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tv   Watters World  FOX News  December 15, 2018 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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jesse: welcome to. "watters' world." the president hosting a high stakes meeting with the democrat leaders live for all to see, demanding $5 billion in wall funding saying i will own the shut -- he'll own the shutdown if it came to it. jesse: trump adding he would go around democrats if they don't deliver the votes to get there.
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joining me is kellyanne conway. do you think it's risky for the president to own the shutdown? he sees this as the last chance to get the wall funding? >> this is way beyond funding, this is about border security. you have poison like fentanyl and cocaine coming over. you have people promised by coyotes that they paid thousands of dollars, promises that can't be delivered upon. this president knows we as a nation have been spending billions of dollars for decades
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helping other countries with their borders. there were 26 democrats in the senate in 2006 who who voted for the fence act. senator joe biden, obama, chuck schumer and hillary clinton. so what happened on the border since the 2006 secure fences act was voted upon? it got worse. jesse: wherever they built fencing, immigration halted and it funneled the foot traffic of the illegals to softer points. wherever the walls are, the walls work. let me show you sound of how the people in the media are framing the border security issue. >> the president went to the heart of what i call his brown menace theory, these migrants,
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they are dirty people and bring disease. >> this border wall thing is about controlling the browning of america. donald trump is fixated on the southern border as he was the day he announced his campaign. it's not about securing the border it's about xenophobic bigoted, racist beliefs. jesse: a majority of americans want border security. and they are anti-caravan. but when you hear people say you want border security, you must be racist. do you think that's backfiring on the left? >> people are focused on the issue at hand. it's whether you want a custom'' and border patrol. they need border security. they are telling us.
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they are not protecting on some fancy set in new york, pontificating. ' this is a pretty nice perch, too. but all the dumb dumps who want to abolish i.c.e. they surveilled enough fentanyl to have killed every man, woman and child in this country. they are stopping the drug and human smugglers. the mainstream media wants everybody to believe the president thinks everybody comes here'. but if anyone is smuggling a child or smuggling drugs and people are coming here for
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nefarious reasons, ms-13 gang members. you know that number is not zero. border security is national security. jesse: i want to switch gears to nancy pelosi. i guess you will have to be dealing with her quite a lot in the next two years. this is what she did the other day. she'd scolded the media. listen to this. >> i wish the press would spend a lot more time on what we need to do here to meet the needs of the american people instead of morning, noon and night allegations against the president. i think he had more viewers and readers that addressed concerns people have rather than just this ongoing coverage of what's currents with the president from one day to the next. jesse: is nancy stealing your job? she sounds like a republican.
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>> she sounds like me talking about biased coverage and incomplete coverage. we are not having policy discussions. i tried to have a discussion this week on a competitor network and you just get shut down and constantly interrupted when you try to talk about policies. i want people to have news they can use. let's make sure our veterans know what's available to them, and workforce development measures to get the trump-created jobs, and they know about it. and they understand what it means to be the 38 million americans who still don't have health insurance after obamacare was passed. the democrats are saying we are not talk about indictment and i am east. we are going to work on
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infrastructure. impeachment no, out. infrastructure in. great. we have a builder in the white house. let's do it together. let's create the jobs and repair the dams and the water mains. jesse: someone else making sense on the left. something is happening here. claire mccaskill had advice for the democratic party. sound similar. one of the mistakes we make as a party is spending too much time talking about a gender thing. we are a party of all kinds of people. and, you know, white men, white working class men have traditionally been a huge part of our party. we have lost a lot of them. one of those reasons is we have had a tendency to talk maybe too much about gender.
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jesse: cherrie she is saying des stop playing the gender card. >> the democratic party is so far to the left they can't reach the middle they stretch their arms out. senator mccaskill told your colleague press bare, she thought the president used everybody tool in his disposal to secure that bordered. she was 1. >> 0% with him. she backed him up. she whroos not just because she is wrong on the issues, but because people look up and see a democrat and they know you are for socialized mi -- medicine. she said the president tapped into the frustration of voters.
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>> kellyanne, merry christmas. have a good one. michael cohen, the president's former attorney breaking his silence after being sentenced to three years in prison claiming he was only acting at the direction of mr. trump. >> nothing at the trump organization was ever done unless it was run through in trump. he directed me to make the payments. he directed me to get involved in these matters. the man doesn't tell the truth. it's sad that i should take responsibility for his dirty deeds. president trump: i never directed him to do anything wrong. whatever he did, he did on his own. he's a lawyer, a lawyer who represents a client who is supposed to do the right thing. that's why you pay them a lot of money. a former department of justice official under president george
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w. bush. he believes cohen did not violate campaign finance laws and neither did the president. this is a hot article. i have been talking about it on thon -- on "the five." all week. we'll be talking about this for the next two years. was this payment to stormy daniels illegal before the election. you say the federal election commission and the federal election campaign act would say no, it's perfectly legal. >> the reason is this. you can't use campaign funds to pay personal or business expenses. you can only use campaign funds to pay campaign-related expenses. the fec said in the past, this kind of a payment, a hush money payment is a personal expense. it's not related to your
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campaign. jesse: it was paid for by trump, not the campaign. >> that's right. and the reason we know the fec would not consider this to be a campaign. related expense is important. the justice department tried to actually make the same argument once before when they prosecuted or tried to prosecute john edwards. their contributors were making payments to his mistress who was working for the campaign. a jury didn't buy it. but the fec didn't buy it. they audited the edwards campaign and said these are not campaign-related expenses. if you are a congress and we know congress has a slush fund which pays out sexual harassment, sexual misconduct d
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settlements they run for reelection every two years. it's within the window of a campaign. millions of dollars is going out. that's taxpayer money. that's not being reported on fec filing. so what's the difference? >> no. if you take to the extreme this weird theory that the u.s. attorney in new york has, yes, all these members of congress are using taxpayer funds to pay for campaign-related expenses which i think is very problematic. jesse: if you just give that argument right there, it's game over. i don't see how people, because everybody on the left is saying you know what? he bled to campaign finance violations. they are saying the president is on the hook and let's impeach. you are saying you don't see
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evidence in case histories and these acts. you have codes you cite. trump's ex-lawyer didn't violate campaign finance laws and neither did the president. it's all over the internet. what if you got a haircut before the election out of your personal wallet. is that a campaign expense if you don't report it? >> under that theory it is. if you don't pay the mortgage payments on your house and a bank fou -- forecloses in the me of a campaign it may influence the outcome of the election, but that's not a campaign expense. you can't use campaign money to do it. by the way, if in fact a candidate were to use campaign funds to pay off a mistress, i can guarantee you the fec would
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be going after them saying you used campaign funds for personal expenses. jesse: i suggest every democrat in the country read this article. we can all calm down. lara trump getting ready for her first splash into "watters' world." >> what was hillary's greatest accomplishment as secretary of state? - [narrator] the typical vacuum head has its limitations, so shark invented duo clean. while deep cleaning carpets, the added soft brush roll picks up large particles, gives floors a polished look, and fearlessly devours piles. duo clean technology, corded and cord-free.
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jesse: former fbi districtor james comey heading back to capitol hill too testify about the hillary clinton investigation. he admitted he sent fbi agents to the white house. >> something i wouldn't have done or gone the away with in a more organized a member strailings, the george w. bush or obama administration. if the fbi wanted to send agents into the white house to interview a senior official it
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would work through the white house counsel. i thought it's early enough, let's just send a couple of guys over. jesse: here with us matt gaetz and sean duffy. he says he took advantage of the disorganization from the white house. why this is about russia, why doesn't he go after russia. >> i think this is the third time i have bent third most of handsome person on any broadcast. jesse: duffy takes the cake there. >> when it comes to comey, you don't usually use the language, something i got away with to describe something that's proper and good. getting away with things that
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are not right or not proper. this will be the second time we bring comey in. whrit be like deja vu. but with all the amnesia, maybe he'll forget all the things he was expect toad tel -- -- he wad to tell us. jesse: when you ask him a question about it, he doesn't know, congressman duffy. i thought he was supposed to be the smartest guy in the room with the most of integrity. >> a guy with a photographic memory as well. this is the biggest investigation he has. he can investigate the presidential candidate donald trump, and president trump. but either he's side or he's
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lying -- either he's stupid or he's lying to congress. it's laughable. jesse: now we are hearing about he's after action reports that were written about the flynn interview. they were written six months after the fact which were extremely fishy. we know they went in there without a lawyer present for flynn. they tried to coax him and keep him relaxed and keep him loose. they had what he said to the russian ambassador printed out. they didn't think he was lying. >> i think president trump should pardon michael flynn. it's largely a consequence of not remembering something or stating something in a different context. even comey said there was no
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indifficult shah of lying when -- no indifficul no indici. for hillary clinton they roll out the red carpet and pave the yellow brick road to no consequence. but flynn is facing serious consequences. i think the president could do right for justice by pardoning michael flynn. jesse: i want to ask you about this. remember the time when everybody was trying to find the page-strzok emails. and there was a six-month gap where they couldn't find them at a critical stage of the investigation. the inspector general filed a report and said we lost them when they turned in one of the
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twices they couldn't find. the other twices were wiped clean. is that standard procedure? >> of course it's not standard procedure. they should have retained those records. there is an utter disregard and disrespect for the process. the fbi had such contempt for donald trump winning this election which is basically contempt for the american people who elected him. they were willing to twist the laws to make sure the electorate didn't have its way and the progressive elites got their way. whether it's the collusion or campaign finance laws, they won't stop until they take out donald trump. hillary said under oath she did the email server for convenience. and she also blamed her husband.
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>> you don't typically bleach something inadvertently. that's not something you typically do with technology. with hillary clinton you have someone who fundamentally believed the rules don't apply to her. and you can understand why. for decades they have been able to have things go in their favor. michael horowitz will give additional information on the media leaking steeries. so we'll see more about how we can drain the swamp and get rid of the deep state entities working against our president. the three best look guys on television right now. >> you have the best hair, jesse. jesse: lara trump making her.
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"watters' world" debut. our body language expert analyzes the
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[♪] anita: live from "america's news headquarters." i'm anita vogel. the justice department's investigation of russian. >> i recollection meddling has cost $25 million. so far 36 people or entities have been charged. 7 have pled guilty to various charges including michael flynn and former campaign chairman paul manafort. the president has called the probe a witch hunt. protesters took to the treats of paris for a -- the streets of paris for a straight weekend. the demonstrations were mostly peaceful, but police did fire tear gas and more than 100 people were arrested and dozens injured. now back to. "watters' world." jesse: despite the media and
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democrats constantly attacking president trump for everything he does. the barrage of bad news is not affecting voters. we say president trump has a 46% job approval rating. that's up 10 points from a year ago. will that help the president win reelection? joining me now, the president's daughter-in-law, lara trump. >> thanks for having me. it's about time, jesse. jesse: i blame my staff. the president now 46%. it's pretty good considering the attacks he weathered the last two years. do you pay attention to numbers like that? >> if we paid attention to numbers we would have understood donald trump had a 1% chance on election day to win in 2016.
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i have never believed polls. i thought leading up to the mid terms i don't think they were completely accurate as we went into the mid-terms. we see them and we take note. jesse: do you have internal polling? >> we absolutely do and it is very different. i think what we are seeing in polls is people are not always truthful when it comes to supporting president trump. the media makes you feel like there is something wrong with you or it's a bad thing to support a path who will go down in history as one of the best presidents america has ever had. jesse: they don't talk to the exit polling people. they hang up the phone when reuters people ask them what they think of the president. maybe people don't want to say, yes i'm voting for president trump for reelection. do you think it's because the
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media has conditioned people. >> the media makes you feel that there is something wrong with you if you have vocal support for this president. you see people going out to have a nice dinner that get accosted by people, thanks to people like maxine waters telling you you should get up in their face and kick them when they are down. i think there is serious stuff being said. and it makes it hard sometimes to give your support for a great president. jesse: someone threw a drink in my face on election night. harris faulkner interviewed the president and asked about republican potentially
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primarying him. >> i am going to bring up john kasich and jeff flake. they say they may run against you. president trump: i hope so. i have people who i love and who love me. i got a tremendous percentage of women. >> i interviewed some of the women for trump. president trump: they are the greatest. i have tremendous women support. jesse: do you believe the president really wants flake and kasich to primary him? >> i don't think it's going to happen. what a waste of money. this is a president who will easily win reelection based on the great job he's doing. he's his best commercial. everything he does every day, it's so beneficial for people across this country, i think he'll win by more in 2020. jesse: so he's saying he has
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tremendous female support. he won a majority of white women in 2016. but overall you keep maring about the suburban college educated female voters that he really needs to have come out for him more enthusiastically than they did in 2016. are you paying attention to that voting group? >> every person in this country has the right to one vote and we want everyone to get out and vote. jesse: do you have the strategy to turn out those women? >> the president is going to do the best job of that himself. a lot of that is reminding women what the president has accomplished. look at female unemployment in this country. the lowest it's been in 60 years. it's a safer country thanks to donald trump. a better country for women with
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children thanks to donald trump. jesse: safety and prosperity, those are the things you are hitting with women. >> when you have more money in your pocket and it's a better world for your children. wallet or purse. jesse: melania trump was on "hannity." and she was asked about some of the attacks she faces through the media, i think worse than any other first lady i have ever seen. but i'm only 40. this is what she said and how she responded. >> i would say the people using my name or family name to advance themselves, some comedians, journalists, performers, book writers. >> does it hurt?
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>> it doesn't hurt. the problem is they are writing history and it's not correct. jesse: if you are in entertainment or the media and you attack president trump, it's instant notoriety. is she correct? >> she is 100% correct. we have a first lady who is such a great first lady. the fact that she is not on the every cover every magazine like other first ladies have been is crazy to me. she is so gorgeous, so elegant, and so fashionable. that tells you all you need to know. if it weren't for president donald trump, what would people be talking about. thanks to him, he's keeping so many companies and journalists in business. jess very so true. i hear eric isn't changing diapers. >> every now and again.
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jesse: tell him i said to change one once in a while. one once in a while. up next, dia ernie: here you go, richard. richard: oh! ernie: was that too hard for yo? richard: no. is this too hard for you? ernie: woo! we're playing catch now! richard: ugh! ernie: sorry, sorry, sorry !
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jesse: there seems to be an uptick in the media of use homophobic slurs. >> why doesn't mike pompeo care. when he appeared on "fox and friends," is that a patriot speaking? or wannabe dictators busboy. i am serious. are these the words of a patriot? jesse: she did apologize later but was it too little too late? what do you think about mika,
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she seems top have planned that. >> she thinks she can get away with anything. jesse: they usually do. >> she isn't fired. her apology is a little too late. >> imagine if i said busboy. >> they have been doing this type of talk behind closed doors because you are what you see. jesse: i must be a hamburger because i'm starving. 10 years ago kevin hart said what he said about gay people of and he had to leave hosting the oscars. it depends who you are as opposed to what you can get away with. nancy pelosi, your favorite democrat had this to say.
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let's roll it. >> it's unfortunate the president has decided he would shut down government and is taking full responsible for the trump shutdown. perhaps he doesn't understand, people need their paychecks. maybe that's not the life he needs. jesse: people need their crumbs, right? >> people are thriving in this country. so the paycheck is not the problem. the problem is security. we want our borders secured. if you can live behind your wall, why are you having a problem funding the wall for the united states of america. i'm tired of them funding i will legal aliens and sanctuary cities. it's time to fund the wall. >> i'm sick and tired of these individuals, as taxpayers we are their boss, we pay them to work for the american people. if they don't want to work for we the american people, then
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shut the government down. jesse: when they do shut it down, nancy probably still gets paid. i will bet she gets a paycheck. >> it will force them to work for the people. you need to do your job. if you can't do your job, good-bye. >> they ran on doing something with healthcare because they gave us obamacare. it has done nothing about it. this waits democrats do. they like to hoodwink people and make you think they are going to do this for you when all they do is fill you with a bill of empty promises. >> all talk, no action. jesse: max seen waters. this is her d maxine waters. they are favorite topic, impeachment. >> i believe this president is dangerous. i think he undermined our
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democracy. i think he aligned himself with the enemy, putin. he loves dictators and i think he qualified for impeachment. >> it's called presidential harassment. the president of your country is doing a great job. but he's being harassed. jesse: presidential harassment. is that what you think this is. >> there is a slush fund with congress where they are paying off people. the conference has been accused of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct. why don't maxine waters go and harass these people. we want to see the names of these congressmen fan women. i'm tired of them talking about impeachment. giving us a booming economy? >> there is no money for the wall, but there is money for people to pay to'' people
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congress harassed. >> what are you going to impeach him for? if we are going to impeach, let's start with her. jesse: diamond and silk in studio. chit-chat tour launching next year. don't miss it. jesse: a body language expert breaks down what lea -- what rey happened at the i'm snow. and just like you, the further into winter we go, the heavier i get. and while your pants struggle to support the heavier you, your roof struggles to support the heavier me. [laughter] whoo. [crash] and your cut-rate insurance might not pay for this. so get allstate, you could save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. mayhem is everywhere. so get an allstate agent.
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are you in good hands?
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jesse: president trump opening his contentious discussion with nancy and chuck humaner on wall funding. county report last time chuck you shut it down. i don't want to do what you did. >> 20 times called for i will shut down the government if i don't get my way. president trump: if you want to put that on me, i will take it. you know wail say? yes, if we don't get what we want through you, through military or anything you want to call, i will shut down the government. and i am proud. and i will tell you what. i'm proud to shut down the
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government for border security, chuck. jesse: lot going on, particularly with the body language. expert tonya ryman is here to help us out. let's take a look and swloa this down. the interaction between crying chuck and the president. >> obviously we know president trump loves to use his hands. and he uses them to frame his words. see how he just adjusted his jack it? this is the first time you see him get nervous. that's a little bit of discomfort coming through. here comes the new york. he leans forward and gets closer to schumer and he holds this hands like this. when you hold your hand like this, this is something that builds comfort and puts a blockage between the two much them. then this is what he's famous
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for. it's not your turn to talk, it's my turn to talk. a lot has been made of schumer about his posture. he's a slouch. he has terrible posture. i love the fact that trump was so into like right getting into his face. jesse: also there was some interesting not as good between nancy pelosi and the president, let's watch that. president trump: nancy is in a situation where it's not easy for her to talk right now, and i fully understand that. we'll have a good discussion, and we are going see what happens. but we have to have border security. >> mr. president, please don't characterize the strength i bring to this meeting as the leader of the house democrats who just' won a big victory. >> elections have consequences about president'. president trump: that's the reason the country is doing so
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well. jesse: he starts off talking for nancy. >> look scott the steeple. this is his go-to position. but it's particularly thought to be one of power. nancy gets very offended. don't speak for me. this is a woman whether you like her or dislike her. she is not afraid of trump. she is not afraid. she came in to have a meeting and gets frustrated. you see schumer looking at the crowd and trump talking to the crowd. pelosi is getting annoyed. she says i want to have a dialogue. that's when she looks at other people. what is pence doing the whole time ask like this. >> if you watch him. not only did he lean back in his chair which is a distancing thing. jesse: he doesn't want any part
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of this. >> he sways back and forth depending on who he is agreeing with. he may not be agreeing with trump. he's agreeing with nancy. if you watch limb, he starts to fidget. and he does not hold eye contact with anyone. he does an extended eye close our. he doesn't want to be there and it's quietest. jesse: coming up next a. "watters' world" flashback on crooked hillary. don't miss this one. (chime) - [narrator] meet shark's newest robot vacuum. it powerfully cleans from floors to carpets, even pet hair, with ease, and now for cleaning surfaces above the floor, it comes with a built in shark handheld. one dock, two sharks. the shark ion robot cleaning system.
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>> some of my classic. "watters' world" interviews now
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available on fox nation. this when i attended a hillary rally in philly. do you think hillary is a smart woman? yes, she is definitely experienced. jesse: why didn't she nope her emails were classified? what else her greatest accomplishment as secretary of state. >> i'm not as intboarmd her term as secretary of state. >> we wanted her to be transparent and have more of a stance with that in the black communities. jesse: you want her to be transparent? >> yes. jesse: good luck with that. see the rest of this clip as well as the entire first season of. "watters' world." that's all for tonight.
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be sure to follow me on facebook, instagram and twitter. justic"justice with judge jeanis up next and remember, i'm watters and this is my world. [♪] judge jeanine: hello and welcome to "justice." i'm jeanine pirro. thanks for being with us tonight. and thanks for making justice number one in primetime last weekend. we have a big show on deck with professor alan dershowitz. former governor mike huckabee and secretary of health and human services, alex azar, to name a few. but first, my open.


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