special report" ." good evening and welcome to washington, i am bret baier. president trump is sticking to a


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