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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  December 23, 2018 1:00pm-2:00pm PST

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merry christmas. hope to see you right here next week. president trump speeding up the departure of defense secretary james madison tweeting that patrick shanahan will replace an effective january 1st about 2 months before mattis has planned to leave the pentagon. hello, mike emanuel. welcome to a brand-new hour inside america's is headquarters for the president's announcement amid a standoff for his long promised border wall or the partial federal government shutdown could last a while as the senate has adjourned until thursday and democrats and republicans are all trading shots on the sunday shows today. >> senate democrats who refuse come and they sit back and say that offer is ridiculous. okay, what is your offer? what will it take to secure our
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country? chuck schumer should be asked the question. >> it really is in the president tends to decide. he says it's an issue border security. think we know better. it's an issue of his own political and security. reporter: ellison barber joins us from the white house. expected to serve until february. what changed? >> services tell our correspondent jennifer griffey and that essentially president trump became annoyed over a lot of the coverage that mattis was receiving over the last couple days since he resigned. that is what prompted the expedition speeding up of mattis' planned departure. i asked the white house about those claims as claims of annoyance but have not yet heard back. a spokesperson at the pentagon told fox news the secretary of defense should set the pleasure. remain focused on national security. sources tell fox news that mattis wanted to stay until
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february 28th so among other things he could help ensure an orderly transition. of course very notably resigned about three days ago writing in part, quote, my views on treating allies with respect and also being cleared about line actors and strategic competitors are strongly held and informed by four decades of immersion in these issues. because you have the right to have a security secretary of defense whose views are better aligned with these and other subjects, i believe it is right for me to step down from my position. sources tell fox news the early departure is not mattis' decision. the president planned to spend christmas in florida appeared he changed his plans because the bush down he decided he would not go and reset the white house instead treating about this particular change in a host of other things. the border wall debate yesterday mr. trump hosted border security lunch with members of the administration and a handful of
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republican lawmakers notably on the house side with our lawmakers from the house freedom caucus. the first lady did travel to mar-a-lago with their son, baron. they left on friday, the white house press secretary sarah sanders said mrs. trump would come back to the white house and spend christmas here with president trump because he would be seen in town due to the shutdown. trade your reopening the government will require some democratic tie-in. if the white house talking with democratic lawmakers trying to cut a deal? >> they say they are and we know they did yesterday. mike pence and budget are mick mulvaney headed over to capitol hill and they met with democratic senator chuck schumer. matheny says they gave democrats a counteroffer yesterday. the white house not providing details on exactly what that offer rose. a number between the $5 billion the administration wants for border security and a physical barrier at $1.3 billion which
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mulvaney says is that the democrats are currently offering. mike: ellison barber leaving us off on the north lawn. it's a lot. following defense secretary mattis at the door, and rep mcgurk who just a couple weeks ago said it would be reckless to pull troops from syria before i says to fully defeated. he does not know mcgurk any quite ahead of the planned february departure, suggesting the envoy was grandstanding. julian turner has more from washington. chernenko is never president trump's national security team to resign in protest over the decision to withdraw american troops from the ongoing syrian civil war is brad mcgurk. they say they don't blame him for leaving. >> i would not be surprised if they had not had a meeting. he was sleeping in february, but has mattis just did, one of the greatest patriots i've ever met in my public service, general
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mattis. as mattis did come he followed suit and left. he did the right thing. reporter: mcgurk one of a handful of top brass who served in the bush of in the bush obama and trump administration and with his departure goes a deep understanding of iraq and afghanistan and the terrorist organizations that populate the region. president obama's national security adviser says it is a huge loss to reading yesterday the fact that you say you don't know brad mcgurk speaks volumes about your commitment to fighting a says. why don't you know the man has done more than any civilian. i can assure you barack obama knows him well. president trump springer chief of staff says mcgurk never briefed the president. >> the president says he didn't know brett mcgurk. how is it possible the president doesn't know the envoy representing the u.s. to the coalition for the last two years good >> that's easy because the president will the secretary of state and secretary of defense.
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>> pentagon sources tell fox news to expect more continuous resignations in response to president trump's decision to withdraw american troops from syria. >> julian turner, washington, thanks. fox news alert at least 220 people killed after a tsunami strikes indonesia without warning. waves smashed on the beaches last night ripping houses and hotels from their foundation in a matter of seconds. officials layman a volcanic eruption and undersea landslide for the disaster. jeff paul is live in los angeles with the latest. hi, jeff. >> hi, mike. as high as 65 as they crashed onto the island full of people celebrating the holiday weekend. the number dead likely to rise as many of the same unrest to cruise unable to get to all the devastated areas to search.
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>> i was sleeping. it had us at the same time my son pulled the door. i didn't know what was hitting me. i also got some minor wounds, but my husband suffered a broken leg. >> more than 10800 survivors last night with a massive raid strike in a short carrying away hotels, houses by the hundred including many around the beach concert. the tsunami was likely caused by undersea landslides or by those happening above sea level is on the outside slope the volcano bursts erupted less than a half-hour later. a tsunami giving anyone on the island not much of a chance to get to safety. >> it was ready for warning. it would've only taken 10 minutes for this in homage to hit the coast to the west. but even so, there's still time to get a warning now.
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always in this particular area for early warnings. >> the indonesian military is on the ground running search teams as they continue looking for any survivors, but the death toll is expected to only get worse. mike. >> jeff paul live in los angeles. thanks a lot. the search continues for whoever's behind the drums that try shut down britain's second busiest airport as authorities release a couple without charges. police cleared the men and women they arrested friday blasted the drums were spotted over the runway at gatwick airport. delaying or canceling flights for tens of thousands of holiday travelers. new details on the french christmas market shooter a french judicial officials say the gun man pledged allegiance to write this before the shooting. investigators finding the video others pledged on a usb device could the gun man dying in a shootout with police days after the strasburg attack that killed five people.
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the diplomatic crisis with china keeps escalating as the u.s. accuses two chinese nationals of hacking u.s. government computer systems and china detains another canadian. how will this impact our relations with china including trade talks? and which side will blink first over funding the border wall and the government shut down showdown? >> welcome on this is all said and done let's say there's a chance it doesn't get done, leased the president can stand up and say i've done everything i can to include shutting down the government over something so important to this country. which i used to offer health insurance to my employees. what's in your wallet? whoooo. did you know the exact same hotel room... ...can have many different prices? that's why tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites to find the lowest price on the hotel you want. your perfect hotel room for the perfect price!
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>> given an offer, counteroffer to mr. schumer late yesterday afternoon and they need thereafter the senate went into recess until at least thursday. so we hear something back i don't think things are going to move very quickly for the next couple days. three possible the shutdown will go beyond the 28th and into the new congress. mike: budget director and coming actor chief of staff mick mulvaney not holding out much hope of the partial government shutdown ending anytime soon. president trump committed to budget in $5 billion for a border wall democrats are dead set against the then republican senator bob corker said the
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president could have had much more money for border security a couple months ago for code under a disagreement about daca. >> we at >> we had 20 for dylan that could've been spent on border security. now the government is shut down over what ultimately is going to be $2 billion. this is a made-up fight so the president can look like he's fighting. >> the associate editor and white house columnist of the hill. great to have you. >> great to be here. >> because i'm optimistic about getting a deal. >> i think it's going to go a little while and neither side seems particularly eager to make the compromises if we need to resolve the. right now we seem to have a game of hot potato honestly. everybody trying to say it's everyone else's responsibility. that doesn't vote for a world
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for solution. >> at a source some of the leftover from the white house was to buy $1 billion for border security. another 400 million or so with priorities. half of what the president was originally asking for the $5 billion. does that suggest to you democrats don't want to cut a deal? >> i think i'm zero sites are really great political imperatives. the president wants to prove that he's fighting for this wall. his most famous campaign promise the importance of that. democrats for their part don't believe their base can live with any funding for that wall. that's one of the reasons were in such an impasse. >> at christmas weekend. we've got holidays tomorrow and tuesday after the president gave the federal workforce off tomorrow. do things really start to get serious on tuesday session mark >> very much so. the effects of the shutdown will become more apparent than more concrete as time goes by. right now it a holiday. it's not only a matter of people
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not been on capitol hill, but federal workers would be working anyway. once people get back to work on both capitol hill and the politics and the human side becomes more pressing. >> is the extent in january committee republicans risk making nancy pelosi a hero? she's becoming likely the new speaker of the house and i should get all the credit for reopening government potentially? dementia could potentially. this is the back story to all of this. democrats will house the majority in the house of representatives come january january 3rd. now, some republicans think democrats could overreach or that there could be responsibility put onto them once they take the majority of democrats feel more positively. >> what happens if the american public doesn't feel the shutdown? a quarter of the federal government and i don't mean to dismiss what they do for us, but maybe people don't feel it over the holidays. does that change the political
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dynamic at all? >> if that happens that plays to president trump's advantage. a lot of people critical of him have spoken of this is a crisis that if this goes on in people beyond those directly affect you don't feel some kind of great national crises come and then he can hold out for longer if he wants to do so. mike: do you think there's concerns among republicans but if the president gets pushback from his his base that he may back away from the table of a deal they may have cut? >> yeah, there's absolutely that dynamic going on. for example mitch mcconnell, republican leader in the senate talking about the fact he doesn't want to, but with specifics to have his people sign on to something if he doesn't know the president is going to sign it. republicans on capitol hill feel that they need clarity from the president as to exactly what he will agree to.
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mike: when you consider the lunch the president had yesterday, one of the toughest in terms of the illegal immigration guys in the house along with the appropriations chairman shelby of alabama, do you think was a sense they were trying to give him an earful to know that they're really serious about this? >> it seems to be shelby has struck a somewhat more moderate line. if you look at the rest of the attendants about lunch, it was pretty hard-line supporters of the president. people who favor holding the line against democrats even if he gets criticism from the media and the political word generally. so that is really where that meeting was going on. >> with addiction do you think it gets done later this record later this week or does it stretch out? >> i think that'll stretch out a little bit but not indefinitely. mid-january, famous last words. >> thanks for your time. pleasure. mike: some states are getting by
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christmas, others getting a white christmas. meteorologist adam klotz is here to break it all down. hi, adam. >> cave bear, mike. it is going to be for some folks at least a white christmas. others is just the rain. temperatures are too warm across parts of the country. you're sober look look like on the sunday were not a lot of weather across the country but temperatures in plenty of places above freezing. even in spots where you might think if there was snow would melt 37 degrees in chicago. way too warm for snow along the east coast. 43 degrees in new york. a couple systems we're tracking her the next couple days for this one is going to bring some flurries. one for the east coast a bit of a low pressure system now getting its way into the mid-atlantic. the front side of the temperatures way too warm. the backside we've seen a little bit of dusting stretching from illinois to indiana and ohio and into the upper midwest another system dropping by flurries across portions of northern michigan towards wisconsin. all areas seen some light snow.
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purchase system and one that gives us the best chance of seeing those folks away christmas. this is a system coming off the west coast of northern california running you all the way to the pacific northwest. it comes on is a big rainmaker. if you along the coast this is nothing but heavy rain. it's going to continue the next couple days. as you get to upper elevations it becomes no one that is going to stay snow all the way into the christmas holiday. if you're traveling today you're so going to be traveling, really looking at green conditions across the country which means pretty much everybody. it's clear you build to get out the door pretty easily. the only spot the only spot would seem to live so far today and will continue into tomorrow is where the big system has been rolling on the pacific northwest. just a couple delays in portland running up towards seattle. things are going to be clear across the country so it's going to be good for travel for folks who want to get to grandma's house weird christmas eve precipitation gets cold in some
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parts across the country but it just isn't snow. the only place to see the snow is in the mountains. i continues from christmas eve pretty much the same story on christmas day weather is going to be spots and rain but the only spot are going to stay in the west coast for the upper elevations. the east coast mostly clear, but i don't think why christmas is on the way for folks in the east, mike. mike: my kids are cool with it kids are core database is made for is made the snow days until school reopens. thanks a lot, adam klotz. adding to the bitter divide a nation's capitol, decision to pull u.s. troops out of syria. why critics are so concerned and where the president is finding support and asked. >> the president promised when we went into syria our goal is to wipe out isis. we took 99% of the land on the run. can the people who live there and not do anything? we spent joins of dollars arming the entire middle east, army and the afghan army. can they not do anything?
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mike: prime minister benjamin prime minister benjamin midnight says the withdrawal of forces will not affect his country's policy. the prime minister vowing to step up israel's fight against iran's military presence in the region. trade yanks live in jerusalem with the latest. the trump administration is pulling u.s. troops out of syria. israeli prime minister benjamin that yahoo! said today that israel is considering increasing military action. coming at the israeli meeting in jerusalem. adding that the u.s. withdrawal will not affect the efforts to counter iranian aggression. the iranian target conducting an anti-tamil operation against the lebanese militant group hezbollah. the prime minister's comments come as troops are gathering on the syrian border in preparation
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against kurdish fighters in northern syria. the support of the united states over the past four years in the fight against isis. turkish president reportedly promised president trump last week he would finish up title in isis clearing the way for the trump administration's announcement of u.s. troop withdrawal. despite supported to withdraw to allow for an attack against kurdish forces u.s. allies announced as a betrayal of u.s. backed forces. >> we owe to those who fought underground. against paris and elsewhere in syria. >> the trump administration's decision to withdraw troops from syria has not only received extra nor bute. and james mattis. and brett mcgurk resigning over the matter. mike: live in jerusalem, thanks a lot.
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>> joining us now on the decision to pull troops from syria member of the house armed services committee. great to see you. let's take a listen to president trump's incoming chief of staff on "fox news sunday" and i get you to respond. >> we recognize the fact is as the fact is as unpopular within the beltway. we recognize the fact that some popular than the defense department. it's popular with ordinary american people who ran -- >> with all due respect to democracy and i agree with you about that. do they know -- do they really know what the stakes are pulling u.s. troops out and live in syrian defense floors to the turkish slaughter and what the impact is going to be on iran. >> ordinary americans have no idea about those things. they elect the president so he doesn't have to complete understanding what you just laid out. mike: congressman, what is your reaction to that?
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>> the president does not have a complete or even a partial understanding of what is at stake here in syria. if this isn't defeated. there were three things played out as his policy 18 months ago. one, defeat isis. too, keep iran out of there and three new toshiba settlement. none of those have been done. it is a very, very serious mistake and all of us would love to get out of syria, would love not to be in the middle east. the fact that the matter is it is critically important that they are not have a resurgence of isis, which is almost certain to happen and secondly, iran will occupy that space along with russia. and what does that mean for israel? what does it mean for the entire previous discussion. this is a very serious miss date. the two people that are on top of that knowledge, matos and
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mcgurk have both resigned as a result of this policy of the president. that is a very clear indication that the president is on the wrong track. mike: let me ask you about the news. president trump. president trump announced in the chain to the pentagon will take place gender first as secretary madison thought is shanahan will be the acting. your reaction. >> first of all, the president wasn't about to allow mattis to resign. instead he fired him affect in january 1st. that in itself is the problem. mattis is going to be heading off to nato saying they would be a smooth transition at our nato partners need to be overly concerned. shanahan comes from boeing. boeing is a major defense contractor. i mean, talking about tens of billions of dollars. i want to know where his loyalties lay here. he hasn't been in the pentagon that long. i want to make sure that he knows that he is representing the american people and not
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representing boeing. as a major conflict right now on the new aerial refueling tanker. this in and of itself is a problem, but the real problem is the kind of leadership the geopolitical nature of this world at the same time be able to communicate with the president. obviously mattis could no longer do that. strange is switching gears to the partial government shutdown. how to compromise become a dirty word in washington? is not what the people want? >> of course they want and they actually had it. the senate unanimously voted out a compromise that the president was on board. back came over to the house of representatives and within 24 hours the president changed his mind, and demanded the $5 billion for an undefined border wall, not even knowing
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whether it be comic readers deal or where it would be or how it would be built and what it's cost per mile would be. anyway, the president changed his mind. the house republicans lined up behind him and now we have shut down. >> i've been told by a democratic source do is to $.5 billion. to .1 order security, 400 million further immigration priorities as half as the $5 billion request. why not take it? >> well, might very well take back. border security is something we have wanted. democrats have wanted that over and over, but we said just to build a wall without any plans. i'm on the armed services committee. we spent $700 billion we would not allow the air force to build a hangar unless we knew where was going to be built, what its purpose was and what the cost was. the president simply demanded $5 billion for a wall or a fence
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or whatever it might be without any definition of where went and how. that is just irresponsible and certainly for the taxpayers of america a major problem. we do want border security. the president talks about drugs flowing into the united states. yes they are. and if you want to go after drugs, fund the coast guard or the coast guard interjects 10 times the amount of drugs at the border patrol does. mike: thank you so much for your time, sir. look forward to seeing you back up the hill whenever. thank you. the partial government shutdown and if they will last at least until thursday when the senate back in session. the president has warned it could last that much or perhaps much longer is much longer as the white house and democrats continue to dig in their heels over funding for border wall despite top of offers and counteroffers reared doug mckelway is live on capitol hill with more. reporter: hi, mike at the capitol building is quiet today.
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members have departed with no resolution in sight to the border wall fight over government shutdown blame game. negotiations were unfruitful. one media in particular between senate minority leader chuck schumer and vice president mike pence with the first statement from schumer's office or the vice president came in for a discussion and made an offer. unfortunately we are so very far apart. one of the president's point man in the negotiations is into the inner white house chief of staff mack of any shed more light on the substance of those talks in schumer's office. >> i will tell you this. yesterday we were at 5 billion a couple days ago and the counteroffer was between those two numbers. >> removed off of the fire. we hope to move up from 1.3. >> mulvaney also believes that not schumer, the nancy pelosi: the democrats during. she's running for house speaker and he is the boats of the new
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wave of incoming democrats most of them favor open border. he was a veiny again. >> i think you now is in the unfortunate position of being bold and her left ring to her she cannot be seen as good as the president anything until speaker. if that's the case. act in the meantime the partial shutdown is expected to have minimal effects for the time being hitting only 25. it is mostly shut down today as both monday and tuesday which are both federal holidays. wednesday will be the first state to measure in a substantive effect. congress returns on thursday. >> lehman capitol hill, thanks a lot. asian detainee in a third canadian citizen in retaliation for canada's arrests of the chinese tech executive and not the u.s. accusing two chinese nationals attacking u.s. government computer systems. what all this could mean for trade relations between the u.s. and china.
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>> china will find it difficult to pretend it is not responsible for these actions. america and its many allies do what china is doing.
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the >> it is unacceptable that we continue to uncover cybercrime committed by china against america and other nations. we want china to cease its illegal cyberactivities and honor its commitment to the international community. the evidence suggests china may not intend to abide by its promises to remake deputy attorney general rod rosenstein on the escalating diplomatic crisis with china. u.s. accusing two chinese nationals tied to the ministry of state security unpacking our country's biggest internet service providers and government computer systems. in the meantime, china has detained a third canadian citizen over the case of the chinese tech company executives
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being held in canada pending extradition to the u.s. so how might all this impact u.s. chinese relations as it negotiates trade day. joining us to discuss as dr. rebecca grantham and national security and military analyst as well as president of iris independent research. great to see you. >> great to be here. >> detaining canadians, does never let canadians, what's your read on that note russian marks in that gunshot they have been detained. kids are really stupid moves because server has anyone been sympathetic to huawei's point. not acting like a world power they want to be, but they are communist dictatorship in their terrible cyberhacking threat. >> how has this impacted the chinese desire to build out the 5g networks in places like canada and elsewhere? >> this is a really big issue because chinese huawei which is a huge telecom company is trying
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to build out the 5g next-generation cellular network or the uss said no way, get out and so has britain. but canada is still debating whether to allow huawei to participate in canada's 5g network. detaining a pair of canadian citizens is an incredibly stupid moves. mike: the two gentlemen on our screen. the third being held. his enough demand to go after chinese hackers from the american perspective? >> there's been a huge development does direct array has taught about. what happens in a case of new york has now been unsealed and we see a tremendous indictment going all the way back to 2006 at chinese state-sponsored advance persistent threat. these are chinese military personnel who have been hacking into u.s. and world companies for at least a dozen years.
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has direct or ray said, this is rampant fast and we cannot permit this to happen in the international system. mike: can you speak more about the benefits chinese have gotten in terms of what they've learned from hacking american innovations? >> yeah, absolutely. direct or ray was really clear about this. china had been spearfishing and hacking at going after all the hard work about american innovation. for example, china says they will unveil a stealth bomber sometime next year. if they do that, guarantee they will have you some information that they had from aerospace companies to try to design this to compete with the u.s. and with our allies. so it's really wrong and is direct or ray says we have to continually work together all of us to deflect the spearfishing and avoid this and not let china do this illegal and unethical hacking activity. >> of course tells technologies on a big edge the 90s is military has in the
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battlefields. it's a pretty stunning development. >> absolutely. we are still the world leaders, but this helps us with our b-2 bombers, f-22 and f-35 fighters to maintain deterrence for us and our allies in the pacific. we don't want china to hack into or steal any of that or anything else in electronic warfare and of the medications and believe me they're trying to do it. as ray says can illegal, unethical and it has to stop. >> you expect beijing to learn enough her, realizing they'll not put up with bad behavior going forward? >> that's a fascinating question. what kind of lesson will they learn? we see pushback from the trade tariffs and a shocked beijing's leadership. the question is are they going to participate with other states and be a good international partner? huawei says they were for many years. it's a huge company. but the largest maker of smartphones.
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until china learns to play by the rules of the international and we have to be suspicious and our top five intelligence chiefs around the world have told cannabis specifically not to let huawei work on g network. beijing has to change course. we can't let them go on like this and we can see them grow into the world power they want to be until they can learn to play by some of the rules of the international system. hard to say if they will or won't. mike: dr. rebecca grant, fascinating picking your brain. thanks for your time. >> thank you a majority. should the most notorious missing persons case. jimmy hoffa disappeared more than 40 years ago. there are those who say the u.s. government could take a giant step towards finally solving the mystery. that's next.
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>> there a cost of a federal government to release all the files to 1975 disagreements over labor labor jimmy hoffa. michael mckay c. among those saying it's past time for the fbi to make known what it has in the hoffa family agrees. it's all part of the fox nation special riddle the search for james r. hoffa senior correspondent eric shawn reports. >> to remains the nation's most
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notorious mystery, the disappearance of jimmy hoffa. for decades after he vanished the case can be solved by the stroke of a pen. i'm calling on the government to release his secrets finally revealed what is in the fbi hoffa file so the american public and the family can learn exactly who killed him and why. >> i believe the mob killed my father. at this point unless someone is in danger by virtue of the information being released, i don't see any reason. >> ahead of the u.s. attorneys organized crime strike force. >> investigator efforts are paid for by the taxpayers and it's no threat to somebody i would be in favor of dispersing the information. >> a hot summer afternoon at july 30, 1975 when hoffa led by the international brotherhood of teams there's simply vanished. he was last seen getting into a maroon mercury in the parking
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lot of the restaurant in bloomfield hills, michigan. it was believed he was headed to a sitdown with detroit mob.anthony tony jack jack amani and new jersey mobster anthony tony programs on a to make peace. the suspects on the net the grand jury altered the feds. among them, and one friend admitted hit man from pennsylvania crime family and teamsters freight shipping, known as the irishman. i met sharon in 2001 as part of a book or postal about and then they told me he shot jimmy hoffa in this house and be sure if that is the other restaurant. he said havel walk in and no one dare. no meetings, no sitdown and knew it was the end. >> that's right inside the door. >> in 2004 we hired a forensic
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team of retired michigan state police investigators. they took up the tiles on the hardwood floors and found a suspected blood pattern that fit the story exactly. the fbi was only able to extract dna for them to. drop was from an unknown male. >> why do you think will you think what we found and not floors so important? >> what you found us all that's left of the body of jimmy hoffa. >> today the fbi will not comment about the case but with the affirmance likely that it is past time to release the secrets and all. the documents made publicly available so far have been heavily dead. we should see what they say. >> i would support any effort of full disclosure. a famous american who vanished from a public place in broad daylight. we need to know what happened. this cannot happen in america.
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>> for more, watch the streaming service fox nation. the search for james r. hoffa. i am eric shawn, fox news. >> are getting in the holiday spirit with a special christmas tradition. we'll tell you where sanus hit the street for a memorable fan to run macs. ♪ you're gonna love if ythe best of geico.ercials, it's geico's all-time greatest hits back on tv for a limited time.
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>> thousands of runners gather in a rush of where participants from 13 countries and 24 cities hit the streets of st. petersburg dressed as santa in an annual christmas run for charity. organizers say some 3500 people took part in this year's event. factor in the u.s.a. police k-9 jumping into action help his handler nabbed three suspects all while dressed as santa. i still went from portland oregon affiliate has the story. >> on patrol dressed in santa's financed his officer canines
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dark. >> you just love searching. it's his favorite aunt. >> he proved that thursday night the spotty camera footage giving us just a glimpse of canines start nesting capturing not one but three suspects in one night. >> a very eventful night. the beginning of the shift we had a gentleman with a warrant hiding inside a house. they found them underneath waste depot close hiding, completely buried. >> starks handler and best friend is washington county corporal mike akin. >> it seems like every time i dressed him up he seems to find people. >> after hours of sniffing while dressed in red come his partner with two more bad guys. >> were tracking us got your back yards of offense has been done in hiding in someone else's car. >> is as stark as the most captures of the washington county sheriff's office setting a new record of 186 is
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>> the very first time i dressed him up in a cowboy on his back in the look on the face of the guy we found is priceless. >> they're not the only ones who have come face to face the stark dressed in his very best. >> i put them in several calling costumes, fourth of july costumes. he's dressed up as ironman. of if you want to do anything else. >> starks is the dog. >> criminals beware. with its tongue out, have gone from a buckled belt and a fluffy pom-pom, all stark wants for christmas is you. >> from her portland, oregon affiliate, thank you very much. special christmas surprise for two young survivors of a home invasion. officers in alabama but a load of toys as reward for their bravery. earlier this year the brother and sister called 9-1-1 and when an intruder broke into their home and force them into the bathroom at gunpoint.
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the suspect was arrested in the sheriff and then jefferson county star citizens. that is it for this hour. thank you for joining us. i'm back tomorrow and tuesday in washington. special report. greg gutfeld is macs. >> i come to washington for two days. greg: and look what happens. >> i have to get out before the earth cracks open and swallows this place whole. greg: yes, it was you. [laughter] two. [cheering and applause] greg: it is time for another week of -. greg: mattis quits in the media [bleep]. now if they believe that the


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