tv Hannity FOX News December 21, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm PST
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grow it. show it. know it. (laughter) ♪ >> shannon: this is fox news >> shannon: this is fox news coverage of the partial government shutdown, i'm shannon bream in washington, d.c. itbr is midnight on the east cot and it is official, about 25% of the government is shutting down. several federal agencies are effected including the department of homeland a securi, transportation, interior, agriculture, state, , and justie as well as national parks and forests. many agencies including the pentagon and department of veterans affairs are funded for the year, they will f continue o operate as usual. your christmas packages should collude continue to get delivered too, the postal service is unaffected by the government shutdown.
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amid the impasse vice president pence was dispatched to the capital to meet with senate minority leader chuck schumer who said president trump's demand foror money for a border wall not pass the senate. >> abandon your shutdown strategy, you're not getting the wall today, next week, or on january 3rd when democrats take control of ther house. >> president trump: this is our only chance in our opinion because of the world and the way itwo breaks out to get great border security. >> shannon: president trump is still here in washington despite earlier claims to go to florida, he's going to head there in the holidays he has said he would accept money for a steel slat barrier, just as effective as a solid concrete wall. democrats votes are needed and without them majority leader mitch mcconnell is showing noal interest in changing the rules to allow for a simple majority, 51 votes to pass something so what next? some house lawmakers are staying
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in town amid the partial government shutdown. analysis continues now, more later on your local news for fox news in washington. washing. ♪ >> shannon: president tru ♪ >> shannon: president trump tweeting out not long ago that he hopes his partial shutdown is not a long one. kristin fisher is live with reaction and that's a differente thing that he said just a couple of days ago. >> it is, president trump saidd today he is totally prepared for a long shutdown, he said he believes this may be his only chancesa to get the funding for his wall that he promised his supporters during the campaign and throughout his presidency, but in this video that he posted, he said he's hopeful this partial shutdown will not last long.
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>> president trump: we are going to have ati shutdown, there's nothing we can do about that because we need the democrats to give us their votes. call it a democrat shutdown, u call it whatever you want but we need their help to get this approved. >> the president is calling it a democrat shutdown, the democrats are calling at the trump shutdown with the chairman of the dnc saying the trump shutdownes is here. the american workers pay the price, the president should be ashamed he is targeting american workers with his latest temper tantrum right before the holidays. the president thinks this shutdown is worth it, both in s order to keep his campaign promise and for border security. >> president trump: it's very dangerous out there, drugs are pouring in, human trafficking, so many different problems including gangs like ms-13 -- wm don't want them in the united states. we don't want them in our
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country. the only thing that's going to stop that is great border security with a wall or a slat fence or whatever you want to call it. we need a great barrier and if we don't have it it's never going to work. >> president trump has been pushing the majority leader to end this partial shutdown by invoking the nuclear option, getting rid of the filibuster to allow the senate to pass the bill with a simple majorityf bt mcconnell has said he won't do it because it could backfire and end up hurting republicans the next time democrats control the senate. this partial government shutdowt is going to impact seven federal agencies, 800,000 federal employees and even president trump's holiday plans -- he was supposed to leave d.c. tonight and head to florida and spend the holidays at mar-a-lago, but that is not going to happen. he is going to stay here at the white house until tomorrow atat the earliest, maybe even longer
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depending on how this shutdown goes. >> shannon: a lot of people changing their travel plans, thank you very much. let's go live to peter doocy on capitol hill, lawmakers have checked out but we know they are in town. >> this is the hallway into the house chamber and normally within minutes of a huge vote like something to keep the government open at the shutdown deadline, it would be packed -- it's essentially empty except for a couple reporters because there was no vote. the senate decided much earlier in the day that they did not have the votes to pass the house approved a border wall funding measure so they just went home. >> the senate needs to take somm action, the difficulty in the senate is it takes 60 votes so it really comes down to
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senator schumer. if he's going to shut the government down again, i know he's done that earlier and it wasn't productive so we are very hopeful we can find common ground. >> the senate and house each adjourned with hours left on the countdown clock even though some republicans like lindsey graham were urging leaders to dig in and fight, the vice president mike pence and incoming white house chief of staff mick mulvaney huddled with lawmakers until late trying to figure out where there could be some give and take but for now democrats are drawing a line in the sand, refusing any measure that would fund a border wall in any way -- nobody knows how long this partial shutdown will go. >> it will depend upon the republicans once again convincing donald trump that there are not the votes for his wall, not today, not tomorrow, not in january. if there is some face-saving gesture, but it's not the way we should be operating in the united states of america. >> the vice president miket' pee
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today also had to break a 47-47 tie on the measure to debate this bill in the senate ando spending bills are extremely complex. both mike pence and the majority leader laughed at just howe technical this process hasik become. >> when an agreement is reached, it will receive a vote here on the senate floor. i moved to concur on the house amendment to the senate amendment on the house amendment to the senate amendment to hr [laughter] >> the motion is pending. >> after that, a lot of lawmakers headed home, some others who remain in town told me they are definitely going home for christmas, if there is not a speedy solution in the next couple of hours, this could drag on a while. >> shannon: we know you'll be on it on the hill by yourself,ag
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we'll check in back with you. we couldn't get it done on the hill, perhaps we can find some common ground on fox news tonight, let's bring in the republican from arizona andhi te democrat from illinois -- senate majority leader mitch mcconnell said "i think constructive talks are underway." what would it take to get your vote at this point? >> i think we need to keep $5 billion in there, that's less than one half of 1% of the total budget of this 25% bill we just did.d. we have to have a border wall because border security is imperative. >> knowing democrats won't vote
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for that. >> they are saying that. he didn't vote for it in the house but they say they want border security, i want to know what they think border security is -- i lived down in arizona, i know what border security looks like, i talked to border control agents and ranchers, i talked to people who live on the border and they want a wall. the san diego port, one that was created at cut down illegal alien crossings by 85% -- we know walls work and you can say you believe border security why we don't do this. >> shannon: we have done statistics, walls won't work everywhere geographically, that's not going to work. what will you vote for? >> we are a nation of immigrants, we democrats believa in enhancing border security as well. a republican from a border state of texas explained the other day we need smart border security. a lot of undocumented immigrants fly over on airplanes and
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overstay visas. let's talk about ways to deal with this in a smart way, thisay is not effective and mexico is not paying for it. the taxpayers of america are paying for it, that's not fair. >> shannon: regardless of who pays, what would you agree to on the border? >> there's probably some room for repairing certain barriers, talking about fencing in certain areas but this type of wall concept is not going anywhere. let's hash out a deal to enhance border security, let's get thenh government funded right now. 54,000 department of homeland security customs and border patrol agents are not going to be paid during the holidays. that's not right if we really care about border security. >> shannon: the woman whoho will likely be the next speaker of the house tweets maybe donald trump in the house g.o.p. can't imagine living paycheck ts paycheck but the trump shutdown
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will force nearly 800,000 federal employees to go without pay in the middle of the holidays. to be clear, the vast majority of them are going to be paid back but if you are on a tight budget how do you respond to that? i don't know that most are living paycheck to paycheck but for those who are, it's tough. >> a significant number of americans do live paycheck to paycheck, nancy pelosi is not one of them. i talked to a union official t - he said if it comes to shut down we are out there doing our job because that's what we commit to do. we want to be there and we want boots on the ground. we want a wall, we are bordert patrol agents, we want a wall. when we start talking about drones and technical gear, we already have that.ic we need a physical barrier so it forces people to go for a second, that's why it's so t critical.
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>> shannon: a lot of people say it's a rounding error for the federal government, why the dig in over $5 billion? >> that 5 billion has been dedicated for the purpose of a wall, let's talk about the right number. i'm a former smallll businessma, we shouldn't be shutting down the government we should be negotiating and talking right now. president trump is listening, i hope he's reaching out to folks and how do we get past the shutdown now? >> shannon: the leaders are working with the white house, the senate has said they won't vote on anything, that's kind of the deal they have reached now. compromise wise, what do the two sides do to get to a solution? it sounds like the white house is backing off, what number could you agree to? >> i know that senator schumer put forward a number the othernd day, you have to remember just
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three days ago senate republicans and senate democrats unanimously cast a clean continuing resolution so we could further discuss this issue of enhanced border security in february. right now i think the two sides should come together, choose a number and move forward. >> shannon: congresswoman pelosi said you couldn't pass this bill and that's why the senate voted the way they did. you're not going to have any leverage at least on the house side so where do you go tonight? >> the reality is we aren't going to get a wall if we don't do it now because the democrats have made it clear, pelosi hasre made it clear and schumer has made it clear. it's going to cost $25 billion, i would've started at 25 and worked down to five. but we started at five and the number senator schumer keeps putting out is 1.6 andiv 1.3 --e are at 5.7 now -- have they been
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down to the border? had they seen what goes on? i invite my colleague, -- >> shannon: will come with you. >> i'll show you the place they caught 64 people yesterday, this is really critical and its national security. >> shannon: thank you both for stopping in and we wish you merry christmas and a solution for america. >> may be a christmas miracle. >> shannon: we are all for that in washington. the government has officially partially shut down and both sides are pointing fingers, who are the winners and losers, we are going to ask our power panel when we return we return (male announcer) bass pro shops and cabela's
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>> shannon: as we've been reporting we are now in a partial government shutdown over funding the borderren wall. president trump blamest democrs because they are protecting the country in closing down the border. democrats blaming president trump saying he shouldn't fund the border wall. >> abandon your shutdown strategy, you're not getting the wall today, next week, or on january 3rd when democrats take control of the house.. >> shannon: senior capitol hill producer is with us right now, a quiet night on capitol hill. >> the question is whether this is a partial government shutdown, sometimes you have thesehe semantic battles on
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capitol hill -- a lapse inwn appropriations. regardless, there are negotiations going on behind the scenes, we don't think anything is going to happen on saturday. saturday is the day the house and senate will both meet at noon but there aren't going to be many members here. vice president mike pence and the acting chief of staff mick mulvaney were here come a long talks throughout the day talking with chuck schumer and talking with the chair of the senate appropriations committee richard shelby. i'm going to tell you what he said after he emerged from the meeting with mike pence, there are a lot of moving parts around here we are trying to get them moving together, trying to merge all of the appropriations bills which were outstanding together and get this in a package to move. there are also some questions as wouldt president trump sign. they thought they had a deal to fund the government through february 8th, they passed it in the senate than the presidentnd blew it up a couple of days later. shelby said we would all have to
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have assurances that the president would agree to what we agreed to t and he would sign i. sunday seems to be the operative day, they hope to have as one official described some gravity and maybe try to bring numbers back sunday night, maybe early in 2009, to pass the initial version of obamacare. if they don't get something, i've been told by multiplee sources they are very skeptical of that scenario this could be the 26th, 27th or even last until january, there's some who don't think we will solve this until next weekend. what they are really fighting over here is 900 million which is pocket lint in washington, d.c., money for a border wall or border security. they are at 1.6 billion is the proposal now, they want to take sayo 2.5 billion, democrats they would reject that. i'm told the house minority leader won't go any higher than 1.3 billion.s how they get this resolved is anybody's guess. here's the key, if they can get
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a universal agreement whicher is how bob corker described it on all the appropriations bills, than they are in business. if that's the reason they were willing to get the bill on the floor. they did it with the democratic vote and that's why there is some bipartisan cooperation going on behind the scenes. the key is what can president trump accept? >> shannon: joining me now to talk about it, former deputy assistant to president george w. bush and fox news contributor utah congressman jason chaffetz. i want to read a little bit from vox, why the blame game is pointless. this istt how we do things now.
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shutdowns are a game of chicken and everybody is lookingpo for leverage, this is just the way washington works. impending deadlines are the best motivators to compel congress to act so lawmakers see any crisis, i'll let you take the first swing at that. >> i think it's a parlor game, i don't think in the heartland they much care who takes l the blame, they do care about border security. this is where the democrats are in a tough spot. they can't simultaneously say c they are in favor of border security, they don't want a border wall or abolish ice, they are in favor of sanctuary cities -- it doesn't add up. america will figure that out. that is much more important long term and the president is doing the right thing, standing tall into saying we need a border wall in order to have security.ig by the way all those border patrol agents in the border patrol union, they are on the
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side of the president, not the democrats. >> shannon: these are the folks working on the front line, we are getting a lot of f reactn coming into night. we got this in from the republican national committee saying tonight democrats chosett to shut down the government instead of working with republicans to secure the border. they say chuck schumer and his colleagues must stop putting partisan politics over the security of our nation and fulfill their responsibility to fund our government and keep our communities safe and uphold the rule of law. >> we all should be able to agree that the shutdown was it's only president trump on the record saying i would love thent government shutdown. i would probably own the government shutdown. they are right, let's move away from the blame game and i think a point that is really important here is something you were talking about in the previous
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segment. it's actually 78% of americans who live paycheck to paycheck and the type of chaos and uncertainty that donald trump embraced when he was running the trump organization, that is not how you govern. in those up to 80% of government workers who probably are living paycheck to paycheck, uncertainty and chaos in december before christmas, that's a real war on christmas. we have to get to a place where this is not business as usual and i would ask one question to the president.av did you even try to make a deal with mexico? was there any attempt? >> we got a deal with mexico. >> to pay for the wall? did even attempt? >> there's a lot to discuss, a lot of blame going on.
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to her point, did the president give the democrats a gift, i will take the mental and own it? >> the president is standing on principle he's standing on the oath he took to preserve and protect america. the president was honest with democrats, he lets the oval office open to the press t listen to the negotiations, something you don't see and you saw schumer squirming at the, fact of the press were in there, he couldn't look the president in the eye. the democrats were for border security before they were against it. remember the secure fence act of 2006 which passed the senate 80-19 including chuck schumer and then senator obama who voted for it. this is denying today the president a campaign promise. it's all about politics. by the way, democratic congressmen and senators who voted against this large living paycheck to paycheck, during ths shutdown they are getting paid,
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they are with their families at christmas. the president is in the oval office still trying too mae a deal but democrats are denying the president, listen to their words. it's his wall, it's republicans, there wall. it's not his wall, there wall, it's our wall, it's republicans and democrats obligation to secure this nation. >> shannon: we've seen a number of members of congress step up saying they want to give up their paycheck while this is going on in solidarity with the people who will have to make sacrifices during the holiday season, a tough time for anybody because budgets are tight and everybody is spending more than we should or at least getting to our breaking point readl something else from the dnc, president trump campaigned on his so-called dealmaking skills and yet he's proving incapable of making a deal that works for the american people. the president as a failed dealmaker with the temperament of a toddler, the american people have had enough.
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we know it takes more than two to tango in washington, tonight a lot of blame but how do they get together? not one person can get this done, it's going to take reaching across the aisle plus the president. >> it was nancy pelosi who was adamant that there weren't the votes in the house, it was an overwhelming vote in favor for the border wall in the house of representatives. the democrats are failing to describe what they believe is security. they say they want security but they don't want a wall. they say it's an immoral wall. if that's true, do they want to tear down the existing wall? why not do the wall? if they don't want to do the wall, what do they think they are going to do? when you talk to the people who have to enforce the wall, the board of control, they say they want a wall.
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they are losing the argument and they do not have the american people behind their backs. the only reason i can think the democrats are opposed to this is because donald trump is for it. >> shannon: we are getting in a joint statement now from chuck schumer and the senate and nancy pelosi in the house and this is what that says. we know it's there somewhere -- regrettably america has now entered a trump shutdown, democrats have offered republicans multiple proposals to keep the government open including one that already passed the senate unanimously, all of which includes effective border security, not the effective and inexpensive wall. the new house democratic majority will quickly pass legislation, as we were just talking about these people voted for some of the things they now say earn effective and ridiculous. >> it's important to have intellectual honesty with your audience, what congressmen jason chaffetz didn't mention is the offenses act was not solely about the border aspect of it, it was about smart and effective strategies. there are different ways of approaching border security.
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i find it interesting there has been a shift in talking points to broaden this out to border security but this does come down to the fact that the president thinks compromise is a bad word. i think republicans need to look internally and criticize democrats for making policy from polling and now you have a president making policy from political commentators getting under his skin. >> you're just making that stuff up, that's not true. >> shannon: i know the panel is going to come back but we have to go for a little bit of breaking news. stick around, right now we want
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to check in with chad to because we have this question about members of congress getting paid while this is happening, hundreds of thousands of federal employees who may be not. >> here's the reason members of congress will get paychecks and why they are being paid. they passed one of the first appropriations bills earlier this year was the legislative branch appropriations bills, there are 12 bills that fundwh e federal government, seven are outstanding and one of the five is for the legislative branch, it is the most narrow but that is alreadypp done. all that money to pay members of congress, their staff at the capital -- that's done. the other issue is the 27th amendment and theay u.s. constitution, it says nol law for the services of the senators and representatives shall take effect after an election of representatives shall have intervened. governmentve these shutdowns you say i'm not going to get paid or you shouldn't be paying the members, the problem
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is they have to pay the members because the constitution says so. >> shannon: and because they did their bill before we got to the situation we are in now. these people saying i don't want my paycheck, it's not an option, it's for show? >> they can put in escrow, you know who got this in the constitution? a backbench congressman in the 1990s, a guy named john boehner and his freshman term from ohio. >> shannon: what happens now that we are in the shutdown, many questions, more with our power panel, will be back. >> shannon: supreme court
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>> shannon: supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg is in a new york hospital tonight, a spokesperson says the 85-year-old had surgery to remove two malignant growths from her left lung, this is her third bout with cancer since she joined the court in 1993, she will rest and recuperate for a few days, doctors found no evidence of the disease anywhere else and no additional treatment as planned. president trump we did wishing supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg a full and speedy recovery. she was able to join her colleagues in ruling against the president on the issue of banning asylum claims. john roberts was a swing vote
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siding with the liberals, we have details on the ruling and how many migrants are not bothering to ask for permission to cross the border. >> today's supreme court ruling means the immigrants seen here crossing the border illegally still have a right to claim asylum. the court ruling against and administration policy requiring them to seek asylum only at points of entry. this comes as they growde increasingly desperate, 300 americans jumped barriers in the arizona desert. one in the middle of nowhere on an indian reservation. in central california, agents arrested two chinese nationals on landing. the president wants $5 billion for a barrier to reduce illegal immigration. >> is in mexico supposed to pay for it? just another lie. >> democrats may block the president's wall but they could not stop him from erecting a different kind of barrier in
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mexico. requiring them to stay there while the u.s. processes their claims. >> it will help us focus on those who have a legitimate claim. >> they apprehended 62,000 illegal immigrants in november, a 60% jump over last year. the numbers will go down substantially, if you need a job you can get a job, we are talking about a very small portion who will continue to feel they can get asylum in the united states. >> critics say the policy denies the asylum-seekers their rights and endangers those waiting in mexico. >> i'm going to ask for asylum there and i hope that the measure being taken is not true. >> the administration hoped the deal would relieve pressure on an overcrowded administration system and end catch t and release, today's supreme court ruling suggests that is not likely to happen.
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>> shannon: s democrats claiming president trump dug in on the border wall due to pressure from conservative talk radio but is the same holding true for a decision on syria now that his defense secretary is calling ity quits over policy differences? will conservative talk radio also reverse his decision?on >> in 1967 when he was talking about support for the vietnamm war, president lyndon johnson said i've lost cronkite, i've lost middle america noted walter cronkite's best influence. bob corker and dick durbin believe president trump thinks losing conservative radio hosts means losing his base. corker said this is the "tyranny of talk radio hosts." after first saying he would be proud to shut down the government if he doesn't get his wall funding, the president backtracked and that infuriated
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conservative talkers rush limbaugh and ann coulter. >> it's a textbook example of what the drive-by media calls compromise. trump gets nothing and the democrats get everything including control of the house. >> it will just have been a joke presidency that scam to american people, enraged -- amused of the populace for a while but it will have no legacy whatsoever. >> president trump unfollowed ann coulter on twitter but he also changed his mind on a bill to fund the wall. when the president ordered all troops out of syria it also drew wide conservative condemnation. trump allies senator lindsey graham said it was a mistake, senator marco rubio called it a major blunder, fox & friends
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cohost brian kilmeade labeled it stunning and irresponsible. those waiting for the president to flip on syria could be greatly disappointed because his conservative radio base, those in favor of his americaa first promised approve of the decision. back in april when he bombed a syria after a suspected chemical weapons attack by the government, they said heac undermined his promise to disentangle the u.s. from global conflicts. now he's totally pulling out of syria and pulling thousands of troops from afghanistan, rush limbaugh says mr. trump iss implementing the agenda he was elected to implement. >> shannon: thank you very much. are you having deja vu? does it feel like we've been through this before? you are right. this is not even the first shutdown of this year, we'll take a look back when we return on how shutdowns have seemingly become commonplace.
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>> shannon: we are closing out 2018 with a government shutdown but think back to the start of this year, we kicked things off with a couple of shutdowns over issues similar to what we are talking about >> shannon: we are closing out 2018 with a government shutdown but think back to the start of this year, we kickedre things of with a couple of shutdowns over issues similar to what we are talking about tonight.
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there just minutes from point at which government funding runs out. midnight, january 19th and lawmakers were at odds again over the budget, the issue then was immigration. specifically the daca program for those brought here illegally as children to earn a pathway to citizenship. >> 50-48 but the bottom line is they needed six des votes and democrats have successfully blocked a four week government extension. >> shannon: the government reopened three days later with ehard feelings across the political spectrum. what if anything can ala democratic leadership due to win them back? a month later, another brief shutdown lasting just hours ending with lawmakers kickingo the issue down the road with another stopgap funding solution -- it's a time-tested ritual, a game of political chicken with familiar rhetoric and images. closed signs on national parks, unmanned call centers and limited and if it's for veterans, pensioners, and schools. most government shutdowns are short, seven in the reagan era, wondering bush 41, it reached a fever and the clinton era when a
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21 day impasse led to a million federal workers for load, none during bush 43, then there was 2013. the funding impasse was the affordable care act, a hard-line stance against the president by congressional conservatives. standard & poor's estimatedy it took $24 billion out of the u.s. economy. in the end, the president promised to work for aan long-tm budget solution. >> because it eliminates the possibility of a shutdown for the first time -- nine months of next year, congress and i have n long way to get some important things done. >> shannon: the fiscal g discord when he passed the reigns to president trump, now too 2018, part three. >> the president is doing everything he can to shut the government down.
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i have to ask the question why.e >> shannon: let's bring back the panel. we are glad that you stuck around. i want to start with you, what we are hearing now tonight the president tweeting i guess it was yesterday for those of us on the east coast -- even president ronald reagan tried for eight years to build a border wall and was unable to do so, others have tried, we will get it done one way or theri other. what is the path for getting the wall done based on current conditions? >> standing on principle and demanding to get with the president is due. elections have consequences, this president is the most transactional president in recent memory, he's not an ideologue. he can make a deal but the problem is democrats have been against this president since the day he was elected. it's a resistance, it's a visceral dislike of this
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president and everything he stands for, this is needed, is not a want of the president to have security on our southern and northern borders, it's a necessity. democrats are willing as the congressman pointed out earlier to fund the sanctuary cities and to protect those who came to this country illegally -- the president's right to stand on principle, he was elected and he needs to continue this course. as you have seen and pointed out a new report, this is nothing new. we've had 22 since 1977 since the budget act. they've never lasted more than a month. if the president stands true to his principles and his word, he won't win personally but it will be aut win for the american people. >> i'm going to ask about changing the filibuster, the president wants it to go down to 51 tweeting to mitch
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mcconnell. use the nuclear option and get it done, we immediately heard a number of top senators including several republicans weighing in saying if we can't run the senate by the rules, we really don't have a functioning senate. what do you make of his call to drop that fromom 60-51. >> usually if the long-term senators that make that argument but my challenge with that since the 1974 budget act was only one time since 1974 the budget has moved through the process in all of those appropriations bills and they moved through proper timing. the system is totally broken. i think there is a legitimate argument, it should be majority rules. i think part of the reason the democrats are anxious for this shutdown is they think they can run thenx clock until january 3d and suddenly you have a whole
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bunch of republicans leaving at nancy pelosi and the democrats control the house -- it works to their advantage to have this shutdown until they have stronger numbers in the house. >> shannon: we hear about pulling numbers about who is going to get blamed and what it means but if you look back in 2013 folks will remember senator ted cruz reading dr. seuss on the floor, this was aboutt obamacare they were tryig to block it. even though the republicans got completely blamed for that theym picked up 13 house seats and nine senate seats. earlier in 2018 we had a couple of minor shutdowns, the polls show it was equally divided between the president and democrats, democrats picked up 40 house seats in senate republicans picked up a net. it looks like voters have shorter memories. i want to read you something from the headline, why the blame game over the government shutdown is pointless. few people feel an impact from
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it in their own lives, that's a democratic pollster. they think it reflects washington's dysfunction which they load but it is still too distant from what hits at home. will anyone pay for this politically? >> i think donald trump has already paid for his immigration rhetoric and that's how he lost the 40 seats. the majority of those being moderate democrats who won. i find it a little bit scaryry that americans don't feel government shutdown affects them. every time we go through this, this is the third one this year every time we go through this i'm most concerned about the workers who are going to be c impacted but also about the food inspections that don't get done. there are a lot of invisible things of the federal government does that people may not be aware of but certainly have an impact. >> that was already funded by the way, health and human
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services is already funded. >> why has the 1.35 billion that hasn't been spent, why is the president using that on his wall? i understand we are talking about this now as a game of chicken, but there are real dollars that he was given last year for border security. >> it's all in the pipeline you have to be spent. there are additional sponsors for money for the wall and other physical and technical securityo on the wall. you just heard in shannon's report, we are going to lose much more to our economy than the 5 billion to fund border security.ur you're willing to sacrifice 24,000,000,0 for 5,000,000,000? it makes no sense.
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>> i'm not willing to d do it. i'm not the person in the b white house. who wrapped his arms around a shut down and how much he loved it and gave it a bear hugnt and gave it one of his sloppygo wet kisses that he likes to give bread this is the president who has run towards the shutdown and embraced it because he thinks governing by chaos and uncertainty. >> he wants the wall. he wants to secure the border. >> shannon: he did embrace this idea of having the shutdown. on a lighter note, i would like share something happening in washington -- there is a local lounge -- this is talking about exactly what you can have here in d.c. these are called the shutdown cocktails, it started at 12:01 this morning. they will be every day, $5 and federal employees get a discount. these are some of the names. nothing really matters. mexico will pay for this.
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the hot tub crime machine, the aoc bourgeoisie, the border wall banger, boot tina on the rocks d stephen miller's haird affair. >> it's no secret that the continuing resolution battle comes before christmas. it's done on purpose. the american people are shaking their heads, couldn't run a business this way. it's really a disgrace. >> one of the things i'm most excited about are the new members of congress that are coming in, the large numbers of women. the only way we get past these
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multiple shutdowns every year is to get more women elected because we embrace compromise more from a leadership standpoint. certainly more than this current president. >> shannon: is that a gender issue? >> no. maybe i don't want to know what's in the stephen miller hair affair -- i don't know what that menu is. i can't imagine. >> shannon: there is no hair. >> that does not make me hungry or thirsty. >> shannon: we thank you all for it weighing in as we are officially 55 minutes into this partial government shutdown. chad on the hill has been telling us in, he told us the mueller investigation is not going anywhere, it's funded. he explained to us why members of congress have to get paid, because of her reporting a lot of folks on twitter tell me they are ready to repeal that amendment. thank you for working late for us tonight, most-watched, most trusted and most grateful you
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this is a fox news alert. i'm robert gray. parts of the government are shut down. congress and the white house unable to come to an agreement to avoid a partial government closure. as of midnight on the east coast as much as a fourth of the federal government is unfunded. hundreds of thousands of federal employees will be furloughed or work without pay this holiday season. at the core of the dispute, president trump and republicans demanding $5 billion of funding for the wall on the u.s./mexico border. in a joint statement senate
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