tv Hannity FOX News December 15, 2018 1:00am-2:00am PST
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jason chaffetz in for sean right now. ♪ >> jason: welcome to this special edition of "hannity," trump versus the establishment. i'm jason chaffetz in tonight for sean. lots of breaking news tonight, president trump naming mick mulvaney as his new chief of staff and special counsel robert mueller stain release documents in the michael flynn case. joining is now is kristin fishe kristin fisher. >> what you are just
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referencing, the fact that president trump has named an interim replacement for his outgoing chief of staff. mick mulvaney the current budget director will become the active chief of staff when kelly departs at the end of the year. he's going to have to deal with democrats taking control of the house and the ongoing special counsel investigation. robert mueller pushed back hard in an interview with the president's former national security advisor michael flynn. a judge had ordered a special counsel to respond to the charge by this afternoon and it did forcefully. a michael flynn as a seasoned military officer who dealt regularly with the bureau knew he should not lie to federal agents, it also says he was tricked into lying is false. he has accused the fbi director andrew mccabe of suggesting that he should not bring a lawyer to that interview, a move george washington university law professor jonathan turley called
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highly irregular. >> what did they get from flynn? they got from him that he met with the russians which was neither illegal nor unprecedented and he failed to say they talked about sanctions. they intentionally didn't bring that up to him but the agents at the time said apparently that they didn't believe he was lyin lying. mueller decided to go back and charge him. they put this guy in a cage and they shot him. >> his sentencing is set for this tuesday and he's facing up to six months in prison. the special counsel office has recommended that he serve no jail time. >> jason: also today, good morning america aired a sitdown interview with michael cohen, following his sentencing for three years in prison for lying to congress in campaign finance violations among others. during the interview, cohen describes how he wants to be remembered. >> i'm angry at myself because i
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knew what i was doing was wrong, i stood up before the world yesterday and i accepted the responsibility for my actions. the actions that i gave to a man as i also said in my elocution, i was loyal to. i should not be the only one taking responsibility for his actions. one of the hopes that i have out of the punishment that i have received as well as the cooperation that i have given, i will be remembered in history as helping to bring this country back together. >> jason: wow. the media had a field day following the interview, watch this. >> we already now know that the president has committed a felony in order to obtain the office of the presidency. >> case has been built this week that the president was not legitimately elected.
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>> that is literally a check list for how a campaign finance violation becomes criminal. >> trump is in real trouble for a variety of reasons. >> we learn more information to show just how involved he was end of this conspiracy which i think prosecutors believe ultimately led to a felony. >> jason: the media is also going crazy over reports of an investigation into illegal donation into president trump's inauguration, but where was the collective meltdown over obama's second inauguration being dominated by special interest money? joining us now is fox news contributor sara carter, the offer of "why we fight," fox news national security strategist sebastian gorka and the author of "of the russia hoax," fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. i think part of the story that's missing at this point is what is the pretext, what was the precursor as to why the fbi
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would even go talk to flynn even of the administration had been in office for hours. >> these are the documents filed today and in them we learned that the fbi had a transcript of a perfectly legal conversation between michael flynn and ambassador sergey kislyak. they use that as a pretext to lie to flynn to entice him into granting an interview, to ensnare him in the crime of making a false statement even though fbi agents determined at the end of the interview that he didn't make a false statement which invites the question why is a guy who told the truth being charged with the crime of lying. that's something i hope judge emmet sullivan poses to the mueller team of partisans. why are you charging this guy was something he didn't do and
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perhaps ask flynn himself were you coerced? did these prosecutors over here threatened to prosecute your so son? did they bring such an immense, powerful case against you and had to throw in the towel? >> jason: you've been in the white house, you were there at the beginning of the trump administration and given general flynn's background, 33 years of service to this country and the position that he had been in and was going to have been then, he had to have known in fact he did know that conversation with the ambassador from russia had been recorded. >> you would think that he would know that but let's be very clear about what he was doing. i worked for general flynn in the transition team for the nsc, the official presidential
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transition team. it was our job to reach out to our interlocutors, whether it's allies in nato or other countries of geostrategic importance like russia, so the fact that he was doing what he was mandated to do as the only cabinet level official who was not congressionally approved means he was absolutely in his lane. the fact that he misremembered the content or one specific element of a phone conversation. if that is a crime, than every single person watching this show could commit a felony when they forget what they said to somebody. this is entrapment of the highest order and the fact that they had the transcript tells you everything that you need to know, also the two agents who did that interview said they didn't think he was lying and the 302's disappear for eight months. if this is a classic abuse of power.
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>> jason: sara, you do some of the best reporting on this, these agents go over and they talk to general flynn. as sebastian gorka just mention he knows he has already been recorded, that's part of his jo job. why the delay? what is this mystery about the interview which happens in january and suddenly this 302 showing up in august. >> we have this 302 in august and let me go back and say something. general flynn was the head of the defense intelligence agency, i interviewed a number of people as far back in december of 2016 and going into the first month, president trump's presidency, he was president-elect after all of this news broke and absolutely general flynn would know and did know based on his job, that phone conversation with somebody like ambassador kislyak were being recorded. let's go to the meeting, the very first -- january 24th with
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the two fbi agents. i was the first to report about this and both agents, both peter strzok and the other agent who interviewed him believed after they left that he did not lie whatsoever. now we see that in writing. they felt he was so forthcoming because he had actually delivered information to them that only they knew, he had no idea that they knew he had this. he was just so open about this, they said we don't believe he's lying. this is straightforward, he is very congenial and talking to u us. he sees us as an ally and then what happened? we see mueller trying to take him down. i have talked to a number of fbi officials, former officials, senior officials, people in the directorate of security at the state department, they said this is the most egregious abuse of power they have ever seen.
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as we are seeing right now, they are investigating every part of president trump's life, his campaign, they are going after him with full force. they didn't even turn over the original 302. that august 302 is an interview with peter strzok about the january 24th interview. >> you have director comey suddenly full of memories and experiences when he goes on his book tour, he can't seem to come up with the same information. he suddenly has his full memory on his book tour. there is an exchange between comey and gates, the acting attorney general, they are days into this new administration what do you make that exchange? >> comey was hiding the fact he's going to send over fbi agents to interview, he was hiding it from yates. we aren't going to tell her
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right before the interview and she got mad about it, that's in today's court documents. they had a scheme where they're not going to tell him we had a transcript and we'll try to ensnare him into making a false statement. in the end, they didn't do that. what's really disturbing is not just lying to flynn but encouraging him not to have an attorney there and several other deceptions that are all contained in this document which is really a document of corruption by the fbi. >> and i think it's going to be fascinating what judge sullivan is going to do it the first part of the week. sebastian gorka, i want to ask you about this. alan dershowitz has come out and said there are some things that are wrong but there are other things that are illegal.
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mr. cohen doesn't seem to know the difference between the two. what is the role of this attorney who was advising donald trump -- what is your take on what's going on here? >> this man is a scumbag, it's very simple. he's a liar, he's a scumbag. he was caught avoiding taxes on more than $3 million worth of income, he has to make something up to save his skin, this is what he did. this is a man who doesn't understand, he's trying to paint a picture that if your client tells you to do something illegal, you as a lawyer aren't obliged to tell him i'm not going to do that. he is making things up. let's remind everybody who illegally recorded his phone conversations with his clients. >> jason: i want to give you the last word on what we've seen with mr. cohen in that intervie interview.
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>> he's trying to reframe himself, he is trying to change the american perception of him. he is a liar, he's being convicted and as sebastian said, mueller was trying to compose using cohen. is trying to compose some type of argument to find some way to indict president trump. in the end, he cannot be trusted he has proven that. he is just not worthy of being trusted and personally his attempts to try to change his image are just not working. >> i thought it was fascinating that interview at one point he says now truthfully -- and you have to giggle and say billy? we believe you. thank you, you always are some of the best and most insightful, we appreciate you being here. let's move onto another important topic, the democrats finally showing some self-awareness that they have moved way too far to the left and maybe they have overreached. watch this. >> the weakness of the
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republican party has let the democratic party i think it further out than i think the majority of the people want. there are plenty of opportunities for republicans if they just pause to look at the world as it really is and try to come up with something in the tradition of lincoln and eisenhower. >> i think one of this mistakes that we make is spending too much time talking about the gender thing. we are a party of all kinds of people. white working-class men have traditionally been a huge part of our party. we have lost a lot of them. one of those reasons as we have a tendency to talk may be too much about gender. >> i wish the press would spend a lot more time on what we need to do here to meet the needs of the american people instead of morning, noon, and night against
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the president. the justice department, the mueller investigation they will work their will but there are other things going on that are newsworthy and i think you had more viewers, concerns that people have rather than ongoing coverage of what's current with the president from one day to the next. >> jason: mainstream media, you know it's bad when nancy pelosi is criticizing you for doing too much on the left. joining me now for reaction, former obama economic advisor austan goolsbee and radio talk show host larry elder. when you've got nancy pelosi, governor brown, and claire mccaskill making the case that the left is going to far left, the media's paying attention to things that don't matter what is
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your take on it. >> when you have jerry "moonbeam" brown lecturing the democratic party that they've gotten too far to the left, maybe they've gotten too far to the left. this is a governor who probably thinks global warming is a bigger peril than al gore does, he wants single payer, he wants a bullet train to nowhere and he's lecturing at democratic party going too far to the left. i think it's a sign of the apocalypse. regarding claire mccaskill, this is a woman who's saying we've gotten too involved with identity politics. when she first ran, she said george w. bush let people die on rooftops during hurricane katrina because they were poor and black. she played the race card and maybe saying they play the race card, democrats will stop lying to women, women make less money doing the very same work that men do, they say that women make
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$0.87 on the dollar compared to men for doing the same work, they say all the time to gin up anger against the republican party that doesn't want to raise the minimum wage. one more thing too. you have jerry brown and claire mccaskill, both are going to no longer be in office. if that's when politicians get really honest. >> jason: that happens on both sides of the aisle, i can tell you that. you have pelosi, claire mccaskill, jerry brown, is the left going too far left or are they wrong? >> you had three different statements in there, i thought nancy pelosi's statement i did agree. if the media is going to spend all of their times talking about mueller and investigating the president and not about giving health care to americans or protecting the aca are talking about policy, i agree with pelosi.
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i am really surprised that you guys took comfort from what jerry brown said because the whole context of jerry brown's interview was him saying the republican party has gone crazy and the president is so far out of line that it doesn't provide any check on the democrats, so it unleashes more extreme forces within the democratic party. the whole context was about the republican party. >> i don't think i find comfort in governor brown. do you think they are going to take their own advice? its 80 investigations the democrats have already announced. you think they're going to do that and impeach the president. >> they are going to do investigations, i hope the president didn't commit crimes, if he did, he's going to be in trouble. they are going to do policy in addition to investigations. >> jason: what's your thoughts? >> what he's saying is the
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democratic party has moved too far to the left because republicans will move the way they want them to move. i'm really confused. >> that's what jerry brown said, i didn't say that. >> i didn't say you did. he's blaming the republicans for it? explain that to me. >> jason: thank you gentlemen, it's fascinating to me to see if the democrats can control the house, suddenly they want to change the subject and talk about that because republicans have done an awful lot of good policy along the way. more trouble for the clintons, congressman matt gaetz and andy bigs from arizona. more breaking news, a federal judge has just struck down obamacare, what is that all about?
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>> jason: welcome back to this special edition of "hannity," trump versus the establishment. joining me now with the latest update on one of the president's most notable establishment foes and the ongoing investigation into her private email server among others, fox news trace gallagher. >> hillary clinton initially refused to answer a question about clinton her private email system but after district judge ordered her to do so the former secretary of state submitted written answers which have now been acquired by the conservative judicial watch. in her answers, she says the system was set up in 2009 by an aid to her husband and it was set up for the purpose of convenience. but judicial watch president tom fitton says it's not credible to say the email was for
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convenience. he reminds us that district judge royce lambert once called the clinton email issue one of the greatest modern offenses to government transparency and ordered additional discovery into whether hillary clinton's email was instead an attempt to shelter documents and stymie the freedom of information act. financial experts who filed a whistle-blower complaint against the clinton foundation have not testified before the house oversight committee confirming the fbi does have an open and ongoing investigation into the foundation. the tax and financial forensic experts also claimed they obtained thousands of pages of documents on the clinton foundation containing evidence of pay to play, financial crimes, and showing the foundation operated more like a family partnership than a nonprofit. that same oversight hearing blew up and the financial experts refused to turn over 6,000 pages of documents they say back up their claims.
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that prompted g.o.p. oversight chairman mark meadows to warn them that his patience is running out. breaking right now, a federal judge just ruled the affordable care act or obamacare is unconstitutional because without the individual mandate, the penalty that mandates you have insurance, the law is invalid because it cannot pay for itself. >> jason: president trump reacting to obamacare ruling writing "as i predicted all along, obamacare has been struck down as unconstitutional disaster. now congress must pass a strong law that provides great health care and protects pre-existing conditions. mitch and nancy, get it done. congressman andy biggs, i served with these two gentlemen, i appreciate this. republicans are soon to be in the minority in the house, how
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do you keep all of these republican-led investigations going or are they just going to be dismissed and done with it? >> the only way we can keep them going because they're going to pull the plug on us is to use investigations they promise they are going to open up to our advantage. we see things like the ogr hearing, the subcommittee hearing where we start looking at what was going on today with the clinton foundation investigation and guess what? chuck huber wasn't there again. one of our responsibilities is going to keep pushing the doj to make sure they respond even if it's the democrats that are holding hearings on the trump administration or trump officials, we have to demand the doj and fbi provide transparency in the documents because i think when those come out, we are going to find just as we see in the clinton foundation scandal that there is ample evidence of pay for play misuse of funds, comingling of funds.
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>> jason: this is an important thing in the cohesiveness that can be there between the house and the senate working together. in the senate they are the majority. matt gaetz, you have been aggressive in these investigations what you thing has to happen next? >> andy biggs just laid out how chuck huber didn't show up to the oversight hearing so we don't know if he's doing his job or not. we know congress isn't doing its job. jim comey is coming back in on monday and that is a smoke screen. we want rosenstein, we are hungry for rosenstein and the leadership is feeding us jim comey bite by bite. the reason we need to hear from rosenstein as he knows the plan to wiretap the president and potentially remove him from office. our leadership knows the first question we are going to ask rosenstein is which members of the cabinet he was speaking to to potentially invoke the 25th
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amendment and run the president out of town. some of those people may still be serving in the cabinet and i think they are doing everything they can to make sure in the final days of republican control, we can't ask rosenstein who he was talking to and who he was scheming with to undermine and potentially end the presidency of donald trump. i want those answers come of the american people want those answers and your book the deep state lays the premise, lays the foundation for the fact that the stuff actually happens. with the democrats in charge we are aren't going to get the answers and that's why we need to have rosenstein before the republican-controlled judiciary committee. >> jason: that's what we always called each other when we were there -- nevertheless. what else can you do in these last few weeks, is there anything else congress can actually do to get accountability in the last few weeks?
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>> he's exactly right, we have to request, push, everything matt and i have been doing to get rosenstein in there. we can start answering some questions and from there we have to rely on the senate, the senate is going to have to continue and we are going to have to push the holes, it's going to be tough. >> jason: do you believe there should be a second special prosecutor? >> of course there should be. >> jason: both of these gentlemen are in favor of a second special prosecutor, i need to ask you about a former colleague of ours, the congressman from south carolina mick mulvaney being tapped by president trump to be the deputy chief of staff. your thoughts on him? >> i met with him over at the white house today, we were talking about budget matters. he is a workhorse, he knows spending issues inside and out. he understands the intricacies
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of the oversight process that you previously led. having him by the president's side during these difficult times shows the importance of a wartime consiglio area, he's going to do a great job. i think the president made a great choice and i'm excited that we have a true movement conservative. someone who really believes in the conservative movement and believes in the president fighting alongside the president for the great agenda of the country. >> jason: your thoughts on mick mulvaney as deputy chief of staff. >> he's smart and articulate in one of the things i love about him as he doesn't suffer fools gladly. he's going to tell it like it is and make sure the work gets don done. he's a movement conservative, he's going to go with the the presidents line and help the president achieve his agenda, we need that. >> my own experience, he is tenacious. he's a tenacious irishman. he did serve on the oversight government reform committee, he is an expert in the numbers
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heading up the office of management and budget. he is very close for the whole delegation, he ran for the republican committee, a committee that was chaired by jim jordan, by mike pence and he lost to a guy named bill florez i think a lot of people appreciated him i think he will bring a lot of conservative voice, i think -- the left politicize is a tragedy on the border. later sean hannity's exclusive interview with outgoing u.n. ambassador nikki haley, we'll be
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sadly we are learning more about a 7-year-old girl from guatemala who died at the border earlier this month after being apprehended with her father and others in the remote desert of new mexico. she reportedly was without food and water for days during the treacherous journey and according to a new report her father did not alert authorities to any health issues until eight hours after they had been apprehended. now department of homeland security secretary kirstjen nielsen reacted to the tragedy earlier today, take a look. >> it's heart-wrenching, my heart goes out to the family, all of dhs. this is a sad example of the dangers of this journey. the family chose to cross illegally, what happened here was they were about 90 miles away from where we could process them, i cannot stress how dangerous this journey is when migrants choose to come here illegally. >> jason: said, no matter how you look at it. democrats are rushing to politicize the tragedy.
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for example senator richard blumenthal is putting blame on the people and practices of the u.s. government. joining me now for reaction, gopac chairman david avella and fox news contributor richard fowler who is here with me in studio. i have been fairly critical of democrats and their messaging to those that would be applying for asylum and making the march from central america here. what do you tell those people who do want a better way of life? do you encourage them to come north or do you stay say put? >> we have to come up with some sort of compromise. guatemala, nicaragua, and honduras are three of the most dangerous countries on earth and all they want to do is taste the american dream just as generations did at ellis island not so long ago. we've got to find a balanced approach to solve this. we've got to work with these
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governments to make their countries safer so people can stay there or we have to hire some more immigration judges to go through asylum claims quicker. >> jason: i think the message should be stay in your country of origin, go to the embassy, apply for the different pieces. that's the moral message that should be there. that's the problem. i get the sense that democrats are saying come on up and apply, how do you see this situation? >> never forget the democrats nominee for president in 2016 said in brazil she couldn't wait until there was no border. you have democrat after democrat who have cosponsored legislation that ultimately encourage sanctuary cities that want an open border, what they focus on is a u.s. that has no border and they aren't really focusing on a few things that richardson said
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that were spot on. we've got to look at the problems in the origin countries and what we can do to put pressure on them to improve their economic conditions and quit bellying up with foreign entities that ultimately want to do damage to the u.s. >> i will give you the fact that we can work to solve the international problem, with that being said i think the idea that democrats want open borders is just not true. if the fencing act we passed in 2006 -- >> jason: pelosi said she thought the wall is immoral. >> i think it's ineffective. >> jason: would you tear it down? >> i think the fencing we currently have is fine, we have drones we can hire border patrol there's other things we can do to secure our border besides building a wall. this is what's going to happen, people are going to get a higher
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ladder. and cross over it again. i think it's ineffective to say we are going to have a wall that's going to solve all our problems. >> jason: we have seconds remaining, what do you think the message should be and what is going to happen with a shutdown that is pending? >> we need to know who is entering this country. the president and congress need to focus on the fact that americans want border security. it's as simple as this. it's a winning message for republicans, it's the right path for america, and to the last point i was making, we have these foreign dictators down in south america who are cozying up to russia allowing jets to come in there and if we don't think this is a major national security issue -- >> jason: we have a 7-year-old girl who has died and she should have never, ever made that journey. that should be the message, don't make this journey, it will kill you. that should be the message.
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a $95 value free with membership. start a 30-day trial today and your first audiobook is free. cancel anytime and your books are yours to keep forever. audible. the most inspiring minds. the most compelling stories. text "listen5" to 500500 to start your free trial today. ♪ >> jason: welcome back to the special edition of "hannity." in october u.s. ambassador to the united nations announced she would be resigning her position at the end of the year. yesterday she spoke with sean about her time at the u.n., her working relationship with president trump and much more. take a look. >> sean: joining us now as u.s. ambassador to the u.n. former governor nikki haley is with us. good to see you, congratulations. i look over at the last two
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years and what yc? we saw what happened in north korea, jerusalem is now the capital of israel, it's now been moved to its proper home. we watched isis being shut down, the iranian sanctions have been put in place, america strength abroad has never been stronger but you have a front row seat, and my right? >> america has found her voice back, it's a good time for america and the world. for some countries that's a good thing and for some countries it's a bad thing. for americans it's a great thing because i think what we have basically seen is that it's time for us to start talking about what we believed in and what we didn't. when i came in, we had just had a cuban sponsored resolution that blamed america for everything. i came in after they did
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anti-israel bias and standing up for our friends and israel, we again abstain on our boat. we don't abstain, we know exactly where the united states stands and we know where we are going. there's a lot of moral clarity for the united states now and i think countries appreciate that we are now very straightforward. >> sean: i watched an interview and we talked about your relationship to the president. it sounds to me like it was a good cop bad cop routine. you would use whatever the issue was, you would use his strength, he would go out and be competitive -- it seems like the world leaders believed him when he said something and you would use that in your negotiation. explain how the dynamic work. >> what i said was this is where the president is, unless we get this done i can't promise you where he's going to go because
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he's upset and we need to move forward. the president and i have a great relationship. it was a great partnership, we respected each other, i let him be him. i turn around and used his unpredictability as an advantage because it is. for many to say people don't know what to expect from the united states, that's not a bad thing. i use that as leverage and as ways of getting us what we needed and he is always great at making sure he never let anybody get comfortable. i always thought as a great working relationship -- >> sean: may be good cop bad cop was a bad phrase, may be a way to say it is he likes to keep everyone on his toes and he knows exactly what he is doing. >> absolutely. his strong point really is communicating to leaders around the world and i would always tell the president and strongly believe you get him in front of
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any world leader, he wins them. he completely wins them. if any world leader threatens the united states he puts the fear of god into them. it's the reason our foreign policy is so strong, it's the reason why we have been so effective. most importantly he stood by it. when he said if they used chemical weapons there would be a price to pay and then he followed through with it, that said a lot to the international community that you can't take this president for granted. >> sean: nato doesn't believe we might pull back on some of our -- we pay $0.72 of every dollar in the president's challenging them to pay more -- if mexico and canada and china and our european allies, if they don't believe the president is really going to be consequences to trade deals, i think there's
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a force in the wisdom like the art of the deal and i know everybody gets panic. i think there's a lot of panic over little rocket man, my button is bigger than yours, and fire and fury. we now have an opportunity of having the entire korean peninsula nuclear free. >> now all the countries are paying more so what he did work to. when you look at north korea, it was that rhetoric combined with general mcmaster calling different countries telling them to expel diplomats, not allow them to have embassies -- all of that worked and allowed us to get those sanctions done at the united nations. while people didn't like what he was saying or how he was saying it, what it allowed me to do was say he's being honest. he's very truthful, we need to pass these sanctions or i can promise you if there is a threat
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he will respond. >> sean: i agree with you about the saudi arabia situatio situation. i find people have been far too simplistic in their analysis, it's far more complicated than that. i believe he is responsible, in my heart i believe the evidence will show eventually if it has not already, i don't have access to that kind of intelligence -- there are also other things. we have to look contextually through history. we had to align with stalin in world war ii to defeat hitler. i look at the emerging alliance of united states, israel, saudis, the jordanians, and moritz iranian hegemony as may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to thread a needle. it is frustrating they did this. i've been the loudest critic of saudi arabia for years, treatment of women, persecution of christians and.
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i don't know the answer but i think it's far more complicated especially believing they did this. >> it's a very complicated situation but it can be handled and solved. if you have saudi officials going into a saudi consulate, it makes mbs responsible, that's just what we know. our united states united states principled values will not allow us to give them a pass and we shouldn't. i think the president made a good first step on heat sink should individuals, i think we need to continue to have hearts conversations with the saudis about how this doesn't fit the means of international norms not accepted by the united states and we can't continue to partner with someone who continues to brutalize people in this way. i think we have to decide what accountability is going to look like for them. at the same time when we talk about the who yemen, we talk at
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iran and their role in syria, we cannot look at saudi arabia and not see that they have been such a good partner with us on that. both can be done, absolutely. this is a fine line we have to walk, we just have to do both, they have to know where they stand on what they did but we also have to know, how are we going to continue to push iran back from all of this terrorist activity? >> jason: will show you part two of that interview on monday, she'll talk about russia and what is next for her. next, perhaps the most outrageous thing joy behar has ever said, that is a high bar. we'll show you the tape, it's up
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>> jason: welcome back the special edition of "hannity" ." joy behar is back with another one of her takes on politics. senator orrin hatch of utah, she's sentencing him to jail because he supports president trump and doesn't believe he should be impeached, watch this. >> i don't know if you saw this clip of orin hatch, the esteemed senator from utah. what he said, the president michael cohen, they might have committed crimes. i don't care, he said the president is doing a good job. when the senator from utah is saying i don't care if he committed a crime, it's nothing to lose by speaking against truth to power. >> i think that's more going on behind the scenes. i think favorites have been don done. >> jason: wow. unfortunately that is all the
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time we have left this evening, the christmas season is here if you're looking for that perfect gift to give the political junkie, may i suggest my book "the deep state," how an army of bureaucrats protected of barack obama and is working to destroy the trump agenda. my thanks for sean hannity to allow me to sit in on this >> tucker: good evening. welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." think back to the weeks right before the 2016 election. try to remember what they were telling you. one of the main things they were saying if donald trump lost the election, he would not accept result. this would be a deep challenge to the democracy. but turns out like a lot of what they tell you this was projection. ever since that november they have been working to ignore the results but also to
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