tv Hannity FOX News December 13, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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from tijuana that said migrants are breaking in the home in tijuana. as we spoke to him, migrants broke into a home of good friend of his as we were talking. he sent pictures. we have an update today also from tijuana. we want to confirm everything he said was true and more. back too many at 8:00 p.m. the show that is the sworn enemy. sean hannity. >> sean: welcome to "hannity." what we're about to tell you almost beyond comprehension as it relates to living in this country. using deception. we know officials in your fbi targeted lieutenant general michael flynn, tried to destroy his life because he was connected to trump. now we have tape, james comey bragging about how he got away
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with it all on camera. i'll have the latest bomb shell in the general flynn sentencing. a judge is now demanding answers over some extraordinarily sketchy evidence from robert mueller's office. we also have new damning information after hillary clinton's bought and paid for dossier and the clinton foundation is being investigated by the fbi tonight. also update you on the battle over the border wall and funding and why a government shut down is not something you have to fear. stay tuned. part 2 also of my one-on-one interview with the first lady, melania trump minutes away. we start with a really important in many ways sad breaking news opening monologue. all right. so i'm going to go through this slowly. what i'm going to reveal to you doesn't matter where you stand on the political spectrum. it should shock every american to their core. january 24, 2017, that's the first week of donald trump's
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presidency, andrew mccabe called then national security advisinger michael flynn to discuss training. it turned into a casual request that flynn speak with fbi agents about his overseas communicate cases which we know were surveilled by federal officials. flynn was the incoming national security adviser. it would not be unusual for him to have discussions can foreign leaders and soon-to-be counter parts. what is unusual is this. we know flynn's surveillance and the leaking of raw intelligence by the outgoing administration, the obama administration, is beyond rare, likely elicit in terms of its actions. in other words, a crime. having done nothing wrong himself, flynn agreed to the meeting the very same day at the white house. he also agreed not to have any attorneys present by andrew
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mccabe's request. he told general flynn that a lawyer was not necessary. mccabe who soon would be fired for lying told him this. during the meeting, flynn was casually questioned by two fbi agents including -- there he is -- peter strzok, you know, the guy that loathed donald trump, the man that said hillary clinton should win 100 million, his hero. the man with the insurance policy and the media leak strategy against the new president. should he happen to win, the man that was ultimately fired because of his anti-trump bias. and that is known as a 302. agents did not on purpose warn general flynn about any potential crimes and they didn't ask him to explain or clarify any inconsistencies in his answers and because they wanted him to be quote relaxed. this is by its very definition a
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perjury trap. you don't tell somebody you're not really investigating and you don't need a lawyer. as we speak, michael flynn's life has been hold a long time. he's awaiting sentencing for allegedly lying to investigators during that meeting. a meeting so unusual that even fired fbi director james comey himself has now admitted was not standard operating procedure. he actually -- this is the sickest part of it -- bragged that he ordered it anyway because he thought he could get away with it. this is what we've been telling you. abuse of power, corruption. not rank and file fbi. the highest levels at the fbi and the doj. shows you this, week one of the trump administration, the fix was in from day one. watch this. >> you look at this white house now and it's hard to imagine two
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fbi agents ending up in the state room. how did that happen? >> i sent them. [laughter] something that we've -- i probably wouldn't have done or maybe gotten away with in a more organized investigation. the more organized administration. in the george w. bush administration for example or the obama administration. the protocol, two men that all of us have perhaps increased appreciation for over the last two years. [applause] in both administrations there was process. so if the fbi wanted to send agents into the white house itself to interview a senior official, you would work through the white house counsel and be discussions and approvals and would be there. i thought it's early enough, let's just send a couple guys over. >> sean: i wouldn't have tried, i wouldn't have grotten away with this with a prior administration. really?
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this is week one of the trump presidency. isn't it named in james comey's book "higher loyalty?" would that be the rule of law equal justice? does that sound like a public servant to you or someone trying to trap lieutenant general flynn? from day one, this is how these corrupt officials, again, not rank and file, treated duly elected the president, his first week in office, a 33-year, three-star veteran hero, five years in combat and here we have james comey fired for mishandling the clinton investigation. he too wanted hillary to win. mccabe set up the meeting and said you don't need a lawyer. fired by the fbi for lying. one of the agents meeting with flynn, peter strzok. of course, fired for his rampant anti-trump bias. in other words, the three main people initially involved in the
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flynn case have been fired. think about that. one day after learning about the shady interrogation tactics from the fbi, well, here's a judge, u.s. district judge named emmett sullivan. he's now ordered the special counsel to turn over all of the government's documents related to this questioning of general flynn. by the way, by tomorrow. a rare move from a federal judge. which brings us to a shocking new development. the federalist pointed out something that was brilliant. what could be in my mind a major bomb shell inside the flynn sentencing memo. they pointed out a foot note 23. foot note 23 represents the 302 memo of august. flint's interview was in january, four days in the presidency. his interview happened way back when. here's the problem. flynn's interview with the fbi on january 24, 2017, the 302 is written seven months later?
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now in text messages unfortunately for peeter strzok and lisa page, they seem to reference flynn's interview being completed on february 14. james comey, he referenced reading this 302 before he was fired in may. so the question remains, why was a new 302 drafted in august by the special counsel? what information changed? can it be trusted? was there an earlier 302 memo? were there revisions in the memo? and is there a smoking gun here? either way, we deserve answers. tomorrow by 3:00 p.m., u.s. district judge emmett sullivan could have the answers to the questions. that is how long he's given the special counsel to turn over these documents relayeded to the fbi's interview of lieutenant general michael flynn. this is the same judge that dismissed the corruption convictions of republican senator ted stephens after discovering rampant misconduct
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from federal prosecutors in that case including blatant attempt to exculpatory evidence. we pointed out andrew weissman. he's the pitbull. he has quite a track record with exculpatory evidence. weissman's prosecution has been turned over 9-0. in the case of four maryland executives that went to july, they overturned their convictions, a whole year of their life gone. weissmen was rebuked for holding exculpatory evidence. what happens happens in the case of lieutenant general flynn, the damage is done. legal bills have cost this man his home, wrecked his finances, destroyed his reputation, 33
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years in the military, five years hoff combat duty, touring in iraq and afghanistan. here's our question tonight. is this how we are going to treat american servicemen and women, war heros? if it is, nobody is safe. this is not how a fair justice system is supposed to operate in a constitutional are you -- republic. we're facing a two-tiered justice system where anybody apparently associated with trump will be targeted, democrats, they seem to get off scot-free. that includes hillary clinton. breaking today, we learned some damning new information about a bout and paid for dirty dossier. the law firm that hired christopher steele, the law firm funneled money to fusion gps to put the dossier together, they considered using -- he considered using christopher
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steele, the findings to challenge the 2016 election results in court. that's why he was doing it? which makes yet another way hillary clinton was planning to use the dirty dossier to rig the election after the election should she lose. of course, this was all done with the money funneled through a law firm as a legal expense. not a political expense. sounds like campaign finance issues. a lot of people in the media are interested in that topic. not hillary. no investigation into that campaign finance violation. the question we have to ask ourselves is why. it should be of course. her last name is not trump. she's not anyone that supports trump. so she has a different justice system. one that trump supporters don't have. we'll have a lot more on this later. also tonight, once again, democrats continuing to play politics with our nation's security. president trump is standing strong. calling out the far left for their hypocrisy. watch this. >> the fact is, they supported
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fences and walls and partitions. but you know what? they only don't want to do it because of me. we need to have the wall. we need border security. whatever it takes to get border security, i will do it. we've done a really fantastic job with what we have. we can do an almost perfect job if we have the wall and proper border security. that is what we're going to do for the person people. >> sean: it's stunning. democrats say they want border security. sounded like trump in the obama years. but now they stone wall, deflected, distract and reveal their true open borders agenda. despite overwhelming evidence, the walls work. just this week, the department of homeland security released new details on the progress that we have made since president trump got into office on the border barriers in california, texas, explaining as of november 21, 2018, customed and boarder protects have constructed 31 of
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40 miles that were authorized by congress last year. the remaining nine miles scheduled for completion soon aftering that the bottom line walls work. when it comes to stopping drugs, illegal aliens, border walls have proven to be extremely effecti effective. take a look at the before and after photos. you can see there, southern california. while those are encouraging results, there's more to do. which is why the president is forging head with his demand nor $5 billion to fully secure our country, the national security issue, made people safe on both sides of the border. we learned of a horrible tragedy tonight. a 7-year-old girl from guatemala died after crossing into the u.s. illegally with her father in the new mexico desert. it's like i have been saying over and over again, a wall can prevent these types of heart-breaking stories once people know they can't get in. they're not going to come. it's a treacherous journey,
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dangerous. they ran out of food and water apparently for days before she crossed into this country. tragedy that can be avoided. it's also an issue of national security. we're also learning a suspected terrorist is the one leading the group of central american my grands demanding $50,000 in reparations from the u.s. each to return home. his name is alfonso guerrero. suspected of the 1987 bombing in honduras that wounded six american soldiers. said many times, most people i'm sure come here because they want more opportunity for themselves and their family. a wall with a big door is the way to do it. do it legally for everybody. they want a better life. even if illegal immigrants with the best of intentions, it comes at a major cost to you, the taxpayer. look at this study for reach illegal immigrant that does cross our border. it costs you the american people $70,000 per year. the fact is, we must have the ability to vet anyone that wants to come in for our security and
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now more than even, we need a border wall. common sense strategy actually works. the safety and security of the american people should always be a top priority for any u.s. president. don't led the media scare you about a government shut down. most of the government stays open. they don't shut down, including employees, essentials, national security, health, safety, the postal service will stay open and use, grandma and grandpa will get their social security checks. anybody that is furloughed should get their back pay and should not be a victim of the battle over national security, this holiday season, so many service men and women away from their families, protecting our freedoms every day, keeping us safe. first lady melania trump took time to visit the soldiers. i caught up with her aboard the u.s.s. george h.w. bush. we'll have a quick preview of that interview. >> even your young son has been
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brought into this at times. that doesn't -- that would make me angry. does that make you angry? >> it does make me angry. children should be off limits. i protect him. i want to give him normal life as possible. this is not a normal life. but a normal life and protect him and give him the childhood that he deserves. >> sean: isn't that something that we can all agree with? part 2, more coming up. and we have gregg jarrett here with us. let's start with you. i think the federalist did a good job. those text messages of strzok and page refer to a different 302. i hear about a different 302 that they told trey gowdy that
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he likely read. >> a seven-month gap on the 302? normally there's three dates. the date of the interview, the date of the draft of the 302 and the date of the supervisor's signature. no more than three or four weeks should there be a gap. seven months? it suggested that exculpatory evidence was redacted or excluded. in other words, they falsified information and concealed other information. if you doctor or phony up a 302 and present it to a court, that is a violation of the due process of michael flynn, also arguably obstruction of justice. it looks like judge sullivan who initially ordered ten months ago to hand over this stuff, is ordering them again, give me those 302s by 3:00 tomorrow. this is on the eve of the sentencing. if he finds that ney falsified ed, he can throw out the guilty plea of flynn and set him free.
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>> sean: why do i think we're headed in that direction? sarah, the interesting thing about this judge, judge sullivan, is he was so angry at the abuse of power back then in the ted stephens case and he overturned that case, ted stephens career was ruined by that point. putting that aside, he ordered a special investigation into the investigators. he was so pissed off in a 14-minute rant that is described by "the new york times." >> absolutely, sean. ted stephens is a perfect example of why judge sullivan who is sitting andover seeing the flynn case is so important. one of the things that gregg said is important here. the timeline gap, seven months. when an agent is out in the field, interviewing people in a region where they can't have
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access to a computer, in a case like this with high profile, i spoke to multiple -- i don't want to say who but multiple senior officials that said it had to be within five days. they can go to their notes, have few recall. what judge sullivan needs to ask for is the work flow chart. that work flow chart will show everything. not just the 302s, but the work flow chart that will show who approved it, who it was sent to and the date that the notes were put into the system. into the fbi system. >> sean: you know -- >> once they have that, they'll have the answers. >> sean: john, what it shows more than anything, this was week one. mccabe's actions, strzok's actions. comey's actions. comey's admission on that tape. oh, we wouldn't do this in the obama administration or the bush
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administration. this is week one of the trump administration. shows me that it was set up from the get go. day one. >> i've been lucky to interview most fbi directors and former fbi directors. i have never in my life heard an anybody director talk the way that director comey did sunday night. it's not the language that fbi and law enforcement use. let me say something else tonight about mike flynn. in may of 2017, there was a document identified to a small number of people in the united states government. it's in the possession of the defense intelligence agency. for 18 months, there's been an effort to resist declassifying that document. i know that document contains extraordinary exculpatory information about general flynn. i think we all should ask for that declassification. get that out. it may enlighten the judge.
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it will certainly enlighten the american public. >> i think a 33-year vet deserves that. we have to move on. we can confirm tonight, sarah carter, you have an article. financial experts testify, fbi is investigating the clinton foundation. how come we don't hear of these things? what's going on? >> that's right. well, you know, sean, this is constant. it's a constant battle. john sullivan wrote this story about these whistle-blowers. they testified on the hill to chairman mark meadows and, you know, his house oversight and government reform committee that they were questioned by the fbi. they turned over the information to the fbi. under some pretty brutal questioning, one of the investigators, a financial expert -- by the way, they were very straightforward with the fact that they paid for their own investigation into this. they do this with other charitable foundations to seek
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the truth and yes, to make money. once they expose it and give it to the irs, the irs does pay them for their investigations. so they basically admitted that the fbi is actually invest greating the clinton foundation and it's been on going. it's huge. >> sean: john, apparently you got a mention. >> yeah, i ignore silliness. but what happens sometimes. some people issued a statement suggesting that i was an agent of russia. as i came here tonight, sean -- >> sean: by the way, everybody is an agent to russia. he's guilty. he's laughing. >> it's funny. what is not funny, on the way here tonight, a woman stopped me on the street and angry and screaming at me. she dumbed her tacos on me. the silliness that goes on. we ought to stay focused on the facts and what happens in our lives. so many important things that were divulged today and most of
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the media is chasing things that are irrelevant to these facts. >> sean: last word, gregg jarrett. >> as for hillary clinton, the evidence is there. there's an internal auditor about her foundation how there were quid pro quo benefits, the doug band e-mails which demonstrate that bill clinton didn't just cross the line of impropriety, he demolished it using the foundation an his own personal piggy bank as his wife put a for sale sign on the door of her office as secretary of state. it's good that there is an fbi investigation and there should also be a grand jury to look at it. >> sean: i'm going to make a prediction. 2019, going to be the year of boomerang number 2. you watch. thank you all. directly ahead, more on the fbi stunning mistreatment of an american hero, lieutenant general flynn. sharyl attkisson, congressman jim jordan will be here to
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respond and also tonight, part 2, personal side interview with melania trump, the first lady. that is coming up. she was pregnant, in-laws were coming, a little bit of water, it really- it rocked our world. i had no idea the amount of damage that water could do. we called usaa. and they greeted me as they always do. sergeant baker, how are you? they were on it. it was unbelievable. having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa- now that's a privilege. we're the baker's and we're usaa members for life. usaa. get your insurance quote today.
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>> sean: getting back to our stop story. robert mueller's team on defense tonight. really serious claims. the fbi pressuring general flynn to be interviewed without an attorney present. that has gotten the attention of judge emmett sullivan. he ordered mueller to hand over all documents replated to the flynn interview by 3:00 p.m. tomorrow and then we have james comey boasting up that we took advantage of the situation that we did this this was a new administration. we don't have done it important obama and bush.
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really? here's cheryl atkinson. is this how we treat american heros that we brag, oh, this is something that i wouldn't have done or gotten away with a more organized administration like the obama administration and the bush administration. so i took full advantage. on top of the deputy fbi director telling flynn he doesn't need a lawyer. they wanted him relaxed. meanwhile, because of the unmasking and the leaking of raw intelligence, something that cheryl atkinson knows about personally, they had a direct transcript they shouldn't have had, congressman. >> yeah. >> sean: when does this end? when do these people get held accountable? instead of the people with the taxi medallions and loan applications? >> that's why we need a second special counsel. you're so right, sean. when you say i got away with something, that tells you you didn't do it the right way. you didn't follow the rules. you didn't do it the way you
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were supposed to. they were so focused on getting president trump, that they were willing to set up a lieutenant general. a guy that served our country 33 years. so that's the most egregious part of this, what they did to general flynn. the other thing to understand is, mike flynn ran the defense intelligence agency. he had to know his conversations with kislyak were being monitored. he had to know that. there's no reason for him to say something that wasn't true. he got caught because he didn't know that they were setting him up like they did. the judge demanded these documents is exactly what needs to happen. >> sean: the dynamic trio, comey, mccabe and strzok, cheryl atkinson. you can relate to this in your own way, especially unmasking surveillance issues. more importantly, i can't believe this has happened in our country. i don't care where you stand in
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the political spectrum. >> i think you're getting at what is the bigger story, really and is underreported in terms of how big it is. which is, the surveillance and other alleged abuses implemented by some bad actors in our intelligence community. the problem is, i'm glad judge sullivan is flirting around the edges of this in the flynn case. but who ultimately does anything about it? because those accused as in the government computer intrusions to me are those that have the prosecutorial authority. if they don't agree to prosecute themselves, where do you turn in this? >> sean: i don't know how we remedy this, between -- they're all the same characters in this play. you know, it's strzok and comey writing an exoneration before investigation. the biggest slam dunk case with the e-mail server and not
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responding with a subpoena and erasing and the fisa abuse. james comey's admission, they didn't vet it but he put his signature on it, to spy on a candidate. committed a fraud against the fisa court. they don't tell a judge. may have a political taint to it. that's not how things are supposed to work under this constitution, under our fourth amendment rights. >> he said in a deposition last week that he didn't know they had a legal duty to present exculpatory information to the fisa judge. of course you have to do that. for the head of the fbi to say that he didn't have a duty to do that is scary. the other thing i come back to, sean, never forget the bias that exists with the key people. mccabe, comey, strzok and paige. mid year exam: they knew they
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would get it taken care of. get it through the mid year. what was the name that they gave the trump investigation? crossfire hurricane. just the name to show you the bias was there from the get-go with these top of people at the fbi that ran both investigations. >> sean: cheryl, look what they did in all of these cases here. they're involved, the same characters, the same players, the same people that had a bias. they did this on week one of the trump administration. sounds like an insurance policy to me. sounds like a media leak strategy is coming there after. >> it sound like an operation. something that we learned from comey, i thought this was plowing old ground to look back at the clinton material. in light of what he said, comey said in his testimony loretta lynch, the attorney general, should have recused herself and should be. not just from the tarmac meeting but other unnamed material that we don't know about. number 2, he said he had known
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about agent strzok and page's texts, he wouldn't have let them stay on the invettesgation that they did on clinton. >> sean: that's right. and they wiped clean the phones of strzok and page when he worked for mueller. you know why i question jenny wray and weissman? this is why. disgraceful. when we come back, more of my exclusive interview with melania trump. that's next here on "hannity."
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a lot of controversy. he says it's fake news or some of it is fake news. you agree? >> some of it. some of it's is fake news. i'd say don't believe everything you hear and what you read. not all of it. some of it is fake news. >> sean: even your young son has been brought into this at time. that doesn't -- that would make me angry. does that make you angry? >> it does make me angry. children should be off limits. i protect him and i want to give him normal life as possible. this is not normal life. but a life to protect him and give him the childhood that he deserves. >> sean: you feel it's working out as best he can? i've met him. he seems like a young, respectful, happy kid. >> he's very happy. he's strong, he's tough. he's enjoying life in washington. >> sean: who is he like, the
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outward fighter, donald or his mom? >> he has both qualities. he has a soft, beautiful heart but he's a fighter, too. he's very strong. >> sean: do you find that all the issue that's your husband deals with, foreign policy, russia, china, little rocketman, all the issues with employment, regulations, energy, borders, the wall, you mostly in agreement or the big issues that he fights for every day? >> with policies, some of them i agree on, some i don't. i give him my opinion. he's the president. he was elected. so -- >> sean: when all is said and done and you now have taken a more public role. what issues matter to you the most? you have your be best campaign. you're seeing the military, travelling the world more than you ever have. what do you want people to know
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about what is important to you as first lady? >> our best be initiative is in the early stages. i'm very proud of what i accomplished so far. i have three pillars. well-being of children, opioid crisis and social media use. so i travel the country, meet with people, meet with parents. i want to shine a spotlight on the organization and program that support children and want to be the best for them to grow up in a responsible adult. >> sean: on borders in particular, you went down to the border and you meet with a lot of border patrol guys. i've been down there 13 times in my 23 years at fox. everywhere from the rio grande to san diego in drug warehouses. when you're down there and you see with your own eyes what's going on, is the wall in your
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head the only answer? >> i think we need the wall to protect the country. >> sean: for security. >> the security. to protect it from the drugs. of course, we know we will always have people coming over. but this is one solution that we could stop big caravans coming over. and i was on the border and moat border patrol and see what they to 24/7. >> tucker: you saw rocks pelted at them. you spoke out about me too. you spoke out about justice kavanaugh and his confirmation hearing. which to me is so over the top, but you also said yes, we should take it seriously. listen to women. by then you talk about due
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process. the presumption of innocence. do you feel that is missing in this movement? >> i think we should all be heard, women and men. we need to be heard and we need to be treated equal. >> sean: remember every time before we ever heard from some of the individuals in the justice kavanaugh tape, you heard people say i believe. we haven't heard from anybody. >> you can believe until proven guilty. you cannot be guilty until proven guilty. that's very important that we follow the law. >> sean: i want to talk about your journey a little more. because we kind of glossed over it. you grew up in a small town, in slovenia. and then you're a model in milan and paris. you were independent. you were alone at that time. >> correct. >> sean: did you grow up wanting to be a model or -- >> i studied design and
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architecture. because i wanted to go in modelling business and professional career as a model. so i moved to milan and paris. >> sean: how young were you at that time? >> i was -- i start modelling in slovenia when i was 16. then we went to milan and then start from there on. >> sean: were you with your parents -- >> i was alone. >> sean: so you were alone. you grew up fast. >> yes. >> sean: and you look back, your journey from paris, milan and new york, does that make you the person that says is a confident and a good friend and true to herself? >> yes. me journey made me that. >> sean: madam first lady, thank you. >> thank you. >> sean: when we come back, you won't believe this. the mainstream media is reacting negatively to my interview with the first lady. they can't help themselves. it's pathetic. more when we come back.
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>> sean: our story aired and the media criticized, pounced. it's beyond pathetic. >> here's this extraordinary story of a woman that came to our country as an immigrant, a model and now the first lady of the united states. you would think in her rare public appearances that something terrible wrong has been done to her in this country. i've been surprised by that air of grievance that she carries very publicly with her. >> the first lady is echoing exactly what the president says. it's -- the president has cried fake because he doesn't like the truth that's being reported. now the first lady who at one
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point used to see clearer than we thought than she is now. >> sean: president trump took to twitter to comment on the anti-gay sure by mika. if it was a crazy conservative that said what mika said, that person would be banned from television. probably given a pass by their terrible ratings. congratulations to rick grannell. here with joe concha, rachel compost. merry christmas. i'll get it out. joe, let me start with you. >> merry christmas. >> sean: i have to be honest, it's so predictable. if the trumps gave every person in the united states $5 million and cured cancer, they would still criticize them. every second minute, hour of every day of the year, they
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can't stop it. it's their drug. they need a fix every day to hate. >> absolutely. >> go ahead, rachel. >> i thought you were talking to me. sorry. >> sean: go, rachel. >> i was going to say, i saw in "the washington post," a headline about your interview with melania trump. it was about how her poll numbers are so low. they refuse to look at what she's doing and what she's saying. by the way, i'm surprised her pull numbers and her husband poll numbers are holding in the 40s with how much negative and unrelenting press they get. those numbers are built on results. what you and melania talked about is right. they refuse to report on the results of the administration and all they want to do is go negative, negative. >> sean: i was there. i saw all of these events yet, joe. it's like the military lit up.
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i can't even -- it was great for them. they deserve this. and still, you know what? it's so petty. they attack everybody in that family. you know, if they can't get russia collusion, it's campaign finance. it's never reported on the other side. oh, all the clinton crimes that we can prove and collusion with russia, we can prove. >> sean, i tend to trust local media. i think that's strong. if you read those accounts of her visits to langley, she was joined with cheers. i don't know how you can come away and say oh, she's whining about the job. i don't see that at all. i'm the type of guy that bases people on a their actions. the bottom line is, this is the kind of gutter speculation that we see with the president as well. we have mind readers or people playing doctor on tv in terms of trying to get in the president's head. the first lady is obviously
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clearly enjoying her job. she's going to places like alaska like she did last month to visit with troops. she's getting horrible coverage compared to other first ladies. her accent has been mocked. we remember jimmy kimmel. english is her fifth language. less than 1% of the world's population can speak five languages. so it's ironic that a late night host is mocking an immigrant. no irony there. when you have children in the white house, whether that's melania trump, michelle obama, laura bush or the clintons, criticize and mock, but there's no upside to it, sean. >> sean: the irony -- rachel, you're right. the president's approval rating is where obama's was at his time during the presidency. >> that's right. >> sean: so with all the talk -- >> and the press that the obamas had. they had horrible results for the country. it's shocking. i just want to say this. i don't think -- we talked about
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how michelle obama has gotten all of these magazine covers. melania as a former super model has received none. i don't believe every editor does want melania on the cover. they're afraid of the backlash that will happen from the gate keepers of the left and hollywood. they saw what happened to jimmy kimmel. he treated trump fair and he was shamed and ostracized for it. the left said you're not allowed to normalize this first lady, not allowed to normalize this president or this presidency. that's what this is about. >> sean: i'll tell you this though. i spent some time and saw the troops reaction to her. i asked her about it. she has the resolve that she's going to -- she's going to stay true to herself. that was a part of the interview we aired yesterday. that strength is something that everybody can learn something from. not a republican or democratic issue here. serving other people, making their christmas, acknowledging their sacrifice for others is a
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noble thing to do. leaving kids alone, that's also a noble thing to do but the media can't control themselves there. appreciate it, guys. good to see you both. when we come back, major prog m programming announcement. did another interview today. we'll tell you more when we get back. i need a cookbook for my best friend. beginner or advanced? advanced. sweet or savory? both. apple strudle or spicy jammy? strudle! how's this? perfect. how'd you do that? it's what i do. nobody knows foodies like we do... barnes & noble.
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♪ he eats a bowl of hammers at every meal ♪ ♪ he holds your house in the palm of his hand ♪ ♪ he's your home and auto man ♪ big jim, he's got you covered ♪ ♪ great big jim, there ain't no other ♪ -so, this is covered, right? -yes, ma'am. take care of it for you right now. giddyup! hi! this is jamie. we need some help.
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>> sean: we have a programming announcement. tomorrow at 9:00 eastern will be airing our exclusive interview with u.n. ambassador nikki haley covering a wide range of topics. north korea, russia, china, iran, peace in the middle east, saudi arabia. we hope you will set your dvr. i will say one thing. i'm going to be paying very close attention tomorrow. lieutenant general michael flyn
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flynn, seeing comey's breaking. wouldn't have done this in the george w. bush administration, obama administration, breaking that he would take advantage and of his deputy, telling general flynn go get a lawyer. is this how we treat veterans? all the time we have left. thank you for being with us. let not your heart be troubled. laura ingraham, i can't run into the studio. >> laura: the swamp enjoyed having you here. we were going to do a swamp monster. we didn't get them in time. we didn't know of you could come through the wall. great show tonight. >> sean: you too. if i don't see you, merry christmas. >> laura: merry christmas. have a great time with your family. happy new year. see you later. i am laura ingraham.
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